\ - - . '. Pllbliahed, by GEORGE B. UTTER. "THE SEVENTH DAY IS THE SABBATH OF THE LORD -- VOLUME XXI.:...:::NO. 15. WESTERLY, R.1., FIFTH-DAY, APRIL -13, 1865. = 1111 JaDuTa Ittor,,".. trom your own stand point, that the Gehenna., and Tartaro8, signifying can kill men with the seCond death. and of shoqld give over Bo.ever, tb4t after purcha8e ; but, and wide,' 110· &111& 'lit ... plnll8ge of their revenue .. ije , __ expense, procore, as -' . d' ,,! " "",0" .. an erlDa: oJ OW. tbat no Chriltian remain mi-. ' j;' erably p<!0r ; few ricb men, I (tat, or .6., afe or will be tholl persoaded, and . tbp.ir daily actions &bow as' much.- Oh'illinguJorth. Amherst Collego •. of, &be UNDER THE OROSS. 1 oannot, oa.nnot.say, . Ont 'Of my brUIsed and heart_ Storm·drlven along a. thorn-set way, While blood·drops start From every pore, as [ drag on- "Thy WIll, 0 God, be done I"; I thought, but yesterday, My WIll wa, one with God's dear will ; And tbat It would be sweet to say- Whatever ill My h"}/pv .tate 8hould8mlte upon- • Tby wlll, my God, be done I" " ., Bnt I was weak and wrong- Both weak of so1l1 and wrong of heart And pride alone in me W&S strong, ' With cunning art To cheat me in the golden sun, To .ay," God's wlll be done!" - 18'31. thus writes rroro'tJij i \ I, 'I! (l , 8 on: '

by GEORGE B. UTTER. THE SEVENTH DAY IS THE SABBATH …Vol+21+(1865)/Sabbath+Recorder_1865_21_15.pdfTHE SABBATH RECORDER, APRIL 13, 1865. I.et ns not mistake the timet! io the st.rt,

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Page 1: by GEORGE B. UTTER. THE SEVENTH DAY IS THE SABBATH …Vol+21+(1865)/Sabbath+Recorder_1865_21_15.pdfTHE SABBATH RECORDER, APRIL 13, 1865. I.et ns not mistake the timet! io the st.rt,


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-~-. -- -::-~-::: ====r=;;=-~=========::::;:;::::::::::::;:;::::::::::::;:;::::::::=================::::;:;::::::::======~==#=====:::::::::=:=======~~ VOLUME XXI.:...:::NO. 15. WESTERLY, R.1., FIFTH-DAY, APRIL -13, 1865.

= • 1111 JaDuTa Ittor,,".. trom your own stand point, that the Gehenna., and Tartaro8, signifying can kill men with the seCond death. and of hea~TeJ). w'eH~OlI:la shoqld give over Bo.ever, tb4t after purcha8e ; but, and wide,' 110· &111& 'lit ... plnll8ge of their revenue pr()ve~b .. ije , __ expense, procore, as -' . d' ,,! " "",0" !\'m~ .. an erlDa: oJ OW.

them~ tbat no Chriltian remain mi-. ' j;' ~~t:~:~:=~)~;;il'i erably p<!0r ; few ricb men, I (tat, ~DIII0El or .6., afe or will be tholl persoaded, and . tbp.ir daily actions &bow as' much.- ~v. Ald~ q:rpa~ .,tl",~"~.i,*,U·o.i Oh'illinguJorth. Amherst Collego •. of, &be

UNDER THE OROSS. 1 oannot, oa.nnot.say, .

Ont 'Of my brUIsed and bre~klng heart_ Storm·drlven along a. thorn-set way,

While blood·drops start From every pore, as [ drag on-

"Thy WIll, 0 God, be done I";

I thought, but yesterday, My WIll wa, one with God's dear will ; And tbat It would be sweet to say­

Whatever ill My h"}/pv .tate 8hould8mlte upon­

• Tby wlll, my God, be done I"

" ., Bnt I was weak and wrong­Both weak of so1l1 and wrong of heart • And pride alone in me W&S strong, '

With cunning art To cheat me in the golden sun,

To .ay," God's wlll be done!"


18'31. thus writes rroro'tJij i \ I, 'I! (l ,

8 on: '

Page 2: by GEORGE B. UTTER. THE SEVENTH DAY IS THE SABBATH …Vol+21+(1865)/Sabbath+Recorder_1865_21_15.pdfTHE SABBATH RECORDER, APRIL 13, 1865. I.et ns not mistake the timet! io the st.rt,


I.et ns not mistake the timet! io the st.rt, to coptribut~ IIOmething could hav~.11 the mhaviogs.he w.nt· *100. For thill .,d nomeronl 'ltber cro~ the armll of the Unil~ IILtGIOU. IJTlLLtGBJOB, whl'ch we II've, nor be iodift"ereDt to .nooally towards keepIng up the ed by gOIDr after tbem, I. by no kindoe'lIel I feel yery grateful aud St.tell. the war for the .uppreeelon Gl dOli f ' I Pblt- i1 I 'L . I At' 'f t' k d b II' t tb r.r 0 e ei' .' _e pul& b . b . ,- for good 'wbich paper, and are qolte willing to do meanll an e~cePtJ.o~a one. gre& unworthv of sncb notice. Th" pre- 0 • moe WIC e re e 100, Jor e b ." b d 4 ·.t ."11 -;r

1 WlirrlR~, I. i., n"a.nu, APq. 18, 1866. t e mIg ty Impu",es. . . many donatlou Vlsltli now-a.daYII .re •.. "oear pro.pect of peace, and for the ~ .. e uo re .. al .. y. flIe ,pI&" begin to domioate io the heartl! of so. .Bot It llee~1! t~ os uowlde. to condocted on just this principle, of sence of my friends In oor own bome opening wbich i8 made by the eX' plls. each of wholll c<llt~ ,lJ!IIe \ hua·

Geo. D. l1tte ... EcUto... meo. Romaoity struggles hravely contloue a pobhcaJlOn of tbe ·kmd giving a little, andestimat.ing it at a cbeered our hearts. May God,bless tiaction of ala"ery, for the dift'uioa ~8s~.th' eighty doll.1'8 a 1I.rl~"


i &: up to liberty i 'Prejudice yieIdll to unlesll there is a manlfel!t demand bigh price. us all, and revive his work is my of Cbrlstiaoity in itll true epidt, &II ud ' .;::: :erl 01l1~1 'WO ill"'~ 'l'1l1I W.lI IEWS. 'IW' reason j IIlavery soccumbs to free- for it. Wbethpr such a demand ex- If tbe mini~ter il a gentlema.n! as humble prayer. ' ~. K. a relIgion of love, mercy and univer· tb .... COIII

nl 't~VheiJ~,!D,f! a., .:.~a.d't ~~ Tbe:~,~-;;;wi'.e pri'nt 'tht:~, ' 'k dom " and mao shall yet be man, illts Is the qoestion we ~ball ba,e to of cO,arse be IS, .nd at all senSItive, sal liberty. d Ii.... Th II p°lle .... r

uu I.':'""I""\'

d'lL ,~ , . he WIll nl't be tronbled so moch at .0 _"",-. e um r 0 app Icat o~ will tbrlll e."y he.rt, aua:"" rodace The shacklesllball fall from his limbs, settle ID the coorse of a mnnth or the 8mallness or the donatioo as at APRIL 14TlI. 111 increwwlbg, on accrlont of orpha •• ' In tv&r;\Jq.i:-r.otlit. 'coDotry emo. the manacles from biB bands i the two. Meaowhile we should be "rad the spirit in wbicb it i. giv~o. It The Utb day of Aprj}. is likely to (JOJ(PLIJ(ENURY PRE8I:NUTlON8 AND age prod~",~, me W,!.'· , , ti .. ,oJ, ""'Ioad ... d \hallbgiviog. iron of bondal(e IIhall go out of his of any Buggelltioas 00 tbe Bubject. makes him -d«;peodent, whereas be CELEBR.lTlONS bave had ao extr.ordi ~ore than "'ra,~ I!,f"~ !l00,Ooo'

I , bt tb looT, and he sball go fortb, .. redeem- oogbt to be independent. It puts be. a marked day in tbe . calendar of nary run this season. Bot WI have wbloh .the .Uplt.rl.n ...... tal,III, fj)f A .,;_,Ie, ,weelt hu, broag us e ed, reg&oerated, dillenthralled, by "DOJATlOJ VIBITS." ~im io the ligbt of & beggar, receiv- thiS C9notry: Tbat belDg thll day read of nooe which lleemed to UI denoUIIDatlop.l 'P!'~.L .... 1'1 II· .. r' ; nts "Peterl 109 from hi, people all a gift wbat on whlcb Major_Anderson was 0000' more appr~pr'late tban tbat to John readr ~ lubllerl . Tbe 1.r..,.,\, 1UI'n'"'' anpoaDceme, • the irre-istible genioe of oniverll&l As the seasoo is nearly past for b b ~. I J t tb ted b 7 ~ 1--Q ~ aa laIr yearned and is hill rigbt. pelled to baoI down tbe stars .nd p' r t tb ltd' ~om con r u 7.ao Ou", 1100 " • ." b~tlr') 'I. 611r. 1 Ric1imo~, ill ours! em.noipation." what are called" Donation Visits," HUI work il neyer done. He is with '. F S . 1861 Ie pon, e ve eran poe an pl<r III that of *10,000 'glfto by Be" tir.)

1" Wh f' d h II be bib d . I .. d'f 'I'· ~ple Sabbaths and -eek day., stripe!!. over. ort amter, 10 'neer emancipationi~t, on having He~wor,\b'1Ii ..... \t. 'Wharcli of "" .. , LII '"0 RII AIIIt 'BI OUBII at Sucb, my rlen s, sat e ye - DO 0 Y can be senous y IDJore I U Q "P d L I h d d h h d h r·"· 'l"v

• sharlOg their J'oys and lightening res, ent IDCO n as or ere t e reac e IS eightietb birthd.y. Tbe UOlty.) In Boeton. .0 d08'" I, ~.D',

re-"'-:';''''': "'00,.'''''.' , reheilio '~.' lre.dv low·ripe fruit that s.hall baog on tbe we give a little space to the discus- ffi t "t . tb t parlor f U Cb I H'" d b h 1I1I _.- ... ' ... 111. tbeir Borrows, and wbatever be get~ same 0 cer 0 raise I agaID 011 a s 0 !Ur. ar "s . aOrlle, tertalne . t at t e 'eDtlre IUIII " ~ b& crlUd6lini,' .nd' will' loon filII. 'Tbe gospe~ tree" growlDg tall, green, sion of tbat time-hooored iostitotion. be more than eacos. It Is not day of 1865. Two steamsbip' were formerly of Cambridgeport, with fortboomlDg.

I" ~.. ,. • beaotlful, on the very spot wbere Perbaps we are not as well qualified stranl{e, under sucb circumstant'es, to take passengerll from New York wbom Mr. Pierpoot now resides, The oldelt citizen of N~w nueD,' ~~~ ,!C :,~I~",I h~ell ; .nd now that It .. tbe axe laid unto th .. root" of some aa we miabt be to speak on tbe .ob" tbat minimterl preach so maoy dull _re hauds"mely ornamented witb Coon., recontly died .t the .. - or "8 , . ... 10 Charle~ton to witoe8s tb, cere- natlooal flagB a p . t t'-- ""8", "

II relleyQd of tbe iacubul of slavery, deadly upall, bas hurled down the ject, for a dooatioo visit has never sermons, aod often appear langoid db' '\1 d fl' p r}opna e mo """" yearl. Tbe oldest m.n DOW IiYillg • aod opprelliled. Let any man im- mony j aod no ou t It WI be a an rare uwers. 0 tbe evening, tbere is tbe YeDerable Rey. "eremlab it .11 nO',.!lnreuoD", ble to ewpeot for camberer of tbe ground. Such,.11 been indicted upon us, and we bave " Mr PI'erpont t Id th t ' tJ , I;' • agioe bow he would fJel if he should stirring time, whe" all tbe wrts' was 0 a & .ew D.y, ex-prlllllident of Y.le 0011.,

, it. de,. oC p~perity and perma. God is true, shall be tbe fate of not enjoyed very large opportuoities work hard and coostantly at bis pro- wbicb fired on Sumter sbaH salute frieods bad called, and on entering at present in bia ninety-tblrd yelr. n~Qqe ",hieh t~e 1D0st lIanguine wrong, in the gl~rioull fulloess of tbe to observe tbe practical workiog of fession, and yet be dependent on tbe again tbe identical flag which was tbe parlor to greet tbem, he was Tbe New Hnen Journal pubU,hes a

, "I.' .. gospel dispenllatIon. such visits. Still, we have· seen good natore of bis employer for tbe b led d h b dd r b entirely 8urprised. Ooe presented list of 21 o(ber pefllonl \I .. \nl tbere' """'Id..... .. ve.re t h t au own at t e i ing: 0 t e him witb a gold watch, anotber witb ' "".. _. I .. " pu ... e an ICI· Tb h I Id h II ., . enough to satl'sty U·, tbat they bave means of II'VI'og and he can 'eel at all malell -bo are eighty ye.l'II of " : "'.. e woe wor .II a rejOIce m" ," rebels. Among tbe passengers in a valoable cane, and anotber with a ' .. p~, ~ God be pr&lled. the peace it sball bring out of all tbe tbeir disadvantages as well as their once the minister's situation. It is the natiooal ves~els ordered! to go large photographic albom containing age .nd up".rd.

,', J I' strife that now sbakes the earth. a~antage~, aod to lead os to q oes- not a very pleasaot pro~pe?t ~o bring tbe portraits of old B08ton friends Doring tbe ye.r 186' there wu , m ,u'''D _Ute' OOVO'WG . h b h f d bom~ t.o ou~selve~, but It 18 J.u~t the from New York to Charleston, were and parishioners. B.t tbe mo·t added to tbe fund.ofTrinl~olle.e, . " ' , , IIVV .104..... IUD. Tbe sky II! J'ust bey'ond the cloud, tlon w et er t e ormer 0 not ex- d tlOll ID whICh Y IDI ter8 H W d B h f v d .. lUI " _I .. ' con I man m s enry ar eecher, t e drator 0 valuable ...ift w,.e a large portfolio Hartfer , tbe sum of .J..... ~ a'"

...... "..' .. ,.liarImMd.II_ln lb. Sev .. lb·day and tbe sun wal'ts to send down hl's ceed the latter. On the one hand, it work from yejr Co year and wheo LI d G "-. be • f th I t Rev Dr b:!:' ~CIjIl"'IJ(IItIlb,IVII.,lIatch26lh.l866. . ' the day, and William oy arrison filled with a.ntograpb letters of con-. quOll.o e. e .. •

. {f,'1 n_.I>.LU'--. blazing glory when the tbunders of lIeeme to us tbat any thing which im· they begm to grow old, or tbe pe<r G F f N Y k gratulation in poelry und prose from on, amounting to .20,000, h .... 10 _ pIe get sick of tbem, they arp throwo overnor enton, 0 ew or, ~ become .. vail.ble. Other dOD.tiolll

\ 'I'Ne.6,I'.',liuce the world begao, did Ihe conflict sball rift the clood. Not presses the people tbat the minieter 'd -th rttl r has Isued tb" following proc\$lDation, Samner, Wil.ou, Mfli. Sigourney, I' b

b . is tb r th i ddt asl "WI as I e compunc Ion as Wbittier, Wood, Dana, Holme@, of cODllder.bly .m. Ier .moun.. .,e \ ,'I"b" ali~ _I, rODg, .trlpped of all aide the les8 .hall trntb triump In our 0 e an f,II n cpen en mao, a worn 0 t t . t' tb d f th F t S . bee _ .. .. ' ':"' d . h k f . u gar men . appolo Ing e ay 0 e or om· Wbipple, and other promineot an IikewllIe n m .... e. I',;"U.', ..... e.ID .0 de-olly a conal'ct country, aDd in tbe world, beoauBe Olog a wort y wor , or wbicb he Minister8 ought to be treated like I b t' d f h 10 Le I " ...... IIU U • ter ce e ra IOn as a ay 0 I an s· tbors, witb otber letters signed by ,ID M.aacb\Mdt8. the g It.ture

i. I. :"aged in oor, time and in our for a little we have is entitled to an adequate Bupport, is ~en .. Tbe time bas gone by for con giving: Moses Williams, Gardner Brewer, 'is oonsidering the propriety IIf ba,-dry. aad n6ver did wrong re- "To walt beoeath Ihe furnace blast. burtfnl. 00 tbe other hand, any sl.de~mg tbem a class' separate ~od .. Ricbmond has fallen. 'The wick. William W. Clapp, and otber "solid iog the election llermon delivered i.e .' mor& stunning blow; than N'Jtb;af::':I;ld~fun~~:~~t thing whicb impresses tbe mioister dlstloct from tbe rest of homaDlty. ed men wbo p:overned tbe 8<rcalled men of Boston!' All old differences in the Reprellent.tivell' H.U,-,iblltead Od iod bra"!! men have made reo And mould anew a nation." that he bas claims upon the people Tbe1t~ave thet:ame t w;ats au: ~t Confederate States have fled their of opinion were forgotten, and doe of in tbe Old Soo,b OblJrcb', til ..

