CA ROLS AFLOAT I AItQ and Bi n I No, C uo l Pllgt , 1 Once in ro)' al Da"id's ci l)' l Parts) 1 Away in a manger (Parts) J 3 Angels from the n:alms (Unison ) 3 Good king Wenco:slas (Unison) , 5 Sti ll e Nacht (PartS) 5 6 As with gladness men of old (Parts) 6 7 The holly and the ivy (U nison) 7 , , While shepherds watched their fl ocks (PartS) We three kings (Unison) 10 Jing le bells (Unison) 10 12 o co me all ye faithful (Parts) lJ We wish you a merry Ch ri stmas (Parts) JO " 11 Unto us a boy is born (Unison) 10 12 The thn:e dro\'ers (U ni son) 11 13 The sil"er stars an: in the (Unison) 11 14 Christmas day (Un ison) 12 15 Merry Christmas (Unison) 12 16 Carol of the birds (Two part) 13 17 o linle town of Bcthlehem (Pans) 14 18 The first noel (Unison) 15 Hark the herald angels sing (Parts) 16 JO " The lillie drumm cr bo>' (Unison) 17 21 Rudol f the red nosed reindeer (Unison) 18

CA ROLS AFLOAT I - Scotland Island · CA ROLS AFLOAT . I . AItQ and Bin . I . No, ... makes I Im"e thee lord Je look_ do,,'o from . tile . all the . chil dren in_ ... faint and sweet

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I AItQ and Bin I No, Cuol Pllgt

, 1 Once in ro)'al Da"id's cil)' l Parts) 1 Away in a manger (Parts) J 3 Angels from the n:alms (Unison) 3

Good king Wenco:slas (Unison) , 5 Sti lle Nacht (PartS) 5 6 As with gladness men of old (Parts) 6 7 The holly and the ivy (Unison) 7

,• ,•While shepherds watched their flocks (PartS) We three kings (Unison)

10 Jing le bells (Unison) 10

12 o come all ye faithful (Parts) lJ We wish you a merry Chri stmas (Parts) JO"

11 Unto us a boy is born (Unison) 10 12 The thn:e dro\'ers (U nison) 11 13 The sil"er stars an: in the s k ~' (Unison) 11 14 Christmas day (Un ison) 12 15 Merry Christmas (Unison) 12 16 Carol of the birds (Two part) 13 17 o linle town of Bcthlehem (Pans) 14 18 The first noel (Unison) 15

Hark the herald angels sing (Parts) 16 JO " The lillie drummcr bo>' (Unison) 17 21 Rudol f the red nosed reindeer (Unison) 18

f Once in Royal David's City

Oller in ci . 1)' SIOOd a lie Came 10 ~ar1h from Ilea . Yen Who is N. poor low . ,",

low . I)' ca • nle $Md. Whe re a -God and lord of_all And his shel Ie. " "as 1_ 01 - en s""nd · in, by. We ~haIl _ him bu1 in_

ba - by In a man • leI for _ his_ bed: Ma - I')'

S\2i • blc And hi s cno . die "'.s a_ stall, \\'0 111 Ihe hca . Ven !kl a1 God's righl hand on _ high: Where like

" 'as thaI mo _1M. mild Chri SI lie. Ii· ttle _ child pool' and mean and 1m•• ') canh OOr s,a ";0011 ho · ly. Sta rs his child · "," crowned while shall ",'a. _ round.


Away in a Manger

". A ....ay m .- man - geT No_ crib (~ • Th. cau . ,. arc_ low . ing. Th. ba - by

ncar lord k . su, ,- ,,' tbee '0 •

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".,. TI<_ Ii tile '~d Jc . su, laid down hi s SWeet

wakes BU1 _ ,; Hie '~d k - ~ us ~- 'ry . m, '" by m. (~ c . ' ocr ..d loy, ,'"Y d= =

head: The sIal> in Ihc _ bright sky looked 00"'8 where he

makes I Im"e thee lord Je look_ do,,'o from tile

all the chil dren in_ ten · dc.

,., Th. Ii . tlk ,,,' k ' lus • . sleep 00

sky. Aod stay by my side un _ lil _ mor· ning ;, nigh.

