' -" t. Plattsburgh Press TMK MJEJKTiKKl. V I B 1 , 1 » H 1 * « t © ' - & & ' > & t"*l ? * 1r * •s * i y i i .. '<• -, •r£| •*-, i t- ^ V The ^PRESS wlU be delivered to al- TWice paying subscribers to Plattsbuci pli or forwarded by man, postage free, follows: k Pw. fear ... -tSfOO I»«r Month [25 ?H^NESa»AY, AiPSROiL «2, (1903. To the City fathers: Don't ask lor «. thing until you axe sure you want it. Attorney-General Knox does riot yield an men on the merger decision, (He clings to his advantage with hea less tenacity. •t- Nobody can find fault with the rp- pointment of Morgan to be Comm s- sioner of Elections in New York. Everybody fc satis^ed exempt fidsCiil- lagh. The Central branch of the You; jig Men's Christian Association in Chi- cago is the largest association in tie United Sates, the total membersb|ip being 4,891. The Detroit Sabbath Observance ^ & T soeiation has decided to do its tamest to prevent Sunday ball playing pre- liminary U? an attack on Sunday the a- tres. This is placing the lesser eyil before the greater. The theatres more damage to morals on one Sundhy than the %afi 'players in a .seasson, Montreal Gazette. Senator .Brown u ttul, appropriati: ig §1,000 foi? the expenses of a comm: s .sion to arrange for the erection of statue to Alexander Hamilton in tie state capital, was reported by the Ste Pl- ate finance committee o,n Saturday. It proposes a delayed tribute to t le greatest intellectual figure of the rejv-; •olution and the- greatest financier the bibtory of our country. •A . •-' .'.'i <'.' -- -- j f V I*" I w sT -*- i 4 M 5 - i t ir-J ' I U u i- Malby on State Finances. Senator Malhy, chairman of tire Senate finance committee, yayfe :ie hardly thinks there will be any nesd for a direct State tax, bat. that it might "be well to levy a small oie, lot a large number ox .worthy elattis, tpsild have to be denied if the ti- 11 rect tax was wholly abolished. He .added; , . *' "* . "Ve have had an eeonomsi<Siil ai- jntoistrationi The only cfaestioa n jny mind is whether we have not beiaa, ^qja economical. Our state charities annually cost afecjtit 58*000,000,,and the •a^jjtat pi our School &yate&}, sans Is and publics libraries between, ?4,QGU,- 000 and $5,«0O;0M. These ari tMnip that people demand, and m &e|ep> the in up„We*should &e prepared to expeha large sums of Money. The mainta- nan*e of the state &o^ernialent realty- terms a* small part of oar tm\ bndg* f Take from ourSfate expenses osarcha Jtabie instituMttas. our schools aid t&mals and owr State expenses weniid " be practically ttotirtng, for tbe|r v*otta „„take only one-third, of oftrlMeeme. s *>Tae appropriation bffl twjjl be a little larger liiaa heretofore^ owtef -chiefly to the l^drease ia t h e namtMsr of the insane., tate so^ply ^|lf is? $li o 'Bomewhat lar^eTi as W© sh^JJ fedbjre.iOf pay a larger share of the. excise m banes; >l>ut*-we shall get aver $4000 000 from the lttnior ttqc in^tease, \\e have not let out ©1 the finance caani^ mittee many special appropriaticn acta. The only large one is. a n 9®pr<»' Sjriatiott of- f2S0iO6O for'lhe Sf ^^s JEXSOSitioru", i The appropriation, for the i^nprov4 anent'of roads- an, the &nnrobri4tioj: Mil h a s "been kedtaeed fa&mj^ffM$M S> t o $600,000. J. goofi raadi itdm of f409^00 wiU bts p»t in me spaply. WU, xo enable Govettioff OdMI t4 cancel 45 if he desires. What Is the Use? The steady progress of the adminis- tration in well-doing is the most dis- couraging thing in the existence of the opposition. After predictions that teust-busting was not to be looked for since "the trusts owned the party in 1 power-," the country is awakened to the fact of a decision that is the most im- portant since the great judgments de- livered after the Civil War which set- tled the country again firmly on ite original foundations The Attorney- General was greeted with shouts, of derision when his appointment was announced, because he had beep one of the first corporation attorneys in the Uaitefi States. Surely it were folly to commit the command pf the war to such a general. The Pittsburg speech of Mr. Knox arrested the attention, of the country, and it dawned on the nation, that a master legal mind was at the service of the people. The expectation then created has beep realized more nearly than was toplieved "possible, and it is felt today that the finest compliments for ability and zeal are not too much to pay the first law officer of the gov- ernment. .But still all this is ex- tremely disheartening to the opposi- tion. The dream of going into a campaign shouting against trusts and proclaiming the submission of the JRe- piiblicans W" their malign influences is imdely shattered. There is nothing to .fall back on but the stale old cry of tariff reform with the former archi- tect of disaster for the preferred leader. 1 It is no wondpr that 'Senator Hanna says there is bult one name on the Re' publican side fo'r the next year's lead' ership, and that is Theodore Roose velt.. It is long since such a deter minafcion as hiSi to have a clean and vigofrous administration has been mm ifested. T'here, is a great worjt tstill to do to ibrinK the public service up to a .higher nlane of general efficiency and to work out the plans formed for the iprotection of the nation against the efforts of monopolists, -but it is the common sentiment that nothing could be more fcbsurdj than to! commit sucn task to the hands of the Germans, and Hilte, and f illmane, and Stones, and the rest of the array dominant in the Democratic parfjy. Nominations will be made against! the Republican ticket, but what's the ijtee? COWfflCING PKOOF - Legislative. *?he ; h&«xgeai£ senatQfsj-ifeackett^ 3E3sber| 'm&:% '!& BitowQ^ fOlDwel ;%e : %ejaate to; proceed witbi its -busi^ mess $?eSte*&ayy ^ h e a ti'e calendar ^Came t Senator Blsber^,- upon wb.t|i a anotioni %e business of tbe. Senate w^ts liei^ UP"Glonsiay night, was absent JBrom i|ae.schaniber^ It is uWaerStoo'i imt < i ^ f > r n O r ^ a e l l ' t h r e a t e n ^ ; :^> in ?terfee{ if -tike %>id-ttB- Wai. -eokilimetL - Tp& Igenatfi finance commlittee yes •ter^ay!reported the supply bHl'and b; a.uthoiit?^_pf I an .emergency; ijaeis^algs jErom ^avernor pdell^ tie Senate lio. jned^tely passed it' The a^ilj ajjprOp ^ 4 >*< ' l ' tiattes; ^bp^t $?;06o,000. The ( nojttink;ion ^Uy {Gove^noT Odell Of ^aftriet •ai.'l&rifliB'jof.'vfestdhesteq to- : fc a meibiber of the jboiard •©! .jnanagers' of tite New Yorli |State Se formatjbry at | Bedfor^ in "pliice-jo ~^feepbjine Lowell, was recelvied in thi' ^enatej and immediately. e^h$.rmed,. " The rules committee of- tie'.Senat^ JiaVej ijeporteet- rules to expediiate t>usi ness' cfuriftg the closing : houits of tho sessioK. •Hereafter,, the Senate wil; eoaveiie mety moraine at 10 p'cloeK f no. senator will fee allowed to speai m o r e ^hano^once on any question,, ami a l i poiints of order will be'decide* 1 swltho^tt: debate. '. The; : Senate passed Senate?* jL'Hom *medieWs~~bii]j amended in th|e r Ausem hly, wihieh. provide^ that coirkty super visora'may contribute to locaj sidepaUji JundB„ i Senator Armstrong's bill'to brmidfe for tbe' examination and rekistratioj i of tra|ined nurses pased the (Aissemibi" ? by a ; TOte of 109 u> 12. Tliis is ths Mil which .prorides that the N*HUes assocladon -shall nominate te(n traiiieii noises frbm which' the re'g^nfe shal| appoint an examining board of five. These l^ilks were passed by the As^ sembiy: Mr. Agnew's, amending the" dom'estlfc •commerce law in relation to (the man- arfacture and sale of thread. Mr; iBost'Wick'B, proyidiilg for a set arate; statement of the .value of lanp in assessmentB of real estate in -Hk city.; ".' , < •: Mr, G. H. Smith's, ..amending th civil code eo as to regulate the ( dii trfbtition of estates of intest|ates.' - Mir. Senile's, proyiding. th*4t a polide court clerk of seven years' feervice i a JJew! York shall be Qualified] to.serv as a,' eity magistrate. ' 1 Senator>Arm'strohg^3 r forbidding tie salejof woodcock or grdiise tajken .witjl '• |ni thfs state.': [ ' ' Mr.- lieggett's, jamending the. chart** of the I^qwef Niagara River Power a|nd WaHer Supply jComplany. Assemblyman 'Wemple's bill-' to allote ^ e iBovernor; to aLppoint, motdjrmen an is conAictors on trolley liates runlninig ou .