Cammy Tournament Guide v1.3

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  • 8/20/2019 Cammy Tournament Guide v1.3


  • 8/20/2019 Cammy Tournament Guide v1.3


    ContentsSetups:• Safe Jumps …… Page 3

    • Unblockables …… Page 10 

    • Cross Up Strikes …… Page 14 

    Matchup Specifics:• FADC Punish Chart …… Page 18 

    • Ryu …… Page 20 

    • Akuma …… Page 25 

    • Honda …… Page 29 

    • Blanka …… Page 35 • Chun …… Page 40 

    • Seth …… Page 45 

    • Viper …… Page 50 

    • Sakura …… Page 55 

  • 8/20/2019 Cammy Tournament Guide v1.3


    Safe Jumps

    What is a Safe Jump? Any Option Select jump attack setup designed to circumvent allcounterattack possibilities; usually performed after a knockdown, wherein the last airborneframe of a deep jump attack is timed optimally to coincide with the opponent's first tangibleframe following wakeup animation; opponents whose quickest invincible attack is slower thanthe landing recovery time of the jumping character can never punish the jump-in attempt whilethe attacker is holding a defensive joystick position.

    -Maj of

    The purpose is to safely continuepressure. Even if your opponent blocks, you’ve still successfully

    continued your offense. They usuallyfollow an untechable knockdown, and

    are usually timed with whiffed


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    Safe Jumps From Back Throw

     After Back Throw:• Cr.Mp, J.Lk (Chun) Safe against EX Spinning Bird Kick

    • Small Step Forward, St.Lp, Light Cannon Strike (Boxer, Bison, Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Oni, E.Ryu, Sagat,Ibuki, Sakura, Yang, Yun, Guile) Safe against common reversals (Headbutt, EX Dash Punch, DP, FlashKick etc) 

    • Small Step Forward, Jab (2), J.Fp (Zangief) Safe against Lariat 

    • Cr.Lk, J.Lk (C.Viper) Safe against all reversals  Crosses Up

  • 8/20/2019 Cammy Tournament Guide v1.3


    Safe Jumps From Back Throw

     After Back Throw:• Lp (2), J.Fp (Chun) FP  can be timed to cross up 

    • Cr.Lk, J.Rh or Cr.Mp, J.Rh (Honda, Guile, Cammy ) Crosses up on Cammy

    • Cr.Mp, J.Rh (Blanka, DeeJay)

    • Far St.Mk, J.Mp (Blanka) Crosses up. Reversal Up ball whiffs. Option Select SA or Ultra to Punish. 

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    Safe Jumps From Forward Throw

     After Forward Throw:• J.Fp  (Guile) This one is very easy to do and isn’t very obvious because it practically has no setup. Option Select CannonSpike/Spiral Arrow for quick punish

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    Safe Jumps From Hooligan

     After landing a Hooligan Throw:• Short Step Forward, St.Lk, Mk Cannon Strike (Adon, DeeJay, Ibuki, Viper, Dudley, Boxer, Yun, Yang,

    Ken, Ryu, E.Ryu, Akuma, Oni, Sagat, Guy, Guile, and Fei)

    Your goal is to bait a reversal.

    Instead of being blocked, thereversal will whiff entirely. Their

    best option is to either use a

    normal to Anti Air you, or block.

    On some characters, this is a

     good setup to Option Select a

     punish (Cannon Spike, Spiral

     Arrow, Ultra)

  • 8/20/2019 Cammy Tournament Guide v1.3


    Safe Jumps From Sweep

     After landing Cr.Fp, Cr.Rh• J.Rh (Chun, Adon, Ken, Ryu, Akuma, Oni, E.Ryu)

     After landing the combo into sweep, jump

    in with Rh. If it hits or if you are givenan opportunity to punish a reversal, you

    can do the combo into sweep and setup

    the safejump again. Once they catch on,

     go for a cross up Lk instead and either

    combo into sweep again, or do max


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    Safe Jumps From FADC Ultra

