Cairo, Egyptian Museum Cairo, Egyptian Museum Cairo, Egyptian Museum Cairo, Egyptian Museum This page was printed out on: g:\lists\museums C-G\Cairo Egyptian Museum.wpd Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. i 2 .1, 3(5) Door, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27303. Inner face, Toda, Son Notém, pl. opp. 30. See Brief Descr. No. 2006; Maspero, Guide (1915), 510 [4912]. Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of dec. i 2 .4 Outer coffin and sledge, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27301. Schmidt, Sarkofager figs. 625-730. See Brief Descr. No. 2001; Maspero, Guide (1915), 393 [3797]. Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of dec. i 2 .4 Inner coffin and mummy-board (as ‘case’ in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27308. Ramsès le Grand (Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais. Paris 1976), Cats. xxxv-vi with col. pls. See Brief Descr. No. 2003. Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of dec. i 2 .4 Masks, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, See Maspero, Guide (1915), 452 [4273-4]. Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of dec. i 2 .4 Canopic box, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27307. Name and title, erný Nbk. 77, 1 [bottom]. Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of dec. i 2 .4 Two ushabti-coffins, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 48411-12. Newberry, Funeral Statuettes and Model Sarcophagi (Cat. Caire), 348-51 pl. xviii (CG 48411). Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of dec. i 2 .4A Ushabti-coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum. Sabbahy, Ramses II No. 46 with fig. Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of dec. i 2 .4 Chair naming son Khabekhnet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27256. Capart, Propos fig. 84. See Maspero, Guide 511[4925]. Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of dec. i 2 .4 Bed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27254. Detail, Shedid, A. Das Grab des Sennedjem 12, 15 Abb. 5 [upper]. See Maspero, Guide 525 [5255]. Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of dec.

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    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem.i2.1, 3(5)Door, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27303.Inner face, Toda, Son Notm, pl. opp. 30. See Brief Descr. No. 2006; Maspero, Guide (1915), 510[4912].

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of dec.i2.4Outer coffin and sledge, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27301.Schmidt, Sarkofager figs. 625-730. See Brief Descr. No. 2001; Maspero, Guide (1915), 393 [3797].

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of dec.i2.4Inner coffin and mummy-board (as case in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27308.Ramss le Grand (Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais. Paris 1976), Cats. xxxv-vi with col. pls. SeeBrief Descr. No. 2003. Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of dec.i2.4Masks, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,See Maspero, Guide (1915), 452 [4273-4].

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of dec.i2.4Canopic box, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27307.Name and title, ern Nbk. 77, 1 [bottom].

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of dec.i2.4Two ushabti-coffins, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 48411-12.Newberry, Funeral Statuettes and Model Sarcophagi (Cat. Caire), 348-51 pl. xviii (CG 48411).

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of dec.i2.4AUshabti-coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.Sabbahy, Ramses II No. 46 with fig.

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of dec.i2.4Chair naming son Khabekhnet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27256.Capart, Propos fig. 84. See Maspero, Guide 511[4925].

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of dec.i2.4Bed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27254.Detail, Shedid, A. Das Grab des Sennedjem 12, 15 Abb. 5 [upper]. See Maspero, Guide 525 [5255].

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of dec.

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    i2.46 walking-sticks, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27310.Mlanges Maspero i, 573-7 pl. [A, C-F, H].

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of dec.i2.4Architectural-instrument. Instrument for verifying levels, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG1934 (JE 27258).Chron. dgypte xvi (1934), 200-1 fig. 5. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 542 [5515-17].

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of dec.i2.4Architectural-instrument. Plumb-line, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1940 (JE 27260).Nelson in Archologia 95 (June 1976), fig. on 39 [lower left]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 542 [5515-17].

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of dec.i2.4Architectural-instrument. Cubit-measure, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1941 (JE 27211).Freed, Ramesses the Great 165 [30] fig. Text Carter MS. v. 2 [d]. See Maspero, Guide 542 [5518].

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of dec.i2.4ADummy vase of Sennezem, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27248.The great Pharaoh Ramses II and his time Cat. 49 fig.

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of dec.i2.4ACanopic boxes (mummiform), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4249-52.Reisner, Canopics 173-7 pl. xciii.

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of family.Omit.Wooden box of wife Iyneferti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27215.

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of family.i2.5Wooden box of wife Iyneferti, with 2 gazelles, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27271.Capart, Propos, fig. 85.

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of family.i2.5Canopic box of Iyneferti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27306.Name and title, ern Nbk. 77, 2 [left, upper middle]. See Maspero, Guide 524 [5229].

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of family.

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    i2.5Stools of Iyneferti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27255 A, B.Bruwier, M.-C. in Cannuyer, Ch. and Kruchten, J.-M. (eds.), Mlanges Thodorids 30, 32, 39, 46-7[3,4] with 2 pls.

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of family.i2.5AVase of wife Iyneferti, inscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27286 (CG 2770).See Bell, M. in Cahiers de la cramique gyptienne 1 (1987), 50 [2.7].

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of family.i2.5Coffin, mother Esi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27309.Ramss le Grand (Galeries Nat. du Grand Palais, Paris, 1976), Cat. xxvii pl. See Brief Descr. No.2000.

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of family.i2.5Canopic box of Esi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27304.Name and title, ern Nbk. 77, 2 [left, upper middle]. See Maspero, Guide 524 [5227].

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of family.i2.5Outer coffin and sledge of Khons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27302.Schmidt, Sarkofager figs. 628-9. See Brief Desc. No. 2002; Maspero, Guide (1915), 393 [3796].

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of family.i2.5Ushabti box of Khons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27299.Turaiev, Jaikidlja egipetskich etc. 5 pl. v [1].

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of family.i2.53 walking-sticks of Khons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27310.Mlanges Maspero i, 573-7 pl. [B, G, I].

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Other finds.i2.5AUshabti-box of Khabekhnet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27282.Mahmoud, A. in Hornung, E. and Bryan, B. M. (eds.), The Quest for Immortality. Treasures ofAncient Egypt (National Gallery of Art, Washington, June 30 - Oct. 14, 2002, etc.), 72 (by B. M.Bryan), 145-6 [63] figs.

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of family.i2.5Canopic box of Tamaket, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27305.Name and title, ern Nbk. 77, 2 [left, top]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 524 [5228].

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    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Objects of family.i2.5Stool of Mosi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27290.

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Other finds.i2.5AMask of woman, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.Hawass, Z. Hidden Treasures of Ancient Egypt (2004), 45 fig. (as Iyneferti).

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Other Finds.i2.5[Ostracon with hieratic text of the beginning of the Story of Sinuhe, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE25216.]

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Other finds.i2. pt. 2, xixUshabti-boxes of Iyneferti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27275.

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Other finds.i2. pt. 2, xixUshabti-box of Khabekhnet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27269.

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Other finds.i2. pt. 2, xixUshabti-box of Khabekhnet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27279.

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Other finds.i2. pt. 2, xixUshabti-box of Khabekhnet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27288.

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Other finds.i2. pt. 2, xixUshabti-box of Khons, dedicated by Iuti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27277.

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Other finds.i2. pt. 2, xixUshabti-box of Nakht, Sculptor, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27273.

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Other finds.i2. pt. 2, xixUshabti-box of Iti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27274.

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Other finds.i2. pt. 2, xixUshabti-box of Iuti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27276.

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Other finds.

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    i2. pt. 2, xixBox of Iyneferti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27297.

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Other finds.i2. pt. 2, xixBox of Iyneferti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27298.

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Other finds.i2. pt. 2, xixBox of Khabekhnet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27292.Sabbahy, Ramses II No. 49 fig.

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Other finds.i2. pt. 2, xixBox of Khabekhnet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27296.The great pharaoh Ramses II and his time Cat. 50 fig.

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Other finds.i2. pt. 2, xixBox of Khabekhnet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27300.

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Other finds.i2. pt. 2, xixBox of Khons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27294.

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Other finds.i2. pt. 2, xixBox of Khons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27295.

    Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennezem. Other Finds.i2. pt. 2, xixDate-palm, fragment with Hathor-head and text of Sennezem, used as lever, in Cairo, EgyptianMuseum.Bruyre, La Tomb No. 1, 2 fig. 1.

    Thebes. Tomb 3. Peshedu.i2.11Offering-table of Menna, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. xxxiii, 361 pl. 3.

    Thebes. Tomb 5. Neferabet.i2.14Two blocks from stela or wall, relatives before son Neferronpet and wife, and before deceased andwife, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp., 2.Vandier, Tombe de Neferiabou 50-1 [c, a (2-3)] pl. xxiv.

