CityNews December 10-16

Canberra CityNews December 10-16, 2009

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WHAT’S happening in Garema Place and City Walk? Not much, it seems. The “for lease” signs are everywhere and no one wants to talk about why this part of town is mouldering. Elsewhere in this week’s edition, we feature Ginette Snow’s fond look at the history of Canberra’s airport, offer tips to avoid eating weevils (no, really) and there’s lots of fun reading with a Christmas theme. Ho, ho, it’s just a click away.

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CityNews December 10-16 �

CAMELS on the loose, rhinos passing through, ruts in the runway and emergency landings – the history of Canberra airport is certainly unique, and has been lovingly documented by Ginette Snow, passionate photographer and wife of Canberra Airport executive chairman Terry, in her new book “Canberra Airport – A Pictorial History”.

“It was a joy to put the book together,” she says. “So little had been written about the air-port prior to this, so it was exciting to dig out the early history and some new material.

“And, of course, the quirky little stories – like camels being brought out to welcome troops from Sinai and which caused a pilot much confusion when he was told to go around again because a camel was on the runway – just made it so much fun.

“There was the time an Alitalia plane had to land here and we didn’t have stairs high enough to reach the door – and then when it did take off it completely destroyed the runway because it wasn’t equipped for such heavy aircraft.

“Oh, and there were the rhinoceros that were transferred from South Africa to Dubbo via Canberra,” she smiles. “Unusual visitors!”

“Including things like that just makes the story more human. I love it,” she says. “It’s not just a history of a passenger terminal.”

Ginette was ideally placed to put this book to-gether, she says. “The family connection means I’ve seen the airport grow and change so much,” she says. “I took photos of everything over the past 10 years – it’s just my nature to document things. I never thought the photos would end up in a book though!”

The book was written as a way of reflecting on where Canberra Airport has come from and where it’s going – just as the rebuilding of the complex is coming to its final stage with the ad-dition of the new terminal, she says.

“I love taking record of things,” she smiles. “I’m a genealogist, so it’s a passion of mine.” It’s all about passion with Ginette, who’s a mother of four and a grandmother of seven, a qualified pharmacist and scientist, and also has her fixed-wing commercial pilot licence and a helicopter licence. Her love of photography ex-tends beyond aviation, too. “Although I really do love taking pictures on construction sites, and can often be found hanging out of a helicopter to get my aerial shots!” she laughs. She says she

loves macro photography, particularly intricate, detailed shots of insects and flowers.

“I can’t wait for it to get warmer so there will be more insects around for me to shoot,” she says.

Ginette says that life with her entrepreneurial husband Terry is never dull. “Now, he really is the passionate one,” she smiles. “Whether it’s for sailing, flying, cycling or his latest thing, horse-riding, he gives it his all. He can’t just potter around on a boat, he has to sail around Australia. Everything is like that with Terry. He just believes that life is short, and wants to get as much out of it as he possibly can!”

Terry is also passionate about beautiful buildings, and it was his vision for Brindabella Park to be an inspiring place to work. “I remem-ber him looking out over this vast empty space, telling me there would be buildings there one day,” she says. “Ten years later, here it is. He’s certainly a man of his word.”

“Canberra Airport – A Pictorial History” is in local libraries and is available to buy for $50 (which will be donated to the charity Home in Queanbeyan). Contact Canberra Airport on 6275 2222 or email [email protected].

Ginette Snow… “So little had been written about the airport prior to this, so it was exciting to dig out the early history and some new material.” Photo by Silas

Ginette flies into historyKATHRYN VUKOVLJAK meets photographer and genealogist Ginette Snow whose new book puts a human face on the history of Canberra’s airport.


Editor: Ian Meikle, [email protected] editor: Kathryn Vukovljak, 6262 9100 [email protected] editor: Helen Musa, 0400 [email protected] and photography: Silas Brown, 0412 718086Designer: Joran DilucianAccounts manager: Bethany Freeman-Chandler [email protected] and circulation: Richard Watson, 6262 [email protected]


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FRONT COVER: “CityNews” reader Simone gets a party time makeover. Story Pages 20-21. Photo by Silas

The Alitalia jumbo… had to land in Canberra, but there were no stairs high enough to reach the doors.

INDEXDecember 10-16, 2009 Since 1993: Volume 15, Number 48

Arts&Entertainment 17-23Body 26Crossword 28Dining 24Fashion 25Home 27Horoscope 28Letters 12Movie reviews 23News 3-12Politics 6Property 29-31Social Scene 14-16Sudoku 28

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news focus

UP and down City Walk and into Garema Place, empty shells of now-defunct businesses remain vacant such as the old Starbucks and the corner café Bardelli’s. Independent retailers such as 613 Clothing, Matilda’s Souvenirs and an ex-hairdressing salon have all gone, replaced by “for lease” signs. The old Impact Records/JB Hi-Fi outlet at the entrance to Garema Place, near the bus interchange, has been vacant since the re-tailer moved to the Canberra Centre two years ago, while around the corner at the Melbourne Building there are at least five spaces within 100 metres of each other available on the bus interchange side.

One retailer in City Walk, who declined to be named, told “CityNews” it was a terrible state of af-fairs, heartbreaking for the operators who have stuck with the area.

“It’s really very sad,” he said. “This used to be such a happy, vibrant and busy area for all types of busi-nesses, but now it’s totally dead. Hardly anyone shops in this area anymore. I mean, you can drive your car right into the Canberra Centre, shop there and return without ever needing to enter this area of Civic at all. I am not sure what can be done.”

At a recent Chamber of Commerce lunch, guest speaker Chief Minister Jon Stanhope, in answering a question about making the city more vibrant, said it wasn’t the Government’s job to make any particular part of town commercially more attractive to shop-pers. That was the role of the private sector.

“CityNews” sought comment from several organisa-tions with an interest in the Civic property market.

Property Council ACT executive director Catherine Carter declined to comment, adding that “it was the council’s policy not to comment on these matters”.

Linda Staite, CEO of Canberra CBD Limited also declined to comment to “CityNews”, saying that it was not within their brief.

Calls went unreturned to offices of real estate agents Raine and Horne Commercial and LJ Hooker Commercial.

Walk on the quiet side

The old Impact Records/JB Hi-Fi outlet at the entrance to Garema Place.

Empty shells of now-defunct businesses remain vacant such as the old Starbucks and the corner café Bardelli’s.

Independent retailers such as 613 Clothing, Matilda’s Souvenirs and an ex-hairdressing salon have all gone, replaced by “for lease” signs. Photos by Silas

Vacancies in the Melbourne Building.

what’s happening in City walk and its surrounding areas? Once the shopping heart of Civic, but now, as our pictures show, the area is becoming a retail ghost town.

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pOLiTiCSBy Michael Moore



THE first female premier of NSW, Kristina Ke-neally, is described as a “staunch Catholic”.

