and Mrs. Hodsumi, J. H. Goodall, Misa Julia McDonald. E. Washington, Miss J. I*. Woods, Miss L. B. Metz, H. Oppenhaim<r, Mra. U F. Breuner, H.» L. F. Marvin and wife. F. XV. Marvin and wife, XV. E. Liewis, Mrs. W. Goes- gel. Misses- Edna and Gladys Goeggel, Mrs. William Eckhardt. Mrs. K. Breuner, Mlas Mil- dred Breuner, Edwin Emerson, Clement Lind- painter, W. H. King, T. C. Shankland, G. A. Blakie, M. L. Haworth. J. P. Thorn, C. M. Baker, E. J. Brown, E. R. Kruger and N. W. Price. From Jolo Jolo Philippine Islands Mrs. •William H. H. Chapman. ' From Ha- waiian'lslands Dr. and Mrs. A. N. Sinclair, Miss A. M. Giles. From New Tork Robert J. Phalr, J. 8. Gordon, Miss Genevieve Brandt. From Australia Mr. and Mrs. N. Glover, Miss E. Glov«r. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kyle. From Philadelphia Joseph- Elklnton. From . Oak- land Lorenzo D. Inskeep and wife, Henry D. Nichols . and wife. Misses Brenda and Grace Ackcrrnan. Mrs.. A. S. Larkey, Santord and Jefferson . Larkey, \u25a0 Mrs. James L. Chittendon and-Nat> Chittenden., From Sacramento Dr. Mary .N.\u25a0Cronemlller, Mrs. N. D. Graves, Mrs. 'Joseph Neuman,-rR. M. Richardson, Miss Lil- lian Blert, * Dr. and Mrs. 8. E. Simmons and Mrs. W. A. : Curtis. jFrom Stockton William B.'.' Thomas and I wife. | Miss Minna N. Howell and D. S. Hamilton. From Columbus, O.—F. 8. 1 ' Monett and wife. \u25a0 From Ban Jose Mrs. L. M. Cheshire. Miss Ethel F. Cheshire. H. Jansfre, B. H. . Franklin, P. R. McGeoghegan, Miss McGeoghegan, W. F. Pickstone and wife, A7~ F, Gray. C. P. Bailey. W. L. Woodson and "wife. Miss C. Z Leon," Mrs. Gustave ' Leon, Miss Vida Vauve, J. L. Clark. George .XV. Cowden, Mrs. Henry Bookson. -. From Missouri —Miss C. C. Caldwell, Miss E. Van Tries, j Miss Ekinker," Miss Rambach, Mrs. E. N. Benph Miss Gladys Beach. From Nevada Glen W. GalUtby. From Tonopah W. R. Wise and wife, A. P. Pennys and wife. . From Lin- coln. Nebr.-^-Mrs. J. M. Whitaker. From Marshall town, lowa A. C. Helbrig and wife. From Chicago— Mrs. E. Delour. From St. Paul— Miss Waugh and Miss Ida M. Curtis. From Michigan Mrs. Elizabeth Hosford, J. E. Kelly. From Los Angeles-^-C. E. French, wife and daughter; Mrs. H. French, Robert Graham. Mrs. Daniel Jackson; Mrs. S. E. Marshall, Oleander^ W. T. Malcomb and wife, -Wood- land; Mrs. L. E. Marshall. Fresno; Mrs. Josephine K. Rogerd, Stanford; Charles)Mon- roe. Santa Ctub; XV. \u25a0 E. Howell and wife, Healdeburg; Rev. E. E. Fix and wife, Dlnuba; Mrs. V. Crafts, Ocean Park; M. C. Flagherty, Dr. Jacques Loeb and wife, and Mrs. Benja- min F. Weston, Berkeley; E. 8. Moulton and wife, Riverside; Mrs. XV. C. Parsons, R. W. Parsons, Grass Valley; E. D. Turner and wife, Lem Turner and S. M. Dickey and wife, Isle- ton; F. : B. Lauritzen, Salinas; T. C. 8. Lowe, Pasadena; Miss 8.- Mitchell, T. S. Hawkins and G.»S. Nisbett, Hollister; Miss Lola Whltlock, T.O. Law, Merced; H.B. Crego, Red Bluff; Mrs. E. J. Camplin and Miss Camplin, Mrs. G. M. Johnson Una Miss "Wolff. Tuolumne; Mrs. W. L. Robinson.' Gait; E. R. Glfford, Napa; Mr, and Mrs. Williams and the Misses Wil- liams, D.-- S. ; Williams and Miss Davis, Mon- terey; A. H. Vashell. San Luis Obispo: Dr. P. C Jones, Fort . Bragg; Mrs., A. Hasselbach, Fresno. ; " - . - ;AT HOTEL DEL CORON ADQ : From San Francisco— Mr. and Mrs. A. Trant, ,W. T. Hovey and wife, :B. . P. Paterson, S. P. Schultze," F, M. Ames. Norman ] Pelrce.' '\u25a0 ' AT WILSONS- INN: * From. San Francisco —Mrs. J. : B- Taubman, Katherine Taubman, Mrs." C. -F. McClelland, Evelyn Moote.' Mil- dred W. Moote. From. Berkeley— Miss Winall. From Oakland— Clifton E. Brooks. AT RICHARDSON SPRINGS: From Loo- mis Miss * Beryl \u25a0 French. From Marys ville George Driver, J. H." Feeny, Henry Nlebllng,' Clem L. : Moore, F. L. Locke, C H. Cook. C. H. Delay. From |La Port«-^-Mlchael Bustlllos. From Fresno— A. -W. Clark, William G. Som- ers," wife and son. \u0084 From' San Francisco— G. : W. Reed. \u25a0 B. \u25a0 J. : Devlin, John Leng,- * J. . D. Murray. S. G. Dorr. From Yuba City Harry A. Onstott.' .' From Sacramento Leon Hicks. George Newman, John L. Reilly. From Gold- en Gate Mrs. J. B. Mudgett,* Mrs. Mesnikow. From Grainland J. W. BaJdack, H. Vcr- mette, E. F. Fell. •\u25a0i From Dayton J. W. Ray- craft. Mrs. J. W. Raycraft, H. -V. Atte- berry, Vera Buck. From Biggs J. Kruslck and ; wife. : From Clear. Creek—Mr. and Airs. W. A. Park. From Orland^-J. D. Bolinger. From Penryn P. E. Nelson.- From Nord Berhl Thrower, Joe Scott. From Grass Val- jey John Reber.j From Valley. Springs— S. N. Crewdson." From'- Chico Mrs.- and Miss Yon Guelder, Mr 3. C. K. Seita/ J. L. Lewis, Mrs. J. L. Lewis, A. H. Abernathy, \u25a0 Reid Berry, Tom Litts, Joslah , Boucher, G. L. Pembroke, D.' Crumrn, L: Macintosh. : Viola Crumm," Ma- jor : Dunby. Majestic Shear, Alice Crumm,- El- mer Chester, *Teddy Peck, : Jack Sanford, Miss Louise Vermette. Ora Boucher, Emma Ver- mette, Bert McEnespy, \u25a0 Minnie Clayton, Ella Boucher, Clara Clayton, Anna May Boucher. Mrs Martin Miller. Laurence Miller, Mra. 11. Vermette. ;W. C. Stevens. » F. ; C. Cory, J. A. Gray, Flora Miller, Leila Gray, Mary'Attebury. D W. Andrews, W. S. Goodrich, Clara Rlcard, J. D.IChester. \u25a0C. King, G. C. Pn|ton. C. T. Williams, F.H. Fordham, ;A. H. Turner. C. H. Rvan, Mabel Brown. * rJoe Bennett, \u25a0: H. \u25a0 Greenland,'. Dr. J.W. Meng/ Philip Penick, R. ,W Thompson. From Madison J. E. Thazton, From Holland r Flat—G. ;M. Lltflcki From Wisconsin Emma Maffey. From^arbex- F..M. Clough, A. W. Clark.' From Slsson Emll Gray. From. Willows— Ether Duncan. From' Durham— Sarah ; McAnarhlii, Eva M. Fimple. Frpm Butte— Charles Gray, •S. Stockwell. From Stockton F. *8. Boucher. ' "AT KLAMATHSPRINGS: From San Fran- cisco— M. D.: -Williams, A. E. Bliss, T.vE, Loynahan,' XV.- H. s Harrison. Thomas McDon- pugh L. C. Collins,' Dave - Blume, - Lou!« . Kai- nurki W.'FH. VBrooks, - Mrs. _W. H. Brooks, Miss Pearl Label, < James Murphy. William ; M. Cf Brien, ' WI II lain H. v McCormtck. iI. ; V. Cook. Fram- Loe '- Angeles-r-Mrs. 4 Catherine Hagan, M.I«» 'J. V H. »Hagan. \u25a0 Miss '. Harriet E. '. Dunn, Mrs Beatrice Chandler - Patton; From Peru, lll.— Miss -'• E. P. Waugh.', . From Yreka—Wil- liam; Ruwe. *:From Omaha— F.- G. McKlnnon. From - Sacramento— John- •> S. - Frazee. . Oeorgre Hale, Mrs. George Hale, C.' G. Stever, Mrs. C.' Q Stever, R.- Barry. J.S.?de Beers, R.~ From- ma.- From - Louisville, * K>\— W, L. , Christian, Mrs. W. L: Christian. v. . .^ >w. AT LAUREL DELL: From San Francisco— Miss Fitzgerald, > Harola S Sweet, Miss Annie Brehnan, : Miss rAlva Bass,- Miss Nettle Han-! son, } N. : Kanson, - Mrs. \u25a0 N. J Hanson.'-i Roy ' John- son. X A 'si A '. Dennison, ~ R.v Rothchijd. - A. M/ Dennlson, Mrs." P. » J. Hale.^M..D. Mullin' 8. J. •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; Petars, -B. '.Collins,* S. E. Helms,' Laurence Pfelfer,-, D.-S: Mooney, Henry'Ellls, Miss ; Jo- sephine Ellis, 1 Miss "Josephine •H: :/Weed, A. E. Wheeler, J. H. - Schlck, S.: Bylander.YH.^R.- Manßfleld; Mrs..- B. - H. . Littler."Miss L. '\u25a0 Littler. H. S> Reuff, William Davis, Mr- C Raymond, Mrs.-S : : Raymond, " B. E.- Ols.on, > Mrs. ; A. Olson M.- D.»Curry,Mrs.-A.^Cun7,rA: La Tourette, H.- TV.^Laurence.- James Blake, S.D . Lane, M.' Kv*r considered the ftplendld car ser- vice, ellmnttc advantpxe* of the Rich- mend District I Kxcvptlnnal offers to hoiue-seeker* In Sunday's Rral Entate column*. AT HOTEL ROWARDENNAN: From San Francisco Miss ! Frederique Both. D. Fergu- son, I. H. Ackerman, Miss Your.gr. Miss Falk- ensteln, Mr, and Mrs. Lowengrund. W. H. Powers, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Guggenhlme. R. S. Guggenhtme. F. G. Walker, Mtsa Edtth Norris. Miss Mabel Norris, M. S. Latham. Mr. and Mrs. Warren D. Clark, MUton Andros. From Palo Alto Mrs. L. B. Hart. From Agnews Dr. and Mrs. Stocking-, Miss Stocking. < From Oakland Miss Ethel Hanavan, Miss May Coo- gan. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Miller. From Santa Cruz—J. A. Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Tan- ner. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Strauss. From On- tario. Canada— M. S. Hubbell, H. C. Hubbell, Miss Cora ; Hubbell. From New York City— A. C, Chapman. Horace Bogue. From Nevada City Miss Woods. From Pasadena— Mrs. Theodore Coleman, Miss Coleman. From Santa Barbara Miss Mary Bayer. From Los An- geles Miss Josephine Boyer. AT SKAGGS HOT SPRINGS: From Sa« Francisco— Mr. and Mrs. Dasmann. E. Blazin, A. V. Martin and wife, Mrs. M. S. Hender- son. Miss Elsie Golcker, Mrs. A. Llnck. Amy Linck, Mrs. C. Golcker. Henry Golcker, Ruby George, Mrs. M. Kalish. Charles Baxter, Simon Juda. M. Scboen, Canto E. J. Stack. Victor Avon. F. L Dettmann and wife, Maria A. Kanißcha; Reglna A. Schlegel. Miss Hae Op- penhelmer. Miss Margaret Mullln, Mrs. D. Donovan, Miss Catherine Caulneld. Q. Choyiii- skl and wife. Miss Warshauer, Miss A. C. Stalner. Charles J. Abraham. J. S. Frezise, J. G. Gallagher. Miss Rose Raphael, tha Misses Jennie. Tlllie and Gussie Borowski, Ray Borowski, ' Cecil V. Levy." Sybil Levy, Mrs. EL R. Bellew, Helen Bellew, Adeline Trufeuerth, Dr. George McDaniel and wife. Mrs. F. Mett- man, F. Mettman Jr.. Miss M. Hogan. Miss Mary L. Nolan, Miss Clara Nolan. Captain T. Fltzpatrlck and wife. Mis* Kittle Fitzpatrlck. A. F. Benard and wife. P. A. Heney, Mrs. Dorothy Joost. Mrs. Anna Thiedemann. WU- liam Thledemann. Frank D. Mcßeth. C. W. Malcolm. J. F. Blvlem and wife. Fred W. Blvlem. Harry Choyinskl and wife. Miss Uunt- lngton. Fred Wallace, A. B. Weiler, W. P. Perine, Theodore - Lauterbach. Sophia Lauter- bach. Ed Lauterbach, Mrs. Michelsea. Miss Michelsen. Louis Mlchelsen, Mrs. G. W. Detzel. F. J. Hoagland, L. M. Roberts. E. B. Blood, W. C. Waters and wife, H. J. Wright. George W. Allen and wife, . Mrs. P. fNathan,' Gertrude Nathan. Mabel Newman, -. H. . R. Newbauer. wife and daughter, C. Bosste. M. Schweitzer and wife, *A. Max, Mrs. J. Flood, Mamie F. Flood. J. H. Bishop* Miss Florence McNally, Charles Walters, John J. Bahne and wife, S. D. Sullivan, P. Troy.14, J . Merle. Mrs. A. Merle, Charles Jacobson and son, Mrs. Charles J. Merver, Miss J. S. Melsiel, Philip Ellcr, Mrs. W. A. Zollner. Elmer Zollner. B. L. Tarbox. E. E. Parker and wife. John Reid and wife. Miss Reid. Miss Kroll: Mrs. Ralp* and daughter, A. Levy, Cora A. Nelson, Paul Klel- er. H. F. Logan, wife and eon. W. F. Dln- nigan and wife, A. J. Merle, O. H. Hsicharett. Thomas G. Splllano and - wife, Herbert Levy. Mis» Schweitzer. J. S. Blum. E.J. Sharpley. R. Bellew, J. Otis Evans, Miss B. N. Hannon, Miss M.' Hannon. S. C. Wright and wife, A. Block and wife, F. E.Juth and wife, A. W. Wagner, W. R. Glblen and wife, Lillian Fer- guson. J. -H. Klein.' E. L. Van der Ntdllen. Miss Jacobson, W. C. . Blrdsell, Charles H.- Suydam, wife and child, B. J. Wren and wife. Francis Tlerney. W. 1. . Tlerney, Georga J. Cashel, T. Olock, the Misses Susie- and Carrie Haas. Dr. J. A. Klelss.W. R, Largelere and wife. May Ward, H. L. Smith and wife. Mrs. N. Moore, Lillian McCormack, John P. Tag- gart.' James Bock. P. Stern. A. Nathan. A. Jacobs, E. R. Bellew. T. McMahon. Jerry F. Dlnan, J. C. Sims and wife. E. Hirsch. A. S. . Mlchelsen. Augusta Lauterbach. Paul Lau- terbach, Mary Fitzpatrlck. Miss Mary O'Brien Miss Kittle Allen. W. B. Beck. M. L. Choyin- ski, wife and daughter, J. Scott, M. Caiassa. R. J. Casassa, Mrs. F. Huik. From Oakland Mrs. A. Anderson and children,' Miss Augus- ta Arlberg,' Miss Nellie Harty. Mrs. A. F. Favman and child, Mrs. Julia Harrington. Miss M. \u25a0'. E. Harrington. C. H. Latkey and wife. Mrs. E. J. Cottle, Mrs. Ben Wright. Mtss Gladys Wright, J. C. Neltch. Harry L. Rose, A. Trolne. Mrs. W. T. Deitch, Thomas Deltch, J. -P. Vane and wlfe,^ F. Weldenbacher. Mrs. V. Kreyenhagen, Mrs Anna Keating. ' Mrs. C. H. Rice, Miss Octavia Rice. H. W. Connor, H.: Farley. ' From Alameda A. Kisb. wife and child, Miss Mary Constlne. Miss C. B. Hubtr. Mrs. Louis S. Slmms, Grace Coc4#. Garwood Slmma. Dr.J. Goodman Thompson, Mrs." Jen- nie C. Connor. Mrs. A. J. Merle Jr. and child. From Berkeley Mrs. A. T. Sutherland and family. Miss T. C. Mathews, Miss. Belle Coffin, Miss Emily J. Holmes. " John B^ Metcalf, B. M. \u25a0de Leon. . From - Hay wards J. Olufs and wife.-Frank J. Hofleng and wife. From Pleaar antpn— Gf prg« Davis and chauffeur. From San Rafael— E.Kreahenbuhl. Miss J. Kreahenbuhl. From Portland, Or. Arnold Poppjc*.' C. Beand. From Spokane, Wash. Mrs.' A. TV Geary, Wil- liam J. Geary. .. From New York Gilbert B. Perkins and wife. .. Mrs, J. Brenden Brady, George N. Parker. From Santa Roea-rL. Pedrattl and wife. Miss Stella Pedrattl. C **- Pond. '\u25a0 Fred ~R.-_ Guedln. From Heldsburg— iJH Haigh, Harold B. Rosenberg. Will L.-TJver- nash. , L. '- A. \u25a0 Wala and wife. Walter Block, Edith Rodda. .* Anna G. . Cassell, A. Block and wife. Miss A. - A." Walters. Ira Dorman, E. I Beeaon, wife and daughters. SJ Hll^erloh. From Ross Valley Fred J. French and wife. Miss Brady. * From Cloverdale X.' Guild and wife G. .B. Baer and wife, E. C. Winder, and wife' Mrs. C. J. Markell. George W. Knight. Layl fayette McCary Dr.". C.;F. Grant and wife." From Geyservllle^-K. Baruch and wife Miss Ada 'E. ' Remmel, Miss Mildred* M. Martin From Santa 3 Clara Miss Kthel Rucker Olive Blackman. From . Pasadena— Miss Anna Mc- Nally. From Pglnt Reyes— Frank LJn«. '\u25a0* ,AT HOTE^ CAPITOLA: From San Fran- cisco-^-Mlss Sylvia \u25a0 Talbot. Miss ." A; Pourtalls Arthur J.I Lalb. Bert S. Gerson. . Mr*. W Wright E.E. Lewi.. H. H. Wold.teln. Amos' Burr, :S. \u25a0 Hatcher. Mrs." A. Kutner, Mrs H James, Miss \u0084 Gladys ) James. E, X Cassab* J. - E. Comew, =L. Tyrell. Will Sparks. E t' Miller,' Herbert S. \u25a0 Loren, Miss E. Tabrett Mr. and Mrs. J." H. \u25a0* McKenzie, Charles B* Elder. , Mr.' and ' Mrs. ; S. : Elder, Miss Alice Kelly,: 1Hugo Oppenhelmer, C. Belf rage, J H SoldarJels, Misses Hoyts. Mr. * and Mr» Fred S. Peery. i \U. S. -A. : - Charles Knights! Mrs. \u25a0Edwin "Joy, Mrs. T. E. Miller, MlSs , Bl*|ey, P. Turner, J. R. Rivers, W. H.- Granger, H. HUtklbs. Miss Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. T> C. Judkins, E. B. Wamppler, Thomas H. Xlchols, Byron Jackson and wife. Thomas Barry, and wife. James Harris. D. S. Thayer, W. P. Knapp, L. 3. Palmer, Ellen Dillon, M. S. WlMame, B. Jj Powers. From Oakland- Sara E. Sally Jr.. J. C. McCarl. M. S. Fallon, E. B. Danlelaon, Mrs. A. Danielson, M. G. Beasley, James Goodman. From Sacramento M. C. Rlrdon, F. D. Emery, I*lEmery, G. D. Culleh, Mrs. J. Thompson Woman Killed l»y a Train. SACRAMENTO, Aug. 12. An old woman known as "Kate," who lived on a river scow, wai struck by a freight car and killed last night. The acci- dent happened on a spur track In the north end of the railroad yards at a point about opposite Ninth street. ATi EL'CARMELO. HOTEL: '-From Han Franeisco Harry ; Keller, v H. i, C. Mell, C. " Cal- vert < Smoot, "iR. :B.^; Rankln, 1 M. :L.; Shan*. George \u25a0 Miller; •. R. ] Cornelius, J." Nandergande A. i V.: : Sherry and i wife, J- D.t McCarthy, Mr' and "" Mr?. ? Sherman. ,- M. ..