What was the Real Significance of the Coronation of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie the 1st 86 years ago? By Karl Phillpotts Naphtali graphics by bro Adam Simeon 1

By Karl Phillpotts Naphtali graphics by bro Adam Simeon · Majesty Haile Selassie 1st has departed from the current scene of world affairs. These realities all being contrary to prophecies

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  • What was the Real Significance of the Coronation of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie the 1st 86 years ago?

    By Karl Phillpotts Naphtali graphics by bro Adam Simeon


  • Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour,

    Yeshua The Messiah, Jesus the Christ, Saviour of the

    World; who has revealed Himself to us through the person-

    ality (or instrumentality ) of His Imperial Majesty Emperor

    Haile Selassie1, King of Kings, Lion of

    Judah, Elect of God.

    Greetings through the Twelve Tribes of Israel, once scat-

    tered and now founded in the island of Jamaica, by our be-

    loved Prophet Brother Gad.

    Greetings through the Orthodox Faith, which is not one of

    writs and rites, but a function of the heart, acquired

    through a mystical incorporation of unity in One; in plain

    words, to be born again.

    Greetings also through the Royal family of Ethiopia, rep-

    resented in the person of His Imperial Highness Crown Prince Zara Yacob Asfa Wossen.

    I give thanks to the Most High, the Eternal I Am, Who was, Who is, and Who is to come, for

    His mercies in allowing me the privilege of health, strength, and guidance to be able to sub-

    mit my thoughts about the significance of the Coronation of His Imperial Majesty Emperor

    Haile Selassie 1st. Give thanks that another door has been opened to Glorify and Magnify the

    Lord Most High and speak the truth; the Word as written, from which Faith is derived.

    I thought deeply and prayed that The Most High guide my thoughts on such an important

    topic, especially as it relates to the 85th year of His Imperial Majesty’s Coronation. I even took

    the opportunity to look up the Thesaurus definition of what seemed to be a simple word; sig-

    nificance; as words are so deep and important. Definitions for the word significance that

    came up were: implications, meaning, consequences, importance, and impact.

    I will first focus on the latter Thesaurus definition of significance; impact.

    The Impact

    The news of the Coronation of Ras Tafari Makonnen, on November 2nd 1930, with the name

    His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie1, (properly translated as name given means Instrument of

    the Power of the Trinity ) King of Kings of Ethiopia, Lion of Judah, Elect of God, kindled an in-

    describable energy of Messianic expectation amongst our early foreparents of the era and has

    never ceased to generate the growth of a movement surrounding the event.


  • The Holy Bible and its Scriptures became more relevant and

    real to a people experiencing over 400 years of earthly social,

    political and economic oppression as the Biblical children of

    Israel did. Just try for a moment, to imagine; a time when

    almost all Africans and their descendants in the Diaspora,

    with the exception of Ethiopia, were under colonial rule. Then

    suddenly, an African king being crowned with titles which

    could be interpreted to have Messianic significance. To make

    it more impacting it involved a widely publicized coronation

    ceremony with the precise blueprint reminiscent of the cere-

    mony accorded to King David and His Royal House; an Ethio-

    pian king recognized and identified with the tribe of Judah,

    the tribe associated with the Davidic Covenant; and the 225th

    descendant of a union of King Solomon of Jerusalem and the

    Queen of Sheba of Ethiopia.

    Present at this Coronation, 86 years ago, were representatives from many nations, includ-

    ing the same colonial powers that had our people and countries elsewhere in bondage. They

    were there supposedly paying homage, to an African king, with roots that stretched back over

    3000 years into Biblical History. The Duke of Gloucester, the son of King George of Great

    Britain, was present and restored to His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie1, a scepter that

    was taken away from Ethiopia years before. On this golden scepter was written, “Ethiopia

    shall stretch forth her hands unto God”. (Psalms 68 vs 31).

    Instantly a connection to the Messianic prophecies in the Bible and its message of national

    liberation and redemption became connected with 20 Century circumstances in the theology

    and lives of many of our foreparents. They had heard or read about the Coronation and a few

    had witnessed this spectacular event. It was an event that impacted their spiritual aware-

    ness, their hopes as well as their aspirations. Now the circumstances of the African Holo-

    caust , dispersion and bondage not merely resembled that of Israel, but this Coronation event

    confirmed and affirmed an identity of our people with the lost dispersed tribes of Israel as

    recorded in the Holy Bible.