“Staunch” is probably not a strong enough description for ex-seminarian Tony Abbott and some of his strident supporters. One pertinent example is Kevin Andrews whose zeal drove the nail into the coffin of Australia’s Voluntary Active Euthanasia legislation in the NT and the ACT.

In the ACT, Opposition Leader Zed Ses-elja and the majority of his team are practicing Catholics. But why should it matter if someone is a Catholic, I hear you ask – and especially if you are a Catholic yourself? It shouldn’t if the Catholic belief was not used to inflict a religious view on the rest of society. It should not matter at all.

However, take the issue of abortion. Surveys over the last few decades constantly show that the overwhelming majority of people believe that a woman should be able to choose for herself whether to continue with a pregnancy or to seek a termination. But legislatures seem to be completely out of step with community attitudes.

The feminist-leaning Queensland Premier, Anna Bligh, is unsure of the influence of Ca-tholicism within the parliament to make her reluctant to wrestle with abortion after the RU486 issue in her State. It is also interesting that Premier Katrina Keneally, not only de-scribes herself as a “staunch Catholic” but also as a “staunch feminist”. On the abortion issue, surely these two staunch concepts are in direct conflict?

The difficulty for a staunch Catholic is that should they support such an issue there is the danger of being tainted with mortal sin – with catastrophic consequences for their immortal soul. Of course, not all Catholics or all Catholic representatives are “staunch”. On the other hand, there are liberal or relaxed Catholics who may well practise their own religion, but are careful not to inflict the tenets on others.

So there are a few Catholics in our legisla-tures, where is the problem?

The ascendancy of the conservative Catholic faction in NSW, under the careful guidance of Upper House Member Dave Clarke, has added a new dimension. Like the Catholic prelate in Australia, Cardinal George Pell, these people are openly militant in their views and are, of course, closely associated with his Eminence. It is not just the NSW Labor Premier: the influ-ence is right through the legislature. And the web is spreading. The new Federal Opposition Leader, the aptly named Tony Abbot, is also closely associated with this fundamentalist wing of the NSW parliament.

Growing up as a Catholic in SA, I can easily recall the faithful support of my parents for the

Democratic Labour Party. They would never miss an episode of Bob Santamaria’s “Point of View”. They believed that such support would defeat the atheism of the Communist Party and the infiltration that it had achieved into the Australian Labour Party of the time.

When the Catholic Bishop of Canberra and Goulburn said he believed that Calvary hospi-tal should not be sold to the government and received support from Cardinal Pell, the pres-sure was on for the ACT Liberals to support the approach.

The non-Catholic health spokesman Jeremy Hanson has successfully carried the Opposition position with the perception that this resistance was not generated by conservative Catholic ele-ments. Perhaps it is true – there are some good arguments against the sale – but the perception is clear that the local Liberal Party is dancing to the tune of the sons of the papacy.

Canberra journalist Jack Waterford has neatly described the phenomenon as moralism. It is not about the views people hold in private – it is about the role the Catholic Church plays in setting the standards for the rest of the com-munity. There is a good reason why modern democracies have been built on the principle of the separation between church and state. The danger is that this principle is being whittled away.

Michael Moore is a former member of the ACT Legislative Assembly and an independent minis-ter for health in the Carnell Government.

Growing influence of the Catholic view

Christmas dinner savedA $5000 donation from GreaterGood and The Snow Foundation has rescued St John’s traditional Canberra Community Christmas lunch from being cancelled due to a lack of funding. The cheque was presented by Koula Notaras, on behalf of the Harry and Helen Notaras Memorial Foundation, and Ginette Snow, for the Snow Foundation. The Reid church’s Christmas lunch gives 400 less fortunate people, or people in want of company a free Christmas meal with the intention being that no one should spend Christmas Day alone.

Fines riseFINES for parking and traffic infringements have risen by 10 per cent. The increase was previously announced by the Government in the 2009-10 Budget.

The fine for driving from 16 kph to 30 kmh over the limit has increased from $223 to $245 and not wearing a seatbelt from $259 to $284. The standard parking fine has risen from $72 to $79 and the penalty for parking illegally in disabled bays from $159 to $174.

Tony Abbott… “Staunch” is probably not a strong enough description.

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brieflyGary gets a goACT Liberal Senator Gary Humphries has been appointed shadow parliamentary secretary for families, housing and human services and the shadow parliamentary secretary for citizenship in new federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott’s reshuffle of his front bench.

Repeat offendersONE in three of the 133 motorists apprehended for drink-driving offences in the past month were repeat offenders. Police statistics for November 2-30 reveal that recidivist drink-driving continues to be a problem, with 43 drivers apprehended having either one or more previous drink-driving offences.

Evans to ANUFORMER Foreign Minister Gareth Evans will succeed Kim Beazley as ANU chancellor. Professor Beazley has been named Australian ambassador to the US. Mr Evans will take up the appointment early in the New Year. Mr Evans has had a long career in public life, including 21 years in the Australian Parliament and 13 years as a Cabinet Minister.

Plastic gets baggingFIFTY-nine per cent of the 560 households surveyed by telephone as part of the ACT Government’s community consultation on the use of plastic bags believe there are problems associated with the use of plastic bags and when asked what areas of waste they thought needed better management, almost 23 per cent said plastic bags. “The survey showed that many Canberrans are already acting responsibly when it comes to use of plastic bags, but there is also a growing level of support for alternatives to be provided by both Governments and the private retail sectors,” Environment Minister Simon Corbell said.

WHILE it’s generally not danger-ous to ingest them, the thought of unwittingly eating a weevil or a moth’s egg with pasta isn’t exactly appetising, entomologist Gary Cochrane warns “CityNews” readers.

Re-opening a packet only to have moths fly out, or to see weevil larvae milling around, is all too common, he says.

While they prefer warm, humid environments, insects are very adaptive: Canberra’s dry climate – and the cold over winter – doesn’t offer us any protection from them, says Gary, principal entomologist at Amalgamated Pest Control.

“Even over winter, people tend to have the temperature raised indoors, so it’s nice and easy for insects to adapt to our environ-ment,” he says.

“It’s cosy indoors, so all sorts of things move in.”

This adaptability means crawl-ies such as weevils and Indian

meal moths are good at seeking out and finding sources of food – like those in our pantries.

“They’ll put out a pheromone signal to other insects to let them know that this is where the food is, and they’ll all migrate towards the pantry,” Gary says.

“It’s time to start looking for things that have been opened – a lot of the time people will make a couple of meals out of a foodstuff and leave the rest of the packet open in the pantry.

“And they won’t notice, even if they’re quite fastidious. A lot of the time, we’ll send pest control-lers out to deal with something common like ants or cockroaches, and the exterminators will think, ‘hello, what’s that in the pantry?’”

If left unchecked, weevil larvae can start spreading out around the house – “they can migrate quite a long distance.”

They may end up infesting other areas in search of more food

sources, particularly in rooms that aren’t well tended (such as those occupied by teenagers!).

Pantry pests can even end up infesting items we might not have thought of.

