(ISSUED WITH MILITIA ORDERS, 1917.) Canadian Expeditionary Force 255th BATTALION Nominal 'Roll of Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men. 3m·9·17. EMBARKATION Port: Halifax, N ,5, Ship: S.S." Date: June 6th, 1917. ( ; " I I I - -----:-----'------------- -- - - -- -- -- -

Canadian Expeditionary Force · (ISSUED WITH MILITIA ORDERS, 1917.) Canadian Expeditionary Force 255th BATTALION Nominal 'Roll of Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men

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Page 1: Canadian Expeditionary Force · (ISSUED WITH MILITIA ORDERS, 1917.) Canadian Expeditionary Force 255th BATTALION Nominal 'Roll of Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men


Canadian Expeditionary Force


Nominal 'Roll of Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men.

3m·9·17. S9J·2~29.

EMBARKATION Port: Halifax, N ,5, Ship: S.S." Olymp~c."

Date: June 6th, 1917.


; "

I I I ~

- -----:-----'---------------- - -- --- - -

Page 2: Canadian Expeditionary Force · (ISSUED WITH MILITIA ORDERS, 1917.) Canadian Expeditionary Force 255th BATTALION Nominal 'Roll of Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men



Rank. Name. Former Corps. Nome 01 Next of Kin. Addroas or Next of Kin. Country 01 Dut.b.


Plaeo. Dote.

Lt.-COlonel.. .... Royce, Gcorge Cooper .. .. ........ 2nd Regt ...... ". . . Royce,'Yre. MarguElrite c ........ 364 Annatto SL. , Toronto. Ont. . ..... ... ........ . ..... . . Crmada .. ..... . . Toronto .... .... May 8,1917. Major..... .... Dand, Sldncy WIilington........ 2nd Rect .. , ....... Dsnd. Charles P ..... ... .......... 95 [oodlaWD Ave., Toronto. Ont . ....... . . .. , ....... .. Cnnnda ......... Toronto ........ May 8,1017. Hon. Co.ptain . ... Adnmson , Sidncy Lambert ..... ,. 2nd Regt .... . ,' .... ,. Adnmson. Mra. 8. A ......... .. , .. .\4. ussell St., Toronto, Ont ... .. . ...... . .. . ', ..... ". England . . .. . ... Toronto .. . ... . . Nov. 22,1916. Capta.in .. .. . . ... DudleY, William HOlV8rd ... .... . . C.A.M.O ...... ... .... DUfUey, Mrs. Ida ... ,,: ........... Webbwood, Ont .. . .. . ............. ... .. .. .. .......... Canada ........ . Toronto ...... .. July 26,1916. Lienteuant. ..... . . Bolo, James Gordon . .. . .... . . . ... 2nd Regt . .... ........ Bole, Mrs. Julio. .. .... .......... . . . 10 Edfar Ave., Toronto, DnL.. ... ....... ...... ........ Cnnada ......... Toronto ........ Nov. 24, 191G. Lieutenant ..... .. ButlerJ..eigh E lkington .......... 2nd Regt ............. Butler, Mrs. Emil y .. .. ........... ~Vo.tor 00, Ont . .. .. . ............................ ...... Canada ......... Toronto ........ Nov. 28. HH6. Lioolennnt . ... . . . Copp, .t1&rold William W ..... .... 2nf1 Regt .. . .......... ('..opp, ChRrles Joseph . . . ....... ... 98 Wellcsley St .• Toronto, Ont . ..... . ... . ........... . . Canada ...... .. . !?ronto ........ Nov. 28, 1916. L!eutcoant ....... DufioU, Nor~6~ Georgn . . ..... . . 2nd Regt ....... ... .. . Duffott, Urn. MafY Annie . . ....... !H Geoffrey St.., Toronto, Ont ........... ... . , . ... . . .. Canadn ....... . . .!. oronto .... . ... Nov. 2-1, HU6. Lieutenant ... .... Jnck<lOD, DenjRmm Oordon . .. ..... '2nd Regt . . . . .... .... .. Jackson, 'Mrs. &htb .. ... ......... .,07 Dovercourt Rd. , Toronto, Ont . .....•. . , .•.. . ..... Canada .... . . . .. Toronto . . ...... Nov. 28,1916. LieutenMt .... ... Lyall, Laurie, Bnyloy .. .. .... . ... . 2nd Ro~t ..... ........ Lyoll, Mrs. Margaret Dorotby ... IQ nedford Rd., Toronto , Oot . . . .•..... . . .. •. . .... .... Canada . . . . . ,~ .. Toronto . ... . .. . Nov. 2..& , 1916. Liout.cnant ..... .. Payne, Goorgo Norman ...... .. ... 2nd Rcgt . .... .... .... Payne, Mrs. Luoy ............... . . 569 Sherbolll'no St. , Toronl.o. Ont ..... ....... .. ....... Canada. ....... .. Toronto . . . . .... Nov. 2..&,1916. LieuteoAnt ... .. .. P iko. Art·bu r Wilson .............. 2nd Rcgt ......... .... Pike, Mrs. Sarah .... . ..... .. .... Bedlon', M'~~, Eng .. ....... . ........ ...... .. .... .. .. England ... " ... Toronto ...... .. Nov. 24, 1916. Lieutollont . .... .. Wnt80D, James Garneron ..... .... . 2nd Regt .. . ......... · Bormer, Mrl!. Alice Mo.y ...•.... , iH St. George St., TorQnto, Ont . .... ... ........... . ... Canada·., ..... .. TorQnto . ... , . .. Nov. 2-1, 19J6.

1006219 Privnte .......... Abbott, ElIiott Pbllip . ..... .. ... . Nil. ............ .... .. AbboU, MJ"3. Eunic.e .... ...... ... . 105, 153rci f?t., New York, N.Y., U,S.A .... . .... ..... . U.S.A ... ... .... Toronto ...... .. ~!nr. 26,1917. 1006202 Prfvate .. .. ...... Alien, Horbert William .... .. . .. .. N!l .......... ... ... .... "-' Ien, Mrs. ~oy .. .......... .. . .. 19 St. PatIlok St., Toronto, Oo.t ............... . ..... .. Canada ...... ... Toronto . .... . . . April 9,1917. 1006119 Pnvate .......... Andeuon. CborlC-:l John .. , . . .. .... Nil ....... . . .......... Anderson, Cnf\rles ......... , . ... .. 15~ qslor St., Toronto, Ont . ............. .. . ..... . . ... England .. ...... Toronto . .... ... ~n. IB,1917. lotlOO30 Private .. ", ... . . Andorson, George .. .. ............. Nit. ..... ............. Anderson, Mn. Agno-s ..... .. . . . . .. ,\flSslssnuga Rd ., Port. Credit. Ont. ....... ........ " .. SCOtlo.nd . . , .... Toronto ...... .. D~. 7,1916. 1096351 P rivate .... .... . . Annis, Reroy Ooloy . . .... .... ..... NiL .................. Anni:!l, Mrs. Agnas .... . .. ......... Niotrmx Falls, Annapo1i:!l Co., N.S . .... .. . ......... ... Canada .. " . ... . Toronto ....... . May 18,1917. J09610f) Private ...... .... Antone, Oliver. . ......... .. ... ... Ni1. ........... . ...... Antono. Mn;. Linie ............ ·.· Oncida , Ont ... ................. . .... , ...... ..... . . ... CnnRda ..... .... Toronto ..... . .. Jan. 17,.1917. 273510 Private .. .. ...... Applehy, William Henry .......... Nil .... ..... . . . ..... . . Apploby, Mrs. Franois .. . ... . ..... Ethel Ave.

S Oolcmao, P.Q., En.st Toronto, Ont .... .... Engla.nd, .. ..... Toronto., ...... April 12,1916.

lOQG350 Private .......... Arnold, Edwin Charles ... ........ Nil .. ... ..... ..... .... Arnold, M'NI. Annie ......... ...... 14 CarlyJc to., Toronto, Oot. ... ........... ...... ...... CanfLda. ..... .... Toronto ...... .. May 171 1917. 1096329 Privo.t.e ......... . ,1\rnott, James .. .. ... ........ .... . Nil ...... .. . : ........ . Arnott, Mts. Annie .. ..... . ....... 2a Bury Hill,Hcrool Hompstoad, Hert·s, Eog ..... .. : .. England ..... . .. Toronto .. . ..... April 30, 1917. 1000361 Privo.to ..... ... .. Asbbury, David JnmC3 ....... , .. . NiL ............... ... ElUott, Jennie . . . ......... ..... ... 21 Rose St., GaIt, Ont ... . .................. .. .... ... . Canada . ........ Toronto . .. " . .. May 22,1017. 1006263 Plivato ... ...... · Ashley, Arthur . . . . ............... NiL ... ... . ", ..... .. . Aahley, Thomn!!l" . ......... ... .. . Oundle, Nort-hanl"" En* ..... . ........................ England .. .... .. Toronto .... . ... Mar . 2-I ,19J7. 1096)77 Private .......... Atklnsoo, Jamc9 Bonry ... ... . . ... Nil ................. .. Atk inson, Jamc., . . ............ ... . Green St., Auburn, N. ., U.S.A .. . .. , .. , .... ...... .. . England ..... .. . Toronto ....... . Feb. 13, 1917. 1096073 Priva.t e ......... . Baloban, George . ....... ... . . ... . Nil" ..... . .. ..... .... Balobon, ?Ura. Pat'Mkeba, ... . .. . . Volsnki, Pr . Gorboxia, Laokoybyne, Cclobooprde ..

. n lJ93ia ........ ........................ . .......... RuS3ia ......... Toronto .. . ..... Jao. 2,1917. 1096287 Private ...... . . . . Banks, Albort . . . ... . ........... .. 12th Regt. .... , .. ..... Rnnks, Mrs. R03e .... ......... .... Rear 2G2 QU&ln St. E., Toronto, Oo.t. ...... . ... ,., .... England ........ Toronto ... ... .. April 6.1017. 1006353 Private ... ....... BnrnArd,"..Dcojnmin Fredorick ..... Nit ......... .... ... ... Brown, Mrs. Anoio .. . . .......... . 163 Morloy Ave., Toront.o, Oat ......... .. . , .... .. ..... England" ...... Toronto .. .. .... May 21,1917. 10D6271 Private .......... Boroes . .t1l!. rry John .. ...... , ..... NU ........ . .... .... . . Rnmes, Mrll. Gc rt rude ..... .. .... , 21 Alberta Ave., 'toronto, Ont. ......... . . ... .. . .... . . U.S.A ... ... .... Toronto ... .. .. . Mnr. 28,1917. J606105 Privaw ...... .. .. Bs.rnc.s, William Cborl('s ... . .... .. 35th Regt . ... . . . . .... O.'l.mes, .Mrs. Alice .. .... .. .... . ... 18 Viotoria St. , Bortie , Ont .. . .......... . ... . ....... .. Canada ....... .. Toronto ..... .. Jan. J6,1917. 91600-1 Sergeant ........ . Bnrr('tt, Artbur Leonard ...... . , .. 2nd R~ ........ . ... . Boirctt. Mm. Oorotby Altre.dell.. 251 Silver Biroh Ave., Toronto, Ont .... ...... ....... .. Engla.nd ... ..... Toronto ..... : .. Feb. 0,1916.