, d b h db" . . cess es as . e res 0 as, all e capital, sborn of tbeir power a.od in- bonor was paid to the poet, the priest, avoiding tbe m.rcb, witb ,be ':t' rt "":'u",nd !l,n 'the gUI'I'y h' e.d of slovery, Who: li1Ji1lg now, cau. ou t t. e over an a ove a .au compensation same Gleaol! WIll supply tbem Tbere d he ~ uu • .. . ., . . fiaence. Tbe rebel armies bave been Ihe emancipationist, and tbe temper· of tbe 1 Cadets,.n t I!U~ ut gllDdin" it to powder. Fearrnl be- final trlllmph of trutb? Who wlsh- for his work, is also burtful. Now IS DO O~J~ctlOn, of course, to makIDg defeated, broken anq scattered. and aDce reformer of" Auld Laog SYDe." dinoer at Parker' •• ~ ,he espe_ or vOlld .. - ..... eDt I'll 'be rigbteou's re- es to hitch his fortnnes to the giant it is a proper qoestlon, wbetber the yoar mIDI8ter a present, as yon would b f 'd bl b f h be' the State' , " r"""'" • any otLer friend, and the greater tbe t e orml a e c aracter 0 t e re .. .' tn'butlo·" -hleh' God' hurla baok on wrongs' wbich have come to J·adg· kind of visits onder consideration do I" tl t d V' U Su er pr-..... ted 10 tbe Unl' Y .. Q value of such a gift tbe better if IOn IS apparen y a an en, Ie- PnoGRlts& OF RELIGIoN IN TIIE UNITJI:O JIlr. mn VQcu ..

. tb'e' b.'.r'l o'C men In tbl'lI natl·on. ment in our day? The, Romans re- not produce these bortfol imprellsions you can aft"urd it. Bdt let him feel tory everywbere attends our banners, ed St.t.es Sell.le the memorl.l ~ the .., I'd . d P'd STATEs.-The increase of popnlation E 0 I -,.",. "'_... r " .... .i.~d, bsyodd p"recedeDt, I'S the Rerved for tbe WOfS. t criminals tq ,be in both. directions? If so, tbey that it is a free-will 'offering, a token au our armIes, un er rovi ence, xecutlve omm Use ,!l • ..., _no 0 \1._ ~ h t be d' d d of affection, and not tbat sometbing are rapidly moviog to tbe closiog' from 1800 to 1850 was not qoite Delegatel o.r the Atnei'ioaD 11,..1 .... ,

1II ...... h of "utb rell'gl'on humanl't race to lace Wltb a corpse, and oug t 0 Iscar e , or at least so Tb b b If r If " Id d hi· t ..... _-" tlOll _"" y whicb may be of no peconiary value scem's 01 tbe war. rong t e se - .oor and a ha 10 ,wbile Dring t e remonlltr.tlOg ara l1li. """'011 dutlag thelle four y~ars' of Btruggl~ die by incbes of the potrefaction in- modified as if possible to guard to bim is being forced on bim as a sacrifice and beroic devotion of oor same time tbe nnmber of evangelioal of ao am~ndment to tbe OUl~'lta'I01J w~", 't·.very.' 1f tbi., serpent has haled. Not less severe the fate against the supposed injary. of bis '1alary. Tbis is the ob- soldiers, tbe life of the Repllillic bas ministers, chorchee and commuDicant o~ t~e. UDlted St.tel reoOC'nl.1nl tbe bPU!Md,oUf Ileel •.. :we,,_in well .ftiord tbose wh, 0 choose the fortunes of our We bave lately oome across an ar- aI feature of donation visits, been savedU' a?d Ihe .int~gridty of tbe cbnrch members increased more 'tbao DIVInIty of Cbrlllt. . ~" ~ t' I 'tt bid fi t 00 -t present conducted 1'0 very many American olOn maIDtaIDe . - A meeting wu 'h61d in Dr. Hu" .".,~he, I\..r oUf,I'eel .1 0 • brul'sed I'ts country II men·haters. .. Ie e, wrl en ya ayman, an ra ~ - . . "ld I 18"2 tb .. ..... , _ w c n a.... places " the gifts are made to repre- .. In view of these IlDportant 1I~ne.o. n .. ere wam one, ton'e cburch, New York, on Tburto

, hM' It;w-nt DJ.,el' ~ite us again. , These are days .for ChrlslI"a.D1I to published io a "secolar" paper, sent a value which they do DOt pos. eveots, of the achievements of onr evangelical minister to every U3~ day evening, April 6tb, by tbe mla· , , c "SI)IiI(!tlmet truth works silentl take courage, to gird on tbel,armor which contains a great deal of wbole- sess, Imd are used for the payment noble armies and their galjaot lead iobabitants, coolltiog thcAlntire pupo· isterIl of tbe varioull ereedll aad I8cllt

, y. H' h L,,1' t th th . t d . . vr f th • d I' lation. In 18'55 there wa! one evan- d 8 '"I .-~ be .Dd ' DDleen', but, d~velopiog its aoe.w, trustIDg ~n 1m w 0 WIll gIve some ru on e pOID on er con- of jost dues for tbe liquidation of ers ; ID vIe (, e progreli'l' Il'la ell. . . . in tb.t city an roo"1n, ,lU£ t

" . t to tb ht Tb • ces that 8ideratioo. With that article we wbl'cb tbey 'are I·nsoffiel·ent. Tbe soppressiog the rebellioo,: Bnd the ~el.,cal mlolster, not mclodln.g ra- porpo.e of ooDllidering tbe nlloeelity lIIight .. wor". I'D the .ggregate, as VIC ory .e rill:.. e ,o.r , f h 1 I te b tb F d ", , . t d th b' . b very tbought ef paying a miDister encouraging prOilpects 0 ~ e ear y IglOu8 ac ers amoog e rleo s,: or organic uolty amoog Ob,le&iaulll th'" .DIID.lo'nl- of the ocean bOI'Id op Bre tor ChrIst and hamaDlty, .may 10 ro uce e su ~ect, presumIDg t at f b' 1 no loc I preachers a ng the Metb .. ,. ~ . h' h d d . och return 0 peace, t ere IS a great cause r.. rno t order to e .. angelitle tbe wqrld tbe'corlll reefs and illl.ndll, which en- seem few and small at aoy 8IDgie in doe time it will be farther dis· ~:on::' B~~~f3 br~~g~~el~l:sb of fur. rejoicing, tbanksgiving and ~~~s~ s~alif;:~ti060~" l~o~:~Jt:h~t;;: .Tb.e Uolversity or ObllcaJo h .. , I.r,- tl1'" contineots, and stud the g.lance j so are t.he .streamlets tbat cussed: sbl'me to tbe cheek of any man who praise. i wlthm t'Wo ye.rl reeei\'8d dODationa .~ ~,'" I pI do n the hili lId bnt yonder .. Tbere is a costom whlcb obtaios . ., I, Reoben E. Feoton, Governor ",as one evangelical cborcb member. ' , ,-tIM.n, or thOle of tbe land deposit r pew e ; II I' . ~Ishes to be thought bonorable or of the State of New York, do, there. to every 5 1·2 persons above ten amountlOg to .115,000,' of wb10b ;

t~h"e-I'r c-Ieare' OUI sl'II'CI'OUII and 'erru. the" father of waters" rl?, lis to the cVI~ertYI'eg8el.nnerNaeYw aEmoogOlagodr,eolglmOOa&kl.snOg ]ost. The prDper name for such a 'ears of a v " ,,$100.000 bave been ,e:l\lfn4ed Ie a , ,.. f proceediogis. cbeating; aod so men fore, issoe this my proclama.tioo, de- Y fget'h or 0ll:e to e elryt., 2..., buildlngll, and .'5,000 tot .. trouoml· ginoollllhieldl, too small to be seen ocean. Despise never the')t'ew, their minister a donation visit, or, as would consider it in reference to any signating Friday, tbe athl of April f:rst~ns 0 I e eoure pop tUb a lon- callnlltrDments. ,-IOp.rately by . the naked eye, yet io "OfG~~~;~:~I~~~} ~~':fu'r.e, ctbheaYraacrteerStobmeeytimhaevse claatellelyd !~osummtebde, one else but tb~ minister. Tb~re h~s instant (the day appoioted for tbe in ~h~slt~:l S~:;:s ~~ve;855 p:::: Dr. William J. Walker, wbOle ... ' .. t b 'Id' h While n .. ardcry the voices ~ been a great Improvement m tbls ceremony of raising the! United b f I' I b h sudden deatb iD Newport W" ebron-.... _ •• reea I! UI mg up uge or..n the univel'lle." snrprise visits. Tbese visitation8 te f d t' .. . b' tb States flag 00 Fort Sumt~r,) as a mem er 0 some evange Ica c arc. -, m;buutIlln* of limestone, flint and ., are osually made io the winter, ei- mat r 0 ona IOn VISlt~ WI~ 10 e day of thanksgivlDg, prliyer aod In 1860 more tban one-sixth of tbe Icled recently, beque.thed tbe lum 01 Iroll. Ai.in, &II If nerved by om nip. Gld may not give 1t Ul!, wltb mor- ther for the reason that tben tbe pea- past few years~ bot ~here IS stili r~om praise to Almigbty God for the sig. whole popolalion were members of $10,000 to the RedWood Library AI· o.-nce.' troth, right, oivilizatioo, tal eyes, to see the foil glory of that pie bave more leillure to attl'nd to for mOIfre'thespeclaIlYldlDbco°bontryl' bPadrlsbl' oal blea_ings we have rdceived at evangelical churcbes. TbislPoWS sociation of tb.t city .

• ,:id.o-r centuries in dec-oles, and, day uf triumpb,. wben .. all shall them, or becaose it may be sapposed ~s. tb .:y cld be e ~ 61 ~ t~ - His haods; and I bereby rdcommend tbat tbe cause of Christ is st_ily Willi .. m He.thoote Del ... 07, Ipia­• .. ... au know the Lord," aod rigbteousness that the provilliool in tbe clerical p~~;le erinl :o~~ resp:cts n~ban °one~ religioos societies of all denominrv advaocing,. and is increasiog in a copal Billhop of t~e di~ of Welt­

lilte torllado., gathering force as shall reign in the earth. But I tbaok larder are at the lowest .t this llea- .. nd the favorable resalt on tbe pock. tions to open tbeir places ot worsbip, f{eater ratIO thao the whole popula· ~rn New York, dIed lot bll t6IIiden08 tliey go, Ilpturn wrongs bo.ry with him lor wbat my eyell have seen of son of tbe year, and tbe mioisterial et and tbe seif,rellpect of the lDinis- and the people, abstaining from their on. In Genev.,.N. Y., on thel>lb of April. loge, 10nIP endured by • pasai,e peo- , h' I desb aod blood needs tbe protection ter, 'Would be almost beyond eSLi- 08nal avocations, to assem~le there- i\I' , · • tbis I!tri,e aod of t is trIUmph. f ts th th th d . d - b fIb .. THE METHODIST BOOK CONCERN At -pIe. BuC)h 11'&8 the stroggle of the 0 warmer garmen an e rea· mate." 10, an WIt grate a eart~ umle 10 .- WAR S OF THE WEEIt

caonot doobt for the futore. Pr<r bare textures in 'which it is custom- prayer aod praise to Him .ho has 80 the meeting of tbe New Eogland IlRANT. IImteeotb centDry, when man burst pheoy sball torn to history still, till ary to consider, and too often witl! ROllE JEWS. mercifully remembered ul1 in the' Methodist Conference beld in BostoD the fetterl af priestly intolerance, II b I k' d truth, that clergymen and their fami- bour f onr g atest n ed lind perl'l " ' a the prop elll saw, 00 IDg own IN 0 E P,E N 0 ENe E • 0 re e, . recenlly, tbe .nnaal exbibit of the ind, aQbi.,yed freedom to think, and th . t f h 11 b r d lies are clotbed. Witbout doabt, S· h ~ . '.

We announced IMt week, in brief, I tbe gioriou8 Rlchmo.4 b.d fallen. Tbill W~D)e"'D.ini burat. the doors anedvt'hSeaLoordasgbea~i ~eaack:o:~e~zgeed tbe spirit iD which donation visits The little cbnrch of Independence, - IDce t e oregomg w~s IU type, Book Conrern was prellented. Its

i d 1 te d II f were originated, was a right one, with wbl'ch I bave been A~nnected it is announced tbat Gov. Fenton asset8 are as' follow8: Real estate, moDMte, III an c OIS re ce so. II b' hIt' Th b d hid bl d . ~ report • IISriell of . m a 18 0 Y moon alU. oog an t e purpose ~o a e an Just. bas postponed tbe day of tbaoksgiv- 191,333 H; cash, $17,705 '0; mer· verll -g-I'nllt the booded 'lIIonlll, wbere It had long t tb t d f tb' Oor forefatber8 desired tbe regolar as its paBtor for ten years, is still io. A'I 2 h I fa. fle.~lnlrrl~be,I." , we may no see a ay rom IS 109 to Prl Oth, iu order 10 bave it c aIJdl8e and materia () printing .

I' ~n b'hDftl~!' .and Ibreatbbed ad Gnew side Jordan, tbere aw.its the faith mb!~isl~raltion8 of tb~ hgospeh.I'hbut they existence, and trying to sustain tbe on tbe day generally a,lCn..ted for office and bindery, $382,116 20 ; leave httle room to

b ..... t 0 he mto oog.a use er. '"' Itt e money WIt w IC to pay cause of the dear Redeemer, but not U;U1' te d b k I $16099" day. of the rehellion lore , ~.. d S' I d. S h fol a ~till more glorious delltiny on celebrating the recent victo. ries. no s an 00 accoDn 8. ," '

lD.ny,France,.n wltser an ac th th b ... a pastor, and they thtrefore furnished with that earnestoess whlcb tbe 95,;. ~tal asse&l, $652,U9 99 .. Li. With Grant in cloee pnrealt of teit, .' fl' fl' . eo er s o.e. him with the meanB of sopport by cause demands. Deatb and the war ablltHes, $105.1n12 05. Net caplt.1 wI'tb Sherman on tbe beell of .. ;,~ .... II,the COD 10' 0 .orcel m our tIme. .. Be"ond the bound. of tilDe and space, gl'vI'ng soch tbiogs as tbey bad. Tbe "" "

i . th d t ' h I I b d k d f h UlITARIAJ OONVEn'IOJ. stock, $5'''.117 9'. The profitll of . S i-

W •• re 11' tII81llng & grao es reo LOW~I~~-:~!f.~:ve;~::!pace, carpenter built bim a bouse; tbe Navel l"r ene many 0 our omee. A Conventioa of the Uunarian de- tbe concern for the eleven mODth. llton. wltb tone man n "ea~~1l ,,1 .. 1'01 religion since Latber borled 00 faith'. 8troDil eagle pinions rise, manufacttll:er supplied bim with ear y all ..r our yoong men enlisted ending November 30, 186', were North Carolina, .nd Tho .... In ,I ... ",'tbuadertioits agaiost the Vatican, Wl":d~~~~."fb~a:'S:::ttg/~~ie8. cloths to clothe himself and family; in the cause of freedom and of God, oominatiou was beld in New York 157,!i49 32. of whioh t.bere haa been Tenoeleee, with Oanb)' l"uookl61 " The 'demon of 'reallon, 'through' red. the merchant furnisbed him with bis and many of them reet in their lone last week, which was pre.ided over expended $38.526 29, leaving a bal- Mobile .nd W'i1sonlweeptor tbroacb

h k d ti ~ THE ' .. 'DBAT .... .sOROOL PAPER oecell8ary'stock of groceries, and Id' , d Id by Gov. Andrew of Massflochosetts, ance of. 119,323 03 to be added to Alab.ID' - the future'lD"at 100' ,-'lI.r" h.aded war. .s evo e oree •• or .. 4»'" . • the remainder of his congregatl'on so lers graves, an we wou not b I - U '" U •

d I d b I · b' h T b tb ~ M II tb f th . t t . Rnd was attended by more: tban foar t e capIta. I' I . good,.n org.D se c.r tIel, w IC wo num ers more- ose .or ay gave him foel and food, according ca em rom elr rel!, 0 experl' . • I to the rebe 8. otb,r-itlle mlgllt ba,e slulDbered"f"r ,and Jone-will complete tbe second to tbeir abilities or inclination8. ence agaio a conflict' with sio i for hondred delegates fromi different v All we have .tready 1Itated. tbe ClIIDtilrif.. It hy .roulled a nation, volume of The Sabbath &hool Paper. And in early times tbi8 was emioent- we know it is said, ., Happy are the parts of the coontry.· THE ELECTION IN RHonE ISL.um, on fOllr days of figbtlDi ill the ,io IDlt,. Well nlgb dQd 'With iDdift"erenclt to It.iII about time, therefore, for UII to Iy proper. The minister was treat· de.d wbo die io the Lord." Bat 0 Amoog the objecLs of tha Con'Ven- ~edoeBday of. last week, resnlted of the Southside n.i1road, colllllo.t-

be 1 t f b It Th d id th t" h th tb ed like enrybody else; for in tbe how desolate are our hearts aad tion, one was to call atteotion to the 10 tbe re-electIOn of the old State ed In • b.ttle on BRnaa,. Apr'II.Sd, t c. I 0 'ttmaD y. OUSBn II oons er e ques Ion w.e er ano - absence of money, barter was tbe . ~

b d h I h II b bl h d A d b ! B h II colleges and theological scbools nn· Offioers, and of Tbomas A JenckOll " 0 b CODnin at t e wrongs er vo ume s a e pu IS e. n only meaas of trade, and every omes owever, we s a soon go . which exteoded a100g Graa,'. eoUte doue the blac~ m.n, now IIhout, while we are consideriog it, possibly man p.id his just dues by the pr<r Lo them. Blessed thoogbt I God's der the charge of the Uoitariao de- a.nd N~than F. Dixon as Re~reeenta- line of IIOlDe twenty ml ..... ·.lId " .. "DowJl.wit~ the/oppretlllor I The ne- Bome of our readers would like to ducts of his farm or bis skill, children will all be there, and no .ominatioo, and to 8timul~e private tlves Ip Coogress. Mr. DIxon had every where f.~r.ble to our troop', ...... i 0/_ d he b Il h II know tbe leading facts connected Bot there is no such eJ:colie for slavebolders' war will ever disturb mooificence to endow tbemi liberally. 2.38' votes, beiog more tban donble On Sonday af'-;:S: Genera' L .... e"V • a m_, au s a ave a the dooation visits of to-day. The ' ... ., ""'"

ri h f "0 h '11 'th tb bl' t' th t th . tb . bl' A d f b h Aootber was, to arrange frL support- the vOte8 cast for Mr Bradford ID "' Ge I the' , ta"O • m.n. t ers IItl WI e pu Ica lOn, so a ey costom is one of those iostltutions elr IS8. n oar at ers, were U!< •• telegraphed to D. ' tb.t ner. clierteb ,tbe little' tyrant in their also may form an iotelligent opinion of tbe past, wbich has ontlived itl! are they? I look around upou my ing their religious new8p~ers, by Westerly, be had 29' votOll oot~~r Gr.nt bad rendered," IQrLbef hold. beart., call1nll it • prejodice, aDd in. upon it. times and nsefulness, and oogbt to congre"ation, and I see bot one left providing fonds sufficient; to eatab- 325. In Hopkinton, he had every jog of Riohmond bl hkll' hop_ble. '1Iltilig God b" declaring tbat he The SahbaJh School Paper wasstart. be ~ead and deceotly bnried. Bot of tbe male memberll wbo firet com- Iish them on a permanent r+ondation, vote bnt one. For the General All- Thil telegr.m ',11''' ~ad'''itlte cbareb·

