Canon 430EXII

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  • 8/8/2019 Canon 430EXII


    CanonSPEEDL I TE



  • 8/8/2019 Canon 430EXII


  • 8/8/2019 Canon 430EXII


    CanonSPEEDL I TE

  • 8/8/2019 Canon 430EXII


    Thank you for purchasing a Canon product.The Canon Speedlite 430EX II is a m ulti-feature flash unit for CanonEOS cam eras. It works automatically with E-TTL II, E-TTL, and TT Lautoflash systems. It can be used as an on-camera flash or as part of awireless flash system.a Read this instruction manu al wh ile also referring to your

    cam era's instruction manual.Before using the Speedlite, read this instruction manual and your cam era'sinstruction manual to fam iliarize yourself with the Speedlite operations.

    s The basic operation is the same as w ith norm al AE shooting.When the 430EX I I is attached to an EO S camera, alm os t al l au tom aticexposure cont ro l fo r f lash photog raphy is hand led by the camera.Although the 430EX II is an ex ternal flash unit, it works automatically andseamlessly like the camera's built-in flash.

    r It becomes automatically compatible with the camera's flashmetering m od e (E-TTL II, E-TTL, and TTL).In accordance with the camera's flash control system, the Speed lite controlsthe flash automatically in the respective flash metering mode:I .E-TTL I1autoflash (evaluative flash m etering with preflash readingllensdistance information)2. E-TTL autoflash (evaluative flash metering with preflash reading)3.TTL autoflash (off-the-film metering for real-time flash metering)

    Regarding the camera's available flash metering modes, refer to the"External Speedlite" specification in the "Specifications" of yourcamera's instruction manual.In the cam era instruction m anual, cameras having flash meteringmodes 1 or 2 are called Type-A cam eras (compatible with E-TTL II orE-TTL). And cameras having flash metering mode 3 (compatible onlywith TTL) are Type-B ca meras.* This instruction manual assume that you are using the Speed lite with a Type-Acamera.

    For Type-B cam eras, see page 37.

  • 8/8/2019 Canon 430EXII



    1 Getting Started and Basic Operation ................................2 Using Flash........................................................................ 13 13 Wireless Flash ..................................................................5 B

    Reference............................................................................ 32 b(Conventions Used in this Manual

    n The symbol in the text refers to the +/- button.e The ymbol in the text refers to the Select1Setting button.

    s The operation procedures in this instruction manual assume that boththe camera and Speedlite's power switches are ON.a Icons used in the text to indicate the respective buttons, dials, andsettings match the same icons found on the cam era and Speedlite.s The (64)I 6 6 )I 616) icons indicate that the respective functionremains in e ffect for 4 sec., 6 sec., or 16 sec. after you let go of thebutton.r Reference page numbers are indicated by (p.**).a This instruction m anual uses the following alert symbols:() : Warning to prevent shooting problems.: Gives supp lemental information.

  • 8/8/2019 Canon 430EXII



    Built-in wide pane l

    Flash head

    Wireless sensor

    Bracket mounting holeAF-assist beam emitter(p.23)

    Mounting foot (p.9)

    Locking pin-A Contacts

    Case Mini stand

  • 8/8/2019 Canon 430EXII


    Bounce angle index

    Bounce lock release

    < $ H I D > High-speedsync (FP flash)/Shutter

    Custom Functionsetting button (p.6121)

    button (p.18/26,29, 30)

    Power switch (p.10)

    I I ' L < q p > i- buttonFlash modeiSlave se tt~ng utton 1 1(p 11, 19/31) - Selec tISett~ng uttonMounting foot's lock l e v e r 1 iLock-release button (p.9)(P 9)

    Aster isked buttons ha ve funct ions which remain act ive for 8 sec. after yo upress and le t go of the but ton. Th e l lurninationasts for 12 sec.