    Thebes. Tomb 15. Tetiky.i2.27(7)

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    Model ushabti-coffins, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.Names, Davies in J.E.A. xi, 12-13 [8-15].

    Thebes. Tomb 20. Mentuhirkhopshef.i2.35(4)-(5)Fragment with offerings, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43369.Davies, Five Theban Tombs pl. 3.

    Thebes. Tomb 20. Mentuhirkhopshef.i2.35(7)Block with stags head from hunting-scene on recto, and text on verso, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43367 a, b.Davies, Five Theban Tombs 8 note 1pls. i [1], xi [5].

    Thebes. Tomb 20. Mentuhirkhopshef.i2.35(7)Three fragments, with gazelle and wild ass from hunting-scene, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE51952.Davies, Five Theban Tombs pl. xii.

    Thebes. Tomb 27. Sheshonk. Finds.i2.45Right jamb with Menkheper, Mayor of Memphis, [temp. Amenophis III], seated, in Cairo, EgyptianMuseum, JE 66284.

    Thebes. Tomb 32. Dhutmosi. Finds.50A (moved from i2.786)Statue of deceased with parents, seated, painted, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 549. Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 94-6 pl. 91.

    Thebes. Tomb 32. Dhutmosi. Finds.50AStela-fragment mentioning Paheb , [Royal] scribe, Scribe of Amun, with text of divine decrees, Ptol.,in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, [not yet numbered].Kkosy in OLP 23 (1992), 316-17 [III] pls. iv [C], vi [C].

    Thebes. Tomb 32. Dhutmosi. Finds.50AStela-fragments of woman [He]reret, daughter of Paheb, Royal scribe, Scribe of Amun, wood,Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, [not yet numbered].Kkosy in OLP 23 (1992), 311-15 [I] pls. iv [A = left], vi [A].

    Thebes. Tomb 32. Dhutmosi. Finds.50AStela-fragments of a Prophet of Hathor, with text of divine decree, wood, Ptolemaic, in Cairo,Egyptian Museum, [not yet numbered].Kkosy in OLP 23 (1992), 315-16 [II] pls. iv [B], vi [B].

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    Thebes. Tomb 33. Pedamenopet.i2.56Remains of offering-scenes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.B.I.F.A.O. xlvi, p. 92, fig. 9.

    Thebes. Tomb 34. Mentuemhet. Finds. Statues of guardian-demons.i2.601. Statue-group, Duamutf seated with Kebhsenuf, dedicated by deceased, black granite, in Cairo,Egyptian Museum, CG 39273.Daressy, Statues de divinits 318-19 pl. lx.

    Thebes. Tomb 34. Mentuemhet. Finds. Statues of guardian-demons.i2.602. Statue-group, two guardians, one standing, one squatting, black granite, dedicated by deceased, inCairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 39274.Daressy, Statues de divinits 318-19 pl. lx.

    Thebes. Tomb 34. Mentuemhet. Finds.i2.61Stamped brick [Leclant, Doc. 36], (probably from here), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.Legrain in Rec. de Trav. xxxv, 213 [Doc. 41].

    Thebes. Tomb 39. Puimre.i2.73(20)Stela, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34047 (JE 25792).Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 80-2 pl. xxviii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 191 [752].

    Thebes. Tomb 39. Puimre.i2.75Fragment of painted bas-relief with palms, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43368.

    Thebes. Tomb 69. Menna.i2.139(14)Upper part of statue of wife, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36550.Encyclopedia lArt pl. 88. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 129 [430].

    Thebes. Tomb 71. Senenmut.i2.142Two name-stones of deceased with incised texts, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66266-7.Hayes, Ostraka and Name Stones 50-1 pl. xxxi [lxvi, lxxxvi].

    Thebes. Tomb 71. Senenmut.i2.142Three name-stones of deceased with painted texts, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66268-70.Hayes, Ostraka and Name Stones 49, 51 pls. xxxii [lx], xxxiii [lxxxvii, lxxxviii].

    Thebes. Tomb 72. Re.

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    i2.143Coffin of deceased (containing mummy of Ramesses VI), found in Royal tomb 35 (Amenophis II), inCairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61043 (JE 34566).Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales 224-6 pl. lxix.

    Thebes. Tomb 87. Minnakht..i2.179 and pt. 2, xxiSeat of statue of deceased, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36419.See Guksch, H. Nacht-Min und Men-cheper-Ra-Seneb 69-70. Text, Rec. de Trav. xvi. 43 [xcii].

    Thebes. Tomb 103. Dagi. Burial Chamber.i2.217Sarcophagus, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28024 (JE 25328).Interior, L. D. ii. 147-8 [a, b], cf. Text iii, 251.; Coffin texts, Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au NouvelEmpire i, 56-61; Maspero, Guide (1915), 26-7 [34].

    Thebes. Tomb 103. Dagi. Fragments from Walls. Various.i2.217Ostrich, and part of boat, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48848.Davies, Five Theban Tombs, 36 pls. xxx [2], xli [lower].

    Thebes. Tomb 103. Dagi. Fragments from Walls. Various.217AFragment with spell 219 of Pyramid Texts in hieratic, probably from sarcophagus or stela, in Cairo,Egyptian Museum, Temp. 83 (1983), 209-12 pl. xlii and fig.

    Thebes. Tomb 146. Nebamun. i2.258Fragment of stela (?) with representations of ushabti of deceased and wife, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,CG 34160 (JE 33495).Northampton etc., Theban Necropolis 32 [22], 33 [43] pl. xxii [43]; Text, Lacau, Stles du NouvelEmpire i, 202-3.

    Thebes. Tomb 157. Nebwenenef. i2.268Brick of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. photo. 40064.

    Thebes. Tomb 219. Nebenmaet. Chapel.i2.320(1) and pt. 2, xxiiOuter lintel, Anubis jackal crouching, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 63645.Bruyre, Rapport (1933-1934), 118 fig. 53.

    Thebes. Tomb 249. Neferronpet.i2.335Fragment of jamb with deceased seated at bottom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.

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    Title, Legrain, Rpertoire gnalogique et onomastique du Muse du Caire No. 262.

    Thebes. Tomb 253. Khensmosi.i2.338Wooden birth-chair, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 56353.Ann. Serv. lii (1952), 90-1 fig. 8.

    Thebes. Tomb 280. Meketre.i2.360Fragments of relief, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp., Das Alte gypten Abb. xxvi [a, b, c]; M.M.A. photos M. C. C. 1, 2.>

    Thebes. Tomb 280. Meketre. Models.i2.360 and cf. pt. 2, xixTwo canoes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46715.Winlock, Models 67-8 [Y], 102-3 pl. 52 cf. 53. See Brief Descr. No. 6085.

    Thebes. Tomb 280. Meketre. Models.i2.360Boat with paddles, and deceased and son Antef under canopy, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46716.Winlock, Models 59-64 [U] pls. 46, 49 [left] cf. 50, 79, 85-6. See Brief Descr. No. 6086.

    Thebes. Tomb 280. Meketre. Models.i2.360Sailing-boat with deceased under canopy, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46717.Winlock, Models 59-64 [V], 99-100 pl. 47, V. See Brief Descr. No. 6079.

    Thebes. Tomb 280. Meketre. Models.i2.360Kitchen tender, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46718.Winlock, Models 57-8 [R] pls. 40, 42. See Brief Descr. No. 6078.

    Thebes. Tomb 280. Meketre. Models.i2.360Sailing-boat with wicker cabin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46719.Winlock, Models 45-57 [P], 94-5 pl. 36.

    Thebes. Tomb 280. Meketre. Models.i2.360Sailing-boat, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46720.Winlock, Models 45-57 [N], 92-3 pls. 33-4, 42. See Brief Descr. No. 6077.

    Thebes. Tomb 280. Meketre. Models.i2.361House in garden, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46721.Leibovitch, Anc. Eg. fig. 132; Winlock, Models 17-19 [A], 83-4 pls. 9, 10, 12 [left]. See Brief Descr.

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    No. 6082.

    Thebes. Tomb 280. Meketre. Models.i2.361Carpenters shop, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46722.Leibovitch, Anc. Eg. fig. 133; Winlock, Models 33-5 [J] pls. 28-9. See Brief Descr. No. 6083.

    Thebes. Tomb 280. Meketre. Models.i2.361Spinning and weaving, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46723.Winlock, Models 29-33 [H], 88-9 pls. 25-7. See Brief Descr. No. 6084.

    Thebes. Tomb 280. Meketre. Models.i2.361Inspection of cattle, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46724.Winlock, Models 19-22 [C], 84-6 pls. 6, 13-15. See Brief Descr. No. 6080.