\u25a0 W. t:Clark.' \u25a0 L.. . Caen B,'sM.- 7, l>ynch, f --- George ' I. ".".Taylor. -} Louis - A Leonhardt. L. 'J Honlgsbergrer. : P. H. Bernays and iwife. O. W.v Luce; and- wife, j:M!as - Mabel Luco, Miss r, Ruth Royal, Ralph TheoiCodfOand :wifp,xF- - W.; Gillette s-M.'C Bosworth ' and : wife. . F. c E. . Bos worth iand ; wife R.y E.-;/ Anderson.^ Mrs.; ti. 1 - A>. Anderson;;. P. o' Goode.i J/p.^Nakada and wife,' James Nalcada* a;-.'. I* y Hampton. .-, R. p. b.'*\u25a0 Marshall and - wife! James B. (Nagley."•\u25a0 Miss Anijai ß. \ Harris,- Mr AT ADAMS SPRINGS: Prom San Fran- cisco Margaret G. McCarty, Captain Rodders, H. Rood, J. J. Hendrlcke, M. Barcelles. Mrs. J J. Talbot. Mies E. Talbot, W. J. Davis, T>. M. Teague, M. M. Mamera, A. Furlong 1 ,Joseph Bauer, Mcl J. : Manasse. H. C. Finkler and wife, 1 N. O. Kkaln. A. A. Sutton, J. D. BuH- winkle. H. Weber, John Beeba, Thomas 1*". Parkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles. L. Koetjohn. Miss A. Koftjohn, James *J. Murry, Mr. and Mr*.- L. J. Holton.W. L. Elliott, E. Hough- ton. Miss Chambers,- Budd Michael, A. "E. Johnston**, Mrs. E. E. Keeley. , Charles F. Red- nail. Albert Devctt. O. J. Muenter. Dr. C. W. Jones, W. R. Locke, L. G-eicher. J. B. Mc- Murrey. G. C. Dallamore, Miss Olivia Austin, Rev. Father Clyne, Rev. Father Grealy, ! Mi*a Amelia Leszynsky, "Mrs. Leszynsky, Miss Hat- tl« Leszynsky. .J. W. Lloyd. J. Mullen, Miss Alice Ivoertjohn. From Oakland F. A. Lem- i-ry. J. A. Fltzpatrick.' C. F. Gibson. Georgre Carpenter, Charles Heimke. B. K. Connolly, F. D. -F. Cairns and wife, I. W. \u25a0 Stevens. From Biij Valley—S. T. Kalthly, From Benicia-^F. H. Qulnn. From Watsonvllle Mm. Anna Ar- villa. Carrie Grummer. From Sacramento Mrs. A- 1 Shaden, Miss Jrsma Shaden. From Alameda John Yablosky, Mrs. C. V. Hort- walte. From Vallejo— R. :J. R, Aden, Bessie Moran. \u25a0K. F. R;'Horan. Mrs. - J. 4 J. Sheean, Winnlfred Judf?e. Mrs. W. rSn^Ush, Miss J. English. J. H. Smith, Mrs. J. Fitzsprald. Mrs. James Power. Francis Power,. May Power, J. J. Hushes Jr.. G. J. Wilson. ' From Wat- sonville Misa Ella Sch-irwachter, Mles Carrie Sohurwachter. Frqm Mllpltas Miss Q. Abl«, Miss W. Minehan, G. W. Grlswold, John Re- Kan. William Regan. From San Rafael Miss E. A. Hayden, Robert Hayden. From Stockton Mrs. J. M." Bigger, Mls3 Alice Big- ger. From San Lorenzo-—J. \u25a0M. : McConaehy and. wife. Charles Gansberger. From- Modesto Mrs.. Myrtle McHenry. O. McHenry. From St.- Helena G. A.' Ben vie. " From Casper W. D. Malone. From : Fresno— Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Cearly. Miss; N. Cearly. Mrs. Heitmann Miss Elsie Heitmann, George Suhr' and wife, F. T. ,Connolly and wife. E.-L. Barcelles, Mrs. Rassmiissen and two children, M. Rassmussen,' : Earlo D. Smith. "• From . HootonT- F. E. Ellis, E. B. Wright. From Santa Rosa— A. B. W~are and wlfa. \u25a0-\u25a0 From- Berkeley— Anna "McGovern. ]< % Rom Napa Ada Ferrogan, George D. Secord and wife, Mrs. W. : Martin, Mrs. K. Secord, H.-F.. Goodwin, Thomas McGIU. ; From Dlxon Hans Swan, j Miss \u25a0 Swan. AT SEIGLER HOT SPRINGS: ; From San Francisco Miss M. Barelllas, Mls-s X, Bareil- las,'. E. L.' Bareillas/ Silvio.Bocco, Miss L. McDonald. James McGowan , and ; wife, Law- rence F. Turkelson : and. wife. Marguerite See- ley,' Mrs.- John McConaghy, M. J. Mcßrearty, David. Crowley ;' and. wife, ' Percy i McPartland and wife, Mrs. J. i Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Ches- ley, Miss Jule Cpnway, F. McCann \u25a0 and - wife Miss L. Douglass. A. Ratto, J. T.. Skelly, Francis Theison, ;Mrs. \CSus Kilborn and family, Mrs. H.. Matheson, Mr. r, and :: Mrs. ,'J. '-• McCann. W. Murphy, Jack: Neeham,' J.-D.- Richardson, Mrs. Sleber, Gus Willis. Mr. r and Mrs: R. F.- Graham,' , Mrs. i Peake; : Mrs. T. - Hughes, i Mrs. Newaom, Mrs. K. . E.": Keeley, '.W. : S. Drey- polcher, Joseph O'Cpnnell, Charles Wallin, Archie L. Gage, H. Franklin, Frank '.Bleuss and wife, i Mrs. BL. I Ryder, I Agnes , Hlggins, J. S. Oppel, MisyWllklns, L.;F. Vann and wife, rs. A.'O. O'Brien and daughter, J.:T.,Ham- ilton/, J. ? Devlin,' : F. Lirtvllle, . Jo« -Thompson. From \ Oakland J. -\u25a0; L.' :- Ca vasso. ' A ; .' J. « John- rtono;* Mr.\ and Mrs." W. L.' Watson. Mr. and Mra. - J.: Tesglo,' Miss Agnes Brennan, Mr." and Mrs. 'W. Cavasso,*- Mr. « and -Mrs., Thomas Hearty, ,-Miss >T»uie '* Hearty.'-: Miss Marie Henrty. "TVank '• Lloyd' Sterling, Miss Sadie Cullen, . Miss -K. Cullen.J." Henry ! Long. vE.v Tcomey.'', George A. White,' David Bowen and "wife. Freda- Wemmer.iF." J. -Wai-' lacc.V J. ':, Scanlon, Miss . Mabel - .. From Hanford— Sam , Cohen and" wife, > Miss \u25a0\u25a0 McCord/ From San Rafael Mr. and Mrs.' J. Hayden, H' A. -Hayden ,-. Robert \u25a0 Hayden. >H.f Hayden -8.1 P. i McDavitr, •- From Dcs >. Moinee Mrs. » wit- taker.'-Mlss K. \u25a0.Wlttaker..CecilDownlnar.-From' B«attie—-Mr." and Mrs. -Jules Levy. : ; Frpm New Ycrk-^-Mrs. Thomas ' Hußh-eR.--' ' 7 "'' Cormick, C. D. McCauland, J. W. Dalltve, Mrs. J. W. Dallive. From Portland— P«ter Jahnson, H. Maiks. From Petaluma— Thomas Maclay, L. J. Holton. From Santa Rosa— A. R. Ware, \u25a0 Mrs. A. R. Ware, F. M. Smith. From Tohopah A; J. Condon, Mrs. A. J; Con- don. ; From Los Angsles— Mrs. Charles Cook, Miss A. Hobson. From Oakland— Misa F. Weramer. Mis^ M. Duchran. Miss Laurence Donaldson, Miss Cora Donaldson. From Glen- brook—Miss Bessie Treclway, Mrs. F. A. MII- , ler. From Cloverdale— Mrs. Carl Yordl. Miss Linda Pilber, U. Metcalf. From , Biegler H. H. McGowan, •V. M. Ash. From Napa— Miss Irene J. Puett, Miss Jtnnie Sneed, T. J. ,Wil- kenspn, Mrs. F. J. Carr. From Woodland— J. Si fitephena, Chris Sl«ber, J. Brallan, J. Craig, J. B. Allan, Miss Maud Ruggles, Misa Hazel Hammell. From I^akeport Hamilton Smith. Miss Neva Smith. Mrs. . W. L. Puett, Lindsey " c. Puett. AT HOTEL VENDOME: From San Fran- \u25a0 elseo Airs. Jamea Alva Watt, Mlbs JennU Watt, Miss C. A. McCollam, Ed V. Armstrong. W. K. Bowers, Charles Fisher. George 1. Tayr lor. Mr. and Mrs. James tieeley, . M.-- A. H. Madlsun. J.'. Alexander, G. A. Uoyer, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Shotwell, Miss Irene M. Mack, Mrs. J. J. Mack, Mrs. H. Ernesi Goodman, Mrs. \u25a0W. L Gftary and daughter. B. K. Michaels, Mrs. M. Lynch, Mrs. Joseph W. Lynch, W. M. Smith, Key. H. L.-Hunl, l^eon Uonlgsberger.- Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. George Francis, N. S. Hall, VV. D. Sheldon, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hyde, .Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Bates, Mr. and Mis. Henry Lyuns", A. N. Drown, David Kion, A. J. .Rich, Joseph E. Bier and wif«. Samuel G. Buckbce, H. R. Dufnn, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Breeze,' Mr. and Mrs. H. Addington. Mrs. Bu»h, Mrs. Grove, J Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. B. Varney, Miss Varney. Walter T. Varney, Miss Emily G.. I Read, Miss Margaret . McDonald, Miss Agnes I McDonald. Fred W, Gregory. Miss Alic* jCrlchton. Miss li:-ssio Bates, Miss Jessie Me- t Xab, Frod- Meycrstcin, W. F. Humphrey, Judge Frank H. Kerrigan, Mrs. Horace Mor- gan and daughter, George J. Mann, Miss Spar- hawk, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Randol, William H«ndrlckson Jr., W. H. Cameron. Mrs. M. A. Gaftney and maid. Mis. William Hendrlck- sou Jr. and two children. Miss Mary Batos, i Miss' Elizabeth S. Bates, Dudley S. Bates, Cap- ' tain J. Tremayne Smith,- Mrs. :H. A. Hart' and maid, Dr. and Mrs.- Theodore Rethers, Isaac Upham, James K. Wilson, C. P. Colburn. From ' Oakland Mrs. 1 Robert : Watt, Robert Watt, I George C. Holberton, Captain and Mr*. E. F. I Taylorr Dorothy Taylor, Hon. and Mrs. Victor H.. Metcalf. - Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Prathsr, Dr. and Mrs. George F. Rodolph. Miss Marlar. Rodolph. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Rodolph, George H. Strong. Miss Strong, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey H. Dana, Mr/ and Mrs. Charles Har- ley. Mr. and Mrs.- Willis Murlum, - Mr. and Mrs. Wickham Havens, Mr. -and Mrs. Harold Havens. Mrs. D. H. Proctor, Mr. and Mrs. F. i: Kendall. Miss Kendall, Colonel C. L.. Wal- lace, Gertrude Livingstone. AT OCEAN VILLA, Santa Cruz: Mrs. M. J. Caldwell, Fresno; Georga C. Ilass. Chicago; Charles L. Kulsori, Agnes C. Marshall, Ma- rion B. Mar&liall. San- Francisco; Mrs. M. S. Perry, Berkeley; Miss Gene Baker, Oakland; Miss Lucy Pierce, Miss Ethel L. Perry, Stan- ton Perry, Harold Dodd. . Berkeley; -Mr. Trau- ncr.,M. A. Owens' and wife, " I. <G. Weir, San j Francisco; Mrs. Beeman, E. ,E. Beeman, New York; L. G. Robinson. St. Louis; J. E. Dona- hue. Burlington, \u25a0 Vt. ; Wallace 8..'.-.Phillips, New York; A: B. Clark and family, Fresno; Mrs. 3. J. Tuska, Miss O. C. Levy, Faun C. Tuska, Wilfred Tuska, San Francisco; Clarence C. 'Henson, New Orleans; Mrs. . M. A. Spencer, Herbert Spencer, Concll Harter, Modesto;; Mrs. E. Hart. Reno, Nev.; Mrs. Dr. Brumwell, New York; Edwina Yorke, Stanford; Mrs. Edwin Yorke. Sacramento; M. , L. Ellerteak and wife, St. Louis; Mrs. D. L. Cullom, Miss . Marie Cullom, Albany, Tex. ; Miss Maude de Courcy, Oakland; John F. Bonelbard - ; and wife,' Mrs. J. H. Brown, Miss Mac Brown, Miss Volkmer, Mtss Mohrmann. - Miss Julia McDonald. Miss Ethel Washington, Phil J. Geyer, Olive O. Bond. Miss Rae Samlsh, San Francisco; G. '.XV.- White. Oberton, Md. :N.- L. Hoyer, i Fresno; 1 T. C. Law, Mrs. T. C. Law,' Merced; Nicholas G.^ Nelson, Kingsburg; " Mrs. \u25a0N. S. Murphiy and children. Miss -Mary Palutzke. Milwau- kee: Dr. D. Whltlock, Merced: E.H. Walton, Oakland; Mrs. A, W. ',Dodd. Berkeley; "J.. Hunt, and wife, San Francisco;. Misa M. E. : Williams,"' Philadelphia;. Miss B.. '.'a\- puckley 'Santa Cruz; Mrs. R. D. Perry,* Miss EL r S.; Perry,.' -Ban' Frnncisco; Miss- Lucia . li. Peres, -*\u25a0 Oakland ; Alonzo Lincoln and-' wlfe,>New*.-.York;r A-'-'-M; Ricker. C. Foster, Mrs.\CV:'N. MooneyL- Horace ! B. Brown, San Francisco; I Dave - C,- Strother, ' Miss Vancy Strother, . West - Union. S. C. ;. J. A. Black, wife- and daughter. -. Sacramento; •' Mra. R. Furze. ' William R. Furze! Miss Bertha Furze. San Francisco; C. .H. M. Nerwoert, ; wife and son, Hanford: J. T. McKean and wife. Santa, Cruz; Mr. .and. Mrs. Wallace Scott, San Francisco; J. A. Sinsabaugh.' Lemoore; . Misa Elizabeth ' Glfney, London, England; Mr. and Mrs. ' C W. •Hill, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Holland and family,. Mrs. W. Parker \u25a0 and family, San Francisco; Miss Elsie B. : Cunningham, Oak- land; Mrs. S. D. Martin and daughter, Seattle, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Smith. Miss L. Smith, Miss Myrtis Oullum, San Francisco; Dr. and Mrs. O. E. Gibson, Platteville," 111.; A. B. Prlchard, Los Angeles; Miss Jenne Mor- row Long. San Francisco; Eva M. Ayers. Oak- land; Miss J. Blanche Butler, F. G. Brown- son. Oakland; F. Hartman, Philadelphia; Airs. Lewall, France; Miss Alice Louise Peres, Oak- land. : AT BLUE LAKES: From Ban Francisco Miss Nellie Galagher, Miss Anna Sims, Miss C. A. Dunne, George Galagher,' Al F. Spohn, Gus Siefert, Milton Ray. Pete Jansen, pimer Enowald, Tom Nicholls, Ernest ! Bowman, J. S. McClymont, Sylvan Seiig, Teddy . Wjtien- barger. Miss Martha McKln. Mm. Judith Todd. Mrs. P. S. Slotterbeek, Miss M. Slot- ter, Miss T. Slottcr, L. F. Moore, Frank J. Hart, J. W. Halllday, Mr. and Mrs. Lutten j; Holton. W. L. Elliott, H. L. Moore, E. Wiener. A. B. Ware and wife, R. W. Carey, Ed W. Murphy. R. V. Hanson, Rich Craig, J. S. Freeman, Mrs. D. W. McDermctt, J. M. Cooper, R. j.-Hammond, Mr. Zored, Edwin E. \u25a0Parker. B. L. Tarbox, 'E. D. Davidson, Minam F. Morris, Miss May Rosenbaum, Louis Frank- enburg. Mre. J. C. Falrchild, H. K. Ashman C. E. Falrchlld. Ruby Tonn. Cv L. Fautcht, H. Hudson, Velma Crawford, Irene White, H. H. Munson. : AT SARATOGA SPRINGS: From Sin Franclgco George Bchlenker Sr.. Mrs. M. Kucnzl, Miss L. Kuenzl, J. R. Rowe. ft. L. Johns. F. E. Houston, George L McCabc, James McMullen, F. K. ResorU. W. L. Hooper, G, E. F. May. F. R. Silvester. A. R, Roberts, John L. Mayors, A. E. Collins, P. R. Schu- man, M. E. Wormer, Mrs. M. E. Wormer, F." C. Farmer, Peter, Van Allen. E. P. Ell«r, J Samuel Morrison Sr.. William B. Taylor. Miss D. Houston. Miss M Neal. XV. T. Elpper. From Fresno George B. Rpwell, George- L. Johnson. From Santa Rosa A. B. Ware and wifs. Mrs. S. A. Byrnes. Mrs. C. White, Miss Vera White. From Wllllts E. C. Austin From Uklah—W. H. Miller, wife, two chil- dren and maid. From 1 Oakland P Ni cevlch. Mrs. P. N. Mlocevlch. From Grizzly Flat— Charles Rich, Miss Annie Rich, Mrs V. J. Davenport. Mrs. J. Foster, Mrs. W. Ferrlll. AT HOTEL BELVEDERE: From San Francisco— F. G. Smith and wife. Rosebud O Heydenfeldt, W. Speyer. Mrs. D. Imes, Mica L. Strausberg W. S. Baker, , Jesse Stelnhart, Miss E. Harris, \u25a0 Louis F. Samuels. R. B. Mc- Millan, E. F. Russ.' Mrs. A. L. RU33. Miss Linda Russ, Miss I. ; A.' Russ, Ernest Kleve- ' cahl; Oscar Haupt. F. ;M. Campbell "Mlgs « Noon. A. M. NewhaJl, \u25a0 Mrs. C. J.: McCarthy, Misa L. McCarthy. S. A. Crook, A. T. O'Brien, i It. A. Ross. D. C. Martin and wife. Mrs. J. i Levlson and children, W.:E. Alexander, wife and son; Ernest Hdugh. Phil. E. Golinsky, I Major G. F. Downey, U. S. A. From Berke- ley—Mrs. M. Freldenrich. Miss Myra Frelden- rlch. Miss E<lythe-Freidenrlch.- - ,1 ;\u25a0\u25a0; AT, THE GETSERS : From San Francisco-^ Miss Inez Ratliff. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pyk<-s, Mrs. A. Rosenholz, Mrs. N. -Mulcahy. George A. Rankin, J. P. . Langhorn, Eugenia Oliver. Kate C. Oliver, B. P. Oliver, Dr. C. W. Jones, F. J. Agnew, Mr. and Mrs. Lang, BnrJ son, ,W. A. Rodgers, J. Mahoney, Ralph ' H. Deverell and wife, William P. Filmer. wif« I and daughter. Miss A.' Martin, 1 Miss E. Martin ' I D. R. Enßley, Mrs. D. R. Engley,| John Mur- phy, B. R. , Oestln*, \u25a0- Mr. and Mrs. Meredith | Sawyer. Miss Scooffy: others ore ; F. W. - Mo- \ bray. J. R. Mobray, M.;G. Mobray, Mrs. F. W. Mobray.- Mr.- and Mrs. L. E. : Rodgers;; Zilda M. ißpdger?, Bessie . M. . Gill, Isabel! Mlchle, Mrs. J. Mlchie, . Thomas D. Mmto and i wife, Lloyd and Austin Mlnto. Mrs. William Feld- meyer. Miss- Delia Johnson, Alex| Skaggs and wife, Walter . Skaggs, C. R. . Jones and wife Miss Ardis Jonvs, George W. Collins and wife - George W. Collins Jr., , B.:T. Connolly,' W." H. Connolly, W/ E. Dean and 'wife, C.:8.» Wel- cker, Mrs.' David Powell, Mlbs Jeanette Powell Miss Margaret Powell, Miss Carrie Berg, Mrs. C. D. Carter, Isabel Carter. Mrs. J.W. Ward, R. E. 1 Gunsolus a^id ; wife, (Gladys .- Gunsolus, Goldevin Richard^,. Mrs.,I.•L. Richards. . Con- stanpe: Richardi^ George Richards. Fred Moore, Mr. and Mra. w; A. Engley, F. A. Copper and wlfp, 'Clarence Cooper, > T." Minlhan \u25a0 and wife, Charles Frylack and f wife, ' Mr. and Mrs. J. June.- Philip L. KelUr.' - : " AT HIGHLAND SPRINGS: From San Francisco— T. C. : Maher.v A. -. J. : Donzel* Ed Semmel. . E. \u25a0W. McCarthy. Mrs. T E. VW. . \u25a0. Mc- Carthy, Mlbs ' AnlU McCarthy,' Miss A. Goetze " Miss E.: Williams. Miss M, \u0084Willlams,>F. j' A«mew. Miss M.: E. Mah«rAThomas . D.' Ma- her., Thomas Barry, W. :. Baker, Mrs.