Aod " .. f~ hea . yen '0_ Ii '-e with Ih~ (her<:_" " •

1 ...:tOns. n O)l TIIK n., "I

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1 Good King Wrnceslas looked OUI On Ihe ftaSl DfS[~.

Whc:n (he snow lay round about. Deep and , risp and even: Brightly shone the moon that nij!.ht. Though the frost was crue l. When a poor man came in sight Gathering winler fucl.

l 'Hither P~.1UId stand by me. If thou knO\\ 'SI ille!lina. YOIKkr peasant. who is he? wh<'TC and whal his dwell ina? Sire. he liVe!; a good league hence. Underneath the mounlain, Riiht against the forrs1 fmce. Rv Saini AlI.l1es' Fountain.


"Bring ~ ncsh and bring"'" wine Bring me pi~ logs hil,," Thou and [I,ill"", him dine When we ~ar him thither: Page and monarch forth lhe) wem Forth Ihl')' ,,"cnltogether Throu!!,h Ille rude wind's wild lament And the bitter wcalher

•In his mMIer's steps hc trod When: Ihe 5110\' la> dinl«l I kat was in the 'CT) sod Which the SainI had printed Th<'Tcfore, Chri stian men. be sure Wealth or rank possessing Ye who now will bl~s the poor Shall you!"Sl: I\t"s fmd bl~5in g

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G. AS \,'IT H CLAD:-<ESS \1 E!'I or OL.D

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A. \oI lih IIlod ...... ....." <>f old 1M "" pd",!,w~.A> willi py thty NJIod 'If hgh~ u~ ,,"w.rd. boo,,,,,,,s b..p.l. So. _ 1""""'" Cod. "'-"" _ h __ bot Iod "" Ihoot.

7, TilE HOLLY AN T Ht: IVY fUnjsool

Verse I (All)

Verse 2 (Solo 11

Vn-se 3 (Solo 2)

Versc I (All)

The OOIl~ and the i,or, When the), nrc both full grown, Of all the nees that in the wood, Thc holl~' bears the crown.

C,"oru$ (A ll ) rhe risinK r1f 'he sun, And Ihe ru""lng of Ihe drer, rhe pl~J'i"J{ of ,hf mtrry' ()r((un, S,,'u, sl"flng in 'he drolr

The holl~ bears a blossom, A s white as the li ly flower, And Mnt)' bore sweet JCSI,lS Christ, To be our sweet Sa,'ieur: C ho"" (All )

The 11011)' bears a ben) , As red as an ~' blood, And M3I)' bore sweet Jcsus Christ, To 00 poor sinners good, non.., (A ll)

The holly:md the ;'1 , When they an: bolh full grown, Of all thc tTeeS that are in th~ wood, The 0011) bean the crown: C ho",s (A ll)

8 8. While shepherds watched

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2. WE THREE KINGS <Unison)

We .href: kings ofOrirnt are: Bearing gifts we 1ra,'erse afar Field and fountain. Moor and mountain, Following ronder star

Chorus o Siurl ofwondn. S/llrt III nigh l SIIIt offf'yul beuut)' bright. Wn r..· ..rd it' lluing. still prM«dillR Guide us fhrougll Ih,. M rfecllighl.

130m a King on BC1hlehem Plain Gold I bring to crown him again. King forever, cca~ing ne\'cr (her U~ a\llo reign


Frankincense 10 oITer have l. Incense of a dei!}' nigh, Prayer and praising. all men raising. Worship Him. God most high.


Myrrh is mine. it' s biner perfume. Breathes a life of gathering gloom, Sorrowing, sighing. bleeding, dying. Scaled in a slone-cold lomb.


10. JI1\GI, E DEUS (u~ iWl!I

Dashing through t~ SIIOW, ill a one IIOfS<' open sleigh. And o'er Ihe fields we go, laughini all the wa~' ,

Bells on bobIai l ring, making spirits bright. \\'h81 fun il is 10 ride and sing a sleighing song lonighl.

