campus outreach annual report 2009-2010

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campus outreach annual report 2009-2010

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Who is Campus Outreach? 1

Letter from the Directors 2-3

Piedmont Triad Area 4-5

Charlotte Area 6-7

1822 Generation 10-11

DC New Years Conference 12-13

Summer Beach Project 14-15

Administration & Finance 16-17

Campus Outreach DC 18-19

Campus Outreach Lynchburg 20

Campus Outreach Johannesburg 21

table of contents

Campus Outreach (CO) is an interdenominational ministry primarily on small to mid-sized campuses in 15 US states and 5 continents. Campus Outreach Charlotte is one of these re-gional CO ministries which began in 1995 under the supervision of Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, NC. Our vision is to “Glorify God by Building Laborers on the Campus for the Lost World.” with the goal to evangelize and disciple college students. By serving under the care of various local churches, the ministry brings together the campus and the local church for greater impact. Our vision is to see maturing disciples who will leave the campus and provide leadership in every sphere of influence (church, community, business, education, missions, etc.) in the United States and around the world.

Our Strategy Is To:- Evangelize students with the Gospel of Jesus Christ- Establish students into mature Disciples of Christ- Equip students to be laborers for Christ- Export individuals, teams, and multiplying ministries

Distinctiveness As A Ministry:- Target small to mid-sized campuses where the majority of the world’s students attend- Operate under the supervision of a local church- Utilize the principles of multiplication to grow- Establish regional hub ministries to facilitate focused grass-roots works, therefore maintaining no global headquarters. This serves to minimize bureaucracy and inefficiencies, while maintaining quality ministry through local church oversight and supervision- Staff raise 100% of support to fund their position

Co Charlotte’s Connection To Christ Covenant Church:In 1995 Christ Covenant Church adopted a small team of Campus Outreach staff to serve under her encouragement, nurture, and supervision in an effort to establish collegiate ministries on campuses in North Carolina. The Session of Christ Covenant appointed a governing Board comprising of Elders, Deacons, and Laymen to oversee the ministry’s efforts and provide valuable leadership and accountability. In addition, the finances of Campus Outreach Charlotte are supervised by the financial offices of Christ Covenant and are audited annually by an independent auditing firm. By God’s grace Christ Covenant’s Campus Outreach ministries have experienced a fruitful and fulfilling fifteen years of service! May God’s glory abound all the more as these stra-tegic ministries continue!


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Over the last 30 years Campus Outreach has multiplied campus ministries all over the continental United States and in several international environments.

The multiplication of ministries has brought both NEEDS and OPPORTUNITIES. One major distinc-tive of the ministry is that each new franchise team comes under the authority of a new regional church so that the work can be contextualized to that new geographic area. This strategy has pro-tected the “flatness” of the organization, ensuring the development of more kingdom leaders. At the present rate of the whole international organiza-tion, we believe the present 21 global franchises will add 10 new franchises in the next 5 years and 20 new franchises in the next 10 years as a global movement!

As the movement of Campus Outreach continues to multiply ministries to new regions, however, there is a growing need for “higher level” exper-tise to help the ministries and their leaders contin-ue to grow deep as it grows wide. As a result, we have made room in the model for those older lead-ers to provide help and shepherding for younger franchise directors working within their churches and campuses. This is to ensure high levels of re-tention while we PASS IT ON!

The regional franchises that have grown out of COCharlotte in the last 5 years are COLynchburg: lead by Matt Bradner (I met as a freshman 15 years ago!) and CODC-Washington, D.C.: lead by Dave Russell (I met as a freshman 14 years ago!). Each of these men have teams of 8-10 staff and operate under their own regional franchise hub churches as their authority structure.

Andrew Holbrook (I met as a student at Davidson College 10 years ago!) will be replacing me as the COCharlotte Regional Director this Summer of 2010 and I will move into a new role to serve all 3 of these franchises and their campus ministries (totaling 12 campuses & 45 staff ) ranging from D.C. to Virginia to North Carolina! Just through our own multiplication we hope to see 1 or 2 more independent franchises within this territory. With more ministry there is a need for more help and input. My role will be titled: Mid Atlantic Regional Resource Director. We will serve from Lynchburg (the location of one of these franchises) because it positions Carley and I at a central point in the movement geographically.

Personally, Carley and I couldn’t be more excited about ALL that God is doing in this movement to spread HIS GLORY through this ministry to college students! The scope of impact that we’ve seen for the last 15 years has been truly mind-blowing and VERY humbling! Students, parents, siblings, friends and neighbors of thousands of reached students have come to know the Lord, gotten in-volved in local churches and are seeking to know Christ and make Him known. We long for MORE testimonies of INDIVIDUAL LIVES being trans-formed by the POWER of GOD offered in the GOS-PEL of Jesus Christ. This is a message and mission worth passing on!

