by Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

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Page 1: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

by Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS

modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN

Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Page 2: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Thoracic Cavity


Page 3: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Normal Anatomy


Thoracic cavityChest wallPleural spaceFluid

Page 4: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Terminolgy Pleura

the thin serous membrane around the lungs and inner walls of the chest (2 layers)

Pleural spacethin space between the 2 layers of pleura

Pleural cavitybody cavity that surrounds the lungs

Parietal PleuraPleura that lines the inner chest walls and covers the

diaphragm Viceral Pleura

Pleura that lines the lung itself Pleural Fluid

pleura that lines the inner chest wall and covers the diaphragm

Page 5: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Pleural FluidpH 7.6 – 7.641-2g/dL proteinLess than 1000 WBC per cubic millimeterGlucose level similar to plasmaLDH less than 50% that of plasmaNa, K+, & Ca levels similar to that of

interstitial fluid

Page 6: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Viceral pleura –Covers surface of the lungCannot be disected away from the lung

Parietal pleura-Lines the wall of the chest and covers the



Page 7: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Chest Trauma & Thoracic Injury


20-25% of trauma victims with chest trauma die

45% of trauma victims have some type of chest trauma

BEWARE: External injury may appear minor

Page 8: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Categories for Traumatic Injuries

Blunt trauma

Penetrating trauma

Page 9: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Traumatic Chest Injuries


Mechanism of Injury Common Related Injury

Blunt TraumaBlunt steering wheel injury to chest Rib fractures, flail chest,

pneumothorax, hemopneumothorax, myocardial contusion, pulmonary contusion, cardiac tamponade, great vessel tears

Shoulder harness seat belt injury Fractured clavicle, dislocated shoulder, rib fractures, pulmonary contusion, pericardial contusion, cardiac tamponade

Crush injury (heavy equipment, crushing the thorax)

Pneumothorax and hemopneumothorax, flail chest, great vessel tears and rupture, decreased blood return to heart with decreased cardiac output

Penetrating traumaGunshot, stab wound to chest Open pneumothorax, tension

pneumothorax, hemopneumothorax, cardiac tamponade, esophageal damage, tracheal tear, great vessel tears

Page 10: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Respiratory Disorders: Pleural and Thoracic Injury


Pleural Effusion• A collection of excess fluid in the pleural space

Is it normal to have fluid in this space?Would you consider a pleural effusion a disease?

• ClassificationTransudative aka: hydorthoraces ----- systemic

causesUsually not caused by inflammatory processesMost common type

Exudative ----- localized causeUsually caused by an inflammatory processOften recurrent, difficult to treat

Page 11: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

EmpyemaWhat is it?

What causes it?

How do we treat it?

Page 12: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Etiology: Pleural Effusion Identify the Class of Effusion


Disease Process Classification of Effusion

Heart Failure



Renal Disease

Lung Cancer



Liver Failure

Page 13: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Clinical Manifestations: Pleural Effusion


DyspneaPleurisyDecreased breath soundsDecreased chest wall movement Dullness on percussion

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Page 15: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

How do we diagnosis

pleural effusions?

Page 16: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Pleural Effusion -- Diagnositcs


Page 17: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury
Page 18: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury
Page 19: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

How do we know what type of pleural effusion it


Page 20: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Interventions: Pleural Effusion


Thoracentesis Diagnostic vs. Therapeutic

Page 21: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Interventions: Pleural Effusion


Page 22: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Interventions: Pleural EffusionChest tube placement/PleurX catheter


Page 23: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Interventions: Pleural Effusion


Treat underlying condition – CHF/Renal failurePneumoniaLiver DiseaseLupus/RAMalignancy


Chest tube insertionAllow to resolve

Page 24: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Complications of Pleural Effusion

Trapped Lung

Recurrent effusions


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Page 26: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Closed Pneumothorax

No opening from external chest.

Open Pneumothorax

Opening from external chest wall into pleura.

Iatrogenic Pneumothorax

Puncture or laceration of visceral pleura during medical tx

Occurs in crashes, falls, MVAs, CPR, COPD, fractured ribs that penetrate the pleura.

Occurs in stabbings, gunshot wounds, impalement injury.

Occurs in central line placement, thoracentesis, lung biopsy, bronchoscopy, & mechanical ventilation


Page 27: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury



Page 28: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Clinical Manifestations: Pneumothorax




Page 29: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Tension Pneumothorax


Air/blood/fluid rapidly entering the pleural space

Lung collapses

Emergency situation

Page 30: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Pathophysiology: Tension Pneumo


Increase in intrapleural pressure

Compression of lung

Compresses against trachea, heart, aorta, esophagus

Ventilation and cardiac output greatly compromised

Page 31: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Clinical Manifestations: Tension Pneumo


Severe dyspneaTracheal deviationDecreased cardiac outputDistended neck veinsIncreased respiratory rateIncreased heart rateDecreased blood pressureShock

Page 32: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Treatment Tension PneumoEmergency --- quick intervention

Needle decompressionChest tube placement

Page 33: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Other TypesHemothorax


Page 34: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Intervention: Pneumothorax


High Fowlers positionOxygen as orderedRest to decrease oxygen demand***Chest tube insertionPleurodesisSurgery


Page 35: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Clinical Manifestations: Rib Fractures


Ribs 5-10 most commonly fracturedPainSplinting & Rapid, shallow respirationsDecreased breath soundsCrepitus Signs/symptoms of pneumothorax

Page 36: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Treatment: Rib FracturesReduce or minimize painDo we wrap or bind the chest?Do we use opiods?Goal?

Page 37: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Pathophysiology: Flail Chest


2 or more ribs fractured

2 or more separate places

Unstable / free floating chest

Usually involves anterior or lateral fx

Paradoxical respirations

Page 38: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Clinical Manifestations: Flail Chest


Dyspnea with rapid, shallow inspiration


Palpable crepitus

Decreased breath sounds

Unequal chest expansion


Page 39: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Interventions: Flail Chest


Oxygen as orderedElevate HOBAnalgesia SuctionSplint affected side?*Intubation*Mechanical ventilation

Page 40: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Pathophysiology: Pulmonary Contusion


Abrupt chest compression then rapid decompression

Intra-alveolar hemorrhage

Interstitial/bronchial edema

Decreased surfactant production

Increase pulmonary vascular resistance

Decrease blood flow

Page 41: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Clinical Manifestation: Pulmonary Contusion


Increased SOBRestlessnessAnxietyChest painCopious sputumIncreased respiratoryIncreased heart rateDyspneaCyanosis

Page 42: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Intervention: Pulmonary Contusion


IntubationMechanical ventilationBronchoscopy Fluids Volume expandersPulmonary artery pressure monitoring

Page 43: By Charlotte Cooper RN, MSN, CNS modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN Respiratory Disorders: Pleural & Thoracic Injury

Chest SurgeriesLewis 593 Table 28-22; NCP 28-2Exploratory thoracotomy

Incision into thorax to look for injured or bleeding tissue

Thoracotomy not involving lungVATS

Video-assisted thoracic surgery to do lung biopsy, lobectomy, ect