-- XV:, Ba- ker,' Misses Baker,^ Miss^Alieei Yprdi.v. Mrs.- F ; E*. Buckland." Mrs. D. r .WAlvjng.». William ;V.i Bry«n. Miss . Sylvia Renfro.- Miss M. : E. . Crow- iy. i Ml«s Eda . Cella, Miss Elmendorf,VM.'.Elm- ; endorf, .•\u25a0Mrs. '; Mr' Elmendorf, vMlss \u25a0 D.- Me- , The outpour from the city to the coun- try pleasure epots keeps on with nearly imperceptible abatement and while . a few have finished their outincs, more are turning steps toward than are re- tracing from the outdoor life. \u25a0• The following named are at the vari- ous resorts: . AT -i HE SEA BEACH HOTEL.: From San * rancUeo— \V. N\ Kelly, N. W.'Herzog. Wil- liwn C. Brown. Dr. a. XV. Patman and wire. Mrs. L. 8.. Canning. Mrs. J. Ueane. Whipple Hall. V. A. Sgnnelder Jr., 12. B. bavis and wife. D. Diereon, J. S. Fox, C. J. I'helen. A- It. Dawson. j:-.Vavdenande. J. C. Nolan and lamily, H. Schamant, U. fa. Do'rn and wife, iliss, \ amf.i*. uorn M>*s Mar ar D>r», Mas- ter Jack Dim. Miss K. H. Dcrn, Dr. X- \u25a0I. i^owatJ. Waiter .a. Gray. lr.onua B. Utt.i^u. His. ivoben \Vliiic. i«lrs. j. a. Aliner, Mr*. A. J. Co4tello ami children. Mrs. F. C. Martin. Silas Umrr.a Martin, Thomas Flnley and wife, S. vC. Oomwell. C. W. Colby and wlte. 13. C. Harrison and wife. Mtss I*E. Har- rison, Misa T. R. Harrison. J. E. MijKtnstry, ijavid Ujnztl. W. V. Perkins, A. Solonian. r. i J. Savage, M. T. CoJeman. F. G. Miner, 1. Sll- verberg, J. F. Jackson James S. Hawkins and wile. Marshall A. Frank and wlte, F. L. Gard- ner and wife. Theo. Langguth and wile. M. F. Taylor. H. C. Martin. F. J. Klossoski, Dr. A. Feder. Dr, G, Feder,- Mrs: M. b'. Feder, F. i\ Jacobs and'wire. J. G. Cre,ighton, George Suth- erland and wife. Miss Edith -Sutherland, 'p. E. Curbly and wjre. J. F. French, O. A. Warren, V. E. Harstow, Tony Lubelski, Thomas W. Pank and . wife. Floyd S. S. Judah. i Mrs. j Charles Marshall. Mrs. Ed : Touvzky, Mrs: j. | S. Anderson, James Andferson, Dr. J. L. How- ard, Dr. H. Westarfield. K. A. Wise and wife. Miss A. Wise, lilts U. Wise. H. M. Mitchell. Wiiliam Ro^ilngton, J. Agler and wife. Miss I M. Afflcr. Miss M. Suwart. J. J. Mack arid wife. Miss I. N. Mack. George F. AHeritz and family, W. D. Clarke aud wile, J. "B. Nockelst, T. W. G. Lyons. B. L. Diay, F. B. Bodkins. Mr*. George Whlttell Jr., Alfred Whlttell. Mrs. E. R. Brainard. Miss S. P. Judson, Miss JSi. Button. S. B. Moore, Ben. Henley. Mrs. ' T. , W. Huntlngton, Miss E. Hunttneton, A. 'I. \u25a0 bmlth and wifa, Charles Lauffer, H. Malloch, P. Jsaet, F. B. Lament. W. H. Humphrey, W. F. Brltt. T. H. O'Keefe. C. P. Bailey, E. G. l^terson, Dr. I. W. Bachman, J. R. Rogers, | K. Corbett. L. R. Nothohm, W. H. Hamilton, | Dr. XV. J. Murphy, C. H. Summers. From Los Angeles— S. J. Beck and wife, M. C. Adler and wife. Miss Maricn Adler. Master Herbert Ad- ler. H. H. Sinclair and wffe. Miss Sinclair, A. W. Sinclair, L. A. Vaugh&n, J. R. Threlkald, Mies Ethel Rowe. From Sacramento— Mis* Flora Hartwell, Mrs. E. F. Fraier and family. From Stockton XV. A. Washington. From San Jose— R. S. Ruble. J. F. Brooks, J. K. McDonald. From Stanford 0.--AY. Dunn and wife, "Mrs. I. I*Requa. From Oakland— M. L. Requa and wife, Miss A. Requa. Lawrence Requa. From Berkeley—A. Addlson and wife, a S. Richardson arid wife. Mrs. F. A. Thomas. Miss Thomas. From Stockton— Mrs. T.D. Pe- ters, Miss Peters. Miss A. Peters, - Dr. J. P. Sergent and wife, Mies Terrell. Mre. William Terrell, Miss F. Borden, S. B. Stevens and wife, C. A. Hageman and wife, J. 8.-Mimia and wife, Mrs. J. Moore. D. S. Merrltt. . WU- ( liam Pierce and wife, w. E. Davis and wife. From San Jose— Mrs. H. C. Moore, Dr. J. G. Thompson L. Lion, M. F. Taylor. From Wat- sonville—A. R. Wilson. J. E. Love and wife, Miss A. E. Goffery. J- K. Kauffman and vnU, Miss E D. Wadsworth, Miss S. E. Colby, Miss <V Stewart, Miss Woodward. From Belvedere '— J. D. Hawkins and wife, Mrs. F. J. Jackson. AT BYRON* SPRINGS: From San Fran- cisco—Mrs. C. Rauhut, Thomas J. Sullivan, Harry T. Hammond. Mrs. A. Dorland, Mrs. L. A. Souc, Mrs. Anna P. Wells, Mrs. H. M. Bosworth. John Zehrung, Mrs. L. A. Coffin. Sol Lippman. Ed Meyer. S. J. Mitchell, R. R. Ritchie. Mrs. M. Klrketeop, Ben Jacobs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Dann. Dorothy Capwell. Cobert Cathwell, George P. Thurston, Mrs. P. Thurston, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Gray. Mrs. v\ . A. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. William CluK, Mr. and Mrs. John Breuner, Mra. J.-Plover, Miss Plover, Miss Katherlne Plover,' C. M. Woos- ter. L. A. Coftin. O. H. Smyth, W. H. Lamb, E. Clark. Carl T. Cranz, W. L. Clapp, W. H. Nlckols. Paul Branke ' J. E. Short, William Locke, Bruce Cornwall, J. A. Syme. John I»- raelsky, Mies Helen Israeislty. Joseph W.SaU. William Metz, Grove C. Eddy, Mrs. G. T. Ja- cobs, Douglas Fry, C. R. Hanson. E. A. Hen- derson and wife. P. J. Gllmore, Mr. and Mrs. William Samuels, T. K. Stateter, Mr. and Mra. L. Rothenberg, George J. Mann, Colonel An drews, Mr. and Mrs. XV. W. Shannon, F. Polu. From I-0.li Margreth Beckman. From* Mar- tinez—George Caldarella. From Wat§pnville— Martin Paljotak. From Atwater John B. Oa- Jjorn. From Stockton M. Weber and wife, Frank A. Guernsey, P. Meione, John C. Mc- Carthy. Dr. and Mra. J. P. Sargent, Mr, and Mra. Mlnot Tlrroll. From Redwood City W; W. Talbot, Mrs. W. W. Talbot, Thomas Cor- coran. From Manteca— S. 3. Monson. From Fresno— W.- W. Hodgkln, Mrs. A. T. Connarri, M. D. Hermann, A. F. Connard. From Ala- meda Mrs. Harwood Morgan. From" Oakland S. Angel, J. T. Hayes, D. McDonald, L. Schwartz, A. W. Baker. From Rio Vista— Mr. and Mre. L. Fallman. From Sutter Creek J. Monteverde, Louis Monteverde. From Merctd S. C. Pate and wife, B. B. Green. From Sunol Antonio Sllva. From Fruit- vale J. H. Neppoch. From Warm Springs Anthony Smith. From Grass* Valley Mrs. Dall Kalbaugh. From Amador City XV. J. Lane. From Los Angeles— W. G. Roomr and wife. From \u25a0 Benlcla— T. E. McEneary. From Seattle^Max Cohen. From Rocklin F. L. Forlow. Lovers of -Nature Go to Mountains and Seaside for Summer Rest. CALL OF THE WILD LURES THOUSANDS THE" , S AN, FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY. AUGUST 13;' j1305. William Conlon. a teamster. . who lives at 244 Perry street, fell from his wagon At-the. foot : of Dupont street and one of the wheels passed over him. At the Har- bor Hospital Surgeon Kucich summed up what the wheel did to Conlon as follow?: Fracture of the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth ribs: possible internal lnjtiries.. contusion of the left shin arid risht hip and abrasion of the face and arms. Falls Under Hl* Wagon. A One delivery wagoo Is a good. advertlse- rnent., We. have them with panet top and plate glass side. They are beauties. We alao carry express wagons. Lelboid Harness Com- pany. 211 Larkln street. In the complaint the company asserts that the purchase of the lot Is not for the interest 'and necessity of the peo- ple and that Ithas practically the right to do blasting', grading and. excavating on the premises. Under the appro- priation made by the Supervisors for the fiscal year $25,000 was set apart for- the purchase of lands on the hill to improve the site for the laying out of a city park. The Globe Grain and Milling: Com- pany yesterday filed'a suit for an or- der restraining Auditor Harry Baehr and Treasurer John E. McDougald from auditing and paying the demand of the Tallant Banking Company for {11,000 of the city's money for the purchase of the lot at the southwest corner of Chestnut and Kearny streets. The. lot was purchased by the city by order of the board for the preservation of Tele- graph Hill, and the Globe Company al- leges that the action of the Supervisors was In bad faith. Globe Grate mad MillingCompany File* Salt Against City Auditor and Treasurer. DESIRES TO STOP PURCHASE! OF TELEGRAPH HILL LOT 1? years ua I reduced my weight S3 pouada. bust S inches, waist 8 Inches, and hip* 10 Inches, by a ilmpla harmless ramady. Hsalth perfect- No exercise, no wrinkles, no starring. I will tell you how. Inclose stamp*. Mrs. Diana Aires, 63 Elgin Park. San Francisco, Car. Stoat Ladles! I Gearse K. Hoop«r. P. P. Jacob* and wif», M. W. Williams, Mrs. I* Dennis, lira. M. Owynn. Charles H. Bane, Louis Hurcr. Mrs. T. H. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Purktn. J. E. Seltzner and wife. Hiss M. Tabrett. George Larrabee, George W. Allen, Laura J. Frakea. Eliza D. Keith. Mra. L. t^wln and chil>lr«n. Mrs. R. Goodman. Olive McCollum, .Mtltun Feder, Dr. G. Feder, Mrs. Charles Wollput, Mlas 'Grace Wollput. Robert M. Collier, A. Otumoles, U. S. A. From San Jose Miss Frances Halford. Mrs. G. A. Fischer. Mrs. W. J. West. Gertrude Simpson, Louise Simp- son. W. J. Caesar, M. D.; H. C. Lewis. Pur- cell Rosa, Lorin» Knowtes, W. H. Haydock. Mra. H. A. Tormey, Charles J. Fttt% R. B. Thompson, W. J. West, Mrs. E. Noame and children, Mrs. E. Churcb. P. H. McEnery. Mrs. C. H. Pane, E. A. Noame. E. Geoffrey, Aug. Kettmenn. J. A. Flarist. Mrs. James J. Murphy. From Oakland A. J. Cloud. I*. P. Nelson and wife. Mrs. L. K. Ma thews, "tom Chicago Mr. and Mrs. S. Scott. Mis.-. Sarah Ross. From Lodi A. J. Larsen. From Han- tord N. V. Woodgates and wife. From New York Estelle E. Casweli, J. W. Stevens. From WataonYille Mrs. J. J. Morey. Miss M. Morey, Thomas J. Graffey. From Stockton P. E. Holt. From Palo Alto—E. E. Peck and daughter. From Berkeley Misa M. Aulii. Miss B. Auld. W. E. HiKhell. S. P. Brooks. From Gllroy W. F. Blake. H. C. Gilmer. Miss F. Graef, Miss E. Cameron. Misa M. Fahey. Mrs. P. L. Seyock. From Santa Crua Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Anderson. Peter A. Gillen, M. L. Perry. Tom Shelby. Mrs. D. S. Clark, Miss B. Clark, Mrs. F. W. Swanton, Mrs. F. O. Hlhn. F. O. Hlhn. Mr?. K. Cop*. Mrs. H. Kuritz. Harriet H. Blackburn. E. N. C. Forbes. Mrs. C. B. Hornier. Julia Fitch. Ella C. Fay. Emma G. Wilson. Ella S. Bailey. Elizabeth E. Chace. Miss McLaughtln, Misa Wanzer. R. P. Jarboe and son. From Del Monte Misa Eyr«. From Illinois Maudo B. Starr. From Bakersfleld H. W. Jes3up. From Mountain View Alice E. Sim. * From Brooklyn, N. T.—A. V. Freot Jr. . From CourUand, Kansas Harrison Keeley. From Stanford Mr. and Mrs. L. Lence, Mrs. A. G. Thompson, L. T. Laney. J. A. Glbeon Jr.. Homer F. Curran. From Santa Clara Mn». S. Sennett. Mrs. Kuhl George W. Fowler. C. W. Webb. H. E. Dahl. C. F. Cobb. From Lo» Ansreles Kaspar Cohn. Hilda Cohn. Estia Cohn. From Piedmont— Mrs. Isaac L. Requa, M. L. Requa. From St. Paul A. B. Burt. From Red-wood City— lX Harvey L. Ross. From Wichita. Kans. Mm. F. Barteldes, D. Haggard. Miss Olga Barteldes, Mlm Ella Barteldes. Mlb* Annie Barteldes, F. Bartel- des. \u25a0 Otto Barteldes. From Holltster B. Rosenburg. E. W- Williams. From D«n-»*r— Dr. M. E. Dahl. From Lea Gato»— A, Skinlcle, Miss M. Skinkle. From Cupertino—Dr. and Mrs. W. D. M<£>ougall. - From Pasadena— R. A. Chapman and wife. From. New HQPft— E. S. Van Meter. W. C. Houater. ' From Co- lusa B. * H. Burton and family. - From Fort Turna George !•. Munson. From Fniifrale— Mrs. " J. A. \u25a0 Hartwiclt. ITom Freano-i-W% H. MoKenzie and family, A. H. McK*nzle. From Liverwore Mrs. J. O. MoKown, John Ayl- ward. From Sacramento Mrs. J. '.p. L*.wr>. Miss lAwris. From Mlllwaukeo— MU» M. Wollput. From Mount Pleasant. Mlcb.— Ethel M. Young. From 'Greveland Clyde Smith. ' -\u25a0 .\u25a0. \u25a0 \u0084 :' \u25a0\u25a0 21 Advance Fall Styles NOW SHOWN IN LADIES' TAILORED SUITS LACES AND DRESS TRIMMINGS Mention is particularly made of advance styles in Laces, which represent the most desirable new productions of \'enise and Lierre Laces, comprising Bands, Edgings, Medallions, Festoons, Galloons and Allovers, •in white, cream and black. Uerre Lace Edgings, choice new designs, from I}< to 9 inches wide, per yard 15 C t0 $1.50 Uerre Lace Allovers, 45 inches wide, in white or cream, entirely new patterns, per yard XSC to $3.25 Real Irish Crochet Laces, in bands, edges and fes- toons, exquisite designs, per yard $4.50 to $12,50 NEW FALL SUITS In the Department for Made-up Costumes there is offered a number of select styles in Ladies' Coat Suits, in both long and short lengths, designed after the newest models, of Broadcloth, Panama, Serge and Fancy Mixtures, some tastefully trimmed, others in severely plain tailored effects, all moderately priced. Attention is directed to the following Sales, TO BE HELD To-morrow, Monday, August Uth: CORSET DEPARTMENT (rard Floor) Various models of the American J. B. and French P. D. Corsets, in white and black, also brocaded in light colors, in which the assortments of sizes are broken, although in the lot are all sizes, will be placed on sale at $1.50 and $2.00 a Pair Former Prices $3.00, $3.50, 54.00 and $6.00 ; ART NEEDLEWORK DEPT. (Second Floor) Several styles of handsome imported Battenberg Scarfs and Center Pieces, both square and round shapes, in new and attractive patterns, will be offered at much less than usual prices, as follows: . 75c, $1.85, $2.00, $3.50 Former Prices 51.00 to $5.00 each Lessons Given in all Kinds of Ari cfiCeedtework LEATHER GOODS DEPT. CSS") A special purchase of Hand Bags, latest shapes, in black, tan and brown, thoroughly well made of Seal, Llama and Walrus leathers, containing coin purse and lined with black or dresden silk lining, regular 53.50 values, will be offered At $2.25 each GLOVE DEPARTMENT (First Floor) A BALANCE OF TWO THOUSAND PAIRS OF LADIES' KID GLOVES, IN DESIRABLE COLORS, SUITABLE FOR STREET, DRESS OR EVENING WEAR, IMPORTED TO SELL AT 51.00, 51.25 and 51.50 per pair Monday, August 14th, at 80c A pair "Perolin," the Dust Killer j For sweeping floors and carpets; it is the only chemical compound of its Hnd that absorbs the dust and prevents It from rising Into the air. We can show dozens of testimonials from people of this city who have used Perolin, have tested its merits and have found it entirely satisfactory. Orders filled for any quantity. v'f,l- MailOrders recetbe prompt and careful attention NEWMAN & LEVINSON Kearny and Sutter Streets FALL OPENING New French Silks THl^ LATEST NOVELTIES COMPDISE Dpcsdcns, Brocades, Messalinette, Brodcric Anglaisc, Taffetas Chiffon, Chameleon Moire,. Shantung Pongee, Fancy Pongee, Radium and a collection oi Novel and Exclusive Pattern Dresses AND IN ADDITION NEW FALL SHADES Rajah $ 1.25, Burlingham $ 1 .75 ' y Cor. Post sKearny Sts.. *ffi Offering Something New to Their Many Patrons q WOMEN'S I EXCLUSIVE IDEAS I -NEW G00D5..... h We are now showing a most complete line of extreme- h Novelties in fancy neck pieces and wash stocks in plain and !\u25a0; hand-embroidered effects. Our line is made up of the pick of B all the best fancy neckwear makers, and is unmatched for va- 1.1 riety of the very newest of styles and, patterns. To introduce * H this line the PRICES are marked exceedingly low. J 25C t0.'52;20 1 60 Geary St., S.F., op^f^>nrmiop.tiL:-'.

