C07 BTS3812E V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Description

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  • 8/13/2019 C07 BTS3812E V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Description


    BTS3812E-BTS3812A-BTS3812AE V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Descriptio



    Feature Upgrade Descriptio

    !ua"ei Tec# o$ogies Co%& 'td%

    Dece!"er# 2013

  • 8/13/2019 C07 BTS3812E V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Description


    BTS3812E-BTS3812A-BTS3812AE V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Descriptio

    Table of Contents

    1 Version Mapping..........................................................................11.1 Product Version........................................................................................................................................................1

    1.2 Software Version......................................................................................................................................................1

    1.3 Related Product Version ................................................................................................................................ .........2

    1.4 Functional Module Version......................................................................................................................................2

    2 Compatibility Notes......................................................................42.1 Compatibility wit !istory Product Versions..........................................................................................................4

    2.2 "ootRom Software Versions Release #nformation..................................................................................................$

    2.3 Compatibility wit !istory "ootRom Versions.......................................................................................................%

    3 Whats New................................................................................. 73.1 V1&&R&&'C&1"&(2................................................................................................................................................(

    3.1.1 )ew Features.................................................................................................................................................... .(3.1.2 *ptimi+ed Features............................................................................................................................................'

    3.1.3 ,eleted Features............................................................................................................................................ ....'

    3.1.4 C an-es in MM ...............................................................................................................................................'

    3.1.$ C an-es in /larm....................................................................................................................................... ....... '

    3.1.% C an-es in Performance Counter...................................................................................................................... '

    3.2 V1&&R&&'C&1"&(1................................................................................................................................................0

    3.2.1 )ew Features.................................................................................................................................................... .0

    3.2.2 *ptimi+ed Features..........................................................................................................................................11

    3.2.3 ,eleted Features...................................................................................................................................... ........11

    3.2.4 C an-es in MM ........................................................................................................................................... ..11

    3.2.$ C an-es in /larm.............................................................................................................................................11

    3.2.% C an-es in Performance Counter................................................................................................................. ...11

    3.3 V1&&R&&'C&1"&(&..............................................................................................................................................12

    3.3.1 )ew Features.................................................................................................................................................. .12

    3.3.2 *ptimi+ed Features..........................................................................................................................................12

    3.3.3 ,eleted Features.......................................................................................................................................... ....12

    3.3.4 C an-es in MM .............................................................................................................................................12

    3.3.$ C an-es in /larm..................................................................................................................................... .......12

    3.3.% C an-es in Performance Counter....................................................................................................................13

    #ssue 1.&& 2&&( &( 2$ !uawei ec nolo-ies Proprietary Pa-e i of 1'

  • 8/13/2019 C07 BTS3812E V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Description


    BTS3812E-BTS3812A-BTS3812AE V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Descriptio

    4 Bugs i!e"................................................................................. 144.1 V1&&R&&'C&1"&(2..............................................................................................................................................14

    4.1.1 "u-s fi5ed........................................................................................................................................................144.2 V1&&R&&'C&1"&(1..............................................................................................................................................1%

    4.2.1 "u-s fi5ed........................................................................................................................................................1%

    4.3 V1&&R&&'C&1"&(&..............................................................................................................................................1'

    4.3.1 "u-s fi5ed........................................................................................................................................................1'

    # $e%hni%al &upport.......................................................................2'$.1 Support.!uawei.com.............................................................................................................................................2&

    $.2 ec nical Support !otline............................................................................................................................. ........2&

    #ssue 1.&& 2&&( &( 2$ !uawei ec nolo-ies Proprietary Pa-e ii of 1'

  • 8/13/2019 C07 BTS3812E V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Description


    BTS3812E-BTS3812A-BTS3812AE V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Descriptio


    igure 1.1&o(tware )ersion..............................................................1

    igure 1.2*elate" pro"u%t )ersion....................................................2

    igure 1.3 un%tional mo"ule )ersion.................................................2

    igure 1.4Compatibility notes o( history pro"u%t )ersions..................4

    igure 1.#+istory Boot*om )ersion in(ormation.................................#

    igure 1.,Boot*om release in(ormation............................................,

    #ssue 1.&& 2&&( &( 2$ !uawei ec nolo-ies Proprietary Pa-e iii of 1'

  • 8/13/2019 C07 BTS3812E V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Description


    BTS3812E-BTS3812A-BTS3812AE V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Descriptio

    1 Version Mappingis c apter introduces t e 6ersions of " S3'127 " S3'12/ " S3'12/7 t at map wit

    t e 8C,M/ )ode" " S3'127 " S3'12/ " S3'12/7 V1&&R&&'C&1"&(2.

