CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

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Page 1: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)


Page 2: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

Group members• Loh Mae Chel (mae chel)• Lee Ching Wai (Jazz)• Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya)• Desalini (desa)• Muhammad Fikree (piki)

Page 3: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)


• Lee Ching Wai D10A015

• Loh Mae Chel D10A016

Page 4: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

Cutaneous muscles and major fasciae

Page 5: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

Superficial muscles

Page 6: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

Deep muscles

Page 7: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

Muscle Origin Insertion Innervation Function

Muscles of facial expression

M. Sphincter colli superficialis

Transverse fibers in the superficial fascia of the ventral neck

Cervical branch ( R. colli) of the facial n.

Tenses and moves the ventral and lateral skin

Auricular muscles

M. cervicoauricularis superficialis

Dorsal median raphe of the neck

Dorsal(convex) surface of the auricular cartilage

Caudal auricular n., branch of the facial n.

Long elevator muscle of the ear

M. cervicoscutularis

Dorsal median raphe of the neck

Caudomedial part of scutiform cartilage

Caudal auricular n., branch of facial n.

Elevates the ear and tenses the scutiform cartilage

M. cervicoscutularis profundus and medius

External sagittal crest

Lateral border of the auricular cartilage

Caudal auricular n., branch of facial n.

Turns opening ( conchal fissure) of the auricular cartilage caudomedially

Page 8: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

Muscle Origin Insertion Innervation Function

M. occipitalis External sagittal crest

Superficial fascia of the head

Rostral auricular branches of the auriculopalpebral n.

Draws scutiform cartilage caudomedially

M. interscutularis Transverse fibers passing between the two scutiform cartilages

Rostral auricular branches of the auriculopalpebral n.

Draws scutiform cartilages medially

M. frontoscutularis Rostral continuation of m. interscutularis

Rostral auricular branches of the auriculopalpebral n.

Draws the scutiform cartilages rostromedially

M. scutuloauricularis superficialis

Scutiform cartilage

Rostral border of the auricular cartilage

Rostral auricular branches of the auriculopalpebral n.

Turns the auricular cartilage so that its opening (conchal fissure) faces rostralmedially, erects the ear

Page 9: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)
Page 10: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

Muscle Origin Insertion Innervation Function

M. paratidoauricularis

Parotid fascia and superficial fascia of cranial neck

Ventrolateral at the base of the auricular cartilage

Cervical branch ( R. colli) of the facial n.

Draws the ear down, lays the ear ‘back’

M. mandibuloauricularis

Caudal margin of the ramus of the mandible ventral to the condyle

Ventral at the base of the auricular cartilage

Caudal auricular n., branch of the facial n.

Page 11: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

Muscle Origin Insertion Innervation Function

Muscles of the lips and cheeks

M. orbicularis oris Closed, sphincter-like muscle at the border of the rima oris; there is no skeletal attachment

Dorsal and ventral buccal branches of the facial n.

Closes the rima oris ( opening of the mouth)

M. buccinator Crossing fibers that pass in the cheek region between the maxilla and the body of the mandible; extends from the angle of the mouth to the level of the rostral border of the masseter m.; interwoven rostrally with orbicularis oris fibers

Dorsal and ventral buccal branches of the facial n.

Forms the lateral boundary of the oral cavity; compresses the vestibule of the oral cavity, pressing the food into the oral cavity proper; compresses the buccal glands

M. zygomaticus Scutiform cartilage Radiates into the orbicularis oris at the angle of the mouth

Dorsal and ventral buccal branches of the facial n.

Draws the angle of the mouth caudally; draws the scutiform cartilage rostroventrally

Page 12: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)
Page 13: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

Muscles Origin Insertion Innervation Function

M. caninus Maxilla, ventral to the infraorbital foramen

Upper lip Dorsal and ventral buccal branches of the facial n.

Draws the upper lip caudodorsally

M. levator labii superoris

Maxilla, rostral to the infraorbital foramen

Wing of the nostril; upper lip

Dorsal and ventral buccal branches of the facial n.

Elevates the upper lip and the nasal plane and draws them caudally, widens the opening of the nostril

Muscles of the eyelids and nose

M. orbicularis oculi

A muscular ring passing within the eyelids. It arises dorsally and ventrally from the medial palpebral ligament and encircles the palpebral fissure

Auriculopalpebral n., branch of the facial n.

