5/14/2012 1 Run Smart not Hard: The Effect of Stride Cadence on Impact Variables Caitlin Pearl, MS Clinical Biomechanist National Institute for Athletic Health & Performance Sanford Health: Sioux Falls, SD Outline BACKGROUND Injury Mechanisms Impact Force Injured vs. Uninjured Controlling Impact Force Manipulating Step Rate Joint mechanics Injury rate (?) APPLICATIONS FDM-T Sanford Services Research Opportunities Running… Running is comprised of a series of repetitive single-limb impacts which requires: Sufficient impact force attenuation Limb/trunk stability Powers, 2012 …Is All About Balance Passive Shock Absorption Active Shock Absorption Bone and Cartilage Eccentric Muscle Contraction …Is All About Balance Passive Shock Absorption Active Shock Absorption …Is All About Balance Passive Shock Absorption Active Shock Absorption

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The affect of stride cadence on impact variables.

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Run Smart not Hard:

The Effect of Stride Cadence on

Impact Variables

Caitlin Pearl, MSClinical Biomechanist

National Institute for Athletic Health & Performance

Sanford Health: Sioux Falls, SD



• Injury Mechanisms

• Impact Force

– Injured vs. Uninjured

– Controlling Impact Force

• Manipulating Step Rate

– Joint mechanics

– Injury rate (?)



– Sanford Services

– Research Opportunities


• Running is comprised of a series of repetitive

single-limb impacts which requires:

– Sufficient impact force attenuation

– Limb/trunk stability

Powers, 2012

…Is All About Balance

Passive Shock Absorption

Active Shock Absorption

Bone and Cartilage

Eccentric Muscle


…Is All About Balance

Passive Shock Absorption

Active Shock Absorption

…Is All About Balance

Passive Shock Absorption

Active Shock Absorption

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Numbers Game

• According to the 2009 National

Runner Demographics, there are

37 million runners in the US

– 11 million run ≥100 times per


• About 56% of recreational

runners, and as many as 90% of

runners training for a marathon

will experience some type of

running-related injury each year


Running Performance Services:

Sanford Health

• Team of sport rehabilitation

specialists & clinical biomechanist

• Evaluate injured and healthy


• 90-minute evaluation:

– Functional movement screen

with PT: lower extremity

strength, flexibility, posture

– Treadmill running and video

analysis in frontal + sagittal


– Recommendations and

treatment options

Assessing Runners with h/p/cosmos and FDM-T

Image copyright: zebris Medical GmbH, Germany

• Excessive and repetitive impacts (Heiderschiet et al., 2011)

– First 10% of stance phase

• Can reach magnitudes from 1.5 to 5x body weight within 10-30 ms (Hreljac et al. 2004)

– Too much energy for the body to safely absorb

Mechanisms of Injury

Mechanisms of Injury

• Impact forces are associated with overuse running

injuries (Cavanagh et al., 1980, Clement et al., 1980, James et al., 1978, Nigg 1986)

• Overuse injuries, such as stress fractures, are

dependent on both loading magnitude and loading

exposure (Edwards et al., 2009)

– Muscles failing to adequately absorb the energy from impact may

lead to “over-reliance” of passive structures, causing injury (Derrick et al., 1998)

What Determines Impact Force?

• The magnitude of impact force during running is

dependent on: (Heidershchiet et al., 2011)

o Landing mechanics

o Running speed, foot & COM velocity at contact

o Body mass

o Shoe properties

o Surface properties

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vGRF- A Closer Look

Pete Larson, http://www.runblogger.com/2011/02/vertical-impact-loading-rate-in-running.html

vGRF- A Closer Look

Pete Larson, http://www.runblogger.com/2011/02/vertical-impact-loading-rate-in-running.html

vGRF- A Closer Look

Pete Larson, http://www.runblogger.com/2011/02/vertical-impact-loading-rate-in-running.html

vGRF and Footstrike

• Approximately 80% of shod

runners are heelstrikers

• RFS experience higher impact

peaks and loading rates than MFS

and FFS

– -More vulnerable to injuries?

Davis et al., 2010

FDM-T: Heel strike FDM-T: Midfoot Strike

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FDM-T: Forefoot Strike Do Impacts Cause Injury?

• No published data comparing footstrike and injury

• Davis et al. (2010) initiated first prospective study

– Compared the impact loads of rearfoot strike runners who go on to

develop a running injury to their uninjured counterparts.