    1.1 -ro"u%t VersionName !9/87# " S3'127 " S3'12/ " S3'12/7 8C,M/ )ode"

    ereinafter referred to as " S3'127 " S3'12/ " S3'12/7

    Mo"el " S3'127 " S3'12/ " S3'12/7

    Version " S3'127 " S3'12/ " S3'12/7 V1&&R&&'C&1"&(2

    1.2 &o(tware Version

    Figure 1.1 Software 6ersion

    &o(tware type &o(tware )ersion

    )7 software " S3'127 " S3'12/ " S3'12/7 V1&&R&&'C&1"&(2

    #ssue 1.&& 2&&( &( 2$ !uawei ec nolo-ies Proprietary Pa-e 1 of 1'

  • 8/13/2019 C07 BTS3812E V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Description


    BTS3812E-BTS3812A-BTS3812AE V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Descriptio

    1.3 *elate" -ro"u%t Version

    Figure 1.2 Related product 6ersion


    Version *emar s

    R)C "SC%'&&V1&&R&&(C&1"&%& and later 6ersions 9M S$.1

    "SC%'&&V1&&R&&'C&1"&$& and later 6ersions 9M S%.&

    M2&&& iMana-erM2&&&V2&&R&&3C&1"&%1SP&2 and later6ersions

    9M S$.1

    iMana-erM2&&&V2&&R&&$C&1"&12 and later 6ersions 9M S%.&

    CM7 8R/) CM7 V1&&R&&3C&1"&02 )one

    1.4 un%tional Mo"ule Version

    Figure 1.3 Functional module 6ersion


    &o(tware Version *emar s

    " S3'127" S3'12/" S3'12/7

    " S3'127 " S3'12/ " S3'12/7V1&&R&&'C&1"&(2


    M V1&&R&&'C&1"&(2 )one

    CM7 "P 8R/) CM7 " S3'127 12/C 12/7" S3'12/V1&&R&&'C&1"&(2 "P


    M2&&& Mediation iMana-erM2&&& )ode"3'12/:M/C!:7);


    " S3'12/

    iMana-erM2&&& )ode"3'12/7:M/ C!:7);V2&&R&&$C&1"&12

    " S3'12/7

    iMana-erM2&&& )ode"3'127:M/ C!:7);V2&&R&&$C&1"&24

    " S3'127

    #ssue 1.&& 2&&( &( 2$ !uawei ec nolo-ies Proprietary Pa-e 2 of 1'

  • 8/13/2019 C07 BTS3812E V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Description


    BTS3812E-BTS3812A-BTS3812AE V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Descriptio

    Notee CM7 "P "orland Pac

  • 8/13/2019 C07 BTS3812E V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Description


    BTS3812E-BTS3812A-BTS3812AE V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Descriptio

    2 Compatibility Notesis c apter introduces t e followin- information>

    Compatibility between istory 6ersions of t e product= )7 software and board software

    "oard software 6ersions compatible wit t e )7 software

    2.1 Compatibility with +istory -ro"u%tVersions

    Fi-ure 1.4 lists t e compatibility information of istory product 6ersions.

