California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress California Spanish Assessment Practice Items Scoring Guide for Grade Five, Accommodated © California Department of Education Prepared by Educational Testing Service ® Posted November 2019

California Spanish Assessment (CSA) Grade Five Practice ...€¦ · California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress California Spanish Assessment ... The samples cover a

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Page 1: California Spanish Assessment (CSA) Grade Five Practice ...€¦ · California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress California Spanish Assessment ... The samples cover a

California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress

California Spanish Assessment

Practice Items Scoring Guide for Grade Five,


© California Department of EducationPrepared by Educational Testing Service ®Posted November 2019

Page 2: California Spanish Assessment (CSA) Grade Five Practice ...€¦ · California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress California Spanish Assessment ... The samples cover a


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CSA Practice Items Scoring Guide—Grade Five, Accommodated

Table of Contents Introduction to Practice Test Scoring Guide ........................................................................1

Example of Metadata ........................................................................................................... 2

Grade Five Sample Items .......................................................................................................3

Page 3: California Spanish Assessment (CSA) Grade Five Practice ...€¦ · California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress California Spanish Assessment ... The samples cover a

Introduction to Practice Test Scoring Guide

January 2020 California Spanish Assessment Practice Items Scoring Guide 1

Introduction to Practice Test Scoring Guide This California Spanish Assessment (CSA) practice items scoring guide offers details about the items, student response types, correct responses, and related scoring considerations for the included samples of practice items. The items selected for the practice test are designed to reflect the following:

• A broad coverage of claims that closely mirror the CSA summative blueprint

• A broad coverage of California Common Core State Standards en Español(CCCSSeE) for the claims assessed by the CSA, i.e., Reading, Listening, and WritingMechanics

• A range of student response types

• A breadth of difficulty levels across the items, ranging from easier to more difficultitems

It is important to note that all student response types are not fully represented on every practice test, but a distribution can be observed across all the practice tests. The items presented are reflective of refinements and adjustments to content based on pilot test results and expert recommendations from a content perspective. The samples cover a selection of items from grade five. The following information is presented along with each item:

• Grade Level: The intended grade level of the item

• Claim: The reporting category of the evidence being gathered

• Content Category: Further information regarding the content being assessed

• Standard: A reference to the assessable evidence statements of what students shouldknow and be able to do

• Max. Points: The total number of available points for the item

• Item and Stimulus: A representation of the item and any associated stimulus

• Answer Key: The expected student response or example response including scorepoint value

Each item is aligned with a specific CCCSSeE, but some items may align with two CCCSSeE, specifically the Listening items and some composite items. Listening items have a primary standard that aligns with one of two CCCSSeE at each grade level. They also have a secondary standard aligning with a Reading standard to provide consistency in content between the Listening and Reading claims, known collectively as the interpretive domains. Composite items contain a Part A and Part B; when those parts assess separate standards, primary and secondary standards are provided. The items included in this guide represent a variety of the types of questions used to evaluate the CCCSSeE, although this sample group is not fully inclusive of the wide range of difficulty levels of the questions or the content.

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Introduction to Practice Test Scoring Guide

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Each item that follows has metadata as shown in the following table. The item number in the table preceding each sample item corresponds to the sequence number of the item as it appears in the practice test. If the wording of the standard includes “CA” at the end, it is a standard with wording specific to California for both English and Spanish language arts.

Example of Metadata

Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

1 5 Reading Vocabulary and Meaning

5.L.4c Consult reference materials(e.g., dictionaries, glossaries,thesauruses), both print and digital,to find the pronunciation anddetermine or clarify the precisemeaning of key words and phrasesand to identify alternate wordchoices in all content areas. CA


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Grade Five Sample Items

Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

1 5 Reading Vocabulary and Meaning

5.L.4c Consult reference materials(e.g., dictionaries, glossaries,thesauruses), both print and digital,to find the pronunciation anddetermine or clarify the precisemeaning of key words and phrasesand to identify alternate wordchoices in all content areas. Also usereference materials to consulttranslations. CA


Key: C (1 point)

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The following passage accompanies grade five items numbered 2 through 7 in the practice test.

Ponte los auriculares y haz clic en el botón para escuchar el audio. Para detener el audio, haz clic de nuevo en el botón.

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

2 5 Listening Listening Comprehension

5.SL.3 Summarize the points aspeaker makes and explain howeach claim is supported by reasonsand evidence.This item also maps to a secondary standard: 5.RI.1 Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.