C HORUS: I,'ng/~ lulls. jl"lll~ lulls, II"g/t 1l1I1"t " 'lIy, 0" ,,'''lIlfun il I~' It} ride In" ont Ir9r$e Opttl s/~iglr

Oft ! lingle lulls, j l"gle bells, ling/e ,,1/ I"e " 'II)', 011 "'''"I fun il Is tf} ride In II Ont "9'$11 o~n sleigll! (Re~al "ers<: and chorus)


Unlo US a boy is born! King ofal! creation. Came he 10 a world forlorn, The Lord of ewry nPliOIl .

Herod Ihen " ';Ih fear was fi lled: A Prill« he said in Je"T}! AIII~ linle bo)'5 tK killed Allkthrem in fUr),

Now may ~.1ar)" 5 son, who came Solong ago 10 5&\'e us, Lead us all with heans aflame Unlo the ;O)'s abo\'\: us,

-,, 12. TIlE THREE I>ROVEM.5(Unisonj

Across th~ plains one Chrislmas nishl. three drovers riding bly~ llIld gay, LooIi:ed up and sa" a stany ligh1. /TIOI't radiant than Ihe Milky Wa}. And on their heans such wonder fell. 1he)' sang wi.h )0)'. Nod, Nod, Noel, Noel, Noel.

The air was dl) with SllmltlCT Ileal. and sndc Wll'i on the ,ello" moon, BUI from Ihe Heavens, faint and sweet. came nOl ling down a wondrous tunc, And as lhe)' heard (hey sang full we ll. those dro\'eN three. Noel, Noel. Nod. Nod. Noel.


The sih'CJ' sIan an: in lhe sk). The r~d gold moon is tid ing high. o sleep my lin le one slecp~

Once long ago againsl her buasl A II10lher hush' d her babe 10 11:51. Who was Ihe Prince ofhe a,, '" aoove, Tile Lord of gemlcn~ and 101'e o sleep my linle one sleep

The booboo\( caUs a.c:ross the n'¥hl, The brown mOlhs nU11n in [he light. o sleep my lillie one slttp! In Bethlehem long. long ago When roads and paddocks glum'd with SJlOW:

On [his same nighl. that ntO!heT mi ld luJrd inlo dn:anlJ her royal child So sleep, my li tll e one sleep.

I~. C llfUSTMAS DAY (Unison)

The North-wind is loning the lea,n The red dUSI is o,'er the lown: The sparrows are under Ihe caves. And Ihe grass in the paddod is brown As W'e lift up 00, "oiced and sing To the ChriSl child the hea'·enl,. king.

The tm: fent') in grttn gullies sway: llle roo! strum nows silently b~':

llle joy-bells are greeting the day And the chimes a re adrift in the sky. As we lift up oor "oices and sing To the ChriSl Child the heavcnly king.


Sun gleams bright. hearts are light. So lI'ilh joy. man and boy. Men),. merry Christmas. Sing wilh us logether: Bells ring 001. ch ildrm shout. On Ihis mom. ChriSI was born. Merry. merry. men)' Chrislmas. Mt1T). merry. merry Chrislmas. Sheep in fold. shine like gold. Raise the song. loud and strong. As the day is dawning. In the shin ing weather. Rid ing by. stockmen CT). Joy bells ring. Chrisl is King. Welcome Christmas morning. Mm:. mClT). merry Christmas.

16. Carol of the Birds

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o rn for Chris!

o for Chris!"

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18. THE FIRST NOWELL. (Unison)

The first Nowell. the angel did say. Was to cenain poor shepherds in fields as they lay In fi elds as they lay keeping their sheep, On a cold winter's night that was so deep.

Chorus Nowell, nowell, no well, tlowell, 80rn is Ihe King ofIsrael.

They looked up and saw a star. Shining in the East, beyond them far. And to the eanh it gave great light. And so it continued both day and night.


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IUni"",)20. Drummer Boy

Com< !be) lold me • ...'" born bo) to >«

li . "I. bo '~' I .. • po<J< t:oo-. tOO

M • • f) ' mod·dc:J TIl. 0' and lamb k,pI t im<

Our fi· ..... gilb to bring '" I 110>. "" iin to bring Thot', fi l to @.in til< King

plly.d mj' d,u", rOf him I pllyw mj' 1><>1 rOf him

So Iwn our him" Shall play for you

he smil~d 31n,," m,

When _ we come,

On_ my drum?

M.. and my drum.


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