CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 What's all the excitement about? Ellen O'Connell

CA Workload Automation SE r11 - CA Support Online · CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 ... /DISPLAY,ST=CA7 command > TZN data can be shown in the results of these CA Workload Automation

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CA Workload Automation SE r11.3What's all the excitement about?

Ellen O'Connell

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2 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

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3 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 will take your enterprise

workload to the next level. This will include integration with

the new class of CA Workload Automation Agents as well as

enhancements to the core scheduling engine. This session

gives you a peek at the future which is just around the



4 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

> Interface to CA WA Agent r11.3

> Jobflow Monitor

> Time Zone Normalization

> Perpetual Calendars

> Job Restart Enhancements with CA Workload Automation

Restart Option r11 (CA 11)

> TCP/IP Terminal Interface

> XCF Option for SMF Feedback

> Registration with System State Interfaces

Major Enhancements

5 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

> Automated Recovery Facility (ARF) Enhancements

> Command Enhancements

> CA Critical Path Monitor (CPM) Flow Definition Options

> DRMODE Non-executable Trigger Setting

> SASSHIS8 Enhancements

> Job Rename Utilities Return Code (RC) 4

> Multiple JOB Card Requeue Option

> CA OPS/MVS® Event Manager and Automation (OPS/MVS

EMA) API Rule Interface

> CCI Terminal Message Suppression

Other Enhancements

6 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

Major Enhancements

7 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

> CA WA Agent r11.3 executes on a variety of platforms,

such as UNIX, Windows, i5/OS and more

Agent includes various plug-ins to support applications

such as SAP, Oracle, Data Base and more

Many “job types” are supported

> CA Workload Automation has a new component: CA

Integrated Agent Services (CA IAS)

Parameter parsing and message building

TCP/IP Communications to the agents

Interface to CA WA Agent r11.3

8 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

> General system agent job types for UNIX, LINUX, and

Windows (UNIX_JOB, NT_JOB)

> Utility job types such as FTP Transfer (FTP_JOB) and File


> Data base tasks (SQL_JOB, DBSP_JOB, DB_TRIG,


> ERP Applications such as SAP, Oracle, and People Soft



> Application Services for Java and J2EE and Web Services

and SNMP and more!

AGJOB Job Types

9 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

> Define AGJOB job to CA Workload Automation data base:

Requires job type and agent information

DB Menus lists job type options

AGJOB command with empty job type

Establish requirements/triggers like other jobs

> Required PARMLIB to contain parameters for agent job

LJCK validates PARMLIB member contents

AGJOB Definition

10 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

> Schedule/trigger/demand AGJOB to enter CA Workload

Automation queues

> Progresses through queues (REQ, RDY, ACT, PRN) like

other jobs

> Job feedback creates initialization/completion records and

stores additional information returned

> New commands associated with agents and their jobs

/AGENT to communicate to the agents

New inquiry/update commands to support agent jobs

AGJOB Submission

11 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

> CA 7 WA r11.1 introduced Jobflow Illustrator

A new forecasting tool

z/OS Batch or Microsoft Visio® interfaces

> Jobflow Monitor tracks CA Workload Automation active


Also forecasts near-future workload from the data base

Also maintains a short history

> JFM includes requirements and dependencies, not just


> With JFM, site specifies options including instances to

track, “rolling window” sizes, and more

Jobflow Monitor (JFM)

12 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

Jobflow Monitor Architecture














D-base &









(And Other




13 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

> CA Critical Path Monitoring (CPM)

JFM communicates with CA CPM to track critical paths

Includes requirements (not just trigger flow)

Completes the workload picture involved in SLA

> CA WCC Interface

Visualization accomplished through CA WCC Jobflow

Monitor function

Assists in creating the Jobflow Monitor displays

JFM Interfaces with other products

14 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

> CA Workload Automation captures the Time Zone Offset

(TZO) of the system in which the job executed

Difference between that system’s time zone and Universal

Coordinated Time (UCT)

> This TZO is captured in certain SMF extract records where

the job executed or the data set created

> When TZN processing is in effect, the execution time zone

offset (EXEC TZO) is compared with the CA Workload

Automation time zone offset (CA7 TZO)

If different, the execution time is normalized to the CA

Workload Automation time

Time Zone Normalization (TZN)

15 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

> The CA7 TZO can be displayed by executing the

/DISPLAY,ST=CA7 command

> TZN data can be shown in the results of these CA

Workload Automation commands: LCTLG, LDSN, LJOB,


> SASSHIS8 reports can contain TZN data based on input

control statement option: HR04, HR06, HR09, HR13, and


TZN Commands and Reports

16 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

> Use Perpetual Calendars to define calendars without

regards to the year

> Define PCALDSN= on initialization CALENDAR statement

> Define generic days in a PDS member with name


Year association is generic YY; applies to all years!

