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INTRODUCTION TO AutoCAD AutoCAD is a general purpose Computer Aided Design/ Drafting program which you can use to prepare a wide variety of two- dimensional and three dimensional models. It is powerful drawing tool that can be highly customized to suit your specific application. Using AutoCAD to create drawings, you can realize a significant increase in speed & accuracy over traditional methods. AutoCAD stores the drawings you create in data files which you can retrieve at any time for viewing, editing or plotting. AutoCAD features lest you correct drawing you create in data files which you can retrieve at any time for viewing, ,editing or plotting . AutoCAD features let you correct drawing errors easily and make revisions without redoing the entire drawing. It produces clean precise final drawings. AutoCAD works for you ; it doesn’t put anything in to your drawing “on its own”. Objects in AutoCAD are drawn at their actual size. You can create drawings that represent things that are very large ( like the . solar system ) , or things that are very small ( like hydrogen molecule ) . You can examine the geometry and characteristic of these objects in a way that would be difficult or even impossible using conventional drafting tools . There is virtually no limit to the kinds of line drawings you can prepare using AutoCAD a drawing can be prepared by hand, it can be generated by AutoCAD . here are few application for which AutoCAD is being used. • *Drawings for Mechanical , Electronic , Chemical , Civil , Aerospace

Engineering application. • *Technical illustrations &Assembly drawings. • Architectural drawing. • Work flow charts and other organizational diagrams. • Graphs of all kinds. • Topographical maps & nautical charts . • Product development.

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• OVERVIEW AutoCAD provides sets of entities for use in constructing your drawing. Entity is a drawing element such as line, circle, or text string . To tell AutoCAD which entity to draw , you type a command (for instance, ‘’CIRCLE’’ ) on the keyboard or select it from menu . then , responding to prompts on the screen , you supply parameters for the chosen entity. Theses parameters. Always include the location in the drawing where you want the entity to appear ; sometimes a size or rotation angle is also required. After you supply this information , the entity is drawn and appears on the screen . you can then enter a new command to draw another entity or perform anther AutoCAD function. The effect of every change you make appears immediately on the screen. OTHER AutoCAD functions let you modify the drawing in variety or way . you can erase or move entities, or copy them to form repeated patterns. You can change the view of the drawing displayed on screen , or display information about the drawing. AutoCAD also provides drawing aids that help you position entities accurately. When you want a paper copy of your drawing, can plot it with a accomplish all these functions easily . you can enter commands by typing on the keyboard or by using a pointing device to select choices from a menu.

Auto CAD 2D Commands :- • 'LIMITS Sets and controls the drawing boundaries and grid display The drawing limits are two-dimensional points in the World Coordinate System that represent a lower-left limit and an upper-right limit. You cannot impose limits on the Z direction. When turned on, the drawing limits restrict the coordinates you can enter to within the rectangular area. Drawing limits also determine the area of the drawing that can display grid dots, the area displayed by one of the scale options of ZOOM, and the minimum area displayed by ZOOM All. Format menu: Drawing Limits Command line: limits ON / OFF / <Lower left corner> <current>: Specify a point, enter on or off, or press ENTER

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• LINE You can specify the endpoints of lines using two-dimensional or three-dimensional coordinates. Draw toolbar: Draw menu: Line Command line: line From point: Specify a point or press ENTER to continue from the last line or arc To point: Specify a point To point: Specify a point, enter u or undo, enter c or close, or press ENTER AutoCAD draws a line segment and continues to prompt for points. You can draw a continuing series of line segments, but each line segment is a separate object. Press ENTER to end the command. For example, the following command sequence draws a single line segment. Command: lineFrom point: Specify a point (1)To point: Specify a point (2)To point: Press ENTER • Erase Removes objects from a drawing Modify toolbar: Modify menu: Erase Command line: erase Select objects: Use an object selection method AutoCAD removes the objects from the drawing. • Circle Creates a Draw toolbar:

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Draw menu: Circle Command line: circle 3P / 2P / TTR / <Center point>: Enter an option or specify a point (1) Center Point Draws a circle based on a center point and diameter or radius. Diameter / <Radius><current>: Specify a point (2), enter a value, enter d, or press ENTER • 'ABOUT Displays information about AutoCAD Help menu: About AutoCAD Command line: about ABOUT displays the AutoCAD version number, serial number, license information, dealer name, and copyright information. • ARC Creates an arc Draw toolbar: Draw menu: Arc Command line: arc Center / <Start point>: Specify a point, enter c, or press ENTER to draw an arc tangent to the last line or arc • AREA Calculates the area and perimeter of objects or of defined areas

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Total area and perimeter are saved in the AREA and PERIMETER system variables. Inquiry toolbar: Tools menu: Inquiry Area Command line: area <First point> / Object / Add / Subtract: Specify a point or enter an option • OFFSET creates a new object at a specified distance from an existing object or through a specified point. Modify toolbar: Modify menu: Offset Command line: offset Offset distance or Through <current>: Specify a distance, enter t, or press ENTER

MOVE Displaces objects a specified distance in a specified direction Modify toolbar: Modify menu: Move Command line: move Select objects: Use an object selection method Base point or displacement: Specify a base point (1) Second point of displacement: Specify a point (2) or press ENTER

The two points you specify define a displacement vector that indicates

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how far the selected objects are to be moved and in what direction. If you press ENTER at the second point, the first point is interpreted as relative X,Y,Z displacement. • MIRROR Creates a mirror image copy of objects Modify toolbar Modify menu: Mirror Command line: mirror Select objects: Use an object selection method First point of mirror line: Specify a point (1) Second point: Specify a point (2)

The two specified points become the endpoints of a line about which the selected objects are reflected. In 3D, this line orients a mirroring plane perpendicular to the XY plane of the UCS containing the mirror line. Delete old objects? <N>: Enter y or n, or press ENTER • OOPS Restores erased objects Command line: oops OOPS restores objects erased by the last ERASE command. You can also use OOPS after BLOCK or WBLOCK because these commands erase the selected objects after creating a block. You cannot use OOPS to restore objects on a layer that has been removed with the PURGE command. • UNDO Reverses the effect of commands

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Command line: undo Auto / Control / BEgin / End / Mark / Back / <Number>: Enter an option, enter a positive number, or press ENTER UNDO displays the command or system variable name on the command line to indicate that you have stepped past the point where the command was used. Immediately after ERASE, either OOPS or UNDO restores the erased objects. OOPS, however, can be entered at an arbitrary later time (as long as nothing else has been erased), while UNDO operates strictly in reverse sequence. After BLOCK, OOPS and UNDO have very different effects: both bring the deleted objects back to life, but UNDO removes the new block definition as well. A multiple UNDO (using the Back option or a number, or undoing a group) performs a regeneration or redraw if necessary. This occurs at the end of the UNDO; therefore, UNDO 5 will cause at most one regeneration, while U U U U U could cause as many as five.Some commands (LINE, DIM, TRIM, and EXTEND, for example) have their own Undo options. These step back one operation at a time. However, once you exit the command, U will undo the entire command. • 'ZOOM Increases or decreases the apparent size of objects in the current viewport You can use ZOOM transparently if the VIEWRES Fast Zoom mode is on. You cannot use ZOOM transparently during VPOINT or DVIEW or while another ZOOM, PAN, or VIEW is in progress. View menu: Zoom Command line: zoom All / Center / Dynamic / Extents / Previous / Scale(X/XP) / Window / <Realtime>: Enter an option, specify a zoom window, enter a scale value, or press ENTER to turn on real-time zooming • ARRAY Creates multiple copies of objects in a pattern

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Each object in an array can be manipulated independently. If multiple objects are selected when constructing an array, AutoCAD counts the objects as one item to be copied and arrayed. Modify toolbar: Modify menu: Array Command line: array Rectangular or Polar array (R/P) <current>: Enter an option or press ENTER • BHATCH -- Boundary Hatch Fills an enclosed area with a hatch pattern BHATCH first computes a region or polyline boundary from objects that make up an enclosed area. It then optionally creates the boundary and fills it with a hatch pattern or a solid color. BHATCH creates an associative hatch, which updates when its boundaries are modified, or a nonassociative hatch, which is independent of its boundaries. You can preview any hatching and adjust the definition. Draw toolbar: Draw menu: Hatch Command line: bhatch Dialog Box Options Pattern Type • Pattern Properties • Boundary • Preview Hatch • Inherit Properties • Attributes • Apply Note: Due to the large number of combinations of geometry that can be hatched, editing hatched geometry can produce unexpected results. In this event, delete the hatch object and rehatch. • 'BLIPMODE 'BLIPMODE

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Quick Help Up a Level See Also Controls the display of marker blips Command line: blipmode ON / OFF <current>: Enter on or off, or press ENTER When Blip mode is on, a temporary mark in the shape of a plus sign (+) appears where you specify a point.

To remove marker blips, use REDRAW, REGEN, ZOOM, PAN, or other commands that redraw or regenerate the drawing. • BREAK Erases parts of objects or splits an object in two Modify toolbar: Modify menu: Break Command line: break Select object: Use an object selection method, or specify the first break point (1) on an object Enter second point (or F for first point): Specify the second break point (2) or enter f

AutoCAD erases the portion between the first and second points. If the second point is not on the object, AutoCAD selects the

nearest point on the object; therefore, to break off one end of a line, arc, or polyline, specify the second point beyond the end to be removed.

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To split an object in two without erasing a portion, enter the same point for both the first and second points. You can do this by entering @ to specify the second point. If you select an object using a method other than the pointing device, or if you enter f at the prompt for the second point, AutoCAD prompts: Enter first point: Specify a point Enter second point: Specify a point Lines, arcs, circles, polylines, ellipses, splines, donuts, and several other object types can be split into two objects or have one end removed. AutoCAD converts a circle to an arc by removing a piece of the circle starting counterclockwise from the first to the second point.