- side! city and I village limits is spefcis J poii<jemen wae again:defeated Jn the House. T5ie vote was!££ to; 67, of 1(2 Votes les» thian the required JT6. A v e r a g e Plattsburgh :itizen must accept the following proof. ^•he «j"e# Sir Isaac Newton, one o£ the mosjt profound reasoners the world ever produced, once, cut * large 'hole ip a board to allow a favorite cat ac- cess to two gardens, and cut a smaller hole to allow her kitten to follow ner. The weakness manifested in Sir Isaac's action was due' to want of thought Any reader who mentally debates the nrobf offered here aboait Boaa's Kid- ney 3?Hls v and arrives at any other conclusion than, that stated in this citizen's statement, is as short of rea- isoijtng nowers as the ' philosopher when he tprned carpenter. iljoeomotive Engineer <X R„ Parker of ^fa S Eugg St, St, Albans, Vt, Passenger Engineer'on the a V. R. R.i says: "I^felt a soienesB over" my 3dd»eys. It'bothered me durini; the ;day if I walked- fas.t or- s*tki - or mad* a niisst^i so 1 as to Jar iny beoy. It ibothered me;at; night If % carelessly surned. ia-'be^ and' it oft(ea felt botli; -day .and -sight- m if a .'knife.' Wftre 'be- ting ttoust Mo. my bad&u I rajnaiilsd two dot{t«irs, one of theitt «ai« I Had sfcraine*!! a cord or lig&mehfe tejO deep^ }y' s^ted to M touscabed-i by:, o^nesry plasters. Se pirepared & snefciat jolt: wMch Were so ; powerfta tbat tbey blistered my/ babk Dut.ffi&-nol bjemovf tb&l£m3gL ODte:day. I ^as,-ady^»d- to- use Doaate BEldney BH^. f boagiit- t*o.-%0xeftj " -^he timtment *mp$L m& H Jast such emphatic endorsement is ©lentiftil: in a?latt»batgb.i ©ro.^ into iLarkin's 4ru§ store and bjear what bte custjomeis report. , . 1 For sale by all dealers. PMise M TF.; 'sale'; Ja&e&ts: ] for' 'tfee- fjf„ .^jl •• , '-i "f EememSer tke nain^I>oiift'g'*«ii|ift taS;e no other. 1 • |. ' ; '. a^ajtt'^ reerpation is, gola«;, l^ome, Toniaa's ^golng. away. f ' 1 'T^^_^_ _l v , sKT«aiJE AWKAt-M. 4F map Cured by'<Ojae Sottle of Clifawbei'Iitiu'a \0uftl1 Hemedy, '.J v | ]• H When I had «a attack; .of! We; grip last winter (the second one)(l aetual- ly enred myself with ai&,feottle,of Chamberlain's Remedy/' says Franir W. Perry, Editor of the E^tieroribe, Shdrtsvilie, ,*i. %. - "This is the hon- est truth.' I. at .tfiaes sept from eonghing, myself to pieces by takng a tea spoonful of this remedy, and when the coughing tcell would cojtne on at night I would take a dbse and it seemed .that in the briefes(t inter- val the cough would pass oft and 1 woujd go to sl6e|> perfectly free from cpu^h and its accompanying pains. iTo teay that the remedy a'cted as a most agreeable surprise is putting it very mildly. I had' no ldei that it would or .could knock out the, giip fimply .because I. had wever tried, it for such a purpose, but It did, and it seemed -with the second attack of coughing the remedy caused it ip not only be of less duration, ouk the pains, were far less severe^ and ;i had not used the contents of one jbottle before Mr, Grip, had 1M me adieu,' Fbr sale by .- ' - ! ' Mrs. •Gilbert, t. P. Redden, .^latte-i burgh; EL E.' Glllesp e & Go., lAusa- ble Forks; W. a. Clough. W,. Ghazy.. Tonight U your liver is out of cjrder, causing Biliousness, Sick Headache, Hearic burn, or Constipation,, ;ake a doke t if Hood's Pills On retiringj and tomojxow your di- gestive organs will-he legulated an|i you -will be bright, active and ready for any kind of work. This has been the experience af others;")* will be yours. HOOD'S PILLS aie sold bv all medicine dealers.'2$et*. PIRKHUBST General Insurance | MarioflBl'k, Clinton Stjlattsbtirglh Fire, Life, Accident anl Plate Glass Insurance, Thirty of £h« ' largest for- eign and domestic cfcxmicniee repre- sented. Agents for the old reliable Travele^» , Life, Accident and Employ- TAIEOB ers' Liability Company. Fidelity and "Oopoclt; Agents Company Maryland, Fidelity and Judicial! bonds of all kinds written direci. Agents for Dominion Steamship Lint. Passengejs booked from Montreal or Boston to ajU points In Europe at'loweitt rates. Call and see charts of vassels. Also.a«ent6 for Anchor Line, plassirw and ,Lon- dondenry, and all Inland point?. Real estate bought and sold; money loaned on real' estate; seouritieii of all kinds bought and sold. Orders t>y mail, tel- ephone or telegraph promptly attend- ed %Q. « ' M. F. PARKetTRST. S. TAYLD! Few men arrive suddenly at tljte top 1 of the hill Success^ and few su denly topple from Viriue's path, the slough of depravity] j How to Break Up a Cotd. After exposure take Foley's Honfey and Tar. It stops the cough, heajls ind btrengthens the lungs, and is safe and sure. Contains no opiates. A. Herron of iFincb, Ark., writes: "F<ft- sy's Honey and Tar is the best'pre aration for coughs, colds and hujig trouble.- I know that at has cur< consumption 'in the first stages." Sold -by Mrs. B. K. Gill ert, Bruggik Plattanurgh. 1 T r The boy's fortune is hjdf make wio is born with, a smiling presence, in affafcle tongue and an. oidinary bra£». After I * «rijpp4>-. What t Usually a hackins com h and a. gek- eral feelin« of weajkneai, often le«ld- ing to fatal results aftejr the paetekt is supposed to have paised the dag- ger point. Foley's Honey and Tar W guaranteed to cure the "iprlppe cough" and make you sjarong jinH i&ll, it never fails to stop a*«ugh ittakun in time. Take no substitute*.? 1 T Mrs. B K GUbert, Dntggislt, PlatlW- burgh. N. Y. ^^ A London Ufcfentlst his dtewverfed that germs can. be shalien to death. Keep this in mintr-^bai^ your gems before takln®. t! TO CURE A C9I.O IM ONE OAY T»1e* LaatatlT* Brom<> <j nJn i m r»bjet«. T*!« •igmitart MfiKi.Mri? J «s «*e^Qf . ;l Hext -to I4vBrpex& Bjemen- Is <a$v the leading* cotton tear! et of Sttrojje Itt the year lOOO.^remen bought 1 , ^ - 0S4 bales. - A'p lnd{inai»lk' ; fnd./nim wfli piy. lot ijfo^r' marrtage $<m~vS- It ?*» ^ij^ ^SSiOO worth of goods dfj them. |iex.t? ! ' . ' ' » 4- I i-F irst, r -haver i^. ifftei* -i i goes, chase, sell 'Or exi^ange. : if '$&$ Bluffer or -a 'Du|fei; ; 'l!haiPe. p a - 'Wk at ii CAL-CURA SOLVENT piawflvM *»d »wltuy ijauoyM yiwwlBtaaaw, •toMud v£t* <Md u*«Hd*H from! th» Kidney, ud. BWUhC, tho»Wl«Ting.Oi»p«lnorHdi>»y Colic »nd*Y5ldInga>«iinrg*<m r « knife. Cil-ciit«8olTeiitpt»Y«iU UM tonnwtion ot uric »cia in the Btood and c o m t t i thMUcondi- tloD* of thrStomach. mwh wo. dnc^Gottt poiionlng »tid Rbeo- stftUiia, <M-carsSolT*ati> avid Kennedy's ew Medicine It expeta g«U»ton *, ^ir«a hwdtli fa the tlWr *nd curt* bU on* Icolii; «n(d eonitipfttton. t>r, !D»vid Kennedy Mdditlt "C»l-cur»SolTenti»theontcoiB» of iny loi ig esper nice M a Fhyilclaa and Surgeon. «ndIcon)iiderittlifKre»M«t«chIe.T«»entortnylIfc. J ' Write i 0 the G l-cur»!c*mp»nyi Kennedy Row, Kondout,ZJ. Y., for » iree Munpfe bottle, letge botUetll.OO. All flraggWs. Bemen ber:Onl roneDr.DevidKennedyeyetlived Jn Rondo it, City « t Kingston, H.Y., end be iure you get bUtw traadfatotmedicine, Cel-ctum Solent, For the Kidneys, l.iver and Blood- IMPRI8ONE0 FLtET FREE. loft It Worth 25c. to B^ Cured 0! Constipation •( ika, iMWiet Itafcte* Vai ArrW** at <|l«a***i*v« Gloucester, Mass., April 21. —AH GloucMtef was happily sun>rts«d when Out schooner Sceptre, one off Gloucester ye«sels which have been Im- prisoned in the ice at Bay of Island» t Newfoundland, rounded'Eastern'jpoiflt and dropped anchor In the harbor* The last word 'from the vessels which Gloucester had received 'indicated that the fleet had been obliged by reason of arctic Ice to return to anchorage; in Bay of Islands. Captain Gahoon re- ports that the .schooner Dauntless also escaped the lee, but ,has probably gone to St. Pierre, Miqtielon, to dispotje of cargo. x ' ' In his story of 1 three month's in the ice pack Captain Cahoon says that the snow Is from twenty to thirty feet deep on the level in Newfoundland, and in ravines it Is probably a hundred feet deep, He thinks the summer season will not be long or warm enough to carry away the snow. He saw great herds of deer and caribou which had been, driven to the "coast walking on the snow and subsisting on,the tops of trees. _ Captain Cahoon says the Gloucester crews are welk.,the vessels unhurt and 4he cargoes in good shape, as t^ie weather was extremely cold' up to April 10, soon after -which his vessel, escaped frbui the ice. •• *• Yeo&* whb •tlpetlo! i t CIo wed aiurgtel ~ ' ^ ' " Stood. There without sell, shirpena lirer. efrengt" the blood, W, ertles Llr.r Its psin tons Laxa It reach** •totnech mores tton. abeelttt* tie e and iolaDoesIt Iry orran—the lirer, kidneys, re, heart and brftl»--and re- use of rour debnitated condl- j the only -way to secure *n ermancnt cure. 1 . ved your sample bottle of LAXA- ind ltaa so pleaaed with it tbnt X ^JKK" nt bottle. I bad a bard 'time . tried about one-half down I could get it. I hare tried .... 