I -~d I. "be b', I 'fi t d' J I 1863 t th it ill still retained, tbroogb the cu- posed the little flock. From my desk, and to combine, in conductliog tbem,@embly,WesterlyelectedJamesH'ell,andthe ,dep.rtn- -'*1"", ........... , j. p au..., •• re, 11' eo 1 s maDl es 'e JO u y, ,a e sngges- pidity of some, wbo tbink they cao d J E .v UI "'" ,.''''' " ..l:r.n the "'devll'l! own work. Thill tion of the Eastern Association, eo obtain tbeir modicum of religion I look npon our new aod beautifnl socb a variety of literary tkr.lent aDd Pendleton as Sen&tor,.n ohn . nellt rebele' Immedl.te1y oo{D~d p;ijadiOlf Itllt QOoe iD'. wblle Cropl dorsed by each of the otber Anocia- cheaper tbis way than any otber. It cemetery, aud see the white marble correspondence at borne and abroad RWeeden atnd. EdwinHG. kC.bamplioh all .nd wal coDtinued, tbtolllboat ~ oa'; I. dbttl to' d8grade bl.ck lDen tionll. Tbe price of it was m.de to is 11.0 imposition on tbe mioisterial monuments dotting this sacred spot, as shall make them interesting and epresen atltes. op !Dton c o~e night. Jell. DaY. hila, "lot .... lIt·' -blacker, tban their'abnsers and h.t- correspond (taking ioto account th.t profellsion, and it is. wonder tbey and eacb tells the living whoie dust attractive to readers of all classes. Wm. R. Green for Senator, .nd Wlt- o'olock on Sund.)' neo'o, for"DIF '

,'_7 ' ,,,_ lD'ddl I f tb to ) . b h bave borne with it 80 long as they I't covers. There are our ""thers. At a festival, given near tbe close liam L. Clarke for Representative. v'llle, Va., .nd it' t~ '''nde''!·-'' tha-tit _"I' ~ ~ I, e ayer 0 e we were pay postage Wit t Il have. It will be generally acknowl-" .... ..wvu • Ilin,. t.. immeuor.bl)' tbeir sope- price of a paper of the lIame kind edgsd, that ministers are none too We have tbreecborieters in tbe army, of the Convention, Rev. Dr. Gannett, the rebel goveru~e.t IrChi,.,. "ere don ill "",r1 elelllent of nobleness wblcb had formerly been poblillbed well remunerated, nominally, for bot it has not spoiled onr singing; of Boston, spoke eocouraglngly of MUSICAL FEBTluL.-TheH.ndel.nd llent to tb.t place .nd Milton, N.O, . • n4 'i.daltriou. m.nhood. Sucb by us. Wi$hin tbe first year. print- tbeir service i in fact, tbey are more we have an eJ:cellent choir, .nd it its resultl!, saying that it had di8· Hayden Society, of Boston, propoee OD the .pproaob cl Gen, Weltlel'.' 'P!'"'im. •. ~ of a defonct arl.tocraoy, ing paper doubled in cost, whicb poorly paid than any other 'class of performs its ptlrt 'Well, both in spirit tinctly settled foor things: Firllt-- to bave a grand mosica I flllltival, IIdrall1le on' )(ollda,.' ~Ibl; \hit -i'l." _.n, ,liD-r _I_D, the bilhwa" d th . d b k professiooal men: And when it i8 d d ta d' d th I The independence of tbe churcbes', commencing May 23, and continuing trooplI'were -et ~)(a"''''' "'·"0:"·· • ... 1 _ • .,.... , prove ra er a senoull raw ac coosidered, that many a poor an nn ers n 109, ao ey a ways ... UJ " .... ~ ... -01 pr ..... , ",viD, the ome pur- opon the prospectll of the paper. ter's salary is not paid io money, but bave a closing piece to fit the ser· Second-Individual Cbristian liberty six days. The deeign ie to have. otber le.dlng oitizenl of, al!lb~II4, pqie u tlie mOia-growD llii1e-etones We could have got along with tbill, in donations of tbiogs that other mon, if the sermon i8 io a sbape that of opinion; Tbird-Tbe emphatic class of 600, and an orchelltra of 100, "bo lorrendered it to tbtl'" I. III4I,:tIIt "'Id ,H.rtford' turnpike. bowe,er, and pnblished tbe paper people do not waDt or cannot ose, it a hymn can be fitted to it. If we avowal of the hilltoric nalDe of Uni- tbe latter to be made np from Boetoil boInmaod. On Teaohtns die .,,;1' T..:.!.. '-"ow ua h"w far we h.ve tr.v: ith 1'lttIe or 0 los 'f tb b . is a wonder bow they live, To tbe coold have preaching correspond in. tarians; Fourth-Tbe ac'knowledg. and New York, together witb tbe -_ .. 'oulld to be In •• - .... , ba,'''·, ~ ... v. w n 8, I e 10 scrIp' unl'nterested outal'de o"'--rver, I't I'll be t '1 bl I tit - th ... - " ......~ •. •

,-11 t' h d t' d ~ h d """ 'th" r wo h' Id ment of Christ the Lord and Sav. ionr 8 .val. e so 0 • en In e COon· b tl d b d f h .... 1 ... ,._i," ) lonll • con lOue .or t e secon amosiog to notice the spirit of self- WI our slDgmg, ou rs Ip wou try. The oratorloe to be performed een te y.or er 0 t. ~"" .\:1'\111. , 't it well, once in ~ while, to b.ve year &II tbey were for the first. But laodation which soone parisbes take be really lIoul.in8piring. Wby are &S the fouodation of their faith. are" Elijab," .. Cre.tioD," "MOBeII in Breckinriqe, Geoeral8heplet, ... 9

IOmethlll, r61111ind U8 oC wbat we such wall not the case. Some of the on after having made their annual CbrietianllllO ouwilling to sing, here Resolotions ~ere passed, recom- Egypt," .. Tbe MeRllab," .nd Xen· 11'0 .,pointed tiilikry Oo,eroor bt, ,,1IICf to &e. To han .n .bolition or churches wbicb _med among tbe visit. Tbey Beem to lIay : 'We bave in God's bouse of praise, when they mending th .. members of the denoml· delsllohn'a "Hymo of Praille." The Gellflrill Weit •• ,I ...... lateI'lIppileil

te .: bbsd Id most .nx,·oos to h.,e· a Sabbath. made oor lDinister oomfortable for a t t • h d I nation to aid In r.ising tllree fundI! occa8ion will Iikewille be the OOID' • r a, lllperanoe mee .. ni IDO • wou yeor to come, aod be ougbt to li,e if eJ:p8C 0 llOg so mac an eo oog memoration of tbe 50th .Dniver •• ry his etrorte to the extingUllbDlIlD.. , .. ...... ~ .... ~_ .. ' • .... T hid - h • of one bundred' thoul.nd dollarll ,.. ! .,.hwnwulnr .or ... 1. pnrpolle. 0 8C 00 paper atarte , fell of!' aIIton· any body can. Don't let bim be &Ilk. in eaven, of the formation of tbls ancient mo- tbe 11 __ ; but before tbey coil u.be .. lId • . b -ji h h' . b '11 h d . . 0 I h " ded " b each-one for tbe end'Owment of An- . 1 Th d '11 JIll • DelfO·po" np ID' e ort ar i8 IOgly In t l1ir lIOOond year's lIub. iDg for money tl t is ooatlOn JS ur peop e .ve .orw.r .or t e BICa society. e prooee m WI be ,nbd1lecl, pne-\hird 'Of \he oitl,_· GOruer ,of the g.lIer:y, to ahut our acriptions. For inlltaoce, the Shiloh di8posed of.' But to the recipient comfort of the lick and wounded tiocb Oollege i anotber for the an- eqoally' divided between tbe Society prllill, the OOIi...roi.1 portio&, 'Wil

,CIO\oNd'lbre'h~en up ia. wODld brinl lilt 11'&11 reiluced from 58 to 28 i 1st tbelle bouuties, the case is far from soldiers, lIioco J.o. 1,1862, between nual expenses of denominational op· and the Sanitary Comm!-sion. dest ..... ed. i.aDg tile '*'ta1IP· _L.... .. e . f.3- being a laugbable one. Not to men· erations i .nd tbe third to carry out ._" 1 ....... I memonel 0 uuwn,lIGBI. BroollfieId,from50to23j htAlfred tion the breakinIP ofhillfuroiture, nine.ndten hoodred dollars worth • burned,werethlt te,'bIII,'W, .. r,~'" T ... • _ ..... '" he" j. " the plans of the American Unitarian D·"TH oJ' B 8 h H . ""l'r--

I),_r ~ ~"., ........ eep1 m out from 65 to 'OJ MiltoD fr~m 1.0 to the lIoiling of hi. carpets. and the of lI.nitary Bupplies, aDd we are . - 'I8HOl'.- II °P. alD- meat •. P.OIl.Moe. ,.J'eIII·a,,1:11 .... t-'~ of ... ~nd IOClI!tiOll bo .. 'ing '0, &0. Of OOOrl8, we h •• e no f.ult 1I00riog of bis wife'll temper, by none the pourer for it. Association. The following reeolu· hne, of . the Metbodlet EpllCOp.t ment, '"& 011,,,.., : two _k., ,

, ~ I ,~.~~llDoe .Dd b.rotherhood, to find with tbe friendll of S.bb.th. tbrowing open bis bonlO to tbe whole My cburcIi aod society, and a few tions were .lso adopted: Cburcb, dIed on tbe 23d ult., lot 1I0unt .Dd' dine IIIW"""." 1'IJt ' •• , .... ttQG laoatecl theJr &lloeetore Ichool. iD tbOle pl,cea, for we willh co.n,rteeg.tlonhe·t th°nco, ... gre·tot mIank

y very dear friends, not members of our Resolved, Tbat we deell it neces- Plea8&nt, Iowa. He W&ll m,.n" yeara bri.s_ aerOlll J • .e. rl •• , ...... , .'ioO,. ' .... . 14 mlnUJ rll w n ey come 00 sary to the eJ:tension &nd triumpb of ".-- ..

":II' ..... ,- ~'a.or. W08 lImilld UI, them to .ct on their own judgmeDt OVer the' .rticles left, find them in lIociety, met .t my bOGse OD the the kingdom of God in our coontry ago a member of tbe ?hlo Oonler- dtlltroled. '(kllei'lll W,ei.llfll ;~tlt· ¥", ""'~' In, tbe .icld_of dI. nine- ofwl'l.t il belt Cor tbf!lrecboolll i but reality of only nomin.l value. aDd evening of March 18tb, .nd had a .nd tbe world, tbat there sbonld be ence ; !ohB~q?enty edItor of the ed I~and .rouDdalcib~~"'~"'t'· ' ~_~~t~ry, oI lMm'illlentl that we ,melltlon the f.cts, th.t allm.y discover tbat tbey .oppl~ none of ~is yery lIocial and profitable time-prof- ~cogoition, fellowship and c.o-oper. .W~ ChriBt1lJ~ .Adoocak, \ theD ed· drec!, pieoea 01, ... ,,",,,~ :;' ....... ,"

~ ~t . ~ dOlllll'.ted 10 our OOun- _ how things work, .nd.be pre- n!~Mary .W.DtI!. If It 1lI ••• urprllle it.ble to me i aDd the Bible 8&Ys it tlOn bt;tween .11 tb~ v.n~UII eIe- Itor of the LadlAJs' BepoBitory, .nd D4 d of ... 1· ..... · ... ' .. : t v, ... lOII,b& JI8I'PItott" III the pared f h te r I' Vllllt, he 11 dOllbly lIurpruJed : firllt, • bl----"" to 'y tb to meDtI ID our popolation wblcb are cbollen Bishop iD 114.4.," poeitioD·a •• n ' ... .ll.l ' ~ .. :

, , .' or 11' a .e CODO 01100 we th.t the people .hould oome lot ioU' III more......,.. gl e &4 re- prep.red to meet on the broad b . tbat be soon arter re.tgDed on ac- tb(la •• 1Id well "~ 'II~. ·~,o.~'"~ ,'\"I~l, tl ,011' 1IIIlt w1ckedeat ra- mily te.bh &II 10 tbe willdom of illllu- aDd when tbey come, th.tthe"shoutd cei .. s, .nd if 110, my friendll carried of Ubri8tianit:y-underlltood &8 f:~ count' of failing he.ltb.' WOUDded ~1,'Ib'4f8tJ. ",,;, h"" ,1",(,'

. ~,OI,,: ~~." Witbollt Ineb Ing another yolume. For our p~rt, ~e.ye &0 IiUIe. Tbe CMe in a town gre.t blellling. home with them. II in God witb 01, producing love to the " of C .... rat u ." .I'~" .• 'l~t"b.~, _tr.ta, 1'11- we are not auionl to continu.e the 10 WellarD V ... achulletta, ~~n ooe WMlIlanaged to get me .nd my wife Clod .nd lDaD ; and that we ~ ~re- GLUliU'R .rticle on tile "'Orlgia me_ ".p.o-

i :~ .. "liI,,,,~ In tbem~ piper, .nd lhoald he "" &Orry to °bfO tbeh• aI.OIt .wlleabl!~y C~I.hl~!der.. awa" from home iD the afternoon, fair I ed tbo. welcodme IUl(h. recognItion, .nd N .ture of the Sabb.th " iI oaf.. oD S·d1IIlI.,..l.:II\· ',I ,ft"" .,.. ...... to bow • 'f i i " ,ng. lID ... 0 ""ra -- d I h·e OWl Ip an co-oper.tlolL ' , ,> • . ' 0 10 I , ~ DO~ ~.Dted. Prol. baJ ~ ~fI.via~ .nd .th~t too when.. n our .bll8uce ollr onee w~ lleIolved, Th.t thil OonnDtioD ted tbil . week, bcc.~., ~Id .. ot ""'iMili~ ~=,~ .. '.. IIrtIa ~ from, It ha~ DO' been apected.t ,he mIDllter n .. ~ wltbm • atoDe'1 taken ~!on of, TheJ called It give IOlemn thaub to AI",ighty GOd fiod tilDe to p~p'are U. "~ __ i ..... it'l ro' •. iIfI • , ., I' .. ~1 \l1li. i lad"', 'We .x~ ., throw of • $arum, IDitl, where be •• urprqe YIII" .04 left (or our UIe for the IUCOlll wi~ w~ch b. bu 'Week it 'wW ,robUl.1lfl ,Ir, ,. "

Page 3: by GEORGE B. UTTER. THE SEVENTH DAY IS THE SABBATH …Vol+21+(1865)/Sabbath+Recorder_1865_21_15.pdfTHE SABBATH RECORDER, APRIL 13, 1865. I.et ns not mistake the timet! io the st.rt,

~ . l dl bit te d brave aod ,all ant oiBcerl and sol-bulance"." .to.,', tIle, I .r ~e dieis of yoor army for all time."

alii bel 80ldiers du.,rtiltg aod gOIDg t' "hen over the, "ound ao oppor- Half an hour later. t~? Secreta" boOle of War issoed the followlDg order:

luuity. I Graot immediately started .. ORDIRID, Tbat a .. lute of two Genera. f Y __ "a,herio'"' up bundred gooll be lired at the head

, ursolt 0 .......... .. ' f • d II P dl t.b to the qoarterll 0 every army pOlio an ar· iBooers, aod seo og em 1180al io tbe IT oited Statf>lI, and at

~ 18 he ad .... nced, 00 ·Toe,da.". the Military Academy at Wellt Poiot, ~d8Y after W Hilzel's b,lack 801dier~, -on tbe day of the receipt of this or· 1\1 cd Into Richmond. Gen. Grut der, in commemoration of the lor· \limp . If at WilIQD'1 Station reDder of Geoeral R. E. Let', and the ItPotted b\lll~. t Army of N ottbern Virginia. \0 Lient.

the southside Railroad, tweo y' General Grant and the army nnder oO,eo miles weet of Peterllburg. his command." 1/ . him and the Appomattox SHEIlIUN. Btt'lffCn. Id' t eed for the .,aa Sberid.n• r 109 ~ sP. . f The latest reports from Gen. Sher-

11 R ad while tbe ID antry . Diuyl a " , , I mao repreHent that hili army Willi under Ord and Mellde pre~sedB a ~og 'abont ready for a new campaign.