“In recent years, a lot of people have bought cloth bags which are put in the microwave and used to soothe back pain. A lot of them contain wheat – and then when they’re left idle for some time in the cupboard, they often turn out to be part of an infestation!”

Other insects can get into dried spices and even stored cigarettes, Gary says.

“You’d think there was no way they’d want to get into some of

these things, like cumin in partic-ular – but you can’t underestimate them!”

Eating them won’t hurt us – “they’re not hazardous for hu-man consumption,” Gary says.

“But I’m sure we’d all rather find something in the food before we’ve eaten it, rather than after.

“I know of a few cases even in restaurants where there’s been pasta served and in the remnants, it’s quite obvious that there’s been an infestation.

“No patron’s going to take kind-ly to that, nor any dinner guest. So it’s time to go through the pantry and make sure that doesn’t hap-pen.”

pantries are the place to watch out for pests like indian meal moths and rice weevils, a squirming MeGAN HAGGAN discovers…

Look who’s coming to dinner…


Weevils… “They’ll put out a pheromone signal to other insects to let them know that this is where the food is, and they’ll all migrate towards the pantry.”

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SMOKING will be banned in outdoor dining and drinking areas within 12 months after the ACT Assembly passed tough laws designed to protect workers and members of the public from exposure to to-bacco smoke.

Smoking is already banned in enclosed areas.

Pubs and clubs will be able to designate an outdoor smoking area of no more than 50 per cent of their outdoor space, Health Minister Katy Gallagher said after the passing of the Smok-ing (Prohibition in Enclosed Public Places) Amendment Bill 2009.

“No person under the age of 18 will be allowed in designated

outdoor smoking areas and the service of food or drink in those areas will not be permit-ted,” she said.

“Workers in the hospital-ity industry deserve the same protection that is provided to those working indoors.”

Also contained in the Act is a ban on smoking at under-age functions.

“With the ban on under-age functions, not only will our children and young people no longer be exposed to the effects of tobacco smoke, but it will also reinforce the no smoking message, helping to reduce the likelihood of young people tak-ing up smoking.”

Tobacco consumption is the single largest preventable cause of premature death in Australia. An estimated 15,511 Australians die from tobacco-related illnesses each year.

Meanwhile, Anita Rodrigues Macias, community educator, tobacco control at the Cancer Council ACT says that many people try to quit smoking at the New Year – but it can be a difficult time to give up.

“Times of great social ac-tivity and stress, such as over Christmas and New Year, aren’t a great time,” Anita told “CityNews”.

“Quitting’s never easy, so we suggest people choose a time of year when they can actually make it a priority – and when it’s more likely that it’ll be more important to them to quit than to smoke!”

Regular smoking rates (de-fined as a person smoking at least weekly) are slightly low-er in the ACT than in the rest of the country, but it’s women driving the trend: only 13.7

per cent of Canberran women smoke, compared to just over 15 per cent nationally.

Men smoke slightly more: 18.7 per cent compared to 18.6 per cent.

Health Minister Katy Gallagher… “This is all about protecting workers”

Smoking bangoes outdoors

Anita Rodrigues Macias… “Quitting’s never easy.”

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Letters are invited from “CityNews” readers. Let loose to [email protected] or write to the editor at GPO Box 2448, Canberra 2601. Letters of 200 words or less stand a better chance of publication.


WHILST I was surprised the Liberal Party took a leap into the unknown with Tony Abbott, I am struck by some of those who, as is their parti-san want, predictably paint him as socially conservative and overly religious. Our current PM Kevin Rudd is the most religious PM since Labor’s Andrew Fisher (i.e. about 100 years). They are both remarkably similar, not differ-ent, on that front.

M. Gordon, Flynn

Time warp againABBOTT... It's a jump to the RIGHT... Let's do the time warp again...

George Poulos, Dover Heights, nsW

Educate the kidsJUST when schoolies are hitting the beaches and party zones in force, $300,000 in drugs was just seized on the Gold Coast, causing alarm bells to ring loud and clear all over Australia that we should warn our kids about the dangers of drugs now and ensure they are well educated on the subject.

Another story just ran that diggers in Af-ghanistan have been getting involved in drug abuse due to boredom, which is a common rea-son behind youth abuse as well.

You hardly have to talk about the dangers of cocaine that took the life of WA footballer Chris “Mainy” Mainwarin in 2007.

So the answer is to do it now: Educate the youth. Drug Free Ambassadors Australia is getting the word out throughout the holiday season to inform people. There is a lot of hype.

So you got to wade through that to get the an-swers. The Church of Scientology Australia has sponsored booklets, fliers and DVDs to go out far and wide to reduce the demand and help save lives.

Contact the group at [email protected] or call on 0428 755244 for a free information kit. The new “Truth about Drugs” two-hour documentary can also be sent out free to community groups and schools and those who assist others in the drug and alcohol sector.

cyrus Brooks, president, Drug Free ambassadors australia

Don’t blame GoogleI AGREE with Judy Bamberger (Letters, CN December 3). I don’t think Rupert [Murdoch] should be blaming Google for lost readership or stealing content. Google is just taking ad-vantage of the new media landscape, where the economy of free rules over the economy of limited space. The power of the media is no longer held by a select few and has shifted to the people, thanks mainly to the lowered cost of entry brought about by the internet. Rupert would be better off opening the gates, not lock-ing himself behind a pay wall.

s Brown, ainslie

Remarkably similar

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sceneAt the ‘Of Love and War’ opening, Australian War Memorial

More photos at www.facebook.com/canberracitynews

Heather Gower, Jacki Weaver and Judy Robinson Helen Campbell and Gwen McNeill Mandy and Peter Kershaw with Emma Campbell

Anne Bennie, Ashley Ekens and Rebecca BrittAngela Boothby and Louise Doyle

Peter Pederson and Marylou Pooley

Kendall Brown and Lisa Ridgley Liz McGrath, Bob Gill and Judi Baker

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sceneAt the opening of ‘Masterpieces from Paris’, National Gallery of Australia

Mike Wightman and Katherine McMahon Sarah Norton-Knight and Emily Caska Carolyn Grant, Karina Donnelly, Nicole Tiedgen and Susanna Dunkerley

Jack Smith and Esther SainsburyLaura Mulherin, Kate O'Leary and Angela Pickett Michelle Levy, Alex Chapman and Robyn Hendry Anthony Toms with Dana and Carlo Tosolini

Jeremy Paul and Sandra Sweeney Marie and Peter Fenner

Jessica Thoms and Sam Trobe

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Christmas scene Invite us at [email protected]

At ClubsACT Christmas drinks, Press Club, Barton At ‘CityNews’ Christmas party, Press Club, Barton

Treasurer Katy Gallagher with retiring ClubsACT CEO Bob Samarcq and wife Sue Lou Gleeson and Greg Jones

Dub Kolobaric, Lorraine White and Simon Hawkins Jim and Liz Shonk with James Service

Speaker Shane Rattenbury, Phil Lynch and Gordon McDonald Greg Vickers, Ken Norris, David Lalor and Max Mercer

Jess Wurt, Yersheena O'Donoghue and John Schlach

Logan White, Julia Paez and Jamie Wilson

Marietta Rudolf and Lizzie Wagner

Moira Maloney, Beatrix Nagy, host Greg Jones, Ian McLean and Gabriella Prideaux

Andrew Gill, Gail Freeman, Robert Macklin, Philip Kouvelis and Jeremy Hanson

Joe Woodward and Simone Penkethman

Tristen Cassar and Viktoria Novak

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all about ChristmasIT is doubtful you could find a better place in Australia to buy arty Christmas presents than Canberra.

