Issue No. 053 2010 FOR FLECKVIEH FARMERS: “ITS CELEBRATION TIME” FOR FLECKVIEH FARMERS: “ITS CELEBRATION TIME” “You reap what you sow” says Scripture . If you plant a good seed you will equally harvest good fruits. This is the case for Kenyan farmers who ventured into the Fleckvieh world when the breed was introduced in the country last year. The pioneering farmers are now celebrating their decision to choose the high yielding dual purpose breed as their cows have started giving birth to superior calves across the country. From Mombasa to Kajiado, Isinya to Kitale the story from farmers is the same. Healthy Fleckvieh calves, CONTINUED.. PAGE 8 TALENT COMMUNICATIONS the publisher of Community Eye also offers consultancy services in agricultural information services, community media, rural grassroots mobilization, sensitization, networking and collaboration, biogas, dairy management, capacity building, agri-tourism, farmer exposure tours, farmers exchange programmes, monitoring & evaluation and video services. Contact Thomas Ngare on 0728-789069. Email; tmngare@community_eye.com ALSO INSIDE Bulletins on; -Calf Rearing -Rabbit Keeping -Fish Farming The Farmers’ Newspaper Mrs Winnie Bahati of Windsor Farm, Machakos, Eastern Province looks on as a worker tends to the week old calves. The bull is on the left. Mrs Truphena Kiptanui of Komora Farm in Kachipora Trans Nzoia East District feeds her two month old bull calf. It is called FLEK. Mrs Mary Kinguru of Karatina admires her two day old twin calves at Ihwagi Village Karatina, Central Province.

Calf Rearing EEDDITITIOIONN -Rabbit Keeping Communit y · Nyeri 0612034645 Tazama Dr. Wameo 2. KaratinaVet. Services Box 1299 Karatina 06172829 Starbucks Building Wambugu 3. Menengai

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Page 1: Calf Rearing EEDDITITIOIONN -Rabbit Keeping Communit y · Nyeri 0612034645 Tazama Dr. Wameo 2. KaratinaVet. Services Box 1299 Karatina 06172829 Starbucks Building Wambugu 3. Menengai

Kshs 30


Issue No. 053 2010


“You reap what you sow” says Scripture . If you plant a good seed you will equally harvest good fruits.This is the case for Kenyan farmers who ventured into the Fleckvieh world when the breed was introduced in the country last year. The pioneering farmers are now celebrating their decision to choose the high yielding dual purpose breed as their cows have started giving birth to superior calves across the country.From Mombasa to Kajiado, Isinya to Kitale the story from farmers is the same. Healthy Fleckvieh calves,


TALENT COMMUNICATIONS the publisher of Community Eye also offers consultancy services in agricultural information services, community media, rural grassroots mobilization, sensitization, networking and collaboration, biogas, dairy management, capacity building, agri-tourism, farmer exposure tours, farmers exchange programmes, monitoring & evaluation and video services.

Contact Thomas Ngare on 0728-789069. Email; tmngare@community_eye.com

ALSO INSIDEBulletins on; -Calf Rearing-Rabbit Keeping-Fish Farming

The Farmers’ Newspaper

Mrs Winnie Bahati of

Windsor Farm, Machakos,

Eastern Province looks

on as a worker tends to the week old calves.

The bull is on the left.

Mrs Truphena Kiptanui of

Komora Farm in Kachipora Trans Nzoia East District

feeds her two month old bull calf. It is called


Mrs Mary Kinguru of Karatina

admires her two day old

twin calves at Ihwagi Village

Karatina, Central


Page 2: Calf Rearing EEDDITITIOIONN -Rabbit Keeping Communit y · Nyeri 0612034645 Tazama Dr. Wameo 2. KaratinaVet. Services Box 1299 Karatina 06172829 Starbucks Building Wambugu 3. Menengai

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Community Eye is published by Talent Communications P. O Box 21538- 00505 Nairobi, Box 644 50204 Kimilili, Cell 0728789069, Email [email protected]

Over 100 farmers from Gatundu recently converged at the home of Mr. Gerard Besseling in Karen Nairobi to witness firsthand, the things they hear about Fleckvieh cows.The f a r mer s inc luded Highland Dairy Farmers' chairman Mr. Samuel Kihara, Kiaratara Dairies chairman, Jeremiah Kiguru Njoroge and Mr. Charles Nganga chairman of Gatundu South. They had organized a learning tour specifically to see Fleckvieh cows Mwanzo, Amani and the two calves. From the look on their faces it was evident that everyone was surprised by what they saw. Most had only heard and seen pictures of the Fleckvieh cows in Community Eye.