. I' straight ,or or"ell· . the rallw"y lIIe .' and they are doubtiesil In motion be-'11 On tbe &t b" a part of the Ar- I th' t' fI e. ' L lore IS Ime.

my of the potomac was at J3ur .. e8- HANCOCK. • lI1e. 6fty.tbree miles from Pet~r.., A IItrong column, under Gen. Han· borg, and a part at Jett~r@vI118. cock. started up tbe Sbenandoah Tbe latter, altbough tbey h, d been Valley. April 4th. with provisions marohiog and fighling for nearly a Cor a long maTch. intending to co· .,eek. moved promptly au tbl~ encemy, operate in the movements against

d t be at Arne la ourt . tben BUppose 0 Lee's retreatIDg army.


• . . ,


(jen Weitzel was appoiuted to tbe e6mmand in Rlcbmond. and took poMelsion of D.vie' hoase. to be used all headquarters. The interior of the bOUie presented the appear­ance of havin~ heen very hlllltily .abandoned. Everything is in line order aod good repair. Iboy of Mrs. Davis' little nicknacks and or· nament!! are yet to be foand on tbe mantles and bnreaus of her room.

On Tuesday, April 4tb. Mr. Lin­coln gave a pablic reception in the parlor of Jeff Davis' house in Rich­mond. A nnmber of citizens called npon him, beside the ofIicers of onr army and navy.

FUfURE 01' TlIE BEJELI. The pretent eruption of .Velluvins The New York E~ing P •• of inducell tonri,ta ~ eJ'p~ them.eel!el

. . ' to daoger to gratify theIr cunOllt,.. April 6tb. bu the (ollowlng sogr- One Englisbman bu been hit on the tionll as to tbe prOtlpectll of the rebel. head by a (ailing ltone. and a Frencll­for the foture : man bad his .rm broken by a rock-

gor flag now Boats in eyery bar. .. "! big l1li a piano-forte" he sl1d­bor of tbe Sonth eut of the Midil' which tbe angry volcano Bung at 8ippi. With Ri~hmond fell the last him. li. Palmieri. oft~e observatory seaport of the southern atates-for 00 the Ba.nk of. V~SUVIllII, fears that Mobile Bay is OUr8, thoogh tbe city the ernp~u)'o wllIIDcrease and prove may still be in rebel hands. "ery ~errons.

The rebel organization, driyen from It is annonnced tbat Garibaldi's its capital. exists now only in the danghterTeresita ha8jost given birth camp!! of Lee and Johnston; and at Caprera to a boy, wbo, by hill thol!e generalll, confronted b,. 8nperi· grandfather's desire. hllll been cbrill' or and victorions armies, have not tened Lincoln. in honor of the .. A.mer~ the wherewithal to rearm their ican President who has aboliehed troops or to clothe them. They may slavery." gather a precarious subsiste.n~ ,from A pice was lately cnt in Colebrook, tne conntry throngh ~hlcb they Conn., for the shaft of a big wheel for m~rcb.; but the collec~lOn of sop- a mannfactnring company. which phes. In regnl.r depots 18 no I?nger worked thirtY'8ix inches in diameter po~slble to the!'! ;. and ev.n then for· and twenty-six feet in length. Tbe agIng ground IS h~ely to be narrow· stnmp Willi six feet through . ed by tbe concentric advance of Tbo- A divorce soit bas jost been de­mas from tbe West and Hancock np cided in Kansas. Mrs. Cbloe Hal·

hver, coDltlpatlon • .tc., aell8fT' to .ul'e1' If they wID not try them.

They are reoommeode d by the bt,h .. t medical autborltles. "Dd are ..... rram.d to produce an i_diale benelloial el'eat. They ar~ eIoeedlngly "Il'geable. perfectly pore. and ha.rm1888. liOTIcx~Any penon pretending to sen

Plantation Bitten In bulk or by the gallon il a .windler and illlPoater. It Ia pli up only In our ~tent log oabln bottle. Ba ........ of bottleR relllled with ImItation deleterlonl BtnJl'. for'i!'hich I18veral penoDi are already in priBon. See that every bottle bu our private United Statel Stamp over the oork unmutilatec!, and Itgnature on .teel plate 81de label.

Sold by respectable dealen thronghout the habitual globe. P. H. DultB '" 00.,

202 Broad ..... y, N.'If York.

... WI!I8D1I8!! !-Thoee wilhln, aline I18t of wbisker8. a nioe moustaohe. or a be.utl· fuI head of gI088Y h .. lr. wtll pleu. read the eILrd of Toos. F. COAl'lUJI in another part of this paper.

... OLD Enl M.D. N_~A pamr.hlet dI· recllng 110 ... to Ipeedily restore • ght and give up spectacles. without aid of doctor or medlolDe. Sent by mati, ~: on reoelpt of 10oents. Addrel8. E. oon, )l. D.,

1130 Broadw,\y, New York •

tbe Va.lley.. . ' lett got a judgment against her bnll' ... EDITOR OF TBI SUUTB 1bc0JU>_

-' . 1111 object It to ,roo ... i.nd CII'G'~' moat faltbful ""IODI or the 11&0... . ttires In a111 ......... lIIroqllO.t till .

ENGLISH lnii-T1S'U.". , " I . IUIVI8BD r_ ftII .D'AL iNDIUW. 'I

Thll great .... ork I. DOW o".p...... It!ll "I \ printed on ralr. Opflll tnre ........ a .... " dectmo "oIUl1111 or 7M P..... ' <

,alO •• PI .. ln Cloth BlndlDl, Boled Boner ue-.• i I < " '

Sbe.p. Strong BlDdlDI." ", IJ RoaD, Red ~, u " .... 1 H; Boan, Gilt 1JdPa. It ' If ... III Turkey lIIorOO09, Gilt. .. "' .. Tortey mnrooOo. Gilt. wltb 0IIiIPi ... . ....... . Cheap Bdiliofll Plain Cloth. wltilOItt .....

Boled Boroer .Ltn... ,. 011 the ",etlpt of the prloe fOr eltMr tit ;

the "bove atyl •• , a oop,. will ,III ~ lit I ~ mall, te any pllh of tbe U nlwd ."'.... '

Copl811 may iloilO be obtai hed at till ... of the S.u.U'll a.o.MI ...

DaviS. without a. capital. wltb~ut baud, John L. Hallett, for alimony to Dear Sir,-Wlth your permlesioft 1 .... I.b to ~eans to enforce h,ts negro c.ons~Tlp, tbe amonn' of 8100,000. :!d~b~~::::~&rr. i:,":!1 &h~~I!~~Uf~~~ NEW JUVENILE XU!3IO tlOn or collect bls taxes 10 klDd. . . ld a Recipe. with full directions for maklug and BY 1.. O. 1l.&JI8O., " withont ant.hority except ,within the A httle glrl.abont three ;vears 0 • u.lng a simple Veget~ble Balm that wilt elfeo· Author or the II ,Gold.n 1I' ..... thl' "S...,'ot

R Lfe bad however. attempt. ouse. '. I(OBILR. ta to 8telll IIway dnring the mgbt of

The Tribune's dispatch IISYs the rebels' rear guard. a small body of cavalry. retreated in tbe direetion of Lynchburg only a few minntes be­fore our adT.nee entered Richmood. The colored people were extremely enthosiastic over onr arrival. and grlleted ns with tbe hellrtiest. weI. com~"iD a characteristic manner, and .. de 'Lord bress de Yan •• " was heard on every side. There will evidently be much euffpring in the city for food. l1li both rich and poor are alike destitnte of all kinds of provlslODS. Tbere are seven distinct Iioes of fortifications snrrounding Richmond. protected by tbe new style and 1II0St formidable chevauz the Mb, aDd morning found him mov­

. weete'rl1 011 "roltd to I lie north

Tbe papers of Monday morning, bring us interellting intelligence con· cerning our operations against Mo· bile On tbe 27tb, the Thirteenth and Sixteenth Corps advanced on Spllni~b Fort. six or eight miles east uf the city. drove in the ootpost. and established siege batteries within seventy yard" from the fort. The bombardment was' opened on tbe 3let, witb wh"t re.snlt is not yet as· certained. Gen. Steele's column. which left Pensacola on the 19tb, and wbich the rebels reported routed and turned back. had arrived witbin cooperating distance. having routed two regiments of cavalry at Pollard, on the way, and captured a I.rge proportion of the force. Tbe garri­soo- at Spanish Fort is estimated at six or seven thonsand. under com· mand of Maury. Two monitot~, the 08age and -Milwankie, h.ve been Bonk by torpedoes. but can be raised. Tbe Milwaukie's turret is 'still ser­viceable.

limits of ~s camp and hated even daughter 01 VICtor A. Cnrne. of New tually remove. In ten d .. y •• PlmpleI1BlofOIre.. Indah," 1:0.

there. can no lon ~er command reo Haven. was rnn over on Monday, Tan. Frecl<les, and &lllmpurltl811 01 the Sl<inl Il EBB Y' 0 BIll W'. "" c. d leaving the same 80ft, clear, Imooth anQ ~ ..

spect or extort obedience from the and one of .th.e hOf8e~ steppe npon bell,l!titul. .trllueorrytl...!2ph~~~:t;~:::-...... --. ' " ber head ktlhng ber IOstantly 1-';11,,180 mail free to thOlla having Bald u~ , ... fears of the downtrodden IIOntbern' . Heads, or II&re Faces, .Iml'ele dlreotlon. and Hundred opular S~'.' , , people. The l!Iyitem of terror hal!! A. young girl. barel.y 16 yea~ of Information tbat wlllenalt them to atart" _.Tt J!lmS :; .. =.", In ':!2~t.'i.ii

WI Sh 'd' .• of lle\\de'll aud . I'rl an II PO~ltlonll

de (riM. 'They CODsiat of sh .. rp hewn staked, projecting like spokes from a hnb. so close tbat tbey cannot be crawled tbrongh.

k a hllll bee detected 10 ab8tractIDg fall grow~b of Lunrlant HaIr. Whl.lr.era, or .. D. -., r- ...

bro en down' and thoogh individnal ge, n a Moustache, In leiS than thirty d .. Y". to 11.1 11100 .... a pOpular .. ,,,..u. , -governors of'the f.rtber southern fraction. al. corrency from the Trea8- All applioatlon. au .... ered by retUrn mall In Vooallluato .. n.rOolleotion or ....... '

t ffi b b 'th t h Re tt II - the Youn,. . ' . t J lIer8vili0 lind along the railroad.

a e . d h' Ai 800n as tbey Bscertame t 18 fact, the' Uuion generals cbaoged front aDd marched in Ihree colnmnllagaiost Le~. 1'1"" nf ,helM! succeeded in striking Iho tllil of lAe's retreating forces at Deatonvil1e. and, cutting of!' ouo corps. suceeeded' in capturing a large part uf it, wbile the rest of tbe demoralized rehels were rapidly pn8bed in vcry bad order toward the Appomattox river. taking refnge be· bind the 8wampy blink!! of Sailor'1 creek. Tbie mov.ement reeulted ill potting Lee west of lIeade, bllt at a fearful coa' to him, and still with no pOliti,., ~8nrance of 8aMy. Sea­

Among the buildIngs bnrned by the lire in Richmond, were the rebel war department, post office, treasary department, 8evenl chnrches. three newspaper offices, and the bridges acr088 the James river.

states may for a while succeed in nry prill 109 0 ceo were s e was WI ou c arge. .pec u y you •• , The llIe.entar~ Deptolimellt ooau.i.lll' .... I d THOJu,1 F. CHAI'IU. Cbemlat. •

maintaining a show of resiBtancll to emp oye • 831 Broadway. N. Y. tboee P80hlh.r Ie_ntl, 'llat A\ltIIIK ... i the laws tbey can no longer raise More than 20 glass factories are Retain tbe AtteDtloDorOJilld ...... "'~'" • ., P' b P ... IF YOl! ..... NT TO KNOw-.lIttie of every· are Dot old .. nd- ttme-wo ..... • .. m'" (' forces enougb from amongst the old III .operatlon at IUS nrg, enn., thing rel .. tlng to tile buman ly.t8m. male dozeD booka-buUi ..... and llparklill. • ' men and the boys, wbo alone are left which' m,mof.actnre. annually over' and female; the oauses and treatment of dIs· ,ed tT°lmal':'?COUlODlL ... d All". wllb thf .! i!' i , at home. to make their attempts IIny. 250.000 boxes of WID dow glaes. ~':;";st1 t!~::.';r~:fi~ :n"d't~m:hg~n".t ~gr!~ A largenUDIberhafll be.n.,tt •• ~, I thing better tban ridicnlone. Aside Jnlins Elllon, his wife and two boys, never pubbshed before, read the revloed and Iy for tht ..... ork. Tbe Ilelodlell are~_;, \

fro m the-e local or"'"nizatl'onll, there of Boston. were poisoned recently by enlarged edition of "MedioalCommon Senll8," good, and Inolude .ery JIlIIIly O".,-u " , c ... a curious bool< for curious people, and a never before PubUlhei. " i At P~tersburg the pnblic stores

were buroed. and a few hooses canght fire. but not mnch d .. mage was done to tbe city. Tbe bridges tbere were also destroyed

is no longer a power in the South- eating German cheeBll which had good bo)1< for everyone. jOO Pllie., 100 n· .lll who have en.lned tbll work ~, , . \ the "'reat and mighty central despot. been enclosed in ti n (oil. lustr .. tions. Prtce $1 60. Contenta table for It a luocel8 beyobd tbat Of ur t..w " ... sent free to any addrees .. Books may be had Publication. ' , !' ism is broken. Abont '100 female clerks are em· at the Bool< stores. or .... 111 be sent by ma1i, Price 60 centl .. copy-- OOa4_.' ,

The wise forethongbt whicb plan. ployed.in the Treasnry Dcp.rtment post paid, on receIpt 01 the prioe. Specimen Plllel oOIlta.lnin, .. ,.ral 01101 .. ' d th

. fit . b' h r b' Addre.s DR. Eo B. FOOTl, H. D.. pleo~s will be •• nt to 1&0Yl)ne 00 lIIIPlt....... '

Tbe Rebel iron-clads were explod· ed. The Virginia lies snnk io the J limes River, above the obstrnctioos.

ne e campaign 0 as year IS lit Was IPgtonf-.: cac 0 w om IS 1130 Broad ... ay. Ne ... York. OLIV.EB D1TI!ON "" OO .• 1'lllllll...,.. . , n?,!. first, fn~ly appareut. T.he pro- paid .720 per annnm 211 W .. h1n,wnollt •• IIoI .....

, retary Staoton. in repo~ting the oper· ,atioDs of Thursday, Baid : ,

Majors Stev1"ns and Graves rai@ed the first Union Hag over tbe Rich· mond ~ork8.

diglOUS marcb of Sherma~ III now April 20th has. by c01l1mon con· In:r.,;~z;,~~:r"io"l:~alI:~:~V1!~e~~: seen to bne had o~her obJec~s tban sent, been sel'lcted in New York as by a very simple remedy. anar having suf­those commonly aSSIgned [0 It. Be tbe day for celebrating onr recent fered several yean ... Ith a I18vere lung alleo-

t I th hi d ed th uon, and that dread dleease.Oonsumption-no. on y. oroug y ~Iroy e ,ictories. is anxious to make known to hls feUow .. ur· railroad system of tbe Soutb. bnt he The Inmber trade in Wisconsin i8 ferers the means of cure. d r h d th reat ar ma nfllc . To all who desire It, he win I18nd a oopy of e~o IS e e g mB n.. • nnnsually lively. Jt is estima..ted the pre.criptlon used (free of oharge.) with torles and depots of ammnnl~lon, thllt af le.st twenty mil1ion feet are the directions for prep .. ring .nd using the npon whIch' Lee and Johnston mIght now in the Neshoto river same, which they will lind a sure Cure for h' h r d Tb . Consumption, Asthma. Bronohltls. ""c. The ot erwlsc no,",: ave re 1e . e A lady in Richmond, Md., waB so Guly object of the advertiser In sending the




NEW Y 0,.,1:.

-, .. G~n. Shl'rid ... r n .tacked and rout- ALADAlU" ed Lee's army, c .... mring Generals _ A l'ltter from Russellville, Ala· Ewell, Ker8h,w, Button. Corse. and

An order was issaed from the War Department, directing the removal from Waehington and establishment in the late rebel capital of the milita· ry examining board, of which Gen. Casey is president. Besides the dutiel! wbicb this board hi! hereto-

cann0!l foonderles o~ Atlanta and the mnch agitated by tbe operation of PreBcrtpllOn iB to benellt the atIIlcted, and (t f C I b no I er ex spread Information whiob he oocoelves to be . ac ones 0 0 nm la ong..· drawing a decayed tooth, that she invaluable. and be hope. every sulferer will

OAPITAL STOaE. . ....................... , " ,

III&OY othm: general omeerB. se.,eral barna, March 24th, gives some fact8 !st. The great de.pots of prOVISIOns Bonk gradnally until sbe died. try hi. remedy. lI.8 It will oost them nothing, III the' _southern tIer of 8tates have . .., and may prove a bleeslDg.

tboosaod prisoners. and a large num. regarding the progres8 of a canlry ber of cannon. and expects to furce colnmn of Gen. Thomas' army, under Lee to Anender all that is left of Gen. Wilson. The force consisted

fore been performing, it IS to g~ve particular attention ttl the recrniting of colored troops in Ricbmond and .,iclnity. Other army ollicers are alIa to proceed to Ricbmond to assist in the mnstering in of this clull of recroits.

leen broken up. Froin East Ten. Fredertck Doog~81!, It IS ~ald, C?n· Pmies wloning the prelOription will ple_ te Itt t h native addre88. iIIIv. EDwUJ> A. WILHOIt'y

nessee the rebels can get nothing. mp a es re ?rn.lDg 0 IS. Wllli&llll!burgh, KIngs 00., N. . 120,000 SHARES. 1'A.R V.A.Lt!1I ,tvl JIOL. .

In the valley of Virginia they can Stat~ and pubhsblOg a newspaper In LAIIS EAOH.

