Calvary Chapel South Bay Women’s Ministry This Homework Belongs To: ________________________________________ _____________________________ Phone Number My Group Leader is: ________________________________________ _____________________________ Group Number

Calvary Chapel South Bay Women’s Ministry Chapel South Bay Women’s Ministry ... we don’t face this specific situation today, ... “Know ye not that they which run in a race

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Calvary Chapel South Bay Women’s Ministry

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Lesson 13 “Love Builds Up” 1 Corinthians 8-9

In Chapters 8-10, Paul deals with the church’s questions about eating meat offered to idols. Even though we don’t face this specific situation today, the dilemma remains the same. Does a Christian, because she is set free from the Law, have the right to live any way she pleases? Paul answers this question with some basic principles that should govern our lives no matter what issues we face. Love is the rule. Because I love my brothers and sisters in Christ, I am committed to do nothing that would offend them. Because I’m in a race for a prize that will affect who I am in the ages to come, I willingly give up my liberties. Instead of living for myself and doing what I want to do I consider others and make loving choices to build them up. Paul’s driving passion was to make sure that nothing disqualified him in his race for Christ. As you prepare to do your lesson this week be sure and pray first. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you use your liberty wisely. Pray that in all things you will be spiritually-minded and, like Jesus, you will consider others more important than yourself.

Memorize This Scripture

“Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.”1 Corinthians 9:24

1. Read verses 1 through 6 of Chapter 8. The problem that Paul now addresses is eating meat that had been offered to idols. The younger Christians, who were fresh out of their pagan culture, thought that this was sinful. Although this problem is irrelevant to us today, the solution is extremely relevant and useful no matter what century we live in. According to verse 1, what is the solution to the problems that we face today?

2. Before we move on and skim over this powerful truth that is strong enough to solve our problems, let’s take a moment to allow the Lord to turn His searchlight on our hearts. Allow Him to bring to light the specific areas in our lives where we have allowed knowledge to supercede love in our attitudes toward others. Express your heart to the Lord by writing down your prayer and what you desire for Him to change in you.

3. Not all the believers in Corinth had the knowledge that it was permitted to eat meat that was offered to idols. If a new Christian who lacked this knowledge ate meat offered to idols, what would happen to his conscience according to Chapter 8, verse 7?

Women’s Ministry of Calvary Chapel South Bay, 19300 S. Vermont Ave., Gardena, CA 90248 (310) 352-3333

4. In Chapter 8, verses 8 through 12, Paul addresses the stronger or more mature Christians in the church of Corinth. They had the liberty to eat meat offered to idols or not eat the meat offered to idols. They also knew that it didn’t make them more acceptable or less acceptable to God. What is Paul strongly exhorting the stronger believers to do?

5. In Chapter 8, verse 13, Paul speaks of the devastating and destructive result of misused liberty. What strong commitment does Paul make concerning his liberty?

6. The challenge is before us today. We are not to use our liberties to stumble others. What do we learn about the correct use of our liberties from the following verses?

a. Galatians 5:1,13

b. 1 Peter 2:16-18

c. James 1:25

7. Paul often uses analogies, examples, and illustrations to make a point. In this portion of scripture he uses three examples. What point does Paul make using the three examples of laborers in Chapter 9, verses 7 through 10?

8. In Chapter 9, verses 1 through 23, Paul is defending the calling of God upon his life. He does this by reemphasizing what he is called to do. What was he called to do according to verses 16 through 19?

9. In Chapter 9, verses 24 through 27 were intended to wake up the careless and self-indulgent Corinthian believers to live up to the challenge of walking the Christian walk in victory. In verse 26, Paul changes the metaphor from a runner to the metaphor of a boxer. By simply using the word “fight” we can assume that there is an opponent. As you read on to verse 27 you read that Paul “buffets his body and continually leads it captive.” Paul does not mean this literally but speaks figuratively. What do you think Paul means by what he is saying here?