Not only are there the national institutions with their patriotic objects and beautiful modern jewellery, but the ACT arts community pulls all the stops out in providing affordable and luxurious artworks that you can give friends and family. And, believe me, you’ll get extra kudos for giving unique presents.

Ann Jakle, from the Canberra Glassworks, has told me of "Limited Lines", a cash-and-carry retail exhibition of glass art works, objects and jewellery (and hand made Christmas decora-tions) by Tae Schmeisser, Harriet Schwarzrock, Nikki Main, Erin Conron, Brian Corr, Amy Schleif, Tim Edwards and Sarah Murphy. It runs at their Wentworth Avenue, Kingston, premises until January 28 (Wednesday to Sunday 10am to 4pm).

A more alluring title for a Christmas show is "Exquisite: hand-made objects perfect for giving", the name chosen by Craft ACT for its cash-and-carry show. You can catch that until December 20 at in Gallery 1, Level 1, North Building, Civic Square, Tuesday to Friday 10am to 4pm and Saturday, noon to 4pm.

Beaver Galleries has its annual Christmas collection showing at 81 Denison Street, Deakin, until December 24, Tuesday to Friday 10am to 5pm; Saturday and Sunday, 9am to 5pm. Susie Beaver recommends beautiful glass works by Benjamin Edols, or delicate jewellery by Robin Wells.

One of the longest-running festive season sales is Canberra Potters' Society Christmas Gift Fair running at 1 Aspinall Street, Watson (10am to 4pm Thursday to Sunday), where you can pick up beautiful bargain ceramic items by local potters.

I popped into "Colourful Christmas" at Helen and Johannes Kuhnen’s Workshop Bilk at 53 Ken-dall Street, Queanbeyan, where connoisseurs were picking out metal and glass objects and jewellery on sale until December 19 (opening hours Wednesday to Saturday, 11am to 5.30pm).

The annual ANCA Christmas sale of works is on at 1 Rosevear Street, Deakin, while out at bu-colic Strathnairn Homestead Gallery, 90 Stockdill Drive, Holt, is the pre-Christmas exhibition and gift sale “Objects of Desire", running Saturday and Sunday until December 20, 10am to 4.30pm.

Crafty special arty gifts arts in the city By Helen Musa

Happenings just keep happening

I AM constantly mystified by complaints that nothing ever happens in Canberra. Take Thursday, December 3, for instance. My diary included invitations to the big French Masters party in the Sculpture Garden at the NGA, the Vice-Chancellor’s Christmas party for alumni at the ANU, Canberra Contemporary Art Space’s photo opening for “Apogee/Perigee” by Genevieve Swifte and Patrick Tisserand at Manuka, Tuggeranong Arts Centre's “Indigiglass 09” opening, Kylie Weston-Scheuber’s launch of her “Purely Performance Poetry 2” at Smiths Bookstore in Alinga Street, first night of “The Musical of Musicals (The Musical!” at the Courtyard Studio and the “CityNews” Christmas party at the National Press Club. Nothing indeed!

THE truly fabulous David Pereira Cello Series for 2009 will conclude on December 11 at 7.30pm and December 12, 3pm in Wesley Music Centre. The program features cellists Pereira, James Larsen, William Martina, Bonnie Smart and Bernadette Morrison, mezzo soprano Christina Wilson, pianist Alan Hicks, flautist Vernon Hill, The Thirsty Night Singers and Martin Wesley-Smith composer/con-ductor.

A LENGTHY media release has arrived from local DJ and music entrepreneur Frank Madrid, who says he has pulled out of Carnival for the National Multicultural Festival. Madrid hints at “the new realities of the National Multicultural Festival”.

THE inaugural “Best of the Best” graduating design students exhibition from the University of Canberra is showcasing the top student projects for 2009. It all happens at the Gallery of Australian Design, located on the lake at Commonwealth Place in what the National Portrait Gallery used to call its “beach bungalow”. The show runs 10am-4pm, Wednesday to Saturday, to January 26,.

THE Summer Rhythm Festival, at Goolabri Resort, 202 Goolabri Drive, Sutton, on December 13 runs from 11am to 11pm with DJ Endorphin, Ganga Giri, King Tide, hip-hop group Raw City Ruckus, and coastal guitarist Kim Churchill. It is a charity event, with all proceeds going to local 16-year-old Tim Markcrow and the Spinal Injuries Association.

By arts editor Helen Musa

18ct gold pink tourmaline ovoid necklace by Robin Wells, Beaver Galleries

Glasswork by Sarah Murphy, Canberra Glassworks.

Oxidised sterling silver ‘Fragile’ series of brooches by Robin Wells, Beaver Galleries

Oxidised sterling silver flower neckpieces by Robin Wells, Beaver Galleries

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THE department store Santa is an important part of Christmas, but when you think about it playing Santa can be a tough gig. Over the last few years I’ve come to admire those brave souls who don a red suit to listen to our children’s wishes and coax them into staying still for two seconds for the mandatory Christmas photo.

When the mercury is hitting 35 degrees plus and even the air conditioning in the big stores is having trouble coping with hundreds of people pouring through constantly opening doors, it can’t be much fun to sit around for hours padded up and disguised with a scratchy synthetic beard and wig.

Talk about having to keep your calm under fire. There’s a constant scramble of little warm bodies climbing all over you, and many of the really tiny ones going off like a frog in a sock at the first sight of “the big red man” only to have their parents insist that a photo be taken of their howling, screaming infant. Over the years, I’ve seen or heard of Santas puked on by babies, have their beard pulled and been kicked in the most sensitive of areas. I once saw a Santa cop the contents of a whole blue slushy down his front.

I ruthlessly exploit the store Santa. It’s

with promises of seeing him that I can get the children out of the house to do all the shopping before the big day. And it’s only through subtle threats of denying them Santa visitation rights that I’m able to maintain some semblance of control.

As adults, we can’t really appreciate the powerful attraction of the department store Santa. We see through the costume and know that it’s just some poor, hot and sweaty employee under all that padding. But not so my children, who never notice how fake the beard is or how ill fitting the suit. For them, it’s pure magic.

It’s wonderful for children to let their imagination fly. And there’s nothing wrong in believing in improbable, magical things such as a freaky fairy that’s into teeth, a chocoholic Easter Bunny (my personal favourite) and in the words of the seven-year-old, “the way-cool man’’ in the red suit.

