Caller 101313 Final

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  • 7/27/2019 Caller 101313 Final


    October 13, 2013 Issue 40


    In This Issue

    Pastors Corner 2Statistics 2Remember in Prayer 3Spiritual Disciplines Wk 3Prayer Requests, Oct. 6 3Serving in the Military 3Save the Date 3

    Senior Meeting 4

    CW Fundraiser 4

    Thank Yous 4

    Disciplines 4

    Alternative Gift Faire 4Joplin Mission Trip 5

    Offering of Letters 5

    2014 Calendars 5

    David Matson 6

    Sr. Retreat 6

    Disciples Women 6Muslim/Christian Forum 6Regional Gathering 7Light a Candle for Children 7Advent Booklet 8

    Week of Compassion 8Serving Sunday 9

    E v e n t s O c t o b e r 1 3 , 2 0 1 3 O c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 1 3 October 13:

    8:00 A.M. - REAWAKEN, Early Worship Service9:00 A.M. - Galatians/James Bible Study, Chapman Lounge

    10:15 A.M.-REMEMBER,Traditional Service5:00 P.M. - 8:30 P.M.Casa de Oracin Service, Sanctuary & FH

    October 14:7:00 A.M.-9:30 P.M. Chapel on Wheels Fundraiser @ Pollys6:30 P.M. - OT Bible Study @ Woodbridges; dinner: 6:30, class 77:00 P.M.-12-Step Class, Chapman Lounge

    October 15:

    Noon - Sr. Adult Meeting, Speaker, Ariel Yarrish, Pathways7:00 P.M. - David Matson Lecture, Chapman LoungeOctober 16:

    7:00 P.M.- Council of Elders Meeting, Chapman LoungeOctober 17: Tri-Tip Downtown Market

    3:30 P.M.-2nd Corinthians Bible Study, Chapman Lounge6:30 P.M. - Bell Choir Rehearsal7:30 P.M. - Choir Rehearsal

    October 18: PSWR Pastors Summit here all dayOctober 19: PSWR Regional Gathering at FCC, OrangeOctober 20: Ed, Craig and Barry leave for Mission Trip to Joplin,

    MO Please keep them in your prayers8:00 A.M. - REAWAKEN, Early Worship Service9:00 A.M. - Galatians/James Bible Study, Chapman Lounge

    10:15 A.M.-REMEMBER,Traditional Service5:00 P.M. - 8:30 P.M.Casa de Oracin Service, Sanctuary & FH

    LOOKING AHEAD:October 21:

    5:30 P.M. - Alzheimers Facilitators Meeting, CL6:30 P.M. - OT Bible Study @ Woodbridges; dinner: 6:30, class 77:00 P.M.-12-Step Class, Chapman Lounge

    October 22:7:00 P.M. - PSWR Phone-a-thon training, Choir Room7:00 P.M. - David Matson Lecture, Chapman Lounge

    AA Groups Sun. 8:00 P.M., Monday, 7:30 P.M.,Friday, 7:30 P.M., Sat. 8:30 P.M., NA Group, Tues., 7:30 P.M.

    As we move into our annual emphasis on stewardship,

    The Calleris published weekly(Deadline Wednesdayat Noon)


    First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)109 E. Wilshire Ave.Fullerton, CA 92832


    [email protected]

    Senior Pastor: Rev. Darrell McGowan

    Associate Pastor:Rev. Debra Todd

    Editor:Donna Woodbridge

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    I am struck by how much perfectionism can get in the way of our best intentions to live generous,loving lives. As long as we think were supposed to follow Jesus perfectly, we cant give ourselvesroom to honestly evaluate how were doing without getting defensive.

    We must let go of the idea that were supposed to get it right before we can become theconduits of grace that were intended to be. When we admit to ourselves were human, were sinnersin our traditional Christian language, we can stop trying to be perfect and just be. We can begin totrust that God can do through us what we could never do on our own. We can develop a relationshipwith God and with others based on this fundamental trust. That sounds a lot better than forevertrying to get it right and constantly experiencing failure, doesnt it?

    I receive daily meditations from Richard Rohr, founder of the Center for Action andContemplation, and I have quoted some of his writings here before. I found the following particularlymeaningful. I hope you do too.