• CHAMFER Bevels the edges of objects If the TRIMMODE system variable is set to 1, CHAMFER trims the intersecting lines to the endpoints of the chamfer line. If the selected lines do not intersect, AutoCAD extends or trims them so that they do. If TRIMMODE is set to 0, AutoCAD creates the chamfer without trimming the selected lines. CHAMFER bevels the edge of an existing solid. If both objects to be chamfered are on the same layer, AutoCAD creates the chamfer on that layer. Otherwise, AutoCAD creates the chamfer line on the current layer. This is also true for chamfer color and linetype. Modify toolbar: Modify menu: Chamfer

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Command line: chamfer Polyline / Distances / Angle / Trim / Method / <Select first line>: Use an object selection method or enter an option

Note: Chamfering an associative hatch whose boundary is defined by line segments removes hatch associativity. If the boundary is defined by a polyline, associativity is maintained. • COPY Duplicates objects Modify toolbar: Edit menu: Copy Command line: copy Select objects: Use an object selection method <Base point or displacement>/Multiple: Specify a point (1) for a single copy or enter m for multiple copies

• CHPROP Changes the color, layer, linetype, linetype scale factor, and thickness of an object CHPROP changes the drawing properties of existing objects. Use other commands (LINETYPE, LTSCALE, COLOR, and ELEV) to set the properties of new objects. Command line: chprop Select objects: Use an object selection method

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Change what property (Color / LAyer / LType / ltScale / Thickness)? Enter an option If you select several objects with different values for the property you want to change, varies is displayed as the current value. • 'MATCHPROP Copies the properties from one object to one or more objects Standard toolbar: Modify menu: Match Properties Command line: matchprop or painter Select Source Object: Select the object whose properties you want to copy Current active settings = currently selected matchprop settings Settings / <Select Destination Object(s)>: Enter settings or select one or more objects to which you are copying properties The source object's properties are copied to the destination object. Use the Settings option to control which object properties are copied. By default, all object properties in the Property Settings dialog box are enabled for copying. • MTEXT Creates multiline text MTEXT creates paragraphs that fit within a nonprinting text boundary. The user-specified text boundary determines the width of the paragraph and the justification of text within the paragraph. Each multiline text object is a single object, regardless of the number of lines it contains. The text boundary, although not plotted or printed, remains part of the object's framework. Draw toolbar: Draw menu: Text Multiline Text Command line: mtext Specify first corner: Specify a point

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Specify opposite corner or [Height / Justify / Rotation / Style / Width ] : Specify a point or enter an option As you drag the pointing device to specify the opposite corner, a rectangle is displayed to show the location and size of the multiline text object. An arrow within the rectangle indicate the direction of the paragraph's text flow. After you specify the second corner, AutoCAD displays the Multiline Text Editor dialog box. You can apply bold and italic formatting, underscore text, and insert special characters. See Special Unicode Characters and Control Codes and Special Characters. You can specify a different paragraph editing tool by changing the system variable MTEXTED. • DIVIDE Places evenly spaced point objects or blocks along the length or perimeter of an object DIVIDE marks off a specified number of equal lengths on a selected object by placing point objects or blocks along the length or perimeter of the object. Valid objects that can be divided include arcs, circles, ellipses and elliptical arcs, polylines, and splines. Draw menu: Point Divide Command line: divide Select object to divide: Use an object selection method <Number of segments> / Block: Enter a value (2–32767), or enter b • Trim Trims objects at a cutting edge defined by other objects Objects that can be trimmed include arcs, circles, elliptical arcs, lines, open 2D and 3D polylines, rays, and splines. Modify toolbar: Modify menu: Trim Command line: trim Select cutting edges: (Projmode = UCS, Edgemode = No extend) Select objects: Use an object selection method Select the objects that define the cutting edges at which you want to trim an object or press ENTER to select all objects as potential cutting edges. Valid cutting edge objects include 2D and 3D polylines, arcs, circles, ellipses, lines,

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floating viewports, rays, regions, splines, text, or xlines. TRIM projects the cutting edges and the objects to be trimmed onto the XY plane of the current UCS. <Select object to trim> / Project / Edge / Undo: Select an object, enter an option, or press ENTER

TRIM supports edge inference. When AutoCAD prompts for the selection of boundary edges, press return and select the object to be trimmed. AutoCAD trims the object against the nearest candidate. • EXTEND

Extends an object to meet another object Objects that can be extended include arcs, elliptical arcs, lines, open 2D and 3D polylines, and rays. Modify toolbar: Modify menu: Extend Command line: extend Select boundary edges: (Projmode = UCS, Edgemode = No extend) Select objects: Use an object selection method Select the objects that define the boundary edges to which you want to extend the object or press ENTER to select all objects as potential boundaries. Valid boundary objects include 2D and 3D polylines, arcs, circles, ellipses, floating viewports, lines, rays, regions, splines, text, and xlines. If you select a 2D polyline as a boundary object, AutoCAD ignores its width and extends objects to the center line of the polyline. Extending a spline-fit polyline adds a new vertex to the control frame for the polyline. If you extend a tapered polyline segment, AutoCAD corrects the width of the extended end to continue its original taper to the new endpoint. If this causes the segment to have a negative ending width, the ending width becomes zero. <Select object to extend> / Project / Edge / Undo: Select an object, enter an option, or press ENTER

• EXPLODE Breaks a compound object into its component objects

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A compound object comprises more than one AutoCAD object. For example, a block is a compound object. You can explode 3D meshes, 3D solids, blocks, bodies, dimensions, multilines, polyface meshes, polygon meshes, polylines, and regions. Modify toolbar: Modify menu: Explode Command line: explode Select objects: Use an object selection method Results differ depending on the type of compound object you're exploding. See the following list of objects that can be exploded and the results for each. • All explodable objects Polyface mesh • 3D solid 3D polyline • Block Circle within a nonuniformly

scaled block • Region Multiline • 2D polyline Arc within a nonuniformly • Body scaled block • Wide polyline • DIMALIGNED

Creates an aligned linear dimension Dimension toolbar: Dimension menu: Aligned Command line: dimaligned First extension line origin or ENTER to select: Specify a point for manual extension lines, or press ENTER for automatic extension lines • DIMANGULAR

Creates an angular dimension Dimension toolbar: Dimension menu: Angular Command line: dimangular

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Select arc, circle, line, or ENTER: Select the appropriate object, or press ENTER to specify three points • DIMBASELINE Continues a linear, angular, or ordinate dimension from the baseline of the previous or selected dimension DIMBASELINE draws a series of related dimensions measured from the same baseline. AutoCAD offsets each new dimension line to avoid overlaying the previous dimension line. This baseline increment value is specified under Spacing in the DDIM Geometry dialog box. AutoCAD stores this value in the DIMDLI system variable. Baseline dimensioning is also known as parallel dimensioning. Dimension toolbar: Dimension menu: Baseline Command line: dimbaseline Second extension line origin or (Undo/<Select>):Specify a point, or press ENTER to select a base dimension The prompts that follow depend on the type of dimension that was last created in the current session of AutoCAD: no prior dimension, linear, ordinate, or angular. If you press ENTER at the Specify a Second Extension Line Origin prompt, AutoCAD prompts you to select a linear, ordinate, or angular dimension to use as the base for the baseline dimension.

• DIMCENTER Creates the center mark or the centerlines of circles and arcs Dimension toolbar: Dimension menu: Center Mark Command line: dimcenter Select arc or circle: Use an object selection method

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You can choose between center marks and centerlines and specify their size in the Geometry dialog box of DDIM. To do this at the Command prompt, use the DIMCEN system variable.


Continues a linear, angular, or ordinate dimension from the second extension line of the previous or a selected dimension DIMCONTINUE draws a series of related dimensions, such as several shorter dimensions that add up to the total measurement. Continued dimensioning is also known as chain dimensioning. Note: When you create linear continued dimensions, the first extension line is suppressed and the placement of text and arrowheads might include a leader line. These appear as overrides for the continued dimension (the DIMSE1 system variable is on and the DIMFIT system variable is less than 4). Dimension toolbar: Dimension menu: Continue Command line: dimcontinue The prompts that follow depend on the type of dimension that was last created in the current session of AutoCAD: no prior dimension, linear, ordinate, or angular. If the previous dimension was a linear, angular, or ordinate dimension, AutoCAD uses the origin of that dimension's second extension line for the origin of the next dimension's first extension line. • DIMDIAMETER Creates diameter dimensions for circles and arcs DIMDIAMETER draws different types of diameter dimensions depending on the size of the circle or arc, the options in the DDIM Format dialog box, and the

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position of the cursor. AutoCAD stores the values of the options in the DIMFIT, DIMJUST, DIMTAD, DIMTIH, DIMTOFL, DIMTOH, and DIMUPT system variables. Dimension toolbar: Dimension menu: Diameter Command line: dimdiameter Select arc or circle: Select an arc or a circle The position of the cursor determines the location of the dimension line. As you move the cursor, the dimension moves around or inside the circle or arc. For horizontal dimension text, if the angle of the diameter line is greater than 15 degrees from horizontal and is outside the circle or arc, AutoCAD draws a hook line, also called a landing or dogleg, one arrowhead long, next to the dimension text, as shown in the first two illustrations.

