By: Catherine Thai and Destiny Walton PYRAMUS & THISBE

By: Catherine Thai and Destiny Walton. The myth of Pyramus and Thisbe is a Greek tale of Romeo and Juliet. The two young lovers were forbidden to see

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Page 1: By: Catherine Thai and Destiny Walton. The myth of Pyramus and Thisbe is a Greek tale of Romeo and Juliet. The two young lovers were forbidden to see

By: Catherine Thai and Destiny Walton


Page 2: By: Catherine Thai and Destiny Walton. The myth of Pyramus and Thisbe is a Greek tale of Romeo and Juliet. The two young lovers were forbidden to see

The myth of Pyramus and Thisbe is a Greek tale of Romeo and Juliet. The two young

lovers were forbidden to see each other by their parents, and were separated by a

wall from conjoined houses and spoke to each other from a small crack in the

barrier. One night, the two decided that their love could handle no more separation and they would meet the following evening to finally be together. They agreed to meet

at a tree in a forest and wait for each other.


Page 3: By: Catherine Thai and Destiny Walton. The myth of Pyramus and Thisbe is a Greek tale of Romeo and Juliet. The two young lovers were forbidden to see

Thisbe arrived first, and when she did, she saw a lioness. She scurried to safety, all while dropping her veil. The lioness found Thisbe’s possession and rent and draught it with her

bloody mouth. Pyramus came later and thought he arrived first, until he saw the veil covered in blood from the lioness, thinking that his love was dead. He chose that if she

was dead, he would die too, without her love, and drew his sword into his heart. Thisbe

came back, seeing the sword in her beloved’s body. Choosing not to let him suffer and die

alone for her sake, Thisbe plunged the sword into her chest, wishing for berries to grow

purple on the day of their memorial from their blood. The parents buried them together, and the purple berries grew on the tree they died

next to from that day forth.

Page 4: By: Catherine Thai and Destiny Walton. The myth of Pyramus and Thisbe is a Greek tale of Romeo and Juliet. The two young lovers were forbidden to see

Thisbe Talking Through The Cracked Wall

Pyramus And Thisbe Dying By The Mulberry


Page 5: By: Catherine Thai and Destiny Walton. The myth of Pyramus and Thisbe is a Greek tale of Romeo and Juliet. The two young lovers were forbidden to see

∞ The Mulberry Tree symbolizes the death and everlasting love of Pyramus and Thisbe. The tree was the meeting spot and also the place where the two lovers died. The

berries that were once white now turn purple because of the blood from the two and represents their ongoing

love.∞ The sword (or dagger) symbolizes the death and sacrifice

of the two. They took their own lives with the sword so they wouldn’t have to live without each other and it was a sacrifice to be together in the after life and away from

their parents.


Page 6: By: Catherine Thai and Destiny Walton. The myth of Pyramus and Thisbe is a Greek tale of Romeo and Juliet. The two young lovers were forbidden to see

∞ Thisbe’s veil symbolizes her life and also death. When Pyramus sees her veil bloodied and draught he assumes

that she is dead. It is then that he decides to take his own life. Then Thisbe sees it and concludes it was the

veil that caused him to kill himself and she, too, took her life because of it.

∞ The wall represents the barrier between their love and what’s keeping them apart from each other. It can also

represent their parents resentment on them being together. It is what drives them to great measures to be



Page 7: By: Catherine Thai and Destiny Walton. The myth of Pyramus and Thisbe is a Greek tale of Romeo and Juliet. The two young lovers were forbidden to see

∞ The color white means peace and innocence. The berries on the Mulberry were once white and showed of the two lovers’ innocence in just trying to be together. The tree

was a safe haven and peaceful spot for them to die together.

∞ Violet means advanced spirituality, which in this case, Pyramus and Thisbe, both take their lives and move on

together as spirits. The berries turn from white to purple to represent the death and possibly the rebirth of the

two’s love.∞ Also, the color red is the color of blood and meaning of

death. The blood shed from them is what causes the berries to turn purple. It could represent their deep passion for each other and will to die for the other’s



Page 8: By: Catherine Thai and Destiny Walton. The myth of Pyramus and Thisbe is a Greek tale of Romeo and Juliet. The two young lovers were forbidden to see

∞ A lake means mystery and depth. The lioness drank from a lake while Thisbe ran off to hide. The depth of the story

is when Pyramus comes in and finds the veil that was mauled by the lion and kills himself to be with his “dead”

true love.∞ A tree is the base and heart of the story. A tree

symbolizes knowledge and life in this story. The tree is where the lives of Pyramus and Thisbe end. The parents

gain knowledge of knowing that they should have let their love be from the beginning or the tragedy would

have never occurred.


Page 9: By: Catherine Thai and Destiny Walton. The myth of Pyramus and Thisbe is a Greek tale of Romeo and Juliet. The two young lovers were forbidden to see

∞ A theme in this myth is tragedy or misfortune. The only thing Pyramus and Thisbe wanted was to be together. The one day they

finally set off to be together is when things start to go wrong. Pyramus believes that Thisbe was dead and he kills himself; and

when she finds out what happened, she kills herself, too. It is unfortunate for this to happen on the one day they had been waiting

for, for so long.∞ Another theme is love or passion. The two teens were so in love that

they would do anything for each other, such as die. They were so love struck that they went to extreme measures to be together and run away from their families. The very last moments together, they showed so much compassion toward each other that they took their own lives. They showed that they couldn’t live without each other

and how they were passionate with each other. The passion and love for each other is what caused their actions and ended in them taking

their lives.

THEMES“Love conquers all even through tragedy and death”

Page 10: By: Catherine Thai and Destiny Walton. The myth of Pyramus and Thisbe is a Greek tale of Romeo and Juliet. The two young lovers were forbidden to see

∞ Also, rebellion can be a theme of the myth. Thisbe and Pyramus were forbidden to see each other, but they

chose to run away from their parents so they could be together. It shows rebellion because they disobeyed

they’re parents’ rules and chose love instead.


Page 11: By: Catherine Thai and Destiny Walton. The myth of Pyramus and Thisbe is a Greek tale of Romeo and Juliet. The two young lovers were forbidden to see