    Figure 1.4 Compatibility notes of istory product 6ersions

    -ro"u%t )ersion /ate Compatibility notes

    " S3'127 " S3'12/ " S3'12/7V1&&R&&'C&1"&(1 2&&( 11 &$

    Compatible wit t e earlier6ersion despite new features

    " S3'127 " S3'12/ " S3'12/7V1&&R&&'C&1"&(& 2&&( &0 3&

    " S3'127 " S3'12/ " S3'12/7V1&&R&&'C&1"&%2 2&&( &' &3

    " S3'127 " S3'12/ " S3'12/7V1&&R&&'C&1"&%1 2&&( &( &$

    " S3'127 " S3'12/ V1&&R&&'C&1"&%& 2&&( &% 10

    " S3'127 " S3'12/ V1&&R&&'C&1"&$& 2&&( &3 31

    " S3'127 " S3'12/ V1&&R&&'C&1"&4& 2&&( &1 31

    " S3'127 " S3'12/ V1&&R&&(C&3"&%2 2&&( &$ 1&

    #ssue 1.&& 2&&( &( 2$ !uawei ec nolo-ies Proprietary Pa-e 4 of 1'

  • 8/13/2019 C07 BTS3812E V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Description


    BTS3812E-BTS3812A-BTS3812AE V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Descriptio

    " S3'127 " S3'12/ V1&&R&&(C&3"&%1 2&&( &2 1%

    " S3'127 " S3'12/ V1&&R&&(C&3"&$& 2&&% 11 2'

    " S3'127 " S3'12/ V1&&R&&(C&3"&41 2&&% &0 &$

    " S3'127 " S3'12/ V1&&R&&(C&3"&4& 2&&% &' 1(

    " S3'127 " S3'12/ V1&&R&&%C&2"&0& 2&&% &0 3&

    " S3'127 " S3'12/ V1&&R&&%C&2"&'& 2&&% &% 3&

    2.2 Boot*om &o(tware Versions *elease0n(ormatione followin- tables list t e compatibility information of istory "ootRom 6ersions.

    Figure 1.5 !istory "ootRom 6ersion information

    Boot*om Version /ate pgra"e Note

    " S3'127 " S3'12/V1&&R&&'C&1"&(2 2&&( 1210

    9p-rade is not mandatory

    " S3'127 " S3'12/V1&&R&&'C&1"&(1 2&&( 11 &$ 9p-rade to " S3'127" S3'12/V1&&R&&'C&1"&(2 or a later6ersion.

    " S3'127 " S3'12/V1&&R&&'C&1"&$& 2&&( &331

    " S3'127 " S3'12/V1&&R&&'C&1"&4& 2&&( &131

    " S3'127 " S3'12/V1&&R&&(C&3"&%2 2&&( &$1&

    " S3'127 " S3'12/V1&&R&&(C&3"&%1 2&&( &21%

    " S3'127 " S3'12/V1&&R&&(C&3"&%& 2&&% 1213

    " S3'127 " S3'12/V1&&R&&(C&3"&$& 2&&% 11 2'

    " S3'127 " S3'12/V1&&R&&(C&3"&41 2&&% &0&$

    " S3'127 " S3'12/V1&&R&&(C&3"&4& 2&&% &'1(

    " S3'127 " S3'12/V1&&R&&%C&2"&0& 2&&% &03&

    #ssue 1.&& 2&&( &( 2$ !uawei ec nolo-ies Proprietary Pa-e $ of 1'

  • 8/13/2019 C07 BTS3812E V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Description


    BTS3812E-BTS3812A-BTS3812AE V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Descriptio

    " S3'127 " S3'12/V1&&R&&%C&2"&'& 2&&% &%3&

    2.3 Compatibility with +istory Boot*omVersions

    Figure 1.6 "ootRom release information

    -ro"u%t Version /ate Boot*om *elease" orNot

    " S3'127 " S3'12/ " S3'12/7V1&&R&&'C&1"&(2

    2&&( 12 2& / "ootRom 6ersion isreleased.

    " S3'127 " S3'12/ " S3'12/7V1&&R&&'C&1"&(1

    2&&( 11 &$ / "ootRom 6ersion isreleased.