Key: First and fourth options Rubric: (2 points) The student selects the two correct responses. (1 point) The student selects one of the correct responses, but not both.

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

3 5 Listening Listening Comprehension

5.SL.3 Summarize the points aspeaker makes and explain howeach claim is supported by reasonsand evidence.This item also maps to a secondary standard: 5.RI.5 Compare and contrast the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in two or more texts.


Key: C (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

4 5 Listening Listening Comprehension

5.SL.3 Summarize the points aspeaker makes and explain howeach claim is supported by reasonsand evidence.This item also maps to a secondary standard: 5.RI.7 Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to locate an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem efficiently.


Key: B (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

5 5 Listening Listening Comprehension

5.SL.3 Summarize the points aspeaker makes and explain howeach claim is supported by reasonsand evidence.This item also maps to a secondary standard: 5.RI.8 Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text, identifying which reasons and evidence support which point(s).


Key: First drop-down menu: ropa diferente durante el fin de semana Second drop-down menu: accesorios que lo complementen Rubric: (2 points) The student selects the two correct responses. (1 point) The student selects one of the correct responses, but not both.

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

6 5 Listening Listening Comprehension

5.SL.3 Summarize the points aspeaker makes and explain howeach claim is supported by reasonsand evidence.This item also maps to a secondary standard: 5.RI.8 Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text, identifying which reasons and evidence support which point(s).


Key: D (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

7 5 Listening Listening Comprehension

5.SL.2 Summarize a written text readaloud or information presented indiverse media and formats, includingvisually, quantitatively, and orally.This item also maps to a secondary standard: 5.L.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 5 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.


Key: D (1 point)

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The following passage accompanies grade five items numbered 8 through 16 in the practice test.

Una noche de estrellas

1 Fernando, Luis y Carla estaban preparándolo todo para la noche. Habían conseguido una linterna de luz roja, para no encandilarse los ojos. Llevaban los sacos de dormir para acostarse en el suelo y mantas por si hacía frío. La mamá de Luis les preparó unos sándwiches para cuando tuvieran hambre y el papá de Fernando les imprimió un mapa de las constelaciones. Habían escogido la casa de Carla porque estaba en las afueras de la ciudad y no había muchas luces por allí. Todo estaba listo y los chicos estaban muy entusiasmados porque sería una noche muy especial. Esa noche iban a ver una lluvia de meteoritos.

2 Su ilusión por ver estos meteoritos o estrellas fugaces había comenzado hacía unos meses en clase. La maestra discutió este tema con tanto entusiasmo que trasmitió a todos sus alumnos la curiosidad de admirar este tipo de espectáculo natural.

3 —Solo hay que tener paciencia —les repetía constantemente—. Hay que mirar hacia el cielo y esperar a que suceda.

4 Al terminar el tema de las estrellas fugaces, la maestra les regaló a los alumnos un calendario con toda la información sobre las lluvias de estrellas de ese año. En este calendario podían encontrar el nombre, las fechas en las que se apreciarían mejor, el día en el que habría mayor actividad y las coordenadas para ubicarlas. Les recomendó una de las lluvias de meteoritos más conocidas por su gran actividad luminosa. Además, una gran ventaja era que sucedería durante el verano.

5 Los muchachos llevaban ya varios meses planeándolo todo. Habían investigado la hora y el día en que mejor se apreciaría la lluvia de

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estrellas. Siguieron día a día el pronóstico del tiempo para asegurarse de que no estuviera nublado ni lloviendo. Los tres habían escogido el sábado 12 de agosto. Pensaron que era la mejor fecha porque además de ser fin de semana, el calendario de las lluvias meteóricas marcaba ese día como el de mayor concentración.

6 Por fin la noche tan esperada había llegado. Los tres estaban listos y tenían todo preparado. Se acostaron sobre los sacos de dormir y pacientemente se pusieron a observar el cielo. Cuando sus ojos se acostumbraron a la oscuridad, quedaron impresionados ante un cielo tan estrellado. Carla fue la primera en gritar: —¡Miren, ahí va una!

7 Comenzaron a aparecer una tras otra, sin parar. Eran tantas las estrellas fugaces que los chicos no alcanzaron a contarlas todas esa noche.

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

8 5 Reading RL - Key Ideas and Details

5.RL.1 Quote accurately from a textwhen explaining what the text saysexplicitly and when drawinginferences from the text.