“xx” associates this PCAL member with a specific SCALyyxx

(yy is the “current” year)

> With CALMOD, RESOLV or PRINT commands, if no

SCALyyxx member exists, then one is built from PCALYYxx


Perpetual Calendars

17 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA



– New Year's Day AS 1


– Independence Day AS

July 4

– Myday AS 11/17


– New Year's Day


– Independence Day


– Myday nonschedule

> Member PCALYYxx

Set ALL scheduled

Set Monday, Wednesday

and Friday as


Set last Friday of May



Set holidays


Sample Statements in PCALYYxx

18 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

> CA Workload Automation Restart Option r11 (formerly known as

CA 11) now permits remote restarts for NJE jobs

> CA WA Restart Option is used to automatically track and restart

batch jobs via the “RMS Step”

> Previously condition code failure determination was done only

with CA Workload Automation feedback data

Job Restart Enhancements

19 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

> CA Workload Automation can now inform CA WA Restart Option

r11 which job step failed via relative step number

Use CONDCHK=YES on RESTART initialization statement

CA Workload Automation submitted job has RMS SYSIN option

SCHCC=YES, informing CA WA Restart Option, CA Workload

Automation determines job failure criteria

CA Workload Automation extracts JES Node, CA WA Restart

Option subsystem name and relative failing step number at job

termination and tells CA WA Restart Option which step “failed”

Job Restart Enhancements

20 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

> Previously Batch Terminals (BTI), CCI Terminals, and

now, with CA Workload Automation r11.3, TCP/IP


> Interface from a variety of platforms through the TCP/IP


> Define a port on the TCP/IP network via which CA

Workload Automation receives commands and transmits


> Java and C sample programs provided

TCP/IP Terminal Interface

21 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

> XCF, IBM’s Cross-system Communication Facility, uses

system-to-system direct communications

> Two options for XCF communications

ICOM notifies CA7ONL feedback data present on COMMDS

ICOM sends CA7ONL SMF job and data set feedback data

> Improves job tracking time

> Sending feedback data reduces contention for COMMDS

Batch and Trailer still use COMMDS

Systems outside the Sysplex still use COMMDS

> Replaces old optional ICOM Coupling Facility Structure

XCF Option For SMF Feedback

22 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

> At CA Workload Automation CAIRIM initialization, new option to

specify registration with IBM Health Checker in L2OPTS

ICOM: Ensure the ICOM enqueue is present in system

CA7ONL: Checks a CA Workload Automation timestamp for

current activity

Use CA Sysview or SDSF for display information

> Option to register with Automatic Restart Manager (ARM)

Set up ARM policy for restart information

Mutually exclusive with CA Workload Automation startup of


> With CA OPS/MVS® EMA, CA Workload Automation notifies

System State Manager (SSM) as to its status

Starting, Up, Stopping, Down

Used by SSM “Action Table”

Registration with System State Interfaces

23 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

Other Enhancements

24 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

> Job Completion test for Highest Return Code CA Workload

Automation knows

Define a JC ARFSET definition with HRC as opposed to CC,

SYS, USR, etc.

Cannot be used with any other JC tests such as Condition

Code (CC), abends (SYS or USR), etc.

Permits set of ARF responses (actions) to be taken by a job

> New System Variables for CA Workload Automation

System Name, SCHID, and JES job number

> ARF LA responses will no longer be issued more than

once; this situation is also known as “Double Late”

Automated Recovery Facility (ARF)Enhancements

25 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

> Long Line Commands: up to 160 bytes entry

Some commands such as DEMAND have many options and

thus may be long

End “primary” input line with plus sign (+) to denote

continue; on re-display, cursor placed at 1st blank after

entered data and + is removed

/FETCH affected as screen may be cleared if long line

command is entered in the “Fetch Ring”