Virginia Wangare and Grace Nyambura testified that they had not believed that such cows exist and if they did then they could not survive in Kenya. “Tulishangaa sana kuona ngombe kama hiyo,” they said. They intend to tell others about the cows and challenge them to buy the semen. “Now that we have seen with own eyes we will be adopt the breed” said the two farmers. According to another farner Mr. Kimani Wa Mwaura farmers don't believe unless they hear from someone they trust. Isaac Njoroge and

Gatundu farmers on study tour BY EDGAR NGARE

Julius Kiruka from the heart of Gatura village noted that they heard about the cows recently so t h e y t o o k t h e initiative of seeing if the story is true saying more people would have wanted to come but due to the distance they sent witnesses.The farmers, full of a d m i r a t i o n observed that the cows are very nice, cool, ca lm and fr iendly a trait rarely seen in many cows. “From the front side the animal looks like a bull but if you go to the rear s i d e y o u a r e surprised to see it is a milking cow. It is t r u l y a d u a l purpose cow” said K i m a n i W a Mwaura.Dr. John Wnangwe who was in charge of the tra in ing e x p l a i n e d t h e advantage of the Fleckvieh which include high quality milk p ro d u c t i o n . E u n i c e M u t h o n i s a i d i t i s uneconomical to keep a one purpose only animal when you can keep a dual purpose for milk and meat at a lesser cost. Since Fleckvieh are easier to handle, eat less and are manageable compared to the others, it makes sense to turn to Fleckvieh. One of the cows Mwanzo, which is a crossbreed between Fleckvieh and Friesian weighs 720 kilos after three calving, which is

after three calving, which is double the weight of other cows. After giving birth the cows may lose weight but since they are dual they regain the weight at the rate of 1.5 kilos a day when fed properly. This is in contrast to other breeds which grow old, weak and thin after calving at least three times.To the credit of Fleckvieh after their 15 or 16 calvings at the age of 17 years they are sold for meat and at a very good price. This gives the farmer double income. The animals don't easily fall sick especially to

ECF due to the big layer of fat under their skin which makes it hard for the ticks to penetrate. This is the right cow for problem areas as they can survive.Some of the farmers wondered if their small cows will carry the big Fleckvieh semen calves d u r i n g p r e g n a n c y. D r. Wanangwe taught them that even if the calves are big they give no problem to the mothers during birth because of what is called calving ease. He added that it is possible to cross breed

them with other animals for upgrading. Mr. James Kamuyu Thuku confirmed that it is indeed true. He testified that his cow had calved without problems. He said his nearly two month old calf weighs 70 kilos whereas at birth it was 35 kilos. He added that the calf is growing very fast but does not eat too much. “I had never seen a Fleckvieh cow but when I heard, I went ahead and purchased the semen”. He

Name of Agent Address Telephone


Premises Contact


1. Country Veterinary





0612034645 Tazama Dr. Wameo

2. Karatina Vet. Services Box 1299


06172829 Starbucks



3. Menengai Agrovet Box 360




Molo hs. Opp.


s/ market



4. Ukulima Agrov.


Box 1034




Treety Dr. muriithi


5. Country Focus Agrovet Box 1846




Muhoya Ruii


Dr. Gaita


6. Thika Farmers


Box 1408




John K.