1096266 Privaw .. -...... .. Deck, Willinm Robert . .. . ... ..... NiL .. . .......... ..... Beck. MTiI . F.1i~abetb .. ........... 15 ~lUkbam St., Toronto, Ont .... ...... ...... . ... ... . Co.nada. ..... .... Toronto ... ... Mar. 26, 1917. 7'117163 Private .... . . .. .. Becker, Parka . .. . . .. . . ...... .... . 39th Regt .. . .... , . .. . Decker, Cba\mer6 ., . ... ....... . .. B:nrington, I ll. , U.B.A .... ...... .......... . ........ .. . Canada ........ . SimCQO.· .. . .. : Mar. 1,1916.

1096269 Private ... ....... Bell , Hugh . ................. .. ... 2nd Regt ....... . ... .. Reil. 'Mrs. h etlc .................... 163 ~ohn St., Toronto, Ont .. . ............ . .......... .. II"O)and ....... . . Toronto:: .... .. 'Mar. 28 ,1917. 1096217 Privnte .. ........ Rcn},;ook. Bell ........ , . ... .. ..... Nil . ........ . . .. .... .. Benkook. litre. AlelRndrn ....... . . Lctlteber. Podoliu, Russia ............... ... .......... Russia . . .... ... Toronto ... . .... Mar. 6, 1917. 1006267 Pri\·ate ... ... .... Best, Erneat. AJbert. .... . . .. ....... Nil ........... . ....... nc.!! t , Frank ................... . .. QrRoelond College, Lamoni, la" U.S.A .............. . England ...... .. Toront.o . ... .... ~rar. 23,1917. 1006313 Private ...... ... . Bickerst.nrr, Herbert... . ... . .... ... NiL .. . ..... ..... .... . l3\ckerstaff, 1I1u. Alice ...... ..... ~t Sbbu<:;c St.). '.roronto, Ont o .. " . ..... ... . " .. . ....... Englnnd ........ Toronto .. .. .... April 20 , HU7,

2374.4-2 SCr&C3nt.. ....... Bishop, RntT}' A~dison .. . . .. , .. .. 2nd Rcgt .... .. ... .. .. ni:!lhop, Mrs. F lorence . .. . . . ...... 65 1 fl9tie ::;t. , Toronto, Ont ..... . ........ ..... ...... Canada . .. .. . . .. Toronto ........ AprIl 7, HUG. 10'116175 Private ... . . .. ... Hi."'~, Jo~n .Fred c~lek ........... . .. N~l. " ......... ,,, . .. . RiM., George ..... . .. .. ..... ... .. . H: Dun~nn St.. , Ho.oknoy, London, Eng ........ ... ..... England ........ Toronto . .. ..... Feb. 12.1917. 273763 CO.rporal ..... .... Bln11', Wilhnm M1Chnol. . .... . . ... N!l.. ....... . . .... .... Davl.!!, Mabel. ... ... . . ': .. ......... lO5 In~lan Grove, To.ronto, Oot ... . ',' • . ..... •.. .. . .... Cans?n ..... . ... Camp Borden ... Sept. I, ('1116.

1006128 Pnvnte ......... . D1ru:hko, Froo ... . . ... ... ... .... . NIl.. ............ ..... 13lnz:hko, Mrs. Matrorua,., . . ... . You:!ltmgrad p.a., K19fr, Oub , R\.lIIslft ....... . .. ...... . Russla. .... . .... Toronto .... .. .. Jan. 2'2,1917. 10\ltl141 Private ... .... . . . Dodnnrchuk, 'rhomas ............ Nil . .. . .... . .. .. ...... Bodnnrohuk. Mrs. Matte ... . .. . . .. r!rMno:st~wey. Ped61~ki, Russia ..... .. ....... " ...... Russia ... ..... . Toronto . . ...... Jan. 25 , 1917. 1006120 Pr!"ate .......... Dowering, Wilfred DnbbB ......... Nil. .. . . .......... . ... Bowerin'l, Mrs, Emma . ... . .... .. ~3 OsIer St;., Toronto, Ont . .. .............. , ....... .. Canada ...... .. . Toronto .. ...... Jan. 18,1917. 1006333 Pnvll.to ......... . Hoyd. Malcolm Hnrold ........... U.8. Army .. ...... ... Boyri , Mrs. Eloanor .. . .. ...... .. .. 10 Holland Ave., Ardmoro , Pa., U.S.A ..... , ..... ... .. U.S.A .......... Toronto . .... . . . May 1. 1917. 1096127 Privnto .......... Bristol, Henry. ; . ......... .. ... .. Nil .......... . ...... .. Br istol, Joseph ..... . . . .......... . (.'12 Commeroia! Rd ., London E., Eng .. ...... ..... . ... England .... .... 1'oroolo ...... . . Jan . 22,1917. 1006315 Pr~vnte . ......... I3rynnt, Jobn CIUtord ...... . . .. . .. N!I.. .............. ... Orynnt, Mm. Harriot .......... . .. 71 Leuty Ave., Toronto, Ont ........... ........ ..... .. England" . .. . .. Toronto ..•.. . .. Mar. 6.1'1117. 862640 Pnvnte .. . . ... ... Buckland , Hcrbort AlIrcd .... . .. . Ni1. ............ ...... Oucklnnd. 'Mrll . Fedormh .. . . . . ... 110 Argylc St., Toront.o. Ont.. ................... ,', .. Canada. . ....... Toronto ... .. Fob. 26 , 1010.

1096303 Private .......... Dunton, FranC"is ..... .... . ......... Nil ...... ............. Dunt,on, Edwnrd . ... , ... .. . . ..... . 3hnmrook St ., Andcrston, GIl\l!gow, Soot ... " . .. ..... . Scotland ... .... Toronto ... ::: .. April 16 11)17.

Page 3: Canadian Expeditionary Force · (ISSUED WITH MILITIA ORDERS, 1917.) Canadian Expeditionary Force 255th BATTALION Nominal 'Roll of Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men

240532 PrivtllO .......... Burgess, Fredcrick Gcorce ....... . 36th BD, C.E.F ..... ,. Burgess. Mrs. Floronce .... , ....... 2-17 Hunter St. W., Ham,iltoD, Ont ... : ........... , ..... Chnnnel Islands Hamilton ...... May 26,1016. 1096093 Priva.te .......... Rott. FrAnk Erneat W ........... . Imp. Forces .. , ....... Butt. Herberi Uonard .......... , Funcs, Sant~ Fe. Argentme. S. Ameru.m ............... Englnnd ....... . Toronto .•...... Jan. 11, J917. 1096005 ArrurAlergt ..... Byng, Arthur ............... ... ... 2nd Regt ......... " .. Byng, Mrs. Nina. .................. 212 Arthur St., TOTonto, Ont .......... ...... .......... England ...... .. Toronto .. ...... Oct. 30,1916. 1096,,57 Private .......... Byng, 'Willin!U ...•.. , ...... ....... 2nd Rogt ............. Lnwrenco. Gerlrude .............. 212 Arthur St., Toronto, Ont .......................... Conadn ...... .. . Toronto ........ lIlny 21, 1911. 237238 t)ergeant ......... CallughlUl, Ooorge ............ .... Can. Mit ........ ..... Cnllnghnn, Mrs. Mnry ............ 179 Snmmon Ave., Toronto, Ont. ................... ... England .... .. .. Toronto ........ hb. 27.1911.

1096077 Privato ....... ... CnmpbolJ, JamC8 Andcrson ....... Nil ................... Cnmpbell, MN. ~nno ....... . ...... 18 Morley Ave., Toronto, Ont ................ .... . ... Scotland ....... Toronto ........ Jan. 3. ~911. 1096017 Privote ...... .... Connon. Hnrry Georee ........... 28tb Rcgt; ........ .... Cannon, Mrs. Eluobotb ..•........ King'/:! Terrace. Wadd C.'ldon , Ducks., Eng ......... ..... Englnnd . ....... Toronto . ....... ~ov. Zl, 1916. 285621 Private .......... Cnrson, WilJiam .................. 12tb }tegt ........ .... Ciarson, Mre .......... : ........... London , Eng ......................................... England ........ Toronto ........ Oct.. 2,1916. 1096~ ~rivate .......... Cnssid:., Anthony Frcderick ...... R: Cnu. Eng ......... CaS3idl.'. Mm. APlt0leDl& A: ....... 6 ~p:dinl\ Rd., Toronto, Ont .......................... Cnnnda ......... Toro!'lo ........ Dec. ~,1916. 2HI5J1 t:lcrgennt.. ....... Chnd'\ICk, Joseph Webltor ........ Nil ................... ChadWlck. Mrs. ary Anruo ...... NU~v.nm .. <m-the-Lake, Ont ............................. England ......... 111UTIefield ..... Oct. 1.1, UH5. 11202(' COrpOlnl.. ....... Chandler, Clnrencc ............... 2nd Regt ............. Chandler, E<h"nrd ... ............ :>Dl J:arliament St. , Toronto, Ont ...................... CODndll ......... Toronto ........ Jan. 29,1911.

1096352 Privato .......... Check, Daniel .. ...... ......... ... Nil ......... . ......... Cheek, Samuel ................... Sclo Hobolo 8ovka, KnmusbcllBkey, Usgol, Huberny, Rus.~ia ........................................... Russia .......... Toronto ........ May 21.1911.

1000162 Priva.to .......... Churnside. Frcd . ................ NiL .......... :.. . Cburnside. MI1I. Emma ..... .... 358 Mont-rose Avo., Toronto, Ont ...................... Englnnd ....... . Toronto ........ Feb. 5,1911. 1000C69 Private ........ .. Clark, Ernest ........ .......... 2nd Regt ............ Clark, Mrs, Henri~tta ............ Z78 Woburn Ave., Toronto, Ont ....................... Canada ........ . Toronto ........ Dco. 29,1916.

669054 Privato.... .. Clark, Jamea Edwa.rd .'. •.. . .... Nil... .. ........ ... . Clark, Mrs. Phylha ...... . ." ... 73 Wclland Ave., Toronto, Ont ............... . ........ Soot-land ....... Toronto ........ i-'eb. 1. 1916. 100613~ Private ........ Clark, Thomas Peter ............. Nll. .. ............... Clark, Mrs. bin.ry .......... . ...... ~ Eliznbcth St., Dundee, SCot ...... ....... ............ Scotland ....... Toronto ....... . Jnn. 24,1917. 1096251 private...... .. Coakweli, Frank Georgc E ....... Nil ................. Coakwoll, Mrs. Ellen .. , .......... 67 SimpsonAve., Toronto. Onl;; ........................ Canada ......... Toronto ........ Mar. 22,1917. 018291 Private .......... Cogar, ArlblJr .................... Nil ................... Cogsr, Mrs. J'OlJlsn.... . .. 16 Winnifrorl Ave., Toronto, Ont .... ......... ......... England ........ Toronto ........ Jnn. 21,1916.