Narrowing and closure of the palpebral fissure ( the opening between the eyelids

Page 14: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

Muscles Origin Insertion Innervation Function

M. retractor anguli oculi

Deep temporal fascia

Lateral angle of the eye

Auriculopalpebral n., branch of the facial n.

Draws the lateral angle of the eye caudally

M. levator anguli oculi

Fascia upon the frontal bone ( frontal fascia)

Medially into the upper eyelid

Auriculopalpebral n., branch of the facial n.

Elevates the medial part of the upper eyelid; erects the tactile hairs

M. levator nasolabialis

Maxilla in the region of the medial angle of the eye; frontal fascia

Lateral nostril and upper lip

Auriculopalpebral n., branch of the facial n.

Widens the opening of the nostril and raises the upper lip

M. malaris Deep fascia of the face

Lower eyelid Auriculopalpebral n., branch of the facial n.

Draws the lower eyelid ventrally

Page 15: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

Muscles Origin Insertion Innervation Function

Mandibular musclesSuperficial muscles of the throatM. digastricus Paracondylar

process ( the jugular process forms its base)

Ventral margin of the mandible

Ramus digastricus, branch of the facial n. ( caudal belly); mylohyoid n., branch of the mandibular n. (rostral belly)

Lowers the mandible, opening the mouth

M. mylohyoideus Mylohyoid line on the medial surface of the body of the mandible

Median raphe joining the muscles of the two sides ventral to the geniohyoideus m.

N. mylohyoideus, branch of the mandubular n.

Elevates the tongue, presses it against the palate

Page 16: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

Muscles Origin Insertion Innervation Function

External muscles of mastication

M. temporalis Temporal fossa Coronoid process of the mandible

Masticatory n., branch of the mandibular n.

Raises the mandible

M. masseter Zygomatic arch Masseteric fossa of the mandible

Masticatory n., branch of the mandibular n.

Raises the mandible

Internal muscles of mastication

M. pterygoideusM. pterygoideus medialisM. pterygoideus lateralis

Pterygopalatine fossa(medial pterygoid); wing og the basisphenoid (lateral pterygoid)

Pterygoid fossa of the mandible(medial pterygoid), pterygoid fovea of the mandible ( lateral pterygoid)

Pterygoid nn., branches of the mandibular n.

Synergist of the masseter m., raising the mandible;with unilateral contraction, draws the mandible toward the side of the muscle acting

Page 17: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

Canine anatomy


D10A027(ye..saya la yang paling cute)

Page 18: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)
Page 19: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)
Page 20: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

Flexor=ms on the side of the limb towards which the joint bends biceps brachii m. flexes the elbow.

Extensor=the ms on the opposite side.triceps brachii m.=extensor of the elbow

Adductors-ms that tend to pull a limb toward the median plane

Abductors=ms that tend to move the limb away from the median plane

Agonists(prime movers)are ms directly responsible for producing the desired action.

The Antagonists are ms that oppose the desired actions.

Synergists are ms that oppose any undesired action of the agonistsEg. in extension of the elbow, a movt. produced by the triceps

brachii biceps(agonist for extension), brachii and brachialis are antagonists coz they produce the opposite action, flexion of the elbow.

Page 21: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

Muscle Function Origin Insertion Innervation

Deltoideus m. Flexes shoulder • spine of scapula

• Caudal boarder of scapula

Deltoid tuberosity of humerus

Axillary n.

Teres minor m. Flexes shoulder Distal half of caudal boarder of scapula

Deltoid tuberosity of humerus

Axillary n.

Teres major m. Flexes shoulder Caudal boarder of scapula and subscapularis

Teres tuberosity of humerus

Axillary n.

Subscapularis m. Extends shoulder

Subscapular fossa of scapula

Lesser tuberosity of humerus

Axillary n.Subscapular n.

Page 22: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

Muscle Function Origin Insertion Innervation

Coracobrachialis m. Extends shoulder

Coracoid process of scapula

Proximomedial surface of humerus

Musculocutaneous n.

Biceps brachii m. • Extend shoulder

• Flexes elbow

• Stabilize carpus

Supraglenoid tubercle

• Radial tuberosity

• Tendon of extensor carpi radialis m.

Musculocutaneous n.

Brachialis m. Flexes elbow Proximocaudal surface of humerus

Proximomedial surface of radius

Musculocutaneous n.

Page 23: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

Supraspinatus m.