Key: B (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

9 5 Reading RL - Key Ideas and Details

5.RL.3 Compare and contrast two ormore characters, settings, or eventsin a story or drama, drawing onspecific details in the text (e.g., howcharacters interact).


Key: C (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

10 5 Reading RL - Craft and Structure

5.RL.5 Explain how a series ofchapters, scenes, or stanzas fitstogether to provide the overallstructure of a particular story, drama,or poem.


Key: D (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

11 5 Reading RL - Craft and Structure:

5.RL.5 Explain how a series ofchapters, scenes, or stanzas fitstogether to provide the overallstructure of a particular story, drama,or poem.


Key: B (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

12 5 Reading RL - Key Ideas and Details

5.RL.1 Quote accurately from a textwhen explaining what the text saysexplicitly and when drawinginferences from the text.


Key: La mamá de Luis preparó sándwiches. El papá de Fernando imprimió un mapa. Vieron las estrellas en la casa de Carla. (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

13 5 Reading RL - Craft and Structure

5.RL.6 Describe how a narrator’s orspeaker’s point of view influenceshow events are described.


Key: D (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

14 5 Reading RL - Key Ideas and Details

5.RL.1 Quote accurately from a textwhen explaining what the text saysexplicitly and when drawinginferences from the text.


Key: C (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

15 5 Reading RL - Key Ideas and Details

5.RL.2 Determine a theme of a story,drama, or poem from details in thetext, including how characters in astory or drama respond tochallenges or how the speaker in apoem reflects upon a topic;summarize the text.


Key: A (1 point) elects one of the correct responses, but not both.

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

16 5 Reading Vocabulary and Meaning

5.L.5 Demonstrate understanding offigurative language, wordrelationships, and nuances in wordmeanings.


Key follows on the next page.

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Key: First and fourth options Rubric: (2 points) The student selects the two correct responses. (1 point) The student selects one of the correct responses, but not both.

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The following passage accompanies grade five items numbered 17 through 31 in the practice test.

Lo siguiente es un borrador de un ensayo de un estudiante. Puede contener errores.

Centro de Adopción de Mascotas

(1) En este programa, los estudiantes trabajan como voluntarios duranteun mínimo de 40 horas (solamente los sábados y los domingos). (2) Losestudiantes trabajan para una organización de servicios a la comunidad,como por ejemplo bancos de comida, bibliotecas públicas y centros deadopciones de mascotas. (3) El objetivo de este programa es dar a losjóvenes la oportunidad de prestar su ayuda a la comunidad donde viven yhacerlos más sensibles a las necesidades comunitarias.

(4) Por medio de un anuncio en el que solicitaban voluntarios para elcentro de adopción de mascotas de mi ciudad, conocí a — (5) Como a mí me gustan mucho los animales y deseo ser veterinario, me interesó mucho la idea de ser voluntario en este centro. (6) Nancy me contó que estaba buscando a una persona para trabajar los sábados. (7) Ese mismo día visito el centro y me di cuenta de que este lugar iban a ser algo muy especial para mí. (8) Nancy me explicó que los fines de semana tenían adopciones por eso necesitaba mi ayuda.

(9) — , llegué puntualmente porque sabía que había mucho porhacer. (10) Me llamó la atención un perrito negro muy cariñoso y juguetónllamado Tucho. (11) Él llegó a la puerta del centro un día y ahí se quedóinmóvil hasta que llegó Nancy y lo dejó entrar.

(12) Al cabo de varios meses yo ya había aprendido muchísimo sobre cómocuidar a los animales. (13) Cada vez que terminaba con mi trabajo, medivertía jugando con Tucho, el cual también se había encariñadoconmigo. (14) Estaba en su jaula y a él le gustaba oírme.

(15) Al completar las 40 horas, le propuse a Nancy seguir trabajando en elcentro. (16) Nancy se alegró de que yo pudiera quedarme y me dijo queme había convertido en su mano derecha. (17) También me dijo que unaseñora había llamado para informarle que deseaba adoptar aTucho. (18) Esto me sorprendió mucho y ya me estaba empezando aponer muy triste cuando Nancy me guiñó un ojo y me dijo riendo que laseñora que llama era mi mamá.

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

17 5 Writing Revising and Editing

5.W.3a Orient the reader by establishing a situation and introducing a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally.


Key: D (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

18 5 Writing Foundational Mechanics and Conventions

5.L.3a Expand, combine, and reducesentences for meaning,reader/listener interest, and style.