7. Elika Agrovet


Box 828



8. Nanyuki Vet. Services Box 859






Dr. Lucy

9. Simuka Vet.


Box 1872-



0725438631 Dr. S.M.


Fleckvieh Genetics E.A. Distributors in KenyaFleckvieh Genetics E.A. Distributors in Kenya

Name of Agent Address Telephone


Premises Contact

Persons10. Kathenju


Box 350-


Ngong hill


[email protected]

11 Moses Kiptanui Eldoret 0722745688 Komora Centre Moses Kiptanui

12 Mrs. Gumo Kitale 0734681770



Akamba booking


13 Oriics Farm Olkalou 0720101927

14 Miss. Eunice Nyeri 0717041564


16 Nairobi Box 19055-




Mobil Plaza Omoga

16 Kasarani,



Box 19055-





Muthaiga Road Mobil Plaza

17 Rongai, Machakos,


Box 19055-





Muthaiga Road Mobil Plaza

10. Kathenju


Box 350-


Ngong hill


[email protected]

“We are in Kenya !”

Farmers pose with Amani, the 100% Fleckvieh at Gerards home in Karen Nairobi

“Tulishangaa sana kuona ngombe

kama hiyo,”

Page 3: Calf Rearing EEDDITITIOIONN -Rabbit Keeping Communit y · Nyeri 0612034645 Tazama Dr. Wameo 2. KaratinaVet. Services Box 1299 Karatina 06172829 Starbucks Building Wambugu 3. Menengai


The common practice of breeding a n d a r t i f i c i a l i n s e m i n a t i o n i n Kenya is to select the bull to be used on a cow based entirely on the aspect of price.

For example, when an inseminator arrives in a farm, s/he will certainly ask the farmer which bull to s e r v e w i t h ; t h e common response to this question is, 'Give me the low cost bull'. In certain cases, a s e s s i o n o f n e g o t i a t i o n a n d haggling takes place whereby the two parties settle on the price, rather than the bull. The ideal situation would be where the bull to be used is

selected based on its traits, and those of the recipient female; so that at the end of t h e b r e e d i n g e x e r c i s e , t h e daughter wi l l be b e t t e r t h a n t h e mother, thus genetic gain. Without any genetic aim during breeding, Kenyan farmers are not reaping from the benefits associated w i t h a r t i f i c i a l insemination.


Many dairy farmers fail to see the process of breeding as an investment; as

How to interpret Fleckvieh Bull Catalogues

s u c h , t h e immediate cost of semen and services is commonly perceived as a bother r a t h e r t h a n a n opportunity to improve on the production of the herd.

However, if the farmers should analyze the situation correctly, then s/he would see the benefit of selecting superior genetics; and having animals on the farm with a long and sustained productive period.

With Fleckvieh genetics, the farmer stands to gain from any successful insemination due to the unique nature of the breed.

Previously, dairy farmers experienced absolute losses from any insemination which resulted in a bull-calf; however, that is set to change w i t h t h e introduction of the dual-purpose breed, Fleckvieh.

This is due to t h e f a c t t h a t Fleckvieh buuls are know to attain 300kgs in 6-9 months; from then on, a farmer can make a decision whether to sell

the animal or to keep it for fattening.


It is important to understand the p ro c e s s t h ro u g h which a bull goes through before it is d e s i g n ate d a s a breeding bull; and thus how to choose the correct bull for your herd.

At Fleckvieh Genetics (EA) Ltd, we

usually give a b r o c h u r e t o i n t e r e s t e d f a r m e r s highlighting our sires and their v a r i o u s a t t r i b u t e s . T h e s e s i r e s form a part of the breeding h e r d o f B a v a r i a n F l e c k v i e h

Genetics in Germany.B ava r i a n F l e c k v i e h Genetics buys most of the 120 sires tested each year at livestock auctions in Upper Bavaria.

A b o u t 5 0 o f these young sires come out of so called planned matings, which means especially selected sire-

dams were mated to the best Fleckvieh sires available. Further 40 sires that are bought at the auctions come out of regular but promising matings with herd-book cows. In these bulls besides the production data great v a l u e i s s e t u p o n bloodlines. Each year 20 bulls are

t e s t e d w i t h i n t h i s program. The selection of the bulls for this program is focused on fitness traits and service life.