CALL OF THE WILD LURES THOUSANDS - Chronicling America...and Mrs. Hodsumi, J. H. Goodall, Misa Julia McDonald. E. Washington, Miss J. I*.Woods, Miss L.B.Metz, H.Oppenhaim

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Page 1: CALL OF THE WILD LURES THOUSANDS - Chronicling America...and Mrs. Hodsumi, J. H. Goodall, Misa Julia McDonald. E. Washington, Miss J. I*.Woods, Miss L.B.Metz, H.Oppenhaim

and Mrs. Hodsumi, J. H. Goodall, Misa JuliaMcDonald. E. Washington, Miss J. I*.Woods,Miss L. B. Metz, H. Oppenhaim<r, Mra. UF.Breuner, H.» L. F. Marvin and wife. F. XV.Marvin and wife, XV. E. Liewis, Mrs. W. Goes-gel. Misses- Edna and Gladys Goeggel, Mrs.William Eckhardt. Mrs. K.Breuner, Mlas Mil-dred Breuner, Edwin Emerson, Clement Lind-painter, W. H. King, T. C. Shankland, G. A.Blakie, M. L. Haworth. J. P. Thorn, C. M.Baker, E. J. Brown, E. R. Kruger and N. W.Price. From Jolo Jolo • Philippine Islands

—Mrs. •William H. H. Chapman.