> New commands

/COID lists COIDs for UID if USER= coded on SECURITY


Various commands to support agent job interface

Command Enhancements

26 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

> DEMAND/RUN/LOAD yes/no options for RMS, EXEC, and


> SCHDMOD displays MODSTAT (blank or current) and last

resolve date for a job

> /DISPLAY,ST=CA7 displays CA Workload Automation

release and SP level, system state interfaces and time

zone information

> /DISPLAY,ST=SEC displays information if present on

SECURITY statement and new agent job information

> /WTO Highlight options request

Command Updates

27 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

> CA CPM Flow VRM Resource Name format:

[email protected]

> Endschid may now be 0 as opposed to specific SCHID

Use the SCHID of the first job in the flow

Set one flow for Monday-Friday jobs even though jobs

execute under different SCHIDs

> Endtarget may now be a relative time increment +HHMM

Endtarget time calculated from when the starting job’s flow

is attached

Endday restricted to maximum 8 (instead of 9)

CA CPM Flow Definition Options

28 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

> Disaster Recovery Mode (DRMODE) enables sites to

classify job priority for execution when operating in a


DRMODE initialization file option: RQMTS and TRIGGERS

ALL indicates all triggered jobs are executed and all

requirements must be satisfied

DR indicates only if the job’s assigned DRCLASS is active

will the job execute or the requirement be satisfied.


Applies to triggered jobs if job is in an inactive DRCLASS

Non-executable jobs allow a job to “post” successfully and

trigger subsequent jobs

DRMODE Non-executable Trigger Setting

29 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

> Report page numbers now go to 99,999 as opposed to


All page and numbers are in the same column, regardless

of report (PAGE starts in 122)

Page numbers have leading zeroes suppressed and “start”

in 127

> HR03 (Log Dump) now shows all characters X’40’ through


Shows upper/lower case letters as well as symbols (e.g.,


Still presents a period if unable to translate character

SASSHIS8 Enhancements

30 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

> In CA 7 r11, a series of batch job rename utilities (for

data base, queues, VRM and ARF) were created

> Batch Job Rename Utilities were inconsistent in issuing

return codes

> If any messages written to the rename reports, the utility

now issues return code (RC) 4

If RC 0, user need not examine reports but for information

If RC 4, user should examine the report to see which job

rename functions issued messages

Job Rename Utilities Return Code (RC) 4

31 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

> Multiple JOB cards in one CA Workload Automation “job”

member introduces multiple jobs in the system which is a

security concern for many customers

> CA 7 WA r11.1 introduced MULTIJOB=FLUSH on the

SECURITY Statement

> Now have MULTIJOB=REQUEUE which requeues the entire

job to the Request Queue with status MJOB

Multiple JOB Card Requeue Option

32 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

> The CA OPS/MVS EMA API Rule interface is an efficient

method for CA Workload Automation to pass information

for processing

> Using the existing Master Station Message Routing

interface, CA Workload Automation Browse Log events

can now be routed to the CA OPS/MVS EMA API Rule


> MSGRCNTL DD statement in CA7ONL, with TO=*OPSAPI*

activates this interface

CA OPS/MVS EMA API Rule Interface

33 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

> CCI Terminal Message Suppression

Messages CA-7.XTM0 (start and end), CA-7.822, and CA-

7.SCMK issued for CCI Terminal activity


messages to issue only CA-7.XTM0 end message

> Message CA-7.928 has been updated to include storage


CA-7.928 - UCC7nmeQ HAS nnnnnn AVAILABLE TRACKS,


Miscellaneous Items

34 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

Packaging and Installation > CA Workload Automation complies with the new

Mainframe 2.0 standards, including easy download from

CA Support Online and Mainframe Software Manager

(MSM) installation

> CA Workload Automation SE package includes six FMIDs:

CAL2B30 – base CA Workload Automation SE product

CAL2B31 – Jobflow Monitor

CIAS100 – CA Integrated Agent Services (CA IAS)

CWR2000 – CA Common Product Services (CA CPS)

CDBO300 – CA Critical Path Monitor (CA CPM)

CD51110 – CA Generalized Transaction Services (CA GTS)

35 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA

> Interface to CA Workload Automation Agents r11.3

provides CA Workload Automation an extended

mechanism to control workload at an Enterprise level

> Jobflow Monitor will improve CA CPM SLA calculations and

the CA WCC JFM views

> Other major enhancements include TZN and Perpetual


> Various other enhancements address many DARs

> If you are interested in being a CA Workload Automation

r11.3 Beta Site, please let us know!


36 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA


37 October 14, 2009 CA Workload Automation SE r11.3 Copyright © 2009 CA