    You Will Fail

    Some kind of falling, what I call necessary suffering, is programmed into the full journey.All the sources seem to say it, starting with Adam and Eve and all they represent. Yes, they sinnedand were cast out of the Garden of Eden, but from those very acts came consciousness itself,development of conscience, and their own further journey.

    It is not that suffering or failure might happen, or that it will only happen to you if you are bad(which is what religious people often think), or that it will happen to the unfortunate, or to a few inother places, or that you can somehow by cleverness or righteousness avoid it. No, it will happen,and to you!

    Losing, failing, falling, sin, and the suffering that comes from those experiencesall of this is anecessary and even good part of the human journey. As my favorite mystic, Lady Julian of Norwich,put it in her Middle English, Sin is behovely!

    You cannot avoid sin or mistake anyway (Romans 5:12), but if you try too fervently, it oftencreates even worse problems. Jesus loves to tell stories like that of the publican and the Pharisee(Luke 18:9-14) and the famous one about the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32), in which one characterdoes his life totally right and is, in fact, wrong; and the other who does it totally wrong ends up

    Gods beloved! Now deal with that!Jesus also tells us that there are two groups who are very good at trying to deny or avoid this

    humiliating surprise: those who are very rich and those who are very religious. These two groupshave very different plans for themselves, as they try to totally steer their own ships with well-chosenitineraries. They follow two different ways of going up and avoiding all down.

    Such a down-and-then-up perspective does not fit into our Western philosophy of progress,nor into our desire for upward mobility, nor into our religious notions of perfection or holiness.Lets hope it is not true, at least for me, we all say! Yet the perennial tradition, sometimes called thewisdom tradition, says that it is and will always be true. St. Augustine called it the passing overmystery (or the paschal mystery, from the Hebrew word for Passover, pesach).

    Sunday Statist icsOct. 6 13 10 (Reawaken Service)111 + 34 Casa de Oracin Members (Remember Service)96 ( Casa 5 P.M. service)Weekly Giving: $6,552.90 Mission: $728.10 Reconciliation: $125Budget Goal: $3,881 PoH Food Bags: $105 Downtown Market: $ (October 10)

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    RememberinPrayerContinue to pray for: Sue Bacon and

    family, Dottie Bense,Harold Brickens, MaryBrill, Sandra Brown, Betty Ruth Buchanan,Linda Christman, Chris Collett, family ofDean Echols, Lorna & Skip Farnum, AnnaLou Horspool, Kevin Johnen, Carolyn

    Kenrick, family of Lowenn Land, FloraMiller, Sue Miller, Jim Piper, Norma Rill,Marj Schwenker and family, Julie Stuart,Claudia Tammen, Dorothy Tanner and Bob &Donna Vannoy

    Please pray for the following church inthe Pacific Southwest Region:

    Iglesia Cristiana Emanuel1649 N. Willow AvenueRialto, CA 92376Victor Ortega, Pastor

    ReadingsandPrayerConcernsforWeekofOctober14October20,2013Monday, Oct. 14: Reading: Luke 18: 1-8; prayfor the Chapel on Wheels fundraiser takingplace at Pollys today.Tuesday, October 15: Reading: Psalm 19: 1-6;pray for Senior Adult Meeting today and theirspeaker, Ariel Yarrish, from Pathways of Hope.Congregational Prayer Day, October 16:

    Reading: Psalm 19: 7-11; pray for the Councilof Elders meeting tonight.Thursday, October 17: Reading: Jeremiah31:27-34; pray for our partner Global MinistriesMissionary in Haiti Jeanette Salley.Friday, October 18: Reading: 2 Timothy 3:14 -4:5; pray for the PSWR Pastors attending thePastors Summit here at FCCF.Saturday, October 19: Reading: Psalm 19: 12-14: pray for the PSWR Regional Gatheringtaking place at FCC, Orange today.

    Sunday, October 20: Reading: Luke 18: 1-8 ;prayfor Ed Linberg, Craig Wallace and BarryWoodbridge as they leave today for a missiontrip in Joplin, MO this week.

    PrayerRequests:October6,2013Nancy Knott Dave, our neighbor to get

    the job.Pat Van Vliet George, Dorothy Tanners

    son, admitted to hospitalthis morning (Sun. 10/6)

    Sherry Herrera For our sister church, Casade Oracin that they willgrow and prosper.