100614.3 Privnte ..... .. ... Cole, Jameg Stonley .............. Nil ....... . ...... ..... Cole, :Mrs. Lcano ..... ...... ...... 82 Cnnfield St. E .• Detroit. Micb., U.S.A .... . ... ..... Cnnada ......... Toronto ........ Jan. 26, Ul11. 1091)305 l'rivllto .... ...... Cook. Frederick .. ................ Nil ................... Cook, Percy ......... .... ......... 58 Lay ton St., South Shields, Durham, Eng ........... England ........ Toronto ....... . April 17,1917. 1096306 Privnte ... ........ Cook. JnmC'a Crisp ...... ......... Nil .................... Cook. Percy ....... ........ ....... 58 Lay ton St., South Shields, Durham, Enc: ....... ". England ........ Toronto ........ April 17,l\.li. 660696 Privnto .......... Coogrovc, John ................... Nil. .................. Cosgrove, Willinm ................ 144 Mutual St., Toronto, Ont ... ....................... England ........ Toronto ........ Fcb. 10,-1010. 681241 Privute .......... Cor. . Albert Lambert ............. Nil ...... ......... .... Cox, Mrs. Carolinc: .............. ~1 W. 58th St .. New York, N.Y., U.S.A ..... ........ E.n[!.land ........ l'oronto ......... Feb. 21, IOW.

IOD6100 Private .......... CJowley , Rich a rd John ........... 12th Rcgt ............ Crowloy, Mnt. Emily ......... .... York Mills, Ont ....................................... lrcland ......... Toronto ........ Jan. 15,1917. 1096031 Corporal. .... , ... Dalley. Richard ............. " ... C.O.COo ............ ' Dnlley, Mr~. /4f;nes ............... H..F.D. No. 37, Le Roy, N.Y., U.S.A ................ Canada ......... Toronto ... . .... Dco. 8, H116. 1003(;67 Privato .......... Da'\'is, Solomon .... ........... ... Nil ................. .. Davis, Jes.slc .: .. ................. Hearet., Ont ........................ , ........ ......... Canadn ......... Chaplenu ....... July 15, 1916. 1000145 Private .... ...... Dean. Norman ................... Nil .................. . Dean, Mrs. EJuubetb ......... · ... 103 Rhodes Ave., Toronto, Ont ......... ........ ...... England ........ Toronto ........ JIlD. 29.1911. 1096249 Private .......... Deer. Jamcs ...................... 2nd Re.gt ............. Deer, Mrs. Rachcl. .............. 023 Ashdale Avo., Toronto, Ont ........ ........... .... England ........ Toronto ........ ],l llr. 21,1011.

8510C{I Privnte .......... Deforest, Sydney ........... ...... Can. Mil ............. Davis, Mrs.lda ...... ......... ... In Trelann St., Toronto, Ont .......................... Canada ......... Toronto ........ April 9,1.911. 1006282 Privnte .......... DcIRhunt~:,. Jack Goorge .......... Nil. ....... ......... .. Dcl nhtlnty, Mrs. SUsic ...... ... ... 3-i Sorauron Avo .. Toronto, Ont ....................... lreJond .... ..... Toronto ........ May 1,1911. 10D0265 PrivQte .. ........ Dcnbam • .uertie Frederick ........ 2nd Regt .. ......... .. Donhnm, Mrs. Florepco ........... 2Jj9 College St., Toronto, Ont ................ , ........ ELgJand ........ Toronto ....... . Mar. 26,1911. 1096116 Privllte ....... ... Denni.e, Cec-il St-anlOY ............. NiL .......... ........ Dennis, Mrs. Catbonno ........... 64 Springhmst Avo., Toronto, Onto ....... ...... ...... England ........ Toront.o .... ' .... Jnn. 18,1917. 10063C4 Pri'·ote .......... Dennis, Claude .................. . 1l0th Regt.. . . Dconis, Mrs. ~ary ..... .......... b Donercst Rd., Toronto, Ont ......................... England ....... . Toronto ... . ... . April 17,1911. 1096021 PrivAte .......... Depew, Ru ssell . ....... ......... .. Nil.............. ... Dcpow, Mrs. I\ry ............... 14 Gifford 81;;., Toronto, Ont ................. , ........ Canadn ...... ... Toronto ........ Nov. 30, 1916. 1096024 Sereennt..... Dixon, Jamea Fredcrick E ........ 36th Regt........ .. Di:con, Mra. MIlrY ................ 79 Oriole Rd., Toronto, Ont ........................... Canadn .... ..... Toronto ........ Dec. 2,1916. 1096~21 Privnte ....... ... Dohson, Berne-rd Wils-on ....... : .. Nit ................... Dobson, Mrs. Ellcn ....... ...... .. 154 Crawford St., Toronto, Ont ..............•........ England ........ Toronto ........ Mar. 8.1911. 109GO:t8 Privnte .......... Dobson, John ..................... Nil ................... Dobson, Mre. Annie ........ . ..... R1 Fern Ave., Toronto, Ont ..... .......... ....... ..... Englnnd ........ Toronto ..... ... Dec. 7,1916. lOOli231 Private .......... Doggnrt, Samuel Little . ......... . Nil. .................. Doggnrt, Mrs. Agn.es ..... ......... 152 Commodore Ave., Toronto, Ont ................... Ireland ......... Toronto ...... .. Mru-. 4, 1917. 1096011 PrivQte .......... Douse, Henry Christopber ........ Nil ...... .... ......... Douse, John George .............. Lefroy. Ont ..... ........ .................. .... .. .... . Canadn ....... .. Toronto ... .. ... Nov. 10,1916. 1090022 Sergeant ......... DouEe. John Harrison . ......... ... 2nd Rcgt .... ......... Douse, John Grorge .............. Lcfroy, Ont ...... ........ . ........ ......... ......... .. Canada ......... Toronto ......... Nov. 30, lbIO. 1096164 Private .......... Dowie. George Dissett ............ l'\il ................... Dowia, .Mrs. Alico ................ 2 DonCMtcr Ave., E~tToTonto, Ont ........ .......... Scotland ...... . Toronto ....... . F~b. 8,IDl1. )09(1122 Private .......... Drinkwalter, Cecil Smith ........ . NiL ................. Hartford, Mrs.Min.nie ............ })urnley. Oat ......................................... Cnnada ......... Toronto ........ Jan. 10.1911. 1096369 Private .......... Duguid, Jarnes ................... Nil. ... .......... ..... nuguid, Mrs. JcDnie .............. West Side, Onkville, Ont .............................. Scotland ....... Toronto ........ May 22.1911. 1096196 Private .......... Duruop, Thomas Gordon ......... Nil ................... Gonion. Annie Siewnrt ........... 20 Blnckhalt St., Pnis!ey

6Renfrew, SCot ........ ..... . Scotland ....... Toronto . ....... Feb. 23,1911.

1096031 COrporol. ........ Dunn, William. Patriok ..... ...... 2nd Regt. ............. DJon, Mrs. Dddget ........... .... 61 Shirley St., Toronto, nt ............. ...... ....... Scotland ....... Toronto ........ Dec. 12, uno. 1096269 CorporAl ......... Duns, John Dc'«'maker .... ....... C.A.S.C .............. Duns, Jnne ........... ...... ...... <.6 Southviow, Heaton, Newcastle, Eng ............... . England ........ Toronto ........ )'lar. 23,1917. 1096043 Private .......... Edwnrds, Ernest Wilbur .......... Nil. .............. .. . . Edwards, Mr6. Ortlce Emily .. .... 139 Darton Avo .• Toronto, Ont ............... ......... Cannda ..... .. .. Toronto ... . .... Dee. 16,1916. 1090231 Privnto ......... Everett, John Morgan ............ Can. AlU ............ . Morgan, John ....... .... ..... ..... Moun:.-Calm, Tex., U.S.A ............. ................ U.S.A ...... .. .. Toronto ........ ~pril?:l, 1911. 1096000 Private .......... Eyro. Gf'orge John ... ............ Nil ....... ......... ... Eyre, ~frs. EluaOOtb ............. 59 Millicent St., Toronto, Ont .................... ..... England ... . .... Toronto ...... ... Dec. 20,IQl6. 1091)3 18 Private .......... Falls, EU".ood William .... ....... Nil. .................. Falls, Mrs. h.atherine ............. RR No. 2, MeR£ord, Ont ....... ........ ......... .... Canada ......... Toronto .... .... April 23, 1911. 1096286 Private .......... Feldmnn, Ernanuel. .............. U.S. Al'my ........... Feldm:m, lsadore ....... . . ....... 1 Willard Apts., Ring St. W., Toronto, Ont .. ; ... ...... U.S.A .......... Toronto ........ April U. lUl1. 109628J Privnto .......... Forguson. Thorr.ag James ............... ...... ........ ......... ..... ........... ...... ..... . . . ............ .... ............................................................... : ................. . 1096346 PrivQto ...... .... Fomechko. Nikilor ................. ··M. MiI .... ......... . T'omcchko, ~nrlin . ............. . Pinsk, St.avokskoy, Wolooty, Dar., Tulial.in.Russia .... Russia . ... ..... Toronto . ....... May 9,1917. 1096110 Privatp .......... Forbes, Adi!) .................... . Nil. ........ .......... Forhc.s, Mrs. Abbie ............... Walton, Ont ................... .......... ......... .... Cf\UPoda .... ..... Toronto .. ...... Jnn. 11,1911. 1096102 ~vnte .... ... ... Fra.nkI!o, Edward ........... ... .. Nil. .................. Fra.nklin! Mrs. PriciUa ............ 27 .Grenadier Rd .• Torontg, Ont.· ...................... Iroland ......... Toronto ..... ... Jan. 10,11.111. 1090010 Pnvate .......... Frankhn, Gcorge ~lorloy ..... .... 2nd Regt ............. Byn.{, NlUa ........ ............ .. . 27<1 Arthur St., Toronto, On..t .......................... Csnada ....... .. Toronto ... ..... Nov. 10, Hll6. 1024022 Sergeant ........ . Fraser, Gcorge Finlay ............ Nil. .................. Froscr, Mrs. Marion .............. 65 Pears Ave., Toronto, Ont:. ........................ . Scot-Iand ....... Toronto ........ },fay 4., 1916. lCi6C41 nn. Q.-M. Sergt .. FrC'{lman, George Edward ..... ... 2nd Regt ......... ... . Freeman, Mrs. JeBsie Ethol ........ "11 Westlake Avo., Toronto, Ont ........... . ........ .. . England ........ Toronto ........ Deo. '16,1916 . .2-13600 Sergeant... Frost, Reginnld Ranby . .... ...... 2nd Rcgt ............. Frost. M1'8. Constance Et-hol. ..... 180 Scarborough Rd., Toronto. Onl. ......... ........ .. EnRlnnd ........ Toronto ...... .. May ~1, 11H6.


Page 4: Canadian Expeditionary Force · (ISSUED WITH MILITIA ORDERS, 1917.) Canadian Expeditionary Force 255th BATTALION Nominal 'Roll of Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men

\ .,

255th Battalion

RAnk. Name. Former Corps. Name of Ne:!!. of Kin.

"! =-:--:. _. . .

Address 01 Next. 01 Kin" Country of But.h .


