Lesson 1 Introducing the .NET framework Lesson 2 Comparing C# to C++ and Java - C# versus Java - C# versus C++ Lesson 3 Getting Started - A First C# Program: 'Hello World' Lesson 4 Variable Types (1): Reference Types and Value Types - Value Types - Reference Types - Escape Sequences and Verbatim Strings - Boxing Lesson 5 Variable Types (2): Pointers - Pointer Notation - Unsafe Code - Pointers, Methods and Arrays Lesson 6 Arrays - Single-Dimensional Arrays - Rectangular Arrays - Jagged Arrays Lesson 7 Enumerations Lesson 8 Operators - Overloading operators Lesson 9 Flow Control (1): Loop Statements - while loops - do-while loops - for loops - foreach loops Lesson 10 Flow Control (2): Jump and Selection Statements


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Lesson 1 Introducing the .NET framework

Lesson 2 Comparing C# to C++ and Java

- C# versus Java

- C# versus C++

Lesson 3 Getting Started

- A First C# Program: 'Hello World'

Lesson 4 Variable Types (1): Reference Types and Value Types

- Value Types

- Reference Types

- Escape Sequences and Verbatim Strings

- Boxing

Lesson 5 Variable Types (2): Pointers

- Pointer Notation

- Unsafe Code

- Pointers, Methods and Arrays

Lesson 6 Arrays

- Single-Dimensional Arrays

- Rectangular Arrays

- Jagged Arrays

Lesson 7 Enumerations

Lesson 8 Operators

- Overloading operators

Lesson 9 Flow Control (1): Loop Statements

- while loops

- do-while loops

- for loops

- foreach loops

Lesson 10 Flow Control (2): Jump and Selection Statements

- Jump Statements

- Selection Statements

Lesson 11 Introducing Classes, Structs and Namespaces

- Classes and Types

- Inheritance

- Abstract Classes and Interfaces

- Nested Classes

- Structs

- Namespaces

Lesson 12 Class Declaration

- Attributes

- Class Modifiers

- Class Base

- Interface Declarations

Lesson 13 Introducing Methods

- Attributes

- Method Modifiers

- Formal Parameters

- Parameter Passing

- The params modifier

- Return Type

- Method Overloading

Lesson 14 Polymorphism (Inherited Methods)

- Method Overriding

- Method Hiding

Lesson 15 Constants, Fields, Properties and Indexers

- Fields

- Constants

- Properties

- Indexers

Lesson 16 Delegates and Events

- Delegate Declaration and Instantiation

- Events

Lesson 17 Exceptions

Lesson 18 Using the C# Compiler

- Preprocessor Directives

- Attributes

Lesson 19 Code Documentation

- C# Documentation Comments

- Generating C# Documentation

- Problems with the C# Documenter

- The Softsteel Documenter

Lesson 20 Further References

Lesson 21 [2.0] Generics

Lesson 22 [2.0] Anonymous Methods

Lesson 23 [2.0] Iterators

Lesson 24 [2.0] Partial Types

Lesson 25 [2.0] Nullable Types

Microsoft .NET.NET (dot-net) is how Microsoft now describes its NGWS (Next Generation Windows Services) project. In this article we explore the future according to Microsoft, a future which places .NET at its heart. First we give a brief overview of the .NET vision. This is followed by a description of the technologies making up the infrastructure of .NET. Finally, we discuss how .NET is being realised in Microsoft's current activities.OverviewIf there is a single regulating idea behind Microsoft's vision of the future it is this: the notion of software provided as a service. The detail of the idea depends upon a number of different building blocks, of which the Internet, as a ubiquitous medium for service provision, is the keystone..NET InfrastructureWeb Services Many websites provide some kind of useful service. For example: a tax calculation site might take in a number of details about a purchase - its basic price, the type of product, the country of the vendor, etc - and then output the tax payable on it.Thinking of such a site as a 'black box' (illustrated by the diagram below), we can distinguish various aspects to its functioning.