    Serving in the Mil i tary:Adam Hawley, Deb

    Taylors nephew, is now homefrom Afghanistan and back at Ft. Bliss with hisfamily.

    Lt. Patrick OConner, Betty Rollosgrandson-in-law will be back home for acouple of months to help take care of his wifeafter surgery.

    Lt. Patrick Rollo, Betty Rollosgrandson. He is training on a submarine in thePacific.

    Joshua Reynolds, Jane Reynolds son.He is at Ft. Riley, KS dealing with PTSD andwill be returning to Afghanistan soon.

    PFC Brandon Vannoy, grandson of Bob& Donna Vannoy, is now stationed at FortCampbell, Kentucky.

    Petty Officer Michael J. Borden, NancyGeigers grandson, who is stationed in Guamfor the next year.

    SaveTheDate November 3, 2012 11A.M.2 P.M. We are happy toannounce that the 2013

    Alternative Christmas Faire is set for Sunday,November 3, from 11 A.M. TO 2 P.M. on thePlaza. This annual event sponsored by ourcongregation is being coordinated by Helen

    Bailey and Barbara Fenters. Save this dateand watch for more information about thisoption for doing all of your Christmasshopping in one place!

    November 16 2:00 P.M. Matt Davis,Organ Recital, East of the Pond, the Organ Schoolof the Old Countries, in the Sanctuary.

    November 17 11:30 A.M. AnnualDinner and Election of Officers

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    The seniors meet thiscoming Tuesday, October 15, 2013 at 12 noonfor our monthly luncheon and meeting. Ourguest this month is Ariel Yarrish, Outreach

    Coordinator for Pathways of Hope. In her roleat Pathways of Hope she is working with thenew mentoring program with homeless peopleand will be sharing the progress of this excitingprogram that has already produced results injust a few months. We are so connected to thework of Pathways of Hope and she will bebringing us up-to-date on their progress andplans for the future. Please plan to join us. Wewill also begin plans for our holidays inNovember and December. Sign-up sheets will

    be available to help us plan for both ourNovember Thanksgiving Luncheon andChristmas Tea. See you there.

    ChapelonWheelsFundraiser Chapel on Wheels monthly fundraiser atPollys is tomorrow, Monday, October 14 from7:00 a.m. 9:30 p.m. 20% of your bill(excluding alcohol) will be given to Chapel onWheels for their school program.

    Flyers are on the counter in the office orthe credenza in the Narthex.

    Discipl ines 2014Time to sign up for

    Disciplines 2014, a dailydevotional guide based on the

    Common Lectionary. Final price depends onthe number of orders, but will be no more than$14 for regular edition, $17 for large print.

    We will collect for the bookswhen they arrive. Sign-up sheet is on thecounter in the office. Deadline to order isNovember 4.

    ThanksForYourGenerosity The 2013 ReconciliationMinistry Offering is history. With

    gifts received this past Sunday during ourshared service with Casa de Oracin our totalReconciliation Ministry Offering now stands at$793. This is a very generous offering that

    exceeded our $500 goal by a significant marginand it's well above the $471 given in 2012.Again, thanks for your generosity!

    The Outreach Ministry

    AnotherThankYouAnother few bags and donations were

    received making our total of 48 given by ourmembers. Our goal was 50 bags so maybe acouple more will be received. Pathways ofHope thanks you for making a difference in the

    lives of numerous families in our communitythrough these donations.

    The Outreach Ministry

    IsThisDateInYourCalendar? Sunday, November 3 is the date of ourAnnual Alternative Gift Faire. Some 25 to 30organizations and ministries will welcome youat their tables, which will be placed on thePlaza just east of our Christian Education

    Building to either make gifts or purchase itemsto support their works, with the understandingthat you would then give these "alternativegifts" as Christmas presents to members ofyour family and your circle of friends to whomyou give Christmas gifts. You'll be able to shopon that Sunday after our 10:15 A.M. worshipservice as the Faire runs from 11 A.M. to 2 P.M.In addition, you'll be able to buy either a tri-tipsandwich or a bratwurst sandwich, as well aswater or a soft drink, to give you the strength

    to do some early Christmas shopping that willhonor the Spirit of Christ! Watch for moreinformation about the Alternative Gift Faire inthe coming weeks and put November 3rd onyour calendar so you won't miss it.