01 and jjwls without beneftt. [/AX. .KOI.A I« a regnlat Klondike person SBTerlng with wnMlpation, ^ WIt,trAM X>. TJBRRIO, Ch ndler St., XVswrcace, Maee, I KC«: ItOLA bousbt to buy places \ other m t think to it before tttjicit H *rn|fl»t! ••tntilel At ^ . , free aaqople 1 CO., 45 INDICES ^saptJS^^s^, GILBERT. MiCDIGAL HALL, , N. T« Oj)P. Post Offies) PlattiiHirf h, Fatro. 8«(ppHef. Cloveic, chard 0 Garaett Kaffir Poiitey, on© . -Seiiterss;.' . suffer from Habitual Qo» 1 Stomach and Bowels, and Thin and ^mpnre la^tatlTe that moves the bowels r griping, cleanses the stom- tbe appetite, atlmnlatra the pna the serves and pnrlnea le Ita marvelons tonto prop- th* entire system. <T , :i h-M sad 00 eents, or send foe bottle to TH3B tiAXAKOIJk e*e r Street, Kew Tork City. dressmaking Mrs. L "W. Cramer,i No. ST Court St, an exp<>rlen:ed dreskmaker, is prepar- ed tojajo &\\ kinds of dressmaking mm ..Awarded «S*ia ««4»JM! On exi>t«t ty DIN Steilt, etc ., itaepnng:, ask me for i»rlef«. r can 4HT*you taouoyi on all Alfalfa. Alslke. Timoth^ Or, ran, 33iue Grsss, Bed Toj, Field and Cow I'eaa. MlUet,<i Hun- Sp*li s, Sorghum. Soia' Be*n», .„_.. Cor»r Beardleas Barley.' Corn rUls, I nmaa Bulbs, Garden and Ftowsr -Seeds,.!: sates Xeape. Buckwheat, (Spring B>^-fj:rli«;WIieii.C &Hd...,^tier« €»j*,, X*e«»i3nK .C*fn,'Prid* Cb*a, &*'««« COJS. '"*jttt, ) n^t m$&- ^ w t t ge«a^j§*ea SlKftU Bows, Scraps Grit ;SttBj) He*. xbelibjKtfirav , ... , -,..ti»ra .B.oijffjs -Cfettef*, j^ed. Sgwerw, AO lAii, Tree- Pr^ersv ,,_ ,- ... J.erry 'Saakea* and. : 1a WG Otljer thEnss.• ',' •" ' ' ; , J^^H»ell*i ,SiyH'aire«allit^8V»«e««e, -.3Stey' a wise mattai Tbjat'slthe %)ty I handle Steal i a ^ y p o r - fair, f CA> do yoii food^' if you '.ijre % yo«.. t fiive the .prjettlest ishd »e uteist, itfaal ijurchaaea whatian'; >ther, nlaces to sell;, '^cteea vk$p&, n^' ,Tjiiiit. Boi't..get. t^mmpM m%& ^ tiMi? m.,hm jptk in^ to show !»• fh^«jnd|,' Jltiitf'^nwM^ eYeipr ^ ^ l p « o ^ ot pf^pi^' Farms, best pl'acel4n ear^h to'-.w:" '' ^ abojit.$0.' t can. gi|.^oa : phej'• Som< ;a3ad 'see toe it you?vwfeh ''*$• txsrar t ^tifesL? Kotels'/ausihjiai M$&& ^airu .Good 'spoii; for llvi ihan* J'Seil -eh^ap, wheije. and ami <0<k '^u 1. of wrerytpin*!'., _, sUre : iael Agpthy livinf. dylnir-io.ielL I ean, 1 ^^; oryotjr prjperty % mM» w §e^eraJ|\3>la«e> near tbe*3EJMer SToto'r IliCofies; ManUf&eWriat;, Jflajats. th and ^pxee] wright Shop,^ Hoosf aiid haxe it -all; "over -and. 1 ^(rejtr-- Tlie Rua! Estate JacldTlikm Vilas &jmk JSlock, LATTSBUJGH 4 RV. The moneyfeavinj"anno uncemeat spring and sumn^er,' 19ol I The g gVeat strong economic irajle ^n~ ment of the season i will b?gin Satur- day, April U., '^he gr« atest ever shown in thehistoiy pf the Tnere are now over sity graduates in Ireland. !TQ0 lady- ynlver- . Daneerof Voids and Grip. The greatest danger from colds and grip is their .|resulting in pneujnonia. If , reasonable' cart is used, howEsver, and Chamberlain's Cou!gh ( Remedy taken, ail danger, 1 will jibe' ayoided. Among the tens of thousands who h£|ve used th|fe remedy for these die-* eases we have yet to iearn of a^single cape' having .aresulted ih pneumonai, which showsjconcluaiyeiy that It' is a certain prevefativa of that dangerouja disease. It will cure a jcold c»r an''at- tack of the ©rip in lees jtime than any Other treatment. It isj pleasant and .safe to taka! For sale by : " ?Mrs, GiB«4, T. P. Sbedden, f^attBT *<ur«di; H. E| GiHespijej & Co,,; Ansa- ble, Forks; W. R Clough, W. Jchaziyi FI^ST GREAT ANISUAL SFRIKG OPI?NIN And have laboriously prepared the most elaborate display of 6' thing Pertaining tcf the 'beautiful- serviceable. i0)ur years of businiBes •experilnce devoted lately to ij! Goods, Clothing,; ©oots, and Shjn means that thonsjahps of mrgains be offered to ; the 'people i«pf Plaits- burgh and vicinity', hithurb of. '• ; • "v, ; ' The SurprlBB Merchaidise <pany has a widespread rfputatibn' low> priceSi J -' Dry Goods; Ladies* Suitk Skirts Jackets, Men's, ,'feoys* and iChild: Clothing, Boots v 4hd] Shoej, evet^thlng in wearing apparel ifor/pien/ Women values re- SURPRISE MtRCHM tH4^ BLo<k;J im ititei* BBECIAL-ear and;bbatiaw! 'I i.M » ?.'"' '' . i-' i 1 ' ¥ tor &vecy- ind iaes lj)ry es, will vis- unhe ird "A Ccm for I ... iind irtn's tail is knocking oring thought ly -greef; nnr and chjldreiu Each neighbdr fo s are tin tfsi bargain other Stores in wdrthf in,Pjat|| tion is Opening. . We mers past 's poiiey Dealings' patronage. T -IJJI q 'be offerea" here. Spring Ibudly at Our doors|.clam- an entrance. We') have and planned to ibeilttlng- thi|s delightful season with tor out rprlds exteii A \ Wacraats t'or Hutted States OScerts. San Juan, Porto Rico, Aiiril 21.— Chief Hood of the'Internal Tevenue de- partment has sworn out warrants for the arrest of Captain Andrew Dunlap, XJ. 8. N., commandant of the na,*4l sta- tion here; Commander G. W. ^fentz, TJ. S. N,; P. V. Mohun, paymHster, U. S, N„ and Robert Giles for bringing in liquors from the Island of St ttjhom- aa on the lighthouse tender Laurel on Dee. 4, 1902, without paying the duty thereon. Giles has appeared* and was held under $1,000 bond for trial before the Insular district court A Comvlct Da*.* For Llbertr. Wilmington, N. C<, April 2L—Twelve convicts, three whites and nine colored,, made a desperate dash for liberty just at they wrere leaving thfe stockade at Castle Hayne, six miles from this city. One negro, John Taylor, was killed and a white man and negro wounded. Soth of the wounded escaped. Four were captured by a large posse that had been scouring the| country ail day, aud the officers believe they have th£ re- 1 walnhig seven surrounded In a-thick swamp near the northeast branch of the (Cape Fear river. " £ •• i ' . Strike oa Mtoatreak Doeke, * 1 Montreal, Apr!} 21.—The strike of the longshoremen, which Was temporarily settled last fall at the dose of naylga- tion, has been resumed. About 2,000 men are out, and yesterday saw .the first sign of violence on the part of the strikers, A special force of mounted and foot police has been placed on the dock*. In the afternoon A man sup- posed to be In sympathy with)inde- pendent workers on the steamer Greet- iauds was stoned. He wa>« badly, hnrt The strikers demand recognition ipf the' union and unibn wages. Hprgra older., afrmt ^Ajljefo flair Vigor* \ "WlAiNTaBD—IFirjrtl class gashing; and Ironing done at|B4r 'Mlzalbkh Street 2703da* j' t >^\. \ WAWTBDT-iSevei-al) persons ofNa^oodx charabter to mariakfe' district on"iee\ia each atate for h4»j» of long standing. Salary S20 weekly-In cash each Thurs- day direct from fttkiitt office, with all expenjses. jCokwilal Co.j Chicago.- a702wd f I j ' > . i TO Apply (28 Charlotte St. or SO South Catherine $t. j | * &&&.$*] TO RENT-HSfore now ocouple£ by MoKannon 'Brothers on Clinton a.reet Apply to J, H. >5totkh, Clty^ ,5690tf ^COurt; TOilET RiEXNT—HWse No. 5 White St. TO LET—4A desirable place for large family or (boars!:ig house.' For par- ticulars IndUireJ ait 5 iRlver street, A. Senet al'k' grocery), store. 26i3tf ROOMS TO , St, Plat RESNT—-lj)0jwer jiart of No.' 12 TO Cbucli sitreet. *i6S4tf" nolnire at Press office. TO LtE?ir—T\jrd the Levy imp to wL M. Levy j TO jrand Cour TO 97 and RtEKT—trpiter part of house No. Rrinkerhoff jstreet Seven rooma hath. Hot and cold water., J. K.' "aosawi Rlanchfrd TO «SNT—Pleasant front rooms in new tolock, centrally located. Fur- nished Or unfurnished, For price* and particulars [address M, Press Of 7 Ace. I , a?03d3*f TO 1 RflEHSTT—Two pleasant front room* at 11 Oak street, near good boarding houaes;. r t - 2gJ9w2* ! ' Georgia CtAm.it Disabled. / Chicago, i April 23. —Mbs Georgia tnluOf prima' donna iu "Peggy From Paris," now ruunlng it the Studebaker tlieat?r here, .slipped in making her en- trancefitthe unit && m$ a^ralued her hip so *«Iousiy that she had to be sup- ported durlng'her opening song.' At Ita «onclu*Ioa the curtain was rung down, $a id Sfiss Catne was carried from the - ' te-to *|^ge in a swoon^ Stye will be confined to 1»W hotel, fer ;t |week. aiiss Boia : $tm%$i .ker u«der]study, went on at a monieut's notice and finished the; per- fowuahic^ making]* hit N per Apply a t . . o . 