     After landing Cannon Spike, FADC, Ultra 1• St.Mp, Cr.Fp, J.Lk (Chun, Ken, Ryu, Akuma, Oni, E.Ryu) Chun gets hit out of air, limiting your punish

    • Cr.Mp, Cr.Fp, J.Lk (Chun, Ken, Ryu, Akuma, Oni, E.Ryu, Guy, Guile) Chun’s EX SBK is blocked, allowing you to get a full punish

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    What is an Unblockable Setup? A glitch in the game that causes a setup to not beblocked by holding back or forward. However, the setup can be blocked if your opponent

    blocks just as the move connects. A good Unblockable will have at least 2 of the following:

    Combo potential, Practical Setup (Not too difficult), or it will double as a Safe Jump. 

    Unblockables are thought to happen because of a glitch involving the

    character’s center point (see right)

    which shifts left or right depending onhow the character blocks as they get

    up. The game chooses which side to hiton depending on how the attack is


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    Unblockables From Back Throw

     After Back Throw• Small Step Forward, J.Lk (Viper, Rufus, Guy, Ken, Ryu, Akuma, Oni, E.Ryu) Difficulty: Hard 

    SafeJump*  This setup can be difficult to pull off because the small step forward and jump must be done perfectly. It is astrong Unblockable because it works on multiple characters, leads to a solid combo, and doubles as a Safejump.  

    The step forward looksmore like a twitch.

    When done correctly,

     you’ll barely even notice

    she’s moved forward. 

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    Unblockables From Back Throw

     After Back Throw

    • Small Step Forward, St.Mk, J.Fp (Rufus) Difficulty: Easy Leads to solid combos 

    • St.Mk, J.Lk (Ryu) Difficulty: Easy SafeJump* 

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    Unblockables From Back Throw

     After Back Throw

    • Small Step Forward, St.Lp, Mk Cannon Strike (Guile) Difficulty: Medium  SafeJump* (Unless inCorner)

    This setup is nearly perfect. It’s only downside is that it can be crouched. However, even if you mess your Divekick timing up youhave a pretty high chance at getting a cross up Cannon Strike instead!

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    Cross-Up Strikes

    Cannon Strikes can be made to cross up, however it does take specific

    timings to do so. The setups from combos are good for keeping momentum

    and stunning your opponent. Doing one from Backthrow vs a Safejump

    instead is up to you. In my opinion, the Backthrow strike setups are best usedwhen you know your opponent is respecting your Safejump game.

    To perform a cross up cannon strikeyou’ll need to make sure both your

     jump and Cannon Strike are done atthe correct time/height. The setup canalso fail if the opponent fails to quick

    rise or does a late quick rise.

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    Cross-Up Strikes From Back Throw

     After Back Throw and Small Step Forward• St.Lp, Mk.cs SafeJump* (Ryu, Ken, Honda, Guile, Makoto, Gouken, Akuma, Gen, Dan, Sakura, Oni,

    Yun, Chun, Abel, Viper, Bison, Deejay, Cody, Guy, Yang, E.Ryu, Fuerte, Vega, Fei, Adon)

    • St.Lk, Hk.csSafeJump*

     (Ryu, Ken, Honda, Makoto, Dudley, Seth, Gouken, Akuma, Gen, Sakura,Oni, Juri, Chun, Abel, Viper, Bison, Sagat (delay a bit), DeeJay, Cody, Guy, Hakan, Yang, E.Ryu, Guile, Zangief,

    Rufus, El Fuerte, Vega, Fei Long, Adon, Rose) 

    • St.Lp, Hk.cs SafeJump*  (DeeJay (corner), Barlog, T.Hawk) 

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    Cross-Up Strikes From HSA combos

     After Cr.Lk, Cr.Lp, Cr.Mp xx HSA Combo

    • Instant Mk.cs SafeJump* (Ryu, Ken, Ibuki, E.Ryu, Blanka, Vega)

    •  Instant Hk.cs SafeJump*  (Honda, Seth [difficult], Gouken, Sakura, Viper, Bison, Cammy,

    Cody, Hakan, Guile, Rufus, Fei Long, Adon, Rose)

    These setups are hard to do because they take very strict spacing and timing to pull off.