Firstly, we can note that the tax calculation functionality of such a site almost certainly wouldn't be able to understand a plain English request like "please tell me the tax payable on a yellow duck sponge priced five dollars bought in the UK from Amazon.com."Rather, each tax calculation request would have to be made in some structured format. Suppose, for instance, that the input to the site was via an online form. It might then receive a list of variables like these:product_name = "yellow duck sponge"product_price = "5.00"buying_location = "UK"Similarly, the site's output would have to be in some simple structured format, rather than an English sentence. Probably, the site would just return a figure representing the tax payable.Now, it is easy enough to imagine this tax calculation site working by remote users filling in online forms. But the tax calculation site could also be used by programs running remotely, as long as they knew the appropriate input and output languages. We can imagine, for instance, a general accounts package using the tax calculation site as part of its general working. This accounts package would be described as a 'distributed application', as parts of its functionality would be physically remote.In Microsoft's .NET project, a particular type of input and output language is defined for sites providing 'web services'. Or, more precisely, .NET provides a standard syntax for these languages, and Microsoft's hope is that this syntax will become universally accepted (by way of analogy: this would be like all businesses learning a common trade language - say Esperanto. This would improve international communication, although businesses would still have to get to grips with the different procedures and vocabularies of firms in other countries.). What makes it plausible that this web services syntax could be accepted is that it uses 'open standards' like HTTP, XML, and SOAP, rather than just being a proprietary language owned by Microsoft.As an aid to web services, Microsoft and its partners have also produced the UDDI - the Universal Description, Discovery and Integration - specification. UDDI describes a language - built on the common syntax described above - for a web service whose job is just to describe the languages used by other web services. So, if I wanted to write a general accounts package making use of the tax calculation site described above, I could find out the right way to send queries to it by searching for its specification on a UDDI website..NET Framework In order for the web services syntax to be easy to use for application developers, Microsoft has provided support for it in classes supplied with the .NET framework. The following overview of the .NET framework assumes some knowledge of the programming language Java.The .NET framework is a programming environment which is in some ways similar to Java. Firstly, it contains a very large class library. Secondly, it contains a programming language - C# - with which one writes applications manipulating these classes (see *here* for our extensive C# tutorial). Thirdly, it contains a 'Common Language Runtime' (CLR). As the CLR is capable (at least in theory) of being implemented on non-Windows machines, and since programs compile in the first place to the CLR's Intermediate Language (IL), the CLR and IL can be mapped somewhat onto Java's Virtual Machine and bytecodes.The .NET framework has features which appear to offer benefits compared with Java, however. Firstly, one isn't restricted to using C# to access the .NET class library. This library can be manipulated using a host of different programming languages, prompting one commentator to describe a preference for using a particular language as a 'lifestyle choice'. Secondly, C# has been submitted to independent standards agency ECMA for ratification, opening it up to a broad developer base. Thirdly, IL code is not interpreted but further compiled to the machine's native machine language, hopefully making it run quicker than interpreted Java bytecode.As was mentioned at the start of the section, the .NET classes provide extensive support for protocols like XML and SOAP, which are the building blocks of web services. In a major change from previous versions of ASP, APS.NET does not run on interpreted script, but from compiled code, in the same way as any other .NET application. It has full access to the .NET class library..NET Servers Various other applications and technologies are also described as part of Microsoft's .NET project. For instance, SQL Server 2000 is described as '.NET enabled'. It is important to note, however, that this does not mean that it is itself built on the .NET framework. Rather, it contributes towards the .NET vision by providing functions which are useful in relation to the technologies important to .NET (ie. those which we have described as forming the 'web services syntax').next part all tutorials

Microsoft's .NET projectMicrosoft's .NET projectpart 1part 2

Microsoft .NET.NET ImplementationHailStorm Above we have described a general specification for web services, and the tools provided for developers. But Microsoft is also busy putting flesh on these bones.Consider the many applications and sites on the web which ask for personal information - e-commerce sites, for instance, take in credit card details, names, delivery addresses, etc. Usually one has to enter such information anew for each site, but it would be more efficient (if not necessarily more secure) if one could store all such information in a single place, and grant limited permissions to sites to access this information.Microsoft's 'HailStorm' project, a web service dedicated to storing and controlling personal information, is designed to provide just such functionality. Using this service, a user's personal information gets stored on special Microsoft servers, with security measures built around existing Microsoft technologies like MS Passport. According to the Microsoft press release at http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/features/2001/mar01/03-19hailstorm.aspInstead of concentrating around a specific device, application, service or network, HailStorm services are oriented around people. They give users control of their own data and information, protecting personal information and requiring the consent of the individual with respect to who can access the information, what they can do with it and how long they have that permission to do so.Many of Microsoft's existing applications - like its messaging and email services - have been, or are being reworked to integrate with HailStorm.Rights Management Microsoft is currently putting a lot of effort into anti-piracy measures in two areas: firstly, for its own operating systems and office software; secondly, for digital media content (ie. music or video files). In each case the general form of the solution involves the production of digital licenses designed to work only on a particular computer, or for a particular user.Undoubtedly the .NET platform will be useful in providing an infrastructure for the required flow of license requests, checks, and issues. But we can also speculate that an extension of .NET could allow much tighter control of copyrighted material. Given the amount of money and power at stake here, this might provide a strong reason for those who own the copyrighted material to promote .NET.Thinking through the logic of licencing: digital licenses are beneficial to a copyright holder because they comprise a key under his control. The problem is that this control is lost once the key is issued. It is thus beneficial to the copyright holder to limit the power of each key; ideally, he would want to be able to limit the key to a precise number of copyings (in the context of media files, of playings).But now, .NET promotes distributed applications. Suppose, then, that part of a distributed media-playing application was under the control of the copyright holder. For instance, online authentication from the copyright holder's web servers might be requested for each playing of a music file. This would give the copyright holder precisely the power to authorise or deny copyings on an individual level.Software Leasing It is interesting, finally, to note that Microsoft is now encouraging its corporate customers to move to a 'leasing' model, where copyright licenses are granted only for a limited time. This movement is not in itself driven by the .NET project, since it is possible to have either one without the other. However, it is illustrative of the 'software as a service' mindset driving the .NET vision.

