CAMPION NEWSLETTER Issue 19.13, Friday, 27th May 2016 Tel: 01708 452332 Email: [email protected] Website: www.campion.havering.sch.uk RUGBY NEWS 'Aſter victory against the North East Academy, London Broncos U16s suffered narrow defeats against the City of Hull Academy and Wigan Warriors. The Broncos then played Huddersfield Giants with three Campion boys in their ranks once again. Caley Gray, Rian Horsman and Luca Valenni all performed well in a convincing 44 - 24 victory against a strong Huddersfield Giants’ side. There will now be a small break before they are set to play the Bradford Bulls, Castleford Tigers and the City of Hull Academy for a second me. All three boys are compeng well at this level and adapng to playing in a professional environment'. Well done Boys! LEPRA At the end of February, Lepra, a medical development charity which fights disease, poverty and prejudice in lives affected by leprosy presented an hour long talk to the year group. The aim was to help this charity raise much needed funds to make a posive contribuon to the sufferers of this deadly disease. Over a two week period, Year 7 pupils collected a staggering £3,332.06. Many of the boys cleaned cars, helped neighbours and even baked cakes in order to raise the vital funds needed for these sufferers. The money will directly change the lives of 133 people. Susan Davies, Lepra’s representave, returned to the school to award cerficates to those who collected the most. Any pupil who collected over £25 received an alarm clock as a giſt. She was humbled by the efforts of the pupils. Special menon must go to William Agates who collected £165. The school can be incredibly proud of the boys. I would also like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the year group, to thank all the families and friends that supported this great cause. Mr Dwyer Head of Year 7 MOCK MAGISTRATES TRIAL On Saturday, May 14th, our Year 9 Mock Magistrates’ Trial team headed for Chelmsford Crown Court to compete in the regional heat of this worthwhile compeon. Having won the local heat and despite the early start to the morning, spirits and hopes were high that we would return successful. Superbly led by Michael Woodburn, who gave a closing speech that the charismac Johnnie Cochran would have been proud of, the team acquied themselves very well. Hours of hard work, preparaon and rehearsals, however, were not enough to push the side to victory. The standard of compeon was extremely tough and our boys can be very proud of their efforts and performances on the day. Although not victorious, the skills learned over the past six months will stand the boys in great stead in the future. Mr D Dwyer Head of Year 7 LONDON OPEN JUDO COMPETITION AT UNIVERSITY OF LONDON DOCKLANDS Well done to William Cross—9 FI who won all four of his fights at the London Open Judo Compeon at the weekend to gain gold. In William’s previous three compeons he has won 11 out of 12 fights with hippons giving maximum points. William has exceed to become Britain's Number One Ranking Pre Cadet of this age and weight group.


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Issue 19.13, Friday, 27th May 2016

Tel: 01708 452332 Email: [email protected] Website: www.campion.havering.sch.uk

RUGBY NEWS 'After victory against the North East Academy, London Broncos U16s suffered narrow defeats against the City of Hull Academy and Wigan Warriors. The Broncos then played Huddersfield Giants with three Campion boys in their ranks once again. Caley Gray, Rian Horsman and Luca Valentini all performed well in a convincing 44 - 24 victory against a strong Huddersfield Giants’ side. There will now be a small break before they are set to play the Bradford Bulls, Castleford Tigers and the City of Hull Academy for a second time. All three boys are competing well at this level and adapting to playing in a professional environment'. Well done Boys!


At the end of February, Lepra, a medical development charity which fights disease, poverty and prejudice in lives affected by leprosy presented an hour long talk to the year group. The aim was to help this charity raise much needed funds to make a positive contribution to the sufferers of this deadly disease. Over a two week period, Year 7 pupils collected a staggering £3,332.06. Many of the boys cleaned cars, helped neighbours and even baked cakes in order to raise the vital funds needed for these sufferers. The money will directly change the lives of 133 people. Susan Davies, Lepra’s representative, returned to the school to award certificates to those who collected the most. Any pupil who collected over £25 received an alarm clock as a gift. She was humbled by the efforts of the pupils. Special mention must go to William Agates who collected £165. The school can be incredibly proud of the boys. I would also like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the year group, to thank all the families and friends that supported this great cause. Mr Dwyer Head of Year 7

