Calcium Phosphate 6 X CaHPO4 X 2H2O This salt works with albumin, carries it to bone, tissue or to any part of the body where it may be needed. It uses albumin as a “cement” to build up bone structure Bone is 57% phosphate of lime, the remainder gelatine; an albuminous, gluey substance, comprised of carbonate of soda, magnesium phosphate and sodium chloride. Without the lime phosphate no bone can be made When for any reason, the molecules of this salt fall below the proper standard in the blood, some disturbance in life's processes occur. It may be that bone-cells are not rebuilt as fas as they die. In such cases, if the deficiency exists for a great length of time, a condition of anaemia prevails, for the bone is the basis, the very foundation-stone, of the organism. Should the albumen, not having a sufficient quantity of the lime phosphate to properly take care of it, become a disturbing element and be thrown off by the kidney route. Bright's disease results. If through the nasal passages, the condition is named catarrh. If by the lungs a cough is produced. If the albumen reaches the skin, pimples, eruptions, freckles, a condition called eczema or possibly sores. Calcium phosphate is found in gastric juice, and a lack of the proper balance is frequently the cause of indigestion. Conditions called rheumatism, are sometimes due to a deficiency of this cell salt. It is well known to biochemists that a proper balance of sodium phosphate is required to prevent an acid condition from prevailing, and under certain conditions, when calcium phosphate for any reason is not present in proper quantities, the affinities draw upon sodium phosphate in an endeavour to supply the lack, and thus a deficiency in the alkaline salts ensue, which allows an acid condition to prevail, i.e. Rheumatism. Calcium phosphate is an auxiliary to the therapeutical effects of magnesium phosphate, as it more nearly resembles that salt than any other. When Magnesium phosphate is clearly indicated, and does not restore the normal condition in a reasonable length of time, Calcium Phosphate should be given, for it is quite certain that it has been drawn on from the blood to assist the work of magnesium Phosphate Dr med W.H. Schuessler Calcium phosphate, more than any other of the minerals should perhaps be called a “rebuilding” mineral. There is a clear distinction between the need for minerals to enable normal everyday functioning, and the need to rebuild the organism A deficiency of calcium phosphate molecules inhibits the transportation of carbonate calcium absorbed from foodstuffs. In connective tissue calcium phosphate molecules are necessary to enable assimilation by bone cells of nutrients but also in order that waste products are removed, as part of the functions of metabolism.

Calcium Phosphate

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Calcium Phosphate 6 X


This salt works with albumin, carries it to bone, tissue or to any part of the body where it may be needed. It uses albumin as a “cement” to build up bone structure

Bone is 57% phosphate of lime, the remainder gelatine; an albuminous, gluey substance, comprised of carbonate of soda, magnesium phosphate and sodium chloride. Without the lime phosphate no bone can be made

When for any reason, the molecules of this salt fall below the proper standard in the blood, some disturbance in life's processes occur. It may be that bone-cells are not rebuilt as fas as they die. In such cases, if the deficiency exists for a great length of time, a condition of anaemia prevails, for the bone is the basis, the very foundation-stone, of the organism. Should the albumen, not having a sufficient quantity of the lime phosphate to properly take care of it, become a disturbing element and be thrown off by the kidney route. Bright's disease results. If through the nasal passages, the condition is named catarrh. If by the lungs a cough is produced. If the albumen reaches the skin, pimples, eruptions, freckles, a condition called eczema or possibly sores.

Calcium phosphate is found in gastric juice, and a lack of the proper balance is frequently the cause of indigestion. Conditions called rheumatism, are sometimes due to a deficiency of this cell salt. It is well known to biochemists that a proper balance of sodium phosphate is required to prevent an acid condition from prevailing, and under certain conditions, when calcium phosphate for any reason is not present in proper quantities, the affinities draw upon sodium phosphate in an endeavour to supply the lack, and thus a deficiency in the alkaline salts ensue, which allows an acid condition to prevail, i.e. Rheumatism. Calcium phosphate is an auxiliary to the therapeutical effects of magnesium phosphate, as it more nearly resembles that salt than any other. When Magnesium phosphate is clearly indicated, and does not restore the normal condition in a reasonable length of time, Calcium Phosphate should be given, for it is quite certain that it has been drawn on from the blood to assist the work of magnesium Phosphate

Dr med W.H. Schuessler

Calcium phosphate, more than any other of the minerals should perhaps be called a “rebuilding” mineral. There is a clear distinction between the need for minerals to enable normal everyday functioning, and the need to rebuild the organism

A deficiency of calcium phosphate molecules inhibits the transportation of carbonate calcium absorbed from foodstuffs. In connective tissue calcium phosphate molecules are necessary to enable assimilation by bone cells of nutrients but also in order that waste products are removed, as part of the functions of metabolism.Decalcification is the result. Calcium phosphate is therefore prescribed for osteoporosis or rickets just as for other diseases or problems such as rheumatism or cysts.Calcium phosphate relaxes muscle tension, improves circulation. It should be considered an important treatment at all times.