Key: A (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

19 5 Reading Vocabulary and Meaning

5.L.4c Consult reference materials(e.g., dictionaries, glossaries,thesauruses), both print and digital,to find the pronunciation anddetermine or clarify the precisemeaning of key words and phrasesand to identify alternate wordchoices in all content areas. CA


Key: B (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

20 5 Writing Revising and Editing

5.W.3a Orient the reader by establishing a situation and introducing a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally.


Key: Nancy, la supervisora del centro (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

21 5 Writing Foundational Mechanics and Conventions

5.L.1c Use verb tense to conveyvarious times, sequences, states,and conditions, including the contrastbetween simple past, or preterite,and imperfect tenses to expressaction in the past (e.g., Yo iba todoslos días. Yo fui ayer.).


Key: First drop-down menu: visité Second drop-down menu: iba Rubric: (2 points) The student selects the two correct responses. (1 point) The student selects one of the correct responses, but not both.

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

22 5 Writing Revising and Editing

5.W.3b Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue description, and pacing, to develop experiences and events or show the responses of characters to situations.


Key: Fourth and fifth options Rubric: (2 points) The student selects the two correct responses. (1 point) The student selects one of the correct responses, but not both.

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

23 5 Writing Foundational Mechanics and Conventions

5.L.2 Demonstrate command of theconventions of standard Spanishcapitalization, punctuation, andspelling when writing.


Key: C (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

24 5 Writing Revising and Editing

5.W.3c Use a variety of transitional words, phrases, and clauses to manage the sequence of events.


Item continues on the next page.

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Key: B (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

25 5 Writing Revising and Editing

5.W.3 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences.


Key: C (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

26 5 Reading Vocabulary and Meaning

5.L.5c Use the relationship betweenparticular words (e.g., synonyms,antonyms, homographs) to betterunderstand each of the words.


Key: B (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

27 5 Writing Revising and Editing

5.W.3e Provide a conclusion that follows from the narrated experiences or events.


Key: C (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

28 5 Writing Revising and Editing

5.W.3d Use concrete words and phrases and sensory details to convey experiences and events precisely.


Key: A (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

29 5 Writing Foundational Mechanics and Conventions

5.L.1b Form and use the perfect verbtenses or compound verbs usinghaber and the past participle (e.g.,Yo habré caminado; Yo habíacaminado; Yo he caminado).


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Key: Part A: A Part B: compuesto Rubric: (2 points) The student selects the correct response in Part A and Part B. (1 point) The student selects the correct response in either Part A or Part B, but not both.

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

30 5 Writing Foundational Mechanics and Conventions

5.RF.3c4 Determine which sound orletter ends a word (vowel,consonant, “n” or “s”).


Key: “fines” and “preparar” end with “consonante” (a consonant), “aprendido” ends with “vocal” (a vowel). (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

31 5 Writing Vocabulary and Meaning

5.L.5b Recognize and explain themeaning of common idioms, adages,and proverbs.


Key: D (1 point)

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The following passage accompanies grade five items numbered 32 through 36 in the practice test.

Ponte los auriculares y haz clic en el botón para escuchar el audio. Para detener el audio, haz clic de nuevo en el botón.

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

32 5 Listening Listening Comprehension

5.SL.3 Summarize the points aspeaker makes and explain howeach claim is supported by reasonsand evidence.This item also maps to a secondary standard: 5.RI.1 Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.


Key: D (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

33 5 Listening Listening Comprehension

5.SL.2 Summarize a written text readaloud or information presented indiverse media and formats, includingvisually, quantitatively, and orally.This item also maps to a secondary standard: 5.RI.3 Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific information in the text.


Key: Second and fourth options Rubric: (2 points) The student selects the two correct responses. (1 point) The student selects one of the correct responses, but not both.

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

34 5 Listening Listening Comprehension

5.SL.2 Summarize a written text readaloud or information presented indiverse media and formats, includingvisually, quantitatively, and orally.This item also maps to a secondary standard: 5.RI.5 Compare and contrast the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in two or more texts.


Key: C (1 point)

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Grade Five Sample Items

January 2020 California Spanish Assessment Practice Items Scoring Guide 45

Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

35 5 Listening Listening Comprehension

5.SL.2 Summarize a written text readaloud or information presented indiverse media and formats, includingvisually, quantitatively, and orally.This item also maps to a secondary standard: 5.RI.7 Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to locate an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem efficiently.