66 iburgh, 'N.Y, 269Qtt suites of offices In •i 'also, house. Apply city. Sfe73tf RENT—Two tenements on Du- 1 street Apply C. F. Halllgan, 1 House, Plattsburgh. 2680tf " _i. ' Norniai Stohool. . SAIiE>-lLa$st" k Extra ftne,l JH0R SAIiffi-ajaiCjeiit model 4x5 hand. Cam*ra< Extra fine,lens, A bargain for a ame one. Inquire Herman Gregg, •Chat»u«ay »R<, u\ Office^ Clinton St. snoe4ri* i- R(SAL ESTiATE FOR SAUE^JFbe projpferty of 'Bernhard tWlnter on GoV- ernment A,ve.» opposite the Post Guard iHottiie. Good buslhess stand for the right party. For particulars and termjs apply to iWm. -L. Pattlseon, At- torney, Plattsburgh, N, X, • 2703w2 mjn SAC®—House ko* 150 Mar- gare; etreet.^ Suitable for boarding house. Anply 1 ,on j the premises'for furtler paftioularsi FOR SALB^-Bavn and corner lot on Champlafu street' Inquire of C] F. rjanfgan, Courc House, Piatts- hurg^j^ N. if.._ : -• -• ] _ _ mmu Fdll aUJE—The Norton" Block, Plattsburgh, K Yi, occupied by tne Davi* Provision Co, Bnouiro of Park- hairsi. lb Taylor, Marion Blocsk, Platts- burgh. N. Y. *• ', 2BSHtf < .: h_L MoreiKIa)>ttaa- kt Saato Domiaao. Santd PomJngo. April 21,—Troqpa of the fO^er^meut after shelling the city JUs*fe ain attack in force at several dlf- ferijptd)Otats and sustained heavy loas- «sj<^,erjtl Cordeso, minister of the In- •Mtpid i 0enoral J^lvaw*, governor of Puer4a Plata, and General Quesada being killed. Over a hundred''govern- 'menfc soKtiers were killed j or wounded, and th* government forces! were obliged 'tjo'-Wltnttraw-, , f | Tralaimur Sbljp*. April 2t-r-Chlef ' Waaiis* TPor TSetr .^a»hln?:ton, April ^t-r-Chlef | Con- $tvmm Bowies ,of ! h fe »a^y qm& meat has suggested to Secretary | : Moo* dy that the two uew saiilng training, shjpij «uthor?*eft by the ]#& conpresa oen*med the Hornet and. the T?e-$cd<3£ and'tl'Htlhe training, brig be niinM tlieiBoxer,.to.commemorate-their gal^ lant prototyp'es in th^ warlof aSlSi.l / ; •. ;.„„,,,,. !,,•„,•, 11 j • . ' ] ,X»ad;T«ft<;4 Ire !Uaal_|?)POtd»cej... , Manila, AP01-M-—-An aijmed otojl of ladrones itasj,-appeared iuRisaiiprov- ince, Luwn, .near the *ceue of the re-' cent fight with the.ladr^ne forc^ of General San! Miguel. PeiaehmentiLof ecoxits thave ;been ; dispatched to Rizal R'l^h orders tjo disperse- thje, band.. , Carpeatoira jltrllco -In )liiwf Veraim, Mount Yemon, N], y,, April ?1.— There are no|vv about 600 carpenters on strike in this <?Uy, JEhe 'ta/m origluUHy,: were to go out on Spy i» but they liave' decided to.qijiit work ndw I in- sympathy \|'itb th|e otbpr building trades.' , sFOE SALE—Ow^ng to the death of Mrs. 'IV. W. Jacques, the household ef- fects <jf Sir. Jat&ues will Ow ssold at ra^cb! less than their actual value. Can i>e seen'at apartments Jni"second story at corner of Oak and ©rfhkerhoff streets any afternoon after 3 o'clock, '• I 2704tf iFOR SALB-i-A Puffer's soda foun r fain, compile with; all applianiees and In good Training order, 'Also all the side fixtures of the old City Pharmaey. For jarticulars apply to Dr. J. -H. Lai Rocfclie. ~ j 'STO-itf Fofey f s Honey MM* Tar lni-ohHdrtn,SMfe f sure. Nq opiates* Mmi From the Maimlacturer save send' department will vie w^th ita your especial notice, as. richly shown, all oyer.;- In the Surprise I Department toenijng for spring will4ur|»ass excelllehck in beauty and genuine any exhilbit everihshown ibuj(gh and .a cordial linvlta^ ided to you to vi^it tMa eisi of vf-ish to thank our many custO- fbr J thjeir liberal patronage i tbe^ and trust by ourjriiberal .^freat Values and \ Square to merit your continued :-:-*-?l p r>LATTS»URGl1i R t paid to ou|c town pat|rons o 2 purchases ol *10, b'r mor Toguies aaxd "the johbeiis,)&nd retailers profit. for sample;?,'at once, giving the numitie'r of roinhs; yoii have to papei]. ^miles free. PROFESSIONAL . Attorney attd bnrghjN,X < HENRV Ti KEUOj^.lp',: Counselor *$|l,ajifr" j. i Attorney and, C<>unselqr ag t X/aseJEffiiton JOHN H. BOOt j Attorney and Counselor a8 X/aw^ElHn' County SSiwogate, Plattsburgh, ^UL« W . il W?.i iL. \ ^ R. E. WfALI Attorney' and CounwJor co>oaei\ Clinton and Plattebwgh, 8. Y. | \ x «. P. GILULAN ^ Justice oKPteace and Attor&ey. ? Margaret Street; House 8 Ooil: 8tj. phone.eonneettoaboib hbuseiiudiii } CHARLES HALStY Attorney and Conneelor ai Block. 11 aintoaSfc\*latt* FRAVK N. HAGy Attorney and Counselorat.^.... Hagar'a Block, Cllntoa.St..PlJ*tal?j L. L SM£1 , Attorney and Counselor atjJLa? Awnetrpny Block, Clinton jHStr bargh N.X ^ | 1 EGBER C. C. J. Attorney and Counselor Attorney's Office, Court KQ T orne SETH S. ALL it Atfcorher and Counselor a ^ i a O in JjeTj-jBulldlna;, opposite YOB burKh.JT.y, Money to loar VERfJ CHARLfS H. Attorney and Conaselur a erhoA Street. Plattsburgh ' ll^^celn f >i»Jatts-* Mfllttate. itI v^F. BOIRE^, Attorney and Counselor [it Moore'a Block, Clinton Strefe. M *i .'is >te»Bh. | •OTSFORD ft ME A-ttorite.Ts and Cotmwtore a! Court House Sqaare. Pla KtMBR T. BOTSFOltD. U, ME1 „ After March lat. lftOtf, Block, ciBpoelte Post Office. otnUealBitate'Secnrity.-, \ Sttraeon t)entf«^x ET^.^ to modern deatietryperfon ed manner. Gas or Ether a desired. Dental parlors >n over, Plattsburgh Nation lining _ _jasfsklh- InWtetWrwheD lnia»MiBloek, PHYSICIAN I PR. J, 0 . McKI 'Physlclarti and Surgeon, dence jSo v 20 Court Strw*, t! ?5?5" ^Jeatre, Office Uol a a d 7 i t o 9 p . m. TCeiephoael | ( DR. t. A, Phyaiclan, Surgeon anfl.(> ( mldencsNo. AA BrJnkerhtU „, ot Catherine Oiface hours a to 7 to a » w^Sneelal attentim j "•""" oj the ^ e . Ear. XoW lOne-coitnection » eases: . .,.. _ TI „, Telephone-cojinecUon DR. W. S. WiC PhyBlclan and Surgeon.' Brldg£Sjtr«et „Qfflce h6ur« J Teli Stiseiii fomer »S. and #7 die. |e ajjH|||rjEJroat, h OR. C. W. ARTI Office and residence at i&7| ,**, Street. Oifice hours troitt llo-SsSfla slcjan jand Surgeon. Teleph&neL ftj|| DR..C. ». SH,fpk,[| Phjiiiclanand Sumeon. £|£E}c4H aud couch Streets, and 8 to 5 p. m. i Office hoii i 1 ' Pby^ciau, Sureeon and WOeuMifi'aOfflce and reeldenee XfB :tfargar#; $Sfetf Spfflce hou«| Berore 1Q a, mT a*d HWfifp.m. Special attention glvea tol'D^epwil |f the Bar, 2foae, Throat of •fefMrt I'JUXJBS lAROCaD Doctor of Optics {Kra*.-^,,,.^,,,™.™..,, Spectacles, Eye Glasses, Qp¥eal|il|£ fj-oalr (A. Eyrp examined right byfthe 1atSs<Wth. 6U to . Special attention Kive&to eMhertjUtloB ot Children"* eyes. Office S Clt«tSp Street, over iLaltocque's Drug Sfor«JU$ai trong Block. BOUTS S to 12 *.£;Pft*kn i to 3 evenings P ~ lfSr i A Grood Hon^si J Looking Man. f Game Into our stoj-e the o^* day and'said to me that a e ftsii used the J *^i f Lucas Ready fife^ ! P^INT I and It was fine and- just as • resented. 'That kind of te ! monlal in What counts proof of the" pudd* !ig is hi "nm} eating and we are sura if | 1 1 • twill try the paint we are, tyjfo ' Ing J so much, aboit. that fm\ will be our steady pamt ~- A ' mer. We are selling: ai lot of tlia Lucas Ready Mixed Paint! 4 and Wje stfe^alwajs sure j%jl It will' olease. f> « Yours W. HAYES B0! PERU. N. Y. 'ANTE Men\are wantefi for tliei jobs of tV«t CBateaugay Iron CoirroaiiiR. Steady em| tb«tit and good tfca ges. Apply at $he office, <^caupany,' \ Ollnton 3tj"«i< i PLATTSBURGH.!^ Swell Tutu Some of jtbe mwrt styllah ani some ""Rigs" in the «ty.J SADDLE \mm »8B«OIALLY IBdKSK F, S. JUSTIN^ t 7 ^ov;Cath« PLATI'SBURGH/N; Y. Telephons Connection. ProfRB.$anb( opncUri' . i - -, APRII, iENGAGSSMEDSTS Cumberjland House, Tlat Monday and Tuesday^ oth ahd.-: SaranSacT'Lake^ Bo»eitB N 31ocjte- nesday and ^nhursday, 8tir>aad Lake Placid—Saturday, the 1 Malone. Howaro. House •* the 13th. * Cumberland Bouse, Plattshti Monday, 20th. American House, Ausable , *. Tuesday and Wednesday, 21st^i Dr. Merrill's, Jty-T-.yhursdayi 1 to 3 u. m. a MoFarland's| Upper |Jay- 2Sd, 6 to '9 p. m. j 1 - ' " ' \ ; .;.. r. ' ARE OPEN FOR INSPECTION . will \contluua Showing the new eatlilns ai the season. ereatlifns as they< appear throughout; Awaiting an eat-ly call, I remain Reapectfully yonre, f. Gonyay VER STREET , PuTTMuaa*. N