AutoCAD measures the diameter and displays the text with an Æ symbol in front of it. The next prompt is Dimension line location (Mtext / Text / Angle): Specify a point or enter an option If you specify a point, AutoCAD uses the point to locate the dimension line. After you specify the location, AutoCAD draws the dimension. Center Marks and Centerlines You control center marks or lines with the options in the DDIM Geometry dialog box. AutoCAD does not draw a center mark or line when a dimension line is drawn inside the arc or circle. AutoCAD stores the setting for center marks and lines in the DIMCEN system variable. • DIMEDIT Edits dimensions The Home, New, and Rotate options of DIMEDIT affect dimension text. The Oblique option affects extension lines. DIMEDIT can operate on more than one dimension object at a time. Dimension toolbar:

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Dimension menu: Oblique Command line: dimedit Dimension Edit (Home / New / Rotate / Oblique) <Home>: Enter an option or press ENTER • DIMLINEAR Creates linear dimensions Dimension toolbar: Dimension menu: Linear Command line: dimlinear First extension line origin or ENTER to select: Specify a point (1) or press ENTER for automatic extension lines Point Specification Prompts for the second extension line origin. Second extension line origin: Specify a point (2)

Object Selection -- Automatic Extension Lines Automatically determines the origin points of the first and second extension lines. For polylines and other explodable objects, only the individual line and arc segments are dimensioned. You cannot select objects in a nonuniformly scaled block reference. If you select a line or an arc, its endpoints are used as the origins of the extension lines. The extension lines are offset from the endpoints by the distance specified under Origin Offset in the DDIM Geometry dialog box. AutoCAD stores the value in the DIMEXO system variable.

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If you select a circle, the endpoints of its diameter are used as the origin points. When the point used to select the circle is close to the north or south quadrant point, AutoCAD draws a horizontal dimension. When the point used to select the circle is close to the east or west quadrant point, AutoCAD draws a vertical dimension. After the origin points of the extension lines have been specified, the next prompt is Dimension line location (Mtext / Text / Angle / Horizontal / Vertical / Rotated): Specify a point (3) or enter an option If you specify a point, AutoCAD uses the point to locate the dimension line and determine the direction to draw the extension lines. After you specify the location, AutoCAD draws the dimension. • DIMORDINATE Creates ordinate point dimensions Ordinate dimensions display the X or Y ordinate of a feature along with a simple leader line. These dimensions are also known as datum dimensions. AutoCAD uses the current UCS to determine the measured X or Y ordinate and draws the leader line in a direction orthogonal to the axes of the current UCS. The absolute value of the coordinate is used according to the prevailing standards for ordinate dimensions. It's recommended that you turn on Ortho mode when creating ordinate dimensions. Dimension toolbar: Dimension menu: Ordinate Command line: dimordinate Select feature: Specify a point or snap to an object AutoCAD uses the point as the start point of the leader line and then prompts for the endpoint. Leader endpoint (Xdatum / Ydatum / Mtext / Text): Specify a point or enter an option If you specify a point, AutoCAD uses the difference between the feature location and the leader endpoint to determine whether it is an X or a Y ordinate dimension. If the difference in the Y ordinate is greater, the dimension measures the X ordinate. Otherwise, it measures the Y ordinate. • DIMRADIUS

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Creates radial dimensions for circles and arcs A radial dimension consists of a radius dimension line with an arrowhead at the arc or circle end. AutoCAD draws a center mark if the DIMCEN system variable is not zero. DIMRADIUS draws different types of radial dimensions depending on the size of the circle or arc, the options in the DDIM Format dialog box, and the position of the cursor. AutoCAD stores the values of the options in the DIMUPT, DIMTOFL, DIMFIT, DIMTIH, DIMTOH, DIMJUST, and DIMTAD system variables. Dimension toolbar: Dimension menu: Radius Command line: dimradius Select arc or circle: Select an arc or a circle The position of the cursor determines the location of the text. As you move the cursor, the dimension moves around or inside the circle or arc. For horizontal dimension text, if the angle of the radial dimension line is greater than 15 degrees from horizontal, AutoCAD draws a hook line, also called a dogleg or landing, one arrowhead long, next to the dimension text.

AutoCAD measures the radius and displays the text with the letter R in front of it. Dimension line location (Mtext / Text / Angle): Specify a point or enter an option If you specify a point, AutoCAD uses the point to locate the dimension line. After you specify the location, AutoCAD draws the dimension. Center Marks and Centerlines You control center marks or lines with the options in the DDIM Geometry dialog box. AutoCAD does not draw a center mark or line when a dimension line is drawn inside the arc or circle. AutoCAD stores the setting for center marks and lines in the DIMCEN system variable. • DIMSTYLE Creates and modifies dimension styles on the command line A dimension style is a named group of dimension settings that determine the appearance of the dimension. By creating styles, you can quickly and easily set all relevant dimensioning system variables and control the layout and

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appearance of any dimension. You can also create and modify dimension styles through an easy-to-use set of dialog boxes with the DDIM command. Dimension menu: Update Command line: dimstyle dimension style: stylename dimension style overrides: variable value Dimension style edit (Save / Restore / STatus / Variables / Apply / ? ) <Restore>: Enter an option or press ENTER • DIST Measures the distance and angle between two points Inquiry toolbar: Tools menu: Inquiry Distance Command line: dist First point: Specify a point (1) Second point: Specify a point (2) Distance = calculated distance Angle in XY plane = angle Angle from XY plane = angle Delta X = change in X, Delta Y = change in Y, Delta Z = change in Z AutoCAD reports the true 3D distance between points. The angle in the XY plane is relative to the current X axis. The angle from the XY plane is relative to the current XY plane. DIST assumes the current elevation for the first or second point if the Z coordinate value is omitted. The distance is displayed using the current units format.


Displays text on screen as it is entered AutoCAD can create text with a variety of character patterns, or fonts. These fonts can be stretched, compressed, made oblique, mirrored, or aligned in a vertical column by applying a style to the font. Text can be rotated, justified, and made any size. You can enter several lines of text using DTEXT, and you can use BACKSPACE to edit the text. The prompts are the same as those for the TEXT command, except that you can enter several lines without restarting the command. To end a line, press ENTER after entering characters at the Text prompt. To end DTEXT, press ENTER at the Text prompt. Each line of text is a separate object.

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Draw menu: Text Single Line Command line: dtext Justify / Style / <Start point>: Specify a point or enter an option If DTEXT was the last command entered, pressing ENTER at the Justify/Style/<Start Point> prompt skips the prompts for height and rotation angle and immediately displays the Text prompt. The text is placed directly beneath the previous line of text. The point specified at the Start Point prompt is also stored as the Insertion Point object snap. • ELLIPSE

Creates an ellipse or an elliptical arc The PELLIPSE system variable determines the type of ellipse created. A value of 1 creates a polyline representation of an ellipse. The default value of 0 creates a true ellipse object. Note: The next release of AutoCAD will not support a polyline representation of an ellipse. Draw toolbar: Draw menu: Ellipse Command line: ellipse Arc / Center / Isocircle / <Axis endpoint 1>: Specify a point, enter a value, or enter an option The Isocircle option is only available when the Style option of SNAP is set to Isometric. Axis endpoint 1 Defines the first axis by its two endpoints. The angle of the first axis determines the angle of the ellipse. The first axis can define either the major or the minor axis of the ellipse. Axis endpoint 2: Specify a point (2) <Other axis distance> / Rotation: Specify a point (3), enter a value, or enter r

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Arc Creates an elliptical arc. The angle of the first axis determines the angle of the elliptical arc. The first axis can define either the major or the minor axis of the elliptical arc. <Axis endpoint 1> / Isocircle / Center: Specify a point, enter a value, or enter an option Center Creates the ellipse by a specified center point. Center of ellipse: Specify a point Axis endpoint: Specify a point <Other axis distance> / Rotation: Specify a point, enter a value, or enter r Isocircle Creates an isometric circle in the current isometric drawing plane. Center of circle: Specify a point <Circle radius> / Diameter: Specify a point, enter a value, or enter d

• FILLET Rounds and fillets the edges of objects

The FILLET command rounds or fillets the edges of two arcs, circles, elliptical arcs, lines, polylines, rays, splines, or xlines with an arc of a specified radius. If the TRIMMODE system variable is set to 1, FILLET trims the intersecting lines to the endpoints of the fillet arc. If the selected lines do not intersect, AutoCAD extends or trims them so that they do. FILLET also rounds or fillets the edges of solids.

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If both objects to be filleted are on the same layer, AutoCAD creates the fillet line on that layer. Otherwise, AutoCAD creates the fillet line on the current layer. The same is true for the fillet color and linetype. You cannot fillet line segments that intersect outside the drawing limits when limits checking is on. You can fillet only convergent line segments of a polyline. Modify toolbar: Modify menu: Fillet Command line: fillet Polyline / Radius / Trim / <Select first object>: Use an object selection method or enter an option Select First Object Selects the first of two objects required to define a 2D fillet or the edge of a 3D solid to fillet. Select second object: Use an object selection method

If you select lines or arcs, AutoCAD extends these lines or arcs until they intersect, or trims them at the intersection, keeping the selected segments if they cross. You can fillet two lines with different extrusion directions only if the Z values of the endpoints of both lines are equal in the current UCS. If you select 3D solids, you can select multiple edges on different solids, but you must select the edges individually. Enter radius <current>: Specify a distance or press ENTER Chain / Radius / <Select edge>: Select edge(s) or enter c or r • GRID Displays a dot grid in the current viewport The grid is used only for visual reference. It is not plotted, nor is it considered to be part of the drawing.