    " S3'127 " S3'12/ " S3'12/7V1&&R&&'C&1"&(&

    2&&( &0 3& )o "ootRom 6ersion isreleased= up-rade to,"S3'&&V1&&R&&'C&1"&(2." S3'127 " S3'12/ " S3'12/7

    V1&&R&&'C&1"&%22&&( &' &3

    " S3'127 " S3'12/ " S3'12/7V1&&R&&'C&1"&%&

    2&&( &% 10

    " S3'127 " S3'12/V1&&R&&'C&1"&$& 2&&( &4 1& / "ootRom 6ersion isreleased. up-rade to,"S3'&&V1&&R&&'C&1"&(2.

    " S3'127 " S3'12/V1&&R&&'C&1"&4& 2&&( &1 31

    " S3'127 " S3'12/V1&&R&&(C&3"&%2 2&&( &$ 1&

    " S3'127 " S3'12/V1&&R&&(C&3"&%1 2&&( &2 1%

    " S3'127 " S3'12/V1&&R&&(C&3"&%& 2&&% 12 13

    " S3'127 " S3'12/V1&&R&&(C&3"&$& 2&&% 11 2'

    " S3'127 " S3'12/V1&&R&&(C&3"&41 2&&% &0 20

    " S3'127 " S3'12/V1&&R&&(C&3"&4& 2&&% &0 22

    " S3'127 " S3'12/V1&&R&&%C&2"&0& 2&&% 1& 1(

    " S3'127 " S3'12/V1&&R&&%C&2"&'& 2&&% &% 3&

    #ssue 1.&& 2&&( &( 2$ !uawei ec nolo-ies Proprietary Pa-e % of 1'

  • 8/13/2019 C07 BTS3812E V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Description


    BTS3812E-BTS3812A-BTS3812AE V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Descriptio

    3 Whats Newis c apter i- li- ts new features for different 6ersions of t e 8C,M/ )ode"

    " S3'127 " S3'12/ " S3'12/7.

    3.1 V1''*'' C'1B'72

    3.1.1 New eatures

    $he V-0 *ange o( N $0 an" N/$0 %hanges

    /es%ription o( the(eature

    e VP# ran-e of )9 # and ), # c an-es

    ((e%t o(impro)ement

    e VP# ran-e of )9 # and ), # c an-es from ?& 2$$@ to ?consecuti6e %6alues between & and 31@


    1. #f a )ode" is updated from V1&&R&&( and t e VP# 6alue in V1&&R&&(is not in ?& 31@= it wonAt be in6alid.

    2. #f a )ode"As ori-inal 6ersion is V1&&R&&'= t e VP# ran-e must be?consecuti6e % 6alues between & and 31@.




    1. #f )ode"As 6ersion is V1&&R&&'= try t e VP# 6alue not in t e ran-e.2. 9se VP# 6alue not in t e ran-e in V1&&R&&(= t en update t e )ode" to

    V1&&R&&'C&1"&(2= it s ould not be in6alid.



    #ssue 1.&& 2&&( &( 2$ !uawei ec nolo-ies Proprietary Pa-e ( of 1'

  • 8/13/2019 C07 BTS3812E V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Description


    BTS3812E-BTS3812A-BTS3812AE V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Descriptio

    3.1.2 ptimi5e" eatures )one.

    3.1.3 /elete" eatures )one.

    3.1.4 Changes in MM6V1&&R&&'C&1"&(2 Vs V1&&R&&'C&1"&(1

    MML Changes

    V1&&R&&'C&1"&(2 Vs V1&&R&&'C&1"&%2

    MML Changes

    3.1.# Changes in larmV1&&R&&'C&1"&(2 Vs V1&&R&&'C&1"&(1

    Al armChanges

    V1&&R&&'C&1"&(2 Vs V1&&R&&'C&1"&%2

    Al armchanges

    3.1., Changes in -er(orman%e Counter )one.

    #ssue 1.&& 2&&( &( 2$ !uawei ec nolo-ies Proprietary Pa-e ' of 1'

  • 8/13/2019 C07 BTS3812E V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Description


    BTS3812E-BTS3812A-BTS3812AE V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Descriptio

    3.2 V1''*'' C'1B'71

    3.2.1 New eaturesMo"i(y the MM6 %omman" 8*&$ &9&: to 8*&$ No"eB:

    /es%ription o( the(eature

    Modify t e MM command ?RS SBS@ to ?RS )ode"@.

