Code No: 09A70303 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD B. Tech IV Year I Semester Examinations, May/June - 2013 CAD/CAM (Common to ME, AE, AME) Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75 Answer any Five Questions All Questions Carry Equal Marks - - - 1.a) What is display unit? Explain screen buffer and scanning related to CAD systems. b) Explain the concept of various coordinate systems required for geometric display systems. Give an example. [7+8] 2.a) Discuss the concept of obtaining a rotation about an arbitrary point in XY plane. b) Explain the importance of clipping? Give the details of method used for line clipping. [7+8] 3.a) What are the primitive elements in CAD? Give the classification of geometric modeling systems based on their capabilities. b) What are the differences and applications of Coons and Bezier surfaces? [7+8] 4.a) Explain various facilities that are useful for editing geometric entities in CAD drafting system? b) Explain extrude and loft commands in CAD software package. [7+8] 5.a) With a block diagram explain main features of CNC machine tools with feedback. b) Differentiate between manual part programming and computer aided part programming in CNC machines. [7+8] 6.a) Define part family in GT. Explain one method of parts coding system. b) Explain the guidelines and benefits of implementing group technology. [7+8] 7.a) Define computer aided quality control. Explain how it is implemented. b) What are the types of CMM. State the applications. [7+8] 8.a) With a CIM circle diagram explain communication network the system. b) State the advantages of CIM in manufacturing industry. [7+8] --ooOoo-- R09 ilities that ar and loft commands in gram explain main featur e ween manual part prog NC machines. Expla nts in CAD? G ir capabilities. plicat ions of Coon useful for edit ciliti t are an in gram explain main featur es ween manual part prog NC machines. . Explai nts in CAD? G ir capab plicat on useful for edit loft comman m explain main n manual p achines. ns of C l for plem w i Exp o ided om D echn ng g mpl nef nes the E aid com ing prog pr pro ual al al ween tiat D sys d litie hei ir i g systems base m i ed met clipping? Give the deta Explain the importan y tric for s re a te us c pt o the E Mar y E ion All 5 Ma : 3 AM C RA TY H NIV GIC HN HRU LA AWA R y c rt e www.jntuking.com www.jntuking.com www.jntuking.com

CAD/CAM  · b) Differentiate between manual part programming and computer aided part programming in CNC machines. [7+8] 6.a) Define part family in GT. Explain one method of parts

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Page 1: CAD/CAM  · b) Differentiate between manual part programming and computer aided part programming in CNC machines. [7+8] 6.a) Define part family in GT. Explain one method of parts

Code No: 09A 70303


B. Tech IV Year I Semester Examinations, May/June - 2013CAD/CAM

(Common to ME, AE, AME)

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75

Answer any Five Questions

All Questions Carry Equal Marks

- - -

1.a) What is display unit? Explain screen buffer and scanning related to CAD systems.

b) Explain the concept of various coordinate systems required for geometric display

systems. Give an example. [7+8]

2.a) Discuss the concept of obtaining a rotation about an arbitrary point in XY plane.

b) Explain the importance of clipping? Give the details of method used for line

clipping. [7+8]

3.a) What are the primitive elements in CAD? Give the classification of geometric

modeling systems based on their capabilities.

b) What are the differences and applications of Coons and Bezier surfaces? [7+8]

4.a) Explain various facilities that are useful for editing geometric entities in CAD

drafting system?

b) Explain extrude and loft commands in CAD software package. [7+8]

5.a) With a block diagram explain main features of CNC machine tools with feedback.

b) Differentiate between manual part programming and computer aided part

programming in CNC machines. [7+8]

6.a) Define part family in GT. Explain one method of parts coding system.

b) Explain the guidelines and benefits of implementing group technology. [7+8]

7.a) Define computer aided quality control. Explain how it is implemented.

b) What are the types of CMM. State the applications. [7+8]

8.a) With a CIM circle diagram explain communication network the system.

b) State the advantages of CIM in manufacturing industry. [7+8]



) Explain various facilities that are useful for editing

b) Explain extrude and loft commands in CAD software package. [7+8]

5.a) With a block diagram explain main features of CNC machine tools with feedback.

b) Differentiate between manual part programming and computer aided part

programming in CNC machines. [7+8]

6.a) Define part family in GT. Explai

clipping. [7+8]

3.a) What are the primitive elements in CAD? Give the classification of geometric

on their capabilities.

b) What are the differences and applications of Coons and Bezier surfaces? [7+8]

that are useful for editing) Explain various facilities that are useful for editing

b) Explain extrude and loft commands in CAD software package. [7+8]

5.a) With a block diagram explain main features of CNC machine tools with feedback.

b) Differentiate between manual part programming and computer aided part

programming in CNC machines. [7+8]

6.a) Define part family in GT. Explai

clipping. [7+8]

3.a) What are the primitive elements in CAD? Give the classification of geometric

on their capabilities.

b) What are the differences and applications of Coons and Bezier surfaces? [7+8]

that are useful for editing

b) Explain extrude and loft commands

5.a) With a block diagram explain main featur

b) Differentiate between manual part

programming in CNC machines. [7+8]

on their capabilities.

ions of Coons and Bezier surfaces? [7+8]

that are useful for editing

ontrol. Explain how it is implemented.ontrol. Explain how it is implemented.ontrol. Explain how it is implemented.ontrol. Explain how it is implemented.7.a) Define computer aided quality c7.a) Define computer aided quality c7.a) Define computer aided quality c

its of implementing group technology. [7+8]its of implementing group technology. [7+8]its of implementing group technology. [7+8]its of implementing group technology. [7+8]b) Explain the guidelines and benefb) Explain the guidelines and benefb) Explain the guidelines and benefb) Explain the guidelines and benef

programming and computer aided partprogramming and computer aided partprogramming and computer aided partprogramming and computer aided partprogramming and computer aided partprogramming and computer aided partb) Differentiate between manual partb) Differentiate between manual partb) Differentiate between manual partb) Differentiate between manual partb) Differentiate between manual partb) Differentiate between manual partb) Differentiate between manual part

drafting system?drafting system?

on their capabilities.on their capabilities.on their capabilities.on their capabilities.on their capabilities.modeling systems basedmodeling systems based on their capabilities.

s of method used for lines of method used for lineclipping? Give the detailb) Explain the importance of

te systems required for geometric displayte systems required for geometric displayte systems required for geometric displayte systems required for geometric displayb) Explain the concept of various coordinate systems required for geometric displayb) Explain the concept of various coordinab) Explain the concept of various coordinab) Explain the concept of various coordinab) Explain the concept of various coordina

All Questions Carry Equal MarksAll Questions Carry Equal MarksAll Questions Carry Equal MarksAll Questions Carry Equal Marks

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75

Examinations, May/June - 2013Examinations, May/June - 2013Examinations, May/June - 2013CAD/CAM CAD/CAM



7.a) Define computer aided quality c

programming and computer aided part

s of method used for line