C# Tutorial Lesson 1: Introducing the Microsoft .NET Frameworkprinter friendly version .NET (dot-net) is the name Microsoft gives to its general vision of the future of computing, the view being of a world in which many applications run in a distributed manner across the Internet. We can identify a number of different motivations driving this vision. Firstly, distributed computing is rather like object oriented programming, in that it encourages specialised code to be collected in one place, rather than copied redundantly in lots of places. There are thus potential efficiency gains to be made in moving to the distributed model. Secondly, by collecting specialised code in one place and opening up a generally accessible interface to it, different types of machines (phones, handhelds, desktops, etc.) can all be supported with the same code. Hence Microsoft's 'run-anywhere' aspiration. Thirdly, by controlling real-time access to some of the distributed nodes (especially those concerning authentication), companies like Microsoft can control more easily the running of its applications. It moves applications further into the area of 'services provided' rather than 'objects owned'. Interestingly, in taking on the .NET vision, Microsoft seems to have given up some of its proprietary tendencies (whereby all the technology it touched was warped towards its Windows operating system). Because it sees its future as providing software services in distributed applications, the .NET framework has been written so that applications on other platforms will be able to access these services. For example, .NET has been built upon open standard technologies like XML and SOAP. At the development end of the .NET vision is the .NET Framework. This contains the Common Language Runtime, the .NET Framework Classes, and higher-level features like ASP.NET (the next generation of Active Server Pages technologies) and WinForms (for developing desktop applications). The Common Language Runtime (CLR) manages the execution of code compiled for the .NET platform. The CLR has two interesting features. Firstly, its specification has been opened up so that it can be ported to non-Windows platforms. Secondly, any number of different languages can be used to manipulate the .NET framework classes, and the CLR will support them. This has led one commentator to claim that under .NET the language one uses is a 'lifestyle choice'. Not all of the supported languages fit entirely neatly into the .NET framework, however (in some cases the fit has been somewhat Procrustean). But the one language that is guaranteed to fit in perfectly is C#. This new language, a successor to C++, has been released in conjunction with the .NET framework, and is likely to be the language of choice for many developers working on .NET applications. For more information about .NET, see our tutorial, or the reference section (lesson 20). C# Tutorial Lesson 2: Comparing C# to C++ and Javaprinter friendly version This lesson gives a brief overview of the differences between C# and the two languages that are its closest relatives. References are given in each cases to more comprehensive works currently to be found on the web. C# versus JavaC# and Java are both new-generation languages descended from a line including C and C++. Each includes advanced features, like garbage collection, which remove some of the low level maintenance tasks from the programmer. In a lot of areas they are syntactically similar. Both C# and Java compile initially to an intermediate language: C# to Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL), and Java to Java bytecode. In each case the intermediate language can be run - by interpretation or just-in-time compilation - on an appropriate 'virtual machine'. In C#, however, more support is given for the further compilation of the intermediate language code into native code. C# contains more primitive data types than Java (lesson 4), and also allows more extension to the value types. For example, C# supports 'enumerations', type-safe value types which are limited to a defined set of constant variables (lesson 7), and 'structs', which are user-defined value types (lesson 11). (Note: Java doesn't have enumerations, but there is a standard way of emulating them - see http://java.sun.com/developer/JDCTechTips/2001/tt0807.html#tip2) Unlike Java, C# has the useful feature that we can overload various operators. Like Java, C# gives up on multiple class inheritance in favour of a single inheritance model extended by the multiple inheritance of interfaces (lesson 11). However, polymorphism (lesson 14) is handled in a more complicated fashion, with derived class methods either 'overriding' or 'hiding' super class methods C# also uses 'delegates' - type-safe method pointers (see lesson 16). These are used to implement event-handling. In Java, multi-dimensional arrays are implemented solely with single-dimensional arrays (where arrays can be members of other arrays. In addition to jagged arrays, however, C# also implements genuine rectangular arrays (lesson 6). For more comparison of C# and Java see: A Comparative Overview of C# Microsoft .NET vs J2EE: How do they stack up? C# versus C++Although it has some elements derived from Visual Basic and Java, C++ is C#'s closest relative. In an important change from C++, C# code does not require header files. All code is written inline. As touched on above, the .NET runtime in which C# runs performs memory management, taking care of tasks like garbage collection. Because of this, the use of pointers in C# is much less important than in C++. Pointers can be used in C#, where the code is marked as 'unsafe' (lesson 5), but they are only really useful in situations where performance gains are at an absolute premium. Speaking generally, the 'plumbing' of C# types is different from that of C++ types, with all C# types being ultimately derived from the 'object' type (lesson 4). There are also specific differences in the way that certain common types can be used. For instance, C# arrays are bounds checked unlike in C++, and it is therefore not possible to write past the end of a C# array. C# statements are quite similar to C++ statements. To note just one example of a difference: the 'switch' statements has been changed so that 'fall-through' behaviour is disallowed (lesson 10). As mentioned above, C# gives up on the idea of multiple class inheritance. Other differences relating to the use of classes are: there is support for class 'properties' of the kind found in Visual Basic, and class methods are called using the . operator rather than the :: operator. For more comparison of C# and C++ see: C++ -> C#: What you need to know to move from C++ to C#. Deep Inside C#: An Interview with Microsoft Chief Architect Anders Hejlsberg. C# Tutorial Lesson 3: Getting Startedprinter friendly version In order to use C# and the .NET framework classes, you first need to install either the .NET framework SDK, or else Visual Studio .NET. Some useful advice about getting hold of and installing the former can be found at: http://www.mastercsharp.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=17&TopicID=10 In the next section we run through a standard 'hello world' example, with links to lessons covering the different parts of the program. A First C# Program: 'Hello World'Let's begin in the traditional way, by looking at the code of a Hello World program (note that the tabulation and line numbers are included just for the sake of readability). 1.using System;