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    LCD PanelManual flash output level anual zoomFlash exposure c o m p e n s a q ramountMax. flash rangeApertureCustom Function

    cM>Manual flash11 I.-, I / IE-TTL (II)/TTL autoflash

    r oom focal length< > Auto zoomfor Image sensorsize

    Flash exposurecompensat~on

    Custom Function

    I ISecond-curtain sync--J Channelc5%> Slave flash----A

    To illuminate the LCD panel, press the button.0 The items actually displayed depend on the current settings.6

  • 8/8/2019 Canon 430EXII


    Getting Started andBasic OperationInstalling the Batteries ........................................ 8Attaching and Detaching the Flash......................... 9Turning on the Power Switch ............................... 10Fully Automatic Flash Shooting ........................... 11Using E-TTL II and E-TTL Autoflash in the

    ........................hooting Modes ................ . 12- ) Cautions for firing continuous flashes-a To avoid overheating and degrading the flash

    head, do not fire more than 20 continuousflashes. After 20 continuous flashes, allow a resttime of at least 10 min.

    a If you fire more than 20 continuous flashes andthen fire more flashes in short intervals, theinner overheating prevention function may beactivated to make the recycling time about 8 to20 sec. If this occurs, allow a rest time of about15 min. and the flash will then return to normal.

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    Installing the BatteriesInstall four size-AA batteries.

    - - - I $ Open the cover.a Slide the battery compartment coveras shown by the arrow and open it.

    Install the batteries.@ Make sure the + and - battery

    contacts are correctly oriented asshown in the battery compartment.

    -- 3 Close the cover.a Close the battery compartment coverand slide it as shown by the arrow.

    Using size-AA batteries other than the alkaline type may cause improperbattery contact due to the irregular shape of the battery contacts.If you change the batteries after firing many flashes continuously, beaware that the batteries might be hot.

    Recycling Time and Flash CountRecycling Time (Approx.) I Flash Count (Approx.)

    @ . se a new set of four batteries of the same brand. When replacing thebatteries, replace all four at one time.r Size-AA Ni-MH or lithium batteries can also be used0 1 - 3 0 s e c 200 - 1400

    r Based on new s~ze-AA lkallne batter~es nd Canon's test~ng tandards

  • 8/8/2019 Canon 430EXII


    Attaching and Detaching the Flash mmmmm4 Attach the Speedlite.

    m Sllp the Speedl~te'smountlng foot Intothe camera's hot shoe all the way 11(The mountlng foot w ~l l rotrudesl~ghtlyrom the hot shoe )

    Secure the Speedlite.a On the mount~ngoot sl~dehe locklever to the r~ghtb When the lock lever cl~cksn place, ~tw~l l e lockedDetach the Speedlite.r Whlle presslng the lock-releasebutton, sl~dehe lock lever to the leftand detach the Speedllte

    0 Before attaching or detaching the Speedlite, be sure to turn off the Speedlite.9

  • 8/8/2019 Canon 430EXII


    Turning on the Pow er SwitchSet the power switch to .b The flash re cy cl~ ng tarts

    Check that the flash is ready.o Wh en the pllot lamp l~ g h tsn red, the

    flash IS ready to fire (fully charged ).s To fire a test flash, press the button

    About Auto Power OffTo save battery power, the po wer will turn off automatically after acertain period (approx. 1.5 min. to 1 5 min.) o f idle use. To turn o n theSpeedlite again, pres s th e cam era's shutter button halfway. Or pres sthe Speedlite's button.

    @ 9, A test firing cannot be fired while the camera's operation timer 64 or 66is The Speedlite's settings will be retained in memory even after the poweris turned off. To retain the Speedlite's settings after you replace thebatteries, turn off the power and replace the batteries within 1minute.

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    Fully Automatic Flash ShootingW hen you set the camera 's shoot ing m ode to < P > Program AE ) o r

    (Full Auto), E -T TL IIIE-TTL fully autom atic flash wil l m ak e it a seasy as no rma l AE shoot ing in the < P > and modes.

    4 Set the Speedlite to cETTL>.tp=@ o Press the button so that s displayed.-- W hen y ou press the shutter but tonMaximum effective raAge halfway, the m axim um effective range(distance) of the flash will b edisplayed.

    focus.a Th e shutter spe ed a nd ap erture wi ll

    be set a s display ed in the viewfinder.F Check that the < f > icon is l it in the

    viewfinder.Take the picture.' W he n you press the shutter buttoncompletely, the flash w~lli re and the

    p~cture ~ l l e takenI * I f a stan dard flash ex pos ure was- - ob ta~ ne d he flash exposurec o n f ~ r m a t ~ o namp (g reen) w ~ l l~ g h tor

    about 3 sec0 If the lens focal length blinks on the LCD panel, the periphery of the flashpicture may turn out dark. Use the built-in wide panel (p.18).a will be displayed on the LCD panel even if the camera iscompatible with E-TTL II

    0 If the flash exposure confirmation lamp does not light, move closer to thesubject and take the picture again. With a digital camera, you can alsoincrease the camera's IS 0 speed.

