Cacao Tree Where does chocolate come from?? The cacao tree!

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Page 1: Cacao Tree Where does chocolate come from?? The cacao tree!
Page 2: Cacao Tree Where does chocolate come from?? The cacao tree!

Cacao Tree

• Where does chocolate come from??

The cacao tree!

Page 3: Cacao Tree Where does chocolate come from?? The cacao tree!

The Maya of Central America in the rainforests (250-900 A.D.)

Page 4: Cacao Tree Where does chocolate come from?? The cacao tree!

The Maya of Central America in the rainforests (250-900 A.D.)

• Collected the cacao beans from cacao trees• Ground the beans into a paste and made a frothy,

bitter chocolate drink.

What do you think the drink tasted like?

Page 5: Cacao Tree Where does chocolate come from?? The cacao tree!

The Maya of Central America in the rainforests (250-900 A.D.)

Page 6: Cacao Tree Where does chocolate come from?? The cacao tree!

The Maya of Central America in the rainforests (250-900 A.D.)

• Used for medicinal purposes (gave them strength and alertness)

• Used as $ for trading

• Favored drink of the wealthy

Page 7: Cacao Tree Where does chocolate come from?? The cacao tree!

The Aztecs conquered the Maya (1400-1521)

• Conquered the Maya and were then introduced to chocolate

• Only rulers, wealthy merchants and priests could enjoy the drink

Page 8: Cacao Tree Where does chocolate come from?? The cacao tree!

Spanish explorer, Cortez, brings the cacao bean to the Spanish court


• The Aztec emperor Montezuma offered the cacao drink to Hernando Cortez who then brought it back to Spain in 1528.

Page 9: Cacao Tree Where does chocolate come from?? The cacao tree!

Spanish explorer, Cortez, brings the cacao bean to the Spanish court


• Europeans did not like the bitter taste, so they added spices and sugar to the mix. They also heated

the drink.

Page 10: Cacao Tree Where does chocolate come from?? The cacao tree!

Chocolate drink spreads through the rest of Europe (1620s)

• For 100 years, the drink only stayed in Spain but eventually spread to the rest of Europe.

• Only for the wealthy because it was expensive.

Page 11: Cacao Tree Where does chocolate come from?? The cacao tree!

Cacao tree plantations were set up in Spain, England, France and Holland


• Slaves were used to work the plantations

?? What effect did the plantations have on chocolate?

Page 12: Cacao Tree Where does chocolate come from?? The cacao tree!

Mid-1700s-Chocolate became more affordable and more than just the wealthy were able to enjoy it.

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First pieces of Chocolate - 18491849- English chocolate maker produced the

world’s first eating chocolate.1893- Milton S. Hershey built a chocolate

factory in Southern Pennsylvania

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