This is a HUGE step for Carley and I as we approach 40 years in age! This has become a “career” move for us and we are grateful to Jesus and to you all who have supported our ministry so faithfully for so long! We need you and desire to continue to partner with you as missionaries to such a high-potential impact demographic—our own college students in our culture—TOMORROW’S LEADERS!

Joe NaramoreMid Atlantic Regional Resource Director

Joe Naramore: Directors Letter

Joe Naramore, COC Regional Director, his wife Carley, and their two sons, Collin & Jaxon.

“No man however gifted and devoted, is indispensable to the work of the kingdom.”- J. Oswald Sanders.

Since no man is indispensable to God’s work, it must be part of HIS plan to always pass his work on to others. This is precisely what we find in the scriptures. Abraham passed on the covenant promises to his children. Moses passed on the leadership of Israel to Joshua. David passed on the shepherding of Israel to Solomon. This pat-tern continued into the New Testament with Jesus and his disciples, Paul and his key men and on and on throughout the history of the church. Ps 145:4 says, “one generation shall praise Your works to another.” This is the “pass it on” spirit in action. One generation after another, proclaiming the mighty works of God, declaring his glory and maj-esty to the next, so that the promise of God’s love, faithfulness and truth is passed on from person to person, generation to generation, age to age.

This spirit of multiplication is encapsulated in Campus Outreach leader’s commitment to work

themselves out of a job. Whether we are a student leader on the soccer team or a staff girl sharing our faith with a sorority or the Regional Director of the ministry, we believe God has called us to entrust the gospel message and mission to younger men and women who will be qualified to lead and teach others in the same way we have done (2 Timothy 2:2). In so doing, we believe God uses us to pass on our calling from God to those who will continue in similar steps for years to come.

This past year, Joe Naramore, worked himself out of a job as a pastor at Christ Covenant Church and Regional Director of Campus Outreach by hand-ing me responsibility to lead this ministry into the next decade of kingdom service in North Carolina and around the world. For 15 years, CO has been influencing college students in the Charlotte area so we can send them out to serve in churches around the globe for the advance of the kingdom and the good of the lost world. Lauren’s and my prayer is that we might continue to lead this team to keep doing this. We dream of sending teams to less reached campuses and regions of the US and around the world so that God can raise up

Andrew Holbrook: Directors Letter

Andrew and Lauren Holbrook

2009-2010 Campus Outreach Charlotte Team (right):

1st row: L to R: Clint & Rachel Darst (Eden), Joe & Carley Naramore, (Jaxon & Collin), Andrew & Lauren Holbrook, Kristin Niland, Leah Breglio, Lauren Arold,

Steph Martz, Jenelle Trifon, Wendy Eunice, Kelsey Mathews, Amy Fulginiti, Katie Eck, , Carrie Russell,

(Helen & Charlotte), Kelly Broadaway, Luke Broadaway

Back Row: Kyle Mercer, Michael Lopes, David Springer,

Bill Moore, Matt Hill, Thomas Snow, Zach Fulginiti, Peter Eck, David Russell (Carson), James Broadaway

men and women through them who will pass on the gospel to their generation.

The amazing truth seen through all the pages of scripture is that God uses us to accomplish his purposes. Though he didn’t need to, God chose to honor us by including us in his plan to restore the world to himself. Though no man is indispens-able, God won’t dispense without using us. I take great comfort from the words God gave to Joshua as he took over a new leadership role. “Command Joshua, and encourage him and strengthen him…he shall cause them to inherit the land” (Joshua 3:28). God declared that he would use Joshua to pass on the promise land to his generation. This is our expectation in Campus Outreach. The testi-monies you will read in this report are just a small example of the new generation that is rising up with a zeal to pass on the promises of God to the next generation. Thank you for being a part of this great work. And praise God for his grace in allow-ing us to be a small part.

Andrew Holbrook

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What a year in Area 3! In 2009-2010 we have launched a new region, sending out Dave and Carrie Russell, (9 years in Area 3) to Washington D.C.! Rachel and I moved from Wingate up to the Triad in November to take over for the Russell’s as the Area 3 Director. Not only this, but Wing-ate University has now been added as a campus in this area and Artie Van Sciver has been added to the Elon Staff team! The Lord is clearly prepar-ing Area 3 for a new future. However, the most ex-citing part of all the changes is that each campus has a substantial growing movement of student leaders already present. So as we launch forward with a new Area Director, new campus staff and a new campus, we launch with campuses loaded with laborers already laboring. 9 of the 13 Team leaders on our Summer Beach Project are return-ing to our Area campuses. We are hopeful that the Lord has orchestrated all of this to build new lead-ers on the campus to carry the Gospel into dorm halls, athletic teams, fraternities and sororities to many college students in both the Triad and in D.C. in the coming years! We are so thankful to be in Greensboro in this stage of our lives. We love the city and have hearts for the specific diversity that encompasses this college town. May God expand His grace, mercy, rule and reign to the ends of our campuses! Please join us in praying to this end, that He might receive maximum glory!