MOCK MAGISTRATES TRIAL On Saturday, May 14th, our Year 9 Mock Magistrates’ Trial team headed for Chelmsford Crown Court to compete in the regional heat of this worthwhile competition. Having won the local heat and despite the early start to the morning, spirits and hopes were high that we would return successful. Superbly led by Michael Woodburn, who gave a closing speech that the charismatic Johnnie Cochran would have been proud of, the team acquitted themselves very well. Hours of hard work, preparation and rehearsals, however, were not enough to push the side to victory. The standard of competition was extremely tough and our boys can be very proud of their efforts and performances on the day. Although not victorious, the skills learned over the past six months will stand the boys in great stead in the future. Mr D Dwyer Head of Year 7

LONDON OPEN JUDO COMPETITION AT UNIVERSITY OF LONDON DOCKLANDS Well done to William Cross—9 FI who won all four of his fights at the London Open Judo Competition at the weekend to gain gold. In William’s previous three competitions he has won 11 out of 12 fights with hippons giving maximum points. William has exceed to become Britain's Number One Ranking Pre Cadet of this age and weight group.


KARTING Well done to Henry Hudson, Karl McClay and Jake Peters who competed in the London and South East regional Final of the National Karting Competition.


The week we spent in Morgins was one I will never forget. It was a fantastic experience not only to ski in such an amazing place with brilliant slopes and views, but to spend a week in the mountains with some of my good friends and to also make so many new friends who I had not spoken to much prior to the trip. Our mornings were spent skiing, which was of course everyone’s favourite part of the trip. On the first morning of skiing, we were separated into groups according to the form we had filled out before the trip, indicating our level of ability. I felt that my skiing definitely improved over the course of the week, having completed a black run for the first time and even skiing off-piste through a forest. Many of my friends on the trip were also in my ski class which made the experience even richer. As a group, we helped each other when people were struggling and bonded over the days we spent skiing together. I particularly enjoyed the feeling of satisfaction and pride after completing a very difficult black run. Mr Friel had a part to play in this, however, clearly noticing I was nervous but giving me the advice and guidance I needed, which gave me the confidence and self-esteem to just do it. At other points in the action packed week, I would think back to this when I was nervous or needed some encouragement. Obviously, the one standout memory from the week was my ‘Stack of the Week’ award, which provided plenty of amusement for my group, in particular Mr Friel who took a good ten minutes to stop laughing afterwards. I was a little embarrassed at first but quickly saw the comical side of it when I heard Mr Friel and Mr Luck howling laughing at the bottom of the slope after witnessing me pop out of my skis and fly head first into two foot deep snow. My exploits earned me an award at our presentation before we left and even more laughing from mates and members of staff. On a slightly more serious note, I was honoured to receive an award for ‘best contribution to the trip’ along with Harry Evans. In the afternoons, we had French lessons with three local volunteers. Whilst enhancing our skills in the language, there was plenty of banter in my group, often orchestrated by our teacher, Barbara. My French class was enjoyable as, again, I was with some of my friends and the lessons were very relaxed and fun. Our evening activities, arranged and led by the staff, were much more fun than everybody had predicted, with the teachers usually starting a snowball fight which seemed slightly hypocritical as this was supposedly prohibited. Sledging was a great laugh but had Mr Luck not jumped out of the way as I sped towards him at high speed the week could have been very different for me, as it was our first night. I really enjoyed our walks through the forest in the evenings. There was such deep snow and we had so much fun rugby tackling each other into it before sinking out of sight. Our evening activity on our last night in Morgins involved a ‘Killer Pool’ tournament, in which I was robbed of 40 francs by Nick Barratt. I performed a wonderful trickshot to start with, but failed to pot a quite simple shot which lost me the winnings. I was not too disappointed though, as I walked up to my room reflecting on the amazing week I had been fortunate enough to participate in, and was very grateful that I was allowed to go. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the week and will always be grateful to my family for paying for the trip and to the staff who organised it and gave up a whole week of their time away from family to give us such an extraordinary experience. Sam Meehan—8FI



Please observe the speed limit within the school grounds at all times.

Campion PE Department are on Twitter!!

Please feel free to follow us


All your fixtures, results and general sports info. Please note this is a one way account, any comment or correspondence should still be sent via the official channels.