10. What one insight have you gained regarding the truth that “knowledge puffs up, but love builds up”?

Lesson 14 “Victory Over Our Cravings and Temptations” 1 Corinthians 10

So often in Christian circles people are afraid to admit their vulnerabilities. Somehow we live under the misconception that we’re the only ones who struggle in a particular area of temptation. But this week the apostle Paul will set us straight in our thinking. Here in Chapter 10, he reminds us that temptation is common to all men and even to our Savior Jesus Christ. Yes, Jesus was tempted. And because of this He looks at you with a heart of compassion, not one of disgust. That’s why we can say week after week that you are Precious in the Eyes of God. God is faithful and He will not allow His beloved ones to face any temptation that will be too great. Each and every time, He will provide a way of escape. What is this way of escape? First and foremost it is for us to stay in the Word. As we hold forth the Sword of the Spirit we will gain victory over our cravings and temptations! Take a moment right now to pray. Ask the Lord to keep you ever mindful of the enemy and the temptations that surround your life. Now pray that He will fill you with His Spirit so you might walk in complete victory!

Memorize This Scripture

“Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”1 Corinthians 10:31

1. Read verses 1 through 4. What specific event does Paul not want the church to be ignorant about?

2. God miraculously delivered the children of Israel out of bondage and slavery from Egypt. Egypt is symbolic of the world. Crossing over the Red Sea is symbolic of the born again experience. The wilderness was not God’s long term plan for the Israelites. Out of verses 5 through 10, record the actions and consequences of their behavior.

Action Consequence

3. It is our responsibility to renounce willful indulgence in sin and those things that do not please God. We must say “no” to our desire to operate with no boundaries. Paul leaves no room for us to make excuses when it comes to self-indulgence and willful disobedience. How do we prevent ourselves from making excuses for our wrong behavior according to verse 9?

Women’s Ministry of Calvary Chapel South Bay, 19300 S. Vermont Ave., Gardena, CA 90248 (310) 352-3333

4. We often have the misconception that no one has gone through the same temptation or trial we are going through. However, Paul states that there is no temptation that is not common to man or “beyond human resistance.” As you read verses 11 through 13, write out God's promise to us when we are tempted.

5. Every promise of God comes with a condition. There is God's part and there is our part. From the following verses, what do you find is your responsibility when you are tempted, going through unbelievable hardships and overwhelming trials?

a. Psalm 119:11

b. 1 Corinthians 6:18

c. 2 Corinthians 10:5

6. In verses 14 through 20, believers are warned not to take part in pagan feasts. The key words in this passage are “communion” found in verse 16, and the word “fellowship” or koinonia found in verse 20. With whom do we have fellowship when we take the bread and the cup in our communion service?

7. There were two types of Christians in the Corinthian church. Those that were oversensitive and more legalistic, and those who were so liberated that they lacked clear boundaries. They were so liberal that they thought they could “drink of the cup of the devil” by committing acts of sexual immorality and then come into the service and “drink of the cup of the Lord,” which is communion, without any consequences. There is a strong exhortation also found in verses 21 through 22 regarding this. What is it?

8. Paul reminds us, as believers, that we have liberty in Christ to do whatever is not sinful in and of itself. In order not to abuse our liberties, what are the guidelines that we find in verses 23 through 24?

9. Paul expresses the importance of having a pure conscience before God and man in verses 25 through 33. What is our guarantee that we will maintain a pure conscience before God no matter what we do, say, eat, or drink?

10. In what way has God personally spoken to you through this lesson?

Lesson 15 “Esteeming Others” 1 Corinthians 11

Here in Chapter 11, Paul addressed the Corinthian believers regarding some specific problems within the church. At first glance you will read these issues and most likely find yourself saying “These don't relate to us today.” Be careful—even though the situation may not be something that has relevance for us today, it is rich in principles that will help us when we face troubles within our churches. Probably the most powerful principle we can practice within the church to help eliminate problems is “Esteeming Others.” In other words, don’t think only of yourself—think of others! True Christian love is putting others ahead of ourselves. Pause and pray. Ask the Holy Spirit to quicken you to consider others as more important than yourself. Pray that when you go to church you will not go thinking so much about what you will get out of a service, but rather how you can say or do something to be a blessing to somebody else.