Pinoo. Dnte.

l0963J1 Private . ..... .... GnTdiner, Jnmcs LeQl"n ... . ..... Ni!.. ........... , . .... Gardiner, 'AIrs. Rlizabot.h ...... .. . Bracebridgc, Ont ..... . . .. ... , ..........• . . . . ......... Canada ......... Toronto .. ...... April 19,1917. 1096036 Private ..... ..... Gardincr, Ri chnrd 'fboma~ . . ..... 38th Rcgt .. " ........ GSTdiner, M.rs. Moty .......... . .. 94 Wassail St., Toronto, Ont . . ...... .. ..... , .......... Canada ......... Toronto ........ Dec. 11,1916. 1096327 PriVRtO .... . ..... Garside, Dud lcy. . . . . . . . . . .. . ... 3iil.h Regt . . , ..... .. _. Garsidc, Mrs. Dorothy Sybil .... . I1fraeombe, Onto ... ...... . ........... . .•........... . . England . ....... Toronto ........ April 23, 1917. 868342 Sergennt . .... . .. Gcorge Bugh .MncInne.s ........ .. 2n~ Rcgt. .... ....... . G~:rge, Mr8. C~thcrine Emily .... J Washington Ave., ToronLo, Ont ......... .. ...... . ... CnOl\da ......... WhiLby ........ July: U,19 16.

1096281 Privato ... ... . . .. Gilca, HerberL J ohn . ............. Nil.. ......... ........ Glics. Mrs. ~to ........ . ........ P.O. Box 652. DrampLon, Ont . ............... .. ...... . Englaod .. ... ... Toronto ........ April 2.1917. 1096173 Corporal ......... GilIiJand, James ................ . . Can. MiL. ... . ........ Hollyv.·ood, Ehnbeth .... . ....... 4.6 O~tawa St., ReU83t, Iro .. .. .............. . ......... Scotland . . ..... Toronto ....... . Feb. 12. 19J7. 1096168 COrporal. ........ Grabnm, Jo~es ...... . . ... ....... N~ ............... .. .. Graham. Mra. Jano ............... 4958 Bloor St. W., Toronto, OoL ................. .... Cana.da ......... Toronto ........ Fob. 9,1917. 237333 Corporal ......... Grant, Frallcls B rown ............ Nd ....... . ........... Grant. Alt'I8nder Drown .......... 12 Blytho Pl., Dundee. Scot .. ..... ................... Scotland ....... Toronto ...... ,. Mar. 30,1916.

1096272 Private .......... Green. Kcsscl David ...... ... .... Nil ................... Green, Mrs. Del l.. ........... , .... R.n. No. 2, V",neS80. Onl. ............................. Conada .. ....... Toronto .. . .... . Mal. 26,1917. 1096154 Prl\·ato .......... Greer. ChU6 Dorlsod ............. Nil. .... . .. , .......... Greer, Mrs. R uby ........ __ ...... 338* College SI.., Toronto, Ont .. ..................... Canndll ......... Toronto ........ Jan . 30,1917. 1096185 Private ...... .. .. Griffit hs, Berbert Ernest ......... Nil .. . ................ Gr!ffith. M.n!: MO.TgRret ....... .... 49 Wallace Ave., Toronto, Ont ........................ Canada ..... . ... Toronto....... Feb. 16,1917. 10{l6302 Prh,ste ....... ... Grignon, Jose:ph AJphonse ..... __ . . Nil ................... Gr!gnon, Benlamlf\ ............... 33 Notre Dame St. , Hull, P .Q __ ..... __ .. ... . ......... Canada ..... . ... Toronto ..... . . . April 18, 1917. 1096284 Private ...... .... Grimshaw. Thomas Wt'lIi ngton ... NiL ............... ... Grlllshaw, M.n:l. HeleD ............ 1351ndian Rd., Toronto, Ont . ........ . . . .. __ ..... .. ~. CRDada ......... Toronto ....... . April 4 , J917. ]096213 ?tivflte .......... Curr, Herbcrt Sydney ............ Can. Mil .... . . ..... .. Gun, MNI. Mabel.. ........... .. .. 274 PoPe, Ave., Torpnto . Ou.t .................. __ ...... England ........ Toronto .. . ..... ~rBr . 2,IU17. 109&072 Private ......... Hale, Baden Red ,·etB ............. 2nd Rcgt ...... ....... Hale, Mrs. Ellen ................ .. 17 Oakvlllo Pl., CliIton, BllS/,oI, Eng .. . ............... England ........ Toronto . ....... Jun. 2,1917. 1096256 Sergeant. __ .... . JInnn, William Norman ....... . ... R.N.W.M.P .......... Hano, Mrs. lin ty ................. 2().1 Cottingham St., Toronto, Ont .................... . reland ..... . ... Toronto . ....... Mf\!'. 23,1917. 1096184 Sergennt.:: ...... Harding,l.. Frederiek Hall ...... .... 9th Horse ....... .. .. . Hording. Mr-s. Minnie ............. 15 Murial Ave .• Toronto, ant ......................... England ........ Toronto ....... . Fl'b. 16,1917. 109624.5 Private .... ...... Hauts. uordon CCeiL ............ NiL........... . . ... Hllrris. Mrs. Elsie .. . ............. Port Cariing, Ont.. ................................... Canada ......... Toronto ........ ~rOl. 20.19]7. 1096025 Private .... ...... HlISleden, Hnrry ....... . ......... NiL ................ .. 1Ill81cden. Mrs. Martha ........... 351 Harbord St .. , Toronto. Ont ........................ Engla.nd ........ Toronto ....... . Dee. 2,1916. 1006086 Private .......... Hay, Wiltiam .................... Nil.. ................. Hay, Mu. Jnne ................... 21 RoSCfflount Pt., Aberdeen, Seot ..... . .............. Scot.land.: ..... Toronto ...... .. Jno. 6, Hll'l. iJ:>o. IOM135 Privato .......... Henry, Normnn SamueL ......... NiL ................. . Honry, Un!'. Mnry ......... ...... . R.R. No: 4, Alliston, Ont.. ........................... Canada ..... .. .. Toronto ........ Jnn. 24,IUI7. 1096016 Pay.Scrgt ....... Herbert. Henry August.iDe ........ 2nd Regt ............. Rcrbort, JJ!S. Flor~nce Matl' ..... fi2J 1I!nnnmg Ave. , Toronto, Ont ....................... England ........ Toronto ........ Nov. 27, 1916. 1096157 CO.rporaL ........ l1ewleU-, ~~crt . ................. N~ .. ....... ........ .. Hcwlctl.. MTS. ~e .............. 1 311~ !?avenporl. Rd.,. Tor~:)DLo, Ont ............ : ..... Engb~nd ........ Toronto ........ Feb. 1,1917. 1096354 Pn vate ......... . H~wpo, \\ lll'l\~ .................. N~l. .................. H~wpo. Mrs. Anrue ............... SI H~f.tnga SI.;: Dotroit, Mleh., U.B.A ........ .. ...... RUSSIIl ........• Toronto ........ May 21. JOI7. 1098276 ;~.rivato..... . ... D ickey, FranelS Joseph ... ........ NIl.. ........... . ..... Hlckey. Mrs. habcH ........ ..... . 6-13 11 arkhBm t>t., Toronto, Onl. ................ • ...... CRnada ......... Toronto ........ MIl1'. 30, 1017. ]096288 ~rriva te ...... ... Rickey, ~onal'd MichoeL. ...... . Nil ................... Hickey , Mt1I. AngcUne .. __ .... . ... 6t h St .• Now Toronto"Ont..." ........................ Canada ......... Toronto ........ April 6, 1917. 1096096 Pr!vato ...... .... H~nd, Hnrry ........ .. ........... N!I . ....... .. ...... . .. H!nd, Mn. Lily May ...... . ...... 60 Keele St., Toronto. Onl. ..... . .............. ...... .. S . Amoriell ..... Toronto ........ ~~n. 12,1917. 1095347 Private .... .. . ... Birth, Elmer ..................... NJI ................... Hl rth. Chillies ... ... ............. 9Z7 Page St . , Toledo, 0., V.S.A ....................... U.S.A .......... Toronto ........ May 14,1917. 1096015 Private ......... Hiscocks, William Dunean ........ Nil .. . . ............... Hiscocks. M.n:l. Elitahet.h ......... 10, Bleeeker SI.., Torontt., Oot ........................ Eogland ........ Toronto ........ Nov. 22, J916.

84.4578 Private .......... Robin. Joseph ............. ....... NiL. ................ . Bobin. MissMary ........ ... .... . Beekton Hotel. PorI. Buron. Mich .• U .S.A ............ Irela.nd ......... Sarnin .... .. ... . Jan . 'Xl , 1916. 1096342 Private ..... ... .. Hodgins,Harold .Ncw \vilIiams , D. 2nd Regt ............. Hodgins. Mn. MiDnie At"')' .... . ... 87 Witbrow Ave .• Toronto. Onl. ....................... Canada ..... . ... Toronto . . ...... May 1, 19'7. 10911298 Private ...... .... Holland, SluarL Nelson . . ......... N il .. : ... . ............ Holland. Teren~e ................ . 83 Bolton Ave .• Toronto, Onto ....................... . Cann?a ..... .. .. Toronto . . ...... April 10. 1917. 1096063 Private ..... ..... Hool, Georgo ..... ...... ....... , .. Russmn Army ........ Hool , Mrs. Amnc . ..... : .......... ProSflnen, Gradua. Russia ....................... ... ... RUMl..S .. . ...... Toronto ........ Dec. 27,1916. l0960!4 P~vate ....... ... Hoo~er. G~?rgoJamc.s ............ ~~~ Regt . ............ Hoo~r. Mrs. Elizabeth ... ........ Deaumont Cottnge. ArJington, Devon, Eng ....... . .... England ........ Toronto ..... . . . Dec. ]6,11)16. 1096016 Pnvate ......... . Ho'\\nrd, \\Ubert ................. Nil ................ ... Ho\\srd, Mrs. S:llah ..... . . . . ..... R.R. No. 1, N~tlcton, Ont.......................... Canada ......... Toronto . . ...... Dec. 16,19J6. 1096243 Privato....... Hu&hes. Herbert. Kelso ........... Nil.. ................. Hughcs. Mrs. Eli.zabct-h ....... ... 112 Wolscley SL .• Toronto, Ont ....... . ........ __ ...... Canada ....... . . Toronto ......... Mar. 10. JOli. 1096064 Private ......... · Hur&t, Thomas Leo .. . ........... Nil.. ............. . ... Hurst, MTS. Elizabeth ............ 322 Weston Rd., Toronto. Ont .. .. .......... . .......... Canada ......... Toronto ........ Dea. 27,1916. 1096169 Private .......... Hussen, Emino . ..... , ... ......... Nil ................... Husscn, Ml"8. Graco ........ ·· .... · 254 Rhaw 8t .. , Toronto, 001.1. ......... .. .............. Alhn.nin ........ Toronto ........ Fob. 10,1917. 1096013 Private ..... __ .. , Ifohnll, Charles ..... , .... .......... Nil. ................ .. Johns, Mn. Margnrel. ......... .. ·. 354 Brock Avo ., ToronLo. Ont . ... . ................... England ........ Toronto ........ !'{OY. 14,1916. 1096277 Private ......... · Jones, Alexnnder Blyth .... . ...... NiL .............. .... Jones, Llewl)'ll ................... 17 Cammo Cres., Bllrnton. Scot.. ..................... China ....... __ . Toronto ........ Mar. 30,1017. 1096121 Private .......... ~onc.s, Goodmnn God£rey ...... ... 2nd Ecgt . ............ Jones, Mn. Jane ............ · .... · f1) Wal~cr Rd., ToronLo. Onl. ......................... Canada ...... ... ~~ronto . . __ .. .. lIln. '18,1917.