    The Roman and Greek versions of Christianity preached by White missionaries, offering

    freedom in death and somewhere off the earth, was shaken at its very foundation. The Origi-

    nal Gospel of the early followers of Jesus began to be restored in the minds and hearts of a

    people in bondage. The real message of a Kingdom to be restored and established on the

    earth, not in the sky or after death, became clear. The hope that the “meek would inherit the

    earth” instead was rekindled. Our foreparents had read in the Book of Daniel that the God of

    Heaven promised to set up here, on earth, a Kingdom that would break, (i.e. subdue and

    overthrow) the Satanic, Babylonish Governments and system that controlled the world.

    God’s Covenant with King David, in Psalms 87 and 2 Samuel Chapter 7, appeared to be

    manifesting itself before their very eyes in the 20th Century, in the Coronation of Ras Tafari 3

  • Ethiopians, Historians, Theologians, Pastors, Bible scholars and the

    average person have not began to seriously consider or imagine

    what this event meant to a people longing for an end to oppression

    and restoration to their ancestral homeland .This event has kindled

    a flame and zeal among our elders and even today among our

    youths, as never witnessed amongst indigenous religions in our is-

    land or the African Diaspora and amazingly today among many oth-

    er races and nationalities.

    The Consequence

    The most widely referred to chapter and verses in the Bible that correlated with this Coronation

    and thus impacted the Rastafarian movement, were cited in the Book of Revelation Chapter 5 Vs


    Here John recorded in this book his being caught up in a heavenly vision and revelation from Je-

    sus Christ “which God gave Him to show his servants which must shortly come to pass…” Rev1:1

    Revelation 5 Vs 1-5 :

    Then I saw in the right hand of him who open the

    scroll?" 3But no one in heaven or on earth or under the

    earth could open the scroll or even look inside it. 4I wept

    and wept because no one was found who was worthy to

    open the scroll or look inside. 5Then one of the elders

    said to me, "Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Ju-

    dah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to

    open the scroll and its seven seals."

    His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie 1st and his prede-

    cessor Emperor Menelik 2nd had always used the Lion Of Judah

    symbol as their official seal and Royal Standard of their Kingdom

    herein mentioned. This was in keeping with their Biblical Judaic

    Christian tradition inherited directly from their ancestors from

    Jerusalem to Ethiopia. The anointing and crowning kings of the

    Royal House of King David was always a ceremony foreshadowing

    the return of the Messiah Jesus, and memorializing God’s Cove-

    nant with King David.

    The founding fathers of the Rastafari movement interpreted

    this Coronation ceremony as the actual coming of the Messianic

    King from the lineage of King David: the one who would rescue them, the lost tribes of Israel

    from captivity and restore them to the land of our foreparents and establish the Millennium


    Joseph Hibbert


  • However the numerous issues that the coming of The Messiah is prophesied to re-

    solve, have persisted in our world, even to a greater extent than ever before in hu-

    man history. The ever increasing human misery, poverty, oppression, injustice, bro-

    ken families, murders, deaths, and wars in over 60 areas of the globe, have after

    these 86 years shaken these Messianic expectations and rendered them very much

    premature and inaccurate. The unchanged state of the world and its ripening in

    evil has so much shattered these premature messianic hopes and interpretations to

    the extent that any honest Rastafari seeker of truth and scholar of the Bible must

    re-examine and revisit these Scriptures with fear and trembling.

    The dispersion and exile is still with us. Babylon and its evil forces are still very

    much in charge and most telling to the contradiction of prophecy, His Imperial

    Majesty Haile Selassie 1st has departed from the current scene of world affairs.

    These realities all being contrary to prophecies concerning the appearing of the

    Messianic Kingdom Age of peace, righteousness, justice and prosperity which in-

    volves the resurrection of the righteous Saints, the transformation or translation

    of the living Saints and the bounding of Satan the deceiver and accuser. Satan has

    not yet been bound yet for the thousand years (in fact being more loose than ever

    before) as should have been in the predicted Millennium reign of Christ on earth.

