CancerHeart disease Tooth painColdFlu Bird flu

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CancerHeart disease

Tooth painCold Flu

Bird flu


Heart disease

Tooth pain

ColdFlu Bird flu

virus / mould. antibiotics抗生素 , 抗生学


epidemic (infected)

the father of antibiotics

Sir Alexander Fleming













Fleming was excited about his discovery, but other scientists showed no interest.Penicillin played a very important role during World War and also at present.Ⅱ

Fleming discovered a mould that can kill bacteria by accident.

Health care in the past was often dangerous and risky.

Alexander Fleming invented many ways to treat the wounded during World War I.

Main idea of each paragraph:

Careful ReadingCareful Reading

1.Why was health care often dangerous and risky?2. What did a German chemist develop?3. What did Fleming see when he was washing the jars and lids?4. Why did Fleming keep trying to develop the


1.Why was health care often dangerous and risky?Treatments were neither scientific nor effective, and many patients suffered deadly infections as a result of operations and even a small cut could cause an infection that would kill the patient.2. What did a German chemist develop?In the early 1900s, a German chemist developed a chemical treatment for a serious disease that had been considered incurable.

3. What did Fleming see when he was washing the jars and lids?He found a mould was growing in one of the jars. And he also noticed that the bacteria around the mould had died and stopped growing .

4. Why did Fleming keep trying to develop the chemical?

Because the chemical was not safe and effective enough. It was not until World War II that Fleming and two other scientists developed a kind of penicillin that was very effective in curing infections.

True or false

1.The discovery of mould is a story of an accident.

2. In the early 1900s, Fleming developed a chemical treatment for a serious disease .

3.During the first World War, Fleming was not able to cure the soldiers by fighting infections. T



True or false

4. Alexander Fleming had grown bacteria in the old glass containers

to develop mould.5. Although other scientists showed no interest in his discovery, Fleming continued his research work.6. In 1945, Fleming won the Nobel Prize






Read the text and choose the best answer.(On Page 80)

Important Phrases:Important Phrases:


cure diseasescause an infectiondie from infectionslead him to his new discoverya discovery of great significanceclean up the labfight diseasesreceive the Nobel Prizetogether withask sb. about sth.

Important Phrases:Important Phrases:

11.由于12.一位名叫 Tom的医生13.治疗伤员14.停止生长15.第二次世界大战16. 被充分承认

as a result ofa doctor named Tomtreat the woundedstop growingWorld War IIbe fully recognized

Which of the characteristics do you thinkhelped Alexander Flaming discover

penicillin?Explain your choices.

devotion to duty full of confidence carefulness perseverance sacrifice aggressive intelligence sense of responsibility sympathy observation interest willingness

★ What can we learn from Alexander Flaming?

1.is a natural mould that is easy to grow and use.2.will make hospitals safer3.can cure infections4.kills bacteria5.can be used to treat diseases.


________helped Flaming discover penicillin. ________as a result, Flaming discovered

penicillin.________led to Flaming ’s discovery of



Suppose you were Flaming, and would be interviewed by the reporters. Tell them what you have discovered and what it canbe used for and so on. Let’s work in four.


According to what you have discussed now, imagine you are Flaming, write a letter to a famous medical journal to tell about your discovery.


If time is limited,leave the writing part as homework

1)He looks as if he were an artist.

Compare: It looks as if it going to rain.

2)it looks as if it might rain.

3)He talked as if he had been to London.

---- The chance of rain is small.

---- It is likely to rain.

----In fact he didn’t go to London.

----In fact he isn’t an artist.


Thank you !