    The Outreach Ministry

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    GettingInvolvedInTheJoplinMissionTrip Three members of our congregation,Barry Woodbridge, Craig Wallace and EdLinberg,will be part of a Mission Trip toJoplin, Missouri, from October 20 throughOctober 26. They will partner with a group

    from the Allisonville Christian Church inIndianapolis. They will be helping with the on-going work of Disciples Volunteering, a long-term Disaster Recovery Organization of ourdenomination. If you'd like to be part of thisexperience you may support it in one, or moreof the following ways.

    1. Write a brief prayer on a card. Yourprayer can focus on the volunteers who will beworking in Joplin between October 20 and 26.Or whatever you would like to say. If you

    choose to write a prayer, please bring it toworship today so they may be collected andgiven to our volunteers who will take them toJoplin to share them with the persons forwhom you have written a prayer.

    2. You can also pray each day for thoseworking in Joplin between October 20 and 26.

    3. If you'd like to make a gift to supportthis ministry, you may do so in one of twoways. You can make out a check on anySunday, payable to our church and designatedfor the Week of Compassion's DisasterResponse program on the memo line. Or, youcan purchase a gift card, in any amount, thatcan be used to buy supplies for the volunteersto use. Gift cards from Lowe's and/or HomeDepot can certainly be used in Joplin. Ourvolunteers will take any such gift cards withthem to Joplin.

    We hope you will find it meaningful tobe part of the Joplin Mission Trip while you

    remain at home during the week of October 20-26.

    The Worship and Outreach Ministry Teams

    DidYouGetToParticipate?A number of people, including members

    of Casa de Oracin with whom we sharedworship to mark World Communion Sundayon October 6, signed letters urging ourrepresentatives in both the House and Senateto work together to decrease the impact of

    hunger in both the United States and aroundthe world. If you didn't get a chance to signthe three letters last Sunday--2 for our Senatorsfrom California and 1 for the person whorepresents you in the House--you may do soagain this Sunday. Randy Langston and BenStuart will be at a table in the Narthex, withcopies of the letters to be signed, both beforeand after worship this Sunday. Stop by andsign one, or more, of these letters before you gohome. The church will affix the postage to the

    letters you sign and mail them on 10/14.You may also add your name to the

    petitions directed to President Obama askinghim to make ending hunger and poverty amajor objective in the remaining years of histerm as our nation's President. This petitionasks for your name, address and e-mailaddress.

    The 2013 Offering of Letters issponsored by Bread for the World, a ChristianCitizens' Lobby seeking to address the problemof hunger around the world, as well as in ourcountry, through legislation presented to themembers of Congress, which, if passed, thenrequires the President's signature to becomelaw. The Outreach Ministry

    2014Calendars A couple of years ago, our youth had afundraiser selling Gods Creation - 9 x 12wall calendars. They are beautiful pictures

    with great sayings. I love these Calendars butin order to get one, I have to sell 25.

    Is anyone else interested in purchasingone of these great calendars? The cost is $3 (wesold them for $6 as a fundraiser but Im notlooking to make profit.) Please let me know ifyou would like to buy one or more (they makegreat gifts) and if I can get 25 orders, I willorder them

    Thanks, Donna Woodbridge

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    Onlythreemoresessionsleft There are only three morelectures in the David MatsonLectures on Romans, Reformationand Our Faith Today series.

    Here is what is on tap for the last threesessions. Its getting real exciting. You wont

    want to miss them.

    Oct. 15 & 22: The Gospel of JustificationMany Christians today are confused

    about the gospel. In fact, if you ask most ofthem to tell you what the "gospel" is, you'lllikely hear some say something about God'slove or our need to work for social justice inthe world. But the former is the motivation forthe gospel and the latter its result. So, what isthe gospel anyway?Oct. 29: The Roman Catholic Church and the

    Protestant ReformationJustification was at the center of the

    Catholic-Protestant divide that took place inthe sixteenth century. But it is no mere boringhistory lesson! Justification is as relevant todayas it was back then. There have been and willcontinue to be intense ecumenical discussionsover justification. Your own understanding ofwhat Christianity is all about is likely to bedetermined by how you understand thiscentral doctrine of the Christian faith.

