By: Caden Westover

By: Caden Westover. Hello my name is Aiman which means fearless. But it is very ironic because I am not at all fearless, I am afraid of almost everything

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By: Caden Westover

Hello my name is Aiman which means fearless. But it is very ironic because I am not at all fearless, I am afraid of almost everything. I mean rattlesnakes, prairie falcons, great- horned- owls, sage bush those were all teeth chattering. I live in a nice tribe called the Ute tribe…

Ahhh!!! my sister Aldercy screamed it’s a spider!

Uggh…I yawned why are you up so early. Remember its building day silly, said my

sister. Its not building day… Until I remembered it was building day! we

started by putting are wooden poles into the ground then we put animal skin

(buffalo hide) on the poles and tied it tight. Then we made are doorway and we

were done.

Today I decided to wear my favorite shirt today a brown short sleeved shirt. At my school everybody wore there favorite shirt all the exact same thing mostly all brown or red short sleeved shirt/skirt (red because of hunting).

We learned how to cut with are stone knifes. The it was lunch time!

At lunch we had buffalo and some kind of jellyish food made out of dear bone. The jelly was crunchy but yet soft. The buffalo was tasty and so soft and chewy YUM. until one student threw his jelly at another person. It started a food fight I got a little stained but it was fun..

Then we were going to tell a story like always but not today

Ahhh walking home with my stones and almost fell off a cliff until I remembered we go to school on a platu. and had to climb down it. I was walking down until I saw my hangout me and some other friends hanged out there but I kept climbing down I saw a few trees. A couple of owls some other stuff. Then I saw a dead rattlesnake.

Oh, look at those cute black footed ferrets and those service berry plants. Many cool plants and animals are at my second favorite spot. I sat on a rock watching a couple of weird jack rabbits eating there poop. Ewwww!?!?!?!?! Many Indian rice and cheat grass are near my tepee. I was admiring the view from the rock and was watching some big rain cloud roll in. I couldn’t believe how fast the rain clouds came and I ran home as fast as I could. It started to drizzle and then pour down rain…………

Its raining YaY, that means grass and food will be growing. Now I can eat berries instead of meat for once! Sadly we still had to eat meat because it was raining all night long. For dinner I had my favorite meat and jelly. We made jelly by cooking bones and mashing the berries with bones. The meat we had was buffalo that I hunted.

I am tired goodnight, 7hrs later………..

What the……. woke up with my tepee on fire and the wind was howling and my life is ruined. And so I think………

Rumble rumble!!!!!! Giant cracks are everywhere and it’s pouring, my friends tepee just fell into an abyss! Large lasers, which is lightening, are falling out of the sky and the rumbling is making me fly. Someone was screaming, “go to the school.” You can never predict when lasers are going to fall from the sky. You can see explosions and fire everywhere. It felt like an anger gods wrath were attacking us. Animals, trees, dirt and everything in it’s path was falling into the abyss. My mom and dad screamed, “BRACE YOURSELVES the abyss is getting bigger.” My house was flooded and destroyed. My sister, dad, mother and myself survived the earthquake. Sadly, my friends dad died in the abyss during the earthquake. It was a sad and horrible day, but it was not over……

Rumble rumble!!! Not another earthquake. My dad yelled, “GET UNDER ANYTHING THAT IS STURDY IT WILL PROTECT YOU.” I am not going to question my dad cause he is smarter, older and my teacher. We waited for a gigantic gap from another earthquake but all we felt was more rumbling. My dad said it was just an aftershock but it was still pouring. I wonder how much water this cumulonimbis cloud holds. We stayed inside the school tepee like it was a normal rainy day. Our day was a normal day with storytelling, which my tribe really likes to do. Even though there was a GIANT gap in the middle of the school we still went about a normal day.

Twenty-five years later...

UGH…I think I am sick. I will bring you some soup. Please look out for my tribe…ok! Many people are sick cause of the white men who brought many diseases. I said, “just look after them and thanks for the soup.” Ok I better get going. Thanks. UGH…”he is dead”. No his heart is still beating. White men? Oh no where is my tribe?! They are gone. They can’t be dead. They aren’t dead they were taken away by other European’s in a war but they are slaves now. They can’t be KILL ME KILL ME because I need my family and friends while I am alive!!!


I think I got a C+ because I had a good amount of places I could improve on. Like adding more information and making my sentences have better wording. I put a lot of information in there but I could of put more. Could have had book sources but I couldn’t find any in our library, but I used many websites. I could always do better but hoping to get an 82%-100% grade. I really enjoyed some parts like adding art and looking at pictures while seeing which one would be best. My least favorite part was typing and writing the frames. If I could do this again I would plan a better pace so I could get it done faster with typing and creating slides. I could be more responsible in bringing home all my materials that would help me complete my project. I also need to work on saving my work as I do it and not lose any of my stuff.

1. "Ute Indian Fact Sheet." bigorrin.org. Native Languages of the Americas website © 1998-2014 , 2014. Web. 8 Oct. 2014. <http://www.bigorrin.org/ute_kids.htm>.

2. boy baby names." cute baby names. n.p., Web. 1 Jan. <http://www.cutebabynames.org/baby-boy-names.aspx?action=1>.

3. "Exotic and Invasive Species." Cheatgrass. np, 20 Oct. 2014. Web. 20 Oct. 2014. <http://cpluhna.nau.edu/Biota/invasive_exotics.htm>.

4. Cpluhna.nau.edu/biota/plants.htm