Bye, Bye, Boni! Johannes Sorger and Markus Töpfer Computer Graphics on Mobile Devices Vienna University of Technology

Bye, Bye, Boni! Johannes Sorger and Markus Tpfer Computer Graphics on Mobile Devices Vienna University of Technology

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J. Sorger, M. Töpfer 2 Gameplay Genre: tower defense with a twist. Twist: each “tower” vanishes after one shot. Elements: Towers = mercenaries -> paid with carrots. Carrots gained by destroying enemies. Enemies = money carriers / transporters. Goal: destroy carriers to lose money.

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Bye, Bye, Boni! Johannes Sorger and Markus Tpfer Computer Graphics on Mobile Devices Vienna University of Technology J. Sorger, M. Tpfer 1 Story Situation: Bunny is a bank manager. Problem: Will receive huge bonus if player does not intervene. Money delivered by carriers directly to Bunnys doorstep. Solution: Hire mercenaries. J. Sorger, M. Tpfer 2 Gameplay Genre: tower defense with a twist. Twist: each tower vanishes after one shot. Elements: Towers = mercenaries -> paid with carrots. Carrots gained by destroying enemies. Enemies = money carriers / transporters. Goal: destroy carriers to lose money. Elements Enemies come in waves: Become tougher with each wave! Stronger mercenaries are needed: Stronger mercs need more carrots! ->Ballancing! J. Sorger, M. Tpfer 3 4 Interface Merc selectionHUD Bunnys HouseRoadside The End Thank you for your attention! J. Sorger, M. Tpfer 5