'b' till 1/ • 11& y. ofthree divisions of ca.,alr,., aDd wae 8URRIllnItR OF GEN. LU. Boon to be joined by a fonrtb. Its

The paper. of Monday morning destinations are Selma, Montgomery

bring UII !>lIicial intelligence, that on and Mobile. Tbe co nntry so rar traveled throngh appeared to con-

only starve. Baltimore. At Ellsworth. Maine, there is a

girl 13 years old, 53 incbes high, and Sl!CRITAJIT SIl:WAIID met wit_ an ac­cident, on Tnesday of IlIIIt week, by which his arm and his jaw bone were brokeD. It eeemll that he had

YAWED. In Hebron. Pa.., )la.roh "h, 1866. by Wm.

H.Hydorn. Esq .. Mr. GlOMB W. KmrrOIt and LOVIN ... E. BROCl!:.

suBSCBIl'TiON 1'B101l ., 60 1'&a •• AlII, NOT Sl)1IJEOT TO ASII_at.

SQ,nda" Ajrn 9th, Geo. Lee's Atmy in no inhabit~nts bot .,ery old men, 01 Northero...Virginia surreudered to woman. children and negroes, all the

young men baving either been con· scripted into tbe rebel army or run aWIlY t~void this fate. Provisions of all klDds were plenty. and tbe Union foragers found no dillicnlty in obtaiuing an abundance of food for men aDd hor8es, as no army had pre· viously been througb tbe conutry. A few rebels bad made their ap· pearance and skirmi8bed for a ahort

Gov. Pierrepont will remove his personal effects to Richmond this week. and take possession of the State Executive Mansion. 80 kindly vacated on tbe 1st oC April, by its former tenant, Estra Bi1ly Smith.

weighing 290 pounds.

lefl the State Department in bis car· riage. and passed np Pennsylvania avenne to Fifteen·and·Balf Btreet to his residence. where bis 80n. F. W Seward. and wife, and M'llS Titas, got in. Wbile the driver Will in the act of clOling tbe door with hi8 right hand. bolding the reinl witb hll I .. ft, the horses started. The dri.,er held on, followed them. and endeavored to close the door. Mr. F. W. Seward, seeing tbe danger, jnmped from the carriage with tbe bope of beading oft' the borses and stopping them. Tbey. howeyer. got away from him and from the driver, and when tbey reacbed tbe corner of Vermont av· enue and B street, Secretary Seward jnmpel! from the carriage. falling npou bis right arm. breaking i\. just below the 8boulder. and brnisillg his f a.ce. He waB tit ken lip in an insen sible condition by Beveral gentlemen, and carried to his residence, where he 800n recovered hill conacionsnes8. the bones were set, and at last ac­connts he was doing well

Gen. Wm. B. Adams. one of the original bnilders of tbe Erie Canal, died in Albany II few dayl!! since.

A little child died of hydrophobia in Harrishnrg. Pa .• recently.

In Hopkinton, April 26th, 1865, by Eld. O. Chester. Mr. A"" ...... C .. UIl'BBLL, of Pa ... tucl<· et, and )l,es )lARTSJ. SUX)(nVILLB, of Wea­terly.

SloCk nearly all taken. The eIIt,l" II1II: I ,­teeds from sale or ItoQIt It to be .... M ~ <

~elopment of the CompanY'I' prop.rd... ' " DIED.

In W ... loj&. )lIDn .• )larch 19th. ISM, of , N. 1l0BG.lIl. ; , Gen. Grant--o.-the artillery Will park.

ed, the arms stacked, the pablic

property given op, and the officers

lod men paroled.

The Richmond Post Ollice has been taken possession of by the Go,ern· ment. aod ~2 bags of caplured mails delivered to the War Department.

The Canals of New York state are to be opened on the let of May.

~':;E~~':'':,'l~l''W:~;~~~~'tt·~~i~~hE~=~ Vice Prealdeut-J,UlElJ 11. WaIUar. t worthy, aged 1 year and 18 dayB. C. BOGI.. t

_ It seemB that on Friday, April 7tb.

I Gen. Grant wrote to GeG'. Lee as fol· I

10WI: , time with General Wil80n's advance. "~he relult of the IlIIIt week mist Many rebel deserters had come in

con,mee yoo of tbe hopelessnes.rof and given themselvell np. furlber re~iltanee on the part of the AI"Y of Northfl,l'll V:irginia in this ALlI08'!' A RJlBEL PIRAT!!:.

Extensive hospitals are to be erected npon Craney leland. near old Poiot, for the Yllllt number of Rebel sick and wounded who bave fallen into oar hands.

Col. Forney is abont to establish a newspaper in Ricbmond.

A national bank wi11 soon be in operation in Ricbmond.

Two thonsand bUBhel. of letter. went to Sberman's army recently.

There were i22,33S emigrants landed in New York la8t year .•


.. JOBII'H S. RooERII requelts his corr •• ,;)ondente to address him here&fter .. tDeRuy· ter,N. Y., instead of Oxford.

In Ashland. I(lnn., Maroh 21th, 1865. of PllrT11fOIR dlpntberta. ALx. A»4LI1<II. daugbter of Jo· • seph and Saran J~ne L .. ngworthy. all"d 1 Superlntendent-.... TB ... BOO'" year,2 months. and 3 days. o. P. J[.

At Leouardsville, N. Y .. Haroh 20th. 1865, of pneumonia.. ISHO BIlO ...... , aged 61 yeara.

In Providence, AprU 6th. 1865, of pneumo­nia. VOWE1<T CAD, aged 61 yeara. HI8 re­ma.IDS were brought to Westerly for inter' ment .

In A.ndersonville, Ga., Sept. 9th. 18U. Dea.

H. N. Horgan, of Sbook '" .ot, .... 111 ~ •• ren Street, llI~W York. i •

JameslJ. Wright; 836 Broad .... r.,., If. T. AleXllonder C. Bogera. Of Bollin I: :lit ..... '

21 Fulton·at. 'lfholeoal. flab .1Iflte\. ,

JOHN M. C .. '''''HL. son of A. B. and Fanny Crandall. aged 29 years and nearly 2 months. Bro. Crandall bad been for ~ulte B nnmber of years. a fa!lblnl member 0 the 3d Seventh· .... Petten"er, 60 Walllltre.t. N. Y. l

BI~nggle. I feel tbat It i~ 110, and reo On Wednesday of last week, a gIrd it as my duty to shift from my· band of rebel pirates seized tbe B&lf tbe 'ftl/lpousibiHty of ~ny fnrther g' tt D ~ d runn ing be·


The Secretary of War, in his re­cent report, stated that 1,14,1 pieces of arms have been furnished to tbe Union army by 'the Ordnance De· partment during the fiscal year. From Augost 8th to February 22d. we wrested from tbe enemy 1.301 light and heavy guns. Add to this number 600 captnred by Sherman and Grant in their late movllment~, and we have 1.900 cannon secured from the rebels in eight montbs'

day B&ptlst Churoh of Gene8fle, N. Y . .I.... and .. -W8l1 beloved by .. II who I<new him. when DavtdBogera,OfBogerd,WcHJlley.It,., ... called by his bretnren to the omoe of de .. · con, he meek:ly performed hlo duty, and w... SIreet .... holeaale flah lIIarket.

~tI'o8ion of' blood, by asklDg of yon IltealOer ~trIe e or ~ \be Burrender of. tha~ Portion of the tween BaltImore and .~ot land­Confedorate Statee Army. known.. ings on tbe -Patoxent""klver, and

... FIUllI the army hOllpltBl-the b'loooy battle.lleld-tbe mansion of the rlch,and hum· ble abode of the poor-from the omce and the sacred desl<-from the mou ntaln top. dIS­tant vBlleys and far-olflBlanda{)ftbe ocean­from every nook and corner ~r tbe olvllized .... orld-l8 pouring in the evld.noe of the aa­tonlshing ellacta o[ O .... K.·S P~u<ruIO" BIT' TORS. Tnousa.uds npon thousands of letters like the following may be seen at our ofllce:

ever found at DIS post. In one of N 1 'W-" 38'" II'-·t If T times when our Government greatly athan Bogen, 6. ..... WI "'.... • •

men, he volunteered into it. John Selpl, 71 and 13 .North Street. ' from a sense of dnty, and at

i the Army o( N ortliern Virginia." after I'obbfng the passengers. they

• To thle letter Gen. Lee replied. started on a piratical expedition.

espN.8Alng lIome doubt whether bls Their career was short, however; C&8e W .. B hopeless a8 Gou. Graut BUp' for tbey were soon blockaded iu I.n. '. dian Creek. and fioall,. captured, With

Plymouth. N. C .• he ....... tal<en J.1'owen,698 Bro.d".y. N. Y. , c .... ried to Ano.ersonville, wllere, 1'. WIutIUl. or I. 1'. WI"IIII I: 00.,"', s .. nds ~ otbers of our" brave de/snden," be sutfered much from want of fnod Loull, Ilo. per treatment. He leaves; wife, AmOl WlIlItI.108 Folton 1ltrWt, •• f. a.nd a. large circle of friends, to los.. Thank God. hil triall are Henry Altman •• ew York. we trust. he now awaits. with tlle many F B b G b .. ..

posed. b,t a8kIDg the terms he would II tb . te t th martyrs. the vengeance of his Father upon G. • iro, reeDi oroq .. , .-11. his enemies. • G. J. C. H. C. Bogera. of B. 0; Bo,.n .. Co., 11 ... ,; a e pua 8 excep ree.

offer 00 eoodition 01 Burrender. RICHIlOND ITEIlS. . d SEVERAL firemen 10lt tbeir lives al

afire in Brooklyn, N. Y., 00 Tuesday of last week, by the falling in of gardens bnilt on roofs in the rear of tbe honees on Brooklyn Beights. .

Bedsburv, Wis., Sept. 16,1863. _, If • .. .. I ha.ve been in the armV hOS­

pitals for fourteen months-8peeohless and nearly dead. A.t Alton, Ill .• ney gave me a bottle of Pl&ntatiou Bitters. • • • Three bottles restored my speech and cured me. •

At Florenoe, S. C .• Oot. 9th. 18U. FLOYD 2' Fill. ton w!lol_a1e IIIh •• rk.t .... Y. ; -.')~" MT. ROSR. 80n of A. B. and Fanny Crandall. aged 19 years. Bro. Floyd proteesed religion

A.fter two pr three notes had time. or 700 more than are reqnIre

We clip from '!'arious papers the to meet tbe demands of onr own pa8sed between them. Gen. Grant foUowiog facts and incidents con· forces dnriog a year's time.

wrote 81 foUowa, on Sunday, April nooted with the captnre of Rich- An attempt was made by rebel tth : mond : agent8 to destroy the city of New

/I Iu accordance with the sublltanee Davis. wltb his family. set off for bern, N. C .• on tbe 2d of April. Sev·

when qnite yonng. and united the 3d Beventll.day Baptist Ohurch of N.

C. A. FuUTI." ,

South Wal'8lLw, 0., .1"ly 28, 1863.

f . eral building! filled witb government of lOy letter \0 YOIl of the Stb inst., Danyille. Sonday a ternoon, carryIng storell. and tbe bridge o.,er the N eotle I propose to reoei,.e the Burrender of with him. according to rnmor. abont river, were simultaneonsly fired j bnt Ibe army of' Nortbern Vir(l:inia 00 three handred thousand dollars in the Hames were 800n extinguished.

JONATBAN MAXSON wae last week cb08en a Representative of Stoning­ton in the Legislature of ConnecticnL

" ...... One young ma.n. who ha.d been lick and not ont of the hou .... for two ye..,8 with Scrofult< and Erysipelas, .. fter paying the doctora over $100 without bene lit, has been cured by ten bottles of your Bi tters.


Y. He waR. at the time of lool<ed upon ... a very bright house, and was rem .... bbie for ness in tbe perfurmance of duty. he ent.sted Into the 86th Regt. N. with bis brother Marous, who was the b .. ttle of Fatr Oab. He too at Plymouth. N. 0 .• and hlo h1.tory Is th f 1'IM ·bura all others who have died In those prilonlJ- .ou 0 .- •

the foUowin, Jerms. to wit: Rc,1I8 of specie. The archives of the various A rebel officer, suspected of being The following I. from tbe IIlanager of the all tbe omcer' and men to be made II departments," which had occnpied d . b h I SUJO(ARY or BEWS. Union Home School for the Children of Vol· in dnpllcate one copy to be given tbe fine granite bnilding of the U nit- connecte WIt t e pot. was arrest- Miss Dorothea Ransom bllll just re- unteen:

10 ~ OfJoeJ deslga'ted by me, tbe ed States Costom Boase in Bank-st., ed. covered S3.S!'1 of the PennsylYlloia ot~W '"' HJt .. ln~ by loch oIBcerll it is believed, were sent away a week Paris advices state that the rebel Railroad Company. Cor the 108s of two .',.ou, lna,. a4Willl..... Tlie \lfticerB previonsly. ram Stonewall quitted Ferrol. Marcb truoks and contents. which were

Havemeyer H&nslon, Fifty-seveDth·St., I New York, Auguat2. 1863. I

"DL DlU:lB: Your ... onderfnlPlant .. tion BIt· tera have been given t080me of our little chilo dren sutferlng from we "knees and weak lungs withmost happy effect. One little girl. in particular, W1th paln8 In her head. IOI!II of appetite, and daily wastIng consumption. on wholD all medical sl<ill bad beeu exnaust ed. hll.8 been entirely restored. We commence d with hut a t.e&l!poonful of BItten & day. Her appetite aDd strength rll;-pidilinereued. and she Is now well. • • •

gradually growing poorer and weaker, till dIseases cODseqllent to such treatment., set in. and they go to their long home. Ob, suoh icnumanllY as Blavery produoes In those who are under ita inlluence I I( .. y God h .. ve mercy ou all those who nave excuses to lD .. ke for rebels. and open their eye8. that the,. may see, O. ~. o. one of the

10 ~I'e tbelt flldl,idual pltr!>l811 not Tbere walt a very general exodns ~ 1st. accompanied to sea by a Span· burot at tbe time of the frightfnl ac­to talo, .... ti •• alblt the goternment of the wealthiOllt inbabitants, and of isb frigate. Tbe United States fri- cident last September. Tbe plainti~ of tbe U'Dited -Stales, nntil properly thoBe most identified with tbe rebel· gates Ni.gara and Sacramento im· wae at tbat time returning from her exoball,ed, alld each COIDPIIDY or lion; some of the most prominent mediately followed. The expecta· 8nmmer .,isit to Saratoga and New· regimental oommaoder to Bign a like are, bowever. etm represented by tion of a ligbt caused immense ex· T' . f th h S · I port. estlmony WIIS gl"en II e palole lor ,tim men Qt ~heit ,com their families; and the family of citement among t e paDlsb popu a· articlee lost. among which .were a malld_the arm., .,UlIary. and pub· Gene~al Lee are nnderstood to be tion. bat the Stonewr.ll. apparently $500 shawl. con,1 and other Betll of Re.peetfnDy. HM. O. M. DlrvoI." .

LBTTEBS. J. Keuyou ••. S. Green. Samuel Duilham.

H. L. Vars. J. T. Hacdon1Lld. J. L. Raudolph. J. S. Bogen. S. Y.!!:etee. N. D. Klldo ..... E. R. CI&rl<e. W. C. Burdick, N. V. Hull, Joho S .. n· lord, Riohard Stillman. Ran_ Blok: •• IL I. Green, W. H. Hrdorn. P. W. GreeD.



110 Co .... rty .~ be parked and still in tbeir home on Clay street. finding no chance to escape, return!!d ed S1500 nd I r- , W • N h jewelry yaln at • a a ace .tac aad torlled oyer to the ofli· near the Davis mansIon. aws a8 to port. mantilla yalued at S500. cnB aWoillted by mil to reoei,.e reached tbere of the death of Xrs. In April. 1861. Mrs. Je~. Davis them. -Tbl.l will, uot 'embsaoo the Lll4I's 1100. General W .. H. F. Lee. of was promised an early visit to tbe Game is ba"ing 8 holiday dowo ,ide ._, of the --oors nor their the rebel army, k\l1ed In tbe battl611 White Honse at W r.ahington; ia Sonth. Deer and bears are reported

". • • I owe much to you. lor 1 verily believe the Plantatiou Bitten have ...... ed InY life. alIT. W. H. WJ.OOOND.

All p&yments for the 8.uUTII RlCoaM. are acl<llQwledged from week: to weet In the! o('D!D.eDoad paper. Panons seudlng money. the re­ceiptofwhlchls not duly acknowledged, Ihouldglve UB early notice oftb.omll·

_... VIII, P b M L' I . to h.n fe-appeared in districts where

PII,ate bo .... or ba",age. This of last week before eters nrg. April. 1865. n. Inco n, on a Jonr· f • • R h d tb they bad not been I18en or mamy dolM!. sach olliesr and maa will bs Gen. Robert E. Lee wall in Peters- ney to ie mon ,retnrns e pro- t , d dUD '. yearB prior to the commencement 0 a116,,1Id to rtltuth to ~b8ir hometl. nor hnrg ou Satnrday I,nd Sonday until mised call, an fin s ",rs. IlYIIt 'not the war. Q'lails and rabbitB literal be dl.tllrbtid b,. trnlted State. au· the eJacuation, 'and appeared very at home." Iy Bw.rm in the desolated I!ettlemenls tborltt, ~ long .. they oblerve tbeir mnch agitlted and fretfnl, and e9i· The wonnded men of the 2d New of Virginia, and it is stated tbllt. laet paroll;.I",d We lawlln force, wbere" dently deapoadent' at the nBfnora- York Cavalry report tbat their regi- Bnmmer partridges actnally made er tbel lOa, reeide. ble condition of alfairs. The fight- ment went into Snnday's light dis their neBte in some of the Itreats of

ing Will mainly uoder the persooal monnted, six hnndred strong. and Cbarlellton.

dir-tion of Longstreet. came out three handred men, and w ., d fti Henry Bette. of Norwalk, claimil . Da,is- and bill cabinet, and the one non-comml8Slone 0 cer. to have discovered a new material

Gn. Lee replied immediately, .. followl I ' .,'

Iladrtd, N. Y."