    Thebes. Tomb 280. Meketre. Models.i2.362 and cf. pt. 2, xixFemale offering-bringer with drink, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46725.Leibovitch, Anc. Eg. fig. 134; Winlock, Models 39-41 [K], 90-1 pl. 30 [left]. See Brief Descr. No.6081.

    Thebes. Tomb 300. Anhotp.i2.381Magical brick of wife, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.Silverman, D. P. in Der Manuelian, P. (ed.), Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson ii, 736 fig. 2;Philadelphia photo. 40287.

    Thebes. Tomb 308. Kemsit.i2.386Coffins of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49892.M.M.A. photos M.7.C. 46-50.

    Thebes. Tomb 314. Harhotp.i2.389Sarcophagus, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28023.Maspero in Mm. Miss. 1, pls. xvii-xviii. Texts, Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i,44-56; See Maspero, Guide (1915), 106-8 [300], fig. 41.

    Thebes. Tomb 314. Harhotp.i2.389Fragments from tomb and sarcophagus, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. in Mm. Miss. 1, pls. xi-xvi.

    Thebes. Tomb 316. Neferhotep. Dyn. XI.i2.390Offering-table of Nebtiotef and Meryt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47713.

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    M.M.A. photo. M.4.C. 130.

    Thebes. Tomb 316. Neferhotep. Dyn. XI.i2.390Statues of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47708-9.M.M.A. Bull. Pt. ii, Dec. 1923, 20-2 figs. 13, 14.

    Thebes. Tomb 316. Neferhotep. Dyn. XI.i2.390Statuette of tattooed dancing girl, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47710.M.M.A. Bull. Pt. ii, Dec. 1923, 20-2 fig. 15.

    Thebes. Tomb 316. Neferhotep. Dyn. XI.i2.390Fragment of blue faience hippo, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47711.M.M.A. photo. M.4.C. 218.

    Thebes. Tomb 319. Nofru. Blocks from walls.i2.392Head of personified season, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49926.J.N.E.S. xiii, pl. xix.

    Thebes. Tomb 319. Nofru. Blocks from walls.i2.392Two offering-bringers with bags on yoke, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49927.M.M.A. photo. M.7.C. 174.

    Thebes. Tomb 319. Nofru. Burial Chamber.i2.393Four ushabti-coffins, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49086, 49088, 49090, 49092.

    Thebes. Tomb 324. Hatiay.i2.396Stela, two registers, I, dec. before Osiris, II, three daughters, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34138(JE 31059).Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 188-9 pl. lvii.

    Thebes. Tomb 324. Hatiay.i2. 396Triple-statuette, deceased, wife, and mother (heads lost), from niche, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE71965.Davies and Gardiner, Seven Private Tombs at K. urnah 43 pl. xli [right] (called F. 1965).

    Thebes. Tomb 353. Senenmut.i2.418Two shells of Hatshepsut, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51835-6.Dorman, The Tombs of Senenmut 154 [55], 154-5 [57] pls. 91 [c, f-g].

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    EM TO CHECK. This book was not on shelf 9-6-00 (370.1 Dor), so part of this ref. also refers toshell in NYMMA.

    Thebes. Tomb 356. Amenemwia. Finds.i2.420Jambs of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40367.Texts, Bruyre, Rapport (1928), 118-19 (called 46367).

    Thebes. Tomb 358. Queen Ahmosi-Merytamun, daughter of Tuthmosis III, wife of Amenophis II.Passage.Omit. (i2.421)Osiris-figure (containing papyrus), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55146.See Brief Descr. No. 6187.

    Thebes. Tomb 358. Queen Ahmosi-Merytamun, daughter of Tuthmosis III, wife of Amenophis II.Burial Chamber.i2.421Fragments of wooden sarcophagus, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55170.Winlock, The Tomb of Meryet-Amun 21-4 pl. xxvii [D] fig. 8.

    Thebes. Tomb 358. Queen Ahmosi-Merytamun, daughter of Tuthmosis III, wife of Amenophis II.Burial Chamber.i2.421Outer coffin, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55171.Winlock, The Tomb of Meryet-Amun 21-4 pl. xxvii [A-C] fig. 7.

    Thebes. Tomb 358. Queen Ahmosi-Merytamun, daughter of Tuthmosis III, wife of Amenophis II.Burial Chamber.i2.421Middle coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 53140.Winlock, The Tomb of Meryet-Amun 21-4 pls. xxii-xxvi, frontispiece. See Brief Descr. No. 6150.

    Thebes. Tomb 358. Queen Ahmosi-Merytamun, daughter of Tuthmosis III, wife of Amenophis II.Burial Chamber.i2.421Inner coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 53141.Winlock, The Tomb of Meryet-Amun 21-4 pls. xxviii-xxi figs. 5, 6. See Brief Descr. No. 6151.

    Thebes. Tomb 383. Mermosi.i2.436Stela, upper part, deceased adoring Osiris and Western Hathor, probably from here, in Cairo, EgyptianMuseum, CG 34139 (JE 25451).Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 189-90 pl. lvii.

    Thebes. Tomb 386. Antef. Temp. Mentuhotp Nebhetpetre.i2.437Statue of deceased, sandstone, found in burial pit, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 89858, 91169.Saleh, Hauptwerke No. 70 fig.

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    Thebes. Royal Tomb 7. Ramesses II.Omit. (i2.507)Vase fragment with cartouches, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44891.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 8. Merneptah.i2.509Four alabaster vases of Merneptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46706, JE 46709-11.Carter MSS. i. C. 169-73, 187-90, 193-200.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 8. Merneptah.i2.509Two alabaster vases of Rameses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46708, JE 46712.Carter MSS. i. C. 183-4, 201-3. JE 46712, Freed, Ramesses the Great 200 [65] fig.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 8. Merneptah.i2.509One alabaster vase with hieratic text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46707.Carter MSS. i. C. 174-6, 180-2, 185-6.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 20. Hatshepsut.i2.547Sarcophagus, red granite (as King), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37678 (also JE 52459).Davies, etc. Tomb of Htshopst pls. xi, xii; Maspero and Roeder, Fhrer pl. 37 [a]; Maspero, Guide(1915), 173 [620] fig. 59.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 20. Hatshepsut.i2.547Canopic-box of Hatshepsut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38072.Davies, etc. Tomb of Htshopst pl. xiii.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 20. Hatshepsut.i2.547Vase, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.Davies, etc. Tomb of Htshopst pls. xiv [1].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 20. Hatshepsut.i2.547Vase-fragment of Ahmosi Nefertere and Tuthmosis I, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.Davies, etc. Tomb of Htshopst 106 fig. 1.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 20. Hatshepsut.i2.547Vases, alabaster, of Hatshepsut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55610-12, JE 55614-16.Davies, etc. Tomb of Htshopst figs. 5, 7 (all except JE 55614).

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    Thebes. Royal tomb 20. Hatshepsut.i2.547Three henu-vases of Hatshepsut, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55609, 55613 and Temp.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 20. Hatshepsut.i2.54715 blocks, with texts of Book of Imi-Duat, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp., G. B. in KMT 3 [4] (1992), 69, 72, 78 figs. on 80. See Davies, etc. Tomb of Htshopst 80.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 22. Amenophis III.i2.550Box of King, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 3480.Texts, Mariette, Monuments divers recueillis en gypte et en Nubie pl. 36 [a]; Legrain, RpertoireNo. 239.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 22. Amenophis III.i2.550Fragments of another box (perhaps from same as preceding), round near Tomb 36, wood, in Cairo,Egyptian Museum, JE 36400.See Carter in Ann. Serv. iv (1903), 46.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 23. Ay.i2.551Sarcophagus, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72131.Eaton-Krauss, M. The Sarcophagus in the Tomb of Tutankhamun 5-8 fig. 3. Sketch, Hamza in Ann.Serv. xl (1941), 542 pl. lvi [6]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 175-6 [624].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 23. Ay.i2.551Fragment from sarcophagus (see previous), with winged goddess and prenomen, in Cairo, EgyptianMuseum, Temp. (formerly in Brit. Mus. EA 1002).Wilkinson MSS. xl, 150 [bottom].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 34. Tuthmosis III.i2.553Statue (as statuette in Bibl.) of King, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24901 (JE 32246).Daressy, Fouilles 281 pl. lv.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 34. Tuthmosis III.i2.553Vase of wife Merytre Hatshepsut, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24941 (JE 32271).Texts, Daressy, Fouilles 290.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 34. Tuthmosis III.i2.554Faience plaques, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24917-19 (JE 32232 a, b, c).