    ((e%t o(impro)ement

    #n t e pre6ious release= bot R)C and )ode" pro6ide t e ?RS SBS@command. /nd t e operator appened to send t e ?RS SBS@ command toR)C= but e5pect to reset t e )ode" e5actly.


    Modify t e MM command ?RS SBS@ to ?RS )ode"@.


    Run t e ?RS )ode"@ to reset t e )ode".


    Run t e ?RS )ode"@ to reset t e )ode".


    CR S7; 1'4

    -ro)i"e the parameter to enable;"isable the CM Control (un%tion

    /es%ription o( the(eature

    Pro6ide t e parameter to enable disable t e CM Control function

    ((e%t o(impro)ement

    e operator can enable disable t e CM Control function. e function isenabled by default.



    /dd t e MM command ?S7 CMC R S8@.


    Run t e ?S7 CMC R S8@ to enable disable t e CM Control function.


    Run t e ?S7 CMC R S8@ to enable disable t e CM Control function.


    CR S7; 10&

    #ssue 1.&& 2&&( &( 2$ !uawei ec nolo-ies Proprietary Pa-e 0 of 1'

  • 8/13/2019 C07 BTS3812E V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Description


    BTS3812E-BTS3812A-BTS3812AE V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Descriptio

    -ro)i"e automati%ally swit%h o(( $< %hannel when V&W* is o)erserious threshol"

    /es%ription o( the(eature

    )ode" pro6ide a MM command ?S7 VS8R/ MP/R/M@ to set t eserious VS8R t res old= and will switc off t e D c annel w en VS8Ris o6er t e serious t res old

    ((e%t o(impro)ement

    /fter user set t e serious VS8R t res old= and t e VS8R of any Dc annel is o6er t e t res old= )ode" will switc off t e D c annelautomatically.


    1. /dd t e MM command ?S7 VS8R/ MP/R/M@.

    2. /utomatically switc off t e D c annel w en VS8R is o6er t eserious VS8R t res old.


    Run t e ?S7 VS8R/ MP/R/M@ t e set t e serious VS8R t res old.


    1. Run t e MM command ?S7 VS8R/ MP/R/M@ t e set t eserious VS8R t res old.

    2. /dEust t e VS8R of D c annel t e D c annel will be switc ed offautomatically w en t e VS8R is o6er t e serious t res old.



    -ro)i"e the &etting o( ntenna $ilt larm rror *ange/es%ription o( the(eature

    )ode" pro6ide a MM command ?S7 # /7R@ to set t e antenna tiltalarm error ran-e= and )ode" will not report alarm ?R7 ,ata /bnormal@w en t e antenna tilt 6alue is less t e alarm error ran-e

    ((e%t o(impro)ement

    /fter user set t e antenna tilt alarm error ran-e= and w en t e antenna tilt6alue is less t e alarm error ran-e= )ode" will not report t e alarm ?R7,ata /bnormal@.


    1. /dd t e MM command ?S7 # /7R@ and ? S # /7R@.

    2. )ode" will not report t e alarm ?R7 ,ata /bnormal@ w en t e

    antenna tilt 6alue is less t e alarm error ran-e.*elate"operations

    Run t e ?S7 # /7R@ to set t e antenna tilt alarm error ran-e.

    Run t e ? S # /7R@ to Guery t e antenna tilt alarm error ran-e.


    1. Run t e ?S7 # /7R@ to set t e antenna tilt alarm error ran-e.

    2. /dEust t e antenna tilt to e5ceed t e alarm ran-e= )ode" will report t ealarm ?R7 ,ata /bnormal@.



    #ssue 1.&& 2&&( &( 2$ !uawei ec nolo-ies Proprietary Pa-e 1& of 1'

  • 8/13/2019 C07 BTS3812E V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Description


    BTS3812E-BTS3812A-BTS3812AE V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Descriptio

    3.2.2 ptimi5e" eatures )one.

    3.2.3 /elete" eatures )one.