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Status bar: GRID Command line: grid Grid spacing(X) or ON / OFF / Snap / Aspect <current>: Specify a value or enter an option

• HATCH Fills a specified boundary with a pattern

HATCH creates a nonassociative hatch or fill. You can fill a boundary that consists of an object or objects that completely enclose an area. If the boundary is made up of multiple objects, their endpoints must coincide for the hatch to be created properly. You can also fill an area that does not have a closed boundary, by defining a polyline hatch boundary with the direct hatch option. Command line: hatch Enter pattern name or [ ? / Solid / User defined ] <current>: Enter a predefined or custom pattern name, enter s, enter u, enter ?, or press ENTER Use BHATCH to create hatches and fills from a dialog box and to create associative hatches. • Layer Manages layers Object Properties toolbar: Format menu: Layer Command line: layer Entering layer or linetype displays the Layer and Linetype Properties dialog box. Using the Command Line If you enter -layer at the Command prompt, LAYER presents options on the command line.

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• LENGTHEN Lengthens an object LENGTHEN changes the length of objects and the included angle of arcs. LENGTHEN does not affect closed objects. The extrusion direction of the selected object need not be parallel to the Z axis of the current UCS. Modify toolbar: Modify menu: Lengthen Command line: lengthen DElta / Percent / Total / DYnamic / <Select object>: Select one object or enter an option • LINETYPE Creates, loads, and sets linetypes LINETYPE defines line characteristics consisting of combinations of dashes, dots, and spaces. You can use LINETYPE to load linetype definitions from a linetype library (LIN), make a linetype current, or modify linetype scales. Object Properties toolbar: Format menu: Linetype Command line: linetype Entering layer or linetype displays the Layer & Linetype Properties dialog box. Using the Command Line If you enter -linetype at the Command prompt, LINETYPE presents options on the command line.

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• LOAD Makes shapes available for use by the SHAPE command You must load a shape file the first time you need it; AutoCAD loads it thereafter. The shape file must be available each time you edit the drawing. Command line: load In the Select Shape File dialog box, enter the shape file name, or select a file name from the list. • LTSCALE Sets the linetype scale factor Use LTSCALE to change the relative length of dash-dot linetypes per drawing unit. Command line: ltscale New scale factor <current>: Enter a positive real value or press ENTER Changing the linetype scale factor causes the drawing to regenerate.

• ORTHO Constrains cursor movement ORTHO constrains cursor movement to the horizontal or vertical directions (relative to the UCS) and with the current grid rotation angle. Status bar: Ortho Command line: ortho ON / OFF <current>: Enter on or off, or press ENTER In the example, a line is drawn using Ortho mode. Point 1 is the first point specified, and point 2 is the position of the cursor when the second point is specified. AutoCAD uses Ortho mode when you specify an angle or distance by means of two points using a pointing device, but Ortho mode does not affect keyboard point entry. AutoCAD ignores Ortho mode in perspective views.

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AutoCAD defines horizontal as being parallel to the X axis of the UCS and vertical as being parallel to the Y axis. ORTHO adjusts to the current snap rotation regardless of the UCS.

• OSNAP Sets running object snap modes and changes the aperture box size With running object snap modes, also called Osnap modes, you can specify a snap point at an exact location on an object. The mode determines the location. Running object snap modes can be turned on and off with the Osnap button on the status bar without losing your settings. You can use the TAB key to cycle through available snap settings. Object snap settings are stored with the drawing. Object Snap toolbar: Tools Menu: Object Snap Settings Command line: osnap Dialog Box Options Running Osnap tab AutoSnap tab Using the Command Line If you enter -osnap at the Command prompt, it displays options on the command line. • PAN Moves the drawing display in the current viewport Standard toolbar: View menu: Pan Realtime Command line: pan Press Esc or Enter to exit, or right-click to activate pop-up menu.

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The cursor changes to a hand cursor. By holding down the pick button on the pointing device, you lock the cursor to its current location relative to the viewport coordinate system. Graphics within the window are moved in the same direction as the cursor.

When you reach a logical extent (edge of the drawing space), a bar is displayed on the hand cursor on the side where the extent has been reached. Depending upon whether the logical extent is at the top, bottom, or side of the drawing, the bar is either horizontal (top or bottom) or vertical (left or right side).

When you release the pick button, panning stops. You can release the pick button, move the cursor to another location in the drawing, and then press the

pick button again to pan the display from that location. To stop panning at the new position, press ENTER or ESC. • PEDIT Edits polylines and three-dimensional polygon meshes AutoCAD prompts vary depending on whether you have selected a 2D or a 3D polyline or a 3D mesh. Modify II toolbar: Modify menu: Object Polyline Command line: pedit Select polyline: Use an object selection method If the selected object is a line or an arc, AutoCAD prompts: Object selected is not a polyline. Do you want it to turn into one? <Y>: Enter y or n, or press ENTER If you enter y, the object is converted into a single-segment 2D polyline that you can edit. You can use this operation to join lines and arcs into a polyline. 2D Polyline Selection If you have selected a 2D polyline, AutoCAD prompts: Close / Join / Width / Edit vertex / Fit / Spline / Decurve/ Ltype gen / Undo / eXit <X>: Enter an option or press ENTER

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• Polyline Creates two-dimensional polylines Draw toolbar: Draw menu: Polyline Command line: pline From point: Specify a point (1) Current line-width is <current> Arc / Close / Halfwidth / Length / Undo / Width / <Endpoint of line>: Specify a point (2) or enter an option

• POINT Creates a point object Draw toolbar: Draw menu: Point Single Point Command line: point Point: Specify a point Points can act as nodes to which you can snap objects. You can specify a full three-dimensional location for a point. The current elevation is assumed if you omit the Z coordinate value. • POLYGON Creates an equilateral closed polyline A polygon is a polyline object. AutoCAD draws polylines with zero width and no tangent information. You can use the PEDIT command to change these values. Draw toolbar: Draw menu: Polygon Command line: polygon Number of sides <current>: Enter a value between 3 and 1024 or press ENTER Edge / <Center of polygon>: Specify a point (1) or enter e • QSAVE Saves the current drawing

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Standard toolbar: File menu: Save Command line: qsave If the drawing is named, AutoCAD saves the drawing without requesting a file name. If the drawing is unnamed, AutoCAD displays the Save Drawing As dialog box and saves the drawing under the file name you specify. If the drawing is read-only, use the SAVEAS command to save the changed file under a different name. • REDO Reverses the effects of the previous UNDO or U command REDO reverses the effects of a single UNDO or U command. REDO must immediately follow the U or UNDO command. Standard toolbar: Edit menu: Redo Command line: redo • REDRAW Refreshes the display of the current viewport REDRAW removes marker blips and display artifacts (stray pixels) left by editing commands. Command line: redraw AutoCAD redraws the current viewport.

• Region Creates a region object from a selection set of existing objects

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Regions are two-dimensional areas you create from closed shapes, or loops. Draw toolbar: Draw menu: Region Command line: region Select objects: Use an object selection method Closed polylines, lines, and curves are valid selections. Curves include circular arcs, circles, elliptical arcs, ellipses, and splines. AutoCAD converts closed 2D and planar 3D polylines in the selection set to separate regions and then converts polylines, lines, and curves that form closed planar loops. If more than two curves share an endpoint, the resultant region might be arbitrary. The boundary of the region consists of end-connected curves where each point shares only two edges. AutoCAD rejects all intersections and self-intersecting curves. If a selected polyline has been smoothed by either the Spline or Fit options of PEDIT, the resulting region contains the line or arc geometry of the smoothed polyline. The polyline is not converted to a spline object. Each object retains its layer, linetype, and color. AutoCAD deletes the original objects after converting them to regions. If the original objects were hatched, hatch associativity is lost. To restore associativity, rehatch the region. • ROTATE Moves objects about a base point Modify toolbar: Modify menu: Rotate Command line: rotate Select objects: Use an object selection method Base point: Specify a point (1) <Rotation angle> / Reference: Specify an angle or enter r, or specify a point

• SCALE Enlarges or reduces selected objects equally in the X, Y, and Z directions

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Modify toolbar: Modify menu: Scale Command line: scale Select objects: Use an object selection method Base point: Specify a point (1) <Scale factor> / Reference: Specify a scale or enter r

The base point you specify identifies the point that remains in the same location as all other selected objects change size

(and thus move away from the stationary base point). Drag the cursor once base point has been selected, and image is dragged larger or smaller proportionally to the amount you move the cursor. • SPLINE Creates a quadratic or cubic spline (NURBS) curve SPLINE fits a smooth curve to a sequence of points within a specified tolerance. Draw toolbar: Draw menu: Spline Command line: spline Object / <Enter first point>: Specify a point or enter o Enter First Point Creates a spline using points you specify. Enter point: Specify a point Enter points until you have defined the spline curve. After you have entered two

points, AutoCAD displays the following prompt: Close / Fit Tolerance / <Enter point>:Specify a point, enter an option, or press ENTER


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Moves or stretches objects Modify toolbar: Modify menu: Stretch Command line: stretch Select objects: Use the cpolygon or crossing object selection method (1, 2) AutoCAD stretches arcs, elliptical arcs, lines, polyline segments, rays, and splines that cross the selection window. STRETCH moves the endpoints that lie inside the window, leaving those outside the window unchanged. STRETCH also moves vertices of traces and 2D solids that lie inside the window and leaves those outside unchanged. Polylines are handled segment by segment, as if they were primitive lines or arcs. STRETCH does not modify 3D solids, polyline width, tangent, or curve-fitting information.

AutoCAD moves any objects entirely within the window or polygon, as if you were using MOVE.

Base point or displacement: Specify a point (3) or press ENTER Second point of displacement: Specify a point (4) or press ENTER

If you enter a second point, the objects are stretched the vector distance from the base point to the second point. If you press ENTER at the Second Point of Displacement prompt, STRETCH

treats the first point as the X, Y displacement value.