2.public class HelloWorld


4.public static void Main()


6.// This is a single line comment

7./* This is a


9.line comment */

10.Console.WriteLine("Hello World! From Softsteel Solutions");



The first thing to note about C# is that it is case-sensitive. You will therefore get compiler errors if, for instance, you write 'console' rather than 'Console'. The second thing to note is that every statement finishes with a semicolon (;) or else takes a code block within curly braces. As C# is an object-oriented language, C# programs must be placed in classes (classes are discussed in lesson 11, but if you are new to object orientation we suggest that you first read some introductory material). Line 2 above declares the class to be named 'HelloWorld'. Line 1 of the code declares we are using the System namespace (namespaces are also covered in lesson 11). The point of this declaration is mostly to save ourselves time typing. Because the 'Console' object used in line 10 of the code actually belongs to the 'System' namespace, its fully qualified name is 'System.Console'. However, because in line 1 we declare that the code is using the System namespace, we can then leave off the 'System.' part of its name within the code. When compiled and run, the program above will automatically run the 'Main' method declared and begun in line 4. Note again C#'s case-sensitivity - the method is 'Main' rather than 'main'. Lines 6-9 of the program are ignored by the compiler, being comments entered by the programmer for his own benefit. Line 6 shows a single line comment, in which everything on the line after the two forward slashes is ignored by the compiler. Lines 7-9 demonstrate a multi-line comment, in which everything between the opening /* and closing */ is ignored, even when it spans multiple lines. The statement on line 10 calls the 'WriteLine' method of the Console class in the System namespace. It should be obvious how this works in the given example - it just prints out the given string to the 'Console' (on PC machines this will be a DOS prompt). For a more complicated use of the WriteLine method, see lesson 7. In order to run it, the program above must first be saved in a file. Unlike in Java, the name of the class and the name of the file in which it is saved do not need to match up, although it does make things easier if you use this convention. In addition, you are free to choose any extension for the file, but it is usual to use the extension '.cs'. Suppose that you have saved the file as 'HelloWorld.cs'. Then to compile the program from a command line, you would use the command csc HelloWorld.cs(for Visual Studio .NET users: compile by pressing Ctrl-Shift-B) This command would generate the executable HelloWorld.exe, which could be run in the usual way, by entering its name: HelloWorld(for Visual Studio .NET users: run by pressing Ctrl-F5) Fairly obviously, this program would produce the output: Hello World! From Softsteel Solutions.

