A SEMI-ANNUAL PUBLICATION OF THE COMMISSION ON APPOINTMENTS http://www.comappt.gov.ph VOL. XVI NO. 2 DECEMBER 2014 CA Newsletter Confirmation of AFP Chief, two JBC Members and 178 others OK’d by Jo R. Samarista IT’S A GO. JBC Members Sandoval-Guttierez and Mejia (middle) are all smiles as they got their appointments confirmed by President of the Senate/ Chairman of the Commission Franklin M. Drilon and the officers and members of the Commission. (continued on p.2) Second Regular Session, 16 th Congress July - November 2014 T he start of the 2 nd Regular Session of the 16 th Congress saw the confirmation of the nominations and ad interim appointments of two members of the Judicial and Bar Council (JBC), the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Chief of Staff, 141 AFP general/flag and senior officers and 48 senior officials from the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA). Gen. Gregorio Pio P. Catapang, Jr.’s ad interim appointment as AFP Chief of Staff topped the list of nominations and appointments confirmed by the Commission for the period covering July – November 2014. Catapang, 55, replaced Gen. Emmanuel T. Bautista whose mandatory retirement from service took effect upon reaching the age of 56 last July. A classmate of his predecessor in the Philippine Military Academy (PMA) “Dimalupig” Class of 1981, Catapang was the former commander of the AFP Northern Luzon Command (Nolcom) and 7th Infantry Division (7ID) and the vice chief of staff of the AFP - a position he held in May 2014, prior his appointment as AFP chief. At the defense committee hearing, Vice Chair of the Commission Mel Senen S. Sarmiento and Rep. Rufus B. Rodriguez took turns in congratulating Catapang for being decisive in handling the Golan Heights crisis. Catapang was commended for a job well done in guiding the 40 Filipino peacekeepers belonging to the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) to hold their ground and avoid being overpowered by attacking al-Qaeda-linked Syrian rebels. Catapang and Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin approved the Filipino troops’ decision not to surrender despite the order of their UNDOF Indian commander to lay down their weapons to the rebels. This tactical decision led to what the AFP dubbed as the “Greatest Escape” where the trapped Filipino troops found their way to safety after escaping from the Syrian rebels surrounding them. In his sponsorship speech at the plenary session, CA committee on defense chair New Members, Sergeant-at-Arms elected to the CA by Manny R. Tantengco By virtue of their election in the House of Representatives and the Senate, respectively, the Commission on Appointments (CA) opened its doors for new members TUCP Party Rep. Raymond Democrito C. Mendoza vice ABS Party Rep. Catalina “Baby” G. Leonen-Pizarro effective July 1, 2014, Sen. Joseph Victor G. Ejercito (UNA) vice Minority Floor Leader Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile (PMP), for a term beginning October 21 until November 30, 2014 and Sen. Maria Lourdes Nancy S. Binay (UNA) vice Sen. Jinggoy Ejercito Estrada (PMP) effective October 27, 2014. The Commission, during its 1st Plenary Session in the Second Regular Session of the 16th Congress, considered the election of Mendoza as its new member assuming Pizarro’s chairmanship of the Committee on Government Corporations and other Offices and Committee on Science and Technology, vice chairmanship of the Committee on Education, Culture and Sports and Committee on Justice and Judicial and Bar Council and membership of other various standing committees in the Commission. It was also in the same plenary session that the election of Police Director Cipriano Erfe Querol, Jr. (Ret.) as Sergeant-at-Arms of the Commission vice Police Director Orville G. Gabuna (Ret.) was approved. Before the plenary session was adjourned, Majority Floor Leader Rodolfo C. Fariñas moved for the Commission to adopt a Resolution recognizing and commending the services of the outgoing sergeant-at-arms. Upon adopting Fariñas’ motion, President of the Senate / Chairman of the Commission Franklin M. Drilon thanked Gabuna for a job well done. (continued on p.3) JOY IN SERVICE. Rep. Mendoza takes his oath as a new Member of the Commission before President of the Senate / Chairman of the Commission Drilon in jovial mood as Maj. Flr. Leader Fariñas looks on.

CA Newsletter released December, 2014

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CA NewsletterCA Newsletter

Confirmation of AFP Chief, two JBC Membersand 178 others OK’d

by Jo R. Samarista

IT’S A GO. JBC Members Sandoval-Guttierez and Mejia (middle) are all smiles as they got their appointments confi rmed by President of the Senate/Chairman of the Commission Franklin M. Drilon and the officers and members of the Commission.

(continued on p.2)

Second Regular Session, 16th CongressJuly - November 2014

The start of the 2 n d R e g u l a r Session of the 16 th Congress

saw the confirmation of the nominations and ad interim appointments of two members of the Judicial and Bar Council (JBC), the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Chief of Staff, 141 AFP general/fl ag and senior offi cers and 48 senior officials from the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA).

Gen. Gregorio Pio P. Catapang, Jr.’s ad interim appointment as AFP Chief of Staff topped the list of nominations and appointments confi rmed by the Commission for the period covering July – November 2014. Catapang, 55, replaced Gen. Emmanuel T. Bautista whose mandatory retirement from service took effect upon reaching the age of 56 last July. A classmate of his predecessor in the Philippine Military

Academy (PMA) “Dimalupig” Class of 1981, Catapang was the former commander of the AFP Northern Luzon Command (Nolcom) and 7th Infantry Division (7ID) and the vice chief of staff of the AFP - a position he held in May 2014, prior his appointment as AFP chief.

At the defense committee hearing, Vice Chair of the Commission Mel Senen S. Sarmiento and Rep. Rufus B. Rodriguez

took turns in congratulating Catapang for being decisive in handling the Golan Heights crisis. Catapang was commended for a job well done in guiding the 40 Filipino peacekeepers belonging to the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) to hold their ground and avoid being overpowered by attacking al-Qaeda-linked Syrian rebels. Catapang and Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin approved the

Filipino troops’ decision not to surrender despite the order of their UNDOF Indian commander to lay down their weapons to the rebels. This tactical decision led to what the AFP dubbed as the “Greatest Escape” where the trapped Filipino troops found their way to safety after escaping from the Syrian rebels surrounding them.