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    Using E-TTLIIand E-TTL Autoflash in the Shooting Modes IIJust set the camera's shooting mode to shutter-priority AE),cAv> (aperture-priority AE), or < M >manual) and you can use E-TTLIIIE-TTL autoflash.

    Flash Sync Speeds and Apertures UsedShutter Speed Setting Aperture Setting

    Set automatically (IIX sec. - 1/60 sec.) Autornat~cAutomatic

    Set automatically (IIX sec. - 30 sec.) ManualSet manually (IIX sec. - 30 sec., Bulb) Manuale 1IX sec. is the camera's maximum flash sync speed.




    Select this m ode when you want to set the shutter speed manually.The camera will then au tomatically set the aperture m atching the shutterspeed to obtain a standard exposure.e If the aperture display blinks, it means that the backg round exposure w ill

    be underexposed or overexposed. Adjust the shutter speed until theaperture display stops blinking.Select this mode when you w ant to set the aperture manua lly.The camera will then automatically set the shutter speed matching theaperture to obtain a standard exposure.If the background is dark like a night scene, a slow sync speed will be usedto obtain a standard exposure of both the m ain subject and background.Standard exposure of the main subject is obtained with the flash, while astandard exposure of the background is obtained with a slow shutter speed.@ Since a slow shutter speed will be used for low-light scenes, using atrlpod is recommended.* If the shutter speed display blinks, it means that the backg round

    exposure will be underexposed or overexposed. Adjust the aperture untilthe shutter speed display stops blinking.Select this mode if you want to set both the shutter speed and aperturemanually.Standard exposure of the main subject is obtained with the flash. Theexposure of the background is obtained with the shutter speed and aperturecombination you set.

    @ If you use the or cA.DEP> shooting mode, the result will be the same asusing the

    Program AE) mode.

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    Using Flash.................lash Exposure Compensation (*) 14

    FE L : FE Lock (*) ............................................ 15High-speed Sync (*) ................................ 16........................Second-Curtain Sync ( * . 16Bounce Flash......................................................... 17ZOOM: Setting the Flash Coverage (*) and.............................................sing the Wide Panel 18M:Manual Flash ( * ).......................................... 19.....................Fn. Setting Custom Functions (* ) 21

    .........................uto Zoom for Image Sensor Size 23....bout Color Temperature Information Transmission 23

    .....................................bout the AF-Assist Beam 23Speedlite Control with the Camera's Menu............................................................creen ( J r ) 24

  • 8/8/2019 Canon 430EXII


    Flash Exposure CompensationIn the sam e way as normal exposure compensation, you can setexposure compensation for flash. The flash exposure compensationamount can be set up to +3 stops in 113-stop increments. (If thecamera's exposure compensation is in 1/2-stop increments, flashexDosure co m ~e ns ationwill be in 112-stop increm ents.)- Press the c@)> button until theicon and compensationamount start blinking.1

    Set the flash exposurecompensation amount.a Press the < @ > button to set theamounts To cancel the flash exposure-- compensation, set the amount to

    "+Oj ress the button.b Flash exposure compensation will b eset

    If flash exposure compensation has been set with both the Speedlite andcamera, the Speedlite's flash exposure compensation am ount w ill overridethe camera's.

    Using minus) button decreasesthe number.

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    FE L : FE LockFE ( f lash expos ure) lock locks the correct flash exposu re set ting for anypart of the sce ne.Wi th displayed on the LCD panel, you press the ca mera's but ton. I f the cam era d oes not have the button, pres sthe utton. II1 Focus the subject.

    '3 Press he cFE L > button. (616)A ~ r nhe subject at the center of thev ~ e w f ~ n d e rnd press the button

    n Th e Spe edl~ te ~ r e s pre flash, thenthe req ulred f lash output IS retamed Inm em ory

    '- "FEL' w11l b e drsp layed In thev~ewf lnder or 0 5 sec* Eac h time you press the button, a pref lash wi l l be f i red a nd ane w flash exposu re read ing wi ll b elocked.

    0 QI If the subject is too far away and underexposure will result, the c f > iconwill blink in the viewfinder. Move closer to the subject and try the FE If cETTL> is not displayed on the LCD panel, FE lock cannot be If the target subject is too small in the viewfinder, the FE lock might notbe very effective.