240078 Pr!vate ...... ... ' I{~ncs, Thowns Alexander. ...... .. N~I.. ................. Jon.f?'s, Mn;. GI8~Y8 ... . ........... &48 Osslnp,:ton Ave., ToronLo. 00.1. ......... ....... .. ... Canada ......... I.!.oronto . . ...... May 29, JOI6. 1096055 Pnvate ..... . ... . t!~kcs. George Henry ........... .. Nil ................... Jukes, Mrs. An.n.io ..... .. . ... .. · .. · 8 SI.. AlbansSt., Toronto, Ont . . ....... ... .... ...... .. England . . . ..... Toronto ........ Deo. 22, 1916. 10{l6083 Corpornl.. ....... Kwrt!ley, Wnlter Rewlet .......... [mp. Forces ........ . . Ke.arsley, Mrs. Ninll ...... . ....... 920 DufIer.in St., Toronto, Ont ..... ................... England ..... ... Toronto ..... ... Jnn. S. J017. 1006001 Co. Q.-M. Sergt .. l(enmure, Jnok \Vallace .......... . 2nd Regt . .... . ....... Kenmuro. Mrs. AJice ............. 210 Pentson Ave., Toronto, ant ................. .. . ... Cooade. ......... Toronto ........ Oct . 26, .dU6. 10{l(l30S Privato ........ . . lCcnnn.rd

h William .......... ' ..... Nil ............. " .... Kenna1'd. Mn. Annie ............. 59 Harcourt Ave .• Toronto, On' ........... ...... ...... Cnnnde. ......... Toronto ........ AprjJ 18. 1017.

100624.7 Private .......... Keys, Jo n Joseph ..... . .......... Nil. .......... ........ T{ays. Mrs. Mamie ............... Sudbur&. Ont ....... ..... ............................. Cnnoon ......... Toronto ........ Mor. 21. 19J7. 1006120 Priv.o.te .......... Kondrotenko,,).fich ............... NiL ........... ....... Kondratenko, Mrs. CalinR ........ KicfI, a.b P.O., Cobulovi, Russia ....... . ............ Ru..oo.sia .. ....... Toronto ....... . JnT} . 22. 19J7. 1096107 P,.ivate .......... l{ontchnruk, John ...... ..• ....... Nil. ....... . .......... Kontcharuk, ~fT8. Andrekn ... .. .. Kepew. Monoabyrize. Russia ............. . ............ R u&'3.ia .. ....... Toronto ........ Jan. W, J917.

Page 5: Canadian Expeditionary Force · (ISSUED WITH MILITIA ORDERS, 1917.) Canadian Expeditionary Force 255th BATTALION Nominal 'Roll of Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men

\ (

l09 G002 Corporal .. .. . , ... Kownlchuk , John . .... ... . ........ Nil., . .. . ... . . . . ... . Kowalchuk. Mrs . Kathnrinn . . . ... 62 Dundas 81.., Toronto, Oot . ,_, .. .......... . ......... Gnlicin .... ..... Toronto . . . .. . .. Deo. 26,lg16. 1096103 Private ..... ... .. Kurecicn, Ant hony ... .. , . ........ Rus:sinn Army.. . Kurecicn, MrIJ. VioLoriQ . . .. . .... .. Ostroviach, Rcdomiski. Poland . Russ... . . . .. . . Russia . .. ... . , , TOtont-o . ....... Jan. 16, 1017 . 285170 Private . . , . " .... Lambert, Leonord .. . . . . . ,..... . . 12thRegt ..... .. . . .... Lambert. Mn. Jemima. ........ . . . Mimico, Ont .. . . ... ... ....... .. .. .. .. . . . . ... .. . .. . .. England . .... . ,' Mimico ..... . April 22 . lu16.

1096179 Private . . ..... " Larw, Arthur . ... ....... ... .. . .. Nil ... . ... . ... . ...... . J.fLTkiD, Mrs. Emily . . ... .. . . ...... 7th St. S ., Now Toronto, Ont. . . ... .... ....... _. .... Canada ..... . . .. Toronto ........ Fcb. J3,1917. 8510&7 Private ... . .... .. LaRosel,. Edward. . . . . . . . . . . . . 77t·h Rcgt. ......... . . . LaRose l Maxime ... .... .......... Frolig,hsburg, P.Q . . ......... '" ... . . .. .. . . . . . .. .. . . Cp,nnda ....... .. St. Cathnrincs .. Jan . 12, 1917.

1096323 Privato ..... .... . Lnvell, J6ao.o .. . . .. , . . . ,...... Can. Mil . . .. , .... .... LaveU, lifts. Je,·o~ic ....... . . . . . .... P.O. Box J36, NiBp,:nra-on-tbo-Lako, Oot........ . ... Canada .... ..... Toronto .. April 25,1917. 1090300 Privotc ... ....... LawJor, Leo Bernard . . . NiL ........... ...... ' Lnwlor, Mrs. Cntberine ...... .. '" 720 Queen St·. E., Toronto, Ont.. ...................... Canactf\ ...... . " Toronto .. .. .... ApdJ 10, 19J7.

274096 Privnto ..... ... .. Lawson, Hector Dixon..... ... Nil. ............. ..... Lo.w8on,;\frs. Lcticia ... . .. ....... 571 Wellington St .hOuawll, Ont .. .... ... .......... . ... Scotland ... ..... Ottnwll .. .... . . . Feb. HI, 1017. 1000209 P.rivo.te ........ Leach, Albert ............. : Nil .............. ..... Leaeh, .rurs. Eliza . . .............. 12 Nortbcote St., each Rd., Hnroilton. Ont .......... England ........ Toronto . . ...... Aptil 13,1917. 1096206 Privo.te... ..... . Leedbnm. Jo~eph . ............... Nil. ... ............... Leed.haOl. Mrs. Ifrancls ........... 161 Papa Avc~, Toronto. Ont . .. .. .......... .... . . . . ... England .. .. __ .. Toronto .. ...... ~I"Ar. 1.1911. 1096254 P rivate ..... __ __ . Legge, Ray Willred ......... .... .. IJOt~ Rcgt ..... __ . __ . ~e, Mrs .. Jenrue. __ .... __ ..... __ Temperanceville, Ont...: ............ __ ................ Cana~n ......... Toronto ..... __ . Mnr. 23. Un1. 1096220 Privnte, .. ....... r..eochuk, Joe ...... ....... ......... RU.ssUUl J\Jrny. ____ ... Lcochuk, ?htchacl. ........ __ .... . Pruzany, Grodno. Ru!)5la .......... __ ................. RusSIA .......... Toronto. . . . Mnr. 6,1911. 10902'22 Corporal. ...... . Levering, Paul Johnaon.. . .. U.S. Army ......... .. Levering,.Mrs. Pllulinc .... . ....... Cccil Apt.s., Baltimore, Md .• U.S.A ............. ...... U.S.A .. ........ Toronto . . ...... Mnr. 8.1917. 1096265 Private .... .. ... . Le\'illfon, Gcorgc .... . : ........... C.A.M.C ............. Leviston. Mrs. May ............... 25 Deloo St., '1'oronto. Ont .. .......................... England ........ Toronto . ..... .. Mar . 2-3,1917. 1006300 Private .......... Lindsay, Terr6I1ce .. ............... U.S. Army ........ .. . Corley, Truman .. ...... . ......... St. James Hotel, Dee:l.tur, lit, U.8.A ..... . ........... U.S.A ... ..... . . Toronto .. . ..... April 18, 1917. 642830 Priva.to .......... Lippctt. Harold EdwArd .......... 36th Regt ............ Lippett, Gcorge ... . .. ..... ... ... .. AlIiston. Ont .. . .. . __ .... .......... , ...... . .. . ........ Canada ......... AlIiston ...... ... Feb. 11, 1916.

1096348 Private ..... ... .. Littl e, Stantey Gcorge ............ Nil. ......... ......... Little, },fn;. Francis Emily ........ School House, Dompior St., YcovH, Somerset, Eng .. .. . Englond . .. ..... Toronto . . . ..... Ms.:,- 8, 1917. 100a344 Private . .. .. . Lonsdale, Thomna ................ Ni1. ............ .. .. .. Lonsdale, Mrs. Rosc . .......... . .. 6 Hood St., Bootlo, Liverpool, Eng...... . . . .. . ... England ........ Toronto . . . ..... May 8,1917. 1090174 Private .... .... .. Macaulay. Georcc :b£eVicnr ....... 48t.h Regt ........... . MaeaulA.y, Mrs. Elcnnor .... .. .. " 511 FilImoro St., Ottawa, 11\., U.S.A .................. Cannda. ......... Toronto .. . ..... Feb. 12, 1917. 1090338 Prjy!\te ......... . Ma.cauley. James.. . ........ .. Nil. . ... Maeaulcy, Mt8. Ellen ........... . . 6 Church St., Coletaine, Co. Deny, lre ...... . . . ...... Irehlnd .... ... . . Toronto ........ May 2, 1911. 1090132 Sergeant .......... Mocdonatd, Waller Lconnrd ....... 2nd Rc.gt.. . ... Mncdonald. Mrs. Franeis ..... .... . 156 Delaware Ave., Toronto, Oot..... . . . .... . .... U.S.A ..... ..... Toronto .. . . . ... Js.n . .23, 1917. 109600~ Si~alliDg Sergt... Mncke,nzie, Alexander Broce.. .. 2~~ Regt. .., ~fnck c!lzie, )In;. Bertha ... , ...... 373 Palll'!crston D1vd .. Toronto, Ont.......... .. ... Canada . ........ Toronto . ....... Oct. 27. 1916. 1091l0il PIlvate .......... MaeKmnon, Peter, ............. " Nil..... . .... ,. MacKinnon, Mrs . Rose Ann ....... Be Cou.tslngton St.. Mot.herwell, Lanark, Soot.. ........ Scotland ........ Toronto ........ Dcc. 13, lIU6. 1096341 Privnto ..... ... .. Mahony, John ........... . ........ Nil....... . ..... , Mahony. J.rimue .... ..... . . , . ..... No. 1, Wolfcton PI.. Cork, Ire ... ...................... Ireland, .. , .... . Hamilton .. ..... Mo.y 3, 1917. 1096203 Pri.va.te ....... ... Ma.lonc, Fre<lerick George .. . ..... Nil ............ ..... .. Mntono, Mt8. MAry ....... , ....... 67 Liverpool St .. , Guolph. Ont .......... . ..... . ........ Canada ... .. .. .. Toronto ....... . April 9, 1011. 1096182 Private ...... ... . Manni.ngt Andrew John. ....... Nil ................... Mnnning, Mrs. ~rnrgo.ret .... .. .. .. 211 Nort.h Rnmsoy St .. , Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A ...... U.S.A .... ...... Toroato ........ Feb. 15.1017. 109G071 Private . ... ..... Marteouk, PnnteJimon .. . . .... .... Nil ...... . ... . .. ...... Martenuk, Mrll. Urenill ... . .. .. . .. Crekofshir, Cro RubllD. Hemirafoo.and Breslar,Russia. Russia. .......... Toronto .... .... Dec. 30.1016. 273163 Se~gcant... ....... Marl!n, John RusscU .............. 12th Re~t. ____ ... __ .. . Mnrt!n' Mrs. Malgatet. ......... .. 10 Mart~'r's Fie.1d Rd .• Co.ntcrbur~, Kent, Eog. __ ..... Eo4tlnnd ...... __ Toro~lo ........ Feb: 24,1916. 240464 PllvotC . . ........ MartIn, Leo Harold ............... 0151 n<'gt ... .......... Mnrlln. Thomas Henry .. . . . .. .... Trcesmlll. TY1\ardreatb. P:1.f Station. Cornwall . Eng .. U.S. A .......... Hamilton .. . .... April 24,1016.