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    Daressy, Fouilles 284 (Nos. 24917-19) pl. lv (CG 24917-18).

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 34. Tuthmosis III.i2.554Sandstone fragment, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24920 (JE 32223).Text, Daressy, Fouilles 284-5 No. 24920.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 34. Tuthmosis III.i2.554Alabaster false vases, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24924-7 (JE 32230, 32258, 32229, 32606).Daressy, Fouilles 285-6 Nos. 24924-7 pl. lvi (JE 24925-6).

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 34. Tuthmosis III.i2.554Faience wands, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24933 (JE 32275, 32282, 32290, 32293).Text, Daressy, Fouilles 288 No. 24933.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 34. Tuthmosis III.i2.554Boxes, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24937-8 (JE 32283, 32287, 32279).Daressy, Fouilles 289 Nos. 24937-8 pl. lvi (CG 24937).

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 34. Tuthmosis III.i2.554Small alabaster vase, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24942 (JE 32272).Text, Daressy, Fouilles 290 No. 24942.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 34. Tuthmosis III.i2.554Fragment of sledge of Sennezem, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24965.See Carter MSS. i. A.18; Daressy, Fouilles 293-4.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 34. Tuthmosis III.i2.554AStatue of swan, wooden, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24914 (JE 32239, 32274, 32284, 32277,32278).Daressy, Fouilles 283 pl. lv.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 34. Tuthmosis III.i2.554AModel tools, bronze, from foundation deposit, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24930 (JE 32231,32233).See Daressy, Fouilles 286-8.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Sarcophagus Chamber H.i2.554Canopic box, alabaster, with human-headed lids, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 5029-30.Daressy, Fouilles 243-4 pl. l. See Reisner, Canopics 403-4.

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    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Cache. Coffins concealed here.i2.555Tuthmosis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61035 (JE 34559).Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales pl. lxi (lid).

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Cache. Coffins concealed here.i2.555Merneptah-Siptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61038 (JE 34563).Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales pl. lxi.Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Cache. Coffins concealed here.i2.555Sethos II, (lid usurped from Amenophis III), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61036-7 (JE 34560-1).Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales pl. lxi.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Cache. Coffins concealed here.i2.555Setnakht, cartonnage coffin, and fragment of wooden coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61039,61044 (JE 34562, 34565).Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales pl. lxii (cartonnage).

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Cache. Coffins concealed here.i2.555Ramesses III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61040 (JE 34560).Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales pl. lxiii.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Cache. Coffins concealed here.i2.555Ramesses IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61041 (JE 34567).Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales pl. lxiv.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Cache. Coffins concealed here.i2.555 See Theb. tb. 72Re, containing mummy of Ramesses VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61043.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.555Statues of King, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24598-605 (JE 32305, 32422, 32701, 32628,32510, 32346, 32440).Daressy, Fouilles 155-7 Nos. 24598-602, pl. xxxi (CG 24598, 24600, 24602. See Maspero, Guide(1915), 386 [3766 A-E].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.555AFragment of statue of King, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24635 (JE 32496).Daressy, Fouilles 164 pl. xxxv.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.

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    i2.555Fragment of statue of King, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24650.Text, Daressy, Fouilles 167.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.555Statue group, fragments, [Amenophis II] purified by Horus and Thoth, with (perhaps) name ofHatshepsut, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24157 (JE 32411, 32523, 32674).Daressy, Fouilles 79 pl. xxxiii.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.555Statue of Horus, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24606.Daressy, Fouilles 157 No. 24606 pl. xxxii.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.555Statue of Ptah, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24607 (JE 32511, 32522).Daressy, Fouilles 157-8 No. 24607 pl. xxxii.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.555Statue of Osiris, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24608 (JE 32441).Daressy, Fouilles 158 No. 24608 pl. xxxii.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.555Statue of Osiris, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24609 (JE 32501).See Daressy, Fouilles 158 No. 24609.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.555Statue of Osiris, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24610 (JE 32410).See Daressy, Fouilles 158

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.555Statue of Anubis or Duamutf, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24611 (JE 32471).Daressy, Fouilles 158 pl. xxxii.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.555Statue of Osiris, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24616 (JE 32368).See Daressy, Fouilles 159.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.555Statue of Osiris, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24617 (JE 32702).

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    See Daressy, Fouilles 159-60.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.555Statue of deity wearing atef-crown, carrying two vases, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24618(JE 32439).Daressy, Fouilles 160 pl. xxxiii.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.555Statue of mummiform deity, hollowed to contain papyrus, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG24619 (JE 32475).Daressy, Fouilles 160 pl. xxxiii.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.555Statue of seated mummiform loin-headed deity, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24620 (JE32327).Daressy, Fouilles 160 pl. xxxiii.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.555Statues of uraeus and Neith as serpent, wooden, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24628-9 (JE 32409,32408, 32438, 32530).Daressy, Fouilles 162-3 pl. xxxv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 384 [3764 D].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.555Leather mummy-wrapping, Setnakht, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24737 (JE 32596).See Daressy, Fouilles de la Valle des Rois 182-3; Maspero, Guide (1915), 406 [3871].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.555Statue of panther wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24621 (JE 32632, 32531).Daressy, Fouilles 160 No. 24621 pl. xxxiv. Maspero, Guide (1915), 386-7 [3766, F, G], fig. 114.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.555Statue of panther, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24622 (JE 32494).Daressy, Fouilles pp. 161 No. 24622 pl. xxxiv.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.555Part of head from statue of panther, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24623 (JE 32656).See Daressy, Fouilles 161 No. 24623.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.555

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    Fragments of statues of panther, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24624 (JE 32531, 32549,32557, 32598-9, 32657).See Daressy, Fouilles 161 No. 24624.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.555Magical bricks with statues of Anubis jackal and two others, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24101-4(JE 32370, 32371).Daressy, Fouilles 63-4 pl. xviii (CG 24101-2).

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.555Sticks, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24111-13, 24119 (JE 32583, 32896, 32360 a, b, 32499).See Daressy, Fouilles 65-8 pl. xix (CG 24119). CG 24112, text, Helck, Urk iv, 1368 (406, 2).CG 24113, 24119, Helck Urk iv, 1364 (400, 7), 1362-3 (400, 1).

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.556Bow, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24120 (JE 32612).Daressy, Fouilles 68-9 pl. xix.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.556Four model boats, with scenes on sides, one reconstructed from fragments, in Cairo, EgyptianMuseum, CG 4944-6, 5037 (JE 32219, 32217-18, 36688).Daressy, Fouilles 239-43, 246-7 pls. xliii-l. See Reisner, Model Ships 96-9, 114.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.556Clay sealings, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 11494-6 (JE 32342, 32341).Daressy, Fouilles 277-8 pl. xlvii; Quibell, Archaic Objects 102 pl. 18.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.556Faience vases, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 3859-3943.Daressy, Fouilles pp. 218-33, 236-9. Some pls. xlvi, xlvii.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.556Faience boxes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 3945-62.Daressy, Fouilles 218-33, 236-9 pls. xlvi, xlvii (some).

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.

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    i2.556Magical wands, faience and wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24331-47.Daressy, Fouilles 115-18 pl. xxvii (some).

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.556Fragment of box with hieratic text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24678.See Daressy, Fouilles 173.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.556Glass vases, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24801-2, 24804.Daressy, Fouilles 201-2 pl. xliv (CG 24804).

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.556False vase, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24857 (JE 32700).Daressy, Fouilles 211 pl. xlv.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.556Alabaster vases and lids, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24862-74.Daressy, Fouilles 213-15.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.556Naos lids, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24313-29.Daressy, Fouilles 111-14 pl. xlvi (CG 24313, 24329). Texts of CG 24313, 24321, 24326-7, Helck,Urk iv. 1364 (400, 3-6).

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.i2.556Canopic jar of son Webensennu, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 5031.Lilyquist, C. in JARCE 30 (1993), 112 fig. 10. Text, Daressy, Fouilles 244. Name and titles, Legrain,Rpertoire on 183.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 36. Mahirper. Temp. Hatshepsut. Finds.i2.557Sarcophagus, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24001 (JE 33833).Daressy, Fouilles 1-3 pl. i. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 394 [3800, 3800 A].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 36. Mahirper. Temp. Hatshepsut. Finds.i2.557 Three coffins, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24002-4 (JE 33833, 33831, 33830).