C# Tutorial Lesson 4: Variable Types (1): Reference Types and Value Typesprinter friendly version C# is a type-safe language. Variables are declared as being of a particular type, and each variable is constrained to hold only values of its declared type. Variables can hold either value types or reference types, or they can be pointers. This lesson covers the first two options; pointers are discussed in lesson 5. Here's a quick recap of the difference between value types and reference types. - where a variable v contains a value type, it directly contains an object with some value. No other variable v' can directly contain the object contained by v (although v' might contain an object with the same value). - where a variable v contains a reference type, what it directly contains is something which refers to an object. Another variable v' can contain a reference to the same object refered to by v. Value TypesIt is possible in C# to define your own value types by declaring enumerations (lesson 7) or structs (lesson 11). These user-defined types are mostly treated in exactly the same way as C#'s predefined value types, although compilers are optimised for the latter. The following table lists, and gives information about, the predefined value types. Because in C# all of the apparently fundamental value types are in fact built up from the (actually fundamental) object type, the list also indicates which System types in the .Net framework correspond to these pre-defined types. C# Type.Net Framework (System) typeSigned?Bytes OccupiedPossible Values

sbyteSystem.SbyteYes1-128 to 127

shortSystem.Int16Yes2-32768 to 32767

intSystem.Int32Yes4-2147483648 to 2147483647

longSystem.Int64Yes8-9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807

byteSystem.ByteNo10 to 255

ushortSystem.Uint16No20 to 65535

uintSystem.UInt32No40 to 4294967295

ulongSystem.Uint64No80 to 18446744073709551615

floatSystem.SingleYes4Approximately 1.5 x 10-45 to 3.4 x 1038 with 7 significant figures

doubleSystem.DoubleYes8Approximately 5.0 x 10-324 to 1.7 x 10308 with 15 or 16 significant figures

decimalSystem.DecimalYes12Approximately 1.0 x 10-28 to 7.9 x 1028 with 28 or 29 significant figures

charSystem.CharN/A2Any Unicode character (16 bit)

boolSystem.BooleanN/A1 / 2true or false

In the following lines of code, two variables are declared and set with integer values. int x = 10;int y = x;y = 20; // after this statement x holds value 10 and y holds value 20Reference TypesThe pre-defined reference types are object and string, where object - as we have mentioned above - is the ultimate base class of all other types. New reference types can be defined using 'class', 'interface', and 'delegate' declarations (covered in lesson 12). Reference types actually hold the value of a memory address occupied by the object they reference. Consider the following piece of code, in which two variables are given a reference to the same object (for the sake of the example, this object is taken to contain the numeric property 'myValue'). object x = new object();x.myValue = 10;object y = x;y.myValue = 20; // after this statement both x.myValue and y.myValue equal 20This code illustrates how changing a property of an object using a particular reference to it is reflected in all other references to it. Note, however, that although strings are reference types, they work rather more like value types. When one string is set to the value of another, eg string s1 = "hello";string s2 = s1;Then s2 does at this point reference the same string object as s1. However, when the value of s1 is changed, for instance with s1 = "goodbye"; what happens is that a new string object is created for s1 to point to. Hence, following this piece of code, s1 equals "goodbye", whereas s2 still equals "hello". The reason for this behaviour is that string objects are 'immutable'. That is, the properties of these objects can't themselves change. So in order to change what a string variable references, a new string object must be created. Escape Sequences and Verbatim StringsWhen declaring a string variable, certain characters can't, for various reasons, be included in the usual way. C# supports two different solutions to this problem. The first approach is to use 'escape sequences'. For example, suppose that we want to set variable a to the value: "Hello WorldHow are you"We could declare this using the following command, which contains escape sequences for the quotation marks and the line break. string a = "\"Hello World\nHow are you\"";The following table gives a list of the escape sequences for the characters that can be escaped in this way: CharacterEscape Sequence






Form feed\f

New Line\n

Carriage Return\r

Horizontal Tab\t

Vertical Tab\v

A unicode character specified by its number e.g. \u200 \u

A unicode character specified by its hexidecimal code e.g. \xc8\x

null\0 (zero)

The second approach is to use 'verbatim string' literals. These are defined by enclosing the required string in the characters @" and ". To illustrate this, to set the variable 'path' to the following value: C:\My Documents\we could either escape the back-slash characters string path = "C:\\My Documents\\"or use a verbatim string thus: string path = @"C:\MyDocuments\"Usefully, strings written using the verbatim string syntax can span multiple lines, and whitespace is preserved. The only character that needs escaping is the double-quote character, the escape sequence for which is two double-quotes together. For instance, suppose that you want to set the variable 'text' to the following value: the word "big" contains three letters.Using the verbatim string syntax, the command would look like this: string text = @"the word ""big"" contains three letters."BoxingC# allows you convert any value type to a corresponding reference type, and to convert the resultant 'boxed' type back again. The following piece of code demonstrates boxing. When the second line executes, an object is initiated as the value of 'box', and the value held by i is copied across to this object. It is interesting to note that the runtime type of box is returned as the boxed value type; the 'is' operator thus returns the type of box below as 'int'. int i = 123;object box = i;if (box is int) {Console.Write("Box contains an int");} // this line is printed