In his sponsorship speech at the plenary session, CA committee on defense chair

New Members, Sergeant-at-Arms elected to the CAby Manny R. Tantengco

By virtue of their election in the House of Representatives and the Senate, respectively, the Commission on Appointments (CA) opened its doors for new members TUCP Party Rep. Raymond Democrito C. Mendoza vice ABS Party Rep. Catalina “Baby” G. Leonen-Pizarro effective July 1, 2014, Sen. Joseph Victor G. Ejercito (UNA) vice Minority Floor Leader Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile (PMP), for a term beginning October 21 until November 30, 2014 and Sen. Maria Lourdes Nancy S. Binay (UNA) vice Sen. Jinggoy Ejercito Estrada (PMP) effective October 27, 2014.

The Commission, during its 1st Plenary Session in the Second Regular Session of the 16th Congress, considered the election of Mendoza as its new member assuming Pizarro’s chairmanship of the Committee on Government Corporations and other Offi ces and Committee on Science and Technology, vice chairmanship of the Committee on Education, Culture and Sports and Committee on Justice and Judicial and Bar Council and membership of other various standing committees in the Commission. It was also in the same plenary session that the election of Police Director Cipriano Erfe Querol, Jr. (Ret.) as Sergeant-at-Arms of the Commission vice Police Director Orville G. Gabuna (Ret.) was approved. Before the plenary session was adjourned, Majority Floor Leader Rodolfo C. Fariñas moved for the Commission

to adopt a Resolution recognizing and commending the services of the outgoing sergeant-at-arms. Upon adopting Fariñas’ motion, President of the Senate / Chairman of the Commission Franklin M. Drilon thanked Gabuna for a job well done. (continued on p.3)

JOY IN SERVICE. Rep. Mendoza takes his oath as a new Member of the Commission before President of the Senate / Chairman of the Commission Drilon in jovial mood as Maj. Flr. Leader Fariñas looks on.

Page 2: CA Newsletter released December, 2014


(continued on p.3)

Confi rmation.. from p.2

WELCOME ABOARD. President of the Senate/Chairman of the Commission Drilon welcomes newly-installed Sgt.-at-Arms Querol to the CA family as Vice Chair Sarmiento looks on.

Confi rmation... from p.1

BEST OF LUCK CHIEF. CA Vice Chair Sarmiento (right) and Rep. Rodriguez (middle) congratulate newly-confirmed AFP Chief Catapang (left).

General Querol is new Sergeant-at-Arms

by Annabelle C. Sta. Cruz

FLOWERS BLOOM. Maj. Flr. Leader Fariñas, assisted by CA Secretary Tiu, greets Sen. Defensor Santiago with a bouquet of roses.

(continued on p.9)

Rep. Antonio A. Del Rosario stressed that with Catapang’s remarkable qualifi cation and fi tness to lead the country’s military force, he “is certain that the AFP would continue to gain ground in fulfi lling its constitutional mandate of defending the nation, protecting our democracy, and serving the Filipino people.” Sen. Loren Legarda and Rep. Rufus Rodriguez also took the fl oor and seconded the motion to confi rm the appointment of Catapang,

the 45th Chief of Staff of the AFP and the 5th Chief of Staff under the Aquino administration.

The nomination of Hon. Angelina Sandoval-Gutierrez as member of the Judicial and Bar Council (JBC) representing the Retired Justices of the Supreme Court and the ad interim appointment of Hon. Jose

V. Mejia as member of the Judicial and Bar Council (JBC) representing the Academe, Supreme Court of the Philippines were also confi rmed by the Commission.

Sandoval-Gutierrez will serve a full-term of four years vice Hon. Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr.. Mejia, on the other hand, whose fi rst term as JBC member expired last July 9, 2014, was granted another four-year term ending on July 8, 2018. He already served as a member of the JBC

from May 2011 - July 2014.The confi rmation of both Sandoval-

Gutierrez and Mejia’s nomination and ad interim appointment breezed through swiftly at the Commission’s justice and judicial and bar council committee, headed by Sen. Aquilino “Koko” L. Pimentel III. There were no oppositions or adverse reports against both appointees. During the deliberations on their appointments, they were practically just given the opportunity to make their opening statements without the committee members actually asking questions on them. After a moment of some

serious discussions with Majority Floor Leader Rodolfo C. Fariñas about the appointees’ thoughts on relevant issues and their qualifi cations for their posts, Pimentel recommended their confi rmation to the plenary with no objections raised.

Meanwhile, the Commission also saw the confirmation of the ad interim

appointments of 141 ranking officers. Among the confirmed AFP officers, the promotion of Brigadier General Medardo P. Geslani and Col. Rolando E. Neronawere the most controversial. During the defense committee hearing, their promotions were opposed by Maguindanao Rep. Zajid G. Mangudadatu. Mangudadatu claimed that Geslani and Nerona were instrumental in the so-called “Maguindanao Massacre” that took place on November 23, 2009 by their denial to provide military escorts to oppositor’s family which resulted in the death of 58 people. Geslani denied having not heeded on the request to provide military security to the victims who were then about to fi le a certifi cate of candidacy for Buluan vice mayor Esmael Mangudadatu - who was running for governor, when the convoy was waylaid by the Ampatuans. He confi rmed receiving a call from the former vice mayor and responded by suggesting to him to direct his request to the Philippine National Police (PNP) considering that the AFP is prohibited from providing security escorts to candidates engaged in political activities pursuant to existing policies and guidelines, and explaining that they were also on manpower shortage at that time. He also referred to the Joint Resolution issued by the Ombudsman in 2011 dismissing all the administrative and criminal complaints fi led against him. A division of the House was resorted to when Assistant Minority Floor Leader Rodolfo

T. Albano III objected on the motion of Fariñas to recommend the appointees for favorable plenary action. The motion, however, was carried by a vote of 7-1 with Albano casting the negative vote, while Sen. Vicente C. Sotto III abstained. The CA members who voted for the confi rmation of the appointees were Vice Chair Sarmiento, Reps. Fariñas, Antonio F. Lagdameo, Jr.,

George P. Arnaiz, Rommel C. Amatongand Roy M. Loyola and Sen. Antonio “Sonny” F. Trillanes IV.

In the case of the DFA, the nominations and ad interim appointments of six envoys and 42 other senior offi cials were confi rmed by the Commission. Their confi rmation, however, encountered a slight hitch when foreign affairs committee chair Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago walked out of the September 10 committee hearing after Majority Floor Leader Fariñas’ raised an issue on the lack of quorum. Fariñas manifested that the committee cannot proceed unless there is a quorum which is

provided for under Article 4, Section 2 of the CA Rules of the Standing Committees. Article IV entitled MEETINGS OF THE COMMITTEES, Section 2 of the CA Rules provides that, “Quorum. A majority of all the members of each committee shall constitute a quorum to do business. However, ex offi cio members present may be considered in determining the existence of a quorum.”