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    Daressy, Fouilles 4-8 pl. ii (CG 24003-4). See Maspero, Guide (1915), 396 [3819, 3821].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 36. Mahirper. Temp. Hatshepsut. Finds.i2.557Cartonnage mask, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24096.Daressy, Fouilles 57 pl. xvi.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 36. Mahirper. Temp. Hatshepsut. Finds.i2.557Canopic box on sledge, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24005 (JE 33829).Daressy, Fouilles 8-11 pl. iii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 395 [3818]. Thebes. Royal Tomb 36. Mahirper. Temp. Hatshepsut. Finds.i2.557Four canopic jars, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24006 (JE 33780).Daressy, Fouilles 11-12 pl. iv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 396 [3823, A-D].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 36. Mahirper. Temp. Hatshepsut. Finds.i2.557Mummy-cloth with cartouche of Hatshepsut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24099.Text, Daressy, Fouilles 58.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 36. Mahirper. Temp. Hatshepsut. Finds.i2.557Faience bowl with gazelle, fish, etc., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24058 (JE 33825).Daressy, Fouilles 24 pl. vi.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 36. Mahirper. Temp. Hatshepsut. Finds.i2.557Two leather dog-collars, one with name of dog and hunting-scenes, the other with horses, in Cairo,Egyptian Museum, CG 24075-6 (JE 33777, 33774).Daressy, Fouilles 33-4 pl. xi. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 395 [3802, 3809].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 38. Tuthmosis I. Sarcophagus Chamber.i2.557AWalls. Book of Imi-Duat, 7th and 8th divisions. Fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,Temp., Studien zum Gott Atum i, 183 [15] Taf. xix, xx.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 38. Tuthmosis I. Sarcophagus Chamber.i2.557Walls, Book of Imi-Duat, 12th division. Fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24990(JE 33863).Daressy, Fouilles 303-4 and on pl. lvii.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 38. Tuthmosis I. Sarcophagus Chamber.i2.557Sarcophagus, quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 52344.

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    Hayes, Royal Sarcophagi 52-4, 104-10, 163-5, 184-204 [E] pl. vii. See Daressy, Fouilles 303-4;Maspero, Guide (1915), 172 [619].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 38. Tuthmosis I. Sarcophagus Chamber.i2.559Canopic-box, quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36416.Winlock in J.E.A. xv, 58 pl. xiv [upper].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 38. Tuthmosis I. Sarcophagus Chamber.i2.559Alabaster jar of the King, dedicated by Tuthmosis II, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,CG 24976 (JE 33864).Text, Daressy, Fouilles 300.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 38. Tuthmosis I. Sarcophagus Chamber.i2.559Three alabaster jars of the King, two dedicated by Tuthmosis II, and one by Hatshepsut, in Cairo,Egyptian Museum, JE 55608, 55617.Davis, Tomb of Htshopst 108-9 figs. 3, 4, 6.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 42. Tuthmosis II.i2.559AFoundation-deposits of Merytre Hatshepsut, wife of Tuthmosis III, three alabaster vases, in Cairo,Egyptian Museum.Texts, Gunn Notebook 45a, p. 47.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.i2.560Foundation-deposit, found in situ, vases (one, CG 46004, usurped from Hatshepsut), tools, andfaience plaques, some inscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46001-19.See Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 1-4 pl. ii; Maspero, Guide (1915), 382-3 [3730-8].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.i2.560Canopic box of the King, alabaster, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46041.Lilyquist, C. in JARCE 30 (1993), 115 fig. 13. See Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 8 [8].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.i2.560Canopic jar, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46036.See Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 6 [2].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.i2.560Three canopic jars of son Amenemhet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46037-9.Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 6-7 [3-6] pl. iii [right] (CG 46037). CG 46037-8, Lilyquist, C. inJARCE 30 (1993), 116 figs. 11-12.

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    Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.i2.560Canopic jar of daughter Tentamun, fragment, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46040.Text, Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 7 [7].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.i2.560Statuettes of the King, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46046-50.Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 11-12 pl. v.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.i2.560Chariot, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46097.Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 24-33 figs. pls. ix-xii; Maspero, Guide (1915), 273-4 [3000] fig. 97.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.i2.561Wooden panels from sides of throne. Fragments of back, with sma-symbol, in Cairo, EgyptianMuseum, CG 46096.Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 23 pl. viii [lower].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.i2.561Stone vases, some of Tuthmosis III and IV and Amenophis II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,CG 46071-94.See Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 16-19.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.i2.561Cylindrical vases, faience, some inscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46203-25.Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 58-67 pls. xvii, xviii, xix [left], xx [left].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.i2.561Hes-vases, faience, some inscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46226-82.Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 68-81 pls. xxi, xxii.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.i2.561Libation vase, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46323.See Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 93 [5].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.i2.561Other vases, faience, some inscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46329-55.Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 95-101 pl. xxiii.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.

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    i2.561Four magical bricks with emblems, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46042-5.Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 9-10 pl. iv.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.i2.561Box and axe-handle, fragments, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46127-8.Cartouches, Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 41.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.i2.561Fragments fan-handle, with King in boat, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46095.Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 22-3 pl. viii.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.i2.561Panther, probably support for statuette, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46066.Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 15 pl. vi.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.i2.561Throw-sticks, faience, some inscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46404-18.Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 110-13 pl. xxv.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.i2.561Garment of Amenophis II, fragment, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46526.Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 143-4 pl. i.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.i2.561Ushabti-coffins, etc., faience, some inscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46181-95.Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 53-5 pl. xv.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.i2.561Linen with Horus-name of Amenophis III, two fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46527-8.Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 144 pl. xxviii (called Tuthmosis III).

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.i2.561Clay sealing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46159.Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 44 fig. 40.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Yuia.i2.562Sarcophagus of Yuia, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51001.Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 1-3 pl. i. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 374 [3668].

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    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Yuia.i2.562Outermost (second) coffin of Yuia, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51002.Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 4-5 pl. ii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 373-4 [3667].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Yuia.i2.562Middle (third) coffin of Yuia, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51003.Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 5-10 pls. iii-iv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 373, 374 [3666].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Yuia.i2.562Innermost (fourth) coffin of Yuia, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51004.Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 10-17 pls. iii-vi. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 374-5 [3669].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Yuia.i2.562Mask of Yuia, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51008.D. C. F[orbes] in KMT 7 [2] (1996), 41-2 figs. on 40-1, 43 [right], front cover [right]. See Quibell,Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 28; Maspero, Guide (1915), 372 [3640].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Yuia.i2.562Canopic box of Yuia, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51012.Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 30-2 pl. xiv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 380 [3694].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Yuia.i2.562Ushabti-boxes of Yuia, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51041, 51043-4, 51053.Two boxes, Osman, A. Stranger in the Valley of the Kings 2nd [lower] pl. after 64. Texts of all,Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 39-41.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Yuia.i2.562Wooden boxes of Yuia, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51115-16.Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 55-6 pl. xliv.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Yuia.i2.562Staff and whip-handle of Yuia, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51132-3.See Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 59.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Yuia.i2.562Model coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51054.Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 41 pl. xix.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Yuia.

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    i2.562Model vases, two sets of four, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51102-3.Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 48 pls. xxiv-v.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Yuia.Omit. (i2.562)Limestone Osiris-cenotaph, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51107.Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 29 pl. xxvii.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Yuia.i2.562Wooden statuette from magical brick, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51035.Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 38 pl. xviii [left].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Thuiu.i2.563Wooden sarcophagus, on sledge, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51005.Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 17-20 pls. vii-viii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 381 [3705].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Thuiu.i2.563Second and third coffins of Thuiu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51006-7.Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 20-8 pls. ix-xii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 380 [3704], 375[3671].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Thuiu.i2.563Mask of Thuiu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51009 (JE 95254).Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 28 pl. xiii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 379-80 [3685].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Thuiu.i2.563Canopic box of Thuiu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51013.Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 22-3 pls. xv-xvi. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 380 [3695].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Thuiu.i2.563Canopic jars of Thuiu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51018-21.Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 34-5 pl. xvi. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 380 [3690-3].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Thuiu.i2.563Sistrum-handle of Thuiu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51174.Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 63 pl. l.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Other objects.i2.563Chair of Teye, with Bes and Tueris on sides, and boat containing Princess Sitamun offering bouquet

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    to the Queen (cat under chair) and princess, on back, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51112.Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 52-3 pls. xxxv-vii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 376 [3673].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Other objects.i2.563Chair of Princess Sitamun, with Tueris, Bes dancing holding knives and tambourines, and concubinesbring gold rings, on sides, Hathor-heads in front of arms, and double-scene on back, necklaces offeredto the Princess, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51113.Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 53-4 pls. xxxviii-xliii; Maspero, Guide (1915), 375-6 [3672] fig.111.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Other objects.i2.563Chair with ibexes, Bes, and two figures of Tueris, on sides and back, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,CG 51111.Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 52 pls. xxxii-iv; Maspero, Guide (1915), 376-7 [3764] fig. 112.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Other objects.i2.564Bed with Bes panels, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51109.Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 50-1 pls. xxviii-xxx.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Other objects.i2.564Bed with Bes and Tueris panels, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51110.Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 51 pl. xxxi

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Other objects.i2.564Jewel-box of Amenophis III and Teye, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51118.Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 56-7 pls. xlvi-vii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 378 [3678].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Other objects.i2.564Jewel-box of Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51117.Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 56 pls. xlv, xlvii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 378 [3677].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Other objects.i2.564Box of Amenophis III and Teye, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51114.Davis, Tomb of Iouiya and Touiyou pl. xi; See Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 54-5.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Other objects.i2.564Vase of Amenophis III and Teye, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51104.Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 48-9 pl. xxvi [left]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 373 [3652-3].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Other objects.