    The Implications Such a longing and desire of mankind for relief and redemption from oppression is

    legitimate. However desires have often lead us to premature expectations and the

    seeking of signs, hastening and even usurping the timing and will of our Infinite

    Creator. This is nothing new in the history of Messianic movements.

    The Disciples had hoped that their Master Jesus would overthrow Rome with all

    his demonstrated power. When he informed Peter that He would first be betrayed

    by the elders and the high priest and handed over to the Romans to suffer, be cruci-

    fied and then rise on the third day, Peter rebuked Jesus, protesting that this would

    never happen. Jesus had to rebuke his atti-

    tude as one encouraged by Satan to have

    things according to man’s will and timing

    instead of submitting to Gods Sovereign will

    and timing. “Get hence behind me Satan.

    You prefer the things of men (meaning

    man’s way) rather than the things ( perfect

    Sovereign will) of God. …Anyone wishing to

    be my disciple must first deny himself (his

    personal desires) and take up his cross daily

    and follow me” said Jesus to him.

    (parenthesis mine)

    Also previously during the reign of King

    David many of his subjects saw him David,

    being the Lord’s anointed, as the one to establish the Messianic Kingdom in their

    day. Peter years later, after Jesus’ crucifixion, resurrection and ascension, matured

    now in the Faith and having divine understanding, had to stand up and consul Is-

    rael on that premature expectation. He enlightened his fellow brethren that these

    Messianic promises that David heard from God was but a prophetic vision about

    some future occurrence concerning one of his descendants, as you may also read

    for yourself prayerfully in Acts of the Apostles Chapter 2 Vs 22-39. 5

  • 22 “Fellow Israelites, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man ac-credited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know. This man was handed over to you by God’s deliberate plan and foreknowledge; and you, with the help of wicked men, put him to death by nailing him to the cross. but God raised him from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him. David said about him: “‘I saw the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. 26 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest in hope, because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, you will not let your holy one see decay. You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your pres-ence.’ “Fellow Israelites, I can tell you confidently that the patriarch David died and was buried, and his tomb is here to this day. 30 But he was a prophet and knew that God had promised him on oath that he would place one of his descendants on his throne. Seeing what was to come, he spoke of the resurrec-tion of the Messiah, that he was not abandoned to the realm of the dead, nor did his body see decay. God has raised this Jesus to life, and we are all witnesses of it. Exalted to the right hand of God, he has re-ceived from the Father the promised Holy Spirit and has poured out what you now see and hear. For David did not ascend to heaven, and yet he said, “‘The Lord said to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand 5 until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.” “Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.” 37 When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The prom-ise is for you and your children and for all who are far off for all whom the Lord our God will call.” 40 With many other words he warned them; and he pleaded with them, “Save yourselves from this cor-rupt generation.” Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.

    The Apostle Peter then informed Israel then, and we are informed today, that the

    Heavens must retain Him Jesus, UNTIL the time of the Restoration of all the

    things spoken of by the prophets. 17 “Now, fellow Israelites, I know that you acted in ignorance, as did your leaders. But this is how God ful-filled what he had foretold through all the prophets, saying that his Messiah would suffer. Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, 20 and that he may send the Messiah, who has been appointed for you—even Jesus. 21 Heaven must receive him until the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets. 22 For Moses said, ‘The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own peo-ple; you must listen to everything he tells you. Anyone who does not listen to him will be completely cut off from their people. “Indeed, beginning with Samuel, all the prophets who have spoken have foretold these days. 25 And you are heirs of the prophets and of the covenant God made with your fathers. He said to Abraham, ‘Through your offspring all peoples on earth will be blessed.26 When God raised up his servant, he sent him first to you to bless you by turning each of you from your wicked ways”. (Acts 4Vs 17-26)

    This now leads my readers and most importantly my Rastafari brethren to ponder this revo-

    lutionary confession and testimony on the significance of this magnificent 20th Century

    event reconnection us to Biblical History through an Ethiopian King of the Davidic and Sol-

    omonic House of Judah. The following questions must then be asked of my position; “What

    then is the real significance, or rather importance of this prestigious event? Was it then a

    simple ceremonial African cultural event without begging a meaning or adding any signifi-

    cance to it?