Memorize This Scripture

“Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.”

Philippians 2:3

1. Read verses 1 and 2. Paul opens up this chapter of exhortation with a word of encouragement for the Corinthian church. What did he praise them for?

2. What was it that Paul wanted the believers to know in verse 3?

3. In verses 4 through 15 Paul addresses the cultural issues and social customs of the day. Identify as many as you can find.

4. Read verses 4 through 9. Paul goes on to re-establish God’s ordained and proper order and authority for His church. The veil represents subjection to authority. What is God’s proper order and authority according to verses 8 and 9?

Women’s Ministry of Calvary Chapel South Bay, 19300 S. Vermont Ave., Gardena, CA 90248 (310) 352-3333

5. Paul gives us the proper perspective on customs, traditions, and rituals. What does Paul say about these in verse 16?

6. In verse 17, Paul now states what he is not praising them for. What is it?

7. It was customary that once a week they would come together for a love feast, also known as the “agape feast”, where they would share a meal, fellowship, and worship together. According to verses 18 through 22, what abuses had crept in to the love feast?

8. Read verses 23 through 26. Why were they to partake of the Lord’s supper?

9. God requires a pure heart to partake of the Lord’s supper. From the following verses, how are we to prepare ourselves before we partake of the Lord’s supper?

a. 1 Corinthians 11:27-29

b. 1 Corinthians 11:30-32

c. 1 Corinthians 11:33-34

10. What has this lesson taught you about honoring or dishonoring God?

Lesson 16 “The Power to Overcome” 1 Corinthians 15-16

This week we will finish up our study in the book of 1 Corinthians. What an awesome journey of faith it has been for us to grow through this book together. What greater way to end our study than to be reminded that we have a living Lord. Jesus is alive and the gospel message is true. Death has no hold on God’s children. Because He lives we live! There is no reason for the daughters of God to ever give up. Yes, life can be hard at times, but because He lives, you have the power to overcome! When Jesus defeated death He defeated our worst enemy. Bow your head in grateful prayer for the hope that Jesus gives us. Now pray for the strength to be steadfast, unmoveable, and abounding in His work until the day He returns. Maranatha - O Lord come quickly!

Memorize This Scripture

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.”

1 Corinthians 15:58

1. In verses 1 and 2 of Chapter 15, Paul reminds the believers of what they are to keep in memory. What is it?

2. According to verses 3 through 8 of this same chapter, what evidence does Paul list in order to prove that the Gospel is fact?

3. Paul continues to give testimony of what God has done in his life in verses 9 through 11. What does he contribute his success to as a preacher of the gospel?

4. Paul presents the argument for the bodily resurrection of Jesus from the dead in verses 12 through 19 of Chapter 15. Paul shows us what we would be if Jesus had not risen from the dead. What does he conclude we would be?

Women’s Ministry of Calvary Chapel South Bay, 19300 S. Vermont Ave., Gardena, CA 90248 (310) 352-3333

5. The world has done a good job of convincing us, including the church, that we are to live for the moment as if there were no “hereafter.” Paul, in verse 20 of Chapter 15, dispels that lie and gives hope to all those who will believe. Write out your promise of hope as clearly recorded in verse 20.

6. What are the benefits of the resurrection according to verses 21 through 28 of Chapter 15?

7. Paul’s emphasis here is to live in the power of the resurrection because it causes us to walk in victory, making us overcomers. Think about that for a moment. We have the power to overcome right at our fingertips! This power is readily available to us in order for us to overcome every hindrance, doubt, and obstacle that comes our way. According to the following verses what do we learn about being an overcomer?

a. John 16:33

b. 1 Corinthians 15:31-34

c. 1 John 2:13-15

8. Take your time and absorb every aspect of the awesome revelation and promises in verses 49 through 58 of Chapter 15. In what way do these verses affect your perspective on how you live your life this side of heaven?

9. Paul summarizes this letter that he wrote to his beloved Corinthians in Chapter 16, verses 13 and 14. His statement is as relevant to us today as it was to the believers in that day. What does he urge us to do until Jesus comes again?

10. As a result of this study, how will you now live?