Key: A (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

36 5 Listening Listening Comprehension

5.SL.2 Summarize a written text readaloud or information presented indiverse media and formats, includingvisually, quantitatively, and orally.This item also maps to a secondary standard: 5.RI.2 Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text.


Key: B (1 point)

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The following passage accompanies grade five items numbered 37 through 46 in the practice test.

La hamaca por Gisela Hernández

1. Se podría definir la hamaca como una cama colgante en forma de red.Las primeras referencias que se tienen de la misma datan de fines delsiglo XV, cuando los españoles llegaron a América. Una de estasreferencias proviene del almirante Cristóbal Colón, quien observó en unode sus viajes que “las gentes dormían en redes entre los árboles”. Elcapitán Garcilaso de la Vega describió las hamacas como “camas deviento” por ser livianas, frescas y fáciles de transportar. Entre losobjetos antiguos que se exponen hoy en día en el Museo de Oro deBogotá (Colombia), figura una hamaca en miniatura elaborada en oropuro, que se remonta a la época precolombina.

2. Los indígenas suspendían las hamacas entre dos árboles o estacas enforma de columpio, y las usaban para sentarse o acostarse, tanto dentrocomo fuera de sus viviendas. Las hamacas no ocupaban mucho espacioy, por encontrarse elevadas, los protegían de los animales rastreros. Porser muy fáciles de colgar y descolgar, las llevaban consigo durante susviajes. También las sujetaban de los hombros para transportar personasy objetos, y les servían como elemento de trueque, al intercambiarlaspor alimento, pieles y artículos de construcción. Además, los indígenaslanzaban sus hamacas a los ríos, arroyos o esteros1 para pescar. Endialecto taíno2, la palabra hamaka, además de relacionarse con el verbodormir, también significa “red para pescados”.

3. Las primeras hamacas indígenas eran rectangulares y se tejían con hilosde fibras vegetales. En un principio, se usó la corteza del árbol hamack,otra palabra indígena de la que posiblemente deriva su nombre. Luego,se comenzó a usar el sisal, por ser más suave, flexible y abundante. Los

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indios caribes las fabricaban con mimbres y hojas, y enterraban a sus jefes junto con las armas, joyas y hamacas que les habían pertenecido en vida. Algunos piensan que los mayas fueron los primeros en usar la hamaca; otros consideran que llegó a la península de Yucatán proveniente de las Antillas. Su uso se extendió por Centroamérica, Sudamérica y las islas del Caribe, y algunos pueblos indígenas la designaban como “cuna de los dioses”.

4. El uso de la hamaca se extendió también a los barcos de loscolonizadores, cuyos tripulantes acostumbraban dormir en catres durose incómodos, ubicados en espacios muy restringidos. La hamaca evitabael cabeceo y los mecía al ritmo del navío. Además, evitaba que losmarineros se cayeran al suelo húmedo y sucio. Con el tiempo, el uso dela hamaca se propagó por Europa […]. En épocas más recientes, EstadosUnidos comenzó a incluirlas […] en vuelos espaciales.

5. En algunos países de América Latina, la hamaca es la forma tradicionalpara dormir, especialmente en áreas rurales muy cálidas. La cama sobradonde hay una hamaca. En la actualidad, se elabora de algodón y otrasfibras vegetales o sintéticas. En Venezuela, se le llama “chinchorro”, ytambién forma parte de un refrán nativo: Chinchorro colgado, haragánacostado (se puede ser perezoso si existen condiciones para ello). Comoen Argentina y Uruguay se le dice “hamaca” al columpio, se usa la frase“hamaca paraguaya” para distinguirla del anterior.

6. Hoy en día, dada su versatilidad, flexibilidad y economía, la hamaca seha convertido en una de las formas más populares de descanso. ¡Quérelajante es quedarse dormido meciéndose en una hamaca! Sin lugar adudas, representa un importante legado indígena para el mundo.

1estero: terreno bajo que suele llenarse de agua por la filtración de un río o laguna cercana. 2taíno: indígena arahuaco que habitaba la Española, Cuba y Puerto Rico al momento del descubrimiento de América.

“La cuna de los dioses - La hamaca” por Gisela Hernández, Iguana, agosto de 2014

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Taller para crear tu propia hamaca

Lugar: Centro Comunitario

Rafael Ibarra

Horario: De 8:00 de la mañana a 12:00 del mediodía

El Centro Comunitario Rafael Ibarra ofrecerá un taller para aprender a crear tu propia forma de descanso portátil, la hamaca. En este taller aprenderás cómo crear dos tipos de hamaca, al igual que conocer su historia. Ven y únete a nosotros este sábado y domingo, 8 y 9 de julio, de 8:00 de la mañana a 12:00 del mediodía.