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    High-Speed SyncWith high-speed sync (FP flash), the flash can synchronize with allshutter speeds. This is convenient when you want to use aperturepriority for fill-flash portraits.ITTL Press the < $ H I ~ button so that9.C" em> is displayed.o Check that the icon is lit in theviewfinder.@ . f you set a shutter speed that is the same or slower than the camera's

    maximum flash sync speed, will not be displayed in the viewfinder.* With high-speed sync, the faster the shutter speed, the shorter theeffective flash range will be. Check the LCD panel for the maximum flashrange for the respective shutter speed.To return to normal flash, press the button so that conturns off.

    W Second-Curtain SyncWith a slow shutter speed, you can create a light trail following thesubject. The flash fires right before the shutter closes.Zoom S 3 m m Press the button so thatc D is displayed.

    @ e Second-curtain sync works well in the camera's "buLb"mode.To return to normal flash, press the < f n / W >button. Thecon willdisappear.s With E-TTL IIIE-TTL, when you press the shutter button completely, apreflash will be fired. Then right before the shutter closes, the main flashis fired.

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    Bounce FlashBy pointing the flash head toward a w all or ceiling, the flash will bounceoff the surface before illum inating the subject. This ca n soften shadow sbehind the subject for a more natural-looking shot. This is called bounceflash.Set the Bounce Directionr Hold down the button and turn the flash head.If the flash coverage is set automatically, the flash coverage w ill befixed to 50rnrn.The LCD panel will also display .a You can a lso set the flash coverage m anually. (p .18)

    0 . f the wall or ceiling is too far away, the bounced flash might be too weakand result in underexposure.0 The w all or ceiling shou ld be a plain, white color for high reflectance. Ifthe bounce surface is not white, a color cast may result in the picture.a After you take the shot, if the flash exposure confirmation lamp does notlight, use a larger aperture opening and try again. With a digital camera,you can also increase the I S 0 speed.


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    ZOOM Setting the Flash Coverage and Using the Wide Panel maThe flash coverage can be set to match the lens focal length from24mm to 105mm . The flash coverage can be set automatically ormanually. Also, with the built-in wide pane l, the flash coverage w ill becompatible with ultra wide-angle lenses as short as 14mm." ress the button.r Press the button to change theflash coverage.r If is no t displayed, the flashcoverage will be set automatically.a If you se t the flash coverage m anually, make sure it covers the lens focal

    length so that the p icture will not have a dark periphery.

    Using the Wide Panel

    a s The flash coverage w ill not be compatible with the EF15mm f12.8Fisheye lens.For the effective lens foca l length (or crop factor). refer to the cam era'sinstruction manual.


    0 . f you use bounce flash with the wide panel in place, the entire display onth e LCD panel will blink as a warning. S ince the subject will b eillum inated by bo th the bounce flash a nd direct flash, it will lookunnatural.

    a Pull out the w ide panel gently. Using excessive force may detach thewide panel.


    Pull out the w ide pane l and place it asshown.e The < Z O O M / ;q > button will notwork.

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    M:Manual FlashYou can set the flash output from 1/64 power to 111 full power In 113-stop IncrementsUse a hand-held flash meter to determine the requlred flash output toobtaln a correct flash exposure Settlng the camera's shoo t~n gmode to or s recommended

    " Press the button so A' 9; o o r n 3 ~ r n m that s displayed.

    Set the flash Press the cL.C> buttonw The flash output bllnksPress the utton to set theflash output, then press the buttonPress the shu tter button halfway to

    see the e ffective flash ranged~splayed-

    Flash Output DisplayThe manua l flash output value will change as shown below when theflash output is decreased or increased.(Examole) F~auresor decreased flash ou t~ u t\ , , 111 -0.3 1 Ill 0.7 112 -0.3 1 112 -0.7I 'I' 1 112 + 0 7 1 112 +0.3 1 ' I 2 1 I14 + 0 7 I 114 +0.3 1 'I4 ......

    t ~guresor increased flash output

  • 8/8/2019 Canon 430EXII


    Metered Manual Flash ExposuresWhen the Speedlite is attached to an EOS-1D series camera, you ca nalso set the flash exposure level manually.9 Set the camera and Speedlite.

    o Setting the camera's shooting mode to or srecommended.

    e Set the Speedlite's flash mode to Manual flash).2 Focus the subject.o Focus m anually.3 et up an 18% gray card.

    o Place the gray card at the subject's position.r In the viewfinder, the entire spot metering circle at the center

    should cover the gray card.4 Press the button. (616)

    b The Speedlite will fire a preflash and the required flash output forthe subject is retained in mem ory.

    b On the right side of the viewfinder, the exposure level indicatorwill show the flash exposure level for the correct flash exposure.