AutoCAD 3D Commands :- • 3D Face Creates a three-dimensional face Surfaces toolbar: Draw menu: Surfaces 3D Face

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Command line: 3dface 3DFACE creates a three- or four-sided surface anywhere in 3D space. You can specify different Z coordinates for each corner point of a 3D face. 3DFACE differs from SOLID, which creates a three- or four-sided surface that is parallel to the current UCS and can be extruded. If you locate all four points on the same plane, AutoCAD creates a planar face that is similar to a region object. When the object is shaded or rendered, planar faces are filled. Points must be entered in a natural clockwise or counterclockwise order to create a normal 3D face. First point: Specify a point (1) Second point: Specify a point (2) Third point: Specify a point (3) Fourth point: Specify a point (4) or press ENTER AutoCAD repeats the Third Point and Fourth Point prompts until you press ENTER. Specify points 5 and 6 at these repeating prompts. When you have finished entering points, press ENTER. With 3DFACE, you control which edges of a 3D face are visible, allowing accurate modeling of objects with holes. Entering i or invisible before the first point of an edge makes the edge invisible. The invisible specification must precede any object snap modes, XYZ filters, or coordinate input for that edge. You can create a 3D face in which all edges are invisible. Such a face is a phantom; it does not appear in wireframe presentations but can hide material in line drawings. It does appear in shaded renderings.

You can combine 3D faces to model complex 3D surfaces.

• 3D POLYLINE Creates a polyline of straight line segments Draw menu: 3D Polyline

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Command line: 3dpoly From point: Specify a point Close / Undo / <Endpoint of line>: Specify a point or enter an option

• AMECONVERT Converts AME solid models to AutoCAD solid objects Command line: ameconvert Select objects: Use an object selection method The objects you select must be AME (Advanced Modeling Extension) Release 2 or 2.1 regions or solids. AutoCAD ignores all other objects.

Because of increased accuracy in the new AutoCAD solid modeler, AME models may look slightly different after conversion. This difference is noticeable when the previous version of the AutoCAD solid modeler identified the surfaces of two different shapes as being sufficiently close as to be considered to be in the same plane. The new AutoCAD solid modeler's finer tolerance may interpret these surfaces as being slightly offset. This phenomenon is most apparent with aligned features such as fillets, chamfers, and through-holes. Holes might become blind holes when the new modeler, with its much finer approximation capability, interprets what was once a through-hole as being slightly less wide than the solid. Typically, the length of the remaining solid material is the difference between the tolerance of the previous modeler and that of the new modeler. Likewise, updated fillets or chamfers could occasionally be placed slightly below the surface, creating a hole through the solid, leaving the original shape unaltered. Also, drawing fillets or chamfers slightly above the original surface creates an uneven transition between the solid and the fillet or chamfer.

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• CONE A cone is a solid primitive with a circular or elliptical base tapering symmetrically to a point perpendicular to its base. Solids toolbar: Draw menu: Solids Cone Command line: cone Elliptical / <center point> <0,0,0>: Specify a point, enter e, or press ENTER • CYLINDER Creates a three-dimensional solid cylinder A cylinder is a solid primitive similar to an extruded circle or ellipse but without a taper. Solids toolbar: Draw menu: Solids Cylinder Command line: cylinder Elliptical / <center point> <0,0,0>: Specify a center point (1), enter e, or press ENTER • DDCHPROP Changes the color, layer, linetype, and thickness of an object DDCHPROP changes the properties of existing objects. Command line: ddchprop Select objects: Use an object selection method Dialog Box Options Color Layer Linetype Linetype Scale Thickness • DDRENAME

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Changes the names of named objects Blocks and symbol table entries such as layers and linetypes are stored by name and called named objects. Use DDRENAME to change the names of these entries. You can also use DDRENAME to view a list of names of all blocks and symbol table entries in the current drawing. Format menu: Rename Command line: ddrename ‘ • EDGE Changes the visibility of three-dimensional face edges Surfaces toolbar: Draw menu: Surfaces Edge Command line: edge Display / <Select edge>: Enter d or select an edge • EDGESURF Creates a three-dimensional polygon mesh EDGESURF constructs a three-dimensional polygon mesh approximating a Coons surface patch from four adjoining edges. A Coons patch is a bicubic surface interpolated between four adjoining edges (which can be general space curves). The Coons patch not only meets the corners of the defining edges, but also touches each edge, providing control over the boundaries of the generated surface patch. Surfaces toolbar: Draw menu: Surfaces Edge Surface Command line: edgesurf Select edge 1: Specify a point Select edge 2: Specify a point Select edge 3: Specify a point Select edge 4: Specify a point

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You must select the four adjoining edges that define the surface patch. The edges can be lines, arcs, splines, or open 2D or 3D polylines. The edges must touch at their endpoints to form a topologically rectangular closed path. You can select the four edges in any order. The first edge determines the M direction of the generated mesh, which extends from the endpoint closest to the pick point to the other end. The two edges that touch the first edge form the N edges of the mesh.


Creates unique solid primitives by extruding existing two-dimensional objects EXTRUDE also creates solids by extruding two-dimensional objects (profiles) along a specified path. You can extrude multiple objects with EXTRUDE. Solids toolbar: Draw menu: Solids Extrude Command line: extrude Select objects: Use an object selection method You can extrude closed polylines, polygons, circles, ellipses, closed splines, donuts, and regions. You cannot extrude objects contained within a block. Polylines that have crossing or self-intersecting segments cannot be extruded. A polyline must contain at least 3 but not more than 500 vertices. If a selected polyline has width, AutoCAD ignores the width and extrudes from the center of the polyline path. If a selected object has thickness, AutoCAD ignores the thickness. Path / <Height of Extrusion>: Specify a distance or enter p • FILL Controls the filling of multilines, traces, solids, all hatches, and wide polylines On some displays and plotters it takes a long time to fill the interior of objects. Turning off fill can improve performance and reduce regeneration time. Command line: fill ON / OFF <current>: Enter on or off, or press ENTER

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• HIDE Regenerates a three-dimensional model with hidden lines suppressed When you use VPOINT, DVIEW, or VIEW to create a 3D view of your drawing, AutoCAD produces a wireframe display in the current viewport. All lines are present, including those hidden by other objects. HIDE eliminates the hidden lines from the screen. Render toolbar: View menu: Hide Command line: hide HIDE considers circles, solids, traces, regions, wide polyline segments, 3D faces, polygon meshes, and the extruded edges of objects with nonzero thickness to be opaque surfaces that hide objects. If extruded, circles, solids, traces, and wide polyline segments are treated as solid objects with top and bottom faces. HIDE does not consider layers that have been frozen or turned off. If the DISPSILH system variable is on, HIDE displays 3D solid objects with silhouette edges only. It won't show the internal edges produced by facetting the object.

• INTERFERE Finds the interference of two or more three-dimensional solids and creates a composite 3D solid from their common volume Solids toolbar: Draw menu: Solids Interference Command line: interfere

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Select the first set of solids: Use an object selection method

INTERFERE highlights 3D solids that overlap. If you define a single selection set, all the solids in the set are checked against one another. If you define two selection sets, the solids in the first selection set are checked against those in the second selection set. If the same 3D solid is included in both selection sets, the 3D solid is considered part of the first selection set and ignored in the second selection set. Select the second set of solids: Use an object selection method or press ENTER

Pressing ENTER begins the interference testing of pairs of 3D solids. All interfering 3D solids are highlighted, and the number of interfering 3D solids and interfering pairs is displayed. create interference solids? <N>: Enter y or n, or press ENTER

Entering y creates and highlights new 3D solids on the current layer that are the intersections of the interfering pairs of 3D solids. If there are more than two interfering 3D solids, it might not be clear which pairs are interfering if all the interfering 3D solids are highlighted at once. Highlight pairs of interfering solids? <N>: Enter y or n, or press ENTER If there is more than one interfering pair, the following prompt appears: eXit / <Next pair>: Enter x or n, or press ENTER • INTERSECT

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Creates composite solids or regions from the intersection of two or more solids or regions INTERSECT calculates the overlapping area of two or more existing regions and the common volume of two or more existing solids. Modify II toolbar: Modify menu: Boolean Intersect Command line: intersect Select objects: Use an object selection method You may select only regions and solids for use with INTERSECT.

The selection set can contain regions and solids that lie in any number of arbitrary planes. The selection set is divided into subsets that are intersected separately. Solids are grouped together in the first subset. The first selected region and all subsequent coplanar regions are placed in the second selection set. The next region that is not coplanar with the first region and all subsequent coplanar regions make up the third subset, and so on until all regions belong to a subset.

• ISOPLANE Specifies the current isometric plane Command line: isoplane Left / Top / Right / <Toggle>: Enter an option or press ENTER

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The isometric plane affects the cursor movement keys only when Snap mode is on and the snap style is Isometric. If the snap style is Isometric, Ortho mode uses the appropriate axis pair even if Snap mode is off. The current isometric plane also determines the orientation of isometric circles drawn by ELLIPSE. • UCS Manage s user coordinate systems The user coordinate system provides an alternate movable coordinate system for coordinate entry, planes of operation, and viewing. Most AutoCAD geometric editing commands are dependent on the location and orientation of the UCS. The UCS command sets the orientation of the user coordinate system in three-dimensional space. It defines the orientation for two-dimensional objects and the extrusion direction for the THICKNESS system variable. It also provides the axis of rotation for ROTATE and the default projection plane for pointing. UCS toolbar: Tools menu: UCS Command line: ucs Origin / ZAxis / 3point / OBject / View / X / Y / Z / Prev / Restore / Save / Del / ? / <World>: Enter an option or press ENTER • RECTANGLE Draws a rectangular polyline Draw toolbar: Draw menu: Rectangle Command line: rectang or rectangle Chamfer / Elevation / Fillet / Thickness / Width / <First corner>: Enter an option or specify a point (1) Other corner: Specify a point (2) The two specified points determine the diagonal corners of a rectangle with sides parallel to the X and Y axis of the current UCS. Chamfer Sets the chamfer distances for the rectangle to be drawn.