Clint Darst, Piedmont Triad Area Director

It is extremely encouraging to think about how God has been faithful to the ministry at Wingate University throughout the past year. The 2009-2010 academic year represented major transition to our ministry as Kelsey Mathews and I entered our first full year in leadership at Wingate. On a student level, we had seen God move in signifi-cant ways in the previous year and began the Fall with more student leaders than ever. There were many questions entering the year about how the younger students would fill the shoes of the se-niors who had so faithfully walked with God and influenced others while at Wingate. In the past eight months we have witnessed God work in the lives of our roughly thirty-five student leaders, giving them a hunger for Himself and a desire to make the Gospel known to others. As a result, God is using them to reproduce another generation of laborers at Wingate!

Wingate: David Springer, Campus Director

Piedmont Triad Area

I have loved my experience of working with new girls and having opportunities to share with them about Christ. It has been amazing to see truths of Scripture become a reality as I see God’s word produce faith (Rom.10:17), God unveil their eyes so they can finally see and believe in Christ (2 Cor.4:6), and the Father initiating an interest in their hearts that has lead to Him ultimately draw-ing them to Himself (John 6:44). I have really been able to relate to what Paul says in 2 Corinthi-ans.4:5-7, “For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord…But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.” I have seen the importance of continually pointing the girls I am leading to Christ. I am merely His servant, holding the great treasure of the gospel. This treasure is what the girls need to grow, to know Christ more, and to be motivated to give their lives more fully to Him. I do not want to be passing on my own thoughts or lessons to the girls. I need to be con-tinually passing on the treasure of the gospel, and allowing the gospel to be the tool that will work powerfully in their lives (Rom.1:16)!

Elon: Steph Martz, Women’s Coordinator

“Okay guys I am challenging each of you to share your faith with one person this week who does not know Christ.” I began the fall with this challenge to the sophomore men in our ministry, not knowing how it would be received. Many responded with enthusiasm and had lunches and dinners with stu-dents during the week with the sole intention of sharing the gospel. “I got up with a dude I used to party with named Jake”, Brian Davis said. “As I shared the gospel with him I could tell he was un-der strong conviction and he told me he wanted to repent of his sins and trust Christ.” Wow! Now Bri-an is leading Jake! Here is a picture of what is be-ginning to happen at UNC-G ‘s campus. Students are beginning to own certain convictions, not just rent them. All over our ministry we are seeing stu-dents make decisions to purposefully know Christ and make Him known. It is exciting!

UNCG: Kyle Mercer, Campus Directorstats: 280 gospel presentations. 181 students

in investigative bible studies. 62 students

being established. 33 students being

equipped. 19 students being mobilized. 230

students in attendance at weekly meetings.

174 students attending evangelistic retreats.

22 students prayed to receive Christ. 6

students prayed to receive Christ at NY’s

conference. 28 total students who prayed to

receive Christ.

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On our campuses, we set out to experience a year of hope. Psalm 33:22 says, “let your mercy, O Lord, be upon us, just as we hope in you.” God has been so faithful to pour out his blessing. Over the year we have seen so many dramatic answers to prayer. God brought Andrew Hathaway to be the campus director at UNCC literally from around the world (he was in Malaysia considering being a long-term foreign missionary). Our ministry at UNCC has grown from 4 committed student leaders to over 60 growing believers. At Davidson, we have seen God give us a significant position to minister to the men’s and women’s swim team, the football team, the men’s and women’s soccer team, track and field, volleyball, men’s and women’s basket-ball and 3 fraternities. 16 students have come to faith on these campuses. 18 students are being trained and mentored as Christian leaders. A new convert at Davidson told our staff girl, “growing up in South America, I always knew about God, but everyone in CO always talked about Jesus. After studying the bible all year and spending the sum-mer with Christians at the SBP, now I know why. I need Jesus as my savior.” That is the epitome of what it means for God’s mercy to be upon us.