D e f e n s o r S a n t i a g o , however, replied that the presence of the committee chairperson is enough to call a quorum, a practice that has been observed by the committee for almost a decade that she has been its chair. She also referred to Article VI entitled INVESTIGATION OF THE COMMITTEES, Section 2 of the CA Rules of the Standing Committees that

reads, “Quorum at Public Hearings. The presence of the Chairman or Vice-Chairman, or at least three (3) members, one of whom shall serve as Acting Chairman, shall be suffi cient for the purpose of conducting public hearings and acting on motions and other incidents related thereto.” Sen. Antonio F. Trillanes IV, in an attempt to ease the tension over the discussion, moved for a suspension of the hearing but Defensor Santiago set the motion aside. “You are questioning my authority. I walk out of this hearing,” Defensor Santiago said, before

banging the gavel to adjourn the proceedings sans the favorable recommendation of the appointees for plenary action.

The issue, however, was settled on the following committee hearing last September 17 when Fariñas greeted Defensor Santiago with a bouquet of roses as an apparent gesture of apology and reconciliation after what had transpired in the previous hearing. In reply, Defensor Santiago, in her Twitter account posted “I humbly believe that there’s no need for apology on either side. Instead, as usual, I hold out the hand of friendship.” With all CA Members from the House contingent present during the hearing, Defensor Santiago proceeded to highlight the qualifi cations of each of the nominees and appointees and dispensed with the oppositions presented before the committee. Committee Vice Chair Senator Pimentel III recommended their confi rmation to the plenary with no objections raised.

Meanwhile, the Senate’s election of Ejercito as member of the Commission vice Enrile was, likewise, taken up during the Commission’s 4th Plenary Session in the Second Regular Session of the 16th Congress. Enrile and Estrada were suspended by the Senate following the 90-day suspension order issued by the Sandiganbayan due to the plunder case they are facing for their alleged involvement in the multi-billion peso pork barrel scandal. Binay’s election in the Senate as member of the Commission, was submitted to the Commission last November 11, 2014, and takes effect until after expiration of the 90-day suspension of Estrada.

The CA family warmly welcomed the new members and the sergeant-at-arms to its fold.

THOSE IN FAVOR. CA Secretary Tiu counts the votes in favor of confirming Brigadier General Geslani’s ad interim appointment.

New Members.. from p.1

The First Plenary Session in the Second Regular Session of the 16th Congress last September 3, 2014 saw the Commission on Appointments (CA) en banc electing former Philippine National Police (PNP) Director Cipriano Erfe Querol, Jr. (Ret.) as Sergeant-at-Arms, Offi ce of the Sergeant-at-Arms (OSAA) vice Police Director Orville G. Gabuna (Ret.).

Born on December 8, 1957 in San Quintin, Pangasinan, General Querol carries with him his vast experience as a police offi cer. Prior his election as sergeant-at-arms in the Commission, he held several positions in the Philippine Constabulary (PC) and the PNP until his mandatory retirement as director for Intelligence, PNP last December 2013 at age 56. Having been trained at the Special Intelligence Training School (SITS) of the Intelligence Service of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (ISAFP), he, likewise, led various intelligence units and offi ces at the provincial and regional levels and has an immense knowledge and understanding of the intelligence community and fi eld assignments for more than 32 years in various capacities.

As a young lieutenant in the defunct PC, General Querol was assigned as intelligence and operations offi cer of the Iloilo PC/INP Command in 1982. In 1985, He also held the position of commanding offi cer of the then 326th PC Company in Tigbauan, Iloilo. As provincial director of Capiz Police Provincial Offi ce from 2005-2007, he steered his unit to become, for the fi rst time, the Best Police Provincial Offi ce

As we celebrate this year’s Christmas in the unique Filipino tradition, allow me to express my most

sincere appreciation to all of you who have labored in service of the nation throughout the year. Your efforts have made this holiday season a little brighter for many of our countrymen in these challenging times.

Christmas is often a time for revelry and merrymaking. It connects entire families and communities. This time of the year should also be spent in heartfelt appreciation of all the good we have received, and in reflection of all the good that we have shared with others.

Let us all be grateful for all our blessings and reach out to our less fortunate brothers and sisters. For those of us who consider the Commission on Appointments our second home, let us celebrate Christmas by immersing ourselves in its real message of taking joy in service and showing compassion and concern to our fellow countrymen.

Christmas is a celebration of life, love and charity. This year, let us learn to cherish our life, and to gather near our families and loved ones. Most importantly, let us embody the spirit of charity called for by Christ’s words and become the agents of change and hope for our nation’s progress.

A very blessed Christmas to everyone! FRANKLIN M. DRILONChairman of the Commission

FRANKLIN M. DRILONChairman of the Commission

Page 3: CA Newsletter released December, 2014


Our Officers and Members in Action

Page 4: CA Newsletter released December, 2014


THE BIG PICTURE. CA officers and members discuss on the rigors of the confirmation process and the provisions of the CA Rules before the start of a committee hearing.

APPROVED. Confirmed DFA senior officials in elegant Filipiniana attire pose for posterity with (l-r) Asst. Min. Floor Leader Albano, Sen. Pimentel, Senate President/CA Chair Drilon, CA Vice Chair Sarmiento, Maj. Floor Leader Fariñas, Asst. Min. Floor Leader Sotto and Rep. Arnaiz (standing right).

BE WELL. Asst. Minority Floor Leader Sotto congratulates confirmed JBC Members Sandoval-Guttierez and Mejia as Senate President/CA Chair Drilon (middle) and the other CA officers and members look on.

“DONE ME PROUD.” Maj. Floor Leader Fariñas (seated left) reminds and encourages the AFP senior officers to be more cautious in submitting their documentary requirements to the CA. Rep. Arnaiz and Asst. Min. Leader Albano (seated right) nod in approval.

CA turns 27 in simple, elegant celebrationby Gina R. VIllegas

HAIL THE CHIEF. Confirmed AFP Chief Catapang (middle) is flanked by (l-r) Rep. Estrella, Asst. Min. Floor Leader Sotto, Sens. Legarda and Trillanes, Senate President/CA Chair Drilon, Rep. Del Rosario, CA Vice Chair Sarmiento, Asst. Minority Leader Albano, Rep. Arnaiz and Maj. Floor Leader Fariñas for a photo opportunity.

August 27, 2014 marked the anniversary celebration of the Commission on Appointments’ (CA) rebirth under the 1987 Constitution.