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    i2.564Kohl-tube of Amenophis III, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51175.Davis, Tomb of Iouiya and Touiyou 34 pl. xliii [bottom right]. See Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa andThuiu 63.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Other objects.i2.564Vase of Taemwazes, pottery in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51083.Davis, Tomb of Iouiya and Touiyou pl. xxviii [middle]. See Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 45-6.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Other objects.i2.564Clay seal of Ramesses III, attached to linen, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51179.See Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 64.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 47. Merneptah-Siptah.565AWooden fragment (possibly adze) of the Kings mother Queen Tia, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,JE 38778.Aldred in JEA xlix (1963), 42-3 fig. 2. See Davis, etc. Tomb of Siphtah 13 (called Thiy).

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 55. Probably Amenophis IV.i2.565-6Coffin lid made for Amenophis IV [by Nefertiti], in Cairo Mus. JE 39627.Davis, etc. Tomb of Queen Tyi 16-19 pl. xxx. Lid see, Maspero, Guide (1915), 407 [3873].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 55. Probably Amenophis IV.i2.565ARestored case from coffin of Smenkhkare, formerly in Koutoulakis colln., then in Munich, StaatlicheSammlung gyptischer Kunst, now in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.Ares, N. in Revista de Arqueologa xxiii [253] (2002), 35-6 fig. on 35 [upper].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 55. Probably Amenophis IV.i2.566Three canopic jars [A-C], anonymous, originally probably made for Kiya and later re-used forAmenophis IV, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39635-7.Davis, etc. Tomb of Queen Tyi 24-5 pls. vii-ix [except upper left], xi, xiii-xv, xvii-xix . See MasperoGuide (1915), 370 [3610-12].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 55. Probably Amenophis IV.Omit (i2.566)Vulture emblem, gold, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52643 (JE 39630).Davis, etc. Tomb of Queen Tyi pl. 20.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 55. Probably Amenophis IV.i2.566Shrine, made for Teye by Amenophis IV, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 57175.

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    Davis, etc. Tomb of Queen Tyi 13-15 pls. xxiii, xxvii-ix, xxxi-iii.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 55. Probably Amenophis IV. Finds.i2.566Four magical bricks with text of Amenophis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.Davis, etc. Tomb of Queen Tyi 10, 26-7 pl. 22.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 56. Gold Tomb.i2.567Gold diadem with cartouches of Tausert and Sethos II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52644(JE 39674).Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries 204 pl. xli. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 441 [4192].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 56. Gold Tomb.i2.567Ear pendants of Sethos II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52397-8 (JE 39675).Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries 137-8 pl. xxviii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 441.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 56. Gold Tomb.i2.567Ear-ring of Queen Tausert, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52331.Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries 119-20 pl. xxvi.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 56. Gold Tomb.i2.567Pair of silver bracelets, with scenes of Tausert before Sethos II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,CG 52577-8 (JE 39688).Davis, etc. Tomb of Siptah 39-40 [15] 9th and 10th pls.; Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries 184-5 pl. xx.See Maspero, Guide (1915), 442 [4197-8].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 56. Gold Tomb.i2.567Gold plaques with cartouches of Sethos II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52684.Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries 227-8 pl. lvi [C].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 56. Gold Tomb.i2.567Vase of Sethos II, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39712.Davis, etc. Tomb of Siphtah 45 [i] 21st pl. [left]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 380 [3701].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 56. Gold Tomb.i2.567Alabaster vases of Ramesses II and Sethos II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39713-18.Davis, etc. Tomb of Siphtah 31-2, 45-6 [ii, iii] 22nd pl. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 380 [3700,3702-3].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 57. Haremhab.i2.569

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    Fragments of wooden coffin or sledge, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 24912.Text, Davis, etc., Tombs of Haremhabi and Touatnkhamanou 97 [l].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 57. Haremhab.i2.569Canopic box of the King, alabaster, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp., etc., Tombs of Haremhabi and Touatnkhamanou 97-100 [3] pl. lxxiv. See Maspero, Guide(1915), 398-9 [3839].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 57. Haremhab.i2.569Heads of canopic jars of the King, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46809, 46826, 55369.Davis, etc., Tombs of Haremhabi and Touatnkhamanou 100 [4] pls. lxxv, lxxvi.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 57. Haremhab.i2.569Two statues of King, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46888, 46944.Davis, etc., Tombs of Haremhabi and Touatnkhamanou 101-2 [6, 7] pl. lxxix (one statue). SeeMaspero, Guide (1915), 398 [3834, 3834 A].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 57. Haremhab.i2.569Base of another, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55331.See Davis, etc., Tombs of Haremhabi and Touatnkhamanou 103 [11].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 57. Haremhab.i2.569Wooden seated statuette of Harpocrates (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55351.Davis, etc., Tombs of Haremhabi and Touatnkhamanou 102 [9[ pl. lxxx.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 57. Haremhab.i2.569Lion libation-altar of the King, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46867.Davis, etc., Tombs of Haremhabi and Touatnkhamanou 100-1 [5] pl. lxxviii. See Maspero, Guide(1915), 399 [3842].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 57. Haremhab.i2.569Wooden panther, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55368.Davis, etc., Tombs of Haremhabi and Touatnkhamanou 103 [14] pl. lxxxii.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 57. Haremhab.i2.569Wooden dovetail with cartouche, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55321.See Davis, etc., Tombs of Haremhabi and Touatnkhamanou 97 [2].

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    Thebes. Royal Tomb 57. Haremhab.i2.569Remains of two magical bricks with hieratic texts, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46817, 46832.See Davis, etc., Tombs of Haremhabi and Touatnkhamanou 106 [29].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 57. Haremhab.i2.569Three wooden plaques, one with remains of winged gods, possibly of Assyrian origin, one with nameof Hapi, and one with a cartouche, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46853-5.Davis, etc., Tombs of Haremhabi and Touatnkhamanou 107 [33] fig. 1 (JE 46853).

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Corridor. Entrance.i2.570(1)Sealings (4), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.Burton photos. 274, 276-9, 282.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Antechamber. Entrance.i2.570(2)Sealings (13), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.See Carter i, 95.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Annexe. Entrance.i2.570(3)Sealings (171), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.Burton photos. 275, 294, 296.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sarcophagus Chamber.i2.570(4)Sealings of entrance (28), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.Burton photos. 283, 288

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sarcophagus Chamber.i2.570(4)Ka-statue of the King (22), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60707.Burton photos. 280, 292-3, 320-1, 491-6.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sarcophagus Chamber.i2.571(4)Ka-statue of the king (29), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60708.Burton photos. 280, 292-3, 497, 499-500\2, 652-5.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sarcophagus Chamber.i2.571Magical brick with Osiris figure, from niche (257), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61378.Burton photo. 884a. Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sarcophagus Chamber.i2.571

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    Magical brick with Anubis-dog, from niche (258), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61376.Burton photo. 884.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sarcophagus Chamber.i2.571Magical brick with ushabti-like figure, from niche (259), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61377.Burton photo. 884b.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sarcophagus Chamber.i2.571 Magical brick with djad emblem, from niche (260), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61379.Burton photo. 884c.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sarcophagus Chamber. Four wooden shrines.i2.571First outermost shrine (207), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60664.Burton photos. 592a, 602-9, 611, 613, 629-30, 634, 637, 1543.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sarcophagus Chamber. Four wooden shrines.i2.571Framework for pall (208), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60665.Burton photos. 611-12, 618-20, 1911-13.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sarcophagus Chamber. Four wooden shrines.i2.571Pall (209), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62745.Burton photos. 611, 614-17, 621-3.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sarcophagus Chamber. Four wooden shrines.i2.571Second shrine (237), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60666.Burton photos. 625-8, 632a, 1571, 1588, 1619, 1716, 1920-7.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sarcophagus Chamber. Four wooden shrines.571ASeal from door of second shrine (237a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60666.Burton photos. 612, 624.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sarcophagus Chamber. Four wooden shrines.i2.571-2Third shrine (238), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60667.Burton photos. 632-33b, 642, 1717, 1928-32 .