• Extends shoulder

• Stabilize shoulder

• Supraspinatous fossa

• Scapular cartilage and spine

Greater and lesser tubercles of humerus

Suprascapular n.

Infraspinatus m.

Extends and flexes shoulder

• Infraspinatous fossa

• Scapular cartilage and spine

Greater tubercle of humerus

Suprascapular n.

Page 24: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

Muscle Function Origin Insertion Innervation

Triceps brachii m.

Long head Extends elbow and flexes shoulder

Caudal boarder of scapula

Olecranon tuber

Radial n.

Lateral head Extends elbow Deltoid tuberosity

Medial head Middle surface of middle 1/3 of humerus

Anconeus m. • Extend elbow

• Raise joint capsule (prevent capsule compression during elbow extension

Boarder of olecranon fossa

Lateral olecranon

Radial n.

Page 25: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

Muscle Function Origin Insertion Innervation

Tensor fascia antebrachii m.

• Extends elbow

• Tenses forearm

Caudal boarder of scapula

Deep fascia of forearm and olecranon

Radial n.

common digital extensor m.

• Extend carpus

• Extends digit III

Lateral epicondyle of humerus

• Proximodorsal on proximal phalanx

• Extensor processes of middle and distal phalanges

Radial n.

Lateral digital extensor m.

Extends metacarpophalanges joint (fetlock)

Proximal radius and ulna

Proximodorsal on proximal phalanx

Radial n.

Page 26: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

Muscle Function Origin Insertion innervationextensor carpi radialis m.

extends the carpal, pasternAnd coffin joint.

lateral supracondylar of the humerus

Proximodorsal metacarpal III bone (metacarpal

of the index finger). accessory carpal bone

deep branch of the radial n.

Ulnaris lateralis m.

flexes carpus Lateral epicondyle of humerus

• Accessory carpal bone

• Metacarpal IV (lateral splint bone)

Radial n.

Extensor carpi obliquus m. (abductor pollicis longus m.)

Extends carpus Middle of radius craniolaterally

Proximal metacarpal II

Radial n.

Page 27: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

Muscle Function Origin Insertion Innervation

flexor carpi radialis m

Flexes carpus Medial Epicondyle of Humerus

Proximal Sesamoid Bones

Median n.

flexor carpi ulnaris m. (ulnar & humeral heads)

Flexes carpus • Medial Epicondyle of Humerus

• Medial Olecranon

Accessory Carpal Bone

Ulnar n.

superficial digital flexor m.

Extends elbow Flexes carpusFlexes digit

Medial Epicondyle of Humerus

• Distal Collateral Tubercles of Proximal Phalanx

• Proximal Collateral Tubercles of Middle Phalanx

Ulnar n.

Page 28: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

Muscle Function Origin Insertion Innervation

deep digital flexor m.

Humeral head Extends elbow Medial Epicondyle of Humerus

Flexor Surface of Distal Phalanx

Median n.&Ulnar n.

Ulnal head Flexes carpus Medial Olecranon

Ulnar n.

Radial head Flexes digit Middle of Radius, Caudal Surface

Median n.

Interosseous Resist overextension of metacarpophalangeal joint

• Proximocaudal on metacarpal III

• Palmer carpal ligament

Proximal Sesamoid bone

Deep branch of ulnar n.

Page 29: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

• extensor carpi radialis m. (1)• common digital extensor m. (2)• lateral digital extensor m. (3). • ulnaris lateralis m. (4)Two minor muscles are the • brachioradialis m. (5)• abductor pollicis longus m. (6). Fascia has been removed except for the extensor retinaculum (7) that binds digital extensor tendons at the carpus. (Scissors elevate branches of the common digital extensor tendon.)

Page 30: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

• common digital extensor m. (1)• lateral digital extensor m. (2) (tendon are elevated by forceps)• extensor carpi radialis m. (3)• ulnaris lateralis m. (4)Craniolateral antebrachial muscles originate form the vicinity of the lateral epicondyle of the humerus (asterisk).• anconeus m. (5), caudal to the epicondyle.

Page 31: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

medial epicondyle of the humerus (asterisk). deep fascia has been removed from the antebrachium except for flexor retinaculum (1), which binds digital flexor tendons in the carpus. superficial digital flexor m. (2) and its tendon branches are elevated by instruments.flexor carpi ulnaris m. (arrows).