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First chamfer distance for rectangles <current>: Specify a distance or press ENTER Second chamfer distance for rectangles <current>: Specify a distance or press ENTER Elevation Specifies the elevation of the rectangle to be drawn. Elevation for rectangles <current>: Specify a distance or press ENTER The value you enter becomes the current elevation for subsequent RECTANGLE commands. Fillet Specifies the fillet radius of the rectangle to be drawn. Fillet radius for rectangles <current>: Specify a distance or press ENTER The value you enter becomes the current fillet radius for subsequent RECTANGLE commands. Thickness Specifies the thickness of the rectangle to be drawn. Thickness for rectangles <current>: Specify a distance or press ENTER The value you enter becomes the current thickness for subsequent RECTANGLE commands. Width Specifies the polyline width of the rectangle to be drawn. Width for rectangles <current>: Specify a distance or press ENTER The value you enter becomes the current polyline width for subsequent RECTANGLE commands.

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• RENDER Creates a photorealistic or realistically shaded image of a three-dimensional wireframe or solid model RENDER produces an image using information from a scene, the current selection set, or the current view. A scene is a combination of a named view and one or more lights. If a scene is specified, RENDER uses the scene's view and light information. If the PICKFIRST system variable is on and there is a current selection set, RENDER uses only the current selection set when you choose Render Objects. If no scene or selection set is specified, RENDER uses the current view and all the lights in the drawing. If there are no lights, RENDER assumes a default "over-the-shoulder" distant light source with an intensity of 1. Render toolbar: View menu: Render Render Command line: render Dialog Box Options Rendering Type • Scene to Render • Rendering Options • Rendering Procedure • Light Icon Scale • Smoothing Angle • Destination • Sub Sampling Background -- Displays the Background dialog box. Fog/Depth Cue -- Displays the Fog/Depth Cuedialog box. • REVOLVE Creates a solid by revolving a two-dimensional object about an axis You can revolve closed polylines, polygons, circles, ellipses, closed splines, donuts, and regions. You cannot revolve objects contained within a block. Polylines that have crossing or self-intersecting segments cannot be revolved. You can revolve only one object at a time. The right-hand rule determines the positive direction of rotation. Solids toolbar: Draw menu; Solids Revolve

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Command line: revolve Select objects: Use an object selection method REVOLVE ignores the width of a polyline and revolves from the center of the path of the polyline. Axis of revolution - Object / X / Y / <Start point of axis>: Specify a point (1) or enter an option • REVSURF Creates a revolved surface about a selected axis REVSURF constructs a polygon mesh approximating a surface of revolution by rotating a path curve or profile about a selected axis. Surfaces toolbar: Draw menu: Surfaces Revolved Surface Command line: revsurf Select path curve: Select a line, arc, circle, or 2D or 3D polyline

Select axis of revolution: Select a line or open 2D or 3D polyline The path curve is swept about the selected axis to define the surface. The path curve defines the N direction of the surface mesh. Selecting a circle or a closed polyline as the path curve closes the mesh in the N direction. The vector from a polyline's first vertex to its last vertex determines the rotation axis. Any intermediate vertices are ignored. The axis of revolution determines the M direction of the mesh.

Start Angle <0>: Enter a value or press ENTER Included Angle (+=ccw, -=cw) <Full circle>: Enter a value or press ENTER Specifying a start angle begins the surface of revolution at an offset from the generating path curve. The included angle is the distance through which the path curve is swept. Entering an included angle that is less than a full circle prevents the circle from closing. The point you use to select the axis of revolution affects the direction of

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revolution. Each of the surfaces in the examples below was created by specifying a start angle of 0 degrees and an included angle of 90 degrees.

• RMAT Manages rendering materials Render toolbar: View menu: Render Material Command line: rmat Materials Lists the available materials. Use MATLIB to add other materials. The default for objects with no other material attached is *GLOBAL*. Preview Displays the selected material as either a sphere or a cube. Materials Library Displays the Materials Library dialog box, in which you select a material. For more information, see MATLIB. Select Closes the dialog box so that you can select an object with the pointing device and display the attached material. After you select the object, the Materials dialog box is redisplayed with the method of attachment specified at the bottom of the dialog box. Modify

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Displays one of four dialog boxes, depending on which material type is selected in the materials drop-down list under New: Standard, Marble, Granite, or Wood. Use the dialog box to edit an existing material. Duplicate Duplicates a material and displays one of four dialog boxes, depending on which material type is selected in the materials drop-down list under New: Standard, Marble, Granite, or Wood. Use the dialog box to name the new material and define attributes. New Displays one of four dialog boxes, depending on which material type is selected in the materials drop-down list: Standard, Marble, Granite, or Wood. Use the dialog box to create a new material. Attach Closes the dialog box so that you can select an object and attach the current material to it. This option is not available when Global is the selected material. Detach Closes the dialog box so that you can select an object and detach the material from it. By ACI Displays the Attach by AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) dialog box in which you can select an ACI to attach a material to. By Layer Displays the Attach by Layer dialog box in which you can select a layer to attach a material to. • RULESURF Creates a ruled surface between two curves RULESURF constructs a polygon mesh representing the ruled surface between two curves. Surfaces toolbar: Draw menu: Surfaces Ruled Surface Command line: rulesurf

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Select first defining curve: Use an object selection method Select second defining curve: Use an object selection method The objects you select define the edges of the ruled surface. The objects can be points, lines, splines, circles, arcs, or polylines. If one of the boundaries is closed, then the other boundary must also be closed. You can use a point as the other

boundary for either an open or a closed curve, but only one of the boundary curves can be a point. The 0,0 vertex is the endpoint of each curve nearest the point you used to select that curve.

For closed curves, the selection does not matter. If the curve is a circle, the ruled surface begins at the 0-degree quadrant point, as determined by the current X axis plus the current value of the SNAPANG system variable. For closed polylines, the ruled surface starts at the last vertex and proceeds backwards along the segments of the polyline. Creating a ruled surface between a circle and a closed polyline can be confusing. Substituting a closed semicircular polyline for the circle might be preferable. • SHADE Displays a flat-shaded image of the drawing in the current viewport SHADE removes hidden lines and displays a shaded picture of the drawing. Render toolbar: View menu: Shade Command line: shade

AutoCAD performs shading in two phases: regeneration and construction of the shaded image. The shaded image remains in the viewport until the next regeneration of that viewport.

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The shaded image can be displayed only on the screen; however, you can output a shaded image to a slide using MSLIDE. The shaded image reflects the layer visibility of the colors of the drawing at the time the shading is completed. Subsequent changes to the drawing are not reflected in the shaded object until you use SHADE again. On systems with displays that show fewer than 256 colors, SHADE produces an image that removes hidden lines and displays the faces in their original color with no lighting effect. Shading time depends largely on the area of the screen involved. AutoCAD calculates shading based on one light source -- from directly behind the eye, using the shading method set by the SHADEDGE system variable. When SHADEDGE is set to 0 or 1, AutoCAD shades the faces in the image based on the angle the faces form with the viewing direction. AutoCAD also uses the percentage of diffuse reflection and ambient light set by the SHADEDIF system variable. • SHELL Accesses operating system commands Command line: shell OS command: Enter an operating system command or press ENTER With SHELL, you can execute operating system commands while remaining in AutoCAD. When SHELL prompts you for an OS command, you can enter most valid commands for your OS. When the command has been executed, it returns you to the AutoCAD prompt. • SLICE Slices a set of solids with a plane Solids toolbar: Draw menu: Solids Slice Command line: slice Select objects: Use an object selection method

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AutoCAD ignores regions in the current selection set. Slicing plane by Object / Zaxis / View / XY / YZ / ZX / <3points>: Specify a point (1) or enter an option If AutoCAD slices a single solid into more than two objects, one solid is created from the objects on one side of the plane and another solid is created from the objects on the other side. You can retain both halves of the sliced solids or just the half you specify. The sliced solids retain the layer and color properties of the original solids. Both sides / <Point on desired side of the plane>: Specify a point (1) or enter b • SPHERE Creates a three-dimensional solid sphere The sphere is positioned so that its central axis is parallel to the Z axis of the current UCS. Latitudinal lines are parallel to the XY plane. Solids toolbar: Draw menu: Solids Sphere Command line: sphere Center of sphere <0,0,0>: Specify a point or press ENTER Diameter / <Radius> of sphere: Specify a distance or enter d

• SUBTRACT Creates a composite region or solid by subtraction Modify II toolbar: Modify menu: Boolean Subtract

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Command line: subtract Select the regions or solids from which AutoCAD subtracts area or volume. Select objects: Use an object selection method Then select the regions or solids to subtract from the first selection set. Select objects: Use an object selection method AutoCAD subtracts the selected objects from each subset of the selection set. A single new composite solid or region is created for each subset.

The selection set can contain regions and solids that lie in any number of arbitrary planes. AutoCAD divides the

selection sets into subsets that are joined separately. Solids are grouped in the first subset. The first selected region and all subsequent coplanar regions are grouped in the second set. The next region that is not coplanar with the first region and all subsequent coplanar regions are grouped in the third set, and so on until all regions belong to a subset. AutoCAD rejects selected source regions for which there are no other selected coplanar regions.