     Adon only techs up 3 frames later in the first image, but it’s enough to make the CS miss. 

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    The following are matchup strategies from either myself or fellow Cammy players

    over at the SRK forums. The optimized combo lists are either from Alioune’s thread

    “AE 2012 Cammy's Optimized Combos” or Teyah’s Optimal Combo list. The FADC info

    is from Backtolifting. If you haven’t already embraced the religion of Dat Ass, stop byand introduce yourself! 

    More characters will be

    added as the guide isupdated. You can help byemailing a write up to us!

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    Punishing FADC Backdash with Ultra

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    Punishing FADC Backdash with Ultra

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    Cr.Mk > Hadouken is not a true Blockstring. If you have U1, buffer it during the Cr.Mk. If you see the fireballpress all three kicks to punish with Ultra. You can also FADC forwards in-between the Cr.Mk and Hadouken and

    grab Ryu. This can be punished with EX Hadouken though so be careful while doing this.

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    Don't needlessly jump at a competent Ryu player. Learn to

    slowly make your way in and once you're in Cr.Mk/Cr.Hk

    range, you can either jump if you have a good read on a

    fireball and get a full damage combo or go for jump excs

    to catch him pressing a button during footsies. Remember

    to convert accordingly depending on if he's standing or


    As a general tip, always stay away from the corner because

    that's where his combos become more damaging,

    especially when he has meter and U1 stocked. His Cr.Mk >

    ex Hadouken leads into U1 and he can do any combo into

    ex Tatsu that leads into U1. Ryu also has a setup in the

    corner after a forward throw where he whiffs far Hk andcan either go for J.Rh (cross up) or J.Lk (fake cross up).

    Remember, if he goes for J.Lk early as a jump in, it'll be a

    fake cross up and if he does it later in the jump in, it'll be

    an actual cross up.


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     A blocked sweep can be punished with Spiral Arrow, Ultra 1, or Super

    Punish whiffed Tatsu with Cr.Fp or Rh

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    SafeJumpsBackthrow>Small Step Forward, St.Lp, Light Cannon Strike

    Hooligan> Short Step Forward, St.Lk, Mk Cannon StrikeCannon Spike FADC Ultra> Cr.Mp, Cr.Fp, J.Lk

    Cr.Fp, Cr.RH> J.Rh

    UnblockablesBackthrow>Small Step Forward, J.Lk SafeJump* 

    Backthrow>St.Mk, J.Lk SafeJump* 

    Crossup Strike SetupsBack Throw and Small Step Forward>

    St.Lp, Mk.cs SafeJump*

    St.Lk, Hk.cs SafeJump*

     After Cr.Lk, Cr.Lp, Cr.Mp xx HSA Combo>

    Instant Hk.cs SafeJump* 

    From far range, avoid fireballs

    with LK cannon strike to build

    meter safely.

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    Ryu Safejumps against Cammy:

    Sweep > immediate OS sweep/tatsu/DP/U1

    Back throw > whiff > OS sweep/tatsu/DP/U1

    Forward throw > walk back > OS sweep/tatsu/DP/U1 or cross up HK Tatsu

    Forward throw > back dash > j.hp OS sweep/tatsu/DP/U1 or cross up jump HK Tatsu

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    Akuma wants to stay patient and zone until he gets a knockdown. If he gets a sweep, hehas a couple of safe jump setups from that. Cammy stuns Akuma in approximately twocombos and a mixup afterwards. As always, the bigger the combo, the faster the stun willcome. So be able to put the hurt on Akuma at any opportunity. This is why most Akumastry and play defensively, not because of Cammy's damage(all be it high), but because ofthe fact that she can stun Akuma quickly off of one knockdown and a bad guess.