C# Tutorial Lesson 5: Variable Types(2): Pointersprinter friendly version This lesson gives a brief overview of pointers and their use in C#. It only scratches the surface of a complicated topic, however, so if you are new to pointers it is recommended that you do further reading before using them in your code. Luckily, pointers are only really needed in C# where execution speed is highly important. Pointer NotationA pointer is a variable that holds the memory address of another type. In C#, pointers can only be declared to hold the memory addresses of value types (except in the case of arrays - see below). Pointers are declared implicitly, using the 'dereferencer' symbol *, as in the following example: int *p;[Note that some coders place the dereferencer symbol immediately after the type name, eg. int* p;This variation appears to work just as well as the previous one.] This declaration sets up a pointer 'p', which will point to the initial memory address of an integer (stored in four bytes). The combined syntactical element *p ('p' prefixed by the dereferencer symbol '*') is used to refer to the type located at the memory location held by p. Hence given its declaration, *p can appear in integer assignments like the following: *p = 5;This code gives the value 5 to the integer that was initialised by the declaration. It is important, however, not to confuse such an assignment with one in which the derefencer symbol is absent, e.g. p = 5;The effect of this assignment is to change the memory location held by p. It doesn't change the value of the integer initialised by the original declaration; it just means that p no longer points to that integer. In fact, p will now point to the start of the four bytes present at memory location 5. Another important symbol for using pointers is the operator &, which in this context returns the memory address of the variable it prefixes. To give an example of this symbol, the following code sets up p to point to integer i's memory location: int i = 5;int *p;p = &i;Given the above, the code *p = 10;changes the value of i to 10, since '*p' can be read as 'the integer located at the memory value held by p'. There is another important piece of notation for pointers. Pointers can be declared for structs (see lesson 11), as in the following example (which uses the 'Coords' struct defined further below): Coords x = new Coords();Coords *y = &x;One can then use the declared pointer y to access a public field of x (say z). This would be done using either the expression (*y).zor the equivalent expression, which uses the -> string: y -> zUnsafe CodeA major problem with using pointers in C# is that C# operates a background garbage collection process. In freeing up memory, this garbage collection is liable to change the memory location of a current object without warning. So any pointer which previously pointed to that object will no longer do so. Such a scenario leads to two potential problems. Firstly, it could compromise the running of the C# program itself. Secondly, it could affect the integrity of other programs. Because of these problems, the use of pointers is restricted to code which is explicitly marked by the programmer as 'unsafe'. Because of the potential for malicious use of unsafe code, programs which contain unsafe code will only run if they have been given full trust. To address the problem of garbage collection, one can declare a pointer within a 'fixed' expression. This 'pins' the location of the type pointed to - the memory location of the type therefore remains static, safe from garbage collection. Note that the fixed statement can only be used within the context of unsafe code. There is a further quirk to learn. Any value types declared within unsafe code are automatically 'fixed', and will generate compile-time errors if used within fixed expressions. The same is not true of reference types, however (for the difference between value and reference types see lesson 4). The following code gives an example of a method marked 'unsafe'. From the previous paragraph it follows that the pointer p cannot be declared within a 'fixed' statement on line 9, because p is set up to point to the struct c (a value type) which is declared within the unsafe code 1.using System;

2.public struct Coords


4.int x;

5.int y;

6.unsafe public static void Main()


8.Coords c = new Coords();

9.Coords *p = &c;


11.p->y = 6;

12.(*p).x = 5;






Compare this with the following code, in which the pointer p on line 8 must be declared within a 'fixed' statment, because it is set up to point to a type which is not declared within the unsafe block of code: 1.using System;

2.public struct Coords


4.int x;

5.int y;

6.unsafe public static void notMain(ref Coords c)


8.fixed (Coords *p = &c)


10.p->y = 6;

11.(*p).x = 5;






In the examples given above, 'unsafe' is included as a method modifier. However, it can also be used within a code block, as in the following code fragment: 1.using System;

2.public static void Main()




6.Coords c = new Coords();




Pointers, Methods and ArraysAlthough we stated above that pointers can only be used with value types, an exception to this involves arrays (some authors state that the same exception applies to strings, but we have never been able to make this work). A pointer can be declared in relation to an array, as in the following: int[] a = {4, 5};int *b = a;What happens in this case is that the memory location held by b is the location of the first type held by a. This first type must, as before, be a value type. The code beneath shows that it is possible to step through the values of an array using a pointer, but explaining this further goes beyond the scope of this tutorial. 1.using System;

2.public class Tester


4.public static void Main()


6.int[] a = {4, 5};






12.public unsafe static void changeVal(int[] a)


14.fixed (int *b = a)


16.*b = 5;

17.*(b + 1) = 7;