Following tradition, the CA employees gathered at the PNB Long Gallery for a simple dinner program highlighted by the awarding of loyalty plaques and certificates to employees who have served the Commission for 25, 20, 15 and 10 years. The celebration of the Eucharist, officiated by Rev. Fr. Mario Sobrejaunite of the Society of St. Paul, served as prelude to the occasion.

The following employees received plaques of appreciation in recognition of their 25 years of loyal and satisfactory CA service: Msdms. Joyce Cecilia L. Castillo, Marivic M. Guzman and Rosalinda T. Haro, Mssrs. Gerardo R. Josue, Reynaldo T. Landayan, Benjamin L. Lavin, Manolito L. Mercader, Jonas L. Montecillo and Manuel R. Tantengco. For 20 years of service, Ms. Graciela R. Agbuya was the sole recipient of the award while for 15 years of service, the following were given loyalty plaques: Msdms. Wilhelmina G. Bautista, Belinda A. Fajanilan, Elizabeth T. Macapagal, Rowena M. Mirhan, Monica Gracia S. Santos, Bernadette F. Ticman, Evangeline S. Ymbang, Dolores E. Macale and Luzviminda N. Tubalinal, Mssrs. Joey P. Palaganas, Daniel Webster Z. Reynaldo, Jorge I. Rico, Abdul Jabbar M. Babar, Arsenio C. Lacdan and Carlito D. Lavin.

SHEER DEDICATION. CA Secretary Tiu, CA Vice Chair Sarmiento, Reps. Arnaiz, Amatong and Loyola award the Plaques of Appreciation to the officers and members of the CA Secretariat in recognition of their 25 years of dedicated service in the Commission.

SHOW OF FORCE. CA Secretariat staff members show off their talents in martial arts (left) and sweat their hearts out in gyrating the Zumba dance craze (right) during the CA’s 27th anniversary program.

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. CA Secretary Tiu and other volunteer officers and members from the CA join hands in a feeding program among the elderly at the Missionaries of Charity Formation House - Home for the Aged in Tayuman, Tondo, Manila.

Meanwhile, employees who have rendered 10 years of service were awarded certificates of appreciation. Among the recipients were: Mssrs. Victorio T. Octaviano, Virgilio M. Peregrino, Jose Roberto C. Yrañela, and David John U. Barot, Msdms. Melvin H. Pagdonsolan and Mary Janeny M. Regala.

Secretary of the Commission Arturo L. Tiu welcomed everyone in attendance and congratulated the CA employees for another fruitful year of existence. He also commended the recipients of the 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th Loyalty in Service Awards.

Members of the Commission, Reps. George P. Arnaiz, Rommel C. Amatong and Roy M. Loyola and Vice Chairman of the Commission Mel Senen S. Sarmiento, came as special guests where they each had their turn at the podium for their respective inspirational messages to the employees. Most notable was the inspiring words of Congressman Arnaiz who mentioned and praised the excellent delivery of service by the Appointments Review and Investigation Service (ARIS) team of the Commission. The Congressmen present were also one in mind when they expressed intentions of spending more bonding time with the CA employees to which the eager Secretariat officers and staff members warmly applauded.

A sumptuous array of dinner buffet was served while the beautiful opera music of the University of Santo Tomas (UST) Conservatory of Music singers, led by Soprano Monaliza Darao, played on the background. A back-to-back performance by the lively

70‘s music band stars Tiongco brothers was later enjoyed by the audience as the trio serenaded them with their era music, delivered with much gusto.

The CA’s Zumba group also provided visual relief when they performed an intermission number

right after the mart ia l ar ts form exhibition o f the CA’s Combat Judo Karate of the P h i l i p p i n e s ( C o j u k a p ) chapter.

A day after the anniversary celebration, the officers and senior staff members of the CA Secretariat, headed by Secretary of the Commission Tiu, together with the Commission on Appointments Secretariat Employees Association (CASEA) Chairperson Daisy O. Delima and some volunteer employees visited the Missionaries of Charity Formation House - Home for the Aged in Tayuman, Tondo, Manila. The CA exercised its social responsibility to the community by conducting a Feeding

Program among the elderly in the formation house. Truly, the CA’s 27th anniversary celebration was one for

the books. It speaks of the simple yet elegant side of the CA. The effervescent men and women behind the success of the event deserve a pat on the back. Congratulations team CA and till next!

PUT YOUR HEAD ON MY SHOULDER. The Tiongco Brothers render their patented nostalgic music with gusto to the delight of the CA crowd.

Page 5: CA Newsletter released December, 2014


GAD’s PLIGHT IN THE CA. CA Secretary Tiu (left) shares his thoughts on the issue at hand. Participants (right) assess the CA’s GAD mainstreaming efforts in a workshop.

Sgt.-at-Arms Querol


by Jo R. Samarista

After a grueling but exciting and rewarding participation in the Senate Mini-Olympics that culminated with the Senate’s Offi ce of the Sergeant-at-Arms (OSAA) having been declared as the eventual champions, the Commission on Appointments (CA) Team cannot be denied of pride as it showed that its fi ghting spirit for the various sports is still far from over.

This year’s sportsfest proved that the CA athletes’ winning fi re is still a beauty to behold with the CA cue artists Jois Evangelista, Jun Lloyd Salvanera, Jonas Montecillo, Manny Tantengco and Lito Lavin displaying their mastery of the billiard tables to humble their opponents; the dynamic team of Jois Evangelista, Filmore Rull, Jorge Rico, Jeff Escudero, Divine Alvaro and Myrna Malana playing their wits out to top the swimming fun relay; the CA Bowling Team of Robert Paloma, Manny Tantengco, Dep. Sec. Alvin Cruz, Andy Santos, Libby Willhite, Beth Macapagal, Didith Nieva and Angie Paloma dominating the lanes all throughout the game only to fall 11 pins short of winning the gold; the power duo of Dep. Sec. Alvin Cruz and Moc Alzaga smashing their way to a silver fi nish; and the fi nesse play of former ambassador Macabangkit Lanto to win for the CA a gold in the golf demonstration tournament.