'From Ha-


Dr. and Mrs. A. N. Sinclair,Miss A. M. Giles. From New Tork


J. Phalr, J. 8. Gordon, Miss Genevieve Brandt.From Australia

—Mr. and Mrs. N. Glover, Miss

E. Glov«r. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kyle. FromPhiladelphia

—Joseph- Elklnton. From .Oak-


Lorenzo D. Inskeep and wife, Henry D.Nichols .and wife. Misses Brenda and GraceAckcrrnan. Mrs.. A. S. Larkey, Santord andJefferson . Larkey, \u25a0 Mrs. James L. Chittendonand-Nat> Chittenden., From Sacramento


Mary .N.\u25a0Cronemlller, Mrs. N. D. Graves, Mrs.'Joseph Neuman,-rR. M. Richardson, Miss Lil-lian Blert, *Dr. and Mrs. 8. E. Simmons andMrs. W. A.:Curtis. jFrom Stockton


B.'.' Thomas and Iwife. |Miss Minna N. Howelland D. S. Hamilton. From Columbus, O.—F.8.1'Monett and wife. \u25a0 From Ban Jose

—Mrs. L.

M. Cheshire. Miss Ethel F. Cheshire. H.Jansfre, B. H..Franklin, P. R. McGeoghegan,Miss McGeoghegan, W. F. Pickstone and wife,A7~F, Gray. C. P. Bailey. W. L. Woodsonand "wife. Miss C. ZLeon," Mrs. Gustave


Miss Vida Vauve, J. L. Clark. George .XV.Cowden, Mrs. Henry Bookson. -. From Missouri—Miss C. C. Caldwell, Miss E. Van Tries, jMiss Ekinker," Miss Rambach, Mrs. E. N.Benph Miss Gladys Beach. From Nevada

—Glen W. GalUtby. From Tonopah

—W. R. Wise

and wife, A. P. Pennys and wife.. From Lin-coln. Nebr.-^-Mrs. J. M. Whitaker. FromMarshall town, lowa

—A. C. Helbrig and wife.

From Chicago— Mrs. E. Delour. From St.Paul— Miss Waugh and Miss Ida M. Curtis.From Michigan

—Mrs. Elizabeth Hosford, J. E.

Kelly. From Los Angeles-^-C. E. French, wifeand daughter; Mrs. H. French, Robert Graham.Mrs. Daniel Jackson; Mrs. S. E. Marshall,Oleander^ W. T. Malcomb and wife, -Wood-land; Mrs. L. E. Marshall. Fresno; Mrs.Josephine K. Rogerd, Stanford; Charles)Mon-roe. Santa Ctub; XV.\u25a0 E. Howell and wife,Healdeburg; Rev. E. E. Fix and wife, Dlnuba;Mrs. V. Crafts, Ocean Park; M. C. Flagherty,Dr. Jacques Loeb and wife, and Mrs. Benja-min F. Weston, Berkeley; E. 8. Moulton andwife, Riverside; Mrs. XV. C. Parsons, R. W.Parsons, Grass Valley; E. D. Turner and wife,Lem Turner and S. M. Dickey and wife, Isle-ton; F.:B. Lauritzen, • Salinas; T. C. 8. Lowe,Pasadena; Miss 8.- Mitchell, T. S. Hawkins andG.»S. Nisbett, Hollister; Miss Lola Whltlock,T.O. Law, Merced; H.B. Crego, Red Bluff;Mrs. E. J. Camplin and Miss Camplin, Mrs. G.M. Johnson Una Miss "Wolff. Tuolumne; Mrs.W. L. Robinson.' Gait; E. R. Glfford, Napa;Mr, and Mrs. Williams and the Misses Wil-liams, D.-- S.;Williams and Miss Davis, Mon-terey; A. H. Vashell. San Luis Obispo: Dr. P.C Jones, Fort .Bragg; Mrs., A. Hasselbach,Fresno. ; " - . -

;AT HOTEL DEL CORON ADQ: From SanFrancisco— Mr. and Mrs. A. Trant, ,W. T.Hovey and wife, :B.. P. Paterson, S. P.Schultze," F, M. Ames. Norman ]Pelrce.' '\u25a0 '

AT WILSONS- INN:* From. San Francisco—Mrs. J.: B- Taubman, Katherine Taubman,Mrs." C. -F. McClelland, Evelyn Moote.' Mil-dred W. Moote. From.Berkeley— Miss Winall.From Oakland— Clifton E. Brooks.



*Beryl \u25a0 French. From Marys ville—

George Driver, J. H."Feeny, Henry Nlebllng,'Clem L.:Moore, F. L. Locke, C H. Cook. C.H. Delay. From |La Port«-^-Mlchael Bustlllos.From Fresno— A.-W. Clark, William G. Som-ers," wife and son. \u0084 From' San Francisco— G.:W. Reed. \u25a0 B.\u25a0 J.:Devlin, John Leng,-

*J.. D.

Murray. S. G. Dorr. From Yuba City—

HarryA. Onstott.' .'From Sacramento

—Leon Hicks.

George Newman, John L. Reilly. From Gold-en Gate

—Mrs. J. B. Mudgett,* Mrs. Mesnikow.

From Grainland—

J. W. BaJdack, H. Vcr-mette, E. F.•Fell.•\u25a0i From Dayton

—J. W. Ray-

craft. Mrs. J. W. Raycraft, H. -V. Atte-berry, Vera Buck. From Biggs

—J. Kruslck

and;wife. :From Clear. Creek—Mr. and Airs.W. A. Park. From Orland^-J. D. Bolinger.From Penryn

—P. E. Nelson.- From Nord

—Berhl Thrower, Joe Scott. From Grass Val-jey

—John Reber.j From Valley.Springs— S. N.

Crewdson." From'- Chico—

Mrs.- and Miss YonGuelder, Mr3. C. K. Seita/ J. L. Lewis, Mrs.J. L. Lewis, A. H. Abernathy, \u25a0 Reid Berry,Tom Litts, Joslah ,Boucher, G. L. Pembroke,D.' Crumrn, L: Macintosh. :Viola Crumm," Ma-jor:Dunby. Majestic Shear, Alice Crumm,- El-mer Chester, *Teddy Peck, :Jack Sanford, MissLouise Vermette. Ora Boucher, Emma Ver-mette, Bert McEnespy, \u25a0Minnie Clayton, EllaBoucher, Clara Clayton, Anna May Boucher.Mrs Martin Miller. Laurence Miller, Mra. 11.Vermette. ;W. C. Stevens. »F.;C. Cory, J. A.Gray, Flora Miller,Leila Gray, Mary'Attebury.D W. Andrews, W. S. Goodrich, Clara Rlcard,J. D.IChester. \u25a0C. King, G. C. Pn|ton. C. T.Williams, F.H.Fordham, ;A. H. Turner. C.H. Rvan, Mabel •Brown. *rJoe Bennett, \u25a0:H.\u25a0

Greenland,'. Dr. J.W. Meng/ Philip Penick, R.,W Thompson. From Madison

—J. E. Thazton,

From Holland rFlat—G. ;M. Lltflcki FromWisconsin

—Emma Maffey. From^arbex-


Clough, A. W. Clark.' From Slsson—

EmllGray. From. Willows—Ether Duncan. From'Durham— Sarah ;McAnarhlii, • Eva M.• Fimple.Frpm Butte— Charles Gray, •S. Stockwell. FromStockton

—F.*8. Boucher. '

"ATKLAMATHSPRINGS: From San Fran-cisco— M. D.: -Williams, A. E. Bliss, T.vE,Loynahan,' XV.- H.sHarrison. Thomas McDon-pugh L. C. Collins,' Dave



nurki W.'FH.VBrooks,-Mrs. _W. H. Brooks,

Miss Pearl Label, <James Murphy. William;M.CfBrien,

'WIIIlain H.v McCormtck. iI.;V. Cook.

Fram- Loe '- Angeles-r-Mrs. 4 Catherine Hagan,M.I«» 'J.VH.»Hagan. \u25a0 Miss '.Harriet E.'. Dunn,Mrs Beatrice Chandler

-Patton; From Peru,

lll.—Miss -'• E. P. Waugh.', . From Yreka—Wil-liam;Ruwe. *:From Omaha— F.- G. McKlnnon. •


Sacramento— John- •> S.-

Frazee. . OeorgreHale, Mrs. George Hale, C.' G. Stever, Mrs. C.'Q Stever, R.-Barry. J.S.?de Beers, R.~ From-ma.- From

-Louisville,*K>\—W, L.,Christian,

Mrs. W. L: Christian. • v. . .^>w. ATLAUREL DELL: From San Francisco—Miss Fitzgerald, >Harola S Sweet, Miss AnnieBrehnan, :Miss rAlva Bass,- Miss Nettle Han-!son, }N. :Kanson,

-Mrs. \u25a0 N. JHanson.'-i Roy


son. X A'siA • '.Dennison,~

R.v Rothchijd. -A.• M/

Dennlson, •Mrs." P. » J. Hale.^M..D. Mullin' 8.J.•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; Petars, -B. '.Collins,* S. E. Helms,' LaurencePfelfer,-, D.-S: Mooney, Henry'Ellls, Miss;Jo-sephine Ellis,1 Miss "Josephine •H::/Weed, A. E.Wheeler, J. H. -Schlck, S.: Bylander.YH.^R.-Manßfleld; Mrs..- B.

-H..Littler."Miss L.'\u25a0 Littler.

H. S> Reuff, William Davis, Mr-CRaymond,Mrs.-S ::Raymond, "

B. E.- Ols.on, >Mrs.;A. OlsonM.-D.»Curry,Mrs.-A.^Cun7,rA: La Tourette,H.-TV.^Laurence.- James Blake, S.D.Lane, M.'

Kv*r considered the ftplendld car ser-vice, ellmnttc advantpxe* of the Rich-mend DistrictIKxcvptlnnal offers tohoiue-seeker* In Sunday's Rral Entatecolumn*.


—Miss !Frederique Both. D. Fergu-

son, I.H. Ackerman, Miss Your.gr. Miss Falk-ensteln, Mr, and Mrs. Lowengrund. W. H.Powers, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Guggenhlme. R. S.Guggenhtme. F. G. Walker, Mtsa Edtth Norris.Miss Mabel Norris, M. S. Latham. Mr. andMrs. Warren D. Clark, MUton Andros. FromPalo Alto

—Mrs. L. B. Hart. From Agnews

—Dr. and Mrs. Stocking-, Miss Stocking. <FromOakland

—Miss Ethel Hanavan, Miss May Coo-

gan. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Miller. From SantaCruz—J. A. Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Tan-

ner. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Strauss. From On-tario. Canada— M. S. Hubbell, H. C. Hubbell,Miss Cora ;Hubbell. From New York City—A. C, Chapman. Horace Bogue. From NevadaCity

—Miss Woods. From Pasadena— Mrs.

Theodore Coleman, Miss Coleman. From SantaBarbara

—Miss Mary Bayer. From Los An-


Miss Josephine Boyer.AT SKAGGS HOT SPRINGS: From Sa«

Francisco— Mr. and Mrs. Dasmann. E. Blazin,A. V. Martin and wife, Mrs. M. S. Hender-son. Miss Elsie Golcker, Mrs. A. Llnck. AmyLinck, Mrs. C. Golcker. Henry Golcker, RubyGeorge, Mrs. M. Kalish. Charles Baxter, SimonJuda. M. Scboen, Canto E. J. Stack. VictorAvon. F. L Dettmann and wife, Maria A.Kanißcha; Reglna A. Schlegel. Miss Hae Op-penhelmer. Miss Margaret Mullln, Mrs. D.Donovan, Miss Catherine Caulneld. Q. Choyiii-skl and wife. Miss Warshauer, Miss A. C.Stalner. Charles J. Abraham. J. S. Frezise,J. G. Gallagher. Miss Rose Raphael, thaMisses Jennie. Tlllie and Gussie Borowski, RayBorowski, 'Cecil V. Levy." Sybil Levy, Mrs. ELR. Bellew, Helen Bellew, Adeline Trufeuerth,Dr. George McDaniel and wife. Mrs. F. Mett-man, F. Mettman Jr.. Miss M. Hogan. MissMary L.Nolan, Miss Clara Nolan. Captain T.Fltzpatrlck and wife. Mis* Kittle Fitzpatrlck.A. F. Benard and wife. P. A. Heney, Mrs.Dorothy Joost. Mrs. Anna Thiedemann. WU-liam Thledemann. Frank D. Mcßeth. C. W.Malcolm. J. F. Blvlem and wife. Fred W.Blvlem. Harry Choyinskl and wife. Miss Uunt-lngton. Fred Wallace, A. B. Weiler, W. P.Perine, Theodore - Lauterbach. Sophia Lauter-bach. Ed Lauterbach, Mrs. Michelsea. MissMichelsen. Louis Mlchelsen, Mrs. G. W. Detzel.F. J. Hoagland, L.M. Roberts. E. B. Blood,

W. C. Waters and wife, H.J. Wright. GeorgeW. Allen and wife,.Mrs. P. fNathan,' GertrudeNathan. Mabel Newman, -. H.. R. Newbauer.wife and daughter, C. Bosste. M. Schweitzerand wife,*A. Max, Mrs. J. Flood, Mamie F.Flood. J. H. Bishop* Miss Florence McNally,Charles Walters, John J. Bahne and wife, S.D. Sullivan, P. Troy.14, J. Merle. Mrs. A.Merle, Charles Jacobson and son, Mrs. CharlesJ. Merver, Miss J. S. Melsiel, Philip Ellcr,Mrs. W. A. Zollner. Elmer Zollner. B. L.Tarbox. E. E. Parker and wife. John Reid andwife. Miss Reid. Miss Kroll: Mrs. Ralp* anddaughter, A. Levy, Cora A. Nelson, Paul Klel-er. H. F. Logan, wife and eon. W. F. Dln-nigan and wife,A. J. Merle, O. H. Hsicharett.Thomas G.Splllano and

-wife, Herbert Levy.