C# Tutorial Lesson 6: Arraysprinter friendly version Single-Dimensional ArraysThe type of each array declared is given firstly by the type of basic elements it can hold, and secondly by the number of dimensions it has. Single-dimensional arrays have a single dimension (ie, are of rank 1). They are declared using square brackets, eg: int[] i = new int[100];This line of code declares variable i to be an integer array of size 100. It contains space for 100 integer elements, ranging from i[0] to i[99]. To populate an array one can simply specify values for each element, as in the following code: int[] i = new int[2]; i[0] = 1;i[1] = 2;One can also run together the array declaration with the assignment of values to elements using int[] i = new int[] {1,2};or the even shorter version of this: int[] i = {1,2};By default, as we have seen, all arrays start with their lower bound as 0 (and we would recommend that you stick with this default). However, using the .NET framework's System.Array class it is possible to create and manipulate arrays with an alternative initial lower bound. The (read-only) Length property of an array holds the total number of its elements across all of its dimensions. As single-dimensional arrays have just one dimension, this property will hold the length of the single dimension. For instance, given the definition of array i above, i.Length is 2. Rectangular ArraysC# supports two types of multidimensional arrays: rectangular and jagged. A rectangular array is a single array with more than one dimension, with the dimensions' sizes fixed in the array's declaration. The following code creates a 2 by 3 multi-dimensional array: int[,] squareArray = new int[2,3];As with single-dimensional arrays, rectangular arrays can be filled at the time they are declared. For instance, the code int[,] squareArray = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}};creates a 2 by 3 array with the given values. It is, of course, important that the given values do fill out exactly a rectangular array. The System.Array class includes a number of methods for determining the size and bounds of arrays. These include the methods GetUpperBound(int i) and GetLowerBound(int i), which return, respectively, the upper and lower subscripts of dimension i of the array (note that i is zero based, so the first array is actually array 0). For instance, since the length of the second dimension of squareArray is 3, the expression squareArray.GetLowerBound(1)returns 0, and the expression squareArray.GetUpperBound(1) returns 2. System.Array also includes the method GetLength(int i), which returns the number of elements in the ith dimension (again, zero based). The following piece of code loops through squareArray and writes out the value of its elements (loops are covered in lesson 9). 1.for(int i = 0; i < squareArray.GetLength(0); i++)

2.for (int j = 0; j < squareArray.GetLength(1); j++)


A foreach loop can also be used to access each of the elements of an array in turn, but using this construction one doesn't have the same control over the order in which the elements are accessed. Jagged ArraysUsing jagged arrays, one can create multidimensional arrays with irregular dimensions. This flexibility derives from the fact that multidimensional arrays are implemented as arrays of arrays. The following piece of code demonstrates how one might declare an array made up of a group of 4 and a group of 6 elements: int[][] jag = new int[2][];jag[0] = new int [4];jag[1] = new int [6];The code reveals that each of jag[0] and jag[1] holds a reference to a single-dimensional int array. To illustrate how one accesses the integer elements: the term jag[0][1] provides access to the second element of the first group. To initialise a jagged array whilst assigning values to its elements, one can use code like the following: int[][] jag = new int[][] {new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4}, new int[] {5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}};Be careful using methods like GetLowerBound, GetUpperBound, GetLength, etc. with jagged arrays. Since jagged arrays are constructed out of single-dimensional arrays, they shouldn't be treated as having multiple dimensions in the same way that rectangular arrays do. To loop through all the elements of a jagged array one can use code like the following: 1.for (int i = 0; i < jag.GetLength(0); i++)

2.for (int j = 0; j < jag[i].GetLength(0); j++)


or 1.for (int i = 0; i < jag.Length; i++)

2.for (int j = 0; j < jag[i].Length; j++)


C# Tutorial Lesson 7: Enumerationsprinter friendly version An enumeration is a special kind of value type limited to a restricted and unchangeable set of numerical values. By default, these numerical values are integers, but they can also be longs, bytes, etc. (any numerical value except char) as will be illustrated below. When you define an enumeration you provide literals which are then used as constants for their corresponding values. The following code shows an example of such a definition: 1.public enum DAYS










Note, however, that there are no numerical values specified in the above. Instead, the numerical values are (we think) set up according to the following two rules: 1. For the first literal: if it is unassigned, set its value to 0. 2. For any other literal: if it is unassigned, then set its value to one greater than the value of the preceding literal. From these two rules, it can be seen that DAYS.Monday will be set to 0, and the values increased until DAYS.Sunday is set to 6. Note also how we are referring to these values - the values specified in an enumeration are static, so we have to refer to them in code using the name of the enumeration: "DAYS.Monday" rather than just "Monday". Furthermore, these values are final - you can't change their runtime value. The following code demonstrates how you can override the default setting which makes the default values integers. In this example, the enumeration values are set to bytes. 1.enum byteEnum : byte





You can also override the default numerical values of any and all of the enumeration elements. In the following example, the first literal is set to value 1. The other literals are then set up according to the second rule given above, so DAYS.Sunday will end up equal to 7. 1.public enum DAYS