Andrew Holbrook, Area Director

Charlotte Area

One of the students that Artie and I have been praying for and ministering to recently made a commitment to follow Christ this spring. Below is a quote from a journal entry he wrote. “Death is inevitable. Because the punishment for sin is death. We are human therefore we sin-that too is inevitable. The only way for our souls to be saved is to put all of our faith in Jesus Christ, who died for our sins. So, that we may live eternally at his side. So I put all my faith in Jesus, hoping that I will be forgiven for my many sins against Him and others...Everything that has happened in my life till now was meant to be and made me who I am today. I will try and learn from all the mistakes I have made. For the first time in my life I feel like that empty feeling is gone.”God has been working in this students heart all year long. And in so many other men and women as well. The Holy Spirit finally gripped him and for the first time, he understood and experienced God’s love and grace. I would ask you to pray for him and the many other students at UNCC that God is moving in.

Charlotte: Andrew Hathaway, Campus Director

In August 2007 a few students coming off of their first beach project committed to investing in a younger generation of Davidsonians. This year, many of those “investees” and others became the “investors”, pouring their lives into those around them. Also, for the first time in seven years we had a weekly meeting for teaching God’s word and ex-periencing community. Our large-group environ-ment became a place for non-believers to engage God and the Scriptures, Christians to mature, and students to develop as leaders. In addition to a growing Sunday night prayer meeting, we also be-gan praying 24/7! ...thats 24 minutes, 7 days a week - a small step in the direction of our desire to have a movement of prayer ignited through cam-pus. And there were plenty of failures too. Inevi-table, yes, but sweet because of all God taught us during those times.

Davidson: Bill Moore. Campus Director

stats: 120 gospel presentations. 25 students in investigative bible studies. 32 students being

established. 6 students being equipped. 1 student being mobilized. 85 students in attendance

at weekly meetings. 55 students attending evangelistic retreats. 8 students prayed to receive

Christ. 6 students prayed to receive Christ at NY’s conference. 14 total students who prayed

to receive Christ. L to R: Andrew Holbrook, Andrew Hathaway, Bill Moore

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2009-2010 CO Memories

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As we come to the close of our first full year lead-ing the 18/22 Generation ministry, there is much to be thankful for. Throughout the beginning days of 18/22, we consistently prayed the Lord would do a work that we would not believe if told and he has done just that. Last summer we had between 25 and 30 students involved on a consistent basis. Our theme, Heroes, looked closely at Hebrews 11 and the various heroes of the faith that we should seek to emulate. Towards the end of the summer two guys surrendered their lives to Christ and be-gan to understand what a life with God actually looked like.

Going into the fall there was much excitement, as we had a few small groups which began studying one of the greatest letters Paul ever wrote, Ro-mans. God continued showing his favor on us in bringing 6 of our people to our New Year’s Confer-ence in Washington, D.C. This was a crucial time for them all, especially for 4 guys who I called to discipleship following the conference.

As you can imagine, there was much anticipation leading into the Spring semester. The Spring was full of teaching young Christians how to walk with God personally and how to help others do the same. Nearing the end of this year we had 8 peo-ple commit to going on our Summer Beach Project (something I never would have dreamed at the end of our first year). All in all the Lord has been faith-ful to spread a passion for His name in the 18/22 Generation!

Peter Eck, 1822 Generation Campus Director

I have been going to Christ Covenant Church since I was a baby. The ministry opportunities Christ Covenant has to offer have truly been a blessing to me. After going through the youth ministries and graduating from high school, I was unsure of what to do next as far as Sunday school and being in a community with my friends and fellow believers. The 18/22 Generation ministry, in association with Campus Outreach, has met that need and more. 18/22 has been a way for college students, like myself, to continue meeting and growing in the love of Jesus Christ. College is just another step in life and it is also a time where many stray from their walk with Christ. 18/22 has encouraged me through accountability in fellowship with other students who are struggling as well and want to stay strong in the faith. It has offered many ways to remain strong in my faith through our time to-gether on Sunday mornings as we dive into God’s Word. I have also grown stronger through the de-votional groups as well as my personal one on one time/ Bible study with staff leaders. 18/22 has opened my eyes with a new perspective of college and duty as a student; but more importantly my duty as a follower of Christ. 18/22 has encouraged me to be that light of Christ on campus and to be the hope for which others see and ask about. I thank God for allowing 18/22 to be possible. It tru-ly has and continues to strengthen and encourage me to be all that God has called me to be.

Joe Simmons, Testimony

1822: Generationstats: 11 gospel presentations.