  • The Real Meaning of the Coronation revealed.

    I propose that the answer to the real significance or importance of this historical event to us

    can be found in God’s saving grace (i.e unmerited favour) towards us a despised and down-

    trodden people. God, like in the times of bondage in Egypt, heard the cry of our people and

    saw their affliction and visited us.

    I am convinced that God, in His grace towards us, preserved a seed of the Royal House of

    David , as a light, and in Ethiopia, the most ancient Christian nation on earth. This was an

    act of His Grace towards us leading us eventually and progressively to the true Christian

    faith through accepting the Bible and Jesus as Master

    and Saviour of the World. The significance or im-

    portance of the Coronation does not lie merely in

    its pomp or the prestige and pride it gave us to see

    an African King being crowned in a free African

    nation. Rather the answer to the importance lies

    in the activity of God’s anointed Holy Spirit as

    manifested in the lives, character, and instrumen-

    tality of the Emperor and Empress who were

    Crowned. If our Rastafari Brethren and Sisters truth-

    fully study the life, and teachings of His Imperial Majesty

    Emperor Haile Selassie 1st, and Empress Mennen, they

    will see clearly, that from their earliest age right up

    through their Coronation and their latter years, they were devout followers of Jesus Christ

    and the teachings of the Holy Bible. They never failed either in example or words to encour-

    age us to follow devotedly its teachings. As Haile Selassie 1st said;

    “ … All through my youth I had been taught to appreciate the Bible and my love for

    it increases with the passage of time”...All through my difficulties I have found the

    Bible a cause for infinite comfort” .

    To illustrate my point some more let us look honestly at this quote, which I have found to be

    the key message of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie1.He

    has advised us in the spirit of wisdom of his forbearers:

    …Today man sees all his hopes and aspirations crum-

    bling before him. He is perplexed and knows not where

    he is drifting. But he must realize that the Bible is his

    refuge, and the rallying point of all humanity. In it man

    will find the solution for his present difficulties and

    guidance for his future action, and unless he accepts

    with clear conscience, the Bible and its great message,

    he cannot hope for salvation. For my part I Glory in the



  • When by the Grace of God, I repented , prayed and accepted with a clear con-

    science the Holy Bible and its message as directed by the Coronate King, Emperor

    Haile Selassie1, then God removed a vail from before mine eyes. I then went and

    looked again at Revelation Chapter 5. It was really then the eyes of my under-

    standing was opened to the fact that we had left off something of crucial im-

    portance to the understanding of God’s revelation. We had either failed or been

    somewhat diverted from reading the other 5 verses, vs 6-10 of the Book of Revela-

    tion Chapter 5. We had therefore taken verses 1-5 out of context, to meet our urgent

    desire for immediate redemption from prevailing social, economic and political cir-

    cumstances. To our own detriment we had ignored the passage which revealed the

    One who redeemed mankind from his own sinful nature; the real enemy of man-


    I then became aware that Our hopes and aspirations were based on a “half-truth”. This ex-

    plosive admission of a student of the Bible and also His Imperial Majesty was profoundly

    brought out when I examined with a clear conscience the following 5 verses. Please recall

    that revelation 5 vs 1-5 records John hearing the angel telling him to not to weep as the Lion

    of Judah had prevailed to take the sealed scroll from the hand of Him who sat upon the

    throne and open it. However when he opened his eyes and looked, this is what he saw.

    6Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing in the center of the

    throne, encircled by the four living creatures and the elders. He had seven horns and

    seven eyes, which are the seven spirits[a] of God sent out into all the earth. 7He came

    and took the scroll from the right hand of him who sat on the throne. 8And when he

    had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the

    Lamb. Each one had a

    harp and they were hold-

    ing golden bowls full of

    incense, which are the

    prayers of the saints. 9And

    they sang a new song:

    "You are worthy to take

    the scroll and to open its


    because you were slain,

    and with your blood you

    purchased men for God

    from every tribe and lan-

    guage and people and na-


    10You have made them to

    be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth."



  • 11Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon

    thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand They encircled the throne and the

    living creatures and the elders. 12In a loud voice they


    "Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain,

    to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength

    and honor and glory and praise!" ( emphasis color red,


    Now I must ask this question of my brethren and sis-

    ters. Who is this Lamb that was slain, that with his

    blood purchased men for God from every tribe, and lan-

    guage and people and nation, and who went and took

    the book from the hand of Him that sat on the throne?

