Can Nicotine Safely Burn Fat and Build Muscle_ the Surprising Facts

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    Can Nicotine Safely Burn Fatand Build Muscle?The Surprising Facts

    WARNING:This article isnt for the general

    public. Its definitely, unequivocally not. I

    wouldnt tell you to run your daily driver

    on pure ethanol formulated for Grand Prix

    racing, so if youre already happy riding

    around in that Honda Civic body of yours,

    more power to you. This post, however, is

    for fire-breathing monstersnot

    necessarily race cars, but the

    Lamborghinis and Bugattis of the world

    seeking a balance between ultra-

    performance, aesthetics, and longevity.

    Proceed with caution here. Treacherous

    Turns Ahead.

    Dont tell me you just train to be strong,

    because Illknow youre lying. As people

    who train our asses off, were all

    constantly looking to accelerate the fat

    burning process while we add muscle.

    Nobody wants to spend hours in the gym,

    benching 315 for reps, before hitting the nightclub in a muumuu.

    Trouble is, all the so-called good stuff that physique competitors use and abuse is kept hidden

    away from the public as a result of an unspoken code of silence. Theyre also illegal. The law says

    you cant take fat-burners like clenbuterol, albuterol and ephedrine anymore. This, however, may

    not be a bad thing, because research has shown that theyre not quite as effective as the

    bodybuilding world makes them out to be.

    These fat-burners all target fat cells in the same way. Adrenaline uses particular receptors on fat

    cells to make them dump their fat load and empty out. The three I mentioned above target fat cells

    either by causing a release of adrenaline, or by using the same receptors as adrenaline.

    Theyll stop working if you use them long enough. Thats because after a while, your cells become

    immune to catecholamines in generalwhich means they become immune to the effects of

    adrenaline. You develop a sort of adrenaline diabetes, where these fat burners stop doing what

    theyre supposed to do[1-4].

    There is, however, a surprisingand highly controversial solution: nicotine.

    Way Outside The Box

    Okay, before you write me off as an attention whore and tell me to go fuck myself in utter disgust,

    hear me out, because theres plenty of research indicating that nicotine can be a very effective

    replacement for even the most reputed fat burners, illegal or otherwise. It shares some of their

    properties without suffering from their failings. Nicotine, like other stimulants, raises lipoprotein

    lipase in muscle tissue but lowers it in fat cells[5]. Translation: your muscles can absorb and burn

    triglycerides easily, but your fat cells cant store it. In short, nicotine makes it harder to get fat.

    Right, but dont all the beta-adrenergic agonists do that? Sure, thats the reason contest-prep

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    The Carb Nite Solution

    Most people have a hard time finding their way out of

    the box.

    Nicotine will turn doing calculus into a joke.

    coaches recommend them in such copious

    amounts, because they need to fix the problems

    their shitty old-school diets cause. Nicotine,

    however, comes with a little bit of magic. It

    actually stimulates the release of fat from fat

    cells and prevents storage by stimulating a

    different set of receptors[6]. These are the

    receptors targeted by the cholinomitics that

    reside in coffee. Ive discussed these previously,

    but nicotine is far more intense. As a result, even

    if you go into that adrenaline diabetes I

    mentioned earlier, nicotine will still stimulate

    your fat cells to keep dumping fat.

    But Wait Theres More

    Yours absolutely free, at no additional charge, is nicotines ability to potentiate muscle growth.

    Thats right: youll lean out and build muscle at the same time. What makes nicotine so effective

    for cutting and general fat loss is the fact that its also an effective stimulator of the mTOR

    pathway[7]or simply TOR, as its now conventionally known. TOR is your anabolic primer. If you

    want to grow more muscle tissueor any tissue, for that matterit has to be turned on.

    When youre cutting, youre in a state of calorie deprivation, which automatically decreases TOR.

    Nicotine, however, turns it back oneven when youre going through a rigorous cutting process.

    This also gives us a non-nutrient way to turn TOR back on after an overnight fast, which if taken

    too long depresses TOR activation.

    Nicotine can also increase nitrous oxide (NO) production during training, and it activates the AMPK

    pathway[8]. This carries a twofold advantage. First, free-radical accumulation during training can

    ignite muscle growth, but its a hermetic response. Elevating it for a while is good, but elevating it

    for too long is bad. Theres evidence that nicotine causes a short-lived burst. AMPK activation also

    prevents fat cellsonce againfrom storing fat.

    Im still not done. Recent studies elucidate several previously unknown pathways that

    downregulate myostatin, the protein that prevents muscles from getting big. Nicotine stimulates

    one of these myostatin-bashing pathways[9].

    Stop Being Stupider

    Nicotine also has nootropic effects, which means

    it can improve cognitive function, particularly

    working memory[10-11]. And no, working

    memory isnt your recollection of the horrors

    inflicted on you over the years by your asshole

    boss while you sat in a biomechanically

    disadvantageous position in your cubicle and got

    fatter on a daily basis. Rather, working memory is

    your ability to reason correctly, succinctly, and

    efficiently[12]. So, yes, nicotine can make you

    smarter. Maybe not Einstein smart, but youll be able to figure out what Im talking about at least

    90 percent of the timeand during that other 10 percent, chances are Im not even sure what the

    hell Im talking about, so youre good.