Who would dare forget the guts and plays of the CA athletes in strutting their wares in other sports events? The sizzling three-point buzzer-beater in regulation of Dep. Sec. Joey Flaminiano of the CA Basketball Team that forced an overtime play in the fi rst basketball game loss against the Administration Team and the hard-earned win against the OSAA Team courtesy of a breakaway “And-1” play of new recruit Mike Parangue are classic jubilant memoirs to remember for the love of basketball. Likewise, the winning start of the CA volleybelles led by team captain Franz Torres against the better prepared Administration Team pushed their confi dence to pounce and pierce holes on the Senate Proper and OSEC Teams’ defensive blankets to fi nish third place - just short of gaining a trip to the fi nals due to quotient points decision. Even the CA Men’s Volleyball Team started the games smoking hot, with playing coach AJ Babar leading the assault and manning the fl oor defense, to earn a decent fi nish considering its new rotation and limited line-up. These unforgettable moments, among other exciting plays in badminton, chess, darts and table tennis, only proved that the CA Team played

The CA Team fi re is still alive!

with a lot of heart and worked hard to the core despite the odds in most of the athletes who are “past their prime” to go for GOLD.

CA Secretary Arturo L. Tiu, in his speech in the fl ag-raising ceremony after the culmination of the sportsfest, expressed his gratitude and satisfaction for what the CA Team has achieved in the event. He reiterated his support to the month-long sportsfest program of the Senate and shared his thoughts, once again, that “it is not so much about winning or losing, but how one plays the game that matters most.” And with the way the athletes fared in the sportsfest, there is no doubt that they did their best to promote the value of friendship, camaraderie and sportsmanship which to their hearts and minds is tantamount to victory and pride that will keep the fi re burning for the CA Team.

General.. from p.3in Western Visayas. In 2010, he also became regional director at the Police Regional Offi ce 6 (PRO6) Camp Delgado, Iloilo City before steering the PNP Special Action Force (PNP-SAF) in Camp Bagong Diwa, Bicutan City, Taguig as its director from August to December in 2012.

General Querol was a recipient of several awards and medals that includes the 2nd highest military medal, “The Distinguished Conduct Star,” for leading his troops to combat against the renegade soldiers who attempted to overthrow the Aquino government in December 1989. He was also awarded three “Medalya ng Katangi-tanging Gawa” (PNP Outstanding Achievement Medal), eight “Medalya ng Papuri” (PNP Commendation Medal) and 22 “Medalya ng Kasanayan” (PNP Effi cency Medal), among others.

A Batch 1981 graduate of the Philippine Military Academy (PMA), he took up his early education in his hometown and earned his master’s degree in Management Major in Public Administration (MPA) from the Manuel L. Quezon University (MLQU) in Manila. He is also a holder of the Career Executive Service Eligibility (CESE).

The CA Secretariat, led by Secretary of the Commission Arturo L. Tiu, warmly welcomed the newly-installed sergeant-at-arms last September 8, 2014 during its regular Monday fl ag-raising ceremony. As he spoke before the offi cers and employees of the Commission, General Querol expressed his surprise, joy and gratitude for the courtesy extended him

by the CA family at his very fi rst day in offi ce. He also shared his belief that the values of honesty and loyalty are among the important learning that he gained in the uniformed service. “Maging tapat ka lang sa mga mamamayan na iyong pinaglilingkuran, sa mga namumuno ng ating pamahalaan, sa iyong sarili. At pasasaan ba ay mabibigyan ka rin ng mga pagkakataon sa mga darating na panahon upang maglingkod muli,” he said. In his perspective as an intelligence offi cer and now as OSAA’s chief, he highlighted the value of awareness in physical, document and information/data security as a vital factor in keeping the organization secured and in order. As he is hoping for a productive and successful stint in the Commission, General Querol humbly offered his services to give lectures about security in the near future.

An achiever and a decorated offi cer and gentleman, the new sergeant-at-arms is also a sports enthusiast. He is into scuba diving, sky diving and badminton for sports. And perhaps, in keeping him in harmony with the world outside his camp is his love for music as well, especially when he starts playing the guitar.

More than all these, his wife, Mrs. Liezel Silpao Querol and Maja, their 8 year old daughter, keep the General’s world light and bright as he continues to serve the country, this time, in the Commission on Appointments.

CA taps WAGI for GAD, joins campaignto end Violence Against Women

NO TO VIOLENCE. GAD Focal Point Chairperson Atty. Ignacio (left) and WAGI Associate Atty. Luczon (right) gesture in promoting the rights of women during the activity. (continued on p.11)

by Gina R. Villegas and Josie S. Capoquian

The Commission on Appointments (CA) Secretariat, in coordination with the Miriam College Women and Gender Institute (WAGI), conducted a one-day Organizational Assessment on Gender Mainstreaming Workshop participated in by the CA Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Point last August 5, 2014 at the Microtel Wyndham Hotel, Mall of Asia Complex, Pasay City.

Among those present were: GAD Focal Point Chairperson Milaluna D. Ignacio of the Legal Service, Dep. Sec. for Administration Joey C. Flaminiano, Dep. Sec. for Legal Affairs Alfredo Alvin S. Cruz, Dep. Sec. for External Affairs and Relations Ronald O. Chua, represented by Ms. Carla T. Divinagracia, Sgt.-at-Arms Orville G. Gabuna; Accounting Dir. Celita L. Cruz, Information and Planning Service Dir. Gerardo R. Josue, General Service Dir. Celso B. Hilbero, Databank and Library Service Dir. Manolito L. Mercader and Technical Support Service Director Ramon C. Nghuatco. The GAD Focal Point Secretariat and Technical Staff Members composed of Msdms. Angelica A. Paloma, Florinda V. Flores, and Maridel Janiola of the Human Resource Management Service (HRMS); Msdms. Josephine S. Capoquian and Gina R. Villegas of the Information and Planning Service (IPS); Msdms. Elsie G. Montecillo and Graciela R. Agbuya of the Budget Service and Delia B. Porte of the Accounting Service provided staff support during the event.

The Miriam College (WAGI) contingent who served as facilitators and resource persons were composed of Atty. Claire Luczon, WAGI Associate and Prof. Josefa “Gigi” Francisco, WAGI Senior Program Coordinator.

GAD Chairperson Atty. Milaluna Ignacio signaled the offi cial

opening of the program by delivering her welcome address. The group then buckled down to work as Atty. Claire Luczon expounded on her topic “Women in Nation Building” centering on the various National & International Legal Mandates On Gender & Development. The discussion on this topic prompted several rounds of question and answer among the participants and lecturer. Atty. Luczon later discussed several points on the Magna Carta of Women, specifi cally on the provisions on sexual harassment, Violence Against Women and their Children (VAWC) and the Code of Conduct for Civil Servants.

