By: Drake Hudspeth Date: 09/20/10 Math: 2nd Coordinate Grid Project

By: Drake Hudspeth Date: 09/20/10 Math: 2nd

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Coordinate Grid Project . By: Drake Hudspeth Date: 09/20/10 Math: 2nd. Think About This:. If Papa Johns is having a sale ,and the sale was for x amount of pizzas that you buy you get 1480 free, how many pizzas would you have?. Equation:. f[x]=x+1,480 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Coordinate Grid Project

By: Drake HudspethDate: 09/20/10Math: 2ndCoordinate Grid Project

Think About This:If Papa Johns is having a sale ,and the sale was for x amount of pizzas that you buy you get 1480 free, how many pizzas would you have?

Equation: f[x]=x+1,480

Independent x= amount of pizzas that you buy Dependent y= amount of pizzas after deal

Is it a Function?Yes, because x does not repeat. On the graph later, you will see that there is only one of the same x values.

Continuous or Discrete?The domain is continuous because x only goes up one each time.

Function Notation D:{1,2,3,4,5}

R:{1,481, 1,482, 1,483, 1,484, 1,485}



Why is this Important?This is important because in order to be in business you must see how your business is doing through a graph like this.



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