• TORUS Creates a donut-shaped solid A torus is defined by two radius values, one for the tube and the other from the center of the torus to the center of the tube

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You can also create self-intersecting tori. A self-intersecting torus has no center hole: the radius of the tube is greater than the radius of the torus. Solids toolbar: Draw menu: Solids Torus Command line: torus Center of torus <0,0,0>: Specify a point (1) or press ENTER Diameter / <Radius> of torus: Specify a distance or enter d If both radii are positive and the radius of the tube is greater than the radius of the torus, the result looks like a sphere with a depression at each pole.

If the radius of the torus is negative and the radius of the tube has a greater positive magnitude than the radius of the torus, the

result looks like a sphere with pointed poles. • UNION Creates a composite region or solid by addition A composite region is the result of combining the total area of two or more existing regions. A composite solid is the result of combining the total volume of two or more existing solids. You can join regions or solids that do not share a common area or volume. Modify II toolbar: Modify menu: Boolean Union Command line: union Select objects: Use an object selection method

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The selection set can contain regions and solids that lie in any number of arbitrary planes. AutoCAD divides the selection sets into subsets that are joined separately. Solids are grouped in the first subset. The first selected region and all subsequent coplanar regions are grouped in the second set. The next region that is not coplanar with the first region and all subsequent coplanar regions are grouped in the third set, and so on until all regions belong to a subset.

The resulting composite solid includes the volume enclosed by all of the selected solids. Each of the resulting composite regions encloses the area of all regions in a subset. • VPORTS Divides the graphics area into multiple tiled viewports Before you use VPORTS, the TILEMODE system variable must be set to 1. View menu: Tiled Viewports Command line: vports Save / Restore / Delete / Join / SIngle / ? / 2 / <3 > / 4: Enter an option or press ENTER The number and layout of active viewports and their associated settings are called viewport configurations. • WEDGE Creates a 3D solid with a sloped face tapering along the X axis Solids toolbar: Draw menu: Solids Wedge

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Command line: wedge

Center / <Corner of wedge><0,0,0>: Specify a point (1), enter c, or press ENTER Corner of WedgeDefines the first corner of the wedge.Cube / Length / <other corner>: Specify a point (2) or enter an optionCenter Creates the wedge by a specified center point.Center of wedge <0,0,0>: Specify a point (1) or press ENTERCube / Length / <corner of wedge>: Specify a point (2) or enter an option. Glossary Of Commands 3D Creates three-dimensional polygon mesh objects 3DARRAY Creates a three-dimensional array 3DCLIP Invokes the interactive 3D view and opens the Adjust Clipping Planes window 3DCORBIT Invokes the interactive 3D view and enables you to set the objects in the 3D view into

continuous motion 3DDISTANCE Invokes the interactive 3D view and makes objects appear closer or farther away 3DFACE Creates a three-dimensional face 3DMESH Creates a free-form polygon mesh 3DORBIT Controls the interactive viewing of objects in 3D 3DPAN Invokes the interactive 3D view and enables you to drag the view horizontally and

vertically 3DPOLY Creates a polyline with straight line segments using the CONTINUOUS linetype in three-

dimensional space 3DSIN Imports a 3D Studio (3DS) file 3DSOUT Exports to a 3D Studio (3DS) file 3DSWIVEL Invokes the interactive 3D view and simulates the effect of turning the camera 3DZOOM Invokes the interactive 3D view so you can zoom in and out on the view A ABOUT Displays information about AutoCAD ACISIN Imports an ACIS file ACISOUT Exports AutoCAD solid objects to an ACIS file ADCCLOSE Closes AutoCAD DesignCenter

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ADCENTER Manages content ADCNAVIGATE Directs the Desktop in AutoCAD DesignCenter to the file name, directory location, or

network path you specify ALIGN Aligns objects with other objects in 2D and 3D AMECONVERT Converts AME solid models to AutoCAD solid objects APERTURE Controls the size of the object snap target box APPLOAD Loads and unloads applications and defines which applications to load at startup ARC Creates an arc AREA Calculates the area and perimeter of objects or of defined areas ARRAY Creates multiple copies of objects in a pattern ARX Loads, unloads, and provides information about ObjectARX applications ATTDEF Creates an attribute definition ATTDISP Globally controls attribute visibility ATTEDIT Changes attribute information ATTEXT Extracts attribute data ATTREDEF Redefines a block and updates associated attributes AUDIT Evaluates the integrity of a drawing B BACKGROUND Sets up the background for your scene BASE Sets the insertion base point for the current drawing BHATCH Fills an enclosed area or selected objects with a hatch pattern BLIPMODE Controls the display of marker blips BLOCK Creates a block definition from objects you select BLOCKICON Generates preview images for blocks created with Release 14 or earlier BMPOUT Saves selected objects to a file in device-independent bitmap format BOUNDARY Creates a region or a polyline from an enclosed area BOX Creates a three-dimensional solid box BREAK Erases parts of objects or splits an object in two BROWSER Launches the default Web browser defined in your system's registry C CAL Evaluates mathematical and geometric expressions CAMERA Sets a different camera and target location CHAMFER Bevels the edges of objects CHANGE Changes the properties of existing objects CHPROP Changes the color, layer, linetype, linetype scale factor, lineweight, thickness, and plot

style of an object CIRCLE Creates a circle CLOSE Closes the current drawing COLOR Defines color for new objects COMPILE Compiles shape files and PostScript font files CONE Creates a three-dimensional solid cone CONVERT Optimizes 2D polylines and associative hatches created in AutoCAD Release 13 or

earlier COPY Duplicates objects COPYBASE Copies objects with a specified base point COPYCLIP Copies objects to the Clipboard COPYHIST Copies the text in the command line history to the Clipboard COPYLINK Copies the current view to the Clipboard for linking to other OLE applications CUTCLIP Copies objects to the Clipboard and erases the objects from the drawing CYLINDER Creates a three-dimensional solid cylinder D DBCCLOSE Closes the dbConnect Manager DBCONNECT Provides an AutoCAD interface to external database tables

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DBLIST Lists database information for each object in the drawing DDEDIT Edits text and attribute definitions DDPTYPE Specifies the display mode and size of point objects DDVPOINT Sets the three-dimensional viewing direction DELAY Provides a timed pause within a script DIM AND DIM1 Accesses Dimensioning mode DIMALIGNED Creates an aligned linear dimension DIMANGULAR Creates an angular dimension DIMBASELINE Creates a linear, angular, or ordinate dimension from the baseline of the previous

dimension or a selected dimension DIMCENTER Creates the center mark or the centerlines of circles and arcs DIMCONTINUE Creates a linear, angular, or ordinate dimension from the second extension line of the

previous dimension or a selected dimension DIMDIAMETER Creates diameter dimensions for circles and arcs DIMEDIT Edits dimensions DIMLINEAR Creates linear dimensions DIMORDINATE Creates ordinate point dimensions DIMOVERRIDE Overrides dimension system variables DIMRADIUS Creates radial dimensions for circles and arcs DIMSTYLE Creates and modifies dimension styles DIMTEDIT Moves and rotates dimension text DIST Measures the distance and angle between two points DIVIDE Places evenly spaced point objects or blocks along the length or perimeter of an object DONUT Draws filled circles and rings DRAGMODE Controls the way AutoCAD displays dragged objects DRAWORDER Changes the display order of images and other objects DSETTINGS Specifies settings for Snap mode, grid, and polar and object snap tracking DSVIEWER Opens the Aerial View window DVIEW Defines parallel projection or perspective views DWGPROPS Sets and displays the properties of the current drawing DXBIN Imports specially coded binary files E EDGE Changes the visibility of three-dimensional face edges EDGESURF Creates a three-dimensional polygon mesh ELEV Sets elevation and extrusion thickness properties of new objects ELLIPSE Creates an ellipse or an elliptical arc ERASE Removes objects from a drawing EXPLODE Breaks a compound object into its component objects EXPORT Saves objects to other file formats EXPRESSTOOLS Activates the installed AutoCAD Express Tools if currently unavailable EXTEND Extends an object to meet another object EXTRUDE Creates unique solid primitives by extruding existing two-dimensional objects F FILL Controls the filling of multilines, traces, solids, all hatches, and wide polylines FILLET Rounds and fillets the edges of objects FILTER Creates reusable filters to select objects based on properties FIND Finds, replaces, selects, or zooms to specified text FOG Provides visual cues for the apparent distance of objects G GRAPHSCR Switches from the text window to the drawing area GRID Displays a dot grid in the current viewport GROUP Creates a named selection set of objects

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H HATCH Fills a specified boundary with a pattern HATCHEDIT Modifies an existing hatch object HELP (F1) Displays online help HIDE Regenerates a three-dimensional model with hidden lines suppressed HYPERLINK Attaches a hyperlink to a graphical object or modifies an existing hyperlink HYPERLINKOPTIONS Controls the visibility of the hyperlink cursor and the display of hyperlink

tooltips I ID Displays the coordinate values of a location IMAGE Manages images IMAGEADJUST Controls the image display of the brightness, contrast, and fade values of images IMAGEATTACH Attaches a new image to the current drawing IMAGECLIP Creates new clipping boundaries for an image object IMAGEFRAME Controls whether AutoCAD displays the image frame or hides it from view IMAGEQUALITY Controls the display quality of images IMPORT Imports files in various formats into AutoCAD INSERT Places a named block or drawing into the current drawing INSERTOBJ Inserts a linked or embedded object INTERFERE Creates a composite 3D solid from the common volume of two or more solids INTERSECT Creates composite solids or regions from the intersection of two or more solids or regions

and removes the areas outside of the intersection ISOPLANE Specifies the current isometric plane L LAYER Manages layers and layer properties LAYOUT Creates a new layout and renames, copies, saves, or deletes an existing layout LAYOUTWIZARD Starts the Layout wizard, in which you can designate page and plot settings for a new layout LEADER Creates a line that connects annotation to a feature LENGTHEN Lengthens an object LIGHT Manages lights and lighting effects LIMITS Sets and controls the drawing boundaries and grid display LINE Creates straight line segments LINETYPE Creates, loads, and sets linetypes LIST Displays database information for selected objects LOAD Makes shapes available for use by the SHAPE command LOGFILEOFF Closes the log file opened by LOGFILEON LOGFILEON Writes the text window contents to a file LSEDIT Edits a landscape object LSLIB Maintains libraries of landscape objects LSNEW Adds realistic landscape items, such as trees and bushes, to your drawings LTSCALE Sets the linetype scale factor LWEIGHT Sets the current lineweight, lineweight display options, and lineweight units M MASSPROP Calculates and displays the mass properties of regions or solids MATCHPROP Copies the properties from one object to one or more objects MATLIB Imports and exports materials to and from a library of materials MEASURE Places point objects or blocks at measured intervals on an object MENU Loads a menu file MENULOAD Loads partial menu files MENUUNLOAD Unloads partial menu files MINSERT Inserts multiple instances of a block in a rectangular array