Page 32: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

• superficial digital flexor m. (1)have been reflected. • flexor carpi ulnaris m. (2) has humeral and ulnar heads. Latter elevated by the forceps. • flexor carpi radialis m. (3) is medially on the limb. • deep digital flexor m. (4) it’s tendons are visible distal to the flexor retinaculum (5).

Page 33: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

• deep digital flexor m (1) it’s humeral head is being pulled by forceps. small radial head (2) attaches to the radius. The ulnar head (3) originates from the ulna. deep layer of flexor retinaculum (asterisk) has been cut to release the tendon (arrow) of the deep digital flexor m.

• superficial digital flexor m. (4); • flexor carpi ulnaris m. (5); • flexor carpi radialis m. (6); • and pronator teres m. (7).

Page 34: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)


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Page 36: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)
Page 37: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)


Middle Gluteal

Gluteal fascia and wing of the ileum

Trochanter major

Cranial gluteal nerve

draws the limb caudally and outward

Superficial Gluteal

Gluteal fascia,lateral part ofsacrum

Gluteal tuberosity

Caudal gluteal nerve

draws the limb caudally

Tensor Fascia Latae

Tuber coxae Patella and tibia tuberosity by way of the fascia lata and patella ligament

Cranial gluteal nerve

draw the limb forward toward cranial

Page 38: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)


Sartorial Tuber coxae,iliac crest

Crural fascia,cranial margin of tibia

Femoral nerve draw the limb forward and adduct the limb


Tuber ischiadicum

Medial condyle of the femur and tibia

Muscular branch of the ischidia nerve

Draw the limb medially and caudally and tend to rotate the crus

Femoral biceps Tuber ischiadium, sacrotuberous ligament

Patella and tibia tuberosity, cranial margin of the tibia

Muscular branch of the ischiadic nerve

Attachment to the cranial margin of the tibia flexes

Page 39: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)


Page 40: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)
Page 41: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)


Middle Gluteal

Gluteal fascia and wing of the ileum

Trochanter major

Cranial gluteal nerve

draws the limb caudally and outward

Superficial Gluteal

Gluteal fascia,lateral part ofsacrum

Gluteal tuberosity

Caudal gluteal nerve

draws the limb caudally

Tensor Fascia Latae

Tuber coxae Patella and tibia tuberosity by way of the fascia lata and patella ligament

Cranial gluteal nerve

draw the limb forward toward cranial

Page 42: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)


Coccygeal Ischiadic spine

Transverse process of first four caudal vertebrae

Ventral branch of the third sacral spinal nerve

Draw the tail to the side of muscle acting with both muscle contracting

Femoral quariceps

Craniolateral and craniomedial at the femur

Tibial tuberosity by mean of the patella ligament

Femoral nerve

Main extensor of the stiffle joint,fixation of the limb

Femoral quadrate

Ventromedial surface of the ischium near tuber

Caudal surface of femur distal to the trochanteric fossa

Ischiadic nerve

Rotates the limb,turning its cranial face laterally

Page 43: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)



Tuber ischiadicum

Medial surface of the tibia

Muscular branch of the ischidia nerve

Draw the limbs medially and caudally and tend to rotate the crust turning its cranial face medially


Tuber ischiadicum

Medial condyle of the femur and tibia

Muscular branch of the ischidia nerve

Draw the limb medially and caudally and tend to rotate the crusturning its cranial face medially

Gastrocnemius Distal femur,medial and lateral supracondyles tuberosity

Tuber calcanei Tibial nerve Extensor of tarsal joint,flexor of stiffle joint

Page 44: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)


Deep digital flexor

Lateral condyle of femur

Caudal aspect of proximal tibia

Flexes the stifle and rotate then leg medially

Long fibular

Long digital flexor

Page 45: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)




sartorial Tuber coxae,iliac crest

Crural fascia,cranial margin of tibia

Femoral nerve

draw the limb forward and adduct the limb

Cranial tibialadductor Ventral

pubic tubercle

Proximally on the facies aspera

Obturator nerve


Page 46: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

Lab 5 - Image 5

The largest of the hamstring (caudal thigh) muscles is the biceps femoris m. (1) which originates from the ischium and inserts broadly on fascia lata (2) and crural fascia (3). The muscle has been transected in two locations to facilitate reflecting it. The semitendinosus m. (4) is partially exposed. Other visible (non-hamstring) muscles include: sartorius m. (5), tensor fasciae latae m. (6), middle gluteal m. (7), superficial gluteal m. (8), levator ani m. (9), and external anal sphincter m.(10).