So thanks to all those heroic Christmas Santas and take heart, you guys, you’ve only got a few weeks to go!

In praise of blokes in red suits

MUM iN THe CiTYBy Sonya Fladun


’Tis the season to be… burgledCANBERRANS need to be better prepared to prevent opportunistic thefts and any surge of pre-Christmas burglaries, break-ins or mishaps, says Bryan de Caires, CEO of the Australian Security Industry Association.

“Extended absences and the presence of expensive gifts and new items over the Christmas period make security precautions all the more important,” he says.

“The security industry, working closely with the police, see a greater range of occurrences of thefts and disruptions due to festive ‘distractions’ and the prevalence of travel and office closures.”

In addition to commonsense measures such as leaving lights on timers and ensuring all access points including windows are locked, Bryan recommends that small businesses that are closing over the festive period should alarm the premises to prevent typical break-ins and theft, alert your security provider if you intend being away, don’t leave valuables in office safes for extended periods, and put a hold on mail and parcel deliveries while you’re away.

ASIAL also suggests a number of basic preventa-tive measures that can improve security around the home, and tips for Christmas shoppers while on the road. • Ensure access points are visible from the street. Trim hedges and trees to reduce hiding spots and consider a low front fence.• Well-placed sensor lights are an effective method of deterring intruders as they don’t need to be on all the time but are activated by movement. Lighting should be mounted well out of reach of tampering and, if possible, placed on all sides of your home.• Christmas shoppers should ensure any presents kept in their cars are stowed away out of sight to minimise temptation.

“My children never notice how fake the beard is or how ill fitting the suit. For them, it’s pure magic,” says Sonya Fladun.

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WE’VE seen some pretty ugly leadership spills in recent weeks. We may still get another before Christmas.

The drama and the theatre of the Federal Liberal spill were unprecedented. It had the press gallery and most of Australia hanging by a thread to the very end. Tony Abbott became the Stephen Bradbury of Australian politics by somehow remaining to stay on his skates when Joe and Malcolm stumbled.

The NSW Labor spill had many similarities; the result was in the balance to the very end.

So who else is under the pump? Which other public figure should be looking over their shoulder? I’m really worried about Rudolph... you know, the reindeer guy, the one with the red schnozz. Rudolph seems like a nice fella and he’s got all of these reindeer friends who seem to like him, too, but I don’t think all is as it appears.

Turn the clock back a little and Rudolph was a bit of an outcast. He was a reindeer nerd. The others didn’t like him and they made that abundantly clear. He was shunned and he was a lonely, sad reindeer. One day the boss comes in (that’s Santa, of course) and gave him this plum job leading the sleigh. And then, all of a sudden, he had all of these instant friends. In fact, the story goes that all of the reindeer loved him and they were shouting out “yippee” with some glee. How shallow are these reindeer? How can you go from despising someone and

treating them like a leper and then, in the next breath, they’re your best friends and you’re shouting things out with glee? Maybe we need to ask this of Julie Bishop? The rest of the reindeer had obviously backed the wrong horse and were caught wrong hoofed when Rudolph was installed as the leader. Methinks they may be plotting his demise as we speak.

I think Rudolph needs to have a good hard look at his colleagues and shore up their support between now and Christmas. I fear a Nathan Rees-style stabbing. I wonder what the rest of the reindeer are saying to Santa behind his back and when their true position will be revealed. Don’t turn your back, Rudolph, because you may find a knife in it… or even a set of antlers.

AS party time gets into full swing, police are warning of the dangers an open guest list can present, especially if invitations are sent through a social networking site and can be viewed by anyone.

“Anyone planning to hold a party should have a set guest list, and make it a rule that anyone who is not invited does not get in,” said Superintendent Kate Buggy, from the crime prevention team.

“You should also encourage guests not to invite others. It is also advisable to consider having some kind of security, which can discourage unwelcome gatecrashers particu-larly when parties involve large groups of young people.

“It’s important, too, to have a definite plan as to how to deter unwelcome guests, and to advise police of any issues sooner rather than later.

“If you are planning to host a party and serve alcohol, think about organising transport options for party leavers, including designated drivers to ensure they do not drink

and drive. Also be aware of any under-age guests, as it is an offence to supply alcohol to anyone under 18.”

She said a party in Forrest was closed one recent Sunday morning after it got out of the control of the hosts and police were asked to intervene.

“Police were advised of the details of the party earlier in the week and as a result, when a large number of gatecrashers turned up and the hosts became concerned, police were able to assist in regaining control of the situation,” Supt Buggy said.

Anyone planning a party was urged to register the details a contact number for the party organiser with police as well as notifying neighbours, being aware of the potential impact of noise on others and setting start and finish times.

To inform police of your upcoming party

and register your details, call 131 444. Further information is available from www.afp.gov.au/act/drugs_alcohol/party_smart

When unwelcome guests call in

Run, Rudolph, runMARK pARTON, breakfast announcer on �CC, sees another political coup in the making…

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“CiTYNewS” reader Simone wanted to ditch her jeans and go glamorous for a family Christmas party, and find the perfect look for a fun New Year’s Eve party with friends. The Lizzie wagner Group stepped in!

New Year’s Eve makeover

“I don’t usually dress up that much and I’m addcted to my jeans, so I wanted to pull out all the stops this year,” says Simone. “I just didn’t know where to start!”

Simone looks great in red, so choosing her formal Christmas party look was easy, says stylist Kelsey Padjen. “It just had to be red,” she says. “Colour is hot this year – stay away from black for evening wear!”

Kelsey chose bold make-up to really up the glamour stakes, with smoky eyes and red lip gloss. Simone’s hair was curled with a straightener and each curl twisted into a pretty up do, with some loose curls. “The look this year is glamorous, but with a casual vibe,” says hair stylist Jordan. “It’s beautiful and intricate but doesn’t look too ‘done’.”

Simple Christmassy hair accessories add to Simone’s party look. “Festive accessories are

a great way to have a bit of fun with your outfit,” says Kelsey. “We’re not talking tinsel round your neck though – keep it subtle and under-stated,” she says.

For Simone’s New Year’s Eve party, Kelsey went for a fresh and flirty look. “This will be a fun, realxed time with her friends, so she should look special, but not overly dressed up,” she says.

For the make-up, staying power was every-thing. “It’s a long night, so we went for a simple look that wouldn’t require much touching up,” says Kelsey. “It’s subtle – soft eye colour and glossy lips – but accentuates Simone’s features.”

Kelsey chose shoes that Simone would be able to wear again, even to work. “Classic black patent shoes will take you anywhere – they’re versatile and comfortable. A pair of sparkly silver sandals will also go with any party look.”

A grey and silver sequinned mini dress was chosen for the party.

“It’s stunning – right on-trend with the sparkle and a little different with the ruffles on the shoulder,” says Kelsey. “Simone is ready to see in 2010 in sizzling style!”