    Is the Lamb seen by John, also the one announced as

    the Lion of the Tribe of Judah ?

    Why then is the Lion of Judah symbol in the Ethiopian

    triune red gold and green flag seen carrying a cross over its shoulders?

    Who really is this slain Lamb, redeeming, atoning, conquering, through his death

    and resurrection and found worthy to receive the title deed to judge and rule the

    heavens and finally the earth in the Age to come?

    Who is this one now being retained in the Heavens UNTIL “ the restoration of all

    things spoken of by the prophets since the earth began?”

    I confess that it is no other than Jesus, Yeshua, Iye-

    sus, or in any language referencing Him.

    His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie 1st, himself said, 56

    years ago:

    “ I know I am saved , not by anything that is of char-

    acter or work of the human heart, but by the blood of

    Jesus alone.” (see African Challenge Magazine, Nov 1960, 30th

    Coronation Anniversary of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie1 of


    Note for future reference that this statement by Haile Se-

    lassie1st, is the essence and summation of the Christian

    Faith in just a few words.

    So what then about His Imperial Majesty being crowned

    with these titles? This is an obvious question arising from

    this earthshaking confession to my brothers and sisters.


  • My inspired answer to all is this. Firstly,

    these titles are associated with the

    throne and the Royal House of Judah

    from a blessing of Jacob thousands of

    years ago. "Judah, your brothers will

    praise you; your hand will be on the

    neck of your enemies; your father's

    sons will bow down to you. You are a

    lion's cub, O Judah; you return from

    the prey, my son. Like a lion he

    crouches and lies down, like a lion-

    ess—who dares to rouse him? 10 The

    scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, un-

    til he comes to whom it belongs [c] and the obedience of the nations is his. (Until; my

    emphasis) (NIV) I used the New International Version quote here as it breaks down the

    meaning of Shiloh as “to whom it belongs”.

    Thus any descendant of the House of Judah who is Anointed or Christ-end King is allowed

    to bear, represent, and be custodian or standard bearer of the lion cub messianic title, as

    a shadow or reminder of He who is to come.

    These Kings (descendants preserved in Ethiopia) fulfill a vision of King Solomon

    the night he lay with the Queen of Sheba, (as recorded in the Ethiopia Geez histo-

    ry of “The Glory of the Kings or “Kebra Negast.” ) which was interpreted by the High

    Priest Zadok. These descendants were to be that natural cohabited seed that de-

    parted to Ethiopia in the womb of Sheba. This however did not annul or neither

    did it replace the promise made in Genesis of the noncohabited “seed of the wom-

    an” that would “crush the head of the serpent” fulfilled by the planting into the

    womb of the Virgin Mary in Jerusalem by the Most High God

    Himself His only begotten Son, Jesus. He was not born by the

    will of man, but by the will of God. This fact was also brought

    out in the record of the Kebra Negast concerning King Solo-

    mon’s vision that the spiritual seed was sent to Jerusalem via

    the womb of Mary, and a natural cohabited seed through the

    Queen of Sheba to Ethiopia. This extension of knowledge in

    the Kebra Negast, has helped to unlock this 85 year old Coro-

    nation door, to proper understanding. (I must note here that this

    ‘overstanding’ was also made clear to me through the Grace of God by

    His Holy Spirit working through the prophet Bro Gad, founder of the

    12 Tribes of Israel, and explained also through the chief professor of

    Ethiopian religious history, Alika Ayeleu Tamru, a physically blind




  • The Kings of Judah born of natural fathers and mothers hold the ruler’s staff and

    this Divine right to rule made by a “covenant of salt” (2nd Chronicles 13 Vs 5). This

    was the covenant that the coronation ceremony recalled to a neglected history and

    enlightened us that Ethiopia and the Royal Family, were a legitimate offspring and

    living testimony to this eternal promise. That representational right and guardian-

    ship of the throne of David would not depart from them Until, He comes, to whom it

    belongs; i.e. Shiloh or The Master Messiah, Jesus. This promise confirmed by the

    Angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary (St Luke Chapter1 Vs 31-33) that it is He, that head

    that was crowned with thorns, will be the one who would overcome death and

    would save His people from their Sin, by His spotless life, faith, obedience and inno-

    cent blood; the one who would be Great, and it is He who will be finally given the

    throne of His Father David on which he will sit and reign for a thousand years, at a

    coming unspecified date. This will not be a temporary transient occurrence or rule

    for 43 years. Hallelujah!