Last but not least almost 10 sires are bought from other countries each year (such as Austria, The Czech Republic, Australia, and South Africa).

A f t e r t h e quarantine period is over (28 days pre-quarantine a n d 2 8 d a y s m a i n quarantine period) 1.200 doses of semen of each sire are collected and used in farms that take part in milk recording. The goal is to get data about the

lactations of at least 50 daughters of each young sire in order to judge his hereditary performance.

lasts for six weeks. Each bull is tested in different regions (crop farming, grassland). This guarantees that regional effects do not have a major inf luence on a bul l ' s breeding values.

WAITING BULLSAfter the testing

period further 5.000 semen straws are collected from

each sire. Afterwards the sire is kept on one of our w a i t i n g s t a t i o n s a t Börnchen / Saxony, Anzing or Dietramszell, till the first production data of his daughters are published. This takes about four years. This process is known as progeny testing.

PROGENY TESTING It is used in the

breeding of both plants and animals , but i s most commercially important in a n i m a l b r e e d i n g t o determine the value of an animal in terms of the sex-limited characters of its offspring, for example milk production in females. A bull for example cannot be a s s e s s e d f o r m i l k production; however the performance of its female offspring can be used to determine the use of the animal for future crosses, provided of course the character has a h igh heritability. A progeny test is performed by mating the male with a number of fe m a l e s w i t h p ro ve n performance. The average p e r f o r m a n c e o f t h e offspring is then found,

Community Eye, Special Edition 2010

Page 4: Calf Rearing EEDDITITIOIONN -Rabbit Keeping Communit y · Nyeri 0612034645 Tazama Dr. Wameo 2. KaratinaVet. Services Box 1299 Karatina 06172829 Starbucks Building Wambugu 3. Menengai

4 o ty Ey o . u e/Ju y 2 1C mmuni e,V l 1 J n l 0 04

It is e r since he one y a tir e k ie tf st Fl c v h cow se

Ke a ha ng foot in ny vib e flown f om Soute n r h A ica.fr

he im o d T t ing c incidewit he B ooksideh t r B e de s l atr e r Show he d a hur Gr he J m i ounds.T

e a at e d far w s t nde by ove 30 000 e s r , farm rfr ll cor r f om a ne s o

n , u a Ke ya incl ding si a nu e fromz ble mb r ne or cou r sighb ing nt ie .

arm r he ke nl F e s t n e ylist ne a D .T ae d s r hom s

upp, Fle h Gr ckvierm n nag Ge a y Ma ing

Dir ct a his n an e or nd Ke ycount r rt Ge re pa ra d

e ling b r tB sse la ou ed o ecou ne s t r nt be fit of he

b e .r ed

ft r rd k a A e ha wor ndde e se vdicat d r ice, em ing he l e ploy t at ste nd ng t chnology a payi

gr t nt t de aileat at e ion o t , Fle v h he pe oveck ie l d r

00 e s t ac ss 14 farm r o ceh r se et e supe ior m n

b t n u 2 ae wee J ne 009 nd J une 2010.

One year t e line, down h t e r sul s e and h e t ar in he rdict is . h t ve out T e

f r er ha ssea m s ve pa d judg en .m t

What d f m rs o ar e say?“I e it s t ue. nde d i r Weca con h hen firm t at t st y we a was or he rd not

ll r hear just 'a we e sedle tc ', ut g nuinesa s pi h b e

inf at N w t a orm ion. o h tw ve e wit e ha se n h our

e s, we a e sur own ye r eo w e invest d f hat w e in. We a e set t m r o oveorward”.f