Mis» Schweitzer. J. S. Blum. E.J. Sharpley.R. Bellew, J. Otis Evans, Miss B. N. Hannon,Miss M.' Hannon. S. C. Wright and wife, A.Block and wife, F. E.Juth and wife, A. W.Wagner, W. R. Glblen and wife, Lillian Fer-guson. J. -H. Klein.' E. L. Van der Ntdllen.Miss Jacobson, W. C. . Blrdsell, Charles H.-Suydam, wife and child, B. J. Wren and wife.Francis Tlerney. W. 1.. Tlerney, Georga J.Cashel, T. Olock, the Misses Susie- and CarrieHaas. Dr. J. A. Klelss.W. R, Largelere andwife. May Ward, H. L. Smith and wife. Mrs.N. Moore, Lillian McCormack, John P. Tag-gart.' James Bock. P. Stern. A. Nathan. A.Jacobs, E. R. Bellew. T. McMahon. Jerry F.Dlnan, J. C. Sims and wife. E. Hirsch. A.S..Mlchelsen. Augusta Lauterbach. Paul Lau-terbach, Mary Fitzpatrlck. Miss Mary O'BrienMiss Kittle Allen. W. B. Beck. M. L.Choyin-ski, wife and daughter, J. Scott, M. Caiassa.R. J. Casassa, Mrs. F. Huik. From Oakland—

Mrs. A. Anderson and children,' Miss Augus-ta Arlberg,' Miss Nellie Harty. Mrs. A. F.Favman and child, Mrs. Julia Harrington.Miss M.\u25a0'.E. Harrington. C. H. Latkey andwife. Mrs. E. J. Cottle, Mrs. Ben Wright. MtssGladys Wright, J. C. Neltch. Harry L. Rose,A. Trolne. Mrs. W. T. Deitch, Thomas Deltch,J. -P. Vane and wlfe,^F. Weldenbacher. Mrs.V. Kreyenhagen, Mrs Anna Keating.

'Mrs. C.

H. Rice, Miss Octavia Rice. H. W. Connor, H.:Farley. ' From Alameda

—A. Kisb. wife and

child, Miss Mary Constlne. Miss C. B. Hubtr.Mrs. Louis S. Slmms, Grace Coc4#. GarwoodSlmma. Dr.J. Goodman Thompson, Mrs." Jen-nie C. Connor. Mrs. A. J. Merle Jr. and child.From Berkeley

—Mrs. A. T. Sutherland and

family.Miss T. C. Mathews, Miss. Belle Coffin,Miss Emily J.


"John B^ Metcalf, B.

M. \u25a0de Leon. .From-Haywards

—J. Olufs and

wife.-Frank J. Hofleng and wife. From Pleaarantpn— Gfprg« Davis and chauffeur. From SanRafael— E.Kreahenbuhl. Miss J. Kreahenbuhl.From Portland, Or.

—Arnold Poppjc*.' C. Beand.

From Spokane, Wash.—

Mrs.' A. TV Geary, Wil-liam J. Geary. .. From New York

—Gilbert B.

Perkins and wife... Mrs, J. Brenden Brady,George N. Parker. From Santa Roea-rL.Pedrattl and wife. Miss Stella Pedrattl. C **-Pond. '\u25a0 Fred ~R.-_Guedln. • From Heldsburg— iJHHaigh, Harold B. Rosenberg. Will L.-TJver-nash. ,L.'- A. \u25a0 Wala and wife. Walter Block,Edith Rodda. .* Anna G..Cassell, A. Block andwife. Miss A.

-A." Walters. Ira Dorman, E. I

Beeaon, wife and daughters. SJ Hll^erloh. FromRoss Valley

—Fred J. French and wife. Miss

Brady.* From Cloverdale

—X.' Guild and wife

G. .B. Baer and wife, E. C. Winder, and wife'Mrs. C. J. Markell. George W. Knight. Laylfayette McCary Dr.". C.;F. Grant and wife."From Geyservllle^-K. Baruch and wife MissAda 'E.

'Remmel, Miss Mildred* M. Martin

From Santa 3Clara—

Miss Kthel Rucker OliveBlackman. From .Pasadena— Miss Anna Mc-Nally. From Pglnt Reyes— Frank LJn«. '\u25a0*

,AT HOTE^ CAPITOLA: From San Fran-cisco-^-Mlss Sylvia \u25a0 Talbot. Miss ."A;PourtallsArthur J.I Lalb. Bert S. Gerson. .Mr*. WWright E.E. Lewi.. H. H. Wold.teln. Amos'Burr,:S. \u25a0 Hatcher. Mrs." A. Kutner, Mrs HJames, Miss \u0084 Gladys ) James. E, X Cassab*J.

-E. Comew, =L. Tyrell. Will Sparks. E t'Miller,'Herbert S. \u25a0 Loren, Miss E. Tabrett

Mr. and Mrs. J." H.\u25a0* McKenzie, Charles B*Elder. , Mr.' and

'Mrs.;S. :Elder, Miss AliceKelly,:1Hugo Oppenhelmer, C. Belfrage, J HSoldarJels, Misses Hoyts. Mr.* and Mr» Fred

S. Peery. i\U. S. -A.:-

Charles Knights! Mrs.\u25a0Edwin "Joy, Mrs. T. E. Miller, MlSs,Bl*|ey,

P. Turner, J. R. Rivers, W. H.- Granger,H. HUtklbs. Miss Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. T>C. Judkins, E. B. Wamppler, Thomas H.Xlchols, Byron Jackson and wife. ThomasBarry,and wife. James Harris. D. S. Thayer,W. P. Knapp, L. 3. Palmer, Ellen Dillon, M.S. WlMame, B. Jj Powers. From Oakland-Sara E. Sally Jr.. J. C. McCarl. M. S. Fallon,E. B. Danlelaon, Mrs. A. Danielson, M. G.Beasley, James Goodman. From Sacramento

—M. C. Rlrdon, F. D. Emery, I*lEmery, G. D.Culleh, Mrs. J. Thompson

Woman Killed l»y a Train.


An oldwoman known as "Kate," who lived ona river scow, wai struck by a freight

car and killed last night. The acci-dent happened on a spur track In thenorth end of the railroad yards at apoint about opposite Ninth street.

ATiEL'CARMELO. HOTEL: '-From HanFraneisco

—Harry;Keller, vH.i, C. Mell, C.


vert < Smoot, "iR. :B.^;Rankln, 1 M. :L.;Shan*.George \u25a0 Miller;•.R. ]Cornelius, J." NandergandeA.iV.::Sherry and iwife, J- D.t McCarthy, Mr'and ""

Mr?. ? Sherman. ,- M...\u25a0 W.t:Clark.' \u25a0 L...CaenB,'sM.- 7,l>ynch,f


'I.".".Taylor. -}Louis -

ALeonhardt. L.'J Honlgsbergrer. :P.H. Bernaysand iwife. O. W.v Luce; and- wife,j:M!as

-MabelLuco, Miss r,Ruth Royal, Ralph

TheoiCodfOand :wifp,xF--

W.; Gillette s-M.'CBosworth 'and :wife..F.c E..Bos worthiand;wifeR.yE.-;/ Anderson.^ Mrs.; ti.1

-A>. Anderson;;. P. • o'

Goode.i J/p.^Nakada and wife,' James Nalcada*a;-.'.I*yHampton. .-,R.p.b.'*\u25a0 Marshall and


James B.(Nagley."•\u25a0 Miss Anijaiß. \ Harris,- Mr

AT ADAMS SPRINGS: Prom San Fran-cisco

—Margaret G. McCarty, Captain Rodders,

H. Rood, J. J. Hendrlcke, M. Barcelles. Mrs.J J. Talbot. Mies E. Talbot, W. J. Davis, T>.M.Teague, M. M. Mamera, A. Furlong1,JosephBauer, Mcl J. :Manasse. H. C. Finkler andwife,1 N. O. Kkaln. A. A. Sutton, J. D. BuH-winkle. H. Weber, John Beeba, Thomas 1*".Parkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles. L. Koetjohn.Miss A. Koftjohn, James *J. Murry, Mr. andMr*.-L. J. Holton.W. L. Elliott, E. Hough-ton. Miss Chambers,- Budd Michael, A. "E.Johnston**, Mrs. E. E. Keeley. ,Charles F. Red-nail. Albert Devctt. O. J. Muenter. Dr. C. W.Jones, W. R. Locke, L. G-eicher. J. B. Mc-Murrey. G. C. Dallamore, Miss Olivia Austin,Rev. Father Clyne, Rev. • Father Grealy, !Mi*aAmelia Leszynsky, "Mrs. Leszynsky, Miss Hat-tl« Leszynsky. .J. W. Lloyd. J. Mullen, MissAlice Ivoertjohn. From Oakland

—F. A. Lem-

i-ry. J. A. Fltzpatrick.' C. F. Gibson. GeorgreCarpenter, Charles Heimke. B. K. Connolly, F.D. -F. Cairns and wife, I. W. \u25a0 Stevens. FromBiijValley—S. T. Kalthly, From Benicia-^F.H. Qulnn. From Watsonvllle

—Mm. Anna Ar-

villa. Carrie Grummer. From Sacramento—

Mrs. A-1 Shaden, Miss Jrsma Shaden. FromAlameda

—John Yablosky, Mrs. C. V. Hort-

walte. From Vallejo—R.:J. R, Aden, BessieMoran. \u25a0K. F. R;'Horan. Mrs.

-J. 4 J. Sheean,

Winnlfred Judf?e. Mrs. W. rSn^Ush, Miss J.English. J. H. Smith, Mrs. J. Fitzsprald. Mrs.James Power. Francis Power,. May Power, J.J. Hushes Jr.. G. J. Wilson. ' From Wat-sonville

—Misa Ella Sch-irwachter, Mles Carrie

Sohurwachter. Frqm Mllpltas—

Miss Q. Abl«,Miss W. Minehan, G. W. Grlswold, John Re-Kan. William Regan. From San RafaelMiss E. A. Hayden, Robert Hayden. FromStockton

—Mrs. J. M."Bigger, Mls3 Alice Big-

ger. From San Lorenzo-—J. \u25a0M. :McConaehyand. wife. Charles Gansberger. From- Modesto—

Mrs..Myrtle McHenry. O. McHenry. FromSt.- Helena

—G. A.'Ben vie.

"From Casper


D. Malone. From :Fresno— Mr. and Mrs. C.T. Cearly. Miss; N. Cearly. Mrs. HeitmannMiss Elsie Heitmann, George Suhr' and wife,F.T.,Connolly and wife. E.-L. Barcelles, Mrs.Rassmiissen and two children, M. Rassmussen,' :Earlo D. Smith. "• From .HootonT- F. E. Ellis,E. B. Wright. From Santa Rosa— A. B. W~areand wlfa. \u25a0-\u25a0 From- Berkeley— Anna "McGovern.]<%Rom Napa

—Ada Ferrogan, George D. Secord

and wife, Mrs. W. :Martin, Mrs. K. Secord,H.-F..Goodwin, Thomas McGIU.; From Dlxon—

Hans Swan, jMiss \u25a0 Swan.AT SEIGLER HOT SPRINGS: ;From San


Miss M. Barelllas, Mls-s X, Bareil-las,'. E. L.' Bareillas/ Silvio.Bocco, Miss L.McDonald. James McGowan ,and ;wife, Law-rence F. Turkelson :and. wife. Marguerite See-ley,' Mrs.- John McConaghy, M. J. Mcßrearty,David. Crowley;'and. wife,'Percy iMcPartlandand wife, Mrs. J.iBrown, Mr. and Mrs. Ches-ley, Miss Jule Cpnway, F. McCann \u25a0 and - wifeMiss L. Douglass. A. Ratto, J. T.. Skelly,Francis Theison, ;Mrs. \CSus Kilborn and family,Mrs. H.. Matheson, Mr.r,and::Mrs.,'J. '-•McCann.W. Murphy, Jack: Neeham,' J.-D.-Richardson,Mrs. Sleber, Gus Willis. Mr.rand Mrs: R. F.-Graham,' , Mrs.iPeake; :Mrs. T.

-Hughes, iMrs.Newaom, Mrs. K..E.":Keeley, '.W. :S. • Drey-

polcher, Joseph O'Cpnnell, Charles Wallin,Archie L. Gage, H. Franklin, Frank '.Bleussand wife,iMrs. BL.IRyder, IAgnes ,Hlggins, J.

S. Oppel, MisyWllklns, L.;F. Vann and wife,rs. A.'O. O'Brien and daughter, J.:T.,Ham-

ilton/, J. ? Devlin,':F. Lirtvllle,. Jo« -Thompson.From \Oakland

—J. -\u25a0; L.':-Ca vasso.

'A;.' J. « John-

rtono;* Mr.\and Mrs." W. L.'Watson. Mr.• andMra. - J.:Tesglo,' Miss Agnes •Brennan, Mr."andMrs. 'W. Cavasso,*- Mr.« and -Mrs., ThomasHearty, ,-Miss >T»uie '*Hearty.'-: Miss MarieHenrty."TVank

'•Lloyd' Sterling,

Miss Sadie Cullen, .Miss -K.• Cullen.J." Henry !

Long.vE.v Tcomey.'', George A. White,' DavidBowen and "wife. Freda- Wemmer.iF." J. -Wai-'lacc.VJ.':,Scanlon, Miss.Mabel

-..FromHanford— Sam ,Cohen and" wife, > Miss \u25a0\u25a0 McCord/From San Rafael

—Mr. and Mrs.' J. Hayden, H'

A.-Hayden ,-.Robert \u25a0Hayden. >H.f Hayden -8.1P.iMcDavitr,•-From Dcs >.Moinee

—Mrs. » wit-

taker.'-Mlss K.\u25a0.Wlttaker..CecilDownlnar.-From'B«attie—-Mr."and Mrs. -Jules Levy.:;Frpm NewYcrk-^-Mrs. • Thomas 'Hußh-eR.--' ' 7


Cormick, C. D. McCauland, J. W. Dalltve,Mrs. J. W. Dallive. From Portland— P«terJahnson, H. Maiks. From Petaluma— ThomasMaclay, L. J. Holton. From Santa Rosa— A.R. Ware, \u25a0 Mrs. A. R. Ware, F. M. Smith.From Tohopah

—A;J. Condon, Mrs. A. J; Con-

don. ;From Los Angsles— Mrs. Charles Cook,Miss A. Hobson. From Oakland— Misa F.Weramer. Mis^ M. Duchran. Miss LaurenceDonaldson, Miss Cora Donaldson. From Glen-brook—Miss Bessie Treclway, Mrs. F. A. MII-

, ler. From Cloverdale— Mrs. Carl Yordl. MissLinda Pilber, U. Metcalf. From,Biegler


H. McGowan, •V. M. Ash. From Napa— MissIrene J. Puett, Miss Jtnnie Sneed, T. J. ,Wil-kenspn, Mrs. F.J. Carr. From Woodland—J. Si fitephena, Chris Sl«ber, J. Brallan, J.Craig, J. B. Allan, Miss Maud Ruggles, MisaHazel Hammell. From I^akeport


Smith. Miss Neva Smith. Mrs.. W. L. Puett,Lindsey

"c. Puett.