Prof. Gigi Francisco, on the other hand, introduced the topic “Entry Points for Gender Mainstreaming” and “Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses and CA Moving Forward.” She also facilitated the Workshop on “Utilizing the Assessment Questionnaire and the Scoring System,” which, in a nutshell, provides analysis on the current status of the CA with regard to its GAD mainstreaming programs.

The workshop was successfully concluded, with both participants and panel of speakers enlightened on the plight of the CA’s GAD mainstreaming efforts.

CA participates in the 18-day Campaign to end Violence Against Women (VAW)

In observance of the National Consciousness Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (VAW) and Children as

Page 6: CA Newsletter released December, 2014


CA NEWSLETTERA CA Secretariat Publication

Sec. Arturo L.Tiu Atty. Alfredo Alvin S.Cruz Editorial Consultant Legal Counsel

Gerry R. JosueEditor-in-Chief

Zeigfredo Jose R. Samarista

Managing Editor

Alec Bernabe Bugayong (TSS), Josephine S. Capoquian (IPS), Florinda V. Flores (HRMS), Jonas L. Montecillo (AS), HEA Dennis C. Perang (OSEC), Adrian A. Policarpio (GS), Jorge I. Rico (GS), Annabelle C. Sta Cruz (IPS), Maria Czarina Ann S. Vallarta (OSEC), Gina Eufracia R. Villegas (IPS), Manuel R. Tantengco (IPS), Writers; JoSam, Lay-out Artist; Andres V. Santos, Photographer; Ma. Rosalina G. Gonzales, Staff

The CA Newsletter is published semi-annually by the Commission on Appointments with secretariat at the Information and Planning Service (IPS) offi ce , 6/F PNB Financial Center., Roxas Blvd., Pasay City. Contributions should be typewritten and double-spaced, and may be submitted personally at the IPS offi ce, faxed through 551-1989, or e-mailed through [email protected]. All contributions are subject to editing and upon publication become part of the CA property. Opinionated articles, such as columns or special reports/features, represent the personal views of the writer, and not the offi cial position of the CA Secretariat.

There is so much to be excited about Christmas— the cool and comfortable weather, the caroling, the multicolored lights and decorations, cards,

the Simbang Gabi, the gifts, the family reunions, the parties and the bonuses.Christmas season for those living in the metro however means wading

through monstrous traffi c jams and the hectic shopping malls constantly swarmed with people. For all its madness, one could easily utter in desperation why it is Christmas.

On the other side of the world, I could only surmise if they ever know it is Christmas season. The miseries experienced by our brethren in the war-torn and the Ebola-stricken countries are unspeakable. It may be a relief that our country is spared of these vile realities. Nonetheless, this is not really something to be grateful for. Rather, these realities should lead us to ponder upon the deeper meaning of the season.

Originally, Christmas is a religious celebration. That is, the birth of Jesus Christ—who gave his life for the salvation and benefi t of the humankind. Through time, however, it became commercialized more than being secularized. Sadly enough, the decorations for the season albeit becoming more expensive are reduced to mere christmas trees or lights, snowman, wreathes, or snow villages overshadowing if not omitting the Christ born in a manger.

The Christ in the manger is the ultimate epitome of one’s awe-inspiring humility—a waning value today dwarfed and overshadowed by self-centeredness. These days, it is not uncommon for a charity or gift-giving activity instantaneously fi nding its way to various social media through “selfi es” or “groupies” even before it’s over. Sadly, it evokes condescension rather than empathy.

No doubt, being generous is laudable. But generosity for recognition is reprehensible such that it becomes cheesy, self-righteous, and of dubious real-world value.

This Christmas season and on the days onward, may we constantly strive to be humble in everything that we do no matter how noble our deeds are. Regardless of whether recognized or not, what matters most is that we are making the world a better place to live in by the good things we do, be it big or small.

Indeed, there is no better and exciting way of celebrating Christmas but fi nding Christ in the manger. It may not be in our decorations at home, but at least in our hearts.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


What is Christmas for?The Secretary’s CornerArturo L. Tiu

Finding Christ in the manger In as early as September, at the coming of the so called

“ber” months, people start thinking about the holidays, the long Christmas break in particular, and begin

preparing for it.As the weather gets colder, with the onset of the winter

season in the western countries bringing in the easterly icy winds to the rest of the world,

people become abuzz with prepping up their houses, decking halls and raising dressed trees. Some become busy running about shopping for gifts and setting up the Holiday feast on their tables.

The Commission on Appointments, for one, joined in the Christmas frenzy. Almost everybody gives a hand in decorating their respective offi ces. Barely could anybody see a space lacking of glitter and décor.

All the hustle and bustle only boils down to – the spirit of Christmas.

History Channel briefl y sums it up as - “A Christian holiday honoring the birth of Jesus Christ, Christmas evolved over two millennia into a worldwide religious and secular celebration, incorporating many pre-Christian, pagan traditions into the festivities along the way. Today, Christmas is a time for family and friends to get together and exchange gifts.”

In the Bible, the Christmas story is recounted in the book of Luke Chapter 2 verses 1-20. It starts as a simple scene set in a stable, with the young couple – Joseph and Mary, with nothing but a feeding trough to put the child Jesus in. There was little help available for them. Not exactly the “Hallmark” moment anyone envisions for a Christmas show. Yet, this rustic scene marked the greatest event in the history of mankind when the Son of God became human by choosing to be born in the arms of Virgin Mary. He was, as one author put it, “a very small package, wrapped in rags, given from the heart of God - the perfect gift to humankind.”

God sent His only Son in our place so that we, in all our brokenness, could know forgiveness. He came so that we could know what real love feels– one that never leaves, one that never disappoints, one that never betrays. God sent His Son on Christmas day into a corrupted world to bring us hope.

So,what’s the catch?Amidst the excitement and the rush that only the Holiday

fever could bring, let us look deep into what Christmas brings to us. Since, it’s already December, at the tail end of the year, maybe we need to ponder on what makes us worthy of Christmas.

Come the Yuletide season, much is expected for us. It’s the time of the year when we literally count our blessings. The Scripture reminds us though, in Luke 12:48: “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required.” It simply tells us that when people receive much, let us not be goaded to become ungrateful and arrogant, and forget the source of our blessings—God!

Let us look back at how we spent our life for the year that’s past and try to fi nd peace, hope and forgiveness through prayers, thanksgiving and generosity.

Let us not forget too, that in the middle of our enjoyment for the festivity, there is one factor that binds us, not just on Christmas but the whole year through – that we are one big happy CA family and family means putting our arms around each other and not building walls that divide us apart. That way, we allow God to be amongst us, just how Christmas should be.