    Slow Down Killer

    Smarter? Stronger? Impervious to adrenaline diabetes? I bet youre not even reading anymore

    because youre checking Nicorette prices on Amazon. As exciting as all this research is, however,

    its all still very new, and only through continued work will we discover exactly how powerful these

    effects are and how we can best utilize them for our performance and aesthetic goals. Whats not

    newand whats established factis that nicotine burns fat.

    Nicotine accelerates fat burning in two major ways. In order to burn fat, youve got to get it out of
  • 8/13/2019 Can Nicotine Safely Burn Fat and Build Muscle_ the Surprising Facts


    fat cells. Nicotine, because of its unique receptor stimulation on fat cells, causes them to dump fat

    like a drunk sorority girl puking her guts out after a party[6, 13-14]. Because of this, nicotine is not

    appropriate for a carb-based diet because the simultaneous increase of triglyceride levels, insulin,

    and blood sugar can cause all the problems associated with diabetesand fat cells exposed to

    nicotine and insulin simultaneously can actually increase the rate of fat storage in fat cells[15]. The

    fat-dumping potential of nicotine also increases with physical activity, so the more you moveor

    the more intense your movement isthe more fat youll burn[16].

    Your resting energy output also goes up with nicotine ingestion. This appears to happen primarily

    through an upregulation of uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1). The uncoupling proteins, when present in

    high amounts, disrupt the bodys ability to create ATP, and the excess energy gets wasted as bodyheat. This is how mammals regulate body temperature, and its also why starving yourself for fat

    loss decreases energy output. Calorie deprivation downregulates UCP1[17]. Nicotine re-stimulates

    UCP1[18-19], so you keep burning fat even if you drop calories.

    And speaking of calorie deprivation, nicotine can help there, too. Its an excellent appetite


    The Controversy

    Nicotine hasnt been linked to bodybuilding until now, obviously, because the question thats on

    everyones mind is whether its cancerous. As it turns out, its not. It wont trigger cancer

    development because its neither mutagenic nor clastogenic, but that doesnt mean were out of

    the woods just yet. Nicotine is a prime regulator of TOR, and every cell in your body has a TOR

    pathway to grow. So, since nicotine can continuously stimulate growth, its a very bad idea to put it

    in your body if you already have cancer. This is analogous to taking growth hormone. If you take

    growth hormone when you have cancer, youll accelerate the growth of the cancer. Circumin

    supplementation, however, has been shown to negate this effect[23].

    Also keep in mind that the dosage of nicotine that smokers get is around 40-60 mg per day. As

    youll see below, the nicotine dosage necessary to get these positive effects is only 1-4 mg per


    The Protocol

    If youre thinking a few moves ahead, youve probably figured out

    by now that you should take your nicotine first thing upon

    waking. This is how you can re-ignite mTOR activity without

    eating, thus allowing you to push your meals back a little further

    if youve found that works better with your lifestyle. All it can

    possibly do is increase fat burning and mental awareness. You

    only need 1 mg, although Id highly recommend cutting this

    dosage in half to see how you react[25]. If youve never been

    exposed to nicotinelike me, before I started this regimenit

    can leave you seriously mangled in the form of light-headedness

    and dizziness. Avoid operating heavy machinery or lifting heavy

    weights over your head, at least for the first few minutes.

    After this, take another 1 mg in the afternoon, a few hours before training. This is the protocol Id

    suggest when using either Carb Nite or Carb Back-Loading. For Carb Nite, the morning dose

    ensures quick clearance. Nicotine clears the system in roughly 24 hours, but this takes longer in

    the evening[24], and its hard to sleep with the elevated body temperature this causes. The same is

    true for Carb Back-Loading, but in that case, you dont want to ingest nicotine with carbs because

    of the adverse effects discussed earlier.

    Also, ingesting nicotine earlier in the day can cause transient insulin resistance[26], which means

    that if youre ingesting nicotine while on Carb Back-Loading, you absolutely must resistance train.

    I recommend chewing gum twice per day on training days, and only once per day on non-training

    daysor not at all. You should also make sure that you train on your actual Carb Nites if youre

    going to implement nicotine usage while on The Carb Nite Solutionor abstain from nicotine for

    24 hours before you feast.

    Stack It

  • 8/13/2019 Can Nicotine Safely Burn Fat and Build Muscle_ the Surprising Facts


    /21/12 Can Nicotine Safely Burn Fat and Build Muscle? The Surprising Facts

    I dont know about you, but Id rather cruise around in

    a Bugatti than a Honda Civic.