    3.2.4 Changes in MM6V1&&R&&'C&1"&(1 Vs V1&&R&&'C&1"&%2

    MML change

    V1&&R&&'C&1"&(1 Vs V1&&R&&'C&1"&$&

    MML change

    V1&&R&&'C&1"&(1 Vs V1&&R&&(C&3"&%2

    MML change

    3.2.# Changes in larmV1&&R&&'C&1"&(1 Vs V1&&R&&'C&1"&%2

    Al armchange

    V1&&R&&'C&1"&(1 Vs V1&&R&&'C&1"&$&

    Al armchange

    V1&&R&&'C&1"&(1 Vs V1&&R&&(C&3"&%2

    Al armchange

    3.2., Changes in -er(orman%e Counter )one.

    #ssue 1.&& 2&&( &( 2$ !uawei ec nolo-ies Proprietary Pa-e 11 of 1'

  • 8/13/2019 C07 BTS3812E V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Description


    BTS3812E-BTS3812A-BTS3812AE V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Descriptio

    3.3 V1''*'' C'1B'7'

    3.3.1 New eatures )one.

    3.3.2 ptimi5e" eatures )one.

    3.3.3 /elete" eatures )one.

    3.3.4 Changes in MM6V1&&R&&'C&1"&(& Vs V1&&R&&'C&1"&%2

    MML Change

    V1&&R&&'C&1"&(& Vs V1&&R&&'C&1"&$&

    MML Change

    V1&&R&&'C&1"&(& Vs V1&&R&&(C&3"&%2

    MML Change

    3.3.# Changes in larmV1&&R&&'C&1"&(& Vs V1&&R&&'C&1"&%2

    Al armChange

    V1&&R&&'C&1"&(& Vs V1&&R&&'C&1"&$&

    Al armChange

    V1&&R&&'C&1"&(& Vs V1&&R&&(C&3"&%2

    #ssue 1.&& 2&&( &( 2$ !uawei ec nolo-ies Proprietary Pa-e 12 of 1'

  • 8/13/2019 C07 BTS3812E V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Description


    BTS3812E-BTS3812A-BTS3812AE V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Descriptio

    Al armChange

    3.3., Changes in -er(orman%e Counter )one.

    #ssue 1.&& 2&&( &( 2$ !uawei ec nolo-ies Proprietary Pa-e 13 of 1'

  • 8/13/2019 C07 BTS3812E V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Description


    BTS3812E-BTS3812A-BTS3812AE V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Descriptio

    4 Bugs i!e"is c apter lists t e bu-s fi5ed and

  • 8/13/2019 C07 BTS3812E V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Description


    BTS3812E-BTS3812A-BTS3812AE V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Descriptio



    $he 0mpre%ise *eporting o( the No"eB *$W- 6ea"s to +& -rate bnormal.


    e reportin- of t e )ode" R 8P of t e )ode"2&23CR under t e V,FR)C121 is imprecise and t e !S9P/ rate became abnormal.


    e remo6al of cells and ot er tri--erin- conditions leads to t e oldconfi-ured data reser6ed in t e R/M= Cause t e M R9 s slot number is noteGual to #, of t e CPR# cable= w ic connects t e M R9 to t e !""#.!""# lo-ic Guery t e cell number inde5 is by R9 #d and R 8P subc annel= but dri6e software confi-ure it by CPR# #d and R 8P sub c annel=

    so t e 2ms R 8P must be wron- or canAt be reported= and cause t e !S9P/rate abnormally.

    0mpa%t e reportin- of t e 2ms R 8P for t e !S9P/ is incorrect= w ic leads tofluctuation of t e !S9P/ rate.

    &olution Modify t e software and FP;/. 9se t e confi-uration mode of directaddress for t e FP;/ by t e confi-uration parameters so t at t e ori-inalconfi-uration data can be read and data can be updated w en confi-ured.





    &ol)e the problem that some sites transmission (ailure a(ter&C$- %ongestion alarm o%%urs.


    Some sites transmission failure after SC P con-estion alarm occurs.