Simone’s party sizzle

Before: Simone handed

herself over to the Lizzie Wagner Group whole-heartedly. “I want to look really

special this year – help!”

Simone’s hair was already in great condition so it was given a trim to tidy up the ends, then blow-waved into soft, loose curls. For the updo, her hair was curled and pinned into place, with loose tendrils left out so it looks feminine and not too formal.

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…Christmas party, too

WIN• Two-hour wardrobe audit with a stylist from The Lizzie Wagner Group, valued at $660.• $500 Canberra Centre gift voucher.• Bentley’s beauty package valued at $500, including a make-up session, Napoleon products, hairdressing session and hair-care products. • $250 Escala Shoes gift voucher.Enter at citynews.com.au/competitions

After: “I can’t wait to see

what my friends and family think

– I’m not sure they’ll recognise


CREDITS: Stylist, Kelsey Padjen, The Lizzie Wagner Group 6299 8328. Hair, Jordan Hone, and make-up, Trudy Meehan, Bentleys of Canberra, Jamison. Fashion, Canberra Centre. Shoes, Escala. Bags and accessories, Furla and stylist’s own. Photos, Silas Brown. Words, Kathryn Vukovljak. Assisting, Katarina Slavich.

Smoky eyes and glossy red lips give Simone a gorgeous Christmas party look, with eyelash extensions added to provide a wow-factor that mascara alone can’t give, says make-up artist Trudy

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THE Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre – “the Q” – has cemented its reputation as a rival to arts centres across the border and thumbed its nose at local detractors with the announcement of “Simply Irresistible”, its 2010 theatre season.

Program manager Stephen Pike has taken an imaginative leap into the pool of available productions and come up with a cocktail of popular, cutting-edge and entertaining theatre.

Not only are there shows designed to please the Queanbeyan demographic, such as the Mario Lanza show “The Loveliest Night of the Year”, Darren Coggan’s tribute show “Peace Train: the Cat Stevens Story” and that most famous of nude plays “Steaming”, but there are productions that showcase the work of ACT region artists who’ve gone on to fame and fortune. Among those is the Peter Nichols’ play “A Day in the Death of Joe Egg” starring Canberra boy Jonathan Gavin, and “Inside Out,” scripted by Mary Rachel Brown and designed by Imogen Keen, touching on the subject of mental illness.

Queanbeyan Mayor Tim Overall has stridently declared his support for the Q in getting behind a council presentation of Donald McDonald's farce “Caravan” staged

by familiar local names – director Rodney Delaney, set designer Quentin Mitchell, lighting designer Chris Neale and costume designer Anna Senior. This support follows a successful council production of the musical “Chess” in 2009.

A genuine coup is the production of Don Reid’s comedy about a group of silly old bug-gers, “Codgers” starring Ron Haddock, Ron Falk and Shane Porteous. This is a show that would have no trouble filling the Canberra Theatre.

Other highlights will be the controversial play “Red Sky Morning” by flavour-of-the-

year playwright Tom Holloway; a one-man show about trickster Jimmy Garcia starring James Galea, Australia's top magician and card-sharp; a new Shortis and Simpson show called “Tin Pan Aussie”, about Australian music before rock 'n' roll and Force Majeure’s contemporary dance production “The Age I’m In”.

But for Stephen Pike, the highlight will be “Shakespeare's R&J” billed as a four-man testosterone-pumped “Romeo and Juliet”. He’s convinced me.

For all details visit www.theq.net.au

“A Day in the Death of Joe Egg”… starring Canberra boy Jonathan Gavin.

‘irresistible’ new season thumbs nose at critics

Q cements reputationBy arts editor Helen Musa

EVEN if you’re not an enthusiast of the Broadway musical, this stylish, highly polished spoof is an absolute must-see.

Written by Eric Rockwell and Joanne Bogart, “The Musical of Musicals” has five acts, each with roughly the same plot, but each sending up the styles of different, well-known theatre composers. It’s a delightful device that allows the talented cast of four to present wonderfully wicked parodies of the musicals of Rodgers and Hammerstein, Stephen Sondheim, Jerry Herman, Andrew Lloyd Webber and Kander and Ebb.

Louiza Blomfield, Adrian Flor, Hanna Ley and Jarrard West display an impressive ar-ray of highly-polished singing, dancing and comedic skills as they expose and demol-ish favourite musicals with deadly and hilarious effect, nailing every musical cliché with un-erring accuracy in the process. The cheeky choreography, by Hanna Ley

and Jarrad West, which accurately parodies such masters as Agnes de Mille, Gower Champion and Bob Fosse, adds greatly to the fun.

Even musical director Lucy Bermingham, seated alone at the keyboard, among a clutter of colourful backstage props, contributes some show-stopping moments of her own.

“The Musical of Musicals” is a delightfully guilty pleasure, which can be enjoyed on many levels, not the least as a celebration of the quality and depth of local musical talent on show on Canberra stages.

MUSICAL THEATRE“The Musical of Musicals – The Musical”Directed by Duncan Ley and Duncan Driver, Courtyard Theatre, until December 12.Reviewed by Bill Stephens

Wonderfully wicked parodies

“Codgers”… a genuine comedy coup about a group of silly old buggers.

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IN a fatherless home, the mother (Catherine Keener) of nine-year-old Max (Max Records) keys his fantasy stories on her word-processor between finishing an overdue academic assign-ment and snogging her new boyfriend while his older sister, having newly discovered boys, has little time for him.

Feeling unwanted and unloved, Max sails a small boat to a remote island where wild things live. These are not scary but gentle, charming, innocent creatures such as might appear in a small boy’s dreams, leading an aimlessly harmonious existence punctuated by minor personality differences.

Because Max tells a fib, they chose him for their king. He persuades them to embark on a public works program, create a social hierarchy and, in time, relieve the monotony by throwing clods of earth at each other in a war. Max’s superficial understanding of these grown-up concepts poses risks of social disaster among the community.

From Maurice Sendak’s book, Spike Jonze’s delightful film can charm children at their own level. With subtle humour, it delivers more to adults willing to ponder the issues it generates. Wearing costumes that Sendak designed for his book, the cast includes James Gandolfini, Chris Cooper, Catherine O’Hara and Forest Whitaker. The post-bush-fire Victorian locations look graphically authentic and the unmistakably Australian shorelines, rock shelves and sand hills are handsome.

At Dendy

THIS forensic, white-collar, comedy crime thriller about the "best documented corporate crime in American history" when a divisional manager blew the whistle on a major manufacturer of lysine, reportedly has a basis in truth, which a web search for the film’s principal character Mark Whitacre and Kurt Eichenwald who wrote the source book gives substance.

If director Steven Soderbergh and scriptwriter Scott Burns took artistic liberties with elements not involving the FBI or the US Justice Depart-ment, they were worthwhile. Matt Damon’s portrayal of Whitacre, clever, funny and pathetic all in the same breath, underpins 108 minutes of film that moves down unforeseeable paths, asking us to accept that this man is a solid klutz in whom nobody should feel confident as a secret agent for the FBI, no matter how good he was as a chemical engineer and manager.