1096058 Private .... ... ... McCreary, Frank ............ ... . . Cnn. MiI . .. ..... ..... McCre:ny. Richard .... .... ....... Aurora, Ont. ........... ........ .. . ........ ____ ... __ .. . Canada ........ . Amhe rstburg .. . Dec. IS, 1916. 1096048 Privntc.... . . .. MeDonald, Alfred Steel. .. : ... __ .. Nil ............... .... MeDonn.1d. !Ira. RCDfI. ............ 882n Dloor St. W., Toronto. Ont ..... __ . . .. . . ... . CAnada.. .. Toronto . ..... .. Dec. 18, 1916.

Ui9135 T'rivate.... . MeDooell, Gcorge ................ Nil ...... ............. ~fcDonnell, Goorftc ...... . . .. ..... Bradford, Onto ...... __ .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . Canada . . Toronto. Sept. 10, 19Hi. 1096349 Privnte..... . . . MeFarlone, Witiiam ..... __ .. . .... Nil ................. .. McFnrlanc, Mrs . Elleo ... , ........ Bcmnsville, Onto . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .... fre lnnd.. . Toronto ........ May 11), J917. lOSO l{l9 Prh·ate ........ . . McGo\'enl. Fl"e<1erick Joseph . . ... NiL ..... .... .. ..... .. McGovcrn, Jornes .. , ... ......... .. Fergu!Oon Ave .• HnmHton. Onto . ..... . .... .. .......... Canada.. . Toronto .... .. " Feb. 26, 1917. 1096171 Private ... .. .. __ . MeIlroy, Robcrt Jc!Oepb uonard .. 110lh Re.:ct .... ... . ... McIlroy, N.rs. Violet .............. 4 Mnithmd PI., Toronto, Ont.. ........ .... .. . .. ....... Ireland. . Toronto ....... . Feb. 12, 1917.

27017!1 Sergeant ... .. .... Mclnty.re, John Vincent ... .. ... . .. 38th RC'gt . ...... , ... . Mclntyre, Mrs. :Mnrgatct. ........ 241 Park Ave., Brantford, Ont . ............ __ ......... Cnnadn ..... .... . Orn.ntrord . ... .. Mor. 6, 1916. 1090209 l'rivate .......... Mc!Cay. Elmcr Gnrficld ... . .. . ... Nil .......... , .. ...... McJ(ay, .Mrs. Christina ........ . .. R.R. No. I, Monkton. Ont . ... . .. .. .......... __ ....... Caoado .... ... . . Toronto .... . . .. Mar. 2, 1917. lllC61S3 Private .......... McKinnon, Waiter James .. . .. . . . . Nil ........ .... , ..... . McKinnon,Mrs. Jcssie, ........ . . . Qucensville, C.R, N.S .... . .... . .. . .... . .............. Canadn... . Toronto ... ..... Feb. 15,1917. 1096002 O.-R. Sergt ...... McKnight, Archibnld McLatchie .. elm. Mil. , .. , . . .... .. hlcKnillht, Mrs. Elizabeth ........ clo Jamcs McKnigbt., Rossiobank, Chryaton, Muirhcad,

Glasgow, Scot .. .. ... , ....... : .................... Scotland...... Toronto .... ... , Oct. 27, 1916. 20025C8 I .... -COrporol. ..... McLacblall, John LnchJan ......... 2nd Regt ... , .. McLaehlnn, Mrs. Mnrgarct ...... __ 20 Cunninghom Ave., Toronto, Ont ............. Canndn ...... Toronto ...... ,. Oet. 7, 1016. 1096136 Privo,te .......... McLcod. Gcorge Gordon ... . ..... Nil.. ....... , ......... McLeod , ljfTS. Elizabeth ........ 544. Ningll.fn St ,Buffalo. N.Y., tT.S.A....... . Cnnndn... Toronto . .. . ... , Jnn. 25, 1917. 10CeOCG Corpoml.... . McMillan, Donnld Court.land .... .. Can. :Mil .... , ........ McMillan, Jobn Dougall .......... e/o Calgnr-y HE"rnld, Cnlgnry, Alta .................... Canada...... Toronto ........ Nov', 6. 1916. 1090029 Corporal. . . .... McMillnu, Frcd Buchannn ..... ... C. of G ............ . .. McMillan.Mm. Elsie ............. 34 St·. Ar.m's Rd., Toronto, Ont ....... ....... . ........ Cannda ....... . . Toronto . ....... Dec. 7,1916. 1096330 Private ......... Medland , Vjetor Albert ... , . .. __ .. Nit .......... ...... .. Mcdland, M'8. Maria .......... ... 61 Qucon'sAn .• London, Ont ........................ U.S.A ...... .... Toronto ... , .... April 30, 1917.

201 Sergt..-Drurnmer. Mer.rill. Benjamin .......... .... .. n .C.D ....... . ..... .. Merrill, Mrs. Melen ........ ....... 569M Yonge St .• Toronto, Oot. ....... __ ..•.•.......... England .. __ .... Toronto ..... __ . Jnn. 10, 1917. 273424 Private ____ ...... Miller. Perc~·JamC3 .. .... . . . . ... __ Nil ................... MilJer, Mrs. Maud ........... .... . 28 rantSt., Toronto, Ont. ... . ... . . . . . . __ •.•. • . __ ..... Cannda ......... oronto . ....... April 11.1916.

1090195 Private. __ ... __ .. Milliog.,James Alya . ... ____ .. __ ... nd R<'gt. ............. Millin~, :Mrs. Emity ....... __ ..... 445 Datburst St.. Toronto, Ont.. .. __ ..... . ............ Canada . ...... .. Toronto ........ Feb. 22, 1911. 1096C61 Co. Sergt.-Major. Mills, Harold Joseph ....... __ . . .. Znd Regt .. . .......... MiIIs t oseph Willinm ............. Cobalt., Ont .... ..... .. ............... ............ .... England . . ...... Toronto .... .... Dec. 26, 1916. 1096218 Private .... . ..... Mitebell, Georgc Guild .... ....... Nil ...... .. . .......... Guild, Jamcs ... ..... ............. 22 Annficld Rd., Dundee. Seot.. ...... . ............... Scotland ... .. ... Toronto ........ Mar. 6,1917. 1090360 Private..... . . . Monk. Dono,ld WilIiam .... . . .... . Nil. .................. Monk, Mrs, Rutb .. .... ........... 215 St·. HelcnAve .. Toronto , Ont ... .. . . .... ..... ...... Englnnd ... . oronto .... .. :. M~y 22,1917. 1096241 Private... . . . . . Morey, Sydoey Waiter .. ......... 8th lU>gt... .. Morer, Mrs. Laurp. Alberta . . .. .. . 373 Dcrkeley St., Toronto, Ont .... . . . .. . . __ ...... " .. . England .... .. Toronto .... . ... Mar . 19,1917. 1096070 Private.... . . .. . Uorri60n, Bert·ram Clifford . . .. Nil ... ...... . .. . . . . Mortlson, Jnmcs . . , .. ... ...... . ... 81 St .. Geor~c St., Toronto. Onto . .... . . . .. . • . • . ....... Canada . ..... ... Toronto . ....... Dec. 30, 1916. 158210 Private ..... .. . . . MorriEon, William John .... . . . ... . Nil .. ....... . .. . . .... Morrison, Martin Jamcs ..... ..... . Longford Mills, Ont ..... . . ....... ... .... .... . ..... ... . Canadn ......... Toronto .. . " . .. Sept. 16,1016.

1090356 Private .... . ... . . Morton. ]{enncth Edward ... .. . ... NiL ... , ....... ....... Morton, Mrs. Jane ... ...... ... .. .. 82 Hook Ave., Toronto, Ont.. ........... ... ....... . . .. Cnnndn.. .. . . ... oronto ........ Mny 21, 1917. 1090263 Pr~vnte . .. .. . ... . Musluk, Fred ................ . . . . . ~~ . .. . . ........... ... Musluk, Mrs. A1l1l~ . . .... ..... .... Kamenatz, Podolia. Russie.{ . ... ..... . .. .. __ . ....... , Ru&sia .. .... . ... Toronto . . ....... MM . . 23,1917. 1096087 Pnvate ... . ...... Mussonl~alDes HenTy .. .. . ........ Nil .... .. ............. MU!lSo\Mrs. Matilda ........... . _. J29 Argyle St. , Toronto, ant ..... . .. .. . ... ......... ... England ........ Toronto ........ Jan. 8, 1917. 109~160 Private .... .... .. Myics, Miehael ThoDlDs .. . . ...... Nil ....... ... . .... .... Mylcs. Irs. Rose ...... ........ .. . 55 Laplante Ave., Toronto, Ont .~ .. ................... Aust.ralin .. . .... Toronto .. ...... Fob. 2, 1917. 1090242 Pri"ote .... . ..... Nash. Frcderiek Henry ... ... . ... . NiL .................. NMh, Mrs. Ruby May ....... ... .. 37 Manchester Ave. , Toronto, Ont ........ ... . . ........ Englaod ... .. ... Toronto ... .. ... Mp,r. 19,1916. 109624.0 Private ..... __ ... Naulls, Walter ....... ..... . . ... .. . NH ............ . ...... Kaulls, M1""9. Esther .... __ . . 645 WiUon Ave. , Toronto, Ont o ..............• " ... ... England ...... .. Toronto ........ Mar. 19, 1917.

Page 6: Canadian Expeditionary Force · (ISSUED WITH MILITIA ORDERS, 1917.) Canadian Expeditionary Force 255th BATTALION Nominal 'Roll of Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men


255th Battalion

Rnnk. Namo. Formor Corpe. Name of Ne:rt of Kin. Address of Non of Kin. Cou!lt.ryof RU'th.


Place. Dnte.

1006212 Private ......... . Nedbnllik, :Maxim ................ Nil. .............. .... Nedbailik, Mrs. Agnrfcc. .... . .. Burra, J{ossoco. Grodoo~ Russia. ...................... Russia.. . ...... Toronto ........ Mar. 2, 1917. 1096142 Private ......... . Nikolin, Poter .................... Nil .. . ... .... , ..... , .. Nikolin, lllrs. Alelanura .......... Litawa, Pro., Pedolski, ltussia ........................ Russia .......... Toronto, ....... Jan. 26,1917.