In the two examples given, the values of each literal has been unique within the enumeration. This is usually how you will want things to be, but in fact the values need not be unique. In the following case, the value of DAYS.Thursday is also set to equal 1. The values assigned to the other literals will follow the rules given previously, so both DAYS.Tuesday and DAYS.Friday will equal 2, etc. 1.public enum DAYS










In C# enumerations are type-safe, by which we mean that the compiler will do its best to stop you assigning illicit values to enumeration typed variables. For instance, the following code should not compile: 1.int i = DAYS.Monday;

2.DAYS d = i;

In order to get this code to compile, you would have to make explicit casts both ways (even converting from DAYS to int), ie: 1.int i = (int)DAYS.Monday;

2.DAYS d = (DAYS)i;

At this point you may be wondering what happens if you cast an int to an enumeration value where that same value is defined for two elements within the enumeration. And the answer is this: one of the elements is given 'primary' status, so it gets picked ahead of the other. A useful feature of enumerations is that one can retrieve the literal as a string from the numeric constant with which it is associated. In fact, this is given by the default ToString() method, so the following expression comes out as true: DAYS.Monday.ToString()=="Monday" The following code prints out both the literal and its constant value for the specified enumeration. 1.using System;

2.public class EnumTest


4.public enum DAYS: byte

5.{Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday}


7.public static void Main()


9.Array dayArray = Enum.GetValues(typeof(EnumTest.DAYS));

10.foreach (DAYS day in dayArray)

11.Console.WriteLine("Number {1} of EnumTest.DAYS is {0}", day, day.ToString("d"));



Since it's not immediately obvious what's going on in the main method here, let's take the time to go through it. On line 9 we use the static GetValues method of the Enum class. When you pass this class an enumeration type - in this case, the type corresponding to EnumTest.DAYS - it returns an array of all the values of the elements within that enumeration. Note that the Enum class also has the GetNames method, which returns the literal strings. On line 10 we set up a foreach loop, pulling out, into day, each value in the dayArray in turn. Note that this value is of type DAYS. On line 11 we use string interpolation as part of the Console.WriteLine method. This method makes use of the String.Format method, so is equivalent to: Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Number {1} of EnumTest.DAYS is {0}", day, day.ToString("d")));And what the String.Format method does is to take 'textual representations' of the objects it is passed as parameters, and slots them into the appropriate places within the 'format string' it is passed. So this line of code is basically equivalent to: Console.WriteLine("Number " + day.ToString("d").ToString() + " of EnumTest.DAYS is " + day.ToString());Now, we've already noted that day.ToString() will return a literal string, but what about the method day.ToString("d")? Well, we had a stab at explaining this a while ago, but did very badly. In fact, we just made an error. So hopefully the following will be better. The ToString method can take a single IFormatProvider parameter which indicates how the string conversion should be conducted. Values for this parameter can include things like "g", "d", "x", "f", etc. The stated implication of "d", however, is to render in 'Decimal format'. And when we use this on an enumeration member, it provides a string representation of the *numerical value* of the enumeration member. So, when we run the code above, what we get is the following output: Number 0 of EnumTest.DAYS is MondayNumber 1 of EnumTest.DAYS is TuesdayNumber 2 of EnumTest.DAYS is WednesdayNumber 3 of EnumTest.DAYS is ThursdayNumber 4 of EnumTest.DAYS is FridayNumber 5 of EnumTest.DAYS is SaturdayNumber 6 of EnumTest.DAYS is Sunday

C# Tutorial Lesson 8: Operatorsprinter friendly version C# has a number of standard operators, taken from C, C++ and Java. Most of these should be quite familiar to programmers; the less common ones are covered elsewhere. The diagram below lists the standard operators. Note that when writing classes it is possible to change the default behaviour of some of these operators (ie to 'overload' the operator), although this should only be done where the resultant semantics makes sense. The diagram indicates which of the operators are overloadable. CategoryNameSyntax ExampleOverloadable?



Struct pointer member accessA->BNo

Method callf(x)No

Post incrementc++Yes

Post decrementc--Yes

Constructor callc = new Coord();No

Array stack allocationint* c = stackalloc int[10]No

Struct size retrievalsizeof (int)No

Arithmetic check onchecked {byte c = (byte) d;}No

Arithmetic check offunchecked {byte c = (byte) d;}No

UnaryPositive value+10Yes

Negative value-10Yes


Bitwise complement~(int x)Yes

Pre increment++cYes

Pre decrement--cYes

Type cast(myType)cNo

Value at addressint* c = d;No

Address value ofint* c = &d;No

Type operatorsType equality / compatibilitya is StringNo

Type retrievaltypeof (int)No






Shift bits rightc>>3Yes

Shift bits leftc