Reaching the Unreached of the Next Generation This Is Why We Do It... M I N I S T R Y R E P O R T 2 0 1 4

Camp Anderson Ministry Report

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This is a praise report for all that God did at Camp Anderson this past Summer 2014. This includes testimonies of students and adults about their experience at camp and includes photos and decision reports. It was and incredible Summer, and to God be the Glory!

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Page 1: Camp Anderson Ministry Report

Reaching the Unreached

of the Next Generation

This Is Why We Do It...M I N I S T R Y R E P O R T 2 0 1 4

Page 2: Camp Anderson Ministry Report

Camp Pastor, Kevin Hornsby Before I came to Camp

Anderson, I was that

rebellious teenager

that they described

partying, alcohol,

and involved in drugs.

I didn’t even want to

come but my mom

mademe. But now, I’m so glad I did. It

changed my life! Pastor Kevin is the best.

He really makes you think hard about

your life. This camp really changed me.

- Hunter DurdenCamp Anderson

has helped me see

the relationship

instead of the

religion. I had

always just gone

through the

motions and

rituals of Christianity. But now,

I understand that Christianity

is not a religious belief, it’s a

relationship with a loving, kind

and eternal God.

- Trevor Hruby

God has done incredible thingsat Camp Anderson in 2014. We have witnessed over 300 young people accept Christ as Savior.Thank You for your participationand To God Be The Glory!

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Evangelist Speaker, RV Brown

I came to camp broken. I was miraculously saved

by God this week. God has worked a miracle on

my heart and soul and Camp Anderson helped to

show me the way to live the fullest life as a

follower of Christ. I can’t wait to come back

next year! - Piper Murray

I rededicated

my life to God

and I’m going

to live for Jesus.

-David McCullers

Camp Anderson has changed my life. I came

damaged and hurt but I am leaving repaired.

I have been saved and baptized this week and

I am turning my life around. -Joseph Lee

It is by the passionate Spiritfilled preaching of God’sWord that young peoplecome to a saving knowledgeof Jesus Christ. The ‘GoodNews’ that Jesus Saves isas relevant today as it hasever been.

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We have witnessed over175 young people having been Baptized at Camp this Summer. It is amazing to see these students line up on the river bank every Friday morning to give testimony of what God has done in their lives and to identify with Christ though Baptism!

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Worship Leader, Josh Carter

and camp band, ‘Believe’

This weeks camp was saturated in the Holy Spirit.

It was obvious from the start that the mission of

this camp was to present the gospel with intensity.

All of my students either made a decision for

Christ and/or to be baptized. - Kyle McGee

Camp Anderson

has been a great

experience to

grow and connect

both with God

and with my

peers. The

messages were challenging and have

encouraged me to be more faithful in my

walk with Christ. -Hannah Huffman

One of our desires is to see this generation Worship the God of the Bible. This Summer we witnessed young people turning their eyes and hearts towards Heaven and giving God the praise and Worship that He is worthy of.

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Before I came to Camp Anderson

I had not yet given my life to

Christ. I had never really thought

much of him. But Pastor Kevin’s

preaching has changed my life

forever! I am proud to say that I

am now a true follower of Jesus

Christ. He is my savior and I will

love him forever. - Addy McCleery

Camp Anderson has changed

my life. I have turned my life

around and I was saved

and baptized here. I came

damaged and hurt but I’m

leaving repaired.

-Joseph Lee

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Alex BrownEvangelist

Camp Anderson

was my highway

to Heaven because

on Tuesday, July

8th, 2014,I gave

my life to Christ.

Damien DelaSala

It’s easy to see

that everyone

can feel God’s

presence here.

I’ve never felt

as close to Him

as I do here.

Camp Anderson is probably the

closest we can get to Heaven on

Earth. -Summer Rand

Camp Anderson

has been life

changing. Before

coming here I felt

lost and alone.

Now I feel closer

to God and my

heart is full and


-Ana Valdez

We are amazed to see how the Holy Spirit has moved in the livesof young people all Summer long.

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This camp is truly a harvest ministry! It was so

wonderful to witness God at work and children

responding to the Gospel! Our double edged

sword this week was the preaching of Kevin

Hornsby in the morning and RV Brown in the

evening. These two men are true soldiers for

Christ. I have never seen so many kids come to

Jesus in 1 week! -Steven

While I did come to this camp with the

expectation that God would do something in

our youth group, I was not ready for what

He would do in my heart as I helped to

minister to our youth. Ministry can be tough,

but when you see your kids giving their lives

to the Lord, getting baptized and

surrendering their lives to full time ministry,

there are no words to express the joy that

fills your heart. This camp has been a catalyst

in the life of our youth group. -Sara Savory

This week has literally been beyond words.

God’s presence was evident at all times. The

staff was amazing and you can tell that

they know that they are part of something

bigger than them. The Spirit of God moved

mightily! Real revival happened! I will

never forget this week and I know the kids

won’t either. I am honored to have been a

part of this. God bless you all for your heart

for our Father in Heaven. -Tony Russell

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I was saved and baptized. This camp

has made a big impact on my life!

-Mia Cecchini

If you want a God-filled camp to take your

young people to... look no further. Camp

Anderson pours truth into its campers from

morning to night. These children will leave

changed even if it’s only the seed that is

planted in their hearts. They WILL know

the truth and good news when they leave

this wonderful place.

-Keri Harrison, Fairview Baptist

God showed me the way I’ve been living

isn’t the way I should be. From now on,

I’m fully devoting my everything to him.

-Sydney Tanner

Camp Anderson absolutely changed my

life! The activities were fun but the

Christian atmosphere is what is gonna

bring me back next year. Kevin is

absolutely the best speaker I’ve ever

heard. Thank you for the best experience

in my life. I rededicated my life to Christ

and got baptized! -Grant Willoughby

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This week at camp really opened my eyes.

I’m going to serve the Lord with all of my

heart for the rest of my life.

-Justice Barber

Camp Anderson brought

me closer to the Lord and

helped me know for certain

that I’m going to Heaven

when I die. I’m not scared

of death anymore because

I know Jesus died for me!

-Emily Edge

Camp Anderson has been a great experience for

our students. We brought many students that

were not an active part of our church and have

had the opportunity to see them place their faith

in Jesus and be baptized. Camp Anderson

provided scholarships fo two students to attend,

which our church matched with two scholarships

and all four of these students met Jesus for the

first time this week! Thank you for being a camp

that accepts unchurched students and loves them

unconditionally. Our students have experienced

love unlike any they have ever known before. - Windy Bridges

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This week I saw so many students

“getting it!” I saw the Spirit moving

through my group and walls were

torn down, strongholds destroyed.

My kids are ready to make it real.

They’ve already told me so! They

are so hungry for kingdom stuff

after this time at Camp Anderson!

To the Glory of God! -Dan Lyle

I am already a Christian but this week I

promised to really start living my life for

the Lord. When I get home, I plan to have

a totally different attitude and serve others

with a joyful heart.

-LoraBeth Cooper

When I come to Camp Anderson, I am

reminded that I will have a new life

coming to me in the future. God clears

out all the bad out of me and leaves

the good.

-Ronald Greene

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Camp Anderson has really helped me and

has shown me who Christ really is. I have

gotten saved and I gave my life to Christ.

I also got baptized.

-Jessie McDonald

This week I realized that Christ didn’t have

control over everything so I just gave it all to

God. He is in total control over everything in

my life now. All of my decisions, everything.

- Faith Engstrom