By Jason Shu http://www.google.com.sg/imglanding? q=cemetery&hl=en&biw=1020&bih=576&gbv=2&tbs=isch:1&tbnid=LaJ4fI omwnIciM:&imgrefurl=http://www.flatrock.org.nz/topics/ new_jersey/evergreen_cemetery.htm&imgurl=http:// www.flatrock.org.nz/topics/new_jersey/assets/ cemetery_overview1.jpg&zoom=1&w=1024&h=768&iact=rc&ei=b7KuTJWiO JnEcIeF_JcN&oei=b7KuTJWiOJnEcIeF_JcN&esq=1&page=1&tbnh=113&tbnw =151&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0 C ontinue

By Jason Shu

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C ontinue. By Jason Shu. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: By Jason  Shu

By Jason Shu http://www.google.com.sg/imglanding?q=cemetery&hl=en&biw=1020&bih=576&gbv=2&tbs=isch:1&tbnid=LaJ4fIomwnIciM:&imgrefurl=http://www.flatrock.org.nz/topics/new_jersey/evergreen_cemetery.htm&imgurl=http://www.flatrock.org.nz/topics/new_jersey/assets/cemetery_overview1.jpg&zoom=1&w=1024&h=768&iact=rc&ei=b7KuTJWiOJnEcIeF_JcN&oei=b7KuTJWiOJnEcIeF_JcN&esq=1&page=1&tbnh=113&tbnw=151&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0


Page 2: By Jason  Shu

Just as you hide behind a rock, a zombie appears out of nowhere. He is holding a bunch of human heads in his hands. The heads are filled with terrified expressions.a). Scream of terror.

b). Stay Quiet.

c). Wish Barney was here.


Page 3: By Jason  Shu

You are in a cave. But the entrance has been blocked by killer pumpkins. It is Halloween and it has made them come to life…a). Go deeper into the cave.

b). Sit there and wait for the pumpkins to eat you alive

c). Get a machine gun and start trying to kill the killer pumpkins.



Page 4: By Jason  Shu

You are now officially dead for cheating!!!

Restart Adventure

Page 5: By Jason  Shu

Barney shoots you in the head with a shotgun.

You are dead.

Restart Adventure

Page 6: By Jason  Shu

The killer pumpkins eat you alive.

Restart Adventure

Page 7: By Jason  Shu

You walk deeper into the cave. But then, you see a Vampire Bat.

a). Try to kill it.

b). Go back the way you came.

c). Stay there, paralyzed in fear.


Page 8: By Jason  Shu

You have somehow managed to save yourself from everything you have seen. Now, what will you do?

a). Try and cheat.

b). Go home.

c). Plant pumpkin seeds.


Page 9: By Jason  Shu

You take out a knife and kill the Vampire Bat. But suddenly, you see light.

a). Run towards the light.

b). Hide.

c). Run back to the pumpkins.


Page 10: By Jason  Shu

The zombie sees you and then, rips your head off and adds them to the collection.

You are dead.

Restart Adventure

Page 11: By Jason  Shu

Suddenly, just as you are giving up all hope of coming out of this alive. The killer pumpkins turn into angels and start singing Christmas Carols.a). Faint.

b). Run.

c). Hide.


Page 12: By Jason  Shu

The angels revive you, but just as you wake up. The angels turn into vampires.

a). Run in terror.

b). Run for fun.

c). Start planting pumpkin seeds.


Page 13: By Jason  Shu

The zombie walks away, you keep walking. But then, you see that the killer pumpkins have caught up with you already.a). Give your self up.

b). Run for your life.

c). Try and cheat.


Page 14: By Jason  Shu

As you enter the corridor. The door closes with a gigantic SLAM!!! You are trapped. But there is two ways into the corridor. Left and right. You hear moaning sounds on the left. But nothing on the right.a). Try and cheat.

b). Go left.

c). Go right.


Page 15: By Jason  Shu

For some weird reason, you have been teleported to a cemetery. It is empty. But you also know your way home from here. But there is a eerie green light shining in a open corridor leading into the underground world.a). Run home.

b). Go investigate the corridor.

c). Try and cheat.


Page 16: By Jason  Shu

You have made the right choice to run. Just as you start running, a bunch of zombie heads pop out of the ground and want to eat your brains. And they are very hungry.a). Run in terror.

b). Play Halo.

c). Hide from the zombies.


Page 17: By Jason  Shu

You go right. But suddenly, you see those Egyptian bug things crawl out of nowhere. In seconds you will be their midnight snack. And it looks like they missed dinner.a). Scream.

b). Give yourself up.

c). Try and cheat.


Page 18: By Jason  Shu

You go left. You see the source of the moaning sound. It is a broken radio. But then, suddenly, the tunnel starts to collapse. a). Start singing Barney’s theme song.

b). Try to run for it.

c). Scream really loud.

Page 19: By Jason  Shu

For some weird reason. Your scream has become mega loud. And the roof flies off its roots immediately by the super sound waves. But then, you see a pack of half zombie, half werewolf things. And they look hungry for blood.a). Try fending yourself off with a shotgun.

b). Shout “Barney is awesome!”.

c). Start planting pumpkin seeds.


Page 20: By Jason  Shu

You somehow manage to kill all the monsters. But you have been bitten by one of those things. You are poisoned. You need help…FAST!!!a). Try to cheat.

b). Give up all hope.

c). Scream.


Page 21: By Jason  Shu