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sarcophagus Chamber. Four wooden shrines.572ASeal from door of third shrine (238a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60667.Burton photos. 631, 631\2, 703-4a.

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    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sarcophagus Chamber. Four wooden shrines.i2.572Fourth innermost shrine (239), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60668.Burton photos. 638-38b, 640-1, 643, 1723-5, 1933.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Coffins.i2.572Bier, gilt, with lions heads and feet (253a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60669.Burton photo. 885.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Coffins.i2.572Middle coffin, wooden (254), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60670.Burton photos. 717-21, 723-6, 730-30\3, 1568, 1589-90, 1852-4.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Coffins.i2.572Inner coffin, gold (255), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60671.Burton photos. 719c-d, 731, 731\4, 740-40c, 743, 770, 770\3, 1589, 1712, 1712\2, 1760, 1855-60.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Coffins.i2.573Mask gold (256a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60672.Burton photos. 744, 749-55, 757-62, 1545, 1616-18, 1620, 1699, 1700.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Coffins.i2.573Trappings (256b(3)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60673.Burton photos. 1909-10, 2003.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Coffins.i2.573Girdle, sheet gold (256l), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60677.Burton photos. 875-7, 2013.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Coffins.i2.573Girdle, sheet gold (256ee), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60676.Burton photos. 875-7.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Coffins.i2.573Diadem, gold (256,4,o), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60684.Burton photos. 825-31, 1892-3.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Coffins.i2.573Dagger, gold, and sheath with lions and gazelle (256dd), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61584.

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    Burton photos. 869, 872-4, 1865.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Additional objects.i2.573Canopic-canopy on sledge, wooden (266), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60686.Burton photos. 1144, 1151, 1552.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Additional objects.i2.574Canopic-shrine, with statues of goddesses, etc. (266a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60686.Burton photos. 938b-g, 1144-50, 1550, 1552, 1849-50.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Additional objects.i2.574Canopic-chest, alabaster, goddesses at corners (266b), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60687.Burton photos. 1151-3, 1155-9, 1166a, 1835-6.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Additional objects.i2.574Canopic-jars, head of King as lids, alabaster (266c-f), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60687.Burton photos. 1160-3, 1837-42.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Additional objects.i2.574Four miniature coffins, usurped from Smenkhkare (266g), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,JE 60688-91.Burton photos. 1164-6, 1554-5, 1701, 1708, 1718-19, 1750, 1752-9, 1843-8.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Additional objects.i2.574Anubis-jackal on portable pylon (261), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61444.Burton photos. 1110-12, 1113\2, 1117-19.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Additional objects.i2.574Inscribed linen (from Anubis-shrine) (261a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62706.Burton photo. 1480a.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of the King.i2.574Wooden head of young king in lotus-flower (8), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60723.Burton photos. 479-80, 1705, 1745, 1879-81.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of the King.i2.574Statuette of the King, wood, with stick (275b), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60712.Burton photos. 999, 1607, 1951.

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    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of the King.i2.574Statuette of the King, wood, with stick (275d), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60713.Burton photos. 1006-6a, 1055, 1952.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of the King.i2.574Statuette of the King, wood, with stick (296b), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60711.Burton photos. 1016, 1709, 1953.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of the King.i2.574Statuette of the King, harpooning on reed-float, wood (275c), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,JE 60709.Burton photos. 999-99a, 1004-4a.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of the King.i2.574Statuette of the King harpooning on reed-float, wood (275e), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,JE 60710.Burton photo. 999.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of the King.i2.575Statuette of the King on black panther (289a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60714.Davison, The Splendors of Egypt pl. on 19 (only ref., book not in G.I. Library).

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of the King.i2.575Statuette of the King on black panther (289b), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60715.Burton photos. 1010, 1010c, 1519, 1707, 1785.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of the King.i2.575Statuette of a King (Amenophis IV?), blue glass (54ff), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60718.Burton photos. 323, 1217.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of the King.i2.575Statuette of a King (Amenophis IV?), limestone (54ee), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60719.Burton photos. 322, 324.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of the King.i2.575Statuette of a King (Amenophis IV?), glazed stone (54vv), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60717.Burton photo. 324.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of the King.

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    i2.575Bust, used as mannequin (116), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60722.Burton photos. 43, 325-6.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Chariots. i2.575Chariot (120), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61989.Burton photos. 43, 517-28, 532-3.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Chariots. i2.575AChariot (121), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61991.Burton photos. 43, 1775.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Chariots. i2.575AHawk, wood, gesso and gilt, from Chariot 121 (112), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61991d.Burton photo. 516.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Chariots. i2.575Chariot (122), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61990.Burton photos. 535-42a.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Chariots. i2.575APair of blinkers (122i), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61990h.Burton photos. 544, 1780.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Chariots. i2.575APair of blinkers (122j), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61990i.Burton photos. 555, 1780.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Chariots. i2.575APair of blinkers (122k), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61990h.Burton photos. 556, 1780.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Chariots. i2.575Harness, embossed sheet gold (122v), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. photo. 1197a.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Chariots. i2.575AFive incised strips of wood, part of chariot (?) (150), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61998.Burton photos. 529, 559.

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    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Chariots. i2.575AHawk, wooden, gesso and gilt (157=120f), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61989d.Burton photo. 561.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Chariots. i2.575AHawk, wooden, gesso and gilt (160=122f), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61990d.Burton photos. 573-4.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Chariots. i2.575AChariot (161), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61993.Littauer and Crouwel, Chariots 26-7 [A4] with pls. xxx-xxxii.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Chariots. i2.575AChariot (332), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61994.Littauer and Crouwel, Chariots 53-5 [A5] with pls. liv, lv; Burton photo. 1498.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Chariots.i2.575AChariot (333), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61992.Littauer and Crouwel, Chariots 55-7 [A6] with pls. lvi-lix.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.i2.575Couch with hippopotamus-heads (137), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62012.Burton photos. 15, 166, 1540\2.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.i2.575Couch with Hathor-cow heads (73), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62013.Burton photos. 513-15.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.i2.576Couch, with lion-heads (35), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62011.Burton photos. 512, 512a.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.i2.576Bed, ebony, with Bes and Tueris panels, etc. (47), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62016.Burton photos. 23, 63-5.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.i2.576Bed, ebony, with Bes and Turis panels, etc. (377), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62015.

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    Burton photo. 1288.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.i2.576Bed, gilt and ebony, with floral decoration (466), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62014.Burton photos. 1285-6.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.i2.576Folding bed (586), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62018.Burton photos. 1287, 1479-79a.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.i2.576Head-rest, with Bes on each side of base, wood (101o), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62025.Burton photo. 195.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.i2.576Head-rest, blue glass with text (403a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62022.Burton photos. 200a, 1565.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.i2.576Head-rest, blue faience, with cartouche (403b), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62021.Burton photos. 1092a, 1535, 1728, 1884.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.i2.576Head-rest, ivory, with Shu and lions (403c), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62020.Burton photos. 1236-8, 1736, 1862-3.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.i2.576Head-rest, ivory, with Bes-heads (403d), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62023.Burton photos. 1239, 1703-4.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.i2.576Throne, with scene on back of seat (91), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62028.Burton photos. 154, 154a, 154h, 155-64.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.i2.576Footstool (to throne 91), with prostrate captives (90), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62046.Burton photos. 357-8.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.

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    i2.577Chair, cedarwood, with Heh-figure, etc. (87), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62029.Burton photos. 147-53.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.i2.577Ceremonial folding chair, ebony and ivory (351), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62030.Burton photos. 1289-91, 1720-2, 1729, 1863.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.i2.577Footstool with captives (378), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62045.Burton photos. 1290-90a.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.i2.577Chair, white wood, with hawk on back (349), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62032.Burton photos. 1293, 1734, 1737-8, 1851.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.i2.577Stool, four-legged, wood, painted white and gold (467), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62038.Burton photos. 1295, 1957-8.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.i2.577Child's chair, ebony, with ivory panels (39), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62033.Burton photos. 143-6.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.i2.577Chair-seat, with captives (457), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62034.Burton photo. 1325.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.i2.577Stool, four-legged, wood (78), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62039.Burton photos. 351, 2022.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.i2.577Stool, three-legged, with bound lions, etc. (412), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62043.Burton photos. 1294, 1532-3, 1670.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.i2.577Footstool, wooden, with captives (30), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62047.Burton photos. 345-6, 2018.