After fractures this mineral should be prescribed as it promotes the formation of the callus- in fact without this essential element the healing of bone fractures would not be possible.

Osteoporosis is primarily depletion of calcium phosphate caused by hyperacidity, and less a matter of hormonal dysfunction than is commonly supposed by modern medicine

The monthly menstrual cycle helps among many other things to discharge excess protein and acidity. When there is a deficiency of calcium phosphate in menopause, the cleansing by way of the menstrual flow is replaced by excessive sweating.If the body cannot relieve itself sufficiently in this way, calcium phosphate is then used to neutralise the accumulating acidity, which is as a result of too much animal protein in the diet, as a consequence Calcium Phosphate deficiency. (Note: consideration should be given to the facts that in the world in

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which we live the levels of stress may well be concluded as “ greater both physically and mentally than we were designed to cope with, “ - stress increases the acid in blood (Acid pH) thus the need for calcium to neutralise the situation is exacerbated) – acid is the greatest cause of all disease in man.

Calcium phosphate is a requirement in the production of both Red and white blood cells. As previously mentioned protein can only bind with the organism when calcium phosphate is present, the white blood corpuscles have th3e function of fighting disease in the blood. They consist of protein, and multiply through cell division- (Sodium Chloride (No8) is also a requisite for this function)They also have the functions of absorbing all foreign elements and in so doing rendering them harmless, they also dissolve the used broken down red blood cells.

We must also consider the fact that the Red blood cells are the means by which Oxygen is transported to the cells, Calcium Phosphate, and Ferrum Phosphate (No 3) are important elements of construction. The mineral required for the binding of blood proteins and in itself a blood clotting factor is Calcium, if the calcium ions are deficient blood clotting is seriously impaired.

Calcium Phosphate has a calmative effect on the nervous system particularly where fatigue or over excitement may be the cause, Calcium phosphate administered in such cases will bring about a means of relaxation and thus sleep.This method of treatment can also be used where there are a variety of sleeping disorders, - for example, where the patient regularly wakes between one and two in the morning (Reference should be made to notes on the “Chinese Organ Clock”Facial Diagnostics page 21) – This book forms part of the Correspondence course which I am assured has been despatched to you.

With insomnia attributable to white wine, sugar, or excess of animal protein consumed in the evening this will undoubtedly lead to a deficiency of this essential mineral.

Furthermore. Calcium Phosphate has a “harmonising” effect on reduced or for that matter elevated sexual excitability.

All expectant women should take both Calcium Phosphate and Calcium Fluoride throughout there pregnancies, and also for that matter throughout the period of breast feeding – although it is recommended that the administration of such treatments continue far beyond the breast feeding stage.

In so doing the signs and symptoms that eventuate in pregnancy can be avoided. For the Foetus, calcium phosphate is the preparation for healthy strong bones and teeth. Beyond which of course the actual construction of the entire body, for Calcium phosphate is found in all cells. However consideration must be given also to the needs for Calcium Fluoride (No1) Sodium Chloride (No8), Magnesium Phosphate (No7) and Silica (No.11)

Growing pains in children with “growth spurts” may be addressed by using up to 12 tablets daily (4 three times per day after meals) for example – as well as the use of ointment – relief from these pains can be felt within just a few days.

Attention to detail regarding signs, symptoms and history with children will often reveal an overindulgence in those foodstuffs / drinks / that may be high in sugar, and processed foods – all of which may well cause high acidity in blood, in which case Calcium Phosphate is being readily “used” to bind these acids for elimination, and thus the deficiency is being exacerbated.

Many patients are often misdiagnosed as being anaemic, and prescribed iron tablets in one form or another, when in fact the problem is associated with a deficiency of Calcium phosphate. Treatment must of course be “patient orientated”, however the treatment may entail taking up to 10 tablets of Calcium phosphate 3 times daily, for 3 months (This can be achieved by dissolving the tablets in water and slowly drinking the fluid) and then reducing the prescription to 9 tablets per day, 3 tablets 3 times daily after meals, but this is long term treatment and may take a year, to bring about the balances required.