     – CoosCoos

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    Option Selects

    Option Select Ultra to punish Teleports. This can also be done on reaction.

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    SafeJumpsBackthrow>Small Step Forward, St.Lp, Light Cannon Strike

    Hooligan> Short Step Forward, St.Lk, Mk Cannon StrikeCannon Spike FADC Ultra> Cr.Mp, Cr.Fp, J.Lk

    Cr.Fp, Cr.RH> J.Rh

    UnblockablesBackthrow>Small Step Forward, J.Lk SafeJump *

    Crossup Strike SetupsBack Throw and Small Step Forward>St.Lp, Mk.cs SafeJump*

    St.Lk, Hk.cs SafeJump*

     Akuma’s Far St.Rh will

    whiff its second hit if you

    are crouching, allowing you

    to punish

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     Akuma Safejumps against Cammy:Forward Throw> Dash x2, J.Hk

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    The most important tip is just to be patient. Cammy does a lot more damage than Honda does

    and he has a much harder time anti-airing her than the other way around. If Honda has full

    super meter, then he will definitely be trying to hit confirm cr.lp hp hands into super. If Inotice a Honda has full super meter, then I will try to bait an ex headbutt/ex butt drop

    because taking damage from those moves is infinitely better than taking damage from a hit-

    confirm into super (which does around 50% to Cammy).


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    Safe JumpsBackthrow> Cr.Lk, J.Rh or Cr.Mp, J.RhBackThrow > Walk Slightly Back > J.Fp/hk OS HK DP (beats all his options on


    BackThrow > Whiff Cr.Mp > J.Fp/hk OS HK DP (beats all his options on


    BackThrow> Whiff St.Far.Mk, J.Hk crosses up. All reversals will whiff.(crouchable)

    Sweep *Mid-Max Range*> Slight Pause > J.Fp/hk OS HK DP (beats all his

    options on wakeup)

    Combos Ending in MK SA > J.Fp/hk OS HK DP (beats all his options on


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    Headbutt PunishesHP Headbutt is -16 on block so if you have U1, punish with reversal U1 and if you

    don't have U1, punish with HK SA. MP Headbutt is -13 so you can also punish that with

    reversal U1. However you CANNOT punish LP/EX Headbutt with reversal U1.

    Reversal Super punishes all his Headbutts on block, even EX

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    Sumo Slam PunishesI usually focus their butt drops on the second hit where he's falling

    down and get a crumple. If you have good reactions, you can punish any

    whiffed butt drop with U1.

    Empty Jumps:Empty jump is a very powerful tool against Honda because his fastest

    reversal is EX Headbutt so you can block in time if he decides to wakeup

    reversal with anything.

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    Crossup Strike Setups After Back Throw and Small Step Forward>St.Lp, Mk.cs SafeJump*

    St.Lk, Hk.cs SafeJump*

     After Cr.Lk, Cr.Lp, Cr.Mp xx HSA Combo>

    Instant Hk.cs SafeJump* 

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    Honda Safejumps against Cammy:(Corner) Forward Throw, Forward Dash, MP, Neutral Jump HK

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    BLANKA j.hp, Sako 2H (2F) Sako 2H (2F) Sako 2H (2F)

    Character / TK EXCS (st) Grounded (st) / Focus TK EXCS (cr) Frame trap (CH cr)

     Jump-in (st) / Stun 

    Your anti air game must be on point when fighting Blanka. Cannon Spike is obviously

    your best bet, but if you can’t react in time Cl.St.Fp or Cr.Fp (if you are too far) are

    good alternatives. Frametraps and Staggered Block Strings can be very solid tools for

    baiting Counter Hits or Reversals, and should especially be used when pressuring a

    meterless Blanka in the corner. Make sure to stay on point with all of your punishesand this fight is actually in Cammy’s favor by a bit.