9817 Private ........ .. Nott, Jomes Joscph .............. . 3Td Dntt., C.E.F .... . Nott, Mnthew ... , ....... , ....... MontyiUe, Conn .• U.S.A ............ .. . ....... . ....... U.S.A .......... Toronto ........ Mar. 10, 1917. )096076 ArDlory~Sergt ... Olc..lficld, AJbert .. .... ........ .... 2Dd Rrgt ............ . Oldfield, Mrs. Kate uigh ........ 216 Napicr St .. , HA.milton, Ont ........ .. .............. Englllnd ........ Toronto ........ Jan. 2, HH7. )096051 Private .......... O'Lcnry, Vincent Ambrooo ....... Nil ...... : ............ O'Leary, M..rs. Katherine ......... 76 Edwin Ave., Toronto, Ont ......... ............ .... Cnnnda, ........ Toronto ........ Dec. 20, 1016. ]096163 Sergennt ......... O'Rourke, Patrick Timothy ... , .. Nil ......... .......... MacDonnld, Hugb Calais ......... 1 Arthur St., Guelph, OIlt ..... ....................... Englf\nd ........ Toronto ........ Feb. 7,1917. J09609-1 Privnte .... ...... Owens, Williaro Bawn ....... ..... 10th R('gt . ........... Owens, ~fr8. Agncs ............... 460 Jones Ave., Toronto, Ont ............... • . . ........ Ireland ......... Toronto ...... ... Jan. 12, 1917. 1096194 Privato .... .. ... . Owers. Gordon Josepb ..... ...... . Nil ............ . ...... Owers, Mrs. Caltie .. . ............ 267 Haverson Blvd., Toronto, Ont .. . ..... . . ........ .. CRn.I:tJa ......... Toronto ... ..... Feb. 22.1917. lOD61l4 Privftte ......... . Po.dget, John Perciv{'l. ........... Nil ................... Padgct, Mrs. Elizabeth ........... BuUonville, Ont .. ................ ...... . ... .... ...... Canada ......... Toronto . ....... Jftn. 18,1911. 1096345 Private ......... . Parks, Robert ................... . Nil ....... . ........... Parks, lairs. Catberinc .... . ....... 133 Rhodes Ave., Toronto, Ont .............. . ........ Canada. " " .... Toronto ..... ... May 9. 1017.

7117002 Private ......... . Peach, Gcorgc .................... 39th Rcg(. .. " ....... . Peach, Jobn .... . ................. Port Rowen, Ont ...... . ................. ...... ....... Canuc..la .. .. ..... Sjmcoo ......... Dec. 15.1915. 1096216 Private ..... ..... P~rcc, John Dominy" ........... NU ................... Pearce, Andrew ................... Twillingnt<l, NBd ............. ... ..................... ~c\\'fouod l aQd .. Toronto ........ Mar. G,1911. 1096348 Private ......... . Pegiey, Arlhur Frcderick ......... Can. Mil ............. Pegley, :Mrs. Helen ............. " HI6 Gamble Ave .• Toronto, Ont .................... ... England ....... . Toronto ....... . :\tay 14. 1917. 1091301 8 COrporal ....... . Penne.'", Ernest James ......... ... Nit. ................ .. Penney, WilIiam .................. 11 Oskmount Rd., Toronto. Onto .................... . Ct\nada ......... Toronto ....... . Jan. 13, 1911. 1095328 Private ..... ... . . Pcnney, Sydney Hilbert ..... ..... Nil.. ................. Penny, Mrs. Noro. .. , ............. 561 Dathurst St., Toronto, Ont ....................... . Canada ......... Toronto: ....... April 30. 1917. 10fj6j26 Private .......... Picot., Frttnk Edwsrd ............. Nil . .................. Dickens, Urs. Aliee ............... 48 Dnlfern St.., Park Rd. , Battersea, London, Eng ..... En~tlnd ........ Toronto ..... ... April 28, 1917. 1096141 Pr!vate ......... . Pierse! Thomas H~nry ........... NU ................... Picn;e! :Mrs. NclLio May .......... 405 P<;rth A,·c., ToroD;to, Ont ................... ...... EnJ:'!(\od ........ TOrOI;tto ..... ... Jan. 26. 1917. 240G25 Pnvnte ......... , Plumndge, Fredenck ............ . Imp. Forces .......... Plumndge, Mrs. Florence ......... 191 Kmg St. E ., Hamilton, Ont ....................... England ........ Hamilton ....... Aug. 1. alI6.

1096232 Private ........ .. Pond, Sidney Hayca ......... ..... Nil ..... .............. Morgall, Joscph ................... 6 Trafalgar Terr., Cnldy Rd., Belvedere, Kent, Eng ... Engla.nd ........ Toronto ....... Mar. 14.,1911. 1096250 Private ......... . Pucula, Joscph .............. ...... Nil ......... .......... Pucuia, Mrs. Annle ............... O.zaruw, Prov RRdom, Ru~ian Poland ................ Russia .......... Toronto ........ Mar. 21,1917. Q)

1096095 Private ..... .. , .. Quennell, Allnn Frederiek ......... Cnn. Mil. ............ Q uennell, Alrs. Grace ............ 448 Indian Grove, Toronto, Ont ...................... . Cnnada ..... .... Toronto ........ Jan. 12, 1017. 1096238 Private ...... .... Quick, Williom George .. ......... Territorials ........... Quick, Mr. Annie ................. New Haven, Bradnineb, Devon, Eng .............. . .. En.ccland. : .. .... Toronto ........ :\18r. 16, H1l1. 109(}320 Private .... .. , , . ' Rllnnie, William ................. , 10th Rcgt ..... .. ..... Rann.ie, Mu. Lillian .............. 39 Elmwood Ave., Toronto, Onto ............... ..... . Scollnnd ... ..... Toronto ....... . April 23, 1917. 1096106 Private ...... , . . ' Rattlc, Clifford Henry ........... Nil .................... Rattle, Mu. Nellie ............... 7 Si. Claren9 Ave., Toronto, Ont ...................... En~l1nd ...... .. Toronto ........ .Jan. 16. 1917. 1096325 Private .... ...... Rnwn, Frcderick Weston ...... .. .. Nil ................... Rawn, Mrs. Snrah ................ R.R. No. 3, Mount Forcst. Ont. ...................... Cannda ......... Toronto ........ April 27.191'7,

223071 Sergeant.. ....... Redfem, William AHred ...... .... Nil.. ........... . ..... Redfern, Mu. Mnrgaret M ........ 1243 Dundas St., Toronto, Ont .................... . .. . England ........ Toronto ........ Feb. 2-1, 1916. 1096234 Private ..... ..... Repnth, AJbcrtEdwM ........... Nil .... . .............. Repath, Mrs. Chosti'M .. ......... 140 Milliccnt St., Toronto, Ont .................... .... Canada ......... Toronto ........ MElt'. 16. 1917. 1096297 Private .... ...... Ridley , Alfred Lyn-ll ....... .. .... NiL ................. Ridley, Robcrt WilIiam . .. ., ..... 43 Front St., OriJtia, Ont .............................. Q\nIlda ......... Toronto ........ April 10,1917. }09GJ38 Private .......... Riopcl, ArthurJoseph . .... ... .... Nil ......... . ........ . Rio,",l. Mrs. Emily ............... 609a College St., Toronto, Ont ................... ..... Canadn ......... Toronto . ...... . .lan. 25,1917. 1096214 Corporal...... nltbert$On, John ............. . , ... Imp. Forces .......... Tap!>, Mrs. Elizabeth ............. 163 BaUolU' Rd .. llford, EsscJ:, Eng ............... ..... Scotlnnd ........ Toronto ........ Mar. 3.1911.

71l7G35 Prh·ate ..... ,. Rockefeller, Sto.nley ............. . 39th Rcgt ............ nockeCeJlcr. Mrs. Hannah ........ Port Rowan, Ont ........... . ...................... ... Cnnada ......... Port Rowan ... . 'Dec. 23.1915. 109603J Private .... , .... . R08cnthal, Mu ............ ... . ... Nil. .................. Roscntbn\, Mrs. EAlthcr ........... !~~ Agnes St., Toronto, Ont ...................... . .... RU$~a ..... " ... Toronto ........ Dec. 8,1916. 1096246 Private ....... . .. Ross, DanieL ........ ............ Nil ................... Ross, Mrs. liatel. ................ ~ Poplar St., Sudbury, Ont.. ........................ Canada ....... " Toronto ........ Mar. 21 . 1911 • . 644697 Private .......... Rumble, Robert Roy ....... . , .. .. Nil. .................. Rumble, M rs, May ............... Penetanguisbene, Ont .. ..... , ................... ..... . Canada ......... Penetnnguishenc Feb. 10, 1916.

1096193 Private .......... Russcll, David .. : ................ ~il .. " ............... Russcll, Mrs. Lot.tie M ............ R.R. No.!. Eglioton, Ont .................. ........ . . Canada ......... Toroato ........ Feb. 21.1917. 8532::!8 CorporaL ....... nutter, John ................ ...... NiL...... .. Rutter, Mrs. Mary Ann ........... Atherley, Ont ... : ................................ .... England ........ Orillia ......... . May 6, 1916.

1096172 Private . .... ... .. Sardella, Domenico ....... ........ Nil ................... Snrdello.. Ml'e. Annie." ........... 225 I3cllwoods Ave., Toronto, Ont ............ .. .... . . . tt{lly ...... ..... Torooto ....... . Fob. 12, 1917. 1090.310 Prh·ate .......... Sav::ago. William Henry S ......... Nil. .................. Savage, Mrs. Hannah ............. 318 Powell Ave., Ottawa, Ont ............. ............ Canada ......... Toronto.... ... April 19, 1917. 1006004 Batt. Sergt...Maj. Serjent, Henry ...... ......... ... .. 48lh Regt. ........... Serjent, Mrs. Elizabeth ........... 156 Hinwntbn Rd., Toronto, Ont .................. .. .. England ........ Toronto ......... Oct. 28. 1916. 1096289 Private ........ . . Sharpe. WilIiam Ernest .. "., ..... NiL .................. Sharpe, Mrs. Elizaboth ........... Oakville, Ont ..................................... . ... England ........ Toronto ..... ... April 7,1917. 799803 CorporaL ....... Short, Frank ..................... Nil .......... ......... Short., Mrs. Louisn ... ............ 165 Oak St.). Toronto, Ont ............................ . England ........ Toronto ........ Feb. 1,1916. 916574 Privllte .......... Sitverthom, James Clinton .; ...... Nil ....... ...... ...... Silvcrthorn. Mrs. !rene ........... 143 Benton ot., Toronto, Ont ........................ .. Canada ......... Toronto ......... April 3, 1916.