    5 Set the flash exposure level.e Adjust the Speedlite's manual flash level and thecamera aperture so that the flash exposure levelaligns with the standard exposure index .

    6 Take the picture.e Rem ove the gray card and take the picture.

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    C.Fn: Setting Custom Functions-ou can customize Speedlite features to suit your shooting preferences.You do this with Custom Functions.

    0 C.Fn-02-113: Convenient when you want to use the depth-of-fieldpreview button to check the depth of field.0 C.Fn-08: If the Speedlite or camera's AF-assist beam isdisabled, the AF-assist beam will not be emitted.a C.Fn-14: You can change the information displayed on the LCDpanel when the shutter button is pressed halfway. Thisfunction can be set only with Type-A cameras.

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    Setting Custom Functions- 4 Press the utton for 2sec. or more so that *Qd* isdisplayed.i 2- Select the Custom Function No.

    e Press the utton to select theCustom Function number.E n gfm)*L jkg/- Qb

    jw 3 hange the setting.r, Press the buttonb The setting number w ~ l l l lnk..I, b Press the button to set theE Z ;!: desired number, then press the button.

    b After you set the Custom Fun c t~onand press the button, thecamera will be ready to shoot.

  • 8/8/2019 Canon 430EXII


    Auto Zoom for Image Sensor SizeEOS DIGITAL cameras have one of three image sensor sizes. The lens'effective focal length will differ depending on the camera's sensor size.The Speedlite automatically recognizes the EOS DIGITAL camera'ssensor size and automatically sets the flash coverage for lens focallengths from 24m m to 105mm.When the Speedlite is attached to a compatible camera, illappear on the Speedlite's LCD panel.1ETTL zoom 3sm@

    About Color Temperature Information TransmissionWhen the flash fires, the color temperature information is transmitted tothe EOS D IGITAL camera. Th is feature optimizes the flash p icture'swhite ba lance. When the camera's white balance is set tor , it will work automatically.To see if this feature works w ith your camera, see the Spec ifications inyour camera's instruction manual.About the AF-Assist Beam

    Under low-light or low-con trast conditions when autofocus cannot beachieved, the built-in AF-assist beam will be em itted automatically tomake it easier to autofocus. The 430EX Il's AF-assist beam iscompatible with the AF points of almost all EOS cameras. The AF-assist beam is compatible with 28mm and longer lenses. The e ffectiverange is shown below.

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    Speedlite Control with the Camera's Menu Screen aIf the Speedlite is attached to an EOS DIGITAL camera enablingExternal Speedlite control, the camera can se t the Speedlite settings.

    Setting Speedlite functionsThe se ttable functions will vary depending on the flash meteringmode and flash mode.Flash modeShutter sync (1st curtain, 2nd curtain, H igh-speed)Flash exposure com pensationFlash metering modeFlash firingZoom (Flash coverage)Clear Speedlite settings

    Speedlite Custom Functions9 Custom Functions

    Clear All Speedlite Custom FunctionsOnly C .Fn-00 will no t be cleared.Flash function settings screen* Flash C.Fn settings screen*

    The screen may look d~fferent epending on [he camera

    0 If flash exposure com pensation has already been set with the S peedlite,flash exposure compensation cannot be set with the cam era.If any Speed lite Custom Functions and flash function settings other thanflash exposure compensa tion have been set by both the cam era andSpeedlite, the latest setting will take effect.

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    Wireless Flash

    580EX II.Wireless Flash ................................................ 26

    .............etting Manual Flash with the Slave Unit 31

    Reference430EX II System ............................................. 32Troubleshooting Guide ..................................... 33Specifications ...................................................... 35Using a Type-B Camera .................................. 37

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    Wireless FlashWith multiple Canon Speedlites having the wireless flash feature, you cancreate various lighting effects with the same ease as using normal E-TTL IIautoflash.The settings you input with the master unit attached to the camera arealso automatically transm itted to the slave units which are controlled bythe master unit via wireless. Therefore, you need no t operate the slaveunit(s) at all during the shoot.For details on wireless flash photography and operating the master unit,see the master unit's instruction manual. The procedure below applies to amaster unit attached to the camera and slave unit(s) controlled by wireless.