    See you Tuesday at 7:00 P.M. inChapman Lounge.


    The PSWR Disciples Womens SpiritualGrowth Retreat, Friday evening, Nov. 1 toSunday noon, Nov. 3, is a fun, inspirationalget-away weekend at our Loch Leven Christian

    Retreat Center.Costs are: Registration - $146 for full

    session. One-day (Saturday only) is $90. Thisyear there is RV parking available; cost is $100.See Donna for registration forms.

    CreatingaCommunityofCommunities The Ecumenical and Interfaith RelationsCommittee of the Southern California NevadaConference of the United Church of Christ(UCC) and Pacific Southwest Region (PSWR)Disciples of Christ is presenting a morning ofinformal and relaxed conversation, Muslims

    and Christians in Conversation, on October 26at Chapman University, Fish Interfaith Centerfrom 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

    Come and share in a morning ofinformal and relaxed conversation whilegetting to know members of a great faithtradition other than your own. No speeches!This event is designed to develop personalacquaintances and to overcome stereotypes aswe work toward putting flesh on todays newand marvelous interfaith reality. Continental

    breakfast and lunch (Halal) included. Cost: $10(free for students, but must register). For moreinformation, contact Dr. Jeff Utter, 626-794-1839 or [email protected]


    The first annual PacificSouthwest Region Senior Adult Retreat will beheld October 29-30 at Mary and Joseph Retreat

    Center, 500 Crest Road in Rancho PalosVerdes. The retreat will feature guest speaker,Nancy Gordon, and entertainment by Billand Susan Seaforth Hayes from Days ofOur Lives fame.

    Pick up a flyer and registrationform in the church office, or contact Donna formore info.COST: Single occupancy $125 per person;double occupancy $95 per person, commuter$65.

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    2013PacificSouthwestRegionalGathering.First Christian Church,Orange, Sat. October 19,

    8 A.M.4 P.M.Speakers will be Rev. Dr. Sharon

    Watkins, our General Minister and President ofthe Disciples of Christ; Rev. Jose Morales fromthe Colorado/Rocky Mountain Region; andRev. Rita Nakashima Brock, PhD. Rev. JonBerquist, President of the Disciples SeminaryFoundation will be the guest Bible Lecturer.

    You may register online orpick up a registration form on the counter inthe office.


    For 14 years, Disciples from PSWRegion congregations have been takingmission trips to Central America in January ofeach year. The trip planned for this January,specifically January 8-17, will go to Nicaragua.Those participating will go to Las Mesas tohelp with the rehab of a school building andother community needs. This was the site of

    prior January trip. The goal is to have a workteam of 10, or more, participate in this missiontrip. If this interest any of our members, adeposit in the amount of $100, payable to theChristian Church (DOC) PSWR needs to besent to Rev. Mike Fronk, First ChristianChurch, 1751 Park Avenue, Pomona, CA91768. Once your deposit has been received, hewill send the updated details and theapplication form for this activity. This MissionTrip is supported by the Global Ministries

    Committee of the PSW Region and the UCCConference of Southern California.

    LightaCandleforChildrenDevotional-Day29: October 13, 2013 Luke2:41-52

    The Right Blend-


    Mary treasured all these things in her heart.Each moment of a childs life is a treasure, andan opportunity for growth and adventure.Children need space to discover their dreamsand gifts. What looks like the terrible twos oradolescent rebellion may be the stirrings of achilds vocation and discovery of their lifeswork. Its difficult to give children space,

    especially in a world in which we areconstantly bombarded by threats. Still, a childneeds room to be her or himself, to go onadventures of the spirit to places nevertraveled, and to delight in the unexpectedwonders of life. We need to be watchful whileproviding space for adventure. Mary let go andcame to treasure what at first seemed liketeenage rebellion. She trusted God and herchild Jesus enough to let him go and let himgrow as Gods beloved child, the inspirationfor our own beloved children.

    Adventurous God, help us to let go soour children may grow. Awaken us to theright blend of order and novelty, structureand freedom, and security and risk. Help usto grow so that our children might flourish.Let us together embrace our identity as Godsbeloved. In the name of the growing Jesus.Amen.