". • • Thou wilt send IDe two bottles more 01 thy Plantation Bitten. My wile hall been gre .. tly benelited by tl>eir ust.

Thy friend. As .. CulllUN, Phil&delphia.."

... • • 1 have been • great 8utlerer from Dy.peD8ia, and had to abandon preach· Illg. • • .. The Plantation Bittera have cured me. lbv.I.S. C.TBOBII.

Booheater. N. Y."

... • • Send us t'lfenty·four dOZlln more of your Pl&ntatton Bit~er., the popu· Iarity of .... hich are da.Uy i~re ... ing with the I11"BIB of our boull8.

Sru8, CHiu>1JICI[ "" 00 •• Proprleton WIll&rd's Hotel. W&I!hingt.on."

". • • 1 have gtven fl>e Plantation Bit ters to hundreds of our dI.abled 80ldlen .... th the IIlOBt altonilthlng ejfeet.

G. W. D. AlIDImWs. ~perlntendent Boldlen' Home. Cincinnati."

II I han ftOII{ftCl Jour le~ter of CongreBllmeo who remained to the. Shero:.an's boys have reveled in for paper. limitless in itssnpply. yery thl, date, oollt.illillg, the term. of last ran awaJ Gn a train on the tnrkeys, chickens, eggs, and fresh conYenient to coilect. very easily ,u.rre.n~er at the" A.rm, of Northern Ly;chburg Bailroad. ' Yegelables, ever since t~ey: left Sa- mannfactored, and making a lIuperi­V,rlllili. u pro~. Pl lQu. AI Before Jeaying Peter.bnrg. the -.. nnab, and are now .enJoymg fresb or artiele oC paper. t.bat can be IIOld tbey are luba.t ... ,.r.1Ji tho lllOe aa rebels I18t are to the pnblic stores, IIhad from the Neuse ru·er. d a profit for ten or i!lieen ormts

• tbOle eJptellSCllD 1?-~.r or, t~ and a fe. hollM' Qaught frem t~~; . Cln1l1ps of grasa plQc~ed from cre- pet ponnd, 81h loet., the". are ~~IL 1 wlll but the ooollqratiou was a trlaIDg Yleee between the PlVlng'lt?nes of A HOlltrated bridegroom of New c.;.,~,;. 0; II;!; :,:::t!~~ol~i~~ I~: proceed 10 de!llp'" $Iii ,ro~r olli· .tr.ir compared to that of Richmond. King·s'-. Charleston, are belog ex· Baven. lately banded a package of laid llP prootrate and bad tiD abandon mJ bu Cl't, "to carr1 tilt s"palabonl Into ef- The national troops were marching hibited in Maint'. money to the clergyman who bad line... II. II. KnleBLn,Cleveland, ." fect. , , throngh the city during the greater General Tbomas appeartl to be ad· married him. but on returnin~ borne II... The PIoLDtati<>n BUten have

Under. date' of WII~lng'on. 9.30 plh't of Monday, and pr_r.'~ ~e .. ncing into Sonth.W. elltern Virgo in. i. fl nnd that, instead of greenbacb, cured - of IL deraugemel1t of the kidney. II nd d

I De t &1Id llrllllofY oraanll tbat bat diltresaed me lor p. m., April'itb tbt &eret.ry'of War' m~.t ex~ ent order a UIClp 1 ,without encountertn~ OPPO~I Ion he had ,iYen him fony-live oen" yean. It actlJil<e a c4&t\Dl.

lion. 'OYI'O VOl. 110

Wm. M. Rogen. Newport. S2 00 21 62 Bam' Dunbam, Metucheu. N.I .• 2 60 n 6t S. M. Mnndy," 2 60 31 61 W, H. Hydorn. Hebron. Pa., 2 60 21 62 N. N. CrolO8ley.Bagerato ... n,1'a .• 2 00 21 61 N"omi D. KHdo ..... LootCreet.Va.2 00 22 26 J. L. a .. ndolph. Fremont. Kan •• 1 6p !ll 62 J. S. Green. Dakota, WlB., 2 60 • /)2 C. T. Bogen. Brook:fleld.N. Y., 260 '211 6~ Colli n. IWter, .. 2 60 6~ Mn. L. J. Barney, No. Brool<lI'd,2 60 -21 62 ;~~;,~~~~~~~ll$ J. B. Rogers, DeRuyter. 2 60 21 52 ~iii;r: • J. B. wens," 2 60 21 n ' •. P. C. Burdick. " 2 60 21 62 A. A. LeWIS, Oxford. 1 00 2L 28 Oeo. Champlin. Alfred C~nter, 2 60 21 n Wm. 1(. Truman." 2 60 2L 62 Nathan Truman, Nile. 2 60 2\ 62 S. P. Crand&ll, II 2 60 21 61 ~.p.Witter." 2602162 Martha Sanford, Portville, G3 n 62

KE" YOU 114U1:'I.'I-11'& lO'1886.\1~~~i~~1 F/ofM' mw:I Jl6fJl-Floor, IT 16@8 00 llerane N. Y. Sta\e, 8 20@8 46 tor._,_,,_._ 8 45@8 % for fanoy do .. 8 80@9. plDg Ohio. 9 20@9 DO for trade

Flour 6 75@6 15. Corn Ileal 6 IlO(/l6 76 J .ney .'6 60 for Bra OOY'lfln .. teManpbecH • Qe eral Grant .. fol- bethg gDllty o~ scarcely an1 pIllag· eO~Dgb to make the }onrney mter· worth of currency. C. O. Koou, ~ Broadway. N. Y.n

h ••• ,: ~., Ing or !!t!a"hng:. .They were wel- eating.. A St. PeWrsbarg letter .. yl: .. The Tbe PlantaUon BitteN ma:tte the .... eat , ", " colMd WIth frac'le JO,. by ~he color- The Philadelphia market clerks contegioas malady wbich b .. beeD ItroDl. the \aDi1lid btliliADt. and are ex·

"" Thlnlll h tcJ Alml.h~1 God Cor ,d .peopl~. pnl~ one brl,ade r~ ba.e, dnriDg the pMt nille OtOlltbs. Jor lIOIDe time raging ill \be R .. ian baUltld nature'. cre .. t reatorer. They are t'" ,real ,totor1 ;;Idt- "'.l~lcb 1IQ 11 .. m8m~d ID the city. all. the other- IlOtrUeated lUI packages of bntter capital i. acqniring, fearfol prepor· -PI*d or the oeleln'ated Callaaya lark. thl~ ~., ero.ned 701l,~ •• d the .aj.. p~sblDg thron~h l1li .rap1dly all pOll for Ibort weight. gOUl. Se-reral hnndreds are carried W\ntll'lf88D, 1Iuaaf-. JIoot.I, Herb., .to.,

braod •• 9 10@U 60 for St. Lanla en,.. ~~a$~~ii~ GNifl-1V\Ieat, 1 es for No. 1 CbICqO

SyrlDl.l 80 for Amber WpNI1I. IIarIey 1115 IiIl so. Barley Ila.It 2 01.' 10. !lye 1 D. Oorn.' {O@I '1 for W .. tel'll mind. Oate. 88@toe. for W .. tel'll, 8641810. for Je"'1'

1.t1~ .rmtllll unde\' 1ou' _.'Dd. 'Ible, and. jOlnlng III tbe pur~ult of I tbe receu~ draft in Baltimore o~ dany. tJl '-'"". In perfectly pure 8t. Crob The tb~" of, thi. departllllu I and ~ retreatlDg rebel.. White 111 the . ad' . E. PC' - Rna. of the I.Ciyernaaent and or._' town, General Gran, w .. aD object l16,.ent100ne negroell were rawJl, 'J'be .w111 cue of .' hnlt,., D&- I • .,~lIIQ.-L pie of tile 'Ullittd Btltet ~ t""" tee. of .,e,,' i~terest to the inhabitants, -Rhode leland ball lint be &bou- rro IIIID.trel~ haa occnpled.two:JUn, hnon Of aedlRtarr ~ troubled with na. .. ilqaor ha,. .... ' ae ",4 .110 'cro.W "QII~ to get a ligh\ .. ad lye bandred and Ilfly-DD8 mea ~d the .~~nCII ~DPteJ elenD ........... , __ ~.~tIon ofthe heart.

: ~~ '1,!~1~ ,bf ':'~~ ,,.,~!:;.... lIf bim. ". ' ".: ,_ ~. the ..... ".' . ' b~ ~ '~11 pnatecl P.,u. \lit It "".,.-" .,. e.uIII. tor,l'

Bar-1 60(11 86 for ahlpplDl. 1 _1 71 (or retail 1otI.

Jl0l>f-2oqa26e. for a_On to prillte o1d.. '00360. for fall' to cholflll no';, " ..... tor rlUloylofa, , li:::~~:,:=n= .r-iriorII-Pqrk, .. 50 tor _ II II fol' rrlll1e. Bear, u ooell to ... 1 oeeu 10 tor .Ura ....

Page 4: by GEORGE B. UTTER. THE SEVENTH DAY IS THE SABBATH …Vol+21+(1865)/Sabbath+Recorder_1865_21_15.pdfTHE SABBATH RECORDER, APRIL 13, 1865. I.et ns not mistake the timet! io the st.rt,

- mU~lr. , I • 4

In a nntioe of "opening da," in New York tbe Evening PaN gi ... es th(t rollo"lor-items. whicb will in tere6t'hd';J IM,l itadhrs : '"

.lll; t) '. ( f I

DRl8SIS AND \)'111$11 Moils.


the two ~-e-n-~ere villainous public Qr prl~at~ bUI!I~~e,_ w';l,~~ ba~ 10 ju.lify the sOllpicioo of .... i,n .. ·1 been eet on foot or stllllulat;id ,by tbe murderers in a f~reignllr'1I events of the last live yeams, but Tbeir punillhmen~ dId Dot end at tbe ever>; one kIIQ"'~ that it it! very large. place (If executlOu; placards ba'fe Whatever aJlowllonce. tberefQ!"e, i. to been put opeverywhere, statingt.h"'rlbe made for tbe arrival of men from crime. and giving their name9 and ~be Provinces or frllm Europe, it is ages." ,.; evIdent that the surplus or wnllH'n

• ill now very mucb la.rgH tba.ti it was STE'AlffifG AND OUTTING roob. In 1860. It would probably nut be

6I),~ J4r,~I.e., lilll~h~' 0!l, the ed~e The following report of tbe dis

,; Tbe gfe~lfhli~~~iiwch~' ttt-the , U.S OF ~DB ;ratl.bD: " resldelM/lI ~ 1IIlri:\. S&lt1-iel COlt,.t PUled &\ the January _Ion ~ t1II General .AI. H&rtforU. are prob.blll the moet ex- _"embiy, 18M.

telL8i,e in this conlltry. There is in AN ACT making' appropriA,tl&ll1 for the all over a qoarter of a mile of gla8/!- sop~ort of !be Governmet!Uot.tb'eyear hoases and nnder tbeir kind roofs endmg the 30th dal of !:pril, A, D may ~"vr be seen all yarieties 0' 1866. 110 ;;nmmer Yegetable!l folly ripe--toma- III1Senacteo\ by the.!""":' '_1 ~b1y WI f. WI: , . . b a b t d EC'tION 1. .oe .0, OWing .um.,' n~" Rni ~ueB, peas, strlDg' e .ns, ee e, ra • 'mUCh thereof all may be authorised bl

Isbes. lettoc!', etc., p!'acbes and law, are hereby appropriated to the OD­~rapes ~ar advanced toward P"lrfec- jects hereinafter axpre88ed. for t~e

G R"O'V E S f'E E''!f'. 0'0.

pwm·FOBn Ill~;;';' .A.m'U_,

I '19 BROJDlrAYI NInt 'You.

Tli. alten&! aD the pllblio

Q~~:~itml"T~' ::::: Pe .. to 80ft the ~\~d ~tJ lIilll~' 1'111 BIl8T GOLD PUs hi TIIi .. no,,~.

wlill: IflrdJe I oord, Imd $ru~med In cnssionl! at the Stale Fair, ou steam. 1,nflou8 ~Qdell, are now p,~ferre~, ing aud cuttlog food for stock, i8 tbollgh 'Jt,~'f( 'tr~l'~t skirt I~' stIli frOID the Oountr¥ Gentleman: 1\I~~~I1;' . ~~eJ,acket /s8'!mtltlmes " Mr. Moore Slated tbat he bad first

au over~stlmate to say tbat tht're are now 100,000 less men than women In

Massachusetts, the number of men 10

round num beu being about 250,000.

110ll, plne-apple8 and plants and year eliding on the 30ili of April, D. fiower~, from every zone atd of eYery 1866, and to be paid ollt 01 the Beveral PlANO FORTES, whloh l'or vol_.- and Pll.- ~~~l!~-state of growth, The wJ1<lle is a appropriation. herein mentioned. l:~~~~~~g~;~~r.

Invited to 00" New 8~;'1!1!f (J~~."'IIIIeW'O,,",

Itr "lII3tQM, .$4,. {ropt, over ~en: led to IDok into the economy Yest of tbo lame material or of .bite. using this cliarRcter of food for stock, .nd wrmlpating oil tbe back in a by noticing the increa.ed quantity

fairy laftd of beauty and wonder. Foa SALA.aIEl!. rlt} of tolie are unrlval~if·by .'lt1"M,' ..... 4 STRANGE FATALITY. Tbe subject of the rit>er fisheries To tbe Govetnot.ona {houland dollars. olfered In thlB m .. rket. Tliey cootaln .11 the

,.~cie buque. Tbe ,sleeve,8 ate (jf milk &8 the relnlt of leeding corn , m plain and olOlle fIttl!)g, trimmed. etalis at the rate of three busbels

to •• tcb ~he skitt, o~ loosely and per day, and when he commeneed

. I . N E I d cd· d To the Lientenant Governor, two hUD, A case exhIbIting Btrange fat .. itv m" ew ng an was 18C08se re- ""I!IIc)\ •. Gra.>dA.oti(",,~ in a family has occurlcd at Trow· cent y .by ro,esBor g.asslZ, e ore Teo the Oilief Justice of the Supreme bridge. Thert! was a family named the Massachusetts leglslatare. In Clourt, twenty-Jive hundred aollars; and Harp Pedal. lron hame, OIer-SI......" Bail; , I P r A . b f dred and fifty ~Ia,rs. , ,m04ernlmprovements,.. ::~.~~~~~~~~~;~~if

optl'n 'a, ,the, blACk. wltlV.traplI putting on hot water. the cows io-

W atts residin17 at Melksbam Furrest. the cou~e of biB remarks, be said to each of the Associate JUStiCFS eighteen " h· h b . t ~ •• and eabh IDlltrumflllt being mad. The f~ther Was taken ill, -dIed snd t at ID 18,(0 e egan px~rlmen 8 hundred dollata.

",et".,., to be worn with an creased their milk dUriDg the first .1""e. 'There iii a coniidllrlibl~ va· .eI!k one pint per day, ami during rlef,i,i~ 1.\1. form of h:qt'1l the bodice tblYseco.od, week ooe qnart. By aod" .1........ TrillJmiogs of friDge c~a,nlfing feed Itey sbronk. After­re~ ... ~rm~~.4C)llbl(j I!kirt, finished at wa)'(ta be made an experiment in tbe ilde with cord ana tassel j alld steaming food; the stock ate it double tabs or Bashes, trimmed to cleanrr, relished it more, and m'~1 ire hi uee; Tllere are robes, better satisfied than with the 080al ,pp,ars!1tiJ'.lldiJ ollan Itt tbe eide. over manner of feeding. Next expeTiment btUaat6'11 ot co'n~t~ting bolors, richly was wIth sixty-foar cows, where a orpament8d, alld making an elegant steaming appatatus was employed; CO.'lIme. Skirts are mUQIl trimmed, bad been cotting and feeding hay for thit bl!ldlf the feature of the sessoo Borne days; hay was mouldy

was baried. On tbe return of tLe ID the al tlficial propagation of fish. To the Secretary of Btate~ t'hlve huu- tIie personal supervision ollir. J. It. GrOVel' monrners from tbe fjneral they found and be beheved be was the first per· dred dollar8. ~:Vlj;,~:~ the mather dead. She was buried, pon- in tl,is conutry who bad done it. To the Attorney General,eighteen huu- 189n, who has had a praotioal elQlerlenoe of

and on tbe return of the sorrowing lIe did it for tbe sake of stody. He IdrT~ ~:'G~eral Treasurer, twaIn huu- over 80 yean In their mamuaotul'e,"la GQt..D_~~L_~ moorners from the grave they fouud ase-d for all app"ratos notbing but dred dolt" •• whose salary is bereby in.

