Microlight Electro-Acupuncture Cancer Support Treatments using Microlight Therapy Darren Starwynn, O.M.D.

Cancer Support Strategies - The Microlight Institute Causative factors. Often based on emotional factors, toxicity, heredity and unresolved trauma. Treat by balancing Organs and PNE

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Cancer Support Treatments

using Microlight Therapy

Darren Starwynn, O.M.D.

Your Instructor

Darren Starwynn has been a pioneer in the field of vibrational acupuncture and its integration with soul healing. He has written two books, developed several vibrational medical devices and led hundreds of trainings throughout the world.


Upcoming Online Seminar

Saturday, April 1, 9 AM – 1 PM PT Fee:

Three Vital Steps for Expanding Your Practice

• Are you tired of struggling with roller coaster income, complex, non-responsive patients and personal overload?

• Are you eager to learn new approaches to attract more of your ideal patients more easily, while creating more breakthrough results for them?

• Are you ready to deepen your spirituality, and step into greater comfort and inner peace?

Upcoming Online Seminar

Saturday, April 1, 9 AM – 12 noon PT (3 hours) Fee: $49

Three Vital Steps for Expanding Your Practice

Teaching Points

• Leaky bucket energy assessment. Boosting your energy, vitality and magnetism. Self-care methods to keep your vitality and vibration high.

• Identifying and connecting with your Tribe. Learn top methods for connecting with more ideal clients. Understanding and implementing Education Based Marketing.

• Go through process for getting in touch with your Unique Brilliant Essence and committing to expressing it in your work.

The needs of cancer patients

Patients with cancer present with a wide range of symptoms and emotional states.

• Physical pain if cancer is pressing on nerves

• Toxic reactions to chemotherapy or IPT

• Depression and anxiety with resulting insomnia

• Weight loss/wasting in advanced cases

• Pre-cancer constitutional imbalances, brought more into focus

Working with Other Doctors

When working with cancer patients, it is essential to know

what other therapies the patient is receiving, and what supplements or drugs they are taking.

Acupuncture or microcurrent is unlikely to present any conflicts, but herbal medicine must be carefully considered in light of other supplementation.

Evaluation Methods

1) Hear their story, previous health issues, when diagnosed with CA, what their symptoms have been, and remissions or metastases. Ask about their predominant emotional state.

2) For pain issues: meridian involvement, etiology, ROM testing

3) Chinese pulse dx

4) Alarm point kinesiology, color challenge testing on dysfunctional test points

5) PNE center pendulum testing

Cancer Root and Branch

Root: Causative factors. Often based on emotional

factors, toxicity, heredity and unresolved trauma. Treat by balancing Organs and PNE Centers, also Mu-Shu technique, extraordinary vessels (combine these for best results), herbal medicine, color therapy very effective

Branch: Pain, nausea, weakness, reactive

depression or anxiety, digestive issues. Treat with acupuncture, Mu-Shu, PNE Balancing, auricular therapy, ear clips

Root - Systemic Treatments

Treatments that use microcurrent & color light electro-

acupuncture to strengthen and regulate the viscera, autonomic nervous system, endocrine system and associated energy centers, and to help resolve emotional/spiritual issues.

Emotional Roots of Cancer

General principle:

Each organ or body part represents a part of our expression and being. When the body/mind experiences a recurrent lack or blockage in an area of life it may produce additional cells in its associated organ in an attempt to solve the conflict.

This may manifest as a malignant tumor.

When the person gets in touch with the original conflict and finds another form of resolution the tumor may regress or disappear

ExamplesFrom book “Biogeneology Sourcebook by C. Fleche”

Liver: fear of lack, starvation

Blood (Leukemia): Loss of self-esteem, danger in growing up

Brain: Trying to find solution beyond one’s usual intellectual capabilities (example)

Lungs: Fear of death or suffocation, giving/receiving blockages

Prostate: Shame or conflict about unclean sexual experience

Breasts: Conflicts of separation or blocks to nurturing

Emotional Roots of CancerFrom book “Healing the Root of Pain”

How to select Root & Branch Tx I

Treat the Branch first for:

• Acute pain

• Fever, chills, acute sickness

• Nausea, drug reactions

How to select Root & Branch Tx II

Treat the Root for:

• Core emotional/spiritual issues

• Fatigue/dysfunction due to weak Organs

• Boost immune system

• When symptomatic (Branch) treatments have not worked adequately!