    Some abnormal networ< cables are connected to )ode". 8 en t e SC Pcon-estion occurs= t ereAs some in completed pac

  • 8/13/2019 C07 BTS3812E V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Description


    BTS3812E-BTS3812A-BTS3812AE V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Descriptio

    ard reset t e )ode".



    9se abnormal networ< cables to tri--er t e S7C

    controllerAs defect= and wait for 2& minutes= t e )ode" automatically ard resets and reco6erslin

  • 8/13/2019 C07 BTS3812E V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Description


    BTS3812E-BTS3812A-BTS3812AE V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Descriptio

    (ter upgra"e the No"eB to V1''*'' C'1B',2 )ersion= the sitemay be a%%esse" a(ter se)eral B $- perio"s.


    /fter up-rade t e )ode" to V1&&R&&'C&1"&%2 6ersion= t e site may beaccessed after se6eral "** P periods.


    ereHs no confi-uration file in )ode". /nd )ode" connects to /MS8# ! wit #M/ ;roup. #f t e ne-otiation time of #M/ ;roup is moret an 14s= t en t e )ode" will try multi "** P periods.

    0mpa%t )ode" wit no confi-uration file will ta

  • 8/13/2019 C07 BTS3812E V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Description


    BTS3812E-BTS3812A-BTS3812AE V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Descriptio

    4.3 V1''*'' C'1B'7'

    4.3.1 Bugs (i!e"$he No"eB "is%onne%ts repeate"ly a(ter upgra"ing to V1''*''"ue to the parameter C/V$.


    e )ode" disconnected after up-radin- from V1R(C&3"&%2 toV1R'C&1"&%2. /s a result= t e remote maintenance was not a6ailable= andt e )ode" was out of ser6ice.


    e // 2P/ ! or R77 )IAs C,V parameter is set to a 6alue lesst an $&&& unit &.1us .

    e )ode" is up-raded from V1&&R&&( to V1&&R&&'.

    0mpa%t e )ode" disconnects after up-radin-= as a result= t e remote maintenanceis not a6ailable= and t e )ode" is out of ser6ice.

    &olution Set t e // 2P/ ! and R77 )IAs parameter C,V to 1&24&.


    1. Set t e C,V 6alue in // 2P/ ! orR77 )I to 1&24 on t e V1&&R&&'C&1"&%3.2. Reset t e )ode"3. e )ode" will wor< well.



    M2''' reports timeout when using M2''' to "ownloa" theNo"eB %ol" pat%h


    ,ownload patc o6ertime on V1'C&1"&%2


    )ot report t e download rate in time

    0mpa%t ,ownload patc o6ertime

    &olution Report t e download rate per 1&s


    4. ,ownload patc to )ode" from M2&&&$. #f t e )ode" 6ersion is V1&&R&&'C&1"&%2=M2&&& will report timeout after se6eral minutes%. #f t e )ode" 6ersion is V1&&R&&'C&1"&(&=,ownloadin- will succeeds.



    #ssue 1.&& 2&&( &( 2$ !uawei ec nolo-ies Proprietary Pa-e 1' of 1'

  • 8/13/2019 C07 BTS3812E V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Description


  • 8/13/2019 C07 BTS3812E V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Description


    BTS3812E-BTS3812A-BTS3812AE V100R008C01B072 Feature Upgrade Descriptio

    # $e%hni%al &upportis c apter introduces ow to obtain tec nical support from !uawei ec nolo-ies Co.= td.

    #.1 &upport.+uawei.%omSupport.!uawei.com pro6ides an efficient and real time communication platform= on w icyou can obtain tec nical documents= submit tec nical consultation= ser6ice reGuest and faultsonline= and feed bac< t e ad6ice of impro6in- our products.

    Bou can -et to support. uawei.com by 6isitin- ttp> support. uawei.com .

    #.2 $e%hni%al &upport +otline#n t e case of an ur-ent fault= you can turn to t e tec nical support otline for elp.

    ec nical support otline>

    '&& '3& 311'

    &($$ 2'('&00'

    #ssue 1 && 2&&( &( 2$ !uawei ec nolo-ies Proprietary Pa-e 2& of 1'