    It is my earnest prayer that the Coronation’s Biblical titles that His Majesty was crowned

    with will, to the contrary of what has been misrepresented and misinterpreted, bring us, a

    people who were in darkness into the light of life. It is my prayer to the Most High that

    through His amazing Grace and love in Christ Jesus that His Majesty chosen by Yahweh, as

    the Elect of God, (not of himself) will eventually bring us into the

    knowledge of the true “Light of the World”. As one of our Rastafari-

    an patriarchs the Hon. Mortimo Planno, had so eloquently and right-

    ly put it, after returning from an eye opening mission to the “real”

    Ethiopia in 1961; “Rasta, you gwine see you Church and deny it

    like Peeta!”

    It is by the preservation of the Davidic throne in the person of His

    Imperial Majesty, with these titles, that we have been resurrected

    into this marvelous light leading us back to the real historic Jesus of

    Nazareth, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the World.

    Jesus, Yeshua is the man through whom God will Judge the World;

    He is the Son whom the Father has set down at His right hand

    UNTIL he has put all enemies under His feet.

    Lastly but not the least we who claim affinity to Ethiopia must look carefully and prayerfully

    into the mystery and purpose of Jesus Christ. The concept of a suffering Messiah proph-

    esied in Isaiah 53 Vs 4-12. has always baffled the Scribes of Judah and students of

    the Bible. Even to us, such a Messiah, a suffering and crucified Lamb of God, in-

    stead of the picture of a conquering Lion Messiah, seemed less desirable. Isaiah 53

    describes him as the rejected Messiah. We were also directed to this chapter by His Imperial

    Majesty in His speech on the Bible when he said:



  • “…no doubt you have all read how

    Phillip baptized the Ethiopian Offi-

    cial. He is the first Ethiopian on rec-

    ord to have followed Christ, and

    from that time onwards the word of

    God has continued to grow in the

    hearts of all Ethiopians”

    This meeting of the Ethiopian and Phil-

    lip is recorded in Acts of the Apostles as

    the Ethiopian read from Isiah 53. Easy-to

    -Read Version (ERV)

    “Who really believed what we heard?

    Who saw in it the Lord’s great power?[a]

    2 He was always close to the Lord. He grew up like a young plant, like a root growing in dry ground. There

    was nothing special or impressive about the way he looked, nothing we could see that would cause us to

    like him. 3 People made fun of him, and even his friends left him. He was a man who suffered a lot of pain

    and sickness. We treated him like someone of no importance, like someone people will not even look at

    but turn away from in disgust.

    4 The fact is, it was our suffering he took on himself; he bore our pain. But we thought that God was punish-

    ing him, that God was beating him for something he did. 5 But he was being punished for what we did. He

    was crushed because of our guilt. He took the punishment we deserved, and this brought us peace. We

    were healed because of his pain. 6 We had all wandered away like sheep. We had gone our own way. And

    yet the Lord put all our guilt on him.

    7 He was treated badly, but he never protested. He said nothing, like a lamb being led away to be killed. He

    was like a sheep that makes no sound as its wool is being cut off. He never opened his mouth to defend

    himself. 8 He was taken away by force and judged unfairly. The people of his time did not even notice that

    he was killed.[b] But he was put to death[c] for the sins of his[d] people. 9 He had done no wrong to anyone. He

    had never even told a lie. But he was buried among the wicked. His tomb was with the rich.

    10 But the Lord was pleased with this humble servant who suffered such pain.[e] Even after giving himself as

    an offering for sin, he will see his descendants and enjoy a long life. He will succeed in doing what the Lord

    wanted. 11 After his suffering he will see the light,[f] and he will be satisfied with what he experienced.