T is na io i eh sce r g v s e ni t t e sayingm a ng o h ou e p a you “y r a wh t

sow”. I e hat if t indicat s t y m k a ou a e good

cision w notde you ill regr .etT e f rm r wh a e s ho

nt e int tve ur d o he k ie aFlec v h world re

now cele rat .T in b ion hepione r e e c g e s ar r joi innd xpe ing big t ina e ct h gs

t com ft r e ut ful,o e a e b a i goo a h gh q it d nd i ual y

ckvi ca e b ga Fle eh lv s e no irt e a oss t be b h d cr

Ke any .r M lindi o al ,F om a t Kit e

a t Ny rIsiny o e i, and Busia t N ok t e o ar , h st y of a e s t eor f rm r is h

m .sa e F e k ie lve , l c v h ca s

E VIE FARM RS E A EFL CK H E CEL BR T E VIE FARM RS E A EFL CK H E CEL BR T h lthy nd fa t gr iea a s ow ng a been b rn t hh ve o o t eir ow i h ut l g c s w t o ca vin

prob . lems

o h l a e nd l rge B t sma l sc l a asc le f r rs a e it l y a a me r l era lexc d h y ho thite . T e pe at

ith h n x few ea sw in t e e t y r t eir a y e t rprisesh d ir n e w ll ch n for t e te i a ge h bet r.

KA IJ ADO Th first a ving h ppen de c l a e

ur ng t e a t Holi ys d i h E s er daat h K lka Fl er a t e a ow F rm,K juVil ge in Isin isa la ya

on, K jiado D t iDivisi a is r ct. Th w o th fare o ner f e m C pta i h r is stilla in Sr t a e eb at g he i h f c l r in t b rt o

t e of 16 F viehh first leck c lv e x t is a es h e pec s in harm. f

Sri a kan b rn, Ca t inL n o p a ith r sa e ove Sr a ys h is in lh is h i r calf w ichwit h e fe h

h h s name aste a d E er bec use it s bor o ha wa n n t e

ast Hol ys in 20 . E er ida 10T e mot er of e a h h th c lf is aG e nse wh s a smallu r y ich i

ed c , a d it assiz ow n s w od ne s th it ve go w at ga

birth wit ou a p ob em h t r l .

a ka low F rm h s K l F er a a10 w . Sr t a ys h 0 co s i h r sa eha u t nols sed a ech ogy a ed heat c ll

synchr iz n 25 n on ation o ih s erd t b e hi h o ena l t em ome o o he t a t e c t n a t ha t me h t h y as me i so t a t e c n

be seminated w h in it F e vieh s enl ck em .

H s ys ha t e e a “I ve hex ienc o the sup ioper e f er r

e rma ce f leck p rfo n o F viehco s fr m y hw o m ome c ntry, w er t e ou h e h

comes a d livinin n g t n rd bo h big a d s a da s of t n

small sc l far rs h ve a e me ai o s mpr ved by cros

eedin in us c sbr g digeno ow w h eck h.it Fl vie ”

a ain sa d at e a C pt i th h w s “ ver exc ed w en h first y it h e s w the co s at ha w t e

rook ide B eeder ow B s r s Sh ,b a e h d bee nec us I a n ma y a va age f hd nt s o t e

thinking of in roducing the treed in m h rd, but did not b y e

know here to g t the seme ” w e nH enume tes manye ra ad an ag s of the Fleckvieh v t ewh c include fantastic i h “concep ion rate , g od ilk t s o mand beef roducing apacityp c

Fleckvieh can pro uce u to d p40 litres of milk daily an its dbility to s rvive in xtr me a u e e

climatic conditions either very cold o very hot is n add d r a ead an ag n op of thatv t e. O t calve born are strong, ealthy s han gr very qu c ly” d ow i k .

C ptain Srithar aexplains that Kaj do is iaparticul rl well a ysu ted for le vieh i F ckcows and that i n2011 he is expecting 40 m re oFl ckv h calv s to e ie ebe born on his farm.

Near Mount Ke y , n aa hi h ltit de area, g a u

col and in ontr st o d c a tKajiad (a hot ar a), you will o ei d another ub ant farmef n j il r

rejoicing of the ui s of fr tFleck ieh. v

Mrs. Mary Kinguru a smal lscale farmer kee s wo co s ( p t wJer ey and Friesian) on a t o s wacrea piece f land in Ihw gi o aVillage, Kai a S b locatio , r u nKarat a ,C ntral P ovincein e r .