    Bruce Epperly, Pastor,South Congregational Church, Centerville, - Author ofLetters to my Grandson

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    Sooner than we may realize, Advent will be here on Sunday Dec. 1. Onceagain, our Worship Ministry team has approved the creation of our ownAdvent Devotional Guide for use by our members and friends during eachday in Advent, Dec. 1 through 25.

    Next week we will post a large chart in the Narthex with this year'sscripture verses on it for each day. We ask as many who can to sign up for oneday to write a devotional message and perhaps share a family Christmas

    tradition, recipe, photo, or prayer. We will ask that these be submitted as a file or on paper by SundayNov. 10.

    If you would like to see a sample of a previous year's Advent guide, one or more will beavailable on the church office counter.

    This year we will be joined by some of the members of Casa de Oracin, who are alsocontributing to this devotional guide.

    We are also interested including new people with new gifts in the editing of this booklet.David Styffe has created a very nice format and design for this booklet for so many years now, andwe would like to make his legacy of effort available to anyone else who would volunteer to gather

    our individual contributions into one published booklet using layout and design skills with perhapspdf files or other publishing software. Please let Barry Woodbridge know if you would be willing tovolunteer either with some editing or layout and design time.

    WeekofCompassionOctober 9, 2013Dear Friends,

    Life never ceases to amaze, delight, challenge, and surprise me. After eight

    unforgettable and fulfilling years with Week of Compassion, I will be moving on to a new positionwith Church World Service. As of January 2014, I will begin to live into my new call as the Director ofMember Relations and Pastoral Care for CWS Global. I look forward to the next few months oftransition as a search process is put in place and I take my leave.

    It has been the greatest honor of my ministry and life thus far to have served asthe first Associate and then Executive Director of our beloved Week of Compassion. I could not feelprouder of the work we all do, together, to serve Gods children in need. My earnest hope is that thisdenomination that I love with all my heart will continue to prioritize the poor, the marginalized, theoppressed, and the otherwise forgotten. It is my true joy to have served alongside you in this wayand to continue to serve Christ alongside you ecumenically, but as one of us within CWS and thewider ecumenical community.

    I wish and pray all good gifts for each and every one of you. Thank you for yourcollegiality, collaboration, and friendship. How blessed I am to be a part of this church family.

    Your partner in the Gospel,Always,

    Rev. Amy C. GoppExecutive DirectorWeek of Compassion

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    First Christian Church109 E.. Wilshire AvenueFullerton, CA 92832Reawaken (Early Worship Service) Sunday, 8:00 A.M.Church School for all ages: Sunday, 9:00 A.M.Remember (Traditional Worship Service) Sunday, 10:15 A.M.Youth Groups: Sunday, 1:00 P.M. & Wednesday, 3:30 5:15 P.M.

    Serving October 13, 2013Greeter: Kathy & Paul RobidouxGuest Book: Nancy KnottCoffee Host: Hospitality MinistryAcolyte Parent: HenkeSound: Kyle FoughtVideo: Paul/Travis RobidouxLay Leader: Ed LinbergChildrens Moment: Sherry Herrera &

    Mariette LinbergElders: Randy Langston, Sharlane Blakeley,

    Janelle Vannoy (HC)

    HC Elders: Joshua Dorrough,Penny Fonches, Kathy Robidoux

    Diaconate: Leslies TeamPrepare: Phil Forbes, Amy StyffeUshers: Sue Harless, Sherry HerreraServe: Sue Harless, Dena Heathman, Sherry

    Herrera, Randy Langston, David & AmyStyffe,

    Clean Up: Phil Forbes, Dena Heathman,Randy Langston

    Alternates: Leslie BeckServing October 20, 2013Greeter: Laura MillerGuest Book: Scott BrillCoffee Host: Hospitality MinistryAcolyte Parent: AcquistapaceSound: Kyle FoughtVideo: PJ VannoyLay Leader:Childrens Moment:Elders:Janelle Vannoy, Pam Findley-Flor,

    Diaconate: Leslies Team

    Prepare: Phil Forbes, Nancy GeigerUshers: Phil Forbes, Sherry HerreraServe: Leslie Beck, Sherry Herrera, Randy

    Langston, David & Amy StyffeClean Up: Leslie Beck, Amy & David StyffeAlternates: Leslie Beck

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