Pain Relief Guidelines & Cautions

• No use of pad electrodes on CA patients

• Focus on distal points, auricular points and master points – minimize local treatment over tumor

• If using local-distal microlight tx, use + probe over tumor, - on distal or auricular points

• Use kinesiology to help determine choice of points, techniques and colors – makes a big difference

• Use sequence therapy method

• If pain is not relieved at all after sequence therapy, focus on systemic (Root) tx and discuss with other docs

• Often good to insert ear intradermal needles for stimulation between sessions

• May have to supplement severe deficiency to be able to relieve pain

Suggested Pain Relief SequenceUse 3 – 5 techniques per session

• Internal balancing: Mu-Shu, PNE Therapy (5 – 30 minutes)

• Probes – Polarized local-distal (2 – 5 minutes)

• Probes – Auricular micro-macro (2 – 3 minutes)

• Bleeding technique – Use carefully on Master Tong points distal to tumors

Evaluation Methods

Alarm Point Kinesiology –Using “O” Ring to test Pericardium at Ren 17

TCM Alarm (Mu) Points

Manaka Alarm (Mu) Points

Color Challenge Testing

1) Use testing to determine Organs, pain points or chakras that are imbalanced. These will cause muscle test to go weak when patient touches test point.

2) Place color filters on skin next to test point one at a time while patient continues to touch point. Test to see if muscle gets stronger.

3) Test filters as needed until you find one with strongest effect at making weak test point get rock solid. That is the color most indicated for treatment.

PNE Balancing

PNE Center Evaluation Methods

• Dowsing with a pendulum

• Sensing with the hands

• Kinesiology

Applications of PNE Balancing

• Increase effectiveness of chronic pain tx

• Support internal disease treatments – including hard to diagnose disorders

• Help clear psyche and emotions

• Improve outcomes of addiction treatment

• Enhance brain function

• Works very well with acupuncture, psychotherapy and chiropractic

Front And Rear PNE Centers

Front Center connects with

environment and other people

through function, rear Center gives power and vitality

to function

PNE Correspondances

PNE Center Bodily System Endocrine Associated Cancers

Common colors

1st - Root Reproductive Gonads, Leydig cells

Prostate, genital, colon, bone

Red, Green

2nd - Sacral Genito-urinary Adrenals Uterine, ovarian, colon, bone

Orange, Blue, Magenta, Scarlet

3rd - Solar Digestive Pancreas islets of Langerhans

Pancreatic, stomach, liver, leukemia

Yellow, Violet, Magenta, Green

4th - Heart Circulatory Thymus Lungs, thymus, upper back, skin, leukemia

Green, Magenta, Red, Turquoise

5th - Throat Respiratory Thyroid, parathyroid

Throat, lungs, skin Blue, Orange, Indigo

6th - Brow Autonomic Nervous System

Pituitary, hypothalamus

Brain, sense organs, pituitary

Indigo, Blue, Turquoise

7th - Crown Central Nervous System control

Pineal Brain Violet, Red, Indigo

Step 1: Identify Issue

• Do intake, schmooze with patient, learn about his or her physical & emotional issues and life circumstances

• Help patient prioritize and verbalize what they want to work on

• Helping patient craft a healing statement is very powerful. The statement should help them break addiction, illusions, lies and belief in disempowerment


• Make sure you know the patient’s religious and spiritual beliefs, and their open-ness to self-responsibility for the creation of their issues before you speak with them in the healing process.

• Never hurt anyone, even with the truth!

• Be very discrete about sharing your intuitive insights or third eye images.

• Help the patient to get the truth for themselves.