AT HOTEL VENDOME: From San Fran-\u25a0 elseo

—Airs. Jamea Alva Watt, Mlbs JennU

Watt, Miss C. A. McCollam, Ed V. Armstrong.W. K. Bowers, Charles Fisher. George 1. Tayrlor. Mr. and Mrs. James tieeley, .M.-- A. H.Madlsun. J.'. Alexander, G. A. Uoyer, Mr. andMrs. W. J. Shotwell, Miss Irene M. Mack, Mrs.J. J. Mack, Mrs. H. Ernesi Goodman, Mrs.\u25a0W. L Gftary and daughter. B. K. Michaels,Mrs. M. Lynch, Mrs. Joseph W. Lynch, W. M.Smith, Key. H. L.-Hunl, l^eon Uonlgsberger.-Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs.George Francis, N. S. Hall, VV. D. Sheldon,Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hyde, .Mr. and Mrs.Frank D. Bates, Mr. and Mis. Henry Lyuns",A. N. Drown, David Kion, A. J. .Rich, JosephE. Bier and wif«. Samuel G. Buckbce, H. R.Dufnn, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Breeze,' Mr.and Mrs. H. Addington. Mrs. Bu»h, Mrs. Grove,

J Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. B. Varney, MissVarney. Walter T. Varney, Miss Emily G..IRead, Miss Margaret .McDonald, Miss AgnesIMcDonald. Fred W, Gregory. Miss Alic*jCrlchton. Miss li:-ssio Bates, Miss Jessie Me-t Xab, Frod- Meycrstcin, W. F. Humphrey,

Judge Frank H. Kerrigan, Mrs. Horace Mor-gan and daughter, George J. Mann, Miss Spar-hawk, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Randol, WilliamH«ndrlckson Jr., W. H. Cameron. Mrs. M. A.Gaftney and maid. Mis. William Hendrlck-sou Jr. and two children. Miss Mary Batos,iMiss' Elizabeth S. Bates, Dudley S. Bates, Cap-'

tain J. Tremayne Smith,- Mrs.:H. A. Hart' andmaid, Dr. and Mrs.- Theodore Rethers, IsaacUpham, James K. Wilson, C. P. Colburn. From'Oakland

—Mrs.1 Robert :Watt, Robert Watt,

IGeorge C. Holberton, Captain and Mr*. E. F.ITaylorr Dorothy Taylor, Hon. and Mrs. VictorH.. Metcalf.

-Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Prathsr,

Dr. and Mrs. George F. Rodolph. Miss Marlar.Rodolph. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Rodolph,George H. Strong. Miss Strong, Mr. and Mrs.Harvey H. Dana, Mr/ and Mrs. Charles Har-ley. Mr. and Mrs.- Willis Murlum,

-Mr. and

Mrs. Wickham Havens, Mr. -and Mrs. HaroldHavens. Mrs. D. H. Proctor, Mr. and Mrs. F.i:Kendall. Miss Kendall, Colonel C. L..Wal-lace, Gertrude Livingstone.

AT OCEAN VILLA,Santa Cruz: Mrs. M.J. Caldwell, Fresno; Georga C. Ilass. Chicago;Charles L. Kulsori, Agnes C. Marshall, Ma-rion B. Mar&liall. San- Francisco; • Mrs. M. S.Perry, Berkeley; Miss Gene Baker, Oakland;Miss Lucy Pierce, Miss Ethel L. Perry, Stan-ton Perry, Harold Dodd..Berkeley; -Mr. Trau-ncr.,M. A. Owens' and wife,"I.<G. Weir, San j

Francisco; Mrs. Beeman, E. ,E. Beeman, NewYork; L. G. Robinson. St. Louis; J. E. Dona-hue. Burlington, \u25a0 Vt.; Wallace 8..'.-.Phillips,New York; A: B.Clark and family, Fresno;Mrs. 3. J. Tuska, Miss O. C. Levy, Faun C.Tuska, Wilfred Tuska, San Francisco; ClarenceC. 'Henson, New Orleans; Mrs..M. A. Spencer,Herbert Spencer, Concll Harter, Modesto;; Mrs.E. Hart. Reno, Nev.; Mrs. Dr. Brumwell, NewYork; Edwina Yorke, Stanford; Mrs. EdwinYorke. Sacramento; M.,L. Ellerteak and wife,St. Louis; Mrs. D. L. Cullom, Miss . MarieCullom, Albany, Tex.;Miss Maude de Courcy,Oakland; John F. Bonelbard

-;and wife,' Mrs.

J. H. Brown, Miss Mac Brown, Miss Volkmer,Mtss Mohrmann.

-Miss Julia McDonald. Miss

Ethel Washington, Phil J. Geyer, Olive O.Bond. Miss Rae Samlsh, San Francisco; G.'.XV.-White. Oberton, Md.:N.- L. Hoyer, iFresno; 1T. C. Law, Mrs. T. C. Law,' Merced; NicholasG.^ Nelson, Kingsburg;

"Mrs. \u25a0N. S. Murphiy

and children. Miss -Mary Palutzke. Milwau-kee: Dr. D. Whltlock, Merced: E.H. Walton,Oakland; Mrs. A, W. ',Dodd. Berkeley; "J..Hunt,and wife, San Francisco;. Misa M. E.:Williams,"'Philadelphia;. Miss B..'.'a\- puckley 'Santa Cruz;Mrs. R. D. Perry,* Miss ELr S.; Perry,.' -Ban'Frnncisco; Miss- Lucia . li. Peres, -*\u25a0 Oakland ;Alonzo Lincoln and-' wlfe,>New*.-.York;r A-'-'-M;Ricker. C. Foster, Mrs.\CV:'N. MooneyL-Horace !B. Brown, San Francisco; IDave

-C,- Strother,

'Miss Vancy Strother, .West

-Union. S. C. ;.J.

A. Black, wife- and daughter. -. Sacramento; •'Mra. R. Furze.

'William R. Furze! Miss Bertha

Furze. San Francisco; C. .H. M. Nerwoert, ;wife and son, Hanford: J. T.McKean and wife.Santa, Cruz; Mr..and. Mrs. Wallace Scott, SanFrancisco; J. A. Sinsabaugh.' Lemoore; .MisaElizabeth 'Glfney, London, England; Mr. andMrs.

'C W. •Hill, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Holland

and family,.Mrs. W. Parker \u25a0 and family, SanFrancisco; Miss Elsie B.:Cunningham, Oak-land; Mrs. S. D. Martin and daughter, Seattle,Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Smith. Miss L.Smith, Miss Myrtis Oullum, San Francisco;Dr. and Mrs. O. E. Gibson, Platteville," 111.;A. B. Prlchard, Los Angeles; Miss Jenne Mor-row Long. San Francisco; Eva M. Ayers. Oak-land; Miss J. Blanche Butler, F. G. Brown-son. Oakland; F. Hartman, Philadelphia; Airs.Lewall, France; Miss Alice Louise Peres, Oak-land. :

AT BLUE LAKES: From Ban Francisco—

Miss Nellie Galagher, Miss Anna Sims, MissC. A. Dunne, George Galagher,' Al F. Spohn,Gus Siefert, Milton Ray. Pete Jansen, pimerEnowald, Tom Nicholls, Ernest !Bowman, J.S. McClymont, Sylvan Seiig, Teddy . Wjtien-barger. Miss Martha McKln. Mm. JudithTodd. Mrs. P. S. Slotterbeek, Miss M. Slot-ter, Miss T. Slottcr, L. F. Moore, Frank J.Hart, J. W. Halllday, Mr. and Mrs. Lutten j;Holton. W. L. Elliott, H. L. Moore, E.Wiener. A. B. Ware and wife, R. W. Carey,Ed W. Murphy. R. V. Hanson, Rich Craig,J. S. Freeman, Mrs. D. W. McDermctt, J. M.Cooper, R. j.-Hammond, Mr. Zored, Edwin E.

\u25a0Parker. B. L.Tarbox, 'E. D. Davidson, MinamF. Morris, Miss May Rosenbaum, Louis Frank-enburg. Mre. J. C. Falrchild, H. K. AshmanC. E. Falrchlld. Ruby Tonn. Cv L. Fautcht, H.Hudson, Velma Crawford, Irene White, H. H.Munson. :


—George Bchlenker Sr.. Mrs. M.

Kucnzl, Miss L. Kuenzl, J. R. Rowe. ft. L.Johns. F. E. Houston, George L McCabc,James McMullen, F. K.ResorU. W. L.Hooper,G, E. F. May. F. R. Silvester. A. R, Roberts,John L. Mayors, A. E. Collins, P. R. Schu-man, M. E. Wormer, Mrs. M. E. Wormer,F." C. Farmer, Peter, Van Allen. E. P. Ell«r,JSamuel Morrison Sr.. William B. Taylor. MissD. Houston. Miss M Neal. XV. T. Elpper.From Fresno

—George B. Rpwell, George- L.

Johnson. From Santa Rosa—

A. B. Ware andwifs. Mrs. S. A. Byrnes. Mrs. C. White, MissVera White. From Wllllts

—E. C. Austin

From Uklah—W. H. Miller, wife, two chil-dren and maid. From 1Oakland

—P Ni

cevlch. Mrs. P. N. Mlocevlch. From GrizzlyFlat—Charles Rich, Miss Annie Rich, MrsV. J. Davenport. Mrs. J. Foster, Mrs. W.Ferrlll.

AT HOTEL BELVEDERE: From SanFrancisco— F. G. Smith and wife. Rosebud OHeydenfeldt, W. Speyer. Mrs. D. Imes, MicaL. Strausberg W. S. Baker,,Jesse Stelnhart,Miss E. Harris, \u25a0 Louis F. Samuels. R. B. Mc-Millan, E. F. Russ.' Mrs. A. L. RU33. MissLinda Russ, Miss I.;A.' Russ, Ernest Kleve-

'cahl; Oscar Haupt. F. ;M. Campbell "Mlgs «Noon. A. M. NewhaJl, \u25a0 Mrs. C. J.: McCarthy,Misa L.McCarthy. S. A. Crook, A. T. O'Brien, iIt. A. Ross. D. C. Martin and wife. Mrs. J. iLevlson and children, W.:E. Alexander, wifeand son; Ernest Hdugh. Phil. E. Golinsky, IMajor G. F. Downey, U. S. A. From Berke-ley—Mrs. M. Freldenrich. Miss Myra Frelden-rlch. Miss E<lythe-Freidenrlch.-

- ,1;\u25a0\u25a0;AT,THE GETSERS : From San Francisco-^

Miss Inez Ratliff. Mr. and Mrs. ThomasPyk<-s, Mrs. A.

• Rosenholz, Mrs. N. -Mulcahy.George A. Rankin, J. P. .Langhorn, EugeniaOliver. Kate C. Oliver, B. P. Oliver, Dr. C.W. Jones, F. J. Agnew, Mr. and Mrs. Lang,BnrJ son, ,W. A. Rodgers, J. Mahoney, Ralph

'H. Deverell and wife, William P. Filmer. wif«Iand daughter. Miss A.'Martin,1 Miss E. Martin 'ID. R. Enßley, Mrs. D. R. Engley,|John Mur-phy, B. R.,Oestln*, \u25a0-Mr. and Mrs. Meredith |Sawyer. Miss Scooffy: others ore ;F. W.-Mo- \bray. J. R. Mobray, M.;G. Mobray, Mrs. F. W.Mobray.- Mr.- and Mrs. L. E.:Rodgers;; ZildaM. ißpdger?, Bessie .•M..Gill, Isabel! Mlchle,Mrs. J. Mlchie, .Thomas D. Mmto and iwife,Lloyd and Austin Mlnto. Mrs. William Feld-meyer. Miss- Delia Johnson, Alex|Skaggs andwife, Walter.Skaggs, C. R.. Jones and •

wifeMiss Ardis Jonvs, George W. Collins and wife

-George W. Collins Jr.,,B.:T. Connolly,' W."H.Connolly, W/ E. Dean and 'wife, C.:8.» Wel-cker, Mrs.' David Powell, Mlbs Jeanette PowellMiss Margaret Powell, Miss Carrie Berg, Mrs.C. D. Carter, Isabel Carter. Mrs. J.W. Ward,R. E.1 Gunsolus • a^id ;wife, (Gladys .- Gunsolus,Goldevin Richard^,. Mrs.,I.•L. Richards. . Con-stanpe: Richardi^ George Richards. Fred Moore,•Mr. and Mra. w;A. Engley, F. A. Copper andwlfp,'Clarence Cooper, >T." Minlhan \u25a0 and wife,Charles Frylack and f wife,'Mr. and Mrs. J.June.- Philip L. KelUr.'



Francisco— T. C. :Maher.v A. -. J. :Donzel* EdSemmel. . E. \u25a0W. McCarthy. • Mrs.T

E.VW..\u25a0.Mc-Carthy, Mlbs 'AnlU McCarthy,' Miss A. Goetze

"Miss E.: Williams. Miss M, \u0084Willlams,>F. j'A«mew. Miss M.: E. Mah«rAThomas .D.' Ma-her., Thomas •Barry, W.:.Baker, Mrs.-- XV:,Ba-ker,' Misses Baker,^ Miss^Alieei Yprdi.v.Mrs.- F ;E*.Buckland." Mrs. D.r.WAlvjng.».William ;V.iBry«n. Miss .Sylvia Renfro.- Miss M.:E..Crow-iy.iMl«s Eda.Cella, Miss Elmendorf,VM.'.Elm-;endorf, .•\u25a0Mrs. ';Mr' Elmendorf, vMlss \u25a0 D.- Me- ,

The outpour from the city to the coun-try pleasure epots keeps on with nearlyimperceptible abatement and while . afew have finished their outincs, moreare turning steps toward than are re-tracing from the outdoor life.

\u25a0•• •

The following named are at the vari-ous resorts: . •

AT -iHE SEA BEACH HOTEL.: From San*rancUeo— \V. N\ Kelly, N. W.'Herzog. Wil-liwn C. Brown. Dr. a. XV. Patman and wire.Mrs. L. 8.. Canning. Mrs. J. Ueane. WhippleHall. V. A. Sgnnelder Jr., 12. B. bavis andwife. D. Diereon, J. S. Fox, C. J. I'helen. A-It.Dawson. j:-.Vavdenande. J. C. Nolan andlamily, H. Schamant, U. fa. Do'rn and wife,iliss, \ amf.i*. uorn M>*s Mar ar D>r», Mas-

ter Jack Dim. Miss K. H. Dcrn, Dr. X- \u25a0I.i^owatJ.

•Waiter .a. Gray. lr.onua B.

Utt.i^u. His. ivoben \Vliiic. i«lrs. j.a. Aliner,Mr*. A. J. Co4tello ami children. Mrs. F. C.Martin. Silas Umrr.a Martin, Thomas Flnleyand wife, S. vC. Oomwell. C. W. Colby andwlte. 13. C. Harrison and wife. Mtss I*E. Har-rison, Misa T. R. Harrison. J. E. MijKtnstry,ijavid Ujnztl. W. V. Perkins, A. Solonian. r.iJ. Savage, M. T.CoJeman. F. G. Miner, 1. Sll-verberg, J. F. Jackson James S. Hawkins andwile. Marshall A. Frank and wlte, F. L.Gard-ner and wife. Theo. Langguth and wile. M. F.Taylor. H. C. Martin. F. J. Klossoski, Dr. A.Feder. Dr, G, Feder,- Mrs: M. b'. Feder, F. i\Jacobs and'wire. J. G. Cre,ighton, George Suth-erland and wife. Miss Edith -Sutherland, 'p. E.Curbly and wjre. J. F. French, O. A. Warren,V. E. Harstow, Tony Lubelski, Thomas W.Pank and . wife. Floyd S. S. Judah. i Mrs. jCharles Marshall. Mrs. Ed :Touvzky, Mrs: j.|S. Anderson, James Andferson, Dr. J. L.How-ard, Dr. H. Westarfield. K. A. Wise and wife.Miss A. Wise, lilts U. Wise. H. M. Mitchell.Wiiliam Ro^ilngton, J. Agler and wife. Miss IM. Afflcr. Miss M. Suwart. J. J. Mack aridwife. Miss I.N. Mack. George F. AHeritz andfamily, W. D. Clarke aud wile, J. "B. Nockelst,T. W. G. Lyons. B. L. Diay, F. B. Bodkins.Mr*. George Whlttell Jr., Alfred Whlttell.Mrs. E. R. Brainard. Miss S. P. Judson, MissJSi. Button. S. B. Moore, Ben. Henley. Mrs.