When we visit d h r home,e e M ry's face was led ith a a fil wea in br ad smile. Sh wa b m g o e s

overjoyed an ful od l f enthusiasm because he Jers y r ecow had uccessful y giv n s l ebi th to twin calves; a bull nd r aheifer.

Bo h c lves were big nd t a aealthy but more importa t h n

was the fact th t t e mother a hof the c lves had no problema during birth. Mary expl ined ahow she was pleasantly surprise when she wasd w k n up by the lowing of o e er pregnant cow only o find h t

the two calves on the floor of the ow sh d. The cow did not c e need to be assisted o g e t iv birth.


e e ol mTh forty y ar d other of o t e tw seems o have gott n a

l rd tdoub e rewa for her effor s r irbeing elatively new in da y.

S a the was ttrac ed to r e ing Fleckvieh afte att nd a

m nafarmer's se i r at Gatondo aM rket near her home. She

d s sa nd alike what he w a he rd. e When her cow cam on heat

she called a Fleckvieh in m t pp sse ina or. To her ha ine s

w cthe co onceived and t e e y nursed h pr gnanc lwithout much troub e until

rt .bi hs t e l wMary ays “ h ca ves ill

y e.bring more mone for m W h e s m t s ithin t e n xt ix on h I

l s l t e l b wil be e ling h bu l ut I i e h fw ll k ep t e hei er and I

t m ohope i will give e m re w than 20 litres daily hen it

dcalves own”.

AM CHAKOSa M a n,Far way in ach kos Tow

t e d a t eh hea qu rters of h o dr E tm stly y as ern Province,

n r i a othe farmer Winnie Bahat unis co ting her blessings.

u tWinnie is thankf l o ic E stFleckvieh Genet s a

a h Afric Ltd for t e two strong c e o alv s born int her herd in

h t May 2010. Of t e ye to bem l o ena ed ca ves ne is a h ifer

a . Band the other bull oth w rn ere bo to Friesian

r .mothe s

n r W r The ow e of indso Farme h asituat d near t e M chakos

K o s nAS Sh w Ground ha bee k yeeping cows for 8 ears,

l sspecia izing in the Frie ian breed.

at s s Th wa until she aw the o l s tw F eckiveih cow (Amani

nd wa a h ha M nzo) t t e s ow in h Nairobi. S e was convinced

t a hh t t is is the breed to move t h e lher o t e n xt evel in her

pdairy roject. W einnie hopes that h r

in s r bus es will g owar pidly as she

r m kexpects mo e il o nfr m the ewly o ife d b rn he r an

s e s ,om Ksh 30 000 from the bull after

h six mont s.

s oWinnie i w n over o e viet Fl ck h.

y eAlread sh has e 3impr gnated of

h her 8 cows with t e breed d a o ean pl ns t ins minate the s y on a re t as the come he t.

S a he pl ns to phase out the ie e a it Fr sian and r pl ce it w h

ov g o Fleckvieh. “I am m in fr min k e aHolste to Flec vieh b c use

i m r of il t has o e both m k andI beef. On my farm get many

u v s u h b ll cal e beca se of t eh o inigh cost f ma taining

m the . But now with t v Fleckvieh I will no ha e to

a w a igive way any co s e ther

pr itable”.of

In lindi, oa ov Ma C st Pr incewo her farm r a t eir t ot e s dd h

voice t t e pr ise song of o h a Flec eh. kvi

ad m Sy ia R da one ofM a liv e th st f rmer t uptak e fir a s o et e Fle k ieh e y h c v t chnolog is h ppy w h th calves orn a it e b

her Ma atosha Fa on k rm in Malindi istri t. D cH r l n is to tra sform t ee p a n h

cows e d in o 50 h r tF eckvie s.l hShe testif s th he lve ie at t ca s re full of vit lity nd vigou .a a a r