Page 47: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)
Page 48: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)
Page 49: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

Cutaneous muscle and major fasciae of the canine

Page 50: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)
Page 51: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

Muscle origin insertion innervation function

M. Platysma Arise from the dorsal median raphe of the neck, passing rostroventrally onto the face where as the M.cutaneous faciei, it radiates into the M.orbicularis oris of the upper & lower lips

R. Platysmatis of the caudal auricular n., cervical branch (R.colli) of the facial n.

Tenses & moves the skin in the nuchal & masseteric regions, retracts the angle of the mouth, tenses the skin in the labial region

M. Cutaneus omobrachialis

From the supf. Shoulder fascia opposite the scapula

Over the elbow joint

Intercostobrachial n.

Tightens & moves the skin over the shoulder

Page 52: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)
Page 53: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

Muscle origin insertion innervation function

M. Cutaneus trunci

From the superficial trunk fascia roughly along a line from the withers to the fold of the flank

Opposite the dorsal two thirds of the scapula: blend with the supf. Shoulder fascia ;Opposite the ventral third of the scapula, end with deep pectoral muscle on medial surface of humerus

Lateral throcic & intercostobrachial nn.

Tightens & moves the skin of the trunk

Page 54: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

Superficial muscle of the canine

Page 55: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)
Page 56: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

muscle origin insertion innervation function

Sternohyoideus Manubrium of sternum & 1st costal cartilage

Lingual process of basihyoid bone (basihyoiduem)

Ventral branch of 1st cervical n.

Retract basihyoid & tounge caudally

sternocephalic Manubrium sterni

Caudal border of mandible

Ventral br. of accessory n (XI)

Opens mouth; flexes or inclines head and neck to the side of the muscledorsal median raphe

M. Cleidocervicalis

Dorsal median raphe of the neck cranial to trapezius

Clavicular intersection

Dorsal branch of accessory n. (XI)

Draw the thoracic limb forward.

M.Omo transversarius

Acromion of scapula

Wing of atlas Ventral branch of fourth cervical n.

Draws thoracic limb forward, bends neck to one side.

Page 57: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)
Page 58: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

muscle origin insertion innervation Functions

M. cleidobrachialis Clavicular intersection (clavicular part), spine of scapula by aponeurosis (scapula part), acromion (acromial part)

Humeral crest (clavicular part), deltoid tuberosity (scapular & acromial parts)

Axillary n. (scapular & acromial parts), accessory axillary n. (clavicular part), this neve may also be called the n. brachiocephalicus

Scapula & acromial parts, flexor of the shoulder joint, clavicular part, as a part of the brachiocephalicus m., draws the limb forward

M. Trapezius Dorsal median raphe od the neck from the 3rd cervical vertebra to the spinous processes of thoracic vertebrae 1-9

Cervical part : dorsal two third of the scapular spine Thoracic part: dorsal third of the scapular spine

Dorsal branch of accessory n.

Acting together, draw the scapula dorsally. Cervical part: draw the scapula craniodorsally .Thoracic part: draw the scapula caudodorsally.

Major teres Caudal margin of the scapula

Teres major tuberosity

Axillary n. Flexor of shoulder joint

M. Latissium dorsi Thoracolumbar fascia Teres major tuberosity with the m. teres major tendon

Thoracodorsal n. Draw the thoracic limb caudally; flexor of shoulder joint; with limb fixed, draws the trunk forward

Page 59: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)
Page 60: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

muscle origin insertion innervation Functions

M. Obliquus externus abdominis

Ribs 4-13 (costal part), thoracolumbar fascia (lumbar part)

Linea alba(abdominal tendon); inguinal ligament, from the tuber coxae to the iliopubic eminence & pecten ossis pubis (pelvic tendon)

Ventral branches of intercostal, costoabdominal & lumbar nn.

Ventral abdominal muscles support the ventral abdominal wall. They function with the diaphragm in reciprocal movement of abdominal respiration: inspiration

M. Obliquus internus abdominis

Tuber coxae & neighboring part of the inguinal ligament (inguinal part), thoracolumbar fascia (lumbar part)

Linea alba & costal arch

Ventral branches of intercostal, costoabdominal & lumbar nn

M. sartorius Tuber coxae, iliac crest Crural fascia, cranial margin of fibia

Femoral n. Flexor of the hip joint, external of the stifle joint (cranial part), flexor of the stifle joint (caudal part) acting together two part of muscle draw limb forward & adduct the limb

Page 61: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)
Page 62: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

muscle origin insertion innervation Functions

Deep pectoral muscle

Sternum; distally on ribs 4-9; tunica flava abdominis

Major & minor tubercles of humerus; tendon of origin of coracobrachialis

Cranial & caudal pectoral nn.