1006189 Privnte . ......... Si ms, George ..... ..... .. ..... .... Cnn. Mil. ............ Cbaprnan, Emily ................. 60 Park Rd., Toronto, Ont ............................ England ........ Toronto ........ Fab.· 6, 1917. 109G248 Pdvo.te ..... .. .. . Sio.~trr.m. PMI Eric . ...... .. ..... Nil ................... Sj9~trom. Mrs. Amande. .......... 10::lE.Montgomery Ave., Wil~wood, N.J., U.S.A ...... U.S.A .......... Toronto ........ Mar. 21,1917. 1096019 L.·COrporAl ...... Smlth, Angus Charles ............ 2nd Regt ............. SmIth, Mu, Ada. ................. 72 Glvens St., Toronto, Ont .. -:-.. . ...................... Canada ......... Toronto ...... ,. Nov. 29, 1916. 1096C67 Private .. ........ Smith, Ernc.st Gcorgo .... . .. ... .. Nil ............. ...... Smil·b, Mrs. Penr ................. 617 Church St., Toronto, Ont .. : ................ ... . .. Enghmd .. ...... Toronto ... . . .. . Deo. 29,1916. 109614.8 P'iv8tO ... ...... . SneU. Artbur WiIIiHm.... .... ... NiL. . .......... . . Sncll . Mrs. Mnrtba ............... 121 Bnn'io Ave., Toronto, Ont ................ ...... . . ED~hmd . . ...... Toronto ....... . Jo.n. 20.1917. 1096074 Private ........ . . Sokolor~kyc, C(1rool. ............. Nil ................... . Sokololskye, Mrs. Emma ......... Olchofcb.ic, Pcdarski. Russia .............. ... . ..... .. . Russia ......... Toronto ........ Jlln. 2.1917.

Page 7: Canadian Expeditionary Force · (ISSUED WITH MILITIA ORDERS, 1917.) Canadian Expeditionary Force 255th BATTALION Nominal 'Roll of Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men

1096207 Private .......... Stnnce.r. Frederiok Cbarles ....... Nil .................. . Stancer, Mra. Mtu'y JaDe .•..•••.. • 42 Fifth But St., off Tylcr St" Brightside. Sheffield. Eng . .. ..... .. . , ................................ '. England ...... '. Toronto ........ April 9,191'.

lO{l6290 PrIvate ......... . Bt(lvens, SamueL ... ........ .. .... Nil ............ , ...... St.cvcna. Mrll. S9.Tah ............ .. 101 Dundns St., Toronto, Ont ..... , ................... England ........ Toronto ........ April 9,1911. ·490767 Sergeant ......... StevensonJ .08cRT Douglas ......... 2nd Regt ............. Stevenson. Mrs. Hazel. ......... ,' 74 Homewood Ave ., Toronto. Ont ...........••........ Canada ......... Toronto ........ April 13, 1916. 1096009 Corporal ....... . Stewart;, Alexander ............... Territorials ........... Stewart;, John .................... . 116 GeoTgc St., Paisley, Renfrew, Scat ................ Scotland ........ Toronto ........ Nov. 9,1916. 109624.4 Private .......... Slopay, John ..................... Nil ................... Stopay, Mm. Anoie ............ .. . Wois Piatckow, Porkou, Opatllusk.i, Gub, Radom.

Rus~ia ............................................ Russia .......... Toronto ........ Mar. 20,1917. 1096018 PrivRte..... .. SJlliva.n, Michael. ............... . Territorials....... Sullivan, Ura. lsaholl McLaine .... 731 Vnnduzer St., Staten blRnd, N.Y., U.S.A ......... Ireland ......... Toronto ........ Nov. 29, 1916. 10D6301 Private..... Symon, Frank .................... Nil............... Syman, Un. NelUo............. 53 Empire Ave., Toronto, Ont ......................... Channel Islands Toronto ........ April 18,1917. 1096:134 PrivRte ......... Tanner, AJbert Edward .......... NiL............. .. 'fave:u'r, Mrs. 'Mary ........... ... 14 Gladstooe Pl., Toronto, Ont ........................ England ......... Toronto ........ May 1, H1l7. 1096088 Privnto .......... Thaetcr, Chnrles Frederiek...... Nil.............. Thnctel', Frcdrri<lk ............... Walnut St. , Dotroit, Mieh., D.S.A .................... U.S.A .......... Toronto ........ Jan. 8, 1917. 1006227 Private..... Thomas, HnroJd Ivor......... . Nil............... Thomas. Mrs. Snrab ............. . 84 Cnroline Ave., Toronto, Ont ........................ England ........ Toronto ........ Mar. 9,1917. IOQ6OQO Private....... Thompson, Jnmes ThorrH\s....... Nil .......... '" . . Thompsoo, Mrs. Myrtle Ireoe .. ". 595 Pnrlinmcnt St., Toronto, Ont..................... Canada ......... Toronto ........ Jan. 8,1917. 669428 Private.... . .. Thoms, WiIliam ................. Nil......... ... . Thorns, Andrew ......... . ........ 89 Bf\got St., Kingston, Ont ........................... Scotland ........ Toronto ........ Jan. 19,1916.

10gtH56 CorporaL ....... 'l'hurgarJand, WiUred Gceil ....... 2nd Regt........ .. Thurgarilmd, :\[ra. Cecile Patricts.. 82 Gloucester St., Toronto, Ont ....................... Canada ......... Toronto ...... ,. Jan. 31, HH7. 1096124 Privato .......... TilIey, Gcorge Lundy ............. G.G.B.G........ .. Tilley, Mrs. BcRtrico ............. 49 Mnjor St., Toronto, Ont ............................ Canada ......... Toronto .... : ... Jan. 20,1917. 1096317 Private .......... Todhunter, Clifford Henry ....... Nil.............. .. Todbunter, Mrll . Amy ............ 38 S. 61st St., Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A ............... England ........ Toronto ........ April 23, 1917. 109GI08 Private .......... Tomchak, August ................ N"il. .................. Tomchak, Mrs. Ratio ............ Victoria, IGeve, Russia ............................... Russia .......... Toronto ........ Jan. 16,1917. 1096085 Privcr.te .......... Tomkin, WiUiam............... Nil ................... Whitehead. Mrs. EmUy ........ .. . 385 Dunraven Dr., Toronto, Ont ...................... England ........ Toront.() ........ Jan. 6,1917. 10D6331 Private .......... Torrance, WilIiam Groal. ......... Nil. ............. . .... Torranro, Mrs. JEmnnlo ...... .... . . 216 W. Wishart St., Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A .......... Scotland ........ Toronto ........ May 1,1917. 1096204 Privnte .......... Tostevin, Alrred .................. Channol Is. MH ..... . . Tostt"vla, Mu. Clora ............. 24. Ha5tings Ave., Toronto, Ont ... : ............. , ..... Channel Islands Toronto ........ April 9,lQ17. 10g6307 Privcr.te" ........ Tracey, George I3ermud ........ Nil ................... Tmccy. Mf'$. Nice ................ 27 Alma Ave., Toronto, .............................. Canada ......... Toronto ........ April 18, 1917. 1096223 Private .......... Vnnzant., WiJliam AJlan ........... Nil ................... VanZf\Dt. Mrs. Fannie . ............ 2 Mulberry Ave., Fairbank, Ont ...................... Canada ......... Toronto ........ Mar. 8,1917. 1096104 Corporel. ....... Wainwright, John Wilburn ........ Nil ................... Wainwright, Mrs. AnDle ............ :20 Morley AYe., Toronto, Ont ......................... England ........ Toronto ........ Jan. 16,1917. HXlCo321 Private .......... WaJlace, John Deanon ............. NiL .................. WAll ace, JAme:! .................... 145 Chestnut St .• !(carney, N.J., U.S.A ............... Scotland ....... Toronto ...... :. April 24,1917. 109G324 Privnte .......... Wnttl:l, lsaac ErLlest ............... 9tb Horae ............ WnLts, Mrb. Martha ............... 1.S8 Joscpb Ave., Toronto, Ont .......................... Canada ......... Toronto ........ April 26, 1917. 109t}355 Private .......... Weat, Gernld ..................... NiL ................. . Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth ............ Scarboro', Ont ........................................ Canada ......... Toronto ........ May 21, 1917. 109Gl65 Pri\'nto .......... West, John William ............... Nil ................... 'i\'cst. Lily May . .... .............. ~88 Glndstone Ave., Toronto, Ont ..................... England ........ Toronto ........ Feb. 17, 1917. 10DG283 Private .......... Whlttinghnm, Jobn Peat .......... Nil ................. .. Whittinghnm. Mr8. Gcorgina ..... " 50 Uppcr Clnpton Rd., London, England .............. Englaod ........ Toronto ........ April 3,1917. 10g60b7 PIivate .......... \Vhyte, Archie Hunter ............ Nil ................. .. ,"'hyte, Mrs. Ellen . .. .............. R.R. No. 3, Pricevillc, Ont ........................... Canada. ......... Toronto ........ Deo. 22,1916.

66\)4.')8 C.orpara\.. ....... Wicnberg, Moses .................. Nil .................. . Wienbetg. Mrs. Esther ............. 97 Elizabeth St., Toronto, Ont ........................ Russia .......... Toronto ........ Jan. 10, 1916. 1096285 Private .......... Wiley, John Benry ................ ~il ................ ... McCoy, M1'8. Arvilla ............... Marmora, Ont ........................................ Canada. ......... Toronto ........ April 4,1917.

75804.1 Private ......... WilIiamson Fred Denyca .......... ~~an. Mil ............. Willi3mson, Mrs. Margaret ......... 254 Shaw St., Toronto, Ont ........................... Canada ......... Toronto ........ April 10,1917. 1096038 Private.... . . WilaoLl, Allnn Reid ................ Nil ................... Wilson, Mrs. Edith Sarah .......... 25 Saulter St., Toronto, Ont ........................... SCot-land ........ Toronto ...... " Dec. 12, 1916. 10Q6007 PIivato .......... WilaoD, Archibill Roy ............ !'-lil. .................. Wiloon, Mrs. Emily Maud .......... 597 St. Clarens Ave., Toronto, Onto ................... Canada ......... Toronto ........ Jan. 12, 1917. 109602G Privnte ...... , ... Wilson, Charles ........ ' ........... ~il.................. WUSOD, lurs. Eroma ................ '·St. Ewolds," Henrictt.a St.., AEhton·undor-Lyne, .

Lanes, Eng ....................................... England ........ Toronto ........ Dec. 2,1916. 1096039 Privnte .......... Wilson. Henry Rcid .............. Nil. .............. .... Wil8on, lIfrs. Margaret Thomson .. CardweJl, Rossenu, Ont ............................... Canada. ......... Toronto ........ Dec. 12,1916. 1024001 Co. Sergt.-Major. Wort~ton, William ............ Intb Reg~ ............. Wort.binglon. Mrs. Mntilda ........ 213 OsIer St., Toronto, Ont ............................ England ....... . TorontQ ........ April 11.1916. 787670 Privato .......... Yade, Iferbert Edward ........... Can. AtU .............. Yade, Mrs. Augustine ...... ........ Arnprior. Ont ......................................... Canada ........ . Toronto . ....... April 16,1917.

1096161 Private .......... Yule. lWbert Henry .............. C.P.A ................ Yule, Mrs. Hazel Maud ........... 157 Harvie Ave., Toronto, Ont ........................ England ........ Toronto ........ Feb. 5,1917. 1096274 Private .......... Zimmer, Clnronco Murray ........ Nil ...... " ........... Zimmer, .Mrs. EJiz3beth .......... R.R. No. 1, Agincourt, Ont. .......................... Canada ......... Toronto ........ Mar. 29,1917.

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