University of Nebraska C i St ti ti l Department of Statistics Comparing Statistical Interval Estimates Michelle Quinlan 1 James Schwenke 2 Walt Stroup 1 Interval Estimates Michelle Quinlan , James Schwenke , Walt Stroup 1 University of Nebraska-Lincoln 2 Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

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University of Nebraska

C i St ti ti l

Department of Statistics

Comparing Statistical Interval Estimates

Michelle Quinlan1 James Schwenke2 Walt Stroup1

Interval EstimatesMichelle Quinlan , James Schwenke , Walt Stroup

1University of Nebraska-Lincoln2Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Stability Shelf Life Working Group

Product Quality Research Institute (PQRI) Stability Shelf Life Working Group (SSL WG) was formed in 2006 g p ( )Members include statistical and pharmaceutical scientists from industry and academiaObjectives include:

Investigate statistical methods for estimating shelf life consistent with Quality by Design (QbD)Assess alternative methods for estimating shelf life Enhance safety/efficacy of pharmaceutical products through accurate estimation of shelf life

Shelf Life Estimation

What is shelf life?P i t h i t l ti t fi t i t t ifi tiPoint where interval estimate first intersects specification limit for stability limiting characteristicICH Q1E guidelines focus on 95% confidence interval forICH Q1E guidelines focus on 95% confidence interval for mean to estimate shelf life

Specification limits also define bounds for future batches to confirm a product's shelf lifeOther interval estimates being used to estimate shelf life i l d di ti d t l i t linclude prediction and tolerance intervals This presentation is a summary of continuing research conducted to investigate the appropriate use of various intervalconducted to investigate the appropriate use of various interval estimates in the estimation of shelf life


Comparing interval estimatesWhat is a tolerance interval?What is a tolerance interval?Other interval estimates

Evaluation of interval estimatesEvaluation of interval estimatesPrediction intervals vs. β-expectation tolerance intervalsβ-expectation vs β-content tolerance intervalsβ expectation vs. β content tolerance intervals

Simulation results Characteristics of interval estimatesCharacteristics of interval estimatesAppropriate use of intervals in various situationsConclusionsConclusions

Comparing Interval Estimates

Statistical interval estimates are constructed toEstimate parametersEstimate parametersQuantify characteristics of population

To correctly interpret estimates it must be clearly defined whatTo correctly interpret estimates, it must be clearly defined what each interval is estimating

Confidence/prediction intervals are well understoodpDefinition of a tolerance interval varies among literature sources

What is a Tolerance Interval?

Tolerance intervals are being used with more frequency, thus a consistent definition needs to be establishedDefinitions found in literature:

A bound that covers at least (100-α)% of the measurements ( )with (100-γ)% confidence (Walpole and Myers)

o Focuses on where individual observations fall

o Equivalent to a (100-γ)% CI on middle (100-α)% of Normal distribution

An interval that includes a certain percentage of measurements with a known probability (Mendenhall andmeasurements with a known probability (Mendenhall and Sincich)

o TI is identical to CI, except it attempts to capture a proportion of t th th l ti t hmeasurements rather than a population parameter, such as μ

What is a Tolerance Interval?

Computational methods vary depending on authorMee’s definition uses non-central t distribution Owen et al. propose to control the percentage in both tails of a distributionof a distribution

o No more than a specified proportion lies below or above the TI

Alternative definition gives interval estimates on lower andAlternative definition gives interval estimates on lower and upper percentiles, not a percentage, of a distribution

s s(α/2,n-1,δ)) (1-α/2,n-1,δ)

(α/2,n-1,δ)) (1-α/2,n-1,δ)

s slower TI = [X , X t ] and n ns supper TI = [X t , X t ], where δ = Φ(percentile) n

- -

+ +pp (p )n n

Other Interval Estimates

Simultaneous tolerance interval:Tolerance interval computed for more than one populationTolerance interval computed for more than one population or sample at a time

Two 1-sided tolerance interval:1-sided TI on lower α/2% together with 1-sided TI on upper α/2%, designed to capture (1-α)% of distribution

Confidence/prediction interval on confidence/prediction interval endpoints:

Interval that protects the mean/future confidence/prediction interval endpoints (based on asymptotic Normal distribution of interval endpoints)p )

Other Interval Estimates

β-expectation tolerance interval (Mee’s definition):Interval that contains approximately 100β% of the distribution:

ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆE {Pr [μ kσ < X < μ + kσ |μ σ ]} = βxˆ ˆμ,σ X x x x

2 2 2 2x b e x

E {Pr [μ - kσ < X < μ + kσ |μ,σ ]} = β

ˆσ = σ +σ σ = MSB/J+(1-1/J)MSEI = # of batches runs blocks etc

Comp ted sing (ratio of bet een to ithin batch

I = # of batches, runs, blocks, etc. J = # of reps within runs

2 2/σ σComputed using (ratio of between to within batch variance) and central t-distributionVariance is a linear combination of independent mean

b e/σ σ

Variance is a linear combination of independent mean squares, df calculated using Satterthwaite approximation