    -Info taken from Backtolifting’s write up

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    Punishing Blanka Ball

     All blocked Blanka Balls can be punished with H.Spiral Arrow, Super, or Ultra 1.

    When punishing with Ultra buffer until Blanka is coming back to the ground,

    then press your 3 kicks to activate and get a full animation punish.

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    Punishing Rainbow Ball

    One of your main goals when fighting Blanka

    will be to push him into the corner and keephim there with frametraps, throws, and

    staggered strings. Rainbow Ball is a common

    escape option Blanka players will use and can

    be punished by a Cl.St.Hp. In some cases, you

    may need to dash up first, or may find it better

    to focus the rainbow ball instead to punishwith a full combo following crumple.

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    Crossup Strike Setups:Cr.Lk, Cr.Lp, Cr.Mp xx HSA Combo> Instant Mk.cs SafeJump*

    SafeJumps:Backthrow> Cr.Mp, J.RhBackthrow> Far St.Mk, J.Mp Crosses up. Up Ball whiffs. OS Ultra to punish. 

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    Blanka SafeJumps against Cammy:Forward Throw> Mp Horizontal Ball, J.Hk

    Ex Spin Knuckle can be used to

    escape Blanka’s Ultra 1 mixup/chipdamage

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    Chun Li

    Your main goal when fighting Chun is to back her into the corner. Stay

    outside of her sweep range and try punishing whiffed pokes with far St.Hk.

    At this range fireballs are easily punished with EX arrow or Ultra1. Her

    fireball is pretty slow, so wait until it’s fully out before using Ultra. Once

    you’re in there isn’t a whole lot she can do. Be aware of when she has meter,

    know your punishes, and practice your Safejumps.

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    Chun Li

     A big part of this battle will be on the ground with footsies. Learn your Counter

    Pokes and Spacing. Whiffed Cr.Hk can be punished with Far St.Hk.

    Far Hk can be ducked and countered with Cr.Fp or Cr.Mk (Image 1). It can be punished

    on reaction as well. (Images 2-3) And as you inch forward, Cr.Mp can stuff a few of heroptions. Despite all this, Chun has the advantage here. Once she is focused on the

     ground, try a delayed Cannon Strike to counter a poke or fireball.

    1 2 3


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    Chun Li

    When blocked, EX Legs can be punished with reversal Ultra or Super.

    If your opponent uses Kikoukens (fireball) to end their blockstrings, you can Ultra,

    Super, or EX Spiral Arrow them for a free punish.

    Ch Li

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    Chun Li

    SafeJumpsBackthrow> Cr.Mp, Jump Lk

    Backthrow> Lp (2), J.Fp Fp can be timed to cross up as well

    Cr.Fp, Cr.Rh Combo> Jump Rh

    Cannon Spike FADC Ultra> St/Cr.Mp, Cr.Fp, Jump Lk

    Cross Up Strike SetupsBackthrow> Small Step Forward, St.Lp, Mk.cs SafeJump* 

    Backthrow> Small Step Forward, St.Lk, Hk.cs SafeJump* 

    Ch Li

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    Chun Li

    Chun Safejumps against Cammy:Forward Throw> Lp, J.Fp

    Sweep> Delayed Jump Forward

    S th

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    This matchup is very momentum based. So you need to try to get your offense

    started first and keep Seth from escaping your mixups by using option selects.Because Seth has low life and stun, always punishing Seth to the best of your

    ability and doing max damage combos is a must. Play smart, and avoid being

    knocked down as much as possible. Also note that Seth’s safest mixups vs Cammy

    come from his SPD.

    S th

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    Seth’s Backdash and Teleport can both be option selected (Spiral Arrow, Ultra 1,

    etc ) If you don’t option select and Seth backdashes to make your Cannon Strike

    whiff, he can punish with command throw and safejump you from there. Note

    that he can do this from divekicks that are blocked too high as well.