CAL-CURAnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1903-04-22/ed...mess $?eSte*&ayy ^hea ti'e calendar ^Came v®t Senator Blsber^,- upon wb.t|i a anotioni %e business of tbe. Senate

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Plattsburgh Press T M K MJEJKTiKKl. V I B 1 , 1 » H 1 * « t ©

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T h e ^PRESS wlU be delivered to a l -TWice paying subscribers to Plattsbuci pli or forwarded by man, postage free, fo l lows: k P w . f e a r ... -tSfOO I»«r Month [25

?H^NESa»AY, AiPSROiL «2, (1903.

To the City fathers: Don't ask lor «. thing until you axe sure you want it.

Attorney-General Knox does riot yield an men on the merger decision, (He clings to his advantage with hea less tenacity.


Nobody can find fault with the rp -pointment of Morgan to be Comm s-sioner of Elections in New York. Everybody fc satis^ed exempt fidsCiil-lagh.

The Central branch of the You; jig Men's Christian Association in Chi­cago is the largest association in t i e United Sa tes , the total membersb|ip being 4,891.

The Detroit Sabbath Observance &T soeiation has decided to do its tamest to prevent Sunday ball playing pre­liminary U? an attack on Sunday the a-tres. This is placing the lesser eyil before the greater. The theatres more damage to morals on one Sundhy than the %afi 'players in a .seasson, Montreal Gazette.

Senator .Brown u ttul, appropriati: ig §1,000 foi? the expenses of a comm: s .sion to arrange for the erection of statue to Alexander Hamilton in t i e state capital, was reported by the Ste Pl­a te finance committee o,n Saturday. It proposes a delayed tribute to t le greatest intellectual figure of the rejv-; •olution and the- greatest financier the bibtory of our country.

•A . • - ' • . ' . ' i <'.' - - -- •




I*" I

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' I

U u i-

Malby on State Finances. Senator Malhy, chairman of tire

Senate finance committee, yayfe :ie hardly thinks there will be any nesd for a direct State tax, bat. that it might "be well to levy a small oie, lot a large number ox .worthy elattis, tpsild have to be denied if the ti-11

rect tax was wholly abolished. He .added; , . *'

"* . "Ve have had an eeonomsi<Siil a i -jntoistrationi The only cfaestioa n jny mind is whether we have not beiaa, qja economical. Our state charities

annually cost afecjtit 58*000,000,,and the •a^jjtat pi our School &yate&}, sans Is and publics libraries between, ?4,QGU,-000 and $5,«0O;0M. These a r i tMnip tha t people demand, and m &e|ep> the in up„We*should &e prepared to expeha large sums of Money. The mainta-nan*e of the state &o^ernialent realty-terms a* small part of oar tm\ bndg* f Take from ourSfate expenses osarcha c» J tabie instituMttas. our schools a i d t&mals and owr State expenses weniid

" be practically ttotirtng, for tbe|r v*otta „„take only one-third, of oftrlMeeme.

s *>Tae appropriation bffl twjjl be a little larger liiaa heretofore^ owtef -chiefly to the l^drease ia the namtMsr of the insane., tate so^ply ^|lf is? $li o

'Bomewhat lar^eTi as W© sh^JJ fedbjre.iOf pay a larger share of the. excise m banes; >l>ut*-we shall get aver $4000 000 from the lttnior ttqc in^tease, \ \ e have not let out ©1 the finance caani mittee many special appropriaticn acta. The only large one is. an 9®pr<»'

Sjriatiott of- f2S0iO6O for ' lhe Sf ^^s JEXSOSitioru", i

The appropriation, for the i^nprov4 anent 'of roads- an, the &nnrobri4tioj: Mil has "been kedtaeed fa&mj^ffM$M S> t o $600,000. J . goofi raadi itdm of f409^00 wiU bts p»t in me spaply. WU, xo enable Govettioff OdMI t4 cancel 45 if he desires.

What Is the Use? The steady progress of the adminis­

tration in well-doing is the most dis­couraging thing in the existence of the opposition. After predictions that teust-busting was not to be looked for since "the trusts owned the party in

1 power-," the country is awakened to the fact of a decision that is the most im­portant since the great judgments de­livered after the Civil War which set­tled the country again firmly on ite original foundations The Attorney-General was greeted with shouts, of derision when his appointment was announced, because he had beep one of the first corporation attorneys in the Uaitefi States. Surely it were folly to commit the command pf the war to such a general.

The Pittsburg speech of Mr. Knox arrested the attention, of the country, and it dawned on the nation, that a master legal mind was at the service of the people. The expectation then created has beep realized more nearly than was toplieved "possible, and it is felt today that the finest compliments for ability and zeal are not too much to pay the first law officer of the gov­ernment. .But still all this is ex­tremely disheartening to the opposi­tion. The dream of going into a campaign shouting against trusts and proclaiming the submission of the JRe-piiblicans W" their malign influences is imdely shattered. There is nothing to .fall back on but the stale old cry of tariff reform with the former archi­tect of disaster for the preferred leader. 1

It is no wondpr that 'Senator Hanna says there is bult one name on the Re' publican side fo'r the next year's lead' ership, and that is Theodore Roose velt.. It is long since such a deter minafcion as hiSi to have a clean and vigofrous administration has been mm ifested. T'here, is a great worjt tstill to do to ibrinK the public service up to a .higher nlane of general efficiency and to work out the plans formed for the iprotection of the nation against the efforts of monopolists, -but it is the common sentiment that nothing could be more fcbsurdj than to! commit sucn task to the hands of the Germans, and Hilte, and f illmane, and Stones, and the rest of the array dominant in the Democratic parfjy. Nominations will be made against! the Republican ticket, but what's the ijtee?


- Legislative. *?he;h&«xgeai£ • senatQfsj-ifeackett^

3E3sber| 'm&:% '!& BitowQ^ fOlDwel ;%e:%ejaate to; proceed witbi i ts -busi^ mess $?eSte*&ayy ^ h e a ti 'e calendar ^Came v®t Senator Blsber^,- upon wb.t|i a anotioni %e business of tbe. Senate w^ts liei^ UP"Glonsiay night, was absent JBrom i|ae.schaniber^ I t is uWaerStoo'i imt <i^f>rnOr^aell ' threaten^; : > in ?terfee{ if -tike %>id-ttB- Wai. -eokilimetL - Tp& Igenatfi finance commlittee yes •ter^ay!reported the supply bHl'and b; a.uthoiit?^_pf I an .emergency; ijaeis^algs jErom ^avernor pdell^ t ie Senate lio. jned^tely passed i t ' The a^ilj ajjprOp


4 >*< '

l '

tiattes; bp^t $?;06o,000. The (nojttink;ion Uy {Gove noT Odell

Of ^aftriet •ai.'l&rifliB'jof.'vfestdhesteq to- : fc a meibiber of the jboiard •©! .jnanagers' of tite New Yorli |State S e formatjbry at | Bedfor^ in "pliice-jo

~^feepbjine Lowell, was recelvied in thi' ^enatej and immediately. e^h$.rmed,. " The rules committee of- tie'.Senat^

JiaVej ijeporteet- rules to expediiate t>usi ness ' cfuriftg the closing :houits of tho sessioK. •Hereafter,, the Senate wil; eoaveiie mety moraine at 10 p'cloeK

f no . senator will fee allowed to speai more ^hano^once on any question,, ami al i poiints of order will be'decide* 1 swltho^tt: debate . '.

The;: Senate passed Senate?* jL'Hom *medieWs~~bii]j amended in th|erAusem hly, wihieh. provide^ that coirkty super visora'may contribute to locaj sidepaUji

JundB„ i Senator Armstrong's bill ' to brmidfe

for tbe' examination and rekistratioj i of tra|ined nurses pased the (Aissemibi" ? by a;TOte of 109 u> 12. Tliis is ths Mil which .prorides that the N*HUes assocladon -shall nominate te(n traiiieii noises frbm which' the re'g^nfe shal| appoint an examining board of five.

These l ilks were passed by the As^ sembiy:

Mr. Agnew's, amending the" dom'estlfc •commerce law in relation to (the man-arfacture and sale of thread.

Mr; iBost'Wick'B, proyidiilg for a set arate; statement of the .value of lanp in assessmentB of real estate in -Hk c i t y . ; ".' , • < •:

Mr, G. H. Smith's, ..amending th civil code eo as to regulate the (dii trfbtition of estates of intest|ates.' - Mir. Seni le 's , proyiding. th*4t a polide court clerk of seven years' feervice i a JJew! York shall be Qualified] to.serv as a,' eity magistrate. ' 1

Senator>Arm'strohg^3r forbidding t i e salejof woodcock or grdiise tajken .witjl '• |ni thfs state.': [ ' '

Mr.- lieggett's, jamending the. chart** of the I^qwef Niagara River Power a|nd WaHer Supply jComplany.

Assemblyman 'Wemple's bill-' to allote ^ e iBovernor; to aLppoint, motdjrmen an is conAictors on trolley liates runlninig ou .-side! city and I village limits i s spefcis J poii<jemen wae again:defeated J n the House. T5ie vote was!££ to; 67, of 1(2 Votes les» thian the required JT6.

