The Industrial Revolution By, Saskia Paines

By, Saskia Paines. The industrial revolution was a period of time in history when there was a rapid growth in the use of machines in manufacturing

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Page 1: By, Saskia Paines.   The industrial revolution was a period of time in history when there was a rapid growth in the use of machines in manufacturing

The Industrial Revolution

By, Saskia Paines

Page 2: By, Saskia Paines.   The industrial revolution was a period of time in history when there was a rapid growth in the use of machines in manufacturing

The industrial revolution was a period of time

in history when there was a rapid growth in the use of machines in manufacturing and production.

Before this most production was done at home then occasionally sold to merchants for further sales.

Many of the key developments were in the textile, steam power, and iron making industries.


Page 3: By, Saskia Paines.   The industrial revolution was a period of time in history when there was a rapid growth in the use of machines in manufacturing

The Industrial Revolution took place in the

1700’s and 1800’s, and it also extended into the early 1900’s.

Mainly started in Britain in 1733 with the invention of the first cotton mill.

The cotton mill was later introduced to America by Samuel Slater in 1789.


Page 4: By, Saskia Paines.   The industrial revolution was a period of time in history when there was a rapid growth in the use of machines in manufacturing

Once all the factories and new inventions were made in

England there was a demand for the products from other countries that could not produce as fast.

Parliament to passed a law that said that no one who worked in a factory or was a skilled mechanic could leave the country, in fear of the ideas reaching other places outside of Britain.

However, Samuel Slater learned all about Richard Arkwright’s water frame and he moved to America in 1789 taking this idea with him to help build the first water-powered cotton mill in America.

This started the industrial revolution in America with the growth of factories and manufacturing.

America Joins the Industrial revolution

Page 5: By, Saskia Paines.   The industrial revolution was a period of time in history when there was a rapid growth in the use of machines in manufacturing

The Industrial Revolution came about because

machines were invented to make work easier and replace working with your hands.

Another reason why the Industrial revolution happened was because they found uses for steam as power. Steam would run a lot of the machines used and would replace man power.

It also happened because of the appearance of factories around Britain and America. These factories promoted work outside of the home.


Page 6: By, Saskia Paines.   The industrial revolution was a period of time in history when there was a rapid growth in the use of machines in manufacturing

One of the first inventions in the textile industry was

the flying shuttle by John Kay, which allowed weavers to weave their cloth faster.

Then came the spinning jenny by James Hargreaves. This improved on the spinning wheel and allowed the spinners to spin more than one ball of thread at a time.

Yet another important invention was the water frame invented by Richard Arkwright. The water frame manufactured stronger threads out of cotton and led to an increase in factory manufacturing instead of production at home.

Who and What?

Page 7: By, Saskia Paines.   The industrial revolution was a period of time in history when there was a rapid growth in the use of machines in manufacturing

Thomas Necomen- steam driven pump James Watt- steam powered engine Elias Howe- sewing machine Richard Arkwright- water frame Richard Trevithick- steam locamotive Eli Whitney- Cotton Gin Samuel F.B. Morse- Telegraph Alexander Graham Bell- Telephone

Inventors and Inventions

Page 8: By, Saskia Paines.   The industrial revolution was a period of time in history when there was a rapid growth in the use of machines in manufacturing

Thomas Edison- Phonograph, light bulb Rudolf Diesel- Diesel engine Orville and Wilbur Wright- First Airplane Henry Ford- Assembly line, Model T Ford

Inventors and Inventions (cont.)

Page 9: By, Saskia Paines.   The industrial revolution was a period of time in history when there was a rapid growth in the use of machines in manufacturing

The industrial revolution was a period of time in history

when there was a rapid growth in the use of machines in manufacturing and production.

The Industrial Revolution took place in the 1700’s and 1800’s, and it also extended into the early 1900’s.

Parliament to passed a law that said that no one who worked in a factory or was a skilled mechanic could leave the country, in fear of the ideas reaching other places outside of Britain.

Samuel Slater brought the cotton mill to America. The Industrial Revolution came about because machines

were invented to make work easier and replace working with your hands.

Important Facts