M NSU AJIA R Nn th m d r M .I e sa e ist ict r

M nsur N ji Saed s r aringa a i e t go. o H say w n he saw t e te s he h wo

ckvie cow in air bi e Fle h s N o hwas it unconvince B a b d. uta te wit ssing t e ca s at f r ne h lve

akat sh rm he h s ade M o a Fa a mu h s m d to g t ep i in o h Fle k ieh w y.c v aMa who is also ansur n rt icia inseminat and a if l or

age Ke chic, owns nt of n Mja a H r Fa m n e i r 10ilomteres from Ma k lindi

Town. e k eps 100 o s. H e c wMansur says “I d not use id Fleckv h se en for ie m reedin t whole last b g he of

year e ause we r t e b c we e a lit ldoub ful. ut when w t B we sahe c lve at Sy i a R dat a s l vi e 's

f r we we e im e d. a m r pr sseT e cal s o ood. ee g h ve l ok g S inis b lieving N w I avee . o h

m e 15 f my cowinse inat d o s wit Fleckv h ”h ie .

TRANS N OIA Zn K c ipo b st on, I a h ra su loca ir ns oia East r , 22 T a Nz Dist ict

kilometers ro K al f m it eTown, Mr T uphen . r a

ipt nui s a ve y ha yK a i r pp f r era m . T e wife of orm r lh a f e wor d

heletics h mpion s at c a MoseK tanui, r ph na is rg ip T u e a la esca a e wh owns r le f rm r o ove150 s. cow

hough she has ke o s T pt c wfo m ny ea s, th pride of r a y r e h r a is 60 day old calf e he rd a

ickna e FLEKI, a n m d F eckvie oss r e b ll h cr b e d u l.

uphena i full olf praise or Tr s fth ull y g s i smarte b sa in it s looking an bi .T e bull is d g ha read causing a stir in l y

st rn ny . e nt y We e Ke a R ce lf rmers who v e her a isit d Kom a Fa or a ud or rm f st your fr m u oma w nted t o B ng ao uy t e bull but sh ot b h e c uld

not se it.ll She as m e six h inse inat d ofe cows ith Fle k ieh h r w c v



Page 5: Calf Rearing EEDDITITIOIONN -Rabbit Keeping Communit y · Nyeri 0612034645 Tazama Dr. Wameo 2. KaratinaVet. Services Box 1299 Karatina 06172829 Starbucks Building Wambugu 3. Menengai


semen and is expecting a great change on the farm.

MORE FARMERSIt appears Fleckvieh is set to cahnge the dairy landscape in Kenya. More and more farmers have developed interest. The stories above are just a few of the hundreds of farmers who have adopted the technology. Other farmers who have benefitted from Fleckvieh calves are in Limuru, Gatundu and Karen.In Katundu Farm Gatundu district a Fleckvieh female was born weighing 30 kilos. After 10 days it was 45 kilos.

In Karen Mr. Gerard Beseling's cows which were flown in from South Africa are also showing impressive results. Amani, a pure (100%) Fleckvieh gave birth to its first calf on 22/4/2010. She is as strong as ever, with admirable muscle formation and weighing 850 kilos. No bones sticking out! She produces 30 kilos of high quality milk daily.Gerard's other cow is the older Mwanzo a cross breed ( half Fleckvieh, half Holstein) which has calved down three times. Her bull calf, the first Fleckvieh born in Kenya attained 300 kilos at six months in May 2010. Mwanzo produces 40 litres of milk daily.These are the success stories that are driving more farmers to Fleckvieh.

MUMIASIn Mumias District, Dr. Richard Obam has called upon farmers in the area to turn to Fleckvieh which he says is more profitable than the indigenous breeds they keep. He was speaking at the Mumias Jamia Plaza during the launch of a new milking salve product by Norbrook Kenya.


Community Eye, Special edition 2010

CELEBRATION CELEBRATION Continued from previous page


Clinical and Artificial Insemination. Othaya, Nyeri, KaratinaNyahururuNaromoru, Meru [email protected].




Wesonga John

at Mucharage,

Tel: 0710863786/



opposite National Bank-Moi Avenue. Tel. 05530427,0170277777. Director: Harikrushna Patel Contact persons: Felistus wanyonyi- 0717109046, Stella Sifuna -0720438468. Areas served: Bungoma, Mumias, Butere. Also dealers in seeds, fertilizers, feeds, agrochemicals, veterinary drugs, pumps. Distributors for Bayer, Sygenta, Kenya seed Co., Yaru E.A, E.A seed Co., Monsarito, Norbrook, Ultravetis, Farmchem ltd and Twiga chemicals.