h h b · . b' b d "... W&lT&ntl1d In n- partlcnlar. ' tlle daugbter dead. Last week a ! e was - aSlu ID 18 e rOUll}, creased to t~ve hundred dollar8. v., 8urvivilJg son died, aud a letter Con- wbere he raised trout, white·fish, and To the State Aoditor. one thousand dol-

taining tbe sad intelligeoce was sent a lIumber of less valuable fish, wlth- lars. The" Gro .. esleenPlaMFot'le" reoe11'ed tIM ~~~;~~~~~r£~~~~~ to Trowbridge. to the only survivmg out taking mucb care. To the Reporter of the SnpremeCourt, I.QI,4I1t1

d W five hundred dollarll. chIld, a woman name JaDe att~, The Mormoos bave began to cut a To the COmmissioner of Public Behool.. hIghest award of merit over ioU I ~t~~~~!!!f~~!~:~ living in R01!lndstone-street. Bet canal of a mRgr.l1tude tar ~eediog twelve hundred dollars. qo~lrtYj lion took the lettl'r, and by way of anythillg 01 tbe kind ever ondertaken To tbe justices of the Cou~t of Magi&­gently breaking tbe news to hi~ in the territory before, for the two- trates in the city of Providen~e. twenty­

in dr4IlI~'" mnsty, but by steaming, it was ren° • )(otft ~utiq!le and othef manofac- dared palatable, and cows were well tllillill~e'i'ilk OQ" yield precedence 10 satisfied with it. Had it not been lIatrn. 'the latest Parisian steamed,. II large share of the feed in Abl. Imatilrlal, brocaded. would Mt bll-ve been eaten. Cows ·p.lt~E~ "'o'r!W.d,'iQ brilliant fed on stea!bed food were healthier, ",er1.'~II,;tlodeome j bul otber wete uot troubled with constipation, br.ii~-i~~ii\ arll equ.lly loud tbere was' a saving of tbirty-The prIce, for the dress pattern three per cent. in fodder. By cutting tw~ ~lm~~tf to fllree hUndred dollars. and &tea1l)ing the feed be coold keep Tu n.~tll~ stripell will be w:orn the head or oattle where he kept enlluing season ; ~nd tbe Ba1adere the old method, and the pro. IIttll1i1~ .r~,Colliitlltllnto favor agl!liu milk wa. increased one-third. Tbe price 'IS from two to ten dollars Had never weighed stock nor feed a 1.1tr.~.· ~1r\''Vlafll ,illt.~ the pmnilln~ in couductiilg experiments-would coTotl 'It!, tlfil'l mtlal,UJU6 and Mexi' like to have a statement from Mr. E. can lit~,; lilli, tile Iatesti'aod most W. Stewart on this question. a8 be f ... b'ffiiillt)1e ie'tlie Paril!" daBt color," had had mucb experience in feeding or,lr~~t I,ray. food.

mother, told her her brotber was ill fold purpose of irrigation and navi· six huudred dollars. L')oking np. she caoght ~igbt of gation. Stllfttng near th· bOD~dary To the justices of th6 Coutt ofJUllifbie's/

others at Ihe Celebrated

World's Fair. the black border of the letter. and of U tab and S"I t L~ke countIes, It of tbe city of Newport, ome

exclaimed, .. He's dead I I shall die will willd its way along tbe hea~ter~ dO~~~be jastices of the Clourt of MBl!:iI"l Where were exhibited Instrllmeota from the too I" Altbougb previou81y well. 81de of the valley, watering t e an trates in the village of WooDsocil:et, oDe belt makers of London. ParIs. Germuy. she ~at down fRintlDg IU a ,,1rair. on its c()nr~e. includiug a nry con thousand dollars, Her soo not thinkiog bis motber's sid .. rable tract yet unb.rokea, aud To the clerks of tbe Bu~te1ne Court Phlladelpht .... Baltunote. Donon. aDd N •• words woold b~ vermed. started for reacbing its terminus in tLe city. aod Court of Common Pleas in the OOll1lty

Melksham, to see the la@toffices per· Its ell me leogth WIll be over 32 of P,ovidence, three thonsand dollars. York; and also at the Amerloan Institute formed to his uncle's remains. In 'llile~. To the clerks of the BlI'pteme Court for JIve sucoe saive years. tbe gold a1l'll.jJ~1Il' his absence a neighbor oamed: Barnes I R Toombs once declared. that be and Court of Common Pleas in the county bappened to go into his motber's I would yet call the roll of hIS slaves of Bristol, four hundred dollars, medals from both of whloh can be leen at house. and found, ber partially in· under the shadow of Bunker HIli, It FOR THE GENERAl. J.SSEld:IlLY. our ware.room. sen8ible ia a chair. He attempted was intimat.ed. that there were at one For the pay of mileage of the members to roose het, bot sbe fell from tbe time eel tain Ma88aebusetts poilti- of the General Assembly, eight thousand

I dollars. chair under tbe grate, He sU!l\(ll(.n Clan8 wh~ could have respuod .. d to it For the expenses of the General AB-

ed tbe neighbors, au? !Dedi.cal a~lIl.t- with con.ideralJle propriety. But membly, including the pay of its alerks make a sllU more perf.ct Piano Fort&. an. anee was procared ;'tiut III spite of bowever that m"y be, "we-ans" bave a.nd officers, and for stationery, four, thou- by manufacturing largely. wIth a strlotly all attention8 she san~, .and die~ wit~. got ahead of R Toombs .. One of hi8 sand dollars.

By the introduction of ImproveMents ••

pjlnA 13 pen;

Onr pella riDk tl\lOUptlut tile OOIIntf)' • ., eqaallf Dot luperiQr W loll, 1014 ........ 11. factured. Not onl)" tor theIr Wl'rUII84t-'!, ties bnt datablU\7 an. el.,aM .40Itlr. Tltt areatest care fl u .. d \II Ihel.l' manutut .... ud 11006 Sri IOId wIth the slflbWMI ..... leotlon which ItiJI can dateot.

PartlellD orderlng mUllt ~.P.oIt:'~t~1 nUlDber and q .... 1l1ji, hi "'; lDI , l\1li wbether Btiff or Ilmb'r. coane 0, •

• '1'0 01..'0111. A dl.couot of 12 per MM. w..n'.. 1III0Iri:(

IIIl Ruml of $15. It leot to /jne addr_. at 0IIt Ume ; 15 per oent. oil t:i6; 10 pet Cltllt, 011 UO. ;.

All rellUttatlces bYIIiliIl.1IeCI.tmd. atlll c .... tIK. Tb l1li 'II'Jil! eM'- :10 een",httII for regl,tertn/!. we ,uaranw. the ..,. .eUj;

In organdies. tbere is II il~velty ." Mr. Stew9.tt had fed cat feed, hay pereooB preferring 80methlDg mote and straw, for ten years; bad fed • bo"1't than' stripes and delicate bay with01lt cutting for expeti

in four hours of recelvlug tbe wteliJ- recent chattels wai enlIsted as a FOR JUnICIAL UPENBES,

gence. At the inque,t "beld on the I soldier at S"vannab, ~o th,.,t our For the maintenance of courts, inclod- strnmenta at a price which win preclude all body, the Coroner ~aid it certainly 'I officers are calhog his slave roll in .. the pay of clerks not hereinbefore

ety of tit. 110001. ' , " , caRh Iystem, are enabl ed to <>ier th_ In- Clroulars of all o. "'II' ttr.1et.,1IIth ••

pavings of enot ~tM, ndp1'ldla;:M6t IIJjOt1 reoelpt of B\alII!I. It dallire4. f_::t­

• prig. It i8 a fabric with the fig- aDd believed fifteen or sixteeo WIloe.s ore. of birds resting on fiowering of cut And 8tea1Dl!d hay tD eq abrnlla. A reprell:lln,tation of a robin t'ln!lI)t,t·6'Vepounda not BO treated. The red·brea8t percbed apun a ~reen food by steaming is rendered sweet. aprl" with purple flowers is, partieu- er aDd more palatable. StEami l~ attraoti,e. It suggests the mouldy straw renews its flllvor as II hnebl.preaerved from our grand- it had never been injured. Was un-mothere' wardrobes of more tban to see such a change in the halt. century r.Jo. of feed until proved by ex.

!!ad, ,Ql'18'Jiqir cloth, in ,stri~~8 perimetlt. Cutting and steaming iu­IniY'cileOltil. black and gray and plaID creased the vallie of reed tblrty­oolor., are pretty and dorable, aad three per cent. There was no in made In snitll. These are for walk· crease of labor by ailopting this BYS-

() iD~AI'&\I.1Ie1ing' drelille.. tem. All refuse matel:i .. 1 about the . iTbe.TIitI_.oI~Jtb:i1 QD admirable barn!'! conld be worked op into palat­

m.tnial for spring wear, aud is fast able fOQ(L Had made an experiment wieDilllf it, wIllY .into popular favor. in feeding cattle and sheep 00 straw It~ q,,",~.in'''Dpllarance than alpac;ca, cnt and steamed witrr two quarts of I bat JI~ 8p ,101111,)' j the fabric is soft, bran per helill, aDd they preferred it and' (atta teadily into graceful folds, 'to the best hay. Had experimented It comea ge'Jerally in plain shades. with ten hllad of cattle, feeding five

Balmor.ais, in g,ay corors, which 00 cut and steamed stra'W, and five h .... e beeD 'ao tong worn,_are now dis· on bay. and then 8ltetnatmg, and

! _cpelrlng .• P!lltty skirts of black there was the greatest improvement a ~acca, gol't!d and qllllted on a ma- with those fed on steamed feed."

wa" a most extraordlDary c~se. Tbe, for hIm. pr~vided for. jurors, justices of the peace. competItion . d d f " D· db' wilnesses. officers, and all olher expenses rv returne aver lct 0 II' Y f .A. frightful }lke WllB perpetrated authorized by existing laws, thirty thou.

'vi8itation of God."- WIltS (Eng.) I in New York, dUrIng the passage of Band dollars.

Mirror. I a procesBiou. At a point on Broad· FOR EDt'CJ.T10J(. nen, Rosewood plam 0Illle.*276. OOAL ASHES FOR FRIDT TREES. I wa.y, durmg oue of the gaps in tbe For Jliiblic schools. fifty thoosand dol-

PrlceR.-No.l, Beven Octan. round cor.

I mliJtary. some reckless would-be lara' "nd tbe Commissioner of Public I want once more to rccomm.\lnd 'jester. flong from a crowded hoose- Beb~ols is hetehy directed ,to apportion No. 2. Seven Octave,round corllen. BoR.

tbe u,e of c' al a,,?e~, a8 a p:utJcu· i top the ~ffigy of a man into tbe street tbe same in tbe manner prO'rided b,..w. woot heavy lIl()uldinlt, $300. larly valuable ar~lCle for trees I below. Tbose who witueesed the Of the .. mOllDtappropriated the Gener­tbink that of all aIds for growth and fan held their breath in horror, and'" Treasurer i, directed to 'pay fifteen h I h f r and apple tree

a I I • h k thouaaad dollars on the 15th Qay of I .. ly No.3, Beven Ootave. roun. oornen, Boae-ea ! 0 pea c, ' in at least one IDstance a s oc was d have fllood oOlhing equal to coal I «ivan to the 8~nsitive nerves wbich next. and the remainder on the 31st ay wood. LoulR XIV 8iyte, $316. a~heB. I have tried it on ~ow aud may even yet produce a fatal result, of December. high land, and bave fonnd It oleful . . . FOR THE NORMAL SCHOOL. in both. My froit is betler and freer A.surgeon 10 Roche8~er.ls 10 po!" 'l'wenty-fivA buodred doHan. TERMS: NET CASH, IN CtrRROT FUND~

Deserlptlve Ciroular .. Hut &eil,

from worms tban before. I had a illrS810n of a great c,:rloBJty. It 18 NR I"."Xi: un OTHER DEPE!mJtNT Pt!tMNS. large pear tree ill a decllying state.' tLe forefoot o~ a flwlI:e-presetved For the support of the iUllane poor at which was dog about aod manured, I in alcohol-Wllh a ~1Og of bone Botler Hospital, and otber c1Irative bos-but it did no good. I tben put I around the foot. It III stated that pilals, and for the sllpport of and educa- L LYONS' PURE OHIO CATAWBA around tbe tree two wheelbarrow the an'm~l, when young, had stepped tion of dear lind dumb, idiotic and blind. BRA N D Y • lo-ds of coal a,shes. and frum that II upon a rwg ~f beef-bone, and the persons, as autborized by exi8ling lan, • .4>te

til~e tbe tree began to th1 ive, and I bone had. enCircled the. foot above seventeen tbous"nd dollars, SPARKLING CATAWBA WINI' have been rewarded wilh large and I the first J~)\Dt, and contlOued there. FOR JAILa ANn REFOlUl SCHOOUI. Eqll8J In Quality aad Olleaper In Pri thn

~ t fruit, which I aRcnbe to Ihe As tbe ammal grew, the bone sunk F(lr tbe board ofpereo!l8contiiled iniai\, the Brandle&811d. WIIl88 of the Old orM, Pbeerneeficcl·at eerect or the asbes The into the flesb until bidden from view. and the fees of jailors. three thousalld. FOR SUIDII')1t COIPLAlNT, OHOLERA. 'IN.

ti' dollars. FANT\J)(,80WELCO.PLA.INT,CIlAJ(l', ohlOe, and i bOund- wltb white, eitber plain or in 8collops, are preferred,

, .nd in woolen malerial. black and . "blte .kirte, in stripes and checks.

asbeft keep the grOllnd free from' 1 Tbe Maine Farmer says that a la· For the support of juvenile offeudere, COLIa. A.ND DIA.RIWGlA._ weed~. kill the grass, lind kef'p the I dy, wbo always contrives to have sentenced to the I"tOTidenee Reform A sure Cure Is ~;:ft,::e'£.r the money ... i11

A STAFF OFFIOER'S ADVENTURE. groum\. loose around the tronk.1 plenty of eggd. ~ayl! tbe oest food School. twelve thOll8lind dollar'8. The army correMpoodent of the Will tboBe who have apple, pear.' for htns is a dough made from meal FOR MILlT.l.l1Y AXD lIIILlT11tY OPTIC'EIt!I,

for 5(/ cents, by mall. StatiaflerR alld In"'", .. ,It

correspoDd 'II'Ith UI ... '11'8 ~ ... r .... ileat Ihdlloetllellta. "' ... .,;,.. ~ AIIlEBlOA.N "- P cflO.,

I!I o. 200 8r6l,46,.. ... •


NO.5 OlUTJLU( llQitW. \ Between JilaIt,Broad'll'ay 10114 D1v~OII .~,

New York.\ Wm, II. 1' •• dIMOd _jlttimt ••• a. 41.1 I

attention of tbe PnbUo to bl. beanUM .,If of , \

OAl1'1'ES DE VISt'1'e;

LABGB BIU PllOroGBUlII, PlaIn and l'alnted In 011:

Also to bll :tt0!lUD0i J,j_l~ HaVI'1li loore!li'!4 lItlll'- ~,~"IIII

Wo.i, I olianomllf cO.IUOIIlfi rellard \0 FlIl\ah 1IIId, IllIrablllil' ......

__ 'artloul&l' .. tlentlon plITd to 001'1DI ftoom Old DlIi."tTlO/.YIItl IoIId A\IIIbr~ \0 OIorte. de Vilite Ioiid Larle PbotoJj&pllA, plain aDd In 011. AU ri9tv ... lelL at. ~I. Gallery to be c~edJ. are kept in one of ttr. ring'. LUge '·Ire and BW'1Iar "001 . &fee. '

Aloo a large IIIIOrlment of GILT OVAL A.ND ROSEWOOD fR1K.II,

It tit. iVei'y PriO.. '

. "ft'I"utitd ~min.l" will be in 8~me demaod; but WbIte morellll Ikuts taatefulJ)t trimmed. will 'probably be tb; IILyle fo~ i\lo OQming season.

Boston Advertiser says I I-~lach. quince, "ud plaID trees, try it: of ,corn and COIH groun~ together. Six thousand dollars. .. OM U uion staff ufficer has quite once Two wbeelbarrow loads Meal of corn a:oue or clear 18 apt FOR PIUNTIlrG.

all iut~re~ting story to tell of bis sbould be put aronud the trunk, II to fatten tbe hellS tao moch, whl!e For puhlishing the laws. printing the

III support or the "bove Btak""nts, are presented the Certtileatee of Dr. James R . Chrlt<>n, Cbem1st. New Yort; Dr. mrall'l Cox. IO.' ...... . Chetnlcal Inspector. Oltlo; Dr. J8Dles II.


, Amoog the QoveltieJI in children'l! oloUli.nr. tbi, Ipring is a pretty: Itty!e of drell! for a little Kid or li'W:e or SIX year.. It is ~ade of Iigb,t gray cloth' barred with red, and embroid· ered 'with: small b':8qnIM, IlcoIloped. Tbe 'n Marie drese," (ur little girls of 'lglI' or teO' yeari!! old, is equally pretty. <If light hlue silk_ lOarCB maoorial. The wai.t by straps of form a bar.

td~~l~:~ .. ",- "'UK and open,

a neat of

UJl[u •.. \."i[~~lr", ·p)a'~"'t\_JLUW a belt at the bol­


~:=~~:te~£11~:';·ntiit; II short the ekirt and witb crosB·bar8 braid and but·

by a clasp, com-

personal experience in Saturday's making a space aboot three f(~t in they do ~ot, in or~e~ to be .kept 10 schedules, the allnual report upon regiA­battle. Hearing the bustle and mug· diameter. If it can he put on III the i good laYlDg condlLlOn. require such tration of hirthe, mamages and death., katry -lire in tbe early morning, he fall or winter. it will dr, the more I concentra.ted food. all printing ordered by the General As­monnted his horse aad rode out good. I Horace Walpole wrote: .. U~e a sembly. and euch other rrinting as may tO~M'dd Fort Steadman to see what When I put out my pear orchard. I little bit of alum twice or Ihrice a be required in the oflic~ of the Seoretary was gOl'ng £orward. He had Dot I set at the Barne time a row of wbite 'I week no bigger than balf your nail, hof Sdtat&dadndltotber publIC offices, fifty-five

... h h b d ! II d· I d . un re 0 ars. proceeded far from bis quarters wben pine .. ~ees on t e nort oun ary, I till It bas a 18(10 ve In your • I d nf d atId a row of oak trees ('n the west " I moath and tben ilPlt it oot. This COCRT ':Ot'SESrAND JArr;.S, '"

he met ao Irrllgu ar an co use b . . d b f I '. d h h b For the repairs 0 court "ousea an" crowd of men hastening in from the the east emg protec,e ya, grove 0 t bas 80 fortlfie my teet , t at t ey ·.1 fi h d d d 11 e I f d ,. S trees. The forest trees grew up, and are a8 strC'ng as the pen of Jnnlu~. Jal s, ve un re 0 ar . outer ine 0 our e,enees. UPPOB' f d . . . U G b FOR FliEL A!iD GJ.s.