4 students in investigative

bible studies. 7 students

being established. 4 students

in attendance at weekly

meetings. 4 students

attending evangelistic

retreats. 2 students prayed

to receive christ. Joe Simmons, student

Peter Eck, 1822 Generation Campus Director

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Daniel Fox: I grew up in a Christian home, but nev-er read my Bible. For the most part, I went through the motions at church, while my real priority in life was relationships with girls. This priority contin-ued as I went to college. Thankfully I met some friends in Campus Outreach and began attend-ing the weekly meetings. While attending these meetings I learned about Campus Outreach’s New Year’s Conference. During the 5 days at Conference God softened and penetrated my heart with truth. Through different talks given by the speakers, I re-alized what I had been searching for in those other relationships was Christ. On the last day, January 2nd, 2010, Laura Story, our worship leader led us in a song that says, “I stand, with arms high and heart abandoned/ in awe, of the one who gave it all...” so I dropped to my knees and asked forgive-ness for my life of sin and accepted Christ’s Holy Spirit. I am a new creation

Gauvin Bilings: I grew up in a Christian home, but never had an authentic relationship with God. It wasn’t until I attended Paradox Conference in D.C. that I truly understood God’s gift for us and real-ized that he is the righteous bread of life that can fulfill all things. I recommitted my life to Christ at that point. I knew that how I had been living was not how we are created to live. I knew that it was time to grow up, and become a man whose solid foundation in life is Christ Jesus, the root of sal-vation. I put away my selfish ambitions and gave them all to him. I knew that I couldn’t do this life

on my own and that the Holy Spirit was my only hope. Since then I have been striving to live in a way that is pleasing to God’s will in my life. I am so thankful for my salvation.

Luke Vandall: My experience with D.C. conference was monumental in showing me how to apply the Bible’s teaching and my walk with Christ in a way that would impact my campus. The theme of Para-dox opened my eyes to how seemingly opposite many of Christ’s teachings are in comparison to the teachings of the world. The experience of be-ing able to learn from Pastor Mark Dever alongside hundreds of college students provided me with motivation, vision, and excitement to return to the campus in the spring and to share the good news of Jesus Christ with my teammates, classmates and others in the community. Pairing this theme with the breakout sessions, campus times and the experience of being in D.C. provided a well-round-ed and overall highly influential trip. I consider New Year’s conference one of the most motivating times of my year and an experience that proved valuable for my entire spring semester.

Washington D.C. New Year’s ConferenceThe New Year’s conference is a conference sponsored by Campus Outreach Charlotte,

Campus Outreach Greenville, and Campus Outreach Lynchburg for college students

all across the southeast.  The conference is designed specifically for students who are

investigating the person of Jesus Christ or who want to be a leader on their campus for

Christ.  The conference packs tons of relevant teaching, live music and worship, and

fun with friends from your campus into 5 days and 4 nights all in our nation’s capital,

Washington, DC

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Each one of us no matter our race, socioeconomic status, culture or time period are born with an in-nate desire for abundant satisfying life. We long to love and be loved, to live a life of significance and to enjoy it. Unfortunately, we find that the places we think will satisfy this desire for life, consistently let us down. We are left with this yearning for life. This summer our Beach Project theme captures this yearning. We are Dyin’ to Live. However, our theme is a double entendre that also captures the Biblical truth of the path to the very life we yearn for. In Romans 8:13, the apostle Paul tells us that the life we long for is found in death, “For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body you will live.” Christ Himself of-fers Life to us through His death and resurrection. We will be unpacking basic Biblical theology from this theme. We will see God as the Ultimate and Intimate Creator of life, The Fall as ‘Life Lost’ and Redemption as ‘New Life.’ We will also spend time learning how to grow in this new life by putting to death the deeds of the body, with our eyes fixed on the accomplished work of Christ and the promise of Restoration. I pray and anticipate that God will build foundations in nearly 130 college students on how to find and live the Life they long for in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Clint Darst, 2010 Project Director

I came to know Christ through Campus Outreach and the ministry of Peter Eck and the 18/22 min-istry at Christ Covenant last summer. Afterwards I got involved with CO at UNCC and began to grow in my faith this year. I began asking that God would show me the best place for me to grow in my walk with Him this summer. He clearly led me to Beach Project and I am so thankful he did. I am growing in so many ways. Most importantly I am learn-ing how to faithfully share the gospel with other people and grow daily through devotions. Beach Project is an amazing place for strengthening faith and preparing for walking with God in a secular world. He has already worked mightily in my life and I am excited to see how He will work in the following weeks at project and into the upcoming school year.

Milas Shepherd, UNCC

Beach Project This summer we have been learning about Jesus’ call to deny our self in order to find life and life to the full, as he promises in John 10:10. Coming into the summer I was tired and wanting a vacation, and knew that Beach Project was going to be busy. With all the fun activities and the busyness, Jesus has been teaching me to deny my desires to be lazy and rely on his strength. He has definitely met me in my weakness and given me the energy and capac-ity needed. Through this, I have experienced genuine joy and learned more of God’s greatness. As a result of His strength, disciples are being made and His name is going forth.