The school should be notified of any absences by 9 am each day. You can either call: 01708 452332 x313 or email: [email protected] Leaving your child’s name, form and reason for absence.


Practice makes perfect. Learning an instrument is great for co-ordination, integrating physical and mental activity, using creativity and imagination and learning to learn. but only with PRACTICE!! Start your regular practice routine today, if you have not already done so. It is only 10 minutes a day for grades 1-3. How about 7.30 in the morning before you catch the bus? How about straight after tea before you start your homework! When are you doing your practice? Come and tell us. C O’Hanlon Music Department



We are now collecting Sainsbury's Active Vouchers at the school, and would greatly appreciate if you could hand them into the front office.


Havering Schoolwear, 119 Belgrave Avenue, Gidea Park,

RM2 6PS Tel No: 01708 767890


Their opening hours are:

Monday – Thursday, 9.00 am – 5.30 pm Friday and Saturday, 9.00 am – 5.00 pm

During summer holidays, they have late opening on Thursday evenings until 8.00 pm.

All approved school uniform and supplies can be purchased from this shop.

LOCKERS Year 11 / Year 13

Please can you make sure that if your son/daughter has a locker it is emptied and the key returned to the finance office by leavers day.




The Parents’ Association has had the idea of running a silent auction during the school’s annual Sports Day & Garden Party to help raise funds for the school. In order to determine if this would be a feasible/viable fund raising activity to pur-sue we need to be able to quantify the types of items or services we can auction, examples are as below: Are you a hairdresser - could you donate a free cut & blow dry?

Are you a beautician – could you donate a free beauty treatment, nails painted, massage etc?

Are you a gardener – would you be willing to tidy up someone’s garden?

Would you be willing to do some ironing for someone, or walk their dogs?

Do you have a signed ball or shirt you may wish to pass on?

Do you work anywhere that could donate a prize, cinema tickets, theatre tickets, activity centres, restaurants?

Other ideas would include: MOTs, Dog Grooming, Driving Lessons, Golf Rounds

The list is endless…………….

If you have a skill or service you are will to provide/offer free of charge that we can auction at the annual Garden Party

could you please contact Lucy Parham on [email protected]


We have discounted wristbands which are ideal for birthday outings or to keep the kids occupied during school holidays. To buy on the day you would be charged £28 but you can buy from us for only £16, a saving of £12 per wristband!

D Pembroke Parents’ Association


To keep up to date with fundrais-ing events, ‘like' us on Facebook

https://www.facebook.com/CampionPA/ (Campion School

Parents Association)

or ‘follow’ us on twitter


PA (@CampionSchoolPA)

Please share or retweet our status updates so that as many people as possible get to find out what is going on in and around the Campion School community.



Many companies will double monies raised at events that you have been involved with, it is a tax break for them so works in the company’s favour as well as ours. Please ask your manager or HR department about matched funding, the process is so simple. You will need to provide the details of the school and afterwards Mr Williams writes a letter to the company confirming your involvement on the day. Last year we received £1500 in funding from two companies - easy money and there is so much more out there so please do help if you can.

GRAND DRAW Tickets will be distributed soon and the 1st prize will be an i watch.

If you work in retail or a company that supplies these watches at a discount rate, you can help profits so please email [email protected]


Well once again the Jersey Guys worked their Four Seasons magic and then transformed into the Village People, the Beach Boys and many more favourites to give us a fantastic night of music and dancing.

The dance floor was packed all night so go to our Facebook page to see what a great show we had https://www.facebook.com/CampionPA/





Could your company donate an item to our auction? Does

your company operate match funding?

If you need a formal letter please ask a member of the PTA


• Sports tickets

• Signed sports memorabilia

• Sort stadium tour

• Kids group party packages

• Function hall hill

• Red letter Days / Experiences

• Cookery Courses

• Tourist attraction tickets

• Hotel Accommodation

• Theatre tickets

• Holiday homes

• Restaurants – Lunch of Dinner

• Food Hampers

• Gift cards

• Celebrity items

• New electronics

• Hair & beauty

• Swimming lessons (course of)

• Music Lessons (course of)

• Tourist attraction tickets

To submit your donation please contact Lucy Parham at

[email protected] or alternatively please contact

any member of the PTA