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MIRROR Creates a mirror image copy of objects MIRROR3D Creates a mirror image of objects about a plane MLEDIT Edits multiple parallel lines MLINE Creates multiple parallel lines MLSTYLE Defines a style for multiple parallel lines MODEL Switches from a layout tab to the Model tab and makes it current MOVE Displaces objects a specified distance in a specified direction MSLIDE Creates a slide file of the current viewport in model space, or of all viewports in paper space MSPACE Switches from paper space to a model space viewport MTEXT Creates multiline text MULTIPLE Repeats the next command until canceled MVIEW Creates floating viewports and turns on existing floating viewports MVSETUP Sets up the specifications of a drawing N NEW Creates a new drawing file O OFFSET Creates concentric circles, parallel lines, and parallel curves OLELINKS Updates, changes, and cancels existing OLE links OLESCALE Displays the OLE Properties dialog box OOPS Restores erased objects OPEN Opens an existing drawing file OPTIONS Customizes the AutoCAD settings ORTHO Constrains cursor movement OSNAP Sets object snap modes P PAGESETUP Specifies the layout page, plotting device, paper size, and settings for each new layout PAN Moves the drawing display in the current viewport PARTIALOAD Loads additional geometry into a partially opened drawing PARTIALOPEN Loads geometry from a selected view or layer into a drawing PASTEBLOCK Pastes a copied block into a new drawing PASTECLIP Inserts data from the Clipboard PASTEORIG Pastes a copied object in a new drawing using the coordinates from the original drawing PASTESPEC Inserts data from the Clipboard and controls the format of the data PCINWIZARD Displays a wizard to import PCP and PC2 configuration file plot settings into the Model

tab or current layout PEDIT Edits polylines and three-dimensional polygon meshes PFACE Creates a three-dimensional polyface mesh vertex by vertex PLAN Displays the plan view of a user coordinate system PLINE Creates two-dimensional polylines PLOT Plots a drawing to a plotting device or file PLOTSTYLE Sets the current plot style for new objects, or the assigned plot style for selected objects PLOTTERMANAGER Displays the Plotter Manager, where you can launch the Add-a-Plotter wizard

and the Plotter Configuration Editor POINT Creates a point object POLYGON Creates an equilateral closed polyline PREVIEW Shows how the drawing will look when it is printed or plotted PROPERTIES Controls properties of existing objects PROPERTIESCLOSE Closes the Properties window PSDRAG Controls the appearance of a PostScript image as it is dragged into position with PSIN PSETUPIN Imports a user-defined page setup into a new drawing layout PSFILL Fills a two-dimensional polyline outline with a PostScript pattern PSIN Imports a PostScript file

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PSOUT Creates an encapsulated PostScript file PSPACE Switches from a model space viewport to paper space PURGE Removes unused named objects, such as blocks or layers, from the drawing database Q QDIM Quickly creates a dimension QLEADER Quickly creates a leader and leader annotation QSAVE Quickly saves the current drawing QSELECT Quickly creates selection sets based on filtering criteria QTEXT Controls the display and plotting of text and attribute objects QUIT Exits AutoCAD R RAY Creates a semi-infinite line RECOVER Repairs a damaged drawing RECTANG Draws a rectangular polyline REDEFINE Restores AutoCAD internal commands overridden by UNDEFINE REDO Reverses the effects of the previous UNDO or U command REDRAW Refreshes the display in the current viewport REDRAWALL Refreshes the display in all viewports REFCLOSE Saves back or discards changes made during in-place editing of a reference (an xref or a

block) REFEDIT Selects a reference for editing REFSET Adds or removes objects from a working set during in-place editing of a reference (an

xref or a block) REGEN Regenerates the drawing and refreshes the current viewport REGENALL Regenerates the drawing and refreshes all viewports REGENAUTO Controls automatic regeneration of a drawing REGION Creates a region object from a selection set of existing objects REINIT Reinitializes the digitizer, digitizer input/output port, and program parameters file RENAME Changes the names of objects RENDER Creates a photorealistic or realistically shaded image of a three-dimensional wireframe or

solid model RENDSCR Redisplays the last rendering created with the RENDER command REPLAY Displays a BMP, TGA, or TIFF image RESUME Continues an interrupted script REVOLVE Creates solids by revolving two-dimensional objects about an axis REVSURF Creates a revolved surface about a selected axis RMAT Manages rendering materials ROTATE Moves objects about a base point ROTATE3D Moves objects about a three-dimensional axis RPREF Sets rendering preferences RSCRIPT Creates a script that repeats continuously RULESURF Creates a ruled surface between two curves S SAVE Saves the drawing under the current file name or a specified name SAVEAS Saves an unnamed drawing with a file name or renames the current drawing SAVEIMG Saves a rendered image to a file SCALE Enlarges or reduces selected objects equally in the X, Y, and Z directions SCENE Manages scenes in model space SCRIPT Executes a sequence of commands from a script SECTION Uses the intersection of a plane and solids to create a region SELECT Places selected objects in the Previous selection set SETUV Maps materials onto objects

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SETVAR Lists or changes the values of system variables SHADEMODE Shades the objects in the current viewport SHAPE Inserts a shape SHELL Accesses operating system commands SHOWMAT Lists the material type and attachment method for a selected object SKETCH Creates a series of freehand line segments SLICE Slices a set of solids with a plane SNAP Restricts cursor movement to specified intervals SOLDRAW Generates profiles and sections in viewports created with SOLVIEW SOLID Creates solid-filled polygons SOLIDEDIT Edits faces and edges of 3D solid objects SOLPROF Creates profile images of three-dimensional solids SOLVIEW Creates floating viewports using orthographic projection to lay out multi- and sectional

view drawings of 3D solid and body objects while in a layout SPELL Checks spelling in a drawing SPHERE Creates a three-dimensional solid sphere SPLINE Creates a quadratic or cubic spline (NURBS) curve SPLINEDIT Edits a spline object STATS Displays rendering statistics STATUS Displays drawing statistics, modes, and extents STLOUT Stores a solid in an ASCII or binary file STRETCH Moves or stretches objects STYLE Creates or modifies named styles and sets the current style for text in your drawing STYLESMANAGER Displays the Plot Style Manager SUBTRACT Creates a composite region or solid by subtraction SYSWINDOWS Arranges windows T TABLET Calibrates, configures, and turns on and off an attached digitizing tablet TABSURF Creates a tabulated surface from a path curve and a direction vector TEXT Displays text on screen as it is entered TEXTSCR Opens the AutoCAD text window TIME Displays the date and time statistics of a drawing TOLERANCE Creates geometric tolerances TOOLBAR Displays, hides, and customizes toolbars TORUS Creates a donut-shaped solid TRACE Creates solid lines TRANSPARENCY Controls whether background pixels in an image are transparent or opaque TREESTAT Displays information about the drawing's current spatial index TRIM Trims objects at a cutting edge defined by other objects U U Reverses the most recent operation UCS Manages user coordinate systems UCSICON Controls the visibility and placement of the UCS icon UCSMAN Manages defined user coordinate systems UNDEFINE Allows an application-defined command to override an internal AutoCAD command UNDO Reverses the effect of commands UNION Creates a composite region or solid by addition UNITS Controls coordinate and angle display formats and determines precision V VBAIDE Displays the Visual Basic Editor VBALOAD Loads a global VBA project into the current AutoCAD session VBAMAN Loads, unloads, saves, creates, embeds, and extracts VBA projects

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VBARUN Runs a VBA macro VBASTMT Executes a VBA statement on the AutoCAD command line VBAUNLOAD Unloads a global VBA project VIEW Saves and restores named views VIEWRES Sets the resolution for objects in the current viewport VLISP Displays the Visual LISP interactive development environment (IDE) VPCLIP Clips viewport objects VPLAYER Sets layer visibility within viewports VPOINT Sets the viewing direction for a three-dimensional visualization of the drawing VPORTS Divides the drawing area into multiple tiled or floating viewports VSLIDE Displays an image slide file in the current viewport W WBLOCK Writes objects or a block to a new drawing file WEDGE Creates a 3D solid with a sloped face tapering along the X axis WHOHAS Displays ownership information for opened drawing files WMFIN Imports a Windows metafile WMFOPTS Sets options for WMFIN WMFOUT Saves objects to a Windows metafile X XATTACH Attaches an external reference to the current drawing XBIND Binds dependent symbols of an xref to a drawing XCLIP Defines an xref or block clipping boundary and sets the front or back clipping planes XLINE Creates an infinite line XPLODE Breaks a compound object into its component objects XREF Controls external references to drawing files Z ZOOM Increases or decreases the apparent size of objects in the current viewport.