But was Mark really such a stupido as the film paints him? From the outset, the film makes us want that question answered. By the time we find out, we have been well drawn in. That’s a mark of a film well-crafted and funny to boot until it turns very serious.

At all Canberra cinemas

IN an unforeseeable, unpreventable apocalypse, a plague turns the population of the US into zombies slavering for meals of fresh person. Di-rector Reuben Fleischer and his writers present a new variation on an old genre – comedy zombie road-movie satire performed by an ensemble cast of four.

The survivors include Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson) a red-neck gun-nut with few social skills, desperate to get his jaws around a Twinkie and Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg), a meek student whom the zombie bug has bypassed until he gives shelter to a girl incubating it.

Determined to visit a Los Angeles amuse-ment park, Emma Stone is Wichita, a fetching con-woman who, with her little sister Little Rock (Abigail Breslin), are two gals with whom nobody should consider messing.

“Zombieland” offers a lot of fun, enhanced by a cameo from Bill “Ghostbusters” Murray, who meets an unkind and unexpected demise. The four characters and their dire situation present no great intellectual challenge although the prospect of their breeding a replacement population after the zombies starve to death is almost as alarming as the effects of the plague.

At Hoyts

CiNeMABy Dougal Macdonald



Unloved Max sets sail to adventure

“Where the Wild Things Are”... Carol and Max.


Woody Harrelson as Tallahassee.

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SOMETIMES when your stomach’s rumbling you want a great meal quick – not just any old meal, a meal packed with flavour, served with a calm efficiency.

Tudo Vietnamese Restaurant is a perfect spot to grab such a meal. It’s been at the O’Connor Shops forever and a day and always draws a crowd. The place seems to fill instantly and, then, once the diners’ tummies are full, empty instantly.

Tudo serves authentic food, starting at 10am with the Pho Vietnam so famously served on streetside stalls, with no two stalls making it the same way. This clear broth soup – packed with rice noodles, fragrant basil and/or other fresh herbs, lime, bean spouts, chili and meat – is a super kickstart to a day. It’s served fast and is filling, but not heavy.

At Tudo and you eat out of plastic bowls and off plastic plates and sip your BYO wine out of short, stubby wine glasses. The place buzzes with people chatting away and coming in and out for takeaway.

Other than the bit of “art” on the walls, there’s nothing special about the décor, but that doesn’t matter because people flock to Tudo with one thing in mind – the food.

We were initially attracted by the red cooked beef – stewed and served with lemon grass, cin-namon, anise seeds in a spicy gravy sauce ($13), but the smiling, helpful waitress slipped in a bit of advice about how delicious the mint garlic

prawns were ($16). She was right and we could see why they are her favourite. Not overpower-ing with garlic and the mint entirely refreshing.

Our eye caught the caramelised prawns, but in a snap decision we switched to the lemongrass and chilli chicken, a great dish for only $13 (indeed, most of the mains at Tudo are this reasonably priced). The chicken was tender and the combination of flavours so very Vietnamese. To get our hit of greens we opted for the vegies with tofu ($15) – a generous serve quickly stir-fried so they held their crunch.

It’s best to book at Tudo, although the staff will do everything they can to squeeze you in if you just pop by. The service is super efficient, but there’s no pressure to gulp your food down and head out the door the minute you’re finished. Indeed, if you are part of a group and want to linger, there are lunch banquets ($22 a person or $24 for eight dishes and coffee or tea) and dinner banquets starting at $24 a person.

I only wish that Tudo had outdoor dining – and decent-sized wine glasses.

Tudo, 7 Sargood Street, O’Connor, call 6248 6030.

By Wendy Johnson


Tudo quickly fixesa rumbly tummy

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WoRDs: Kathryn VukovljakPHotos: silas Brown GRADUATING designers from the CIT bachelor of design (fashion) presented their new labels to a 500-strong audience at FashionACT Raw Edge 2009, held at the National Museum of Australia.

The catwalk at was rocked by edgy, cool designs, taking the audience on a journey, says Elissa Brunato, marketing manager and

graduating student.“We organised the catwalk show so it began

with dark, raw designs, then built up to a crescendo of colour and took the audience back to black again,” says Elissa. “The show was intended to be a journey, launching all 15 new labels and representing the culmination of three years of study and our creative design processes.”

Rachel Tammaro won the favourite designer

peoples’ choice award for her bridal label Rachel Rose, winning a career kick-start including a PR and marketing strategy and networking opportunities.

Genres included women’s and men’s day wear, special occasion and bridal wear.

“It was exciting to have everything come together so well on the night,” says Elissa. “We felt the clothes looked professional and well-executed, as did the lighting and set up.”

Danielle Margaret by Danielle Hewitt

Crescendo of young design

E’senk by Elissa BrunatoMistique by Jeni Apps

Shachula by Jodie Sierzchula

Laura C by Laura McCormack

Huho by Penina Huho

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Rimmel London Soft Kohl eyeliner pencil in Jet Black, $8.50.

Long, luscious eyelashesTHE look for eyes this summer is smoky – but that doesn’t mean grey, says make-up artist Ben Veenkamp, from Priceline Pharmacy, Canberra Centre.

“The smoky look means a diminishing cloud of colour,” he says. “The colour is up to you – corals, greens, blues and pinks are all hot this season. It’s all about bright shades, though. Leave grey to winter.”

Dressing the eyelashes is a vital part of eye make-up, says Ben. “It’s about completing the picture – and right now the picture is long, luscious lashes. The bigger the better!”

Use individual lashes on the outside of the eyes to widen the eye. For a stunning, more intense look, try a full set to frame the eye, says Ben.

“Squeeze a tiny dab of glue in the centre of the lash line, and use a cotton tip to run it along,” he says. “Carefully press the lashes

in place and wait a minute or two to allow the glue to dry.”

Eyeliner comes next, and this season you should match it loosely to what you’re wearing – if it’s earth tones; use a brown-black shade. If you’re wearing brights, you can go more dramatic,

Ben says. The final touch is

mascara. “It’s particularly important if you’re wearing lash

extensions, as it interlocks the lashes with your own,” says Ben. “Apply it from the top down to separate lashes, then from the bottom up to connect the two.”

By Kathryn Vukovljak

Glam Eyes Christina lashes, $9.99.

Almay Intense i-Color Trio for Greens, $20.95.

Revlon Colourstay eyeshadow palette in Stonewash Denim, $25.95.

Maybelline Lash Stiletto mascara in Very Black, $18.95.

Revlon Double Twist mascara in Blackest Black, $25.95.

Rimmel London Exaggerate liquid eyeliner in 100% Black, $13.95.

57 per cent of our readers are women.*

6262 9100* McNair Ingenuity Research 2006


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SMALL safes designed for the home can give superior protection against fire, flood and theft, says Naomi Sharpley, of Honeywell safes.