Erica Nichols, Wingate University

(Above) 130 Students at Beach Project. (Right) Clint and Rachel Darst

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James Broadaway: “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich.” Before God, without the righteousness of Christ we are spiritually bank-rupt. But God in his generosity and mercy sent Jesus Christ to pay off our spiritual debt of sin. By trusting in the work of Christ we gain his wealth (righteousness) and he takes our poverty (sin). I pray and hope for all our ministry donors that above all things it is the gospel that motivates you to give, that your generosity would be the natural outward display of the inward reality of the grace of God in you. Your gifts to Campus Outreach are having a tremendous impact on our college cam-puses and world. As you have read the previous pages you can see the fruit that God is produc-ing through our partnership of your gifts, which enable our service on the campus. Thank you for your generous giving. May we all be motivated to-wards generosity by the grace of God given to us in Christ!

James Broadaway,CO Charlotte Administrative Director

Administration + Finance

“Our mission is to provide servant leadership by offering effective and efficient administrative services for staff, students, and supporters to accomplish the Campus Outreach vision and to develop the passion and skills of the administrative staff.”

(L to R) Zach and Amy Fulginiti, Joe Nara-more, Wendy Eunice, Jenelle Trifon, James Broadaway, Kelly and Luke Broadaway.

Jenelle Trifon: In November of 2009, I be-gan a new role in our region as the Media Communications Director. In a world where so much of our culture is driven by media entertainment, this role can be a pivotal opportunity. Whether films, magazines or television, we are all directly influenced by what we see through these different medi-ums. Unfortunately the influence is most used for deception, but my desire is to turn the table and use it for God’s glory and the furthering of His Kingdom. Through videos, flyers, brochures, as well as the website, I have had the opportunity to impact many students lives by visually pointing them in a direction where truth will be shared, hope found and lives changed. During my time in the office the Lord has shown me how criti-cal administration is, and how he has gifted each of us in a unique way which allows the body to function as one.

Jenelle TrifonMedia Communications Director

How CO

Spends Your Dollar:


ss S




ss In



+ B












2009 - 2010 Yearly Spending:

Staff Salary and Benefits: $1,025, 639

Summer Beach Project: $131, 672

New Year’s Conference: $69, 411

Campus, Ministry, and Administrative: $74,986

Miscellaneous: $21, 151

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3 CO Franchise Teams

Served (Charlotte,

Johannesburg, D.C)

241 Washington DC

New Year’s Conference


126 Summer Beach

Project Participants

8676 Gifts given to

Campus Outreach


2258 Supporters

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David Russell, DC Regional Director: “Attempt something so big for God, that if He is not in it, it is destined to fail.” This was a quote that I first heard as a junior in college at a Campus Outreach New Year’s Conference. As a wide eyed, 20 year old I was inspired to live my life in deeper faith for the glory of God. At that time it meant trusting God to work in the lives of my fraternity brothers as myself and a few friends were broadly shar-ing the gospel in our chapter. After graduation it would be a step of faith to raise support to come on staff with CO and start ministry at UNC Greens-boro. As 10 years have passed by on staff with CO, God has been gracious to keep this flame alive of stepping out in faith and trusting God.By the time you read this annual report, our Cam-pus Outreach D.C. (CODC) team will have landed in our nation’s capital to begin ministry! Washington, D.C. is the place that we are now stepping out in faith and trusting the promises of God in Christ. Our team desires to be used by God to spread the glory of Jesus Christ to the many students on these campuses.

Why Washington, D.C.? In addition to being our nation’s capital and a major international city, Washington has one of the largest concentrations of college students in the country. There are over 100,000 college students on multiple campuses in just a 30 minute radius. As we have understood the needs and opportunities that exist in D.C., we have become convinced of the plan to launch ministry there.

What is the need? A church planting strategist recently told me that there has not been a significant Christian movement in D.C. since post World War II. Many describe Washington as a

CO Washington, DC

“post Christian” culture. We have found the campuses to be one of the most under resourced places for campus ministry in the country. There are more campus ministry staff workers at the campus I have been working at in North Carolina (UNC Greensboro) than there are in the entire District of Columbia. There is a great need for gospel witness on these campuses.

What are the opportunities? In many ways, Washington is a “gateway” into the most unevangelized parts of our country. There are large populations of students from the Northeast and from many foreign countries. The nations are literally represented at these campuses in a unique way. There also is a great opportunity for the mobilization of students upon graduating. A lot of students study in D.C. in order to work there when they graduate. We will have an opportunity to reach students at 18 who may be there until they are 30 and will end up all over the globe .

What will the challenges be? Washington has been a tough place for college ministries so far. With some of the highest costs of living in the country, our support raising is substantially higher than what we needed to minister in North Carolina. Many ministries have had a tough time sustaining the necessary funding over the years. The cost of housing is about triple the costs of North Carolina. Finding housing that is close to the campuses will be a challenge. We have done a lot of research to understand the challenges that we will face and are trusting God to richly provide in each of them.