    1 Set the master unit.0 Attach the mas ter unit Speedlite tothe camera and set it as necessary.Set the 430EX II as the slave unit.e Hold down the button for 2 sec or more.

    j Check the communicationchannel.e If the mas ter unit and slave unit(s) areset to a different channel, set them all

    to the same channel (p.29).4 Set the slave ID.8 Set the slave ID when using two (Aand B) or three (A , B, and C) slavegroups (p.30).5 Position the camera andSpeedlites.e Position the slave unit(s) within themaster unit's wireless transm issionrange.

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    Set the master unit's flash modeFor shoot~n g,will also beset automatically for the slave un it(s).

    w w v r 7 Check that the flash is ready.a W hen h e slave unltrs) IS ready to f ~ r e

    (fully charged), the AF-asslst beamw ~ l l llnk at I- s e c l n t e ~ a l s ICId -- @ Check the flash operation.

    @ @ Press the master unlt's test firlngbuttonb The slave unlt w ~ l llre If the flashdoes not flre, adjust the slave unlt'sangle toward the master u n ~ t nd

    dlstance from the master unit9 et the camera and shoot.a Set the camera in the same way aswlth normal flash shootlng

    Sample wireless flash setup

    Indoorsr r h(430EX 11)

    Slave B(430EX II )Speedlite 580EX II 8m (26.2n.) 12m (39.4ft.)

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    e Use the m ini stand (tripod socket provided) to prop up the slave unit.r Use the bounce feature to swing the s lave unit's flash body so that

    the wireless sensor faces the master unit.rl, Indoors, the wireless signal can also bounce off the wall so there ismore leeway in positioning the slave un it(s).r Afier positioning the slave unit(s), b e sure to test the wireless flashoperation before Do not place any obstacles between the master unit and slaveunit(s). Obstacles can block the transm ission of wireless signals.

    o Even with multiple slave units, all of them will be controlled in the sameway via wireless.e The Speedlite's zoom setting will be set automatically to 24mm. It ispossible to change the master unit's zoom setting. However, note thatthe master unit transmits wireless signals to the slave unit(s) with thepreflash. Therefore, the flash coverage must cover the slave unit's

    position. If you change the master unit's zoom setting, be sure to test thewireless flash operation before shooting.r If the slave unit's auto power off takes effect, press the master unit's testfiring button to turn on the siave unit.0 If the 430EX II is set as a slave unit and remains in auto power off modefor more than 8 hours, it will not turn on even if you try to fire a test flashwith the master unit. In this case, press the slave unit's test firing buttonto turn it on.B A test flash cannot be fired while the camera's operation timer 64 or 66is active.

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    --Using Fully Automatic W ireless Flash

    Flash exposure compensation and other settings set with the masterunit will also be automatically set in the slave units. Thus, you need notoperate the slave un it(s). Wireless flash with the following settings canbe done in the same way as with normal flash shooting.

    Flash exposure compensation FEBHigh-speed sync (FP flash) Manual flashFE lock rnStroboscopic flash@ . ith FE lock, if even one Speed lite will result in underexposure, the icon will b link in the viewfinder. Open the aperture more or move theslave unit closer to the subject.

    (I With a wireless flash system , the m aster unit's settings will not bedisplayed on the 430EX I l 's LCD panel.

    Setting the Communication C hannelIf there IS another Canon wlreless flash system nearby, you can changethe channel No to prevent slgnal confusion Both the master and slaveunlts m ust be set to the same channel No

    1 press lheZooM'r>so that e m > ms'--smmZ'8, l,-l-\L

    Set the channel No.Press the button to select thechannel number, then press the

    mzoom 2' c > button

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    Setting the Slave IDSet the slave ID if you use two (A and B) or three (A, B, and C) slavegroups.