A v e r a g e Plattsburgh :itizen must accept the

following proof. ^•he «j"e# Sir Isaac Newton, one o£

the mosjt profound reasoners the world ever produced, once, cut * large 'hole ip a board to allow a favorite cat ac­cess to two gardens, and cut a smaller hole to allow her kitten to follow ner. The weakness manifested in Sir Isaac's action was due' to want of thought Any reader who mentally debates the nrobf offered here aboait Boaa's Kid­ney 3?Hlsv and arrives at any other conclusion than, that stated in this citizen's statement, is as short of rea-isoijtng nowers as the ' philosopher when he tprned carpenter.

iljoeomotive Engineer <X R„ Parker of ^fa S Eugg St , St, Albans, Vt, Passenger Engineer'on the a V. R. R.i says: "I^felt a soienesB over" my 3dd»eys. It'bothered me durini; the ;day if I walked- fas.t or- s*tki - or mad* a niisst^i so 1 as to Jar iny beoy. It ibothered me;at; night If % carelessly surned. ia-'be^ and' it oft(ea felt botli; -day .and -sight- m if a .'knife.' Wftre 'be­ting ttoust Mo. my bad&u I rajnaiilsd two dot{t«irs, one of theitt «ai« I Had sfcraine*!! a cord or lig&mehfe tejO deep^ }y' s^ted to M touscabed-i by:, o^nesry plasters. Se pirepared & snefciat jolt: wMch Were so; powerfta tbat tbey blistered my/ babk Dut. ffi& -nol bjemovf tb&l£m3gL ODte:day. I ^as,-ady^»d- to-use Doaate BEldney BH^. f boagiit-t*o.-%0xeftj " -^he timtment *mp$L m&H

Jast such emphatic endorsement is ©lentiftil: in a?latt»batgb.i ©ro.^ into iLarkin's 4ru§ store and bjear what bte custjomeis report. , . 1

For sale by all dealers. PMise M

TF.; 'sale'; Ja&e&ts: ] f o r ' 'tfee- fjf„ .^jl •• , '-i "f

EememSer tke nain^I>oiift'g'*«ii|ift taS;e no other. 1 • |. ' ; • '.

a^ajtt' reerpation is, gola«;, l^ome, Toniaa's ^golng. away. f '

1 ' T ^ ^ _ ^ _ _ l v , sKT«aiJE AWKAt-M. 4 F map

Cured by'<Ojae So t t l e of Clifawbei'Iitiu'a \0uftl1 Hemedy, '.Jv| ]•

HWhen I had « a attack; .of! We; grip last winter (the second one)(l aetual-ly enred myself with ai&, feottle, of Chamberlain's Remedy/' says Franir W. Perry, Editor of the E^tieroribe, Shdrtsvilie, ,*i. %. - "This is the hon­est truth.' I. at .tfiaes sept from eonghing, myself to • pieces • by takng a tea spoonful of this remedy, and when the coughing tcell would cojtne on at night I would take a dbse and it seemed .that in the brief es(t inter­val the cough would pass oft and 1 woujd go to sl6e|> perfectly free from cpu^h and its accompanying pains. iTo teay that the remedy a'cted as a most agreeable surprise is putting it very mildly. I had' no ldei that it would or .could knock out the, giip fimply .because I . had wever tried, it for such a purpose, but It did, and it seemed -with the second attack of coughing the remedy caused it ip not only be of less duration, ouk the pains, were far less severe^ and ;i had not used the contents of one jbottle before Mr, Grip, had 1M me adieu,' Fbr sale by • .- ' • - ! ' Mrs. •Gilbert, t. P. Redden, .^latte-i burgh; EL E.' Glllesp e & Go., lAusa-ble Forks; W. a . Clough. W,. Ghazy..

Tonight U your liver is out of cjrder, causing Biliousness, Sick Headache, Hearic burn, or Constipation,, ;ake a doke t if

Hood's Pills On retiringj and tomojxow your di­gestive organs will-he legulated an|i you -will be bright, active and ready for any kind of work. This has been the experience af others;")* will be yours. HOOD'S PILLS aie sold bv all medicine dealers. '2$ et*.

PIRKHUBST General Insurance |

MarioflBl'k, Clinton Stjlattsbtirglh Fire, Life, Accident anl Plate Glass

Insurance, Thirty of £h« ' largest for­eign and domestic cfcxmicniee repre­sented. Agents for the old reliable Travele^», Life, Accident and Employ-


ers' Liability Company. Fidelity and "Oopoclt;

Agents Company

Maryland, Fidelity and Judicial! bonds of all kinds written direci. Agents for Dominion Steamship Lint. Passengejs booked from Montreal or Boston to ajU points In Europe at'loweitt rates. Call and see charts of vassels. Also.a«ent6 for Anchor Line, plassirw and ,Lon-dondenry, and all Inland point?. Real estate bought and sold; money loaned on real' estate; seouritieii of all kinds bought and sold. Orders t>y mail, tel­ephone or telegraph promptly attend­ed %Q. « ' M. F. PARKetTRST. S. TAYLD!

Few men arrive suddenly a t tljte top1 of the hill Success^ and few su denly topple from Viriue's path, the slough of depravity] j

How to Break Up a Cotd. After exposure take Foley's Honfey

and Tar. It stops the cough, heajls ind btrengthens the lungs, and is safe and sure. Contains no opiates. A. Herron of iFincb, Ark., writes: "F<ft-sy's Honey and Tar is the best'pre aration for coughs, colds and hujig trouble.- I know that at has cur< consumption 'in the first stages."

Sold -by Mrs. B. K. Gill ert, Bruggik Plattanurgh. 1 T


The boy's fortune is hjdf make wio is born with, a smiling presence, i n affafcle tongue and an. oidinary bra£».

After I * «rijpp4>-. What t Usually a hackins com h and a. gek-

eral feelin« of weajkneai, often le«ld-ing to fatal results aftejr the paetekt is supposed to have paised the dag­ger point. Foley's Honey and Tar W guaranteed to cure the "iprlppe cough" and make you sjarong jinH i&ll, i t never fails to stop a*«ugh i t takun in time. Take no substitute*.?1 T

Mrs. B K GUbert, Dntggislt, PlatlW-burgh. N. Y. ^ ^

A London Ufcfentlst his dtewverfed that germs can. be shalien to death. Keep this in mintr-^bai^ your gems before takln®.


T»1e* LaatatlT* Brom<> <jnJni m r»bjet«. T*!« •igmitart MfiKi.Mri? J «s « * e ^ Q f .

;l Hext -to I4vBrpex& Bjemen- Is <a$v

the leading* cotton tear! et of Sttrojje Itt the year lOOO. remen bought 1 , ^ -0S4 bales. -

A'p lnd{inai»lk' ;fnd./nim wfli piy. lot ijfo r' marrtage $<m~vS- It ?*» ^ i j ^ SSiOO worth of goods dfj them.

|iex.t?! ' . ' ' » 4-


i-F irst, r -haver i^. ifftei* -i i goes, chase, sell 'Or exi^ange.: if '$&$ Bluffer or -a 'Du|fei;;'l!haiPe. pa-

'Wk at

i i

CAL-CURA SOLVENT piawflvM *»d »wltuy ijauoyM


•toMud v£t* <Md u*«Hd*H from! th» Kidney, u d . BWUhC, tho»Wl«Ting.Oi»p«lnorHdi>»y Colic »nd*Y5ldInga>«iinrg*<mr« knife. Cil-ciit«8olTeiitpt»Y«iU UM tonnwtion ot uric »cia in the Btood and comtt i thMUcondi-tloD* of thrStomach. mwh wo. dnc^Gottt poiionlng »tid Rbeo-stftUiia, <M-carsSolT*ati>

avid Kennedy's ew Medicine

It expeta g«U»ton *, ^ir«a hwdtli fa the tlWr *nd curt* bU on* Icolii; «n(d eonitipfttton. t>r, !D»vid Kennedy Mdditlt "C»l-cur»SolTenti»theontcoiB» of iny loi ig esper nice M a Fhyilclaa and Surgeon. «ndIcon)iiderittlifKre»M«t«chIe.T«»entortnylIfc.J'

Write i 0 the G l-cur»!c*mp»nyi Kennedy Row, Kondout,ZJ. Y., for » iree Munpfe bottle, l e tge botUetll.OO. All flraggWs.

Bemen ber:Onl roneDr.DevidKennedyeyetlived Jn Rondo it, City « t Kingston, H.Y., end be iure you get bUtw traad fa tot medicine, Cel-ctum Solent,

For the Kidneys, l.iver and Blood-


loft It Worth 25c. to B^ Cured 0!


• ( ika, i M W i e t I tafcte* Vai ArrW** a t <|l«a***i*v«

Gloucester, Mass., April 21. —AH GloucMtef was happily sun>rts«d when Out schooner Sceptre, one off Gloucester ye«sels which have been Im­prisoned in the ice at Bay of Island»t Newfoundland, rounded'Eastern'jpoiflt and dropped anchor In the harbor* The last word 'from the vessels which Gloucester had received 'indicated that the fleet had been obliged by reason of arctic Ice to return to anchorage; in Bay of Islands. Captain Gahoon re­ports that the .schooner Dauntless also escaped the lee, but ,has probably gone to St. Pierre, Miqtielon, to dispotje of cargo. x ' '

In his story of 1 three month's in the ice pack Captain Cahoon says that the snow Is from twenty to thirty feet deep on the level in Newfoundland, and in ravines it Is probably a hundred feet deep, He thinks the summer season will not be long or warm enough to carry away the snow. He saw great herds of deer and caribou which had been, driven to the "coast walking on the snow and subsisting on,the tops of trees. _ Captain Cahoon says the Gloucester crews are welk.,the vessels unhurt and 4he cargoes in good shape, as t^ie weather was extremely cold' up to April 10, soon after -which his vessel, escaped frbui the ice. ••

* • Yeo&* whb •tlpetlo! it CIo wed aiurgtel ~ ' ^ ' " Stood.

There without sell, shirpena lirer. efrengt" the blood, W, ertles

L l r . r

I t s psin


Laxa It reach** •totnech mores tton. abeelttt*

t i e e


iolaDoesIt Iry orran—the lirer, kidneys, re, heart and brftl»--and re­use of rour debnitated condl-j the only -way to secure *n

ermancnt cure. 1

. ved your sample bottle of LAXA-ind ltaa so pleaaed with it tbnt X ^JKK" nt bottle. I bad a bard 'time

. tried about one-half down I could get it. I hare tried

„ . . . . 01 and jjwls without beneftt. [/AX. .KOI.A I« a regnlat Klondike

p e r s o n SBTerlng with wnMlpation, ^ WIt , trAM X>. TJBRRIO,

Ch ndler St., XVswrcace, Maee,

I KC«: ItOLA bousbt to buy places \ other m t think to

i t before


H *rn|fl»t! ••tntilel

A t ^ . , free aaqople1

CO., 45


, N. T« Oj)P. Post Offies) PlattiiHirf h,

Fatro. 8«(ppHef. Cloveic, chard 0 Garaett Kaffir


on© . -Seiiterss;.' .

suffer from Habitual Qo» 1 Stomach and Bowels, and Thin and ^mpnre

la^tatlTe that moves the bowels r griping, cleanses the stom-tbe appetite, atlmnlatra the pna the serves and pnrlnea le Ita marvelons tonto prop-th* entire system.

<T ,

:i h-M s a d 0 0 eents , or send foe bottle to TH3B tiAXAKOIJk

e*e r Street, Kew Tork City.

dressmaking Mrs. L "W. Cramer,i No. ST Court St , an exp<>rlen:ed dreskmaker, is prepar­ed tojajo &\\ kinds of dressmaking

mm . .Awarded «S*ia ««4»JM!