Church: Capitol Hill Baptist Church (CHBC), pastored by Mark Dever, will be the regional church that CODC will be under the authority of. The church is located just five blocks from the

Capitol building and has had a gospel ministry in Washington since 1878. CODC will be under the care and supervision of the church. We believe that this will provide many things along with the help needed to face the challenges that other campus ministries have experienced in D.C. We are excited about working with CHBC to reach students on the campuses with the Gospel.

Meet the Team:

Carrie Russell: Ten years ago, I came on staff with Campus Outreach as a 21 year old college graduate. I was a young, single woman who was excited to have the opportunity to influence college students for Christ. Now that I have been married for 8 years and have three children under the age of five, many things have changed. What hasn’t changed is my passion for the gospel of Christ to go forth on campus. Though my role looks different on the team now as a mother, I am excited to pack my family up and move to D.C. with our team. Raising our kids in D.C. will be a very different life than what we have in North Carolina. While there are many questions of what life will look like in D.C., I am confident in God’s faithfulness. We consider it a privilege to plan our lives around the mission of the Gospel. Please pray for us as we step out in faith and transition our lives to this new city.

Matt Hill: I remember the day very clearly...I met David Russell for lunch expecting to discuss plans for my transition as the campus director at Elon University. Instead, David began explaining how a new opportunity had opened up to begin a new Campus Outreach ministry in Washington, D.C.!

After he finished explaining more of the details he asked me what I thought about all he had just said. I did everything in that moment to temper my enthusiasm as I replied, “It’s a lot to think about,” even though inside I was burning with excitement, already picturing the many students from around the country and the world that would be gathering in our nation’s capital at the many prestigious uni-versities. I was blessed to spend the last year work-ing at Elon University, where many of the students are from the Northeast. It was extremely valuable to gain experience engaging students from those areas of the country with the gospel. The harvest truly is plentiful in D.C. and unfortunately the la-borers are few. To be able to participate in spread-ing God’s glory to an area of the country in such great need is a tremendous privilege. I pray God’s glory would spill out from the many campuses in D.C. into the city, this country and the world.

Lauren Arold: Growing up in the Washington, D.C. area, I see the desperate need for the gospel to go forth in this region. It is truly a privilege to be ‘re-turning home’ to our nation’s Capital to start min-istry on college campuses there. My desire is to dwell among our next generation of our country’s leaders and persistently share Christ with them. Romans 10:14-15 states “But how are they to call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in Him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without some-one preaching? And how are they to preach un-less they are sent? As it is written ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” These verses encapsulate my burden for college students and my vision in wanting to be a woman who goes and shares the gospel with those who do not know Christ and to see laborers for Christ raised up on the college campus.

Thomas Snow: It is a blessing to be a part of a min-istry expansion team, particularly to our nation’s capital, that is so full of college students who are our future leaders. I have become more convinced

than ever that the college years are pivotal times where individuals make decisions that will affect the rest of their lives. As the Administrative Direc-tor, I will have a unique opportunity to call on my background of communications, while still directly influencing students spiritually. I feel that the Lord has been preparing me for this position for many

years, even though this opportunity is just now becoming a reality. For several years I had the priv-ilege of being discipled by Campus Outreach staff, which has specifically prepared me to disciple men and share my faith on campus. God has provided generously through His people and will continue to support our expansion to D.C. It is so encour-aging to know that God is our Almighty Provider and the reason we are capable of taking on such a challenging task!

Mandy Wilson: As I have graduated from Elon University (May 2010), one chapter of my life has come to a close, and I am absolutely thrilled for the new chapter the Lord is opening! Reflecting on my time as a student, I have been continually in awe at all the Lord has done at Elon. The Lord has not only done a transforming work in my life, but I have had the wonderful privilege of seeing God draw, transform, and mold the hearts of numerous other women here. I think about all that the Lord has done on this campus and I am excited to think of the transforming work that the Lord is going to do in the lives of the students in Washington D.C. I desire for students to be raised up from this in-fluential city and desire the glory of the Lord above all else. I get chills just thinking about the impact that these students can have for the Kingdom of Heaven! I am eager to begin the full time process of support raising and am trusting that the Lord will provide for all of my needs (Ph. 4:19).

Caitlyn Stout: I am so excited to be a part of the D.C. team. Having grown up in New Jersey (right outside of Philadelphia), I will have the opportu-nity to minister in an area close to home. There is a very deep need for the gospel to go forth in the Northeast. Knowing that there are a lot of students from South Jersey who attend schools in D.C., it has become one of my biggest prayers that I would have the opportunity to share the gospel with stu-dents from the area I grew up in. I would love to see those students become laborers for Christ who would bring the gospel up the East Coast!