Comparison of impacts between injured

and non-injured runners

• 57% experienced a prospective injury

• Injured runners had significantly

higher impact loading variables, with

the exception of VILR, than the

uninjured runners

• Peak vertical force was identical

between groups

- Need for further research

Davis et al., 2010

Impact Peak & Loading Rate in Injured vs.

Non-Injured Runners


Previously injured runners exhibited a higher impact peak and loading rate than injury-free


Hreljac et al., 2000


Kinetic Variables in Subjects with Previous

Lower-Extremity Stress Fractures

PPA (g) vGRF (BW) ILR (BW/s) ALR (BW/s)

Stress Fracture 9.24 3.87 158.61 117.93

Uninjured 7.16 2.48 108.89 77.52

Ferber et al., 2002

22% 36% 32% 34% DIFFERENCE:

Injury Frequency, Impact Peak and Loading Rate

Runners displaying a high impact peak and loading rate did not show an increased number

of running-related injuries over a 6 month monitoring period

Nigg et al., 2001

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How can we control impact?

• Increase step-rate (cadence)

– Decrease step length

• Improve mechanics at initial contact (extended knee, dorsiflexed


– Decrease IC COM-heel distance

• Farther the foot strikes the ground in front of COM, greater the

braking impulse

• Most injuries occur during contact. By reducing

contact time, can we reduce the risk of injury?

Manipulating Cadence

Before After

Landing Mechanics

159 steps/min 175 steps/min

Step Frequency and Lower Extremity Loading

VIP= Vertical Impact Peak

VILR= Vertical Instantaneous Loading Rate

VALR= Vertical Average Loading Rate

Lower extremity loading

variables minimized at around

+15% of preferred step


Hobara et al., 2011

Effects of Step Rate Manipulation on Joint

Mechanics During Running

• Increasing one’s step rate by 10% of greater will result in a reduced

impact load on the body, due to less vertical COM velocity at

landing (Derrick et al. 1998, Hamill et al. 1995)

– As a result, less energy absorption is required by the lower extremity, specifically the


• Can reduce the risk of developing a running-related injury or

facilitating recovery from an existing injury (Heiderscheit 2011)

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Increasing Step Rate Decreases Step Length

* ** *

Heiderscheit et al., 2011

Step Rate and COM Heel Distance

As step rate increased:

• Step length was shorter

• Less COM vertical displacement

• Heel was placed horizontally

closer to COM at touchdown

Heiderscheit et al., 2011

Increasing Step Rate Decreases Heel-COM

Distance at Contact



Heiderscheit et al., 2011

Increasing Step Rate Decreases Braking Impulse


* *

Heiderscheit et al., 2011

Peak vGRF was significantly reduced at +10% preferred step rate

and significantly increased at -10% (±±±± .6 N/kg)

FDM-T: Force Reduction

Peak vGRF 159 steps/min= 1304.2 N

= 18.55 N/kg

Peak vGRF 175 steps/min= 1205.7 N

= 17.15 N/kg

-1.4 N/kg

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Step Rate and Mechanical Energy

Step rate above preferred:

Decrease energy absorption (negative

work) at the knee and hip

Proportional decrease in energy

generation across all joints

Heiderscheit et al., 2011

Clinical Applications: Increased Cadence

Despite a greater number of loading cycles, running with an increased cadence has

been suggested to reduce the risk of tibial stress fractures. (Edwards et al., 2009)

Clinical Applications: Increased Cadence

• The reduced energy absorption at the hip in knee

when running with an increased cadence may prove

useful in rehabilitation (Heiderscheit, 2011)

– Can injured runners continue to run without aggravating


– Can we facilitate a progressive return to running?

Bottom Line

• It is unclear if, how or why impacts cause injury.

• Discover new meaning for “take a load off”:

increasing cadence may offer an easy, quick solution

for improving large, detrimental forces seen at


• HOWEVER, it is also important to explore alternative

methods for improving shock/impact absorption,

such as developing hip strength and control, and this

opportunity should be seriously considered for long-

term benefits.

FDM-T: Opportunities for Research?

• Observe the cumulative effect of loading

– Prospective study following loading patterns and injury


• Continue seeking cause and effect relationship: impacts vs. injury


– Footstrike patterns and injury occurrence

• MFS/FFS: 1st or 2nd metatarsal stress fracture?

• RFS- Tibial stress fractures, plantar fascitis?

• ITBS, PTF pain?

• Are the biomechanical changes seen with increased

step rate observed beyond short term?

Think about this:

It is estimated a runner sustains 1200-1500 impacts per

mile (each contact= ~1.5-5x BW).

FDM-T provides the opportunity to

look at each one of them.

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