Other Interval Estimates

β-content tolerance interval:

ˆ ˆ X ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆPr {Pr [μ - kσ < X < μ + kσ |μ,σ ] β} = γ≥

Interval that contains at least 100β% of population with

xˆ ˆμ,σ X x x xPr {Pr [μ kσ < X < μ + kσ |μ,σ ] β} γ

γ = confidence coefficient

Interval that contains at least 100β% of population with given confidence level γ (Mee)

o Computed using factors from Normal and Chi-squared distributions

o β-content interval in models with only 1 source of variation are computed using noncentral t-distribution

Wald and Wolfowitz use same definition to define toleranceWald and Wolfowitz use same definition to define tolerance intervals but instead use the formula:


nX rsχ


Other Interval Estimates

SAS® Proc Capabilities Method 3 computes an approximate statistical tolerance interval that contains at least p proportionstatistical tolerance interval that contains at least p proportion of the population with formula given by:

11 2

α2 (n - 1)

n -1X z (1 1/2n) sχ+± +p

Patel states 1-sided tolerance limits are directly related to 1-sided confidence limits on percentiles

Formulas are provided for constructing TI when one or both μ and σ are unknown

Evaluation of Interval Estimates

The relationship among prediction, β-expectation, and β content intervals is investigatedβ-content intervals is investigated

Prediction intervals are compared with β expectationPrediction intervals are compared with β-expectation intervals for models with 1 variance component (all factors fixed)

β-expectation intervals are compared with β-content β p p βintervals

Prediction Intervals vs. β-expectation Tolerance Intervals

1 variance component

Tolerance Intervals

β-expectation interval equals prediction interval for both ll d ( dl f hoverall mean and treatment means (regardless of the

number of factors in model)o Here = 0 because = 02 2/σ σ 2σo Here 0 because 0

o No df adjustment needed b e/σ σ bσ

Formula for β-expectation interval reduces to formula for prediction interval

β-expectation vs. β-content Tolerance IntervalsInterval estimates for various values of I (# of runs), J (# of reps/run), and R = :2 2

b e/σ σ2β = 0.90, γ = 0.95, μ = 10, = 5

I J R lowerBC lowerBE upperBE upperBC2 2 0 2 -6 779 2 6246 17 3754 26 779


2 2 0.2 6.779 2.6246 17.3754 26.7796 8 0.2 4.856 5.774 14.226 15.144

10 1000 0.2 5.64 5.9253 14.0747 14.362 2 1 -23 552 -2 3475 22 3475 43 5522 2 1 -23.552 -2.3475 22.3475 43.5526 8 1 2.063 4.1956 15.8044 17.937

10 1000 1 3.328 4.5287 15.4713 16.6722 2 5 102 228 22 2561 42 2561 122 2282 2 5 -102.228 -22.2561 42.2561 122.2286 8 5 -7.582 -1.1329 21.1329 27.582

10 1000 5 -4.022 -0.0987 20.0987 24.0222 2 10 170 807 39 1401 59 1401 190 8072 2 10 -170.807 -39.1401 59.1401 190.8076 8 10 -15.438 -5.5259 25.5259 35.438

10 1000 10 -9.95 -3.9241 23.9241 29.95

β-expectation vs. β-content Tolerance IntervalsAs decreases, interval estimates become closer

β = 0.90, γ = 0.95, μ = 10, = 1


2eσβ γ μ

I J R lowerBC lowerBE upperBE upperBC2 2 0.2 2.4962 6.7016 13.2984 17.50386 8 0 2 7 6996 8 1101 11 8899 12 30046 8 0.2 7.6996 8.1101 11.8899 12.3004

10 1000 0.2 8.0501 8.1777 11.8223 11.94992 2 1 -5.0048 4.478 15.522 25.00486 8 1 6 4503 7 4042 12 5958 13 54976 8 1 6.4503 7.4042 12.5958 13.5497

10 1000 1 7.016 7.5532 12.4468 12.9842 2 5 -40.19 -4.4254 24.4254 60.196 8 5 2.1371 5.0212 14.9788 17.8629

10 1000 5 3.7293 5.4837 14.5163 16.2707

2 2 10 -70.8593 -11.9761 31.9761 90.85936 8 10 -1.376 3.0566 16.9434 21.376

10 1000 10 1.0783 3.773 16.227 18.9217

Comparing Interval Estimates

To understand tolerance intervals and their relationship among other interval estimates for one sample with one variance pcomponent, a computer simulation was conducted