“Building Laborers for the Nations in our Nation’s Capital”

L to R: David and Carrie Russell and Family, Caitlyn Stout, Lauren Arnold, Mandy Wilson, Thomas Snow, Matt Hill, and the DC team.

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Dreams Coming True.

We have just completed our fourth year of ministry in Virginia! Four years may not seem like a big deal, but for a college ministry four years is a very big deal. The freshman students that we met when we moved to Virginia in the fall of 2006 just graduated a few weeks ago. Of the hundreds of students that we have met in the past four years, almost all of them clearly heard and witnessed the gospel being lived out, dozens of them became Christians, many of them are impacting others on the campus and in their workplaces, and five of them are joining our staff team!

Our dreams are coming true. When we moved to Virginia four years ago, we dreamed about and prayed for the day when we would hire college graduates who, at the time, had not even began college yet. What a joy to now see these dreams come true and see the individual lives that are impacted. All of our new hires are Virginia Tech graduates. Four of them will remain at VT to pour

their lives out to the Hookies, while one of them will move to Lynchburg to work in our headquarters and minister to students at local colleges.

Another dream that has recently come true is the launching of Campus Outreach Lynchburg’s first Summer Beach Project (pictured). For the past three years we have joined Campus Outreach Charlotte’s Summer Beach Project in Myrtle Beach, but after much prayer and investigation we decided to launch our own summer project in Virginia Beach.

The twenty-four student participants are spending the summer learning about the “God of Yes.” The story of “Yes” begins in the Garden when God tells Adam, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden...” Of coarse God does go on to tell Adam that he may not eat from one particular tree, but the point is that we often think that the first thing God said to Adam was “No,” when actually the

first thing that God said to Adam was “Yes!” Over and over again, Scripture reminds us that God is for us and approves of us through his Son. And we are also taught that victory over sin comes from saying “Yes” to God rather than only trying to say “No” to sin.

Most importantly, God gave His ultimate “Yes” to us in Christ. “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘Yes’ in Christ” (2 Cor. 1:20). The God of Yes says “Yes” to us through his Son. We deserve to hear a big fat “NO!” from God because we have said “no” to him so many times. But because of his great love for us, Jesus stood in our place and took the “no” for us! Now the promise of eternal life is “Yes” in Christ!

Andrew Schwartz Director of Operations Campus Outreach Lynchburg


Since January of 2003 the COJ team has been going hard after God and His purposes in Christ for university students in South Africa.

The Team has run with endurance the race set before them and God has blessed us with the breadth, width and depth of ministry that we could only dream of. We have witnessed radical numbers of relationships, conversions, disciples, graduates, retreat and project participation, church engagement and church planting… simply put, growth and blessing like most of us had never seen before.

Having run so hard, so far and so long, the COJ Leadership Team and Board decided in July of 2008 that we would make 2009 a year of Jubilee. A year to slow down some in order to more deeply consider and to celebrate together what God had done in Joburg and Pretoria from 02-08. Little did we know at the time how the economic events (Global Financial Meltdown) in the last quarter of 08 (September onward) would affirm that decision (made in July) and position COJ to reconnect significantly with our spiritual and financial resource base in the US and celebrate together what God had done.

With this in mind, we spent the better part of a year participating in four levels or phases of Jubilee/Joyful Celebration of what God had done: Reflection, Refreshing, and Resetting, all toward Relaunching in 2010. We called our theme “Re” noting so many words with that prefix that might really suit what we believed God was calling us to in 2009.

It was indeed a year of:

Reflection: Reviewing and being Reminded of the faithfulness of God and the work He had been

pleased to accomplish through His servants.

Refreshing: Being Restored, Renewed and Refuelled through fellowship, teaching, study, resting and reading to be Reloaded and ready to give ourselves again and more sacrificially for what God has called us to.

Resetting: Recalibrating, Recontextualizing, Reforming, and Renovating the work to be up to speed with our growing knowledge of God/His Word and a growing knowledge of His World, that He called us to in South Africa.

Having invested several months as a team focused these first three areas in both the South African and the United States. God has seen fit to Reposition us back in South Africa for the last phase of our Jubilee…

Re-launching: Purposing in God to get into position with Him and His Spirit to Replant the work by being Released again into the fertile harvest fields


CO Johannesburg Team

that He has sent us to… we are off now in 2010 aiming with all the strength that God puts into us to Restart and Rebuild this Reproducing work for His glory and the good of His people in Africa and the World. May God send us to the World in the years ahead as He has sent the World to us in the World Cup of 2010. That the Nations might be glad and rejoice in Him.

Neal Gooch CO Johannesburg Director

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