    , p r e s s he buttonso that blinks.% Iw-'d-L?-,-,LSet the slave ID.r Press the button to select theslave ID (A, B, or C), then press the

  • 8/8/2019 Canon 430EXII


    About Slave Group Control-- -Slave group A For example, ~f ou have the slave ID setI /----o < A > or three slave un~ ts , l l threeslave u n ~ ts ill be controlled as ~f heywere one Speedl~ten slave group A

    Setting Manual Flash with the S lave Unit -anua l flash can be set m anua lly with the slave un it. Do this in thefollowing cases:(1) When you want to set the flash output with the slave unitsindividually for wireless or manual flash, as with studio flash units.(2) When you use Speedlite Transmitter ST-E2 for wireless or manualflash.s Hold down the button fo r2sec. or more.b ill bl~ nk .+. Set the manual flash output. (p.19)

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    O Speedlite 430EX II (Slave unit)O Mini stand (included with 430EX 11)O Speedlite 580EX II (On-cameralMaster unit)@ Speedlite Transmitter ST-E2

    Dedicated transmitter for wireless con trol of 430EX II set as slave units.O Macro R ing Lite MR-14EX 1 @ Macro Twin Lite MT-24EX

    Flash for macro photography.O Off-Camera Shoe Cord OC-E3

    Enables the 430 EX II to be connected to the cam era u p to 60 cm12 ft away.@ Speedlite Bracket SB-E2

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    Troubleshooting GuideIf there is a problem, refer to this Troubleshooting GuideT h e S p e e d l it e d o e s n o t f ir e.+ The b atter ies are insta l led in the w rong or ientat ion.Bb Install the batteries in the correct orientation. (p .8 )a The Speedl i te 's interna l batter ies are exh austed.If the flash recycling time takes 30 sec. or longer, replace thebatteries. (p.8)e The Speed l ite is no t at tached securely to the camera.Bb Attach the Speedlite's mounting foot securely to the camera. (p.9)e The e lect r ica l contacts of the Speedli te an d camera are dirty. blb Clean the contacts.

    T h e s la v e u n i t d o e s n o t f ire .e The channe l does no t m atch the master un i t 's channel .b Set it to the same channel as the master unit. (p.29)a, The s lave uni t (s) i s no t pos i t ioned properly.b Place the slave unit within the master unit's transmission range.

    (p.26)h Point the slave unit(s)'s sensor toward the master unit. (p.26)T h e p o w e r t u r n s o f f b y i ts elf .

    r, Au to power o f f took e ffec t.tar Press the shutter button halfway or press the


    (p.10)T h e e n t i re LCD p a n e l b l i n k s .

    (J The wide panel has been pul led ou t for boun ce flash.b Retract the wide panel. (p.18 )

    A u t o z o o m d o e s n o t w o rk .b The Speedl ite is no t a ttached secure ly t o the camera.b. Attach the Speedlite's mounting foot securely to the camera. (p.9)

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    The periphery or bottom of the picture looks dark.ct When you set the flash coverage manually, the setting was a

    higher number than the lens focal length, resulting in a darkperiphery.

    b Set the flash coverage that is a lower number than the lens focallength or set it to auto zoom. (p.18)a I f only the bottom of the picture looks dark, you were too

    close to the subject.b Keep at least 0.7 m12.3 ft away from the subject.

    The flash exposure is underexposed or overexposed.e There was a highly reflective object (glass window, etc.) in

    the picture.b Use FE lock. (p.15)a The subject looks very dark or very bright.b Set flash exposure compensation. For a dark subject, set a

    decreased flash exposure. And for a bright subject, set anincreased flash exposure. (p.14)r You used high-speed sync.b With high-speed sync, the effective flash range will be shorter.Make sure the sub ject is within the effective flash range displayed.

    (p.16)The picture is really blurred.

    I. The shooting mode was set to CAW, and the scene wasdark.b Use a tripod or set the shooting mode to


    The buttons do not work.r The Mode Dial is set to a Basic Zone mode.b Set the Mode D ial to a Creative Zone mode.

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    Type: On-camera. E-TTL IIIE -n L /T T L autoflash SpeedliteCompatible cameras: Type-A EOS cameras ( E - n L IIIE-TTL autoflash).Type-B EOS cameras (TTL autoflash)Guide No.: 431141 (at 105mm focal length, IS 0 100 in m eterslfeet)

    Flash coverage: 24 - 105mm (14mm w ith wide panel)A u t o zoom (Flash coverage set automat~cal lyo match the

    lens focal length and Image sensor size). anual zoomFlash head swing (bounce flash)

    Color temperatureinformation transmission: Flash color temperature information transmitted to camerawhen flash is fired