    The Lord says, “My servant, who always does what is right, will make his people right with me; he will take

    away their sins. 12 For this reason, I will treat him as one of my great people. I will give him the rewards of

    one who wins in battle, and he will share them with his powerful ones. I will do this because he gave his life

    for the people. He was considered a criminal, but the truth is, he carried away the sins of many. Now he will

    stand before me and speak for those who have sinned.”



  • 13

    The Ethiopian official was also baffled as he read these passages as he journeyed from Jeru-

    salem where he had been to worship. This was believed to be approximately three months af-

    ter the crucifixion of our Messiah. The Angel of the Most High ordered Phillip the evangelist ,

    as recorded in the Book of Acts Chapter 8 Vs 26-36, to go on the Gaza road where he met an

    Ethiopian official returning from Jerusalem where he had been to worship. The Ethiopian

    was reading aloud from the scroll of Isaiah, the prophet. The Holy Spirit lead Philip to join the

    Ethiopian and to ask if he understood what he was reading, as he presumably was baffled by

    what he read in the passage in Isaiah. This is the very passage that the Jews and even many

    Rastafari brothers and sisters have not reconciled in our hearts, even to this very day. The

    Ethiopian replied; Acts 8 Vs 31-34.

    31"How can I," he said, "unless someone explains it to me?" So he invited Philip to

    come up and sit with him. 32The eunuch was reading this passage of Scripture:

    "He was led like a sheep to the slaughter, and as a lamb before the shearer is silent,

    so he did not open his mouth. 33In his humiliation he was deprived of justice.

    Who can speak of his descendants? For his life was taken from the earth."[e]

    34The eunuch asked Philip, "Tell me, please, who is the prophet talking about, him-

    self or someone else?" 35Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture and

    told him the good news about Jesus.

    The coming on the scene of a man born on the 1st of November, has

    done wonders to bridge the Gap in the understanding of the im-

    portance of His Imperial Majesty’s Coronation. This is the coming on

    the scene of The Prophet Gad, Vernon Carrington, who founded the

    Twelve Tribes of Israel in Kingston Jamaica. He encouraged us to read

    the Bible from Genesis to Revelation a chapter a day, and we would

    find truth for ourselves. He told the brethren that there was no other

    name given whereby we must be saved but by the

    name of Jesus Christ and enshrined it in our official

    greeting. He pointed always to the words of His Maj-

    esty as it pertains to the Bible and Jesus Christ.

    In concluding, the significance of the Coronation to

    all has been elaborated upon. The Most High has

    anointed His Imperial Majesty , “Instrument of The

    Power of the Trinity”, the 225 descendant of the

    House of King Solomon , as His Elect, in restoring us

    to accepting the Faith of Abraham and the eternal

    truth that there is but One God and One mediator

    between man and God; the man Jesus Christ.


  • 14

    His Imperial Majesty bore the titles of

    Defender of the Faith, and leader of the

    most ancient Christian nation. In re-

    searching His utterances he always stat-

    ed that He followed Jesus Christ and en-

    couraged us to do the same. We will

    never find salvation and peace until we

    repent and every knee bow and confess

    Jesus, as he did, as Lord and Saviour .

    In honor of Their Imperial Majesties

    86thh Coronation Anniversary I conclude

    with his words and significant advice to

    all who seek to follow his example.

    …The love shown in Christ by our

    God to mankind should constrain

    all of us who are followers and disci-

    ples of Christ to do all in our power

    to see to it that the Message of salva-

    tion is carried to those of our fellows

    for whom Christ Our Saviour was

    sacrificed but have not had the bene-

    fit of hearing the good news.

    …Therefore, O! Christians, let us

    arise and, with the spiritual zeal

    and earnestness which character-

    ized the Apostles and early Chris-

    tians, let us labour to lead our

    brothers and sisters to Our Lord and Saviour Jesus, Who only can give life in its full-

    est sense.

    All Glory, Honour, Power, Praise, Wisdom, Riches and Strength be to the Most

    High who rides upon the heavens by His name JAH. (Psalm 68Vs4 ) Amen.

    Your Co- worker in Christ Jesus,

    Karl Phillpotts Naphtali.

    First Edition November 2012

    Second Edition November 2014.

    Third Edition November 2015

    Graphics and photos supplied by bro Adam Simeon.