    TweetTweet 33 7

    Dont be afraid to stack your nicotine and caffeine. I would lower your caffeine dosage from the

    maximum recommended training amount (800 mg) to 200 mg at most, an amount research shows

    to be an effective adjunct to the nicotine for fat loss and mobilization during training[25].

    Powe r Is Knowledge

    Yes, I know. Ive got it backwards here, but in

    this case, its appropriate. Power is knowing how

    to use these cutting-edge techniques without

    affecting your health. The best time to use

    nicotineand the only time I use it with clients

    is during the last 4-6 weeks of contest

    preparation, or to help a powerlifter who has a lot

    of body fat to lose. Personally, I like to chew a 2

    mg piece first thing in the morning, every other

    day. Even when doing this, Ill never chew

    nicotine gum for more than eight weeks at a time

    without taking a break of four weeks or longer.

    You should adopt this protocol if youre thinking about incorporating nicotine.

    Wrapping It Up

    So, there it is. Weve discussed all the good things nicotine can do for you, while addressing the

    bad, too. Im here to provide cutting-edge knowledge to help you reach your goals faster and more

    efficiently without jeopardizing your health. This protocol is ideal for competitors who are leaning

    out, because it accelerates their fat loss while keeping them anabolicwhich means far less

    muscle loss in most cases, and muscle gain during the lean-down phase. This can work for you,


    Lets be perfectly clear, though. Im not recommending that everyone go out and try this. This is

    bleeding-edge science, and the consequences of such low-dose administration are unknown. From

    animal studies that use quantities in the range of micrograms-per-kilogram, the effects seem to

    be all positive, but these studies havent been done with humans. Its safe enough, however, that

    researchers have considered using it as a treatment for Alzheimers.

    As I said in my introduction, proceed with caution. Until theres significantly more research done

    on the subject, the use of nicotine will remain controversial. Research on fat loss conclusively

    shows its benefit in that regardand when compared to the illegal branch of the fat-burner family,it may actually be worth a try.

    My purpose here is to relay to you whats in the research, and to figure out how it can help you

    reach your goals. Thats what I do. And Id never talk about something I wouldnt doand havent



    Featured Image By: Stienf9

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  • 8/13/2019 Can Nicotine Safely Burn Fat and Build Muscle_ the Surprising Facts


    /21/12 Can Nicotine Safely Burn Fat and Build Muscle? The Surprising Facts

    accelerated fat burningadrenalineadrenaline diabetesalbuterolampk activation

    ampk pathwayanabolic primeratpblood sguarbuild muscleburning tridglycerides

    calorie deprivationcancercancerouscatecholaminescholinomiticscircumin supplementation

    clastogenicclenbuterolcoffeecontroversial nicotinediabetesdownregulating myostatin

    ephedrinefat burnersfat cellsfree-radicalshermetic responseinsulinlipoprotein lipase

    mtor pathwaymuscle tissuemutagenicmyostatinmyostatin-bashing pathwaysnicotine

    nicotine and caffeinenicotine ingestionnicotine usenitrous oxidenootropic effects

    overnight fastpotentiate muscle growthraising lipoprotein lipasereceptorsresting energy

    stimulantsstimulating the release of fatstimulatortortor activation

    transient insulin resistancetriglyceride levelstriglyceridesucp1uncoupling protein 1


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    Discussion Community

    Is there any chance of forming some sort of addiction? I've never had any sort of Nicotine

    in my life.

    Aar on And ers on

    Addiction, if you follow the prescription will not be a problem. Realize that most

    people who form heavy addictions ingest between 20 to 60 mg per day. I would never

    recommend such high doses for therapeutic use.

    DHKiefer M od

    Kiefer mentions that Smokers can take anywhere from 40-60mg of Nictoine per day,

    that is where the whole Nicotine is addictive mind-frame comes into play. Though Nicotine IS

    addictive (Caffeine is too) developing an addiction at these low amounts is possible but not

    likely and as someonewho has been using Nicotine as a 'nootropic' for sometime now have

    notexperienced any sort of 'withdrawal' symptoms or woke up saying 'damn wheres my gum'.

    Hope this tidys youover till Kiefer oranyone 'basically anyone is more qualified than I' can

    speak furtheron this. -Dave S

    David Schroer

    I thought the same. Nicotine and Caffeine are both addicting no? Same chance as

    getting addicted to that as drinking coffee for the caffeine.

    Marc David

    I don'tthink it's fairto say "same chance" - they are not the same thing.

    Aar onAnderson


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    DH Kiefer

    Kiefer graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelors in Mathematics and a

    Bachelors in Physics in three years then became a Ph.D. candidate in physics at

    the University of Florida in only a year. Yes, hes smart as f*ck, but he doesnt

    use his credentials as a gimmick to trick people into believing what he says.

    Hes been researching, testing and verifying what hard science proves as fact

    for over two decades. The results hes achieved for himself and others led him

    to start calling his clients S.H.I.T.sSuper Heroes In Training.
  • 8/13/2019 Can Nicotine Safely Burn Fat and Build Muscle_ the Surprising Facts