Aprenderás sobre el origen de este modo portátil de descanso y la razón por la cual fue creada y ha sido utilizada por tanto tiempo. Se enseñarán dos maneras distintas de construir las hamacas.

• La hamaca de red: se fabrica con cuerda/soga y dos separadores demadera. Aprenderás a tejer una red de pescador sin nudos que, con susseparadores de madera, la sostienen siempre abierta.

Costo del material: $15.00

• La hamaca tradicional: esta hamaca consiste de un material másfuerte y resistente, como la lona, donde se cose la orilla de la tela paraintroducir la soga y poder colgarla a los soportes por los extremos.

Costo del material: $25.00

Nosotros proporcionamos todos los materiales necesarios para fabricar tu hamaca. Una vez que hayas decidido qué tipo de hamaca quieres fabricar, pagarás el costo de los materiales el primer día del taller.

Cuando termines la hamaca de tu elección, te enseñaremos distintos métodos para colgarla en tu casa o patio. Si tienes dos árboles de donde colgarla, te enseñaremos también a hacer los nudos adecuados para amarrarla a ellos.

El espacio es limitado. Llama para reservar tu lugar hoy mismo al 1-210-558-5780 o visita nuestra página web www.cc*rafaelibarra.com pararegistrarte en línea.

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

37 5 Reading RI - Key Ideas and Details

5.RI.2 Determine two or more mainideas of a text and explain how theyare supported by key details;summarize the text.


Key: First and third options Rubric: (2 points) The student selects the two correct responses. (1 point) The student selects one of the correct responses, but not both.

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

38 5 Reading RI - Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

5.RI.8 Explain how an author usesreasons and evidence to supportparticular points in a text, identifyingwhich reasons and evidence supportwhich point(s).


Key: A (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

39 5 Reading RI - Key Ideas and Details

5.RI.3 Explain the relationships orinteractions between two or moreindividuals, events, ideas, orconcepts in a historical, scientific, ortechnical text based on specificinformation in the text.


Key: usos para la hamaca en América (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

40 5 Reading RI - Key Ideas and Details

5.RI.1 Quote accurately from a textwhen explaining what the text saysexplicitly and when drawinginferences from the text.


Key: First drop-down menu: sencilla de usar Second drop-down menu: podían cambiarla por otras cosas Rubric: (2 points) The student selects the two correct responses. (1 point) The student selects one of the correct responses, but not both.

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

41 5 Reading Vocabulary and Meaning

5.L.5c Use the relationship betweenparticular words (e.g., synonyms,antonyms, homographs) to betterunderstand each of the words.


Key: D (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

42 5 Reading RI - Key Ideas and Details

5.RI.3 Explain the relationships orinteractions between two or moreindividuals, events, ideas, orconcepts in a historical, scientific, ortechnical text based on specificinformation in the text.


Key: C (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

43 5 Reading RI - Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

5.RI.7 Draw on information frommultiple print or digital sources,demonstrating the ability to locate ananswer to a question quickly or tosolve a problem efficiently.


Key: A (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

44 5 Reading Vocabulary and Meaning

5.L.4 Determine or clarify themeaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases basedon grade 5 reading and content,choosing flexibly from a range ofstrategies.


Key: C (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

45 5 Reading RI - Craft and Structure

5.RI.5 Compare and contrast theoverall structure (e.g., chronology,comparison, cause/effect,problem/solution) of events, ideas,concepts, or information in two ormore texts.


Key: D (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

46 5 Reading RI - Craft and Structure

5.RI.6 Analyze multiple accounts ofthe same event or topic, notingimportant similarities and differencesin the point of view they represent.


Key: “Las hamacas son muy cómodas para descansar” matches “Ambas lecturas” (both passages). “Existen varios métodos para colgar hamacas” matches “Taller para crear tu propia hamaca.” “La hamaca de red se puede utilizar para la pesca” matches “La hamaca.” (1 point)

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Item Grade Level Claim

Content Category Standard

Max. Points

47 5 Reading Vocabulary and Meaning

5.L.5b Recognize and explain themeaning of common idioms, adages,and proverbs.


Key: B (1 point)