Nlohols. Chemist, B08ton; D~.N.E. Jon, .. h~~~~:~;:~:~~~ Chemical Inspector, ClrclevlIre, Ohl~; Prof, C. T. Jaci<Ron, C!iemillt,lIoatOD; Dr. \iberle!

Upham Bhepbej'CI, ChlIrll!!toii, S, C.; and J. ~:i~~~~~f:£:::t{,~~~~r::~ V. z. Blane.y. and G, A.. MarlDer. Oon'IlIU,01 Chemists. Chicago ... II of whom have IInaly!> ed tile Catawba Sr.Ddy. and oOlllDlen41 It In the hlgheRt terms, for lOedI clnal WIll.

Awl'"'" of the MQll8ac1mseU3 81ate Assay ~". J~16.1868,

When evapo'- througb. olean linen lef! no OIl <lr oJl'eDslve matter, In

It Is a.~'~~~r~;~1~t~';;~~~:O~ ing them of CODrse to be Union strag- now protect my pears rom nvmg I I learned It llf JlLT8. r08venOr. W 0 t glerl!bhe rode up to tbem and order- winds. Wheu my neighbors' pears had not a s"""k in her teeth tIll ber For fuel an~ J'aB for Ihe supre

1_lJIe ffieour

ff · h f 11 . ,.v~ hooses and Jails. and the pllli IC a ceB, ll;a:-rl~o~,~~ ed a alt. The men se'kmed to mind ar~ ~Iowa 0 lU ~ e a, mme are I death" , the bills ror which to be certIfied by tbe III rffi~~~'aiii,rti-~ a<ijl1rationB very little, aud he unlDJured by the wmd aad Bto~Wti, The last words of Cardinal Wise· sheriffs of the several counties, one 1110u-

loudly denDunced' them as cowards, In low land, I pllt all tbe chnker" man are noteworthy. Opening his sand dollars. and urged them by every ~rgumen t ar?und my pear treef! to .keep tbe eyes, after a s~ott respite from. pain, FOR RULROAD comHBSIONERS.

coutd cODjure up to return to their s0111008e, and cover tbpm wltb aabe~. 1 and with a smIle p\aymg on hill fea· For pay of railroad commissloners, five places il1 the front. Presently oue By that meaos I am sa.ved the trou- I ture" he said to his attend~nts; hundred dollars. of the tbNag seil!led the Union of· ble of digging aroond my tree8.- I .. \Vell, here I am at last, like a child FOR ORDlrnS OF GOVERNOR. fioer's, bridle and ordered bim to dis- New England Farmer from Bchool, going home for the holi- To pay drafts on the treasury, drawn by mount, emphasil!ling the comtoand by days." the Governor, five hundred dollarl. an on:linoas gesture with a re"rolver. A TOWER OF SKULLS. A Cbicago school ma'am is mak- FOR RE:NTs, :ETC.

took our hero some time to COill- Lamartine, in his ,. Pilgrimage to ing quite a localsensatiou by giving To par rents of public offieesand rooml prebend his position, and to see in the Holy Land," writes as follows: large doses of red pepper to wblt!per- for m&g1Btrates' courts, fourteea hundred the dim dawn light tbat the regiment "When I was about a leagoe ing scbolars. It may not giTe tbe dolll.rs. which surrounded him was really a from Niae; the last Turkish town boys mach .. book-learning." but il For expenses of the NarragaQ.8ett tribe foree of rebels. It was not until almost on the frootier of Servia, I makes tbem .. mart. of Iudians, 8eventy-five dollars.

A, • .I.. Iii!, D_. A"'&V',r in "'.'A 1[1188 •• 16 Boy eRton.st.

BJ/Ike same, in t8M. I beve anaLvzed .. L.{.YOll'1II PURE C4-

TAWBA BRAltiDY," with .. rereMe to 1111 COmpOOltion tlDd oharao\er, bel1Jg the_It as thatproduoed In past years. A s&lllple tal!:en frOm ten CMQ alfotdeil the .... me r.,. aults with reg~rd to purity; a SlightlY In­cre&8ed amount of the principle 00 whlr:h Ita liavor dependil W&8 d~,ermilled by oom­parison with forMer samples.

The lndioallOIl8 of analy811 111_ that 1bla Brandy 1B produced by the a&mll proo", .. most of the Imported B!'-.. ndn

Re8!l<!ctfully, A. A. nTE8, 11:. D •• Stat" AlMyei', 16 Bojfeatou..Bt,

Boa,on, July 20, 186&.

, GoIng East:

8.26 a. m. 1.10 p. m. 8.ill .. 9.48 ,.

lO.i2 ..

lUll p. m. 7.17 ..

7.83 a. m. 11.02 p.m, 6.86 .. 8.&1 " 9.28 ..

Qolp, 11' .. 11 ,"9 •• .,.: .. ,

MOp. m. 11"6 p. 1Ir.

8.,l!0 .. .Jfo I.

J. .. r •••• 1.11 p ••• 9." .....

111"'0. '11.:111 lIt, ., 11.(14, " 1A7p ••• ".1. f'

11.10 ..

cDmmaud was three times repeated, sa\1l" a large tower rising up in tbe Hearing a physicia'u remark that FOR IDSCELLANE01:9 EXPltNU ••

that he dismounted. His bor8e, a midst of tbe plain, as white as Pari- a swalJ blow would break tbe nose. To pay appropriations made by the ... ,.. .. II1'rIIiT". III JUu wr I"xbl a \'- I wa~ gent to tbe re"r bl I t k tb th th tid General Assembly, .. nd such other obiects Manufaotur6d only by R.lL aGOll '" 00. •• (To whom all orderA .hould l>e lIliitliMed,>

Depot. 91 Llilertyo& •••• w Yoi'!<

11.10 a, M. US». lB.

·r" ~U·J..IWlO AIOJ:U1. ,a u<> e n wa , 0 0 ~ an mar e .. ed°o T e t\ I; ~ a rustic exclaimed, .. Well, I dau uo and claims as are not specified in'thls 'llllstn!r'rl'O'II'Ydkobr.mll d.,seribes by his captor. who, though himself an to it I deslr a ,IT I. a w 0 'bout tbat. I've blowed my nose a act. fifteen thousa.nd dollars. E. I; H. T. ANTHONY .Ii; 00.,

the bebeading of two men,luIleged OffiOOF, searched the pockets of his paaied me to hold my horse, great ma.~y tlwes aud I've never For the reports of the Supreme Court. IUNUFAcnmERS ()F PHOTOGRAPHIC R~il~~:~ to b .... e be6ll accomplices in the re- prilloner, aod confiscated his wlltch. and I Bat down. under t~ sbade o! broke it yet." ' thirteen hundred &lid fifty dollars. ~ERIlI.s> B ~~Ii6~~ oeD~ __ titatrOn of 1Jritillb office.r.. money, glove3 ~nd cloak. The rebel tbe tower Nto eOJoy r!lwfa\!ttW Im08me:~edtil It is said tbat some of tbe churches AN Acr to amend certaia provllwlls of Wholeilfrle .... ll llel&ll.

The writer laYs: 1 hfg,bwlI.yman finally ordered onr repose. 0 lIoone ~ w', . E..J db b ·d d 'th Title 13tb of the Rel'illed Statutell- &Gl BROADWA.Y. N. Y. ~fiiI'llIfIW'TlftWII./ ~~1hI\~ ilObt optln&d, and a man friend to tak'e oll' bis boots. Tbi~ than raisiag my eyes to the moou- 10 ns.an ave fen provl e WI "Of Pahlio Instruction." _

ooill'fi1d '-'ith' cordi aDd blindfolded can-ying the tbing too far, and ment, I discovered that the walls, pews for d~a~ pe~~~e. th The8~pPte~ys I1lsenoMl by t.be GeneroJ Assembly as roll<>1r.: TJ:iRi~~ ~~~t.~U;~8lr.!:' '!~:j~!~.~~~~:'~!~~)~;J~~~t;]~:. w .. led· through tbe orowd aod made the Union officer refused to give up wbich I so pposed to be bailt of mar- are connec e WI . e pu SECTION 1, No town sball receive any quartera for the fol10WlDg. :viz: ao.lluel> do". OR • ma~ placed II&> the boots, declaring he woald fight ble were of regular rows of buman means of tubes, ~blcb have.trumpe~- part of the State appropriation, on less it STEREOSCOPES AND 8TEREOsOM'{O

' fore .. hoi. dllg tp lW6i.e hil bl(lod first. Tbe rebel freebooter said per- sk~Jl8. bleached by rain and 80a, H~aped moutbs In conv~nlent pOSI· shan raise by tax, for the support of pub- . VIEW'8 .

• II4,bead. ,Tbe aUf'ndants drew his haps he had made enough out of one and cementfd by a little sand and twns fur the ear~ of the hsteoers. lia schools, a 10m eqnal to the whole of ~~~::g 1ha~~ ... e~a!l~lm~_~DI~e~~~~t~~~~~~~~~~ olotbet down off his /leck, apd gave man, and detailed Ii sergeant and lime, formed entirely the triumpbal AD Irishman. 'who was once on a ita proportion Df the BUm of rtbirty-fi~ 8IiD Cities I · b h 'tb th five men to take the prisoner into the arcn whiob now sheltered me from J·onrney, said he never liked to see thousand dollars "pportionlld to sueh tr;yo~ ~ub"lla:coo'r ji"~. • f,w prel mlDary rus es WI ell f II f bo k d town from the State treasury, alId eball Or

• b ...... ard." III if' to .troke the rebe works the burnlDg sun I Tbere must be tab es u a 0 s an newspapers appropria.te the 80m so raised _required k>gue will be lent any on reoelpt I bair an one ".y. Tbe executioner .. The Major proceeded quietly from flfteen to twenty tbou~and. In where be stopped at night, ., for," by the provisions of this Title. of StamPpROTOGaAPmC ALBUH8 • .... ,'dmVof· tlie 'l'jIooon'l IIOldierli. with his guard for some distance, some places portio os of bair are .aid he, .. I cau never find any AI!! ACT for the relief of persons ~o . ftEltt to introdllOll these Into -'"'' h-.I purchased • new sword bnt before reac~ing Fort Steadman still hanglDg, and waved like lichen wbiskey at such places." have furnished substitutes for tbem. ..ad lIlanufaetlll'tllm-.. - - t d' t.t. t ·tb th b· In Vl.rlsty. ranCin, hi ..... 'Ud bid a,ked permillllion to en ere In 0 au argumen WI em of mo"s. Every breeze, w leb One of the rebel papers charges selves in the military or naval serve of each. Our.4L-dO, .... I .... ~. aad tbua try.bis weapon. as to the folly of tbeir going back to was then blowing fresb, penetrated General Sherman WI th hnrDlllg the United Btates in resporile to the th~ ~putatt~n of beIng uperlor

lI'Aftef .eooring tbe hn~n around I.reJuellU'U now that tbey bad so good the inn1lmerabls cavities of tbe skulla houses. and call8 him a devil. If he call ot the President, dated Dei:.19, aHli 4lII'&blltty to ........... lib.,. ~;~~~~!~~i=~~=:::;;:l . t . f· t f 1864 .ent 111 mail, (lIJIl, oa reQllpt~ pdoe • ....... ndle, .nd oarefally wettlDg oppor unIty 10 escape rom I. alld 80unded like a mouro ul and werll the devil, rebs. Le woold bnrn 1119= •• te·dbY theG_Assemblyas foUon, JiirFlne.llbl1msm&de worder." "I.~ be u'lllllUp,~iI POSitiOD de· insIsted tbat their success in piere- plaintive sil{h. These were skulls you, aod not your honses. ~ h' OARD PH01'O!JB~B8.

Ie'· III'de tbe vic- ing our line was merely temporary, f l~ 000 S - s -h bad beea T SECTION 1. Anyper80n wbo aafarnlsh- Our Cat&logue no ... embralllea i!,=~~~Q~U=~S:~;~~:=~~ 1\~~'t'~~~:~)ji~:~; M 0 ", er~lan" 0 Mr. Gr~Ie"i! book. .. be Great ed an acoeptahle sobstitnte for himself THOUSAND dift" ... ot8nbjeots (to wbJlbll,,&!l-

t high and a$sured them that they would be put to death by the Pacha in the laBt American Conflict," has been trans. in the military or naval service of the dIPOI18 are oontlnl1ally bewe ~';:;~iI~;I~btl:I~::'~'~~ haJlld.I.let treated kindly if they gave them· in.urreotiDR of Sen,ia. Servia, bow- lated into Gormau, and Pllblished for United States since the ath day of De- tr&ltll ot EmInent A'IIlerlllllllB, ~ •• !I~~~~~~~~·~~~~ selve8 up. So good were the Maj,)r's ever, is now free, au:l tbis monument the benefit of citizens of Teutonic cember,.It.. D.'1864,Bhall beenlitled, npon 111«1 6lI9 ~~::!~eDj arguments. and so persuasive his el· will teacb their children the value of extraction. making sati6factory proof of tbe fact to :100

chief oquence, thllt before tbe little party independeoce, by' ebowing them the "Well, my boy, do you know tbe Payll18llter General,to rece~ve the 1111111 '''l'u·[lls.ap- ret&ched Fort Steadmall they unani- t h' h thel·r ~orefatbers por of three hundred dollar.; loa .. the P."._ -~ prIce a 'II IC l' - what llyn tax means 1" said a scbool. master Gene~al is hereby to 'l{omeIB,

it m<)nsly and volm,ltar 1y faced aboot chased it." master to tbe child of a teetotaler. pay such person said sum. tb&t

and marched into our lines. The i:!j~~~~~i~~~f~~~l~~~~~~~ • .. Yes, lIit-the doty upon spirits." it ShllI I.ppear to his tbat ~:::~~~I~l~~~ Malor, bereft of his worldly possess· ODDS ........ EVIlS h ab !t·m! h be ~ ...... .11 J.1 • " It illllweet to die for olle'll coon. suo s 8 e al en iQ~ Im,t proud in tbe cOilaciousness .. D It. -b., 'd _ upon the quota assigaed t<I

"DeeL ofJinal .. ictory, hellded Ihe octor. wan you .. o prescrJ e try: Wr.1I one. sal to a COllflOYlpt, onder t\lIl Cil1 of the President ~£~~~~~!~ 'T:1~tf:Jtr~~~!dh~-; 'be six repentant rebels, witb for me.". Tbe ~octor feels her pulse,. wbo replied, that he never hked United States, dated Dec. 19,1864. f~ mUi.kets in their hands, followed .. Tbere IS nothlDg tbe matter, !a~- ._t thiDglL Ali Am relative to actioDli of libel 00. ... ,~r<Ieriq coc .. ~

i;~;~~;~;;~l~~;~ 1,llDlim:iRlliivlll., to headquarters." am i y?U only need reet." ,. N.oW', A New York advertiser of r.nto- slander. remit ~$ntY·4ve ~:~~~~;r~~:;:i':i doctor, Just look at my tongoe 1 J08t ~apbs marks naniel Webster'l 50 1110 enacted by the Gen&raJ .l.asembl1as r.no... : of tbe!r d.r. look at it [ lo~k at it. ,I, now ~ay wba~ wd Ptof •. Webster, the mllrderer 0; SECTION 1. In every action hereafter .IIlUfllCtl1ft~ ~ ~+l~~ ~~_

that liee~, 7" I think tbAt Parblan,.' 00. commenced for libel or aIAftiUI'. the de- 601 Br4~IoY. ~ I'orfl.

needs rest, too. I t" 't b' I: 'I • fel\dant -y, "ith 1\_ plea of .ot suiltr, .. a'IIe 1/I'iCU ai14 QiIGliIit .of ~ ~iii;~;~~~~ t:.: •.• n " .v· - '1· n u& ,ac. nnteem y englOe, lilA. written lIoti·- th- 1.. '"-'11 _ L-:::"~IOC~ftIil=;;,IO~ IGIIGI~";W~.;;-;~;;;;--;:;;:;;; ALI a ptl80n ID. .&:"al'lB. .1.,U8 JUY6Il1 e l~ P'ren,lies the- "orld'e 8trength, ~ "" .. "" ... , pr".e VtllUallftl: an4 !.flDlIll tblue.~~e-O(. ~tl time's mo.t formidable foiJ. the truth of the publicati" III HIIJ.HLA.ND WATER ~~&~li~ lta!~lld on a mlllt.r-J p,!aQ, the well· " IibeHonl, or.the words I)~- 4~d up tor the rlOtJlrtloD __ :1:1".,:0

being railed to the rank of Tbere affl ~S,Oj)O medIca) pracl1' d~,{fI,tJ.d t/in lOch • tIte t.i'-'i:'t·~a ~U '~~ .lat'1.ltl··ll)ol1porals and· ""~. They a~e tionilrS: til' Fr3inee at tile pteaent t~. g 't'ellhalt ~dlb m d B. p • .uan "

j"2~':I:!;;·:I·~~i!"c~~:,~~I~ fticDi',·· and recellffj' time: .• ::~ without&D~ D. JtU~ ·:lit!..~-··,~·, 4 ~===:t~=~ ~~:~=:t,: .. :::, Diimc- trail bfle11"ilIfiti" 1 cot,4lOporarl cl • ..e.J)Jo~~~,Qaro:: True coPl-witneu, 1. ; SeDdrora CtroulU'. " I d, lr!Ialll'·'::1111t. ' lina amohittlle et\1DCl"YotcahOfi. . lou R. B4mtm', Sec'T 01 '1Jiat.. .u~,4ItrM,dIc&IITOo •••• T •