Suspends trunk between forelimbs; retracts limb; stabilizes shoulder joint

Sacrocaudalis dorsalis medialis

Between spinous & mamillary processes of the last 2-3 sacral & 1st several caudal vertebrae

Dorsal brr. of local spinal nn.

Elevates tail & bends it laterally

M. Rhomboideus - Cervicis- thoracic

Nuchal crest (captial part) , dorsal median raphe of the neck from second cervical to 1st thoracic vertebrae (cervical part), cranial thoracic spines (thoracic part)

Medial surface of scapular cartilage

Ventral branches of cervical nerves

Fixation of thoracic limb, elevates scapula & draws it forward.

Page 63: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

Deep muscle of the canine

Page 64: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)
Page 65: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

muscle origin insertion innervation function

M. splenius Spinous processes of vT1-vT3

Nuchal crest Dorsal branches of cervical & thoracic nn.

Extension & lateral flexion of head & neck



Ilium (lumbar part), several adjacent ribs beginning several segments caudal to rib of insertion & transverse process of vC7(6) (thoracic part)

Transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae & caudal ribs (lumbar part); caudal margin of ribs several segments cranial to ribs of origin & transverse process of vc7(6) (thoracic part)

Fixation of lumbar vertebrae & ribs, erection & lateral flexion of vertebral column (lumbar part); draws ribs caudally in expiration , attachment to transverse process of vC7(6) draw corresponding ribs cranially in inspiration (thoracic part)

Page 66: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)
Page 67: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

muscle origin insertion innervation function

M. Spinalis & semispinalis thoracic et cervicis

Lumbar spinous & mamillary processes (thoracic spinalis & semispinalis ), cranial thoracic spinous processes (cervical spinalis)

Spinous processes of cranial thoracic vertebrae (thoracic spinalis & semispinalis ) spinous processes of cervical vertebrae up to the axis. (cervical spinalis)

Dorsal branches of lumbar, thoracic & cervical spinal nn.

Fixation of dorsum & neck bends the trunk & neck to the side of the muscle acting

M. Serratus dorsalis cranialis

Supraspinous ligament at the level of thoracic vertebrae 1-8

Cranial margin of ribs 3-10

Intercostal nn. inspiratory

M. Rectus (Straight) abdominis

Sternum & first rib (including its costal cartilage)

Pecten ossis pubis Ventral branches of intercostal, costoabdominal & lumbar nn.

Page 68: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)
Page 69: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

muscle origin insertion innervation function

M. Transversus abdominis

Asternal ribs (costal part) lumbar transverse processes & deep leaf of the thoracolumbar fascia (lumbar part)

Linea alba Ventral branches of intercostal, costabdominal & lumbar nn.

M. Serratus ventralis -Cervicis- thoracis

Transverse processes of cervical vertebrae 2-7 (cervical part), rib 1-7 (10)

Facies serrata of scapula

Ventral branches of cervical nn. (cervical part), long thoracic n. (thoracic part)

Most important muscle supporting trunk, raises neck; whn thoracic limb is fixed, an auxiliary inspiratory muscle

Mm. Intercostales externi

From the caudal margin of the more cranial rib of the intercostal space

Extends caudoventrally to the cranial margin of the more caudal rib of the space

Intercostal nn. inspiratory

Page 70: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)
Page 71: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

muscle origin insertion innervation function

M. Rhomboideus - Cervicis- thoracic - capitis

Nuchal crest (captial part) , dorsal median raphe of the neck from second cervical to 1st thoracic vertebrae (cervical part), cranial thoracic spines (thoracic part)

Medial surface of scapular cartilage

Ventral branches of cervical nerves

Fixation of thoracic limb, elevates scapula & draws it forward.

Page 72: CANINE ANATOMY. Group members Loh Mae Chel (mae chel) Lee Ching Wai (Jazz) Nur Ainsyah Natasya (tasya) Desalini (desa) Muhammad Fikree (piki)

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