50 iterations with data sets of size 50 Observations were randomly generated, various interval estimates were constructed and comparedThe mean of each interval estimate across iterations is computed Comparisons are made among the interval estimatesComparisons are made among the interval estimates

Comparing Interval EstimatesInterval Estimates for N(50,5)


0 06






l id d l id d l id d l id d



42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

lower_2sided_CI lower_1sided_CI lower_2sided_PI lower_1sided_PIlowerlowerTI lowerupperTI lowerTI lower_1sided_TIlower_1sided_TIB lowerSASTI lowerlower_CICI lowerupper_CICIlowerlower_CIPI lowerupper_CIPI lowerlower_PICI lowerupper_PICIlowerlower_PIPI lowerupper_PIPI lowerB Std. Normal Curve

Interval Estimates for N(50,5)




Interval Estimates for N(50,5)




0 04



0 04






42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52




42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

lowerupper_PICI lowerupper_CICI lower_1sided_CI lower_2sided_CIlowerlower_CICI lowerlower_PICI Std. Normal Curve


lowerupperTI lowerupper_PIPI lowerupper_CIPIlower_1sided_PI Std. Normal Curve


Interval Estimates for N(50,5)







lowerB(lower_2sided_PI) lowerTI lowerlowerTIlowerSASTI lowerlower_CIPI lower_1sided_TIlower_1sided_TIB lowerlower_PIPI Std. Normal Curve



42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

Characteristics of Interval Estimates

Interval estimates can be characterized into 3 groups:Group 1: Bounds on mean or on a CI endpointGroup 1: Bounds on mean or on a CI endpoint

o lowerupper PICI, lowerupper CICI, lower 1-sided CI, lower 2-sided CI, lowerlower CICI, lowerlower PICI

Group 2: Bounds on individual observations, PI endpoints, or upper bound on lower α/2 percentile

l l l l id do lowerupper TI, lowerupper PIPI, lowerupper CIPI, lower 1 sided PI

Group 3: Combination of bounds on individual observations PI endpoints or lower bound on lower α/2observations, PI endpoints, or lower bound on lower α/2 percentile

o lower β-expectation (i.e. lower 2-sided PI), 2 1-sided lower TI, lowerlower TI, lower SAS TI, lowerlower CIPI, lower 1-sided TI, lower 1 sided TI with Bonferroni correction, lowerlower PIPI


Current literature sources offer a wide variety of definitions for tolerance intervalsPrediction intervals equal β-expectation tolerance intervals for models with 1 variance componentβ-content intervals TI are wider than β-expectation TI1-sided TI is directly related to a 2-sided TI on percentileSimulation results indicate

Interval estimates can be characterized into 3 groupsIt must be determined the correct parameter of interest to be captured to determine which estimate to use

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Mendenhall, W. and T. Sincich. Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences. 4th Ed. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1995.“Methods for Computing Statistical Intervals.” SAS Institute Inc. 2004. SAS OnlineDoc® 9.1.3. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc. Odeh, R.E., Youn-Min Chou, and D.B. Owen. “Sample-Size Determination for Two-Sided Expectation Tolerance Intervals for a Normal Distribution.” Technometrics. Nov. 1989, Vol. 31, No. 4. Odeh, R.E. and D.B. Owen. Tables for Normal Tolerance Limits, Sampling Plans and Screening. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc., 1980. Owen, D.B. “Control of Percentages in Both Tails of the Normal Distribution.” Technometrics. Nov. 1964, Vol. 6, No. 4.Patel, J.K. “Tolerance Limits – A Review.” Commun. Statist.-Theor. Meth., 15(9), 2719-2762 (1986).Rao, J.N.K., K. Subrahmaniam, and D.B. Owen. “Effect of Non-Normality , , , yon Tolerance Limits Which Control Percentages in Both Tails of Normal Distribution.” Technometrics. Aug. 1972, Vol. 14, No. 3.


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This research is funded through theThis research is funded through the

PQRI Stability Shelf Life Working GroupQ y g p

PQRI is the Product Quality Research Institute, Arlington, Virginia

PQRI Stability Shelf Life Working Group

Suntara Cahya Eli Lilly and CompanyDavid Christopher Schering Plough Research InstitutePatrick Forenzo Novartis Pharmaceuticals CorporationMichael Golden Pearl TherapeuticsAbhay Gupta FDA / CDERAbhay Gupta FDA / CDERPaula Hudson Eli Lilly and CompanySvetlana Lyapustina Drinker Biddle & Reath LLPN P V Ph i l INate Patterson Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Michelle Quinlan University of Nebraska-LincolnDennis Sandell Siegfried Pharma DevelopmentJames Schwenke Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Walt Stroup University of Nebraska-LincolnDave Thomas Johnson & JohnsonDave Thomas Johnson & JohnsonTerry Tougas Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.