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    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.i2.577Footstool, wooden, with captives (88), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62048.Burton photos. 355-6.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.i2.577Footstool, wood, with captives (511), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62044.Burton photos. 1305, 1732, 1877.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.i2.577Hassock, beadwork, with captives (354), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62056.Burton photos. 1217, 1740.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.i2.577-8Box, wooden, with painted scenes (21), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61467.Burton photos. 76, 78-87, 1468, 1611, 1807-18.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.i2.578Box, wood and ivory, with painted scenes (540), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61477.Burton photos. 1298, 1465, 1467, 1467b, 1831.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.i2.578Lid of box 540, wood and ivory (551), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61477.Burton photos. 1465, 1467, 1467a, 1467c-e, 1467e(a),1831.

    Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.i2.578Box, faience and gilt panels, with Heh-figures (44), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61476.Burton photos. 101-7, 1220a-d, 1684, 1751.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.i2.578Box, cedarwood and ivory, with carrying-poles (32), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61445.Burton photos. 88-94, 1223, 1557.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.i2.578Box, painted alabaster, with floral decoration (40), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61466.Burton photos. 95-7, 1220-1.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.i2.579Box, for jewels, ivory, with Horus-name of King (54ddd), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61449.

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    Burton photos. 123-7.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.i2.579Box for linen, vaulted, ebony and painted wood (101), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61468.Burton photos. 137-40, 171.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.i2.579Box, on tall legs, ebony and cedar (403), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61446.Burton photos. 1307, 1587, 1702, 1766.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.i2.579Box, on tall legs, ebony and cedar (388), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61447.Burton photos. 1308, 1832.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.i2.579Piece of board, belonging to lid 537 of box 388 (386), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61447.Burton photos. 1546, 1833.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.i2.579Box, wood and ebony, cartouche-shaped (269), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61490.Burton photos. 1176a-81.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.i2.579Box, cedarwood and ivory, with 16 compartments (271), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61458.Burton photos. 987a-c, 1109, 1765, 1827.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.i2.579Box for playthings, with automatic lock (585), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61456.Burton photos. 1302-3, 1764.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.i2.579Box for the King's headwear (lid = 615) (547), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61457.Burton photos. 1309-10.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.i2.579Lid of box 547 (615), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61457.Burton photos. 1299, 1309.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.

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    i2.579Box for perfume, in form of double-cartouche, gold (240bis), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,JE 61496.Burton photos. 713-16, 987, 1749, 1826.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.i2.579Box, ebony and red wood veneer, semicircular (79), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61495.Burton photos. 133-6.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.i2.579Lid of box 79, ebony and red wood, semicircular (574), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61495.Burton photos. 1300-1.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.i2.579Box, inlaid, with four compartments (268), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61461.Burton photos. 1098-99, 1100, 1824.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.i2.579Box, rectangular, wood (546), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61450.See Killen, G. Ancient Egyptian Furniture ii, 69.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.i2.579Lid of box 546, with cartouches, wood (550), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61450.See Killen, G. Ancient Egyptian Furniture ii, 69.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.i2.579Fragments of box with cartouche of Smenkhkare (1k), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61500 A, B.Burton photos. 167-8, 1806.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.i2.579Box-lid, glass, with Princess Neferneferure (54hh), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61498.Burton photos. 122, 175.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.i2.579Box-panel, with geese and flower decoration (620(121)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61499.Burton photo. 1297.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.i2.579ABox, hinged, wooden (50), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61454.

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    Burton photos. 108-11.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.580Alabaster cup with lotus-flowers and Heh-figures (14), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62125.Burton photos. 455-6.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.580Vase for perfume, alabaster, with Nile-gods (210), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62114.Burton photos. 667-72, 1660.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.580Jar for cosmetics, alabaster, with lion on lid (211), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62119.Burton photos. 660-6.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.580Vase, alabaster, held by standing Nile-god (360), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62113.Burton photos. 1323, 1615, 1651-2.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.580Vase, alabaster (58), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62115.Burton photo. 469.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.580Vase, alabaster, on stand (60), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62118.Burton photos. 470, 475-7, 1641.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.580Vase, alabaster, on papyrus and lotus stand (61), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62117.Burton photos. 471, 475-7, 1641.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.580 Vase, alabaster, on stand (57), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62116.Burton photos. 468, 475-7, 1641.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.580Vase, with cartouches of the King and Queen (367d), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62256.Text Corpus 175.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.

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    i2.580Vase for ointment, alabaster, lion-shaped (579), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62124.Burton photos. 1216, 1254, 1526, 1650.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.580Vase for oil, alabaster, in form of ibex (584), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62122.Burton photos. 1255, 1614, 1658-9.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.580Vase, openwork (420), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62121.Burton photos. 1256, 1642-3, 1655-6.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.580Vase for oil, cartouches (520), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62123.Burton photos. 1527, 1676-7.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.580Vase, with cartouches (385), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62132.Burton photos. 1743, 1748.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.580Lamp, alabaster, with scene, King and Queen (173), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62111.Burton photos. 657-57b, 659-59d.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.580Jar, alabaster, of Tuthmosis III, of 14 hin (404), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62164.Burton photos. 1263, 2023.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.580Jar, alabaster, of Tuthmosis IV, of 16 hin (410), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62131.Burton photo. 1261.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.580Jar, alabaster, of Amenophis III and Teye (588), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62144.Burton photos. 1520, 1746.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.580Jar of Amenophis III, alabaster (483), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62143.Burton photos. 1536, 1744.

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    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.581Drinking cup, blue faience (54n), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62257.Text Corpus 28.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.581Cup, blue glaze (54t), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62262.Burton photos. 177-8.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.581ACup, blue glaze (54u), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62263.Reeves, The Complete Tutankhamun fig. on 200 [middle, upper left].

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.581Wine cup, blue faience (54qq(1)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62259.Unpublished.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.581Wine cup, green faience (54rr(1)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62265.Text Corpus 29.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.581Vase of king, faience (31), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62252.Burton photo.173.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.581Cosmetic vase, faience (54ccc), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62248.Burton photos. 176, 181.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.581Vase, green faience (54w), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62249.Burton photos. 176, 181.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.581Vase, blue faience (63), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62253.Burton photos. 183.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.581Unguent vase, faience (399a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62247.

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    Burton photo. 1280.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.581Vase of Queen Ankhesenamun, faience (25), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62250.Burton photo. 172.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.581Ewer, blue faience (54z), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62204.Burton photos. 179, 182.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.581AEwer, blue faience (54aa), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62205.Burton photos. 179, 182.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.581Ewer, blue faience (54oo), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62203.Unpublished.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.581Ewer, dark blue faience (54bbb), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62202.Echnaton och Nefertiti (Stockholm 1976), No. 66 with pl. 63.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.581Bowl with cartouche, wooden (44s), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62437.Burton photo. 226.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.581AHes-vase, blue faience (620(31)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62240.Burton photo. 1280.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.581AVase, with razed inscription of Amenophis IV and Smenkhkare (405), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE62172.Burton photos. 1271, 1747, 1980.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.i2.581AVase, with razed inscription of Amenophis IV and Smenkhkare (448), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE62176.Text Corpus 185.

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    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.i2.581Bow-case, with hunting-scenes (335), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61502.Burton photos. 1120-6, 1472, 1511, 1582, 1584-6, 1612-13.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.i2.581Composite-bow (48f), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61545.Burton photos. 484-5, 487.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.i2.581AComposite-bow (48g(1)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61524.Text Corpus 22.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.i2.581Composite-bow (48g(2)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61520.Text Corpus 21-2.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.i2.581AComposite-bow (48h), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61517.Burton photos. 484-8.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.i2.581Composite-bow, with string round neck of captive (48i(1)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61544.Burton photo. 484.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.i2.581AComposite-bow (48i(2)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61537.Text Corpus 22.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.i2.581AComposite-bow (48j(1)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61525.Burton photos. 484, 486, 488.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.i2.581AComposite-bow (48j(2)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61533.Text Corpus 23.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.i2.581AComposite-bow (48k(1)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61526.

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    Burton photos. 484, 486, 488.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.i2.581AComposite-bow (48k(2)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61523.Text Corpus 23.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.i2.581Composite-bow (77b), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61519.Text Corpus 31.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.i2.581AComposite-bow (135z), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61527.Text Corpus 60.

    Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.i2.581Composite-bow (153), in Cairo, Egypt