Page 7: CA Newsletter released December, 2014


CA taps... from p.9

NANI AT YOUR SERVICE. Mr. Nani Mitra (center) gets a warm farewell tribute from (l-r) GS Director Hilbero, CA Secretary Tiu and Dep. Sec. for Administration Flaminiano.

MANTRA FOR SUCCESS. New Budget Dir. Montecillo speaks for the first time as a member of the senior staff before the CA Secretariat officers and employees.

Personnel Cornerby Flor V. Flores On Human Resource Development

Agha Hasan Abedi, a Pakistani banker and philanthropist who founded the Bank of Credit and Commerce International in Pakistan, says that management is getting work done through people, but real management is developing people through work. These two principles ring true to the Commission on Appointments’ (CA) Human Resource Management Service (HRMS). As the CA Secretariat continues to fulfill its mandated functions, the HRMS is at its side to get the work done through its well developed human resource.

Cognizant of the important role human resource plays in the organization, the Commission has consistently aimed to provide opportunities to its employees to obtain continued education and proficiency in their fields of interest in the premise that such would contribute to a fruitful and improved performance in all aspects of their work. During the second semester, several employees have been sent to trainings and seminars proving that the Commission adheres to this tenet. The Civil Service Commission (CSC), the institution that has been a constant partner in this undertaking offered the Supervisory Development Course Tracks 2&3 attended by Msdms. Elsie G. Montecillo and Lelisa A. Fadriquela (Budget Service), Susan I. Tabil (Accounting Service) and Florinda V. Flores (HRMS), together with Mr. Renante Ta b i l ( G e n e r a l Service). Likewise, Msdms. Josephine S. Capoquian of the Information & Planning Ser v ice (IPS) and Belinda A. Fajanilan of the Accounting Service (AS) were sent to the Appreciative Inquiry Course provided by the Civil Service Institute. To further enhance the knowledge on web design and provide the Commission easy way to conform with the requisites necessary in the migration of the CA website to the Government Website Hosting Service (GWHS)and template, Ms. Juvy D. Balaoeg of the Data Bank & Library Service (DBLS) has been directed to attend a five-day Web Design Training on Joomla Content Management System (CMS) conducted by the Integrated Government Philippines (iGovPhil) Project held at Adoc Laboratory at UP Diliman, Quezon City.

The elder members of the Commission, likewise, received special consideration from management. Through the Senior Citizens Committee, several members of the committee attended a retirement seminar entitled “Surviving Retirement, Leave Work, Live Life,” conducted by the Human Resource Innovations Solutions, Inc. (HURIS), a CSC-accredited training provider. These just show, among others, that the employees’ welfare is undoubtedly the Commission’s foremost concern. In the same vein, it could be said that the CA-Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Point sets in motion its machinery to do its part. On August 5, 2014,

an Organizational Gender Assessment Workshop was held at Microtel Wynham Hotel, Mall of Asia Complex, Pasay City. With the much appreciated assistance of the Miriam College’s Women and Gender Institute (WAGI), the CA-GAD Focal Point tackled the matter of determining the Commission’s level of awareness and understanding of GAD principles and made a firm decision to address the identified essential areas of concern in the future GAD planning activities.

Meanwhile, the Senior Staff members continued to sharpen their speaking abilities and improve their knack for looking for topics to talk about during the Monday flag-raising ceremony. This semester, the officers offered a variety of topics from social engineering, stocks, superstitious beliefs and ghosts and a number of health tips such as symptoms of a heart attack and how to avoid it, down to an opinion on death penalty. There were a few who gave helpful ideas on how to manage one’s finances. In addition to this, CA’s new Sergeant-at-Arms, Ret. P/Dir. Cipriano E. Querol, has just recently attended the 13th Annual Career Executive Service (CES) Conference on November 11-15, 2014 as a culminating activity of its 41st Anniversary Celebration held in Cebu City, where he was bestowed his CES Eligibility (CESE).

On Appointments, Promotions and Retirements

The Budget Service has now a new Director in the person of Ms. Elsie G. Montecillo. Formerly the Budget Service’s Budget Execution and Control Section Chief, Ms. Montecillo rose from the ranks starting off as a utility worker in the Commission. This clearly

shows that hard work, dedication and determination to succeed, all combined, pay well. The CA family truly welcomes this movement with

much pleasure that the applause never seemed to end. The Commission also welcomed its new sergeant-at-arms. Police Director Cipriano E. Querol (Ret.) assumed office upon his election at the CA Plenary Session on September 3, 2014. The CA family, likewise, bid “Salamat, but Mabuhay! And Good Luck!” to its procurement officer, Mr. Aniano M. Mitra, who compulsorily retired from the service this year. He served 38 years in government, 26 years of which he spent in the Commission. He is leaving behind good memories of his wit and generosity by which he will always be remembered. Likewise, the Commission gave due recognition to some employees who have been in the government service for quite a number of years by granting loyalty awards during the celebration of the Commission’s 27th anniversary. It is but just and proper that such dedication to service is feted with an appropriate honor.

Run CA, Run...

The Commission aims not only for the employees to have sharp minds but fit bodies, as well, since unhealthy people, more often than not,

lose sight of the goal and tend to fail in hitting the targets. This is why the Commission has joined the Civil Service Commission (CSC) and the Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC) in their physical fun runs for a good cause. The CA runners have shown their fitness and wellness when they joined the PNRC’s Run for Humanity II. A project of the Philippine Red Cross in celebration of the 65th

anniversary of the International Humanitarian Law, also known as the Law of Armed Conflict, this was launched to support the move to protect people who are no longer taking part in the hostility and to restrict the methods and means of warfare to ensure safety of civilians and combatants. For this event, a group of 37 participants from the Commission came out in gears to take their chosen hurdles of 3K, 5K and 10K categories. It took quite a firm determination on the part of the CA employees to join this cause since they had to be at the starting point at the CCP Complex, Pasay City as early as 4:00 in the morning of Sunday, August 17, 2014. Their efforts did not go in vain since one of our runners came out second in the 10K category in the person of Ms. Criselda Baucas, a police officer assigned in the Commission.