On exi>t«t ty DIN Steilt, etc ., itaepnng:, ask me for i»rlef«. r can 4HT*you taouoyi on all

Alfalfa. Alslke. Timoth^ Or, ran, 33iue Grsss, Bed Toj, Field and Cow I'eaa. MlUet,<i Hun-

Sp*li s, Sorghum. Soia' Be*n», .„_.. Cor»r Beardleas Barley.' Corn rUls, I nmaa Bulbs, Garden and Ftowsr

-Seeds,.!: sates Xeape. Buckwheat, (Spring B>^-fj:rli«;WIieii.C &Hd...,^tier« €»j*,, X*e«»i3nK .C*fn,'Prid* Cb*a, &*'««« COJS.

'"*jttt,) n^t m$&- wtt ge«a j§*ea SlKftU Bows, Scraps Grit

;SttBj) He*. xbelibjKtfirav , „ ... , -,..ti»ra .B.oijffjs -Cfettef*, j^ed. Sgwerw, AO lAii, Tree- P r^e r sv , ,_ ,-

... J.erry 'Saakea* and.:1a WG Otljer thEnss.• ',' •" ' ' ; , J ^ ^ H » e l l * i ,SiyH'aire«allit^8V»«e««e,

-.3Stey' a wise

mattai Tbjat'slthe %)ty I handle Steal i a ^ y p o r -

fair, f CA> do yoii food^' if you '.ijre % yo«.. t fiive the .prjettlest ishd »e uteist,

itfaal ijurchaaea whatian'; >ther, nlaces to sell;, '^cteea vk$p&,

n ' ,Tjiiiit. Boi't..get. t^mmpM m%& tiMi? m.,hm jptk in^ to show !»• fh^«jnd|,' Jltiitf'^nwM^ eYeipr ^ ^ l p « o ^ ot pf^pi^' Farms, best pl'acel4n ear^h to'-.w:" ' ' ^ abojit.$0.' t can. gi|.^oa:phej'• Som< ;a3ad 'see toe it you?vwfeh ''*$• txsrar t tifesL? Kotels'/ausihjiai M$&&

^airu .Good 'spoii; for l lv i ihan* J'Seil -eh^ap, wheije. and ami <0<k ' u 1. of wrerytpin*!'., _,

sUre: iael Agpthy livinf. dylnir-io.ielL I ean,1^^;

oryotjr prjperty % mM» w §e^eraJ|\3>la«e> near tbe*3EJMer SToto'r

IliCofies; ManUf&eWriat;, Jflajats. th and ^pxee] wright Shop, Hoosf aiid

haxe i t -all; "over -and.1 ^(rejtr--

Tlie Rua! Estate JacldTlikm

Vilas &jmk JSlock, LATTSBUJGH4RV.

The money feavinj" anno uncemeat spring and sumn^er,' 19ol I The g gVeat strong economic irajle ^n~ ment of the season i will b?gin Satur­day, April U., '^he • gr« atest ever shown in thehistoiy pf the

Tnere are now over sity graduates • in Ireland.

!TQ0 lady- ynlver-

. Daneerof Voids and Grip. The greatest danger from colds and

grip is their .|resulting in pneujnonia. If , reasonable' cart is used, howEsver, and Chamberlain's Cou!gh ( Remedy taken, ail danger,1 will jibe' ayoided. Among the tens of thousands who h£|ve used th|fe remedy for these die-* eases we have yet to iearn of a^single cape' having .aresulted ih pneumonai, which showsjconcluaiyeiy that It ' is a certain prevefativa of that dangerouja disease. I t will cure a jcold c»r an''at­tack of the ©rip in lees jtime than any Other treatment. I t isj pleasant and .safe to taka! For sale by : "

?Mrs, GiB«4, T. P. Sbedden, f^attBT *<ur«di; H. E| GiHespijej & Co,,; Ansa-ble, Forks; W. R Clough, W. Jchaziyi

FI^ST GREAT ANISUAL SFRIKG OPI?NIN And have laboriously prepared

the most elaborate display of 6' thing Pertaining tcf the 'beautiful-serviceable. i0)ur years of businiBes •experilnce devoted l a t e l y to ij! Goods, Clothing,; ©oots, and Shjn means that thonsjahps of mrgains be offered to; the 'people i«pf Plaits-burgh and vicinity', hithurb of. '• ; • "v, ; '

The SurprlBB Merchaidise <pany has a widespread rfputatibn' low> priceSi J - '

Dry Goods; Ladies* Suitk Skirts Jackets, Men's, ,'feoys* and iChild: Clothing, Bootsv4hd] Shoej, evet^thlng in wearing apparel ifor/pien/ Women

values re-

SURPRISE MtRCHM tH4^ BLo<k;J im ititei* BBECIAL-ear and;bbatiaw!

'I i.M


?.'"' '' . i - ' i

1 '


tor &vecy-

i nd iaes lj)ry

es, will vis-

unhe ird "A Ccm

for I ...

i ind ir tn 's

tail is knocking o r i n g thought ly -greef; nnr

and chjldreiu Each

neighbdr f o s are

t i n tfsi

bargain other Stores in wdrthf in,Pjat|| tion is Opening. . We mers past 's poiiey Dealings' patronage.



q 'be offerea" here. Spring Ibudly at Our doors|.clam-

an entrance. We') have and planned to ibeilttlng-

thi|s delightful season with

tor out





W a c r a a t s t'or H u t t e d S t a t e s O S c e r t s . San Juan, Porto Rico, Aiiril 21.—

Chief Hood of the'Internal Tevenue de­partment has sworn out warrants for the arrest of Captain Andrew Dunlap, XJ. 8. N., commandant of the na,*4l sta­tion here; Commander G. W. ^fentz, TJ. S. N,; P. V. Mohun, paymHster, U. S, N„ and Robert Giles for bringing in liquors from the Island of S t ttjhom-aa on the lighthouse tender Laurel on Dee. 4, 1902, without paying the duty thereon. Giles has appeared* and was held under $1,000 bond for trial before the Insular district court

A C o m v l c t Da* .* F o r L l b e r t r . Wilmington, N. C<, April 2L—Twelve

convicts, three whites and nine colored,, made a desperate dash for liberty just at they wrere leaving thfe stockade at Castle Hayne, six miles from this city. One negro, John Taylor, was killed and a white man and negro wounded. Soth of the wounded escaped. Four were captured by a large posse that had been scouring the| country ail day, aud the officers believe they have th£ re-1

walnhig seven surrounded In a-thick swamp near the northeast branch of the (Cape Fear river. " £

• • • • i '

. S t r i k e o a Mtoatreak D o e k e , * 1 Montreal, Apr!} 21.—The strike of the longshoremen, which Was temporarily settled last fall at the dose of naylga-tion, has been resumed. About 2,000 men are out, and yesterday saw .the first sign of violence on the part of the strikers, A special force of mounted and foot police has been placed on the dock*. In the afternoon A man sup­posed to be In sympathy with)inde­pendent workers on the steamer Greet-iauds was stoned. He wa>« badly, hnrt The strikers demand recognition ipf the' union and unibn wages.

Hprgra older., afrmt^Ajljefo flair Vigor*


"WlAiNTaBD—IFirjrtl class gashing; and Ironing done at|B4r 'Mlzalbkh Street 2703da* j ' t >^\. \

WAWTBDT-iSevei-al) persons ofNa oodx charabter to mariakfe' district on"iee\ia each atate for h4»j» of long standing. Salary S20 weekly-In cash each Thurs­day direct from fttkiitt office, with all expenjses. jCokwilal Co.j Chicago.-a702wd f I j ' > . i

T O Apply (28 Charlotte St. or SO South Catherine $t. j | * &&&.$*]

TO RENT-HSfore now ocouple£ by MoKannon 'Brothers on Clinton a.reet Apply to J, H. >5totkh, Clty^ ,5690tf


TOilET RiEXNT—HWse No. 5 White St.

TO LET—4A desirable place for large family or (boars!:ig house.' For par­ticulars IndUireJ ait 5 iRlver street, A. Senet al'k' grocery), store. 26i3tf

ROOMS TO , St, Plat

RESNT—-lj)0jwer jiart of No.' 12 TO Cbucli sitreet. *i6S4tf"

nolnire at Press office.

TO LtE?ir—T\jrd the Levy imp to wL M. Levy

j TO jrand Cour

TO 97 and

RtEKT—trpiter part of house No. Rrinkerhoff jstreet Seven rooma hath. Hot and cold water., J. K.'

"aosawi Rlanchfrd

TO «SNT—Pleasant front rooms in new tolock, centrally located. Fur­nished Or unfurnished, For price* and particulars [address M, Press Of7 Ace. I , a?03d3*f

TO1 RflEHSTT—Two pleasant front room* at 11 Oak street, near good boarding houaes;. r

t - 2gJ9w2* !

' Georgia CtAm.it Disabled. / Chicago, i April 23. —Mbs Georgia

tnluOf prima' donna iu "Peggy From Paris," now ruunlng it the Studebaker tlieat?r here, .slipped in making her en­trance fit the unit && m$ a^ralued her hip so *«Iousiy that she had to be sup­ported durlng'her opening song.' At Ita «onclu*Ioa the curtain was rung down, $a id Sfiss Catne was carried from the

- ' te-to *|^ge in a swoon^ Stye will be confined to 1»W hotel, fer ;t |week. aiiss Boia :$tm%$i .ker u«der]study, went on at a monieut's notice and finished the; per-fowuahic^ making]* hit N


Apply a t . . o . 66 iburgh, 'N.Y, 269Qtt

suites of offices In •i 'also, house. Apply city. Sfe73tf

RENT—Two tenements on Du-1

street Apply C. F. Halllgan,1

House, Plattsburgh. 2680tf " _ i . '

Norniai Stohool.