“Most burglars are after easily accessible, quickly pocketed items such as wallets, jewel-lery, mobile phones, cameras and laptops,” she says.

“A small safe, like the heavy-gauge steel Honeywell Anti-Theft model, can be bolted to a drawer, shelf or floor and used for storing smaller valuables.”

The safe has a digital electronic locking system with reprogrammable combination and an emergency over-ride key. It is sold fully equipped with internal light, dual live bolts and anchor bolts, she says.

For those concerned about fire and/or wa-ter damage as well as burglary, the Moulded Waterproof Firesafe has a waterproof seal that will keep contents dry for up to eight hours and will protect paper records for 30 minutes at temperatures up to 843˚C.

And for those particularly keen to protect film, discs, photos and back-up tapes, there is the moulded Media Protector One Hour Firesafe. Contents are protected during a fire

for up to one an hour by ensuring the internal temperature is kept below 51.7˚C.

The Honeywell safe range starts from $99.98 for a Moulded Firesafe to around $1000 for a large, heavy-duty waterproof Firesafe.

The Anti-Theft Safe costs $276, the Moulded Waterproof safe is $215 and the Media Protector Safe sells for $505.

IF you’re entertaining at home for Christmas this year, then the right tableware and accessories will help set the scene for the festivities, says MaryAnne Fesq, Villeroy & Boch marketing manager.

“With many families enjoying their meal outside, white or delicately patterned tableware is an ideal choice,” she says.

Villeroy & Boch’s New Cottage range com-bines elegant pieces with organic shapes. The patterned version Green Garland can be used

to bring a different dimension and depth to the table, adding colour and vibrancy.

“For those lunching inside, introduce a touch of outdoors by highlighting the table with flowers and intricately twisted branches. Mix these with glass baubles and colourful ribbon for further pizzazz.

“Candles are a wonderful way to add a touch of magic. Scatter candles or tea lights around the table as well as throughout the room,” she says.

Honeywell safes… can be bolted to a drawer, shelf or floor and used for storing smaller valuables.

Green Garland tableware… adding colour and vibrancy.

Inspiration for theChristmas table

Safe and sound at home

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general knowledge crossword No. 241

ACROSS1 Name an imperial dry measure.7 Which day is set aside for the planting of trees, etc (5,3)?8 What do we call the steering lever fitted to the head of a rudder?9 What illuminated the streets before electricity?10 Name another term for a small rounded mass or lump.11 Which rays light up the sky of a day?14 What are patterns, moulds or the like, called?18 What is something that is self-evident and obvious?19 Which part of a washing machine moves the clothes?21 Name the colour that lies between blue and violet.22 Which horse won the 2001 Melbourne Cup?23 What is an informal term for a psychiatrist?

DOWN1 Name the profession of Sir Joseph Banks.2 Which colourless, odourless, tasteless inert gaseous element has the symbol He?3 What is a generous bestowal of gifts called?4 Which wading bird is allied to the herons and storks?5 What is another term for a weasel?6 Name the imperial unit of depth equal to 6 ft.

12 What are the external openings of the nose?13 Which plant is considered the national emblem of Ireland?15 Name the fraction which is half of a quarter.16 Which golf club is used mostly on the green?17 What is the unlawful killing of a human called?20 Which word describes a layer or a level?

Solution next week

Sudoku is an 81- square number grid with nine blocks each containing nine cells. To solve the puzzle, all the blank cells must be filled in using numbers from 1 to 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, column and in the nine 3x3 blocks. You can success-fully solve the puzzle just by using logic and the process of elimination.

Solution next week

Sudoku hard No.21

Solution Sudoku medium No.21

Solution Crossword No.240

your week in the stars With Joanne Madeline Moore December 14 - 20

LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 23)

Flirt alert! You’re at your fabulous flirtatious best, as you charm and flatter your way through the week. The New Moon lights up your communication zone so it’s time to get talking – really talking – with your nearest and dearest. Expect the unexpected from a loved one on Sunday.

SCORPIO (Oct 24 – Nov 21)

You’re in the mood to nurture your inner and outer resources. If your finances are in a mess, take positive steps to sort them out. If your self-esteem has taken a battering lately, surround yourself with people who celebrate and encourage your talents. A passionately proactive approach will lead to a wonderful week.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

You’ve been running on empty but, this week, the Sagittarian New Moon recharges your run-down batteries. Expect to be full of energy and enthusiasm as you power through pre-Christmas projects with gusto and ease. For some lucky singles, love and travel are linked in luscious ways.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

In the midst of all the Christmas madness, it’s time to slow down and think about where you’re heading. With the New Moon stimulating your soul sector, solitude is soul food for you as you search for answers from within. If you can combine inner resolve with outer confidence, you’ll be well on your way to a fabulous 2010.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Aquarians (like Mozart, Barry Humphries and Yoko Ono) are an eccentric lot! Expect to be your wild and wacky best this week, as the New Moon stirs up your eccentricity zone. You crave independence but don’t overdo it - your stars favour networking with others to help lighten the load.

PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

How’s your career going? With the New Moon visiting your work zone, have a long, hard think about any professional adjust-ments and improvements you need to make in 2010. The more you co-operate with colleagues, the more rewards you’ll reap. Mid-week favours creative, spiritual and charitable projects.

ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

Rams are feeling restless! With this week’s New Moon in your adventure zone, you need to get involved in plenty of challenging physical activities, preferably in the great outdoors. Love won’t flourish unless you face responsibilities. If you do, then you’ll find a romantic gem shining on your path.

TAURUS (Apr 21 – May 20)

Wednesday’s fiery New Moon signals exciting beginnings for you involving either lust or loot. Perhaps a passionate new lover, a rejuvenated relationship, or the start of a fabulous financial partnership? Some lucky Bulls will benefit from an inheritance, superannuation payout, Christmas bonus or surprise gift.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 21)

Christmas romance is in the air! Some Twins will move into an exciting new phase of a long-term relationship, while others will meet their future partner. Joint ventures are also favoured, as you combine your talents and skills with others and make beautiful music together.

CANCER (June 22 – July 22)

With the New Moon activating your wellbe-ing zone, the focus is on health and fitness over the festive season. Don’t overindulge too much or you’ll be a crabby – and super curvy – Crab come the New Year. You could also completely overhaul your daily routine or work schedule.

LEO (July 23 – Aug 22)

Prepare to party! The New Moon stimulates your entertainment zone, so it’s time to organise some fun and frivolity with family and friends. Shake out your dancing shoes and turn the music up – loud! A humorous (and flexible) approach will help you sail through any challenges this week.

VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sept 22)

Virgos are always on the go, being busy and useful (and fixing things) all over the place. Wednesday’s New Moon falls in your domestic zone so it’s the perfect time for cooking, cleaning and DIY, as you get your home in ship- shape condition for the Christmas celebrations.




























Copyright Joanne Madeline Moore 2009.

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