PNE: 12 Step Treatment Plan

1) Setting intention:

(example) “It is my intention to support this patient in receiving the greatest possible

benefit from this session. I invoke all my healing resources, guidance and treasures

and ask them to turn on and assist me and this client. I will use the best of my

techniques and arts but also recognize that he must do his own inner healing. I

acknowledge that all true healing comes from Spirit. Therefore I take on nothing from

him into myself except unconditional love. My boundaries are clear and secure.”

2) Client’s invocation

3) Tuning into the body

4) Intake: Determine key imbalanced center and challenge test for needed color and/or oils

5) Help patient create highly resonant intentional statement for session

PNE: 12 Step Treatment Plan

6) Color and Essential Oil Selection -kinesiology

7) Getting permission – Direct or indirect tx?

8) Positioning – sitting up or standing

9) PNE Tx: Apply Microlight probes while patient does guided toning and chanting

Tones for each PNE Center

PNE Center Sanskrit Seed Sound Chinese Seed Sound

Root – 1st

Lam Hei or Hei-Ya

Sacral – 2nd Vam Hung or Hung-Ya

Solar – 3rd Ram Hong or Hong-Ya

Heart – 4th Yam Ahh or Ay-Ya

Throat – 5th Ham Xi (Shi) or Xi-Ya

Brow – 6th Om or A Yi or Yi-Ya

Crown – 7th Aum Hung or Hung-Ya

Case Study #1

• Woman, age 65, Dx: Stage 4 Pancreatic cancer. Very good health and vitality aside from cancer

• Got Hep C from transfusion, developed liver mass, then developed CA

• Tends to have a lot of anger, but very well controlled now, took on from parents

• Crusader for human rights

• Has had extensive acupuncture

• Tongue purplish and thick

Case 1: Evaluation

• O-Ring testing: Heart, Spleen weak, other Organs very strong

• PNE testing: Cloverleaf patterns in ALL centers (unusual)

• Tested positive for Magenta color in all PNE centers (unusual)

• Got in touch with “will to live” issues about living through Earth transition time

Case 1: Treatment

• Applied Probe #2 with Magenta light to PNE centers 2, 3, 4 and 5 with patient sitting up in darkened room

• Chanted with patient: VAM, RAM, HAM, YAM for each center as it was treated moving up the body.

• Re-tested PNE centers – All open (clockwise circles) except for heart – still in cloverleaf. She said “my closed heart has been my main issue throughout my life”.

• Heart now tested positive for Violet. Re-applied with tone HAM.

• After this Heart center was open wide. Patient felt a great deal of opening and inner peace.

• Concluded by treating a series of back-shu and other points with Green microlight treatment (from A Lazy Bum’s Healing by Tom Tan book)

Case Study #2

Initial brief evaluation

• Woman, age 58, Dx: Stage 4 lymphoma, location: neck area.

• Had been teaching in cold basement room, had had severe sinus issues and tonsil infection, could not blow nose.

• Had spoken and written several long letters to employer about her bad condition and had been ignored.

• Had CT scan, sonogram, did not catch cancer. Finally a biopsy did.

• Her affect suggests a lot of fear and emotional stress

Case Study #2 Evalution

• PNE testing showed PNE center 5 (throat center) imbalanced.

• She had pattern of “not being heard” in her relationship with employer and others

• PNE treatment will likely help her get in touch with and clear that pattern which will hopefully help her respond better to IPT treatments she is receiving at the clinic.

Case Study #3

4 treatments

• Woman, age 64, Dx: Stage 4 breast cancer

• Left hand partially paralyzed after multiple traumas to head and neck. Misdiagnosed with Parkinson’s due to tremor.

• Very metaphysically oriented.

• Has gambling addiction

Case 3: Treatments (3)

• Tx 1: Needles: SI 3, SI 9, peck Baxie, LI4, Ling Ku, Soul acupuncture. Left arm function improved 30%

• Tx 2: PNE therapy on heart, got in touch with persecution memories from past lifetime as Cathar, felt re-connection to her angelic team

• Tx 3: Some lasting improvement in left arm. PNE: Scarlet and Green on PNE 2, Magenta on PNE 4, Turquoise on PNE 3. Felt significant improvement in arm and consciousness afterwards.