. SAIiE>-lLa$st" k Extra ftne,l

JH0R SAIiffi-ajaiCjeiit model 4x5 hand. Cam*ra< Extra fine,lens, A bargain for a ame one. Inquire Herman Gregg, •Chat»u«ay »R<, u\ Office Clinton St. snoe4ri* i-

R(SAL ESTiATE FOR SAUE^JFbe projpferty of 'Bernhard tWlnter on GoV-ernment A,ve.» opposite the Post Guard iHottiie. Good buslhess stand for the right party. For particulars and termjs apply to iWm. -L. Pattlseon, At­torney, Plattsburgh, N, X, • 2703w2

mjn SAC®—House ko* 150 Mar-gare; etreet.^ Suitable for boarding house. Anply1 ,on jthe premises'for furtler paftioularsi

FOR SALB^-Bavn and corner lot on Champlafu street' Inquire of C] F. rjanfgan, Courc House, Piatts-hurg j N. if.._: • -• -• ] _ _ mmu

Fdl l aUJE—The Norton" Block, Plattsburgh, K Yi, occupied by tne Davi* Provision Co, Bnouiro of Park-hairsi. lb Taylor, Marion Blocsk, Platts­burgh. N . Y. *• ', 2BSHtf

< .: h_L

MoreiKIa)>ttaa- kt Saato Domiaao. Santd PomJngo. April 21,—Troqpa of

the fO^er^meut after shelling the city JUs*fe ain attack in force at several dlf-ferijptd)Otats and sustained heavy loas-«sj<^,erjtl Cordeso, minister of the In-•Mtpid i 0enoral J^lvaw*, governor of Puer4a Plata, and General Quesada being killed. Over a hundred''govern-

'menfc soKtiers were killed j or wounded, and th* government forces! were obliged 'tjo'-Wltnttraw-, , f |

Tralaimur Sbljp*. April 2t-r-Chlef '

Waaiis* TPor TSetr .^a»hln?:ton, April ^t-r-Chlef | Con-

$tvmm Bowies ,of !hfe »a^y qm& meat has suggested to Secretary |:Moo* dy that the two uew saiilng training, shjpij «uthor?*eft by the ]#& conpresa oen*med the Hornet and. the T?e-$cd<3£ and'tl 'Htlhe training, brig be niinM tlieiBoxer,.to.commemorate-their gal^ lant prototyp'es in th^ warlof aSlSi.l

/ ; •. ; . „ „ , , , , . ! , , • „ , • , 11 j • . ' ] •

,X»ad;T«ft<;4 Ire !Uaal_|?)POtd»cej... , Manila, AP01-M-—-An aijmed otojl of

ladrones itasj,-appeared iuRisaiiprov­ince, Luwn, .near the *ceue of the re-' cent fight with the.ladr^ne forc^ of General San! Miguel. PeiaehmentiLof ecoxits thave ;been; dispatched to Rizal R'l h orders tjo disperse- thje, band.. ,

Carpeato ira j l trl lco -In ) l i i w f V e r a i m , Mount Yemon, N], y,, April ?1.—

There are no|vv about 600 carpenters on strike in this <?Uy, JEhe 'ta/m origluUHy,: were to go out on Spy i» but they liave' decided to.qijiit work ndw I in- sympathy \|'itb th|e otbpr building trades.'

, sFOE SALE—Ow^ng to the death of Mrs. 'IV. W. Jacques, the household ef­fects <jf Sir. Jat&ues will Ow ssold at ra^cb! less than their actual value. Can i>e seen'at apartments Jni"second story at corner of Oak and ©rfhkerhoff streets any afternoon after 3 o'clock,

'• I 2704tf

iFOR SALB-i-A Puffer's soda founr fain, compile with; all applianiees and In good Training order, 'Also all the side fixtures of the old City Pharmaey. For jarticulars apply to Dr. J. -H. Lai Rocfclie. ~ j 'STO-itf

Fofeyfs Honey MM* Tar lni-ohHdrtn,SMfefsure. Nq opiates*

Mmi From the Maimlacturer save send'

department will vie w^th ita your especial notice, as.

richly shown, all oyer.;- In the Surprise I Department

toenijng for spring will4ur|»ass excelllehck in beauty and genuine

any exhilbit everihshown ibuj(gh and .a cordial linvlta^

ided to you to vi^it tMa

e i s i of

vf-ish to thank our many custO-fbr J thjeir liberal patronage i tbe^

and trust by ourjriiberal .^freat Values and \ Square to merit your continued


p r>LATTS»URGl1i R t

paid to ou|c o» town pat|rons o 2 purchases ol *10, b'r mor

Toguies aaxd

"the johbeiis,)&nd retailers profit. for sample;?,'at once, giving the

numitie'r of roinhs; yoii have to papei]. ^mi les free.


. Attorney attd bnrghjN,X <

HENRV Ti KEUOj^.lp',: Counselor *$|l,ajifr"

j . i

Attorney and, C<>unselqr agt X/aseJEffiiton JOHN H. BOOt

j Attorney and Counselor a8 X/aw ElHn' County SSiwogate, Plattsburgh, ^UL« W — . il W?.i iL.

\ ^ R. E. WfALI

Attorney' and CounwJor co>oaei\ Clinton and P l a t t e b w g h , 8. Y.

| \ x «. P. GILULAN ^ Justice oKPteace and Attor&ey. ? Margaret Street; House 8 Ooil: 8tj. phone.eonneettoaboib hbuseiiudiii

} CHARLES HALStY Attorney and Conneelor ai

Block. 11 aintoaSfc\*latt*

FRAVK N. HAGy Attorney and Counselorat.^.... „

Hagar'a Block, Cllntoa.St..PlJ*tal?j

L. L SM£1 , Attorney and Counselor atjJLa?

Awnetrpny Block, Clinton jHStr bargh N . X ^ |


C. J. Attorney and Counselor

Attorney's Office, Court KQ


orne SETH S. ALL — it

Atfcorher and Counselor a ^ i a O in

JjeTj-jBulldlna;, opposite YOB burKh.JT.y, Money to loar


CHARLfS H. Attorney and Conaselur a

erhoA Street. Plattsburgh '

l l^^celn f>i»Jatts-* Mfllttate.


I v^F. BOIRE , Attorney and Counselor [it

Moore'a Block, Clinton Strefe. M

* i .'is


| •OTSFORD ft ME A-ttorite.Ts and Cotmwtore a!

Court House Sqaare. Pla KtMBR T. BOTSFOltD. U, ME1 „ After March lat. lftOtf, Block, ciBpoelte P o s t Office. otnUealBitate'Secnrity.-,


Sttraeon t)entf«^x E T ^ . ^ to modern deatietryperfon ed manner. Gas or Ether a desired. Dental parlors >n over, Plattsburgh Nation

lining _ _jasfsklh-InWtetWrwheD lnia»MiBloek,


I PR. J , 0. McKI 'Physlclarti and Surgeon,

dence jSov20 Court Strw*, t!?5?5" ^Jeatre, Office Uol aad7ito9p. m. TCeiephoael

| ( DR. t . A, Phyaiclan, Surgeon anfl.(>( mldencsNo. AA BrJnkerhtU „,

ot Catherine Oiface hours a to 7 to a » w^Sneelal attentim j "•""" oj the ^ e . Ear. XoW

lOne-coitnection » eases: . .,.. _ TI „, Telephone-cojinecUon

DR. W. S. WiC PhyBlclan and Surgeon.'

Brldg£Sjtr«et „Qfflce h6ur« J


Stiseiii f omer »S. and #7 die.

|e ajjH|||rjEJroat,

h OR. C. W. ARTI Office and residence at i&7| ,**,

Street. Oifice hours troitt l lo-SsSfla slcjan jand Surgeon. Teleph&neL ftj||

DR..C. ». SH,fpk,[| Phjiiiclanand Sumeon. £|£E}c4H aud couch Streets,

and 8 to 5 p. m. i

Office hoii i1 '

Pby^ciau, Sureeon and WOeuMifi'aOfflce and reeldenee XfB :tfargar#; $Sfetf Spfflce hou« | Berore 1Q a, mT a*d HWfifp.m. Special attention glvea tol'D^epwil | f the

Bar, 2foae, Throat of

•fefMrt I' JUXJBS l A R O C a D

Doctor of Optics {Kra*.-^,,,.^,,,™.™..,, Spectacles, Eye Glasses, Q p ¥ e a l | i l | £ fj-oalr (A. Eyrp examined right byfthe 1atSs<Wth. 6Uto. Special attention Kive&to eMhertjUtloB ot Children"* eyes. Office S Clt«tSp Street, over iLaltocque's Drug Sfor«JU$ai trong Block. BOUTS S to 1 2 * . £ ; P f t * k n i to 3 evenings P ~lfSr

i A Grood Hon^si J L o o k i n g M a n . „ f Game Into our stoj-e the o ^ *

day and'said to me that ae ftsi i used the J *^i

f Lucas Ready f i fe^


Iand It was fine and- just as

• resented. 'That kind of te!

monlal in What counts proof of the" pudd* !ig is hi "nm} eating and we are sura if | 1 1

• twill try the paint we are, tyjfo ' IngJ so much, aboit. that fm\ will be our steady pamt ~-A ' mer.

We are selling: ai lot of tlia

Lucas Ready Mixed Paint! 4 and Wje stfe^alwajs sure j%jl It will' olease.

f> « Yours


'ANTE M e n \ a r e wantefi for tliei

jobs of tV«t CBateaugay I r o n CoirroaiiiR. Steady em| tb«tit a n d g o o d tfca ges.

Apply a t $he office, <^caupany,' \

Ollnton 3tj"«i< i


Swell Tutu Some of jtbe mwrt styllah ani

some ""Rigs" in the «ty.J


F, S. JUSTIN^ t 7 ^ov;Cath« P L A T I ' S B U R G H / N ; Y. Telephons Connection.


opncUri' . i -

-, APRII, iENGAGSSMEDSTS Cumberjland House, Tla t

Monday and Tuesday^ oth ahd.-: SaranSacT'Lake^ Bo»eitBN31ocjte-

nesday and ^nhursday, 8tir>aad Lake Placid—Saturday, the 1 Malone. Howaro. House •*

the 13th. * Cumberland Bouse, Plattshti

Monday, 20th. American House, Ausable , *.

Tuesday and Wednesday, 21st^i Dr. Merrill's, Jty-T-.yhursdayi

1 to 3 u. m. a MoFarland's| Upper |Jay-

2Sd, 6 to '9 p. m. j 1 - ' " ' \ ; . ; . .

r . '


. will \contluua Showing the new eatlilns ai

the season. ereatlifns as they< appear throughout;

Awaiting an eat-ly call, I remain Reapectfully yonre,

f. Gonyay VER STREET , PuTTMuaa*. N