Another event presented itself that, once again, tested the intense love of the CA runners for physical exercise and fitness. The CA management gave its nod for the CA employees’ joining the CSC Fun Run. On September 6, the CSC embarked on its 4th R.A.C.E. To Serve Fun Run 2014 at the SM Mall of Asia grounds with the theme “Tapat na Serbisyo Alay Ko, Dahil Lingkod Bayani Ako.” The fun run is a kick-off activity in celebration of the 114th Philippine Service anniversary to raise funds for the Pondong Pamanang Lingkod Bayani Program, a way to pay tribute to the public officials and employees who died in the performance or pursuit of functions, duties and responsibilities. The 32 CA participants set off at 5:00 a.m, bracingly welcoming the early dawn’s pleasant ambiance. Filled with enthusiasm motivated by the management’s full support, they joined the large turn-out of government employees who took part in this great event. Although they failed to earn a place in the run that consisted of 3K, 5K and 10K categories, their vigor and staying power were, again, put to the test but came out to still be as competitive as ever before.

This and all is clearly an attestation that the CA HRMS always posts itself at the vantage point of how it could be an instrument through which management gets work done by people, as well as, develops people through work.

A “Salamat, Mabuhay!” tribute to Naniby Jo R. Samarista

On October 27, 2014, during the regular Monday flag-raising ceremony, the Commission on Appointments (CA) Secretariat gave a “Salamat, Mabuhay” tribute to Mr. Aniano M. Mitra, who reached his compulsory retirement age last year. To start with the program, Human Resource Management Service (HRMS) Dir. Steve Blas A. Dela Cruz reiterated the rationale of the tribute in line with the Civil Service Commission’ (CSC) thrust in honoring retirees in the government service. Ms. Angelica A. Paloma of the HRMS hosted the simple tribute.

Nani, as he is fondly called, has rendered 38 years of government service, 26 years of which he spent in the Commission. He joined the Commission in 1987 as a casual employee, starting off as a technical aide and eventually getting the permanent position of a procurement officer, Legislative Officer V (LSO V) in the General Service.

The simple program was highlighted by the testimonies of Nani’s superior, General Service Dir. Celso B. Hilbero and his jolly close buddies, Mssrs. Gaudencio S. Sadicon, Jr. of the General Service (GS) and Gorgonio O. Espineli of the Office of the Sergeant-at-Arms (OSAA). Director Hilbero, who likened his closeness with Nani to that of a true brother, delivered the introduction of the honoree and extolled the memorable experiences he shared with him. He highlighted the positive qualities of Nani as an efficient, trustworthy and proactive public servant. On a more personal level, he mentioned about Nani being helpful, generous, compassionate, loving and soft-hearted and summed up his persona to that of a “Tunay na Tao.” Mssrs. Sadicon and Espineli, for their part, delivered their entertaining testimonies for Nani dating back to their early years together in the Commission. Both described Nani as a loyal public servant who considered the Commission as his second family. They also recounted their unforgettable memories with the retiree and expressed their pride in having Nani as a co-worker and as a friend.

In response to the testimonials, Nani expressed his utmost gratitude to the people who were instrumental in his employment to and stint in the Commission, and to the Commission itself, particularly, for the benefits and

welfare it provided him through the years.Secretary of the Commission Arturo L. Tiu also delivered his message of

appreciation to Nani’s work and contribution to the office. He even shared a quote from the great English poet John Milton in his poem “On His Blindness,” that says, “They also serve those who stand and wait,” which best expressed the message of appreciation for everyone having a place in this world and having the respective functions to perform, regardless of one’s ability or disability. Setting Nani’s retirement as an example, he also shared his thoughts that whenever anyone reaches the top, he must not forget “to send the elevator down so that others may also catch up and get their rides up.”

As a token of gratitude, a plaque of appreciation and a symbolic service ring commending the retiree for his loyal and dedicated government service was awarded to Nani by Secretary Tiu. Nani’s co-employees also bid him well by giving him a framed collection of messages wishing him best in his future endeavors in life. Kudos and Godspeed Nani!

RUN AND GUN. CA Secretary Tiu (right) graces the start of the fun run while the CA runners (left) take a photo opportunity to warm up for the run.

ACTIVE SENIORS - The Commission on Appointments’ Senior Citizens Committee convenes under the new leadership of Sgt.-at-Arms Cipriano E. Querol, Jr. (middle center) as the Focal Point Person joined by its members (l-r) Budget Service Dir. Elsie G. Montecillo, Accounting Service Dir. Celita L. Cruz, Human Resource and management Service Dir. Steve Blas A. Dela Cruz, Information and Planning Service Dir. Gerardo R. Josue, Vice Chairperson General Service Dir. Celso B. Hilbero and assisted by the Secretariat. The Committee is tasked to promote active ageing, provide social protection and promote the rights and welfare of its senior citizen members.

CA SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE convenes under new leadership

IT’S OUR DUTY. CA Secretariat officers and employees join in the ceremonial pledge signing to end Violence Against Women (VAW). provided under Civil Service Commission (CSC) Memorandum Circular No. 24, s. 2014, the Commission on Appointments (CA) Secretariat joined the 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women (VAW) 2014 with the theme “End VAW Now! It’s our Duty!,” which started last November 25, to show its support in raising awareness on VAW as a human rights issue.

Since 2002, the Philippine government has been actively joining the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence that is being observed globally from November 25 to December 10. This campaign calls for the elimination of all forms of violence against women through awareness-raising about gender-based violence, strengthening local work and establishing work to end VAW, among other undertakings. In 2006, through Presidential Proclamation 1178, the Philippine campaign was extended to 18 days, to include December 12, which is known as the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Day. Last year, the country’s commitment to the observance was strengthened when President Aquino signed the Republic Act (RA) 10398 declaring November 25 as the National Consciousness Day for the Elimination of violence against women and children. The law mandates key agencies to undertake activities designed to raise public awareness on VAW.

Based on the issued guidelines from the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) relative to the campaign, the CA Secretariat, spearheaded by its GAD Focal Point, participated in the program by wearing the prescribed orange T-shirt with a customized CA design

last November 25, joining the kick-off of the 18-Day campaign. Apart from joining the “Orange the Philippines Campaign” by enjoining the employees to change their Facebook and Twitter display picture and cover photo using orange color and the hashtag #endVAWph throughout the campaign period, a ceremonial pledge signing to end VAW was also conducted at the CA Hearing Room, led by Secretary of the Commission Arturo L. Tiu and the GAD Focal Point witnessed by the CA Secretariat employees.

The Commission’s participation in the program only proved to show that it has a deep concern for women and it actively joins hands with all other government agencies in making the campaign’s objectives to increase awareness of rights-bearer on violence against women and to augment the efforts of duty-bearers in eliminating gender-based violence; to increase commitment of rights-holder in eliminating violence against women and children; and to forge partnerships among stakeholders in addressing VAW, come into fruition.