W. Huntlngton, Miss E. Hunttneton, A. 'I.\u25a0

bmlth and wifa, Charles Lauffer, H. Malloch,P. Jsaet, F. B. Lament. W. H. Humphrey, W.F. Brltt. T. H. O'Keefe. C. P. Bailey, E. G.l^terson, Dr. I. W. Bachman, J. R. Rogers, |K. Corbett. L.R. Nothohm, W. H. Hamilton, |Dr. XV. J. Murphy, C. H. Summers. From LosAngeles— S. J. Beck and wife, M. C. Adler andwife. Miss Maricn Adler. Master Herbert Ad-ler. H. H. Sinclair and wffe. Miss Sinclair, A.W. Sinclair, L. A. Vaugh&n, J. R. Threlkald,Mies Ethel Rowe. From Sacramento— Mis*Flora Hartwell, Mrs. E. F. Fraier and family.From Stockton

—XV. A. Washington. From

San Jose— R. S. Ruble. J. F. Brooks, J. K.McDonald. From Stanford

—0.--AY. Dunn and

wife, "Mrs. I.I*Requa. From Oakland— M. L.Requa and wife, Miss A. Requa. LawrenceRequa. From Berkeley—A. Addlson and wife,a S. Richardson arid wife. Mrs. F. A. Thomas.Miss Thomas. From Stockton— Mrs. T.D. Pe-ters, Miss Peters. Miss A. Peters,

-Dr. J. P.

Sergent and wife, Mies Terrell. Mre. WilliamTerrell, Miss F. Borden, S. B. Stevens andwife, C. A. Hageman and wife, J. 8.-Mimiaand wife, Mrs. J. Moore. D. S. Merrltt..WU-


liam Pierce and wife, w. E. Davis and wife.From San Jose— Mrs. H. C. Moore, Dr. J. G.Thompson L. Lion, M.F. Taylor. From Wat-sonville—A. R. Wilson. J. E. Love and wife,Miss A. E. Goffery. J- K. Kauffman and vnU,Miss E D. Wadsworth, Miss S. E. Colby, Miss<V Stewart, Miss Woodward. From Belvedere'—J. D. Hawkins and wife, Mrs. F. J. Jackson.

AT BYRON* SPRINGS: From San Fran-cisco—Mrs. C. Rauhut, Thomas J. Sullivan,Harry T. Hammond. Mrs. A. Dorland, Mrs. L.A. Souc, Mrs. Anna P. Wells, Mrs. H. M.Bosworth. John Zehrung, Mrs. L. A. Coffin.Sol Lippman. Ed Meyer. S. J. Mitchell, R. R.Ritchie. Mrs. M. Klrketeop, Ben Jacobs. Mr.and Mrs. Frank R. Dann. Dorothy Capwell.Cobert Cathwell, George P. Thurston, Mrs. P.Thurston, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Gray. Mrs. v\.A. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. William CluK, Mr.

and Mrs. John Breuner, Mra. J.-Plover, MissPlover, Miss Katherlne Plover,' C. M. Woos-ter. L. A. Coftin. O. H. Smyth, W. H. Lamb,

E. Clark. Carl T. Cranz, W. L.Clapp, W. H.Nlckols. Paul Branke

'J. E. Short, William

Locke, Bruce Cornwall, J. A. Syme. John I»-raelsky, Mies Helen Israeislty. Joseph W.SaU.William Metz, Grove C. Eddy, Mrs. G. T. Ja-cobs, Douglas Fry, C. R. Hanson. E. A. Hen-derson and wife. P. J. Gllmore, Mr. and Mrs.William Samuels, T.K. Stateter, Mr. and Mra.L. Rothenberg, George J. Mann, Colonel Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. XV. W. Shannon, F. Polu.From I-0.li

—Margreth Beckman. From* Mar-

tinez—George Caldarella. From Wat§pnville—Martin Paljotak. From Atwater

—John B. Oa-

Jjorn. From Stockton—

M. Weber and wife,Frank A. Guernsey, P. Meione, John C. Mc-Carthy. Dr. and Mra. J. P. Sargent, Mr, andMra. Mlnot Tlrroll. From Redwood City


W. Talbot, Mrs. W. W. Talbot, Thomas Cor-coran. From Manteca— S. 3. Monson. FromFresno— W.- W. Hodgkln, Mrs. A. T. Connarri,M. D. Hermann, A. F. Connard. From Ala-meda

—Mrs. Harwood Morgan. From" Oakland—

S. Angel, J. T. Hayes, D. McDonald, L.Schwartz, A. W. Baker. From Rio Vista— Mr.and Mre. L. Fallman. From Sutter Creek


Monteverde, Louis Monteverde. From Merctd—S. C. Pate and wife, B. B. Green.

From Sunol—

Antonio Sllva. From Fruit-vale

—J. H. Neppoch. From Warm


Anthony Smith. From Grass* Valley—Mrs. Dall Kalbaugh. From Amador City

—XV. J. Lane. From Los Angeles— W. G. Roomrand wife. From \u25a0 Benlcla— T. E. McEneary.From Seattle^Max Cohen. From Rocklin


L. Forlow.

Lovers of -Nature Go to Mountainsand Seaside for Summer Rest.



William Conlon. a teamster. .who livesat 244 Perry street, fell from his wagonAt-the. foot:of Dupont street and one ofthe wheels passed over him. At the Har-bor Hospital Surgeon Kucich summed upwhat the wheel did to Conlon as follow?:Fracture of the seventh, eighth, ninthand tenth ribs: possible internal lnjtiries..contusion of the left shin arid risht hipand abrasion of the face and arms.

Falls Under Hl* Wagon.

A One delivery wagoo Is a good. advertlse-rnent., We.have them with panet top andplate glass side. They are beauties. We alaocarry express wagons. Lelboid Harness Com-pany. 211 Larkln street.

In the complaint the company assertsthat the purchase of the lot Is not forthe interest 'and necessity of the peo-ple and that Ithas practically the rightto do blasting', grading and. excavatingon the premises. Under the appro-priation made by the Supervisors forthe fiscal year $25,000 was set apart for-the purchase of lands on the hill toimprove the site for the laying out of acity park.

The Globe Grain and Milling: Com-pany yesterday filed'a suit for an or-der restraining Auditor Harry Baehrand Treasurer John E. McDougald fromauditing and paying the demand of theTallant Banking Company for {11,000of the city's money for the purchase ofthe lot at the southwest corner ofChestnut and Kearny streets. The. lotwas purchased by the city by order ofthe board for the preservation of Tele-graph Hill,and the Globe Company al-leges that the action of the Supervisorswas Inbad faith.

Globe Grate mad MillingCompany File*Salt Against City Auditor

and Treasurer.


1? years uaIreduced my weight S3 pouada.bust S inches, waist 8 Inches, and hip* 10Inches, by a ilmpla harmless ramady. Hsalthperfect- No exercise, no wrinkles, no starring.Iwill tell you how. Inclose stamp*. Mrs. DianaAires, 63 Elgin Park. San Francisco, Car. •

Stoat Ladles!

IGearse K. Hoop«r. P. P. Jacob* and wif»,M. W. Williams, Mrs. I* Dennis, lira. M.Owynn. Charles H. Bane, Louis Hurcr. Mrs.T. H. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Purktn. J. E.Seltzner and wife. Hiss M. Tabrett. GeorgeLarrabee, George W. Allen, Laura J. Frakea.Eliza D. Keith. Mra. L. t^wln and chil>lr«n.Mrs. R. Goodman. Olive McCollum, .MtltunFeder, Dr. G. Feder, Mrs. Charles Wollput,Mlas 'Grace Wollput. Robert M. Collier, A.Otumoles, U. S. A. From San Jose


Frances Halford. Mrs. G. A. Fischer. Mrs.W. J. West. Gertrude Simpson, Louise Simp-son. W. J. Caesar, M. D.; H. C. Lewis. Pur-cell Rosa, Lorin» Knowtes, W. H. Haydock.Mra. H. A. Tormey, Charles J. Fttt% R. B.Thompson, W. J. West, Mrs. E. Noame andchildren, Mrs. E. Churcb. P. H. McEnery.Mrs. C. H. Pane, E. A. Noame. E. Geoffrey,Aug. Kettmenn. J. A. Flarist. Mrs. James J.Murphy. From Oakland

—A. J. Cloud. I*. P.

Nelson and wife. Mrs. L. K.Ma thews, "tomChicago

—Mr. and Mrs. S. Scott. Mis.-. Sarah

Ross. From Lodi—

A. J. Larsen. From Han-tord

—N. V. Woodgates and wife. From New


Estelle E. Casweli, J. W. Stevens.From WataonYille

—Mrs. J. J. Morey. Miss M.

Morey, Thomas J. Graffey. From Stockton—

P. E. Holt. From Palo Alto—E. E. Peck anddaughter. From Berkeley

—Misa M. Aulii.

Miss B. Auld. W. E. HiKhell. S. P. Brooks.From Gllroy

—W. F. Blake. H. C. Gilmer.

Miss F. Graef, Miss E. Cameron. Misa M.Fahey. Mrs. P. L. Seyock. From Santa Crua—

Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Anderson. Peter A.Gillen, M. L. Perry. Tom Shelby. Mrs. D. S.Clark, Miss B. Clark, Mrs. F. W. Swanton,Mrs. F. O. Hlhn. F. O. Hlhn. Mr?. K. Cop*.Mrs. H. Kuritz. Harriet H. Blackburn. E. N.C. Forbes. Mrs. C. B. Hornier. Julia Fitch.Ella C. Fay. Emma G. Wilson. Ella S. Bailey.Elizabeth E. Chace. Miss McLaughtln, MisaWanzer. R. P. Jarboe and son. From DelMonte

—Misa Eyr«. From Illinois

—Maudo B.

Starr. From Bakersfleld—

H. W. Jes3up.From Mountain View

—Alice E. Sim. *

FromBrooklyn, N. T.—A. V. Freot Jr. .FromCourUand, Kansas

—Harrison Keeley. From


Mr. and Mrs. L. Lence, Mrs. A. G.Thompson, L. T. Laney. J. A. Glbeon Jr..Homer F. Curran. From Santa Clara


S. Sennett. Mrs. Kuhl George W. Fowler. C.W. Webb. H. E. Dahl. C. F. Cobb. From Lo»Ansreles

—Kaspar Cohn. Hilda Cohn. Estia

Cohn. From Piedmont— Mrs. Isaac L.Requa,M. L. Requa. From St. Paul

—A. B. Burt.

From Red-wood City—lX Harvey L. Ross.From Wichita. Kans.

—Mm. F. Barteldes, D.

Haggard. Miss Olga Barteldes, Mlm EllaBarteldes. Mlb* Annie Barteldes, F. Bartel-des. \u25a0 Otto Barteldes. From Holltster


Rosenburg. E. W- Williams. From D«n-»*r—Dr. M. E. Dahl. From Lea Gato»—A, Skinlcle,Miss M. Skinkle. From Cupertino—Dr. andMrs. W. D. M<£>ougall. - From Pasadena—R. A. Chapman and wife. From. New HQPft—E. S. Van Meter. W. C. Houater. 'From Co-lusa


*H. Burton and family. -

From FortTurna

—George !•. Munson. From Fniifrale—

Mrs."J. A.\u25a0 Hartwiclt. ITom Freano-i-W% H.

MoKenzie and family, A. H. McK*nzle. FromLiverwore

—Mrs. J. O. MoKown, John Ayl-

ward. From Sacramento—

Mrs. J. '.p. L*.wr>.Miss lAwris. From Mlllwaukeo— MU» M.Wollput. From Mount Pleasant. Mlcb.—Ethel M. Young. From 'Greveland





\u0084 :' \u25a0\u25a0


Advance Fall StylesNOW SHOWN IN


LACES AND DRESS TRIMMINGSMention is particularly made of advance styles in Laces,

which represent the most desirable new productions of\'enise and Lierre Laces, comprising Bands, Edgings,

Medallions, Festoons, Galloons and Allovers,•in white, cream and black.

Uerre Lace Edgings, choice new designs, from I}< to9 inches wide, per yard 15C t0 $1.50

Uerre Lace Allovers, 45 inches wide, in white orcream, entirely new patterns, per yard XSC to $3.25

Real Irish Crochet Laces, in bands, edges and fes-toons, exquisite designs, per yard $4.50 to $12,50

NEW FALL SUITSIn the Department for Made-up Costumes there is offered a

number of select styles in Ladies' Coat Suits, in bothlong and short lengths, designed after the newest

models, of Broadcloth, Panama, Serge and FancyMixtures, some tastefully trimmed, others

in severely plain tailored effects, allmoderately priced.

Attention is directed to the followingSales,TO BE HELD

To-morrow, Monday, August Uth:CORSET DEPARTMENT (rard Floor)

Various models of the American J. B.and FrenchP. D. Corsets, in white and black, also brocadedin light colors, in which the assortments of sizesare broken, although in the lotare all sizes, willbe placed on sale at

$1.50 and $2.00 a PairFormer Prices $3.00, $3.50, 54.00 and $6.00



Several styles of handsome imported BattenbergScarfs and Center Pieces, both square and roundshapes, in new and attractive patterns, willbeoffered at much less than usual prices, as follows:

. 75c, $1.85, $2.00, $3.50Former Prices 51.00 to $5.00 each

Lessons Given in allKinds of AricfiCeedtework

LEATHER GOODS DEPT. CSS")A special purchase of Hand Bags, latest shapes,in black, tan and brown, thoroughly well madeof Seal, Llama and Walrus leathers, containingcoin purse and lined with black or dresden silklining, regular 53.50 values, will be offered

At $2.25 each



51.00, 51.25 and 51.50 per pair

Monday, August 14th, at 80c A pair

"Perolin," the Dust Killer jFor sweeping floors and carpets; it is the only chemical compound of itsHnd that absorbs the dust and prevents It from rising Into the air. We canshow dozens of testimonials from people of this city who have used Perolin,have tested its merits and have found itentirely satisfactory. Orders filledfor any quantity. v'f,l-

MailOrders recetbe prompt and careful attention


Kearny and Sutter Streets



Dpcsdcns, Brocades, Messalinette,Brodcric Anglaisc, Taffetas Chiffon,Chameleon Moire,. Shantung Pongee,Fancy Pongee, Radium and a collection oi

Novel and Exclusive Pattern DressesAND IN ADDITION


Rajah $1.25, Burlingham $1.75

'y Cor.Post sKearny Sts..

*ffi Offering Something New to Their Many Patrons



I • -NEW G00D5.....h We are now showing a most complete line of extreme-h Novelties in fancy neck pieces and wash stocks in plain and

!\u25a0; hand-embroidered effects. Our line is made up of the pick ofB all the best fancy neckwear makers, and is unmatched for va-1.1 riety of the very newest of styles and, patterns. To introduce *

H this line the PRICES are marked exceedingly low.

J 25C t0.'52;201 60 Geary St., S.F., op^f^>nrmiop.tiL:-'.