    S th

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    On knockdown, Seth players will often try to chip your remaining health out with a

    Shoryuken or Ultra 2. EX Spin Knuckle can be used to escape both of these. U2 is punishable,

    while uppercut will leave both Seth and Cammy in a neutral position. Note that Seth may try

    to bait this for a punish.

    EX Spin Knuckle Escapes

    S th

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    Cross up StrikesBackthrow> Small Step Forward, St.Lk, Hk.cs SafeJump* 

    Cr.Lk, Cr.Lp, Cr.Mp xx HSA Combo> Instant Hk.cs SafeJump*

    S th

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    Seth Safejumps against Cammy:

    SPD> F.Dash, Small Step Forward, J.Rh

    Crosses up. DP gets stuffed for a combo. EX DP whiffs and can be punished.

    Can be escaped by doing FADC forward and back. 


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    This matchup is also very momentum based. Again, try to avoid getting knockeddown at all costs. As far as normals go, Cammy has an advantage here. Cr.Mk is

    faster than a lot of Viper’s main buttons, and can be used to whiff punish things

    like Cr.Fp or her sweep. Confirm into SA to get your offense started. Cammy also

    has plenty of setups for multiple situations on Viper, making it difficult for her to



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    Mp Seismos can be focused through for a punish. If successful you can punish with

    nearly anything, including backthrow if

    close enough. From backthrow you can

    start your setups and get Viper

     guessing. Keep in mind though that

    Viper can prevent this by super jump

    cancelling into L or M Thunder

    Knuckle or Burnkick to escape.

    She can also feint the Seismo

    to bait out your focus attack.


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    If you are fighting a Viper that uses a

    lot of ambiguous Burnkick mixups,

    Ultra 2 can be a viable option in this

    Matchup. Often times this can makeyour opponent hesitate or change up

    their offense entirely, throwing them

    off of their game a bit and giving you

    an advantage.


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    SafeJumpsBackthrow> Cr.Lk, J.Lk

    Hooligan> Short Step Forward, St.Lk, Mk Cannon Strike

    Cross up StrikesBackthrow> Small Step Forward, St.Lp, Mk.cs SafeJump* 

    Backthrow> Small Step Forward, St.Lk, Hk.cs SafeJump* 

    Cr.Lk, Cr.Lp, Cr.Mp xx HSA Combo> Instant Hk.cs SafeJump*


    Backthrow>Small Step Forward, J.Lk SafeJump* 

    c Viper

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     Viper Unblockables against Cammy: After Corner Forward Throw>

    Whiff Lp.Tk

    Whiff Mp.Tk, SJ.HK/MK OR Far St.Mp, Cr.Mp, SJ.Hk/Mk Mk crosses up

     Viper Safejumps against Cammy:

    Forward Throw> Dash, Slight Step, High Jump HK


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    SafeJumpsBackthrow> Small Step Forward, St.Lp, Light Cannon Strike

    Cross up StrikesBackthrow> Small Step Forward, St.Lp, Mk.cs SafeJump* 

    Backthrow> Small Step Forward, St.Lk, Hk.cs SafeJump* 

    Cr.Lk, Cr.Lp, Cr.Mp xx HSA Combo> Instant Hk.cs SafeJump* 


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    Sakura Safejumps against Cammy:Mp.shouoken> Jump Forward J.Hk

    Hp.shouoken> Small Step, J.Hk

    Hp.shouoken> Small Step Forward, J.Mk

    Sakura Unblockables against Cammy:

    Forward Throw> Small Step Back, St.Lp, J.Hk

  • 8/20/2019 Cammy Tournament Guide v1.3


    Submit Info To:

    Bronson [email protected] @Bronduct @RandomSelectTV

    Huge thanks to everyone at the Cammy Forums for their help in making this.Thanks to @Lhumierre, @Gootecks, the team, and everyone elsewho helped out with this project.

    Feel free to send more setups, combos, or character matchups. And if you notice asetup that isn’t listed, or any mistakes, let us know. 

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]