    Exposure ControlExposure control system: E-TTL IIIE-TTLTTTL autoflash, manua l flashEffective flash range: 0.7 - 24.3 m 12.3 - 79.7 ft .(Wlth EFSOmm fl1.4 lens * High-speed sync: 0.7 - 12 m 12.3 - 39.4 fl. (at 11250 sec .)a t IS 0 100)Flash exposurecompensation: ?3 s tops in 113- or 112-stop incrementsFE lock: ProvidedHigh-speed sync: ProvidedFlash exposureconfirmation: Flash exposure confirmation lamp lhghts

    Flash RecyclingRecyc ling time : Norm al flash: Approx. 3.0 sec. (with size-AA alkalinebatteries)Flash-ready indicator: Red pilot lamp lights

    Wireless SlaveTransmission method. Optlcal pulseChannels: 4Transmission range: Reception angle: Approx. +40" horizontal, Approx. k30 "

    verticalSlave-ready indicator: AF-assist beam blinksMode ling flash: Fired with camera's depth-of-field preview buttonCustom Functions: 9 (20 set t ings)

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    AF-Assist BeamLinkable AF points: 1 - 9 AF points (28m rn or longer focal leng th)Effective range, At center: Approx. 0.7 - 10 m 1 2 3 - 32.8 ft.,

    Periphery: Approx. 0 .7 - 5 rn 12.3 - 16.4 ft.Power Source

    Battery: Four size-AA alkaline batteries* Size-AA Ni-MH and lithium batteries also usable

    Battery life (flash count): Approx. 200 - 1400 flashes (with size-AA a lkaline batteries)Power saving: Power off afler approx. 1 .5 min. to 15 min. of idle operation

    (60 rnin, if set as slave)Dimensions(W x H x D): 72 x 12 2 x 101 mm / 2 .8 x 4 .8 x 4.0 inWeight: Approx. 320 g 1 11.3 oz. (Speedlite only, excluding batteries)s Al l specif ications above are ba sed o n Cano n's test ing standards.

    Product specif ications and e xternal appearance a re subject to ch an ge wi thoutnot ice.

    Manual Flash Guide No. (IS0 100, in meterslfeet)

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    Using a Type-B CameraIf you use the 430EX II with a Type-I3 camera (TTL autoflash EOScamera), note the features available and not available below.When a Type-B camera is used with the 430EX II set to autoflash,will be displayed on the Speedlite's LCD panel.Features Available with Type-B C ameras

    TTL autoflashFlash exposure compensationManual FlashSecond-curtain sync

    - Manual flash and stroboscopic flash w ith wireless flashFeatures not Available with Type-B Cameras

    E-TTL IIIE-TTL autoflashFE lockHigh-speed sync (FP flash)Autoflash and flash ratio setting with wireless flash

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    This device comp lies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference,and (2) this device must accept any interference received, includinginterference that m ay cause undesired operation.Do not make any changes or m odifications to the equ ipment unless otherwisespecified in the instructions. If such changes or modifications should be m ade,you could be required to stop operation of the equipment.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a classB digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits aredesigned to provide reasonable protection against ha rmful interference in aresidential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radiofrequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with theinstructions, may cause harmful interference to radio comm unications.How ever, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particularinstallation If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception, which can be determined b y turning the equipment off andon, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more ofthe following measures:

    Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.Consult the dealer or an experienced radiolTV techn ician for help.This C lass B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Cet appareil numerique de la classe B est conforme a la no rme NM B-003 duCanada.

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    The apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing.Ba tter~ es hall not be exposed to excessive heat such as sunshine, fire or thelike.Dry batteries shall no t be subjected to charging.

    European Union (and EEA) only.This symbol Indicates that this product is not to be disposed of withyour household waste, according to the WEEE Directive (20021961EC) and your na t~on alaw. This p roduct should be handed over to- designated collection point, e.g . on an authorized one-for-onebasis when you buy a new similar product or to an authorizedcollection site for recycling waste e lectrical and electronic ebequipment (EEE). Improper handling of this type of waste couldhave a possible negative impact on the environment and humanhealth due to potentially hazardous substances that are generallyassociated with EEE At the same time, your cooperation in thecorrect disposal o f this product will contribute to the effective usageof natural resources. For more information about where you candrop off your waste equipment for recycling, please contact yourlocal city office, waste authority, approved WEEE scheme or yourhousehold waste disposal service For more information regardingreturn and recyc l~ng f WEEE products, p lease v is ~t . c a n o n -europe.comienvironment.(EEA: Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein)

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