P.O BOX 1409 Kitale

Jeremiah Neyole Wanyonyi

Contact: Phone-0724

Opposite Moko Building, MUmias- Musanda road.Branch in Bulimbo. Contact: 0727851262. 0733241501 Areas served: Butere, Mumias Also offers clinical services and agrovet. Computer services and

Contact: 0722822658, e-mail:[email protected] Areas served: Butere and Mumias Offers A.I services, animal health and production, extension services, animal feeds, agrochemicals, and minerals.

Cannon Awori street

opposite Dona


Situated next to Sayare Radio and TV station, along Oginga Odinga street.

P.O BOX 3482 Eldoret. A.I technicians:

Gabriel Omondi, Ahiti graduate with one year experience,Paul Okelo and Fredrick Otieno.

Area served: Eldoret Municipality Contact: 0715550304.

Also stocks acaricides,milk salve, sunflower seed, dewormers, dairy meal, fertilizers, folia

feeds, minerals, pesticides, veterinary drugs and supplies and distributors of Community Eye.

Sales person: Chirchir Lency.

Nema Agrovet A.I services246060, e-mail

[email protected]

Area served: Kitale, Bungoma, Kakamega, Kimilili. Also offers;Clinical services and fertility Management,Irrigation, Heat inducing and synchronization.



distributor of Community Eye Newspaper.




Contact: 0752642252

A.I Technician:

Robert Amimo-

0729522400 Area


Situated at Star Bucks Building Box 1299KARATINA


Page 6: Calf Rearing EEDDITITIOIONN -Rabbit Keeping Communit y · Nyeri 0612034645 Tazama Dr. Wameo 2. KaratinaVet. Services Box 1299 Karatina 06172829 Starbucks Building Wambugu 3. Menengai


James Kamuyu Thuku a farmer in Gatundu, Central Province proudly poses for a picture with his one week old female calf

James Kamuyu Thuku farmer in Gatundu, Central Province proudly poses for a picture with his one week old female calf

One month old calf, Easter at Kalka Farm, Kisaju in Kajiado District, Rift Valley Province with her gurnensy mother.One month old calf, Easter at Kalka Farm, Kisaju in Kajiado District, Rift Valley Province with her gurnensy mother.

100% Fleckvieh cow Amani with her calf at Karen, Nairobi100% Fleckvieh cow Amani with her calf at Karen, Nairobi

A calf at Makatosa, Farm in Malindi Coast Province when it was a few days old.

Below, the same calf at three months.

A calf at Makatosa, Farm in Malindi Coast Province when it was a few days old.

Below, the same calf at three months.

Right: Mr. Jeremiah Neyole of Amani AI. Services (Kitale) inseminates a Fresian cow in Bungoma with Fleckvieh semen

A six month old Fleckvieh bull at Karen Nairobi

Page 7: Calf Rearing EEDDITITIOIONN -Rabbit Keeping Communit y · Nyeri 0612034645 Tazama Dr. Wameo 2. KaratinaVet. Services Box 1299 Karatina 06172829 Starbucks Building Wambugu 3. Menengai


11 Community Eye, Vol. 1 June/July 2010

Cental (Western) Regional Commissioner Mr. Wycliffe Ogallo, Olkalou District Commissioner Mr Samson Ojwang, Delight Promotions MD Mr. George Wambugu, Mr. Jared Kinyosi and Olakalou Council Chairman Mwangi Nyaga admire Amani during a past show

Mrs Truphena Kiptanui of Komoro Farm in Trans Nzoia feeds her 2 months old calf

A few days old calf at Mjanaheri Farm in Malindi

Ann Gachie teaches farmers from Gatundu

Lydiah Besseling of Fleckvieh Genetics E.A. Ltd with Bavaria Felckvieh CEO Dr. Thomas Krup in Germany recently and below Mr. Gerard Besseling admires a bull in the same place