Case Study #4

2 treatments

• Woman, age 63, Dx: Stage 4 pancreatic cancer

• She is an oncologist, interested in alt medicine

• Felt that she had missed the “sweetness of life” due to strict upbringing in south America and intense work commitment. No nourishment from mother.

Case 4: Evaluation

• Pulses strong except for right hand Root position

• Tongue pale on top

• O-Ring testing: left Lung, Liver, Ren 4 weak

• PNE testing: Heart diagonal up to right

Case 5


Ann, Woman, age 57 Diagnosis – ovarian cancer, had surgery two years before. Ann now complained of pain in her back, difficulty walking, constipation and swelling in her thighs.

Emotional description – Needed better boundaries and self-love. She understood that she had taken on emotional pain and issues of her teenage adopted children into her own body.

Findings: Tongue swollen, pulse showed Middle Warmer regions weak. Sacral, Solar and Heart chakras showed imbalanced spin patterns. Weak Organs from Alarm Point Kinesiology test – Spleen, Triple Warmer, Ren 5 test point

First treatment:

Step One – Needle acupuncture applied on TW 3, TW 10, Sp 3 and Sp 5. This is a Polar Meridian Pair balancing pattern from Japanese acupuncture – combining treatment of two Organs opposite on the Chinese Clock.

Step Two – Needle treatment of Ling Ku combination on right hand for opposite back and leg pain.

Step Three – Root treatment with Acutron microcurrent and light therapy using Violet light to balance Spleen function. Followed by Branch (symptomatic) Circling the Dragon treatment on painful leg areas for local pain relief effect.

Step Four – Reverse Body Image microcurrent electro-acupuncture therapy for hip pain. This involved placing using polarized probe therapy, placing + probe on painful hip points and – probe on upper chest reflex points for the hip.

I gave her a custom essential oil blend to place on her chakra points and smell several times a day.

After this treatment she reported feeling “much better”. Middle Warmer is a term from Chinese Medicine that refers to the middle portion of the Triple Warmer. Upper Warmer

includes the chest area, Middle Warmer the upper abdomen and Lower Warmer the lower abdomen.

Second treatment:

This was two days after first treatment. Ann reported more mental positivity, reduced constipation and good, but temporary back pain relief.

Findings: Pulse weak on Kidney Yang position on R hand. This time Urinary Bladder and Small Intestine Organ test points showed weak, Spleen was stronger. Solar Plexus and Heart chakras still showed distorted spin patterns.


Step One – I needled Ling Ku combination in right hand and LI 11 and SI 3 on left arm for back and leg pain relief

Step Two – PNE therapy on Solar Plexus chakra with Purple light, Magenta light (no current) on front and back of Heart chakra.

Step Three – As part of PNE Balancing, I guided Ann in connecting with and dialoguing with her inner child while focusing on her lower abdomen (Sacral chakra). She had memories of a cruel aunt who had taken care of her during early childhood and who was very critical and had withheld love. Ann’s inner child spoke to this aunt and verbalized her feelings that she had not been able to verbalize at that age. She spoke her mind and when she felt clear I guided Ann in forgiveness practice with the aunt and herself.

After these steps of treatment Ann had a big emotional release experience. She told me that all her pain was gone and that she felt very light.

Upcoming Online Seminar

Saturday, April 1, 9 AM – 12 noon PT (3 hours) Fee: $49

Three Vital Steps for Expanding Your Practice

Teaching Points

• Leaky bucket energy assessment. Boosting your energy, vitality and magnetism. Self-care methods to keep your vitality and vibration high.

• Identifying and connecting with your Tribe. Learn top methods for connecting with more ideal clients. Understanding and implementing Education Based Marketing.

• Go through process for getting in touch with your Unique Brilliant Essence and committing to expressing it in your work.

If you would like to contact Darren:

[email protected]

For more information:
