======================================================================= BUSOU SHINKI: BATTLE MASTERS FAQ/WALKTHROUGH SONY PLAYSTATION PORTABLE Author: OshareKeiji Version: 0.65 ======================================================================= This FAQ is best viewed in Shift-JIS for Japanese characters. Use Ctrl+F and paste the code from the index to jump to the desired section. For the people who can actually understand what's going on in this game, THERE CAN AND WILL BE SPOILERS AROUND! *cue thunder and lightning sound effects* So spare me the 'tude and stop reading if you don't want to ruin things for yourself. Also, there will be little to no info on DLC stuff AT ALL. This is for the benefit of the people who don't have the yens for the funky extra stuff (myself included). Besides, you can complete the game (somewhat) properly without them. **************************VERSION HISTORY****************************** -08/23/10 - Compiled the guide, but had to do minor updates for missed typos. +08/27/10 - Added Rival Tables for Game Center. +08/31/10 - Added partial Rival Tables for Club Valhalla and corrected a few more typos and wrong info. +09/08/10 - Added more info, reorganized some menu items. ======================================================================= 0. INDEX ======================================================================= NOTE: Sections 9 and 12 are currently under construction. 1. BUSOU SHINKI 101............................................[BS4DMY] 2. MENU TRANSLATIONS...........................................[MENUTR] 3. SHINKI MODEL PROFILES.......................................[VTLSTC] 4. NOTABLE NPCs + SHINKI.......................................[STRNGR] 5. SHINKI BATTLING BASICS .....................................[BT4DMY] 6. WEAPONS, ARMOR & ACESSORIES 101.............................[WPARAC] =6A-1: ナナナナ(KNUCKLE CATEGORY) =6A-2: ナナナナ(ASSAULT WEAPON CATEGORY)


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======================================================================= BUSOU SHINKI: BATTLE MASTERS


SONY PLAYSTATION PORTABLEAuthor: OshareKeiji Version: 0.65=======================================================================

This FAQ is best viewed in Shift-JIS for Japanese characters. Use Ctrl+F and paste the code from the index to jump to the desired section.

For the people who can actually understand what's going on in this game, THERE CAN AND WILL BE SPOILERS AROUND! *cue thunder and lightning sound effects* So spare me the 'tude and stop reading if you don't want to ruin things for yourself.

Also, there will be little to no info on DLC stuff AT ALL. This is for the benefit of the people who don't have the yens for the funky extra stuff (myself included). Besides, you can complete the game (somewhat) properly without them.

**************************VERSION HISTORY******************************

-08/23/10 - Compiled the guide, but had to do minor updates for missed typos.+08/27/10 - Added Rival Tables for Game Center.+08/31/10 - Added partial Rival Tables for Club Valhalla and corrected a few more typos and wrong info. +09/08/10 - Added more info, reorganized some menu items.

=======================================================================0. INDEX =======================================================================

NOTE: Sections 9 and 12 are currently under construction.

1. BUSOU SHINKI 101............................................[BS4DMY]2. MENU TRANSLATIONS...........................................[MENUTR]3. SHINKI MODEL PROFILES.......................................[VTLSTC]4. NOTABLE NPCs + SHINKI.......................................[STRNGR]5. SHINKI BATTLING BASICS .....................................[BT4DMY]6. WEAPONS, ARMOR & ACESSORIES 101.............................[WPARAC]






=6B-1: ヘッド (HEAD PARTS)

=6B-2: ボディ (BODY PARTS)

=6B-3: アーム (ARM PARTS)

=6B-4: スカート (SKIRTS)

=6B-5: レッグ (LEG PARTS) =6B-6: シューズ (SHOES)

=6B-7: リアパーツ (REAR PARTS)

=6B-8: シールド (SHIELDS)

=6B-9: アクセサリ一 (ACCESSORIES)7. RAIL ACTION.................................................[RAIACT] =7-1: MANEUVERING RAILS =7-3: FINAL RAILS8. GAME CENTER.................................................[GMCERV] =8-1: INITIAL/F3 RIVALS =8-2: F2 RIVALS =8-3: F1 RIVALS9. STORY & F-BATTLE QUALIFIERS.................................[FBTTLQ]10. OFFICIAL BATTLE TOURNAMENTS................................[OBTOUR]11. CLUB VALHALLA..............................................[CLVARV] =11-1: BEFORE CLEARING =11-2: APPLET CRISIS ARC =11-3: LOVE EVENT RIVALS =11-4: AFTER CLEARING *UNDER CONSTRUCTION*12. LOVE EVENTS................................................[LUVEVT]13. CLEAR GAME: TO CONTINUE OR BEGIN ANEW?.....................[NGPCNC]14. TITLES.....................................................[BRGRTS]15. LEGAL STUFF AND CREDITS....................................[LGSTFX]

=======================================================================1. BUSOU SHINKI 101 [BS4DMY]=======================================================================

Shinki are programmable MMS (multi-moveable system) robot dolls who have their own personalities thanks to the revolutionary Love System interface, and how their behavior and skills will develop depends on their master. Back in 2036, a Shinki's battling abilities were hinged purely on their armaments and the master can only assist in real time with off-hand coaching. 4 years later, advances in technology allowed masters full control over their Shinki in battle using a VR console called "Shinki Ride System".

You play as yourself (or any online/character-based handle you prefer),a newbie in the world of Shinki battling. Your application has been accepted so all you have to do is hit the shop to get your starting spt, and most imporatantly, your Shinki.

=======================================================================2. MENU TRANSLATIONS [MENUTR]=======================================================================

===2-1: MAIN MAP===




*ゲームセンター - GAME CENTER

*ジャンクショップ - JUNK SHOP

*クラブヴァルハラ - CLUB VALHALLA (Unlocked after beating Mimazaka)

*Fバトル会場 - F BATTLE VENUE (Opens after winning F Class qualifiers)

===2-2: YOUR HOME===


*神姫データ - SHINKI DATA

*ライバルデータ - RIVAL DATA

*プレイヤーデータ - PLAYER DATA


--称号 (TITLES)

*セーブ - SAVE



*レールアクション設定 - ASSIGN RAIL ACTION

*武装エディット登録 - RECORD EDIT SETTINGS (50 Slots) --(You will be asked if you want to save, then name the setting)


===2-4: SHINKI CENTER===


*オフィシャルショップ - OFFICIAL SHOP

*プレミアムショップ - PREMIUM SHOP

*トレーニング - TRAINING


===2-5: SHOPS===

*神姫機体購入 - BUY SHINKI UNIT (Official Shop Only)

*パーツ購入 - BUY PARTS

--武器 (WEAPONS)

--防具 (ARMOR)

--アクセサリー (ACCESSORIES)

*パーツ売却 - SELL PARTS (Opens same submenu as buy)

*神姫機体引き取る - DECOMISSION SHINKI UNIT (Junk Shop Only) --(Only Shinki with complete Love Events can be decomissioned)*チュートリアル - TUTORIAL

=======================================================================3. SHINKI MODEL PROFILES [VTLSTC]=======================================================================


As mentioned earlier, Shinki are influenced by their masters, so the descriptions are based on the Love Events the player undergoes, not the Shinki of rival characters.

===3-1: FRONT LINE MMS ANGEL TYPE: ARNVAL Mk2 (アーンヴァル Mk2)===

[]------[]| STATS ||--------||LP |400 ||--------||ATK|45 ||--------||SPD|4 ||--------||DEX|2 ||--------||CHA|40 ||--------||DEF|45 |[]------[]

*Seiyuu: Kana Asumi

*General Description: A revised version of Front Line's bestselling Arnval model. Unassuming and lacks confidence, but generally kind, loyal and determined, as expected of an angel. However, a handful of Arnval Mk2 models are plagued with a behavioral programming bug that involuntarily turns them into violent berserkers.

===3-2: FRONT LINE MMS DEVIL TYPE: STRARF Mk2 (ストラーフ Mk2)===

[]------[]| STATS ||--------||LP |400 ||--------||ATK|35 ||--------||SPD|4 ||--------||DEX|6 ||--------||CHA|40 ||--------||DEF|40 |[]------[]

*Seiyuu: Minori Chihara

*General Description: A revised version of Front Line's bestselling Strarf model. A serious loner type who has a hard time accepting praise. Fighting is when she feels complete, and shows her opponents no mercy. Even with a long string of victories, she never celebrates, opting instead to split hairs to figure out if she could have performed better.


===3-3: GROUP K2 MMS NINJA TYPE: FUBUKI (フブキ)===

[]------[]| STATS ||--------||LP |400 ||--------||ATK|40 ||--------||SPD|4 ||--------||DEX|4 ||--------||CHA|40 ||--------||DEF|40 |[]------[]

*Seiyuu: Yukari Fukui

*General Description: As serious as her real-life counterparts, she is fiercely loyal to a worthy master, but cold to others. Though unclear if done for purposes of efficiency or economy, she undergoes Power Savemode when not in battle.


[]------[]| STATS ||--------||LP |350 ||--------||ATK|45 ||--------||SPD|3 ||--------||DEX|6 ||--------||CHA|40 ||--------||DEF|40 |[]------[]

*Seiyuu: Ryoko Shiraishi

*General Description: Built for military enthusiasts, Zelnogrards are totally enamored and very knowledgable with all sorts of high-powered weapons. While this Shinki zealously enjoys maintenance work, hunting for legendary weapons and diving into battle with guns blazing like there's a real war going on, she secretly wants her master to recognize her femininity.




| STATS ||--------||LP |450 ||--------||ATK|45 ||--------||SPD|4 ||--------||DEX|2 ||--------||CHA|40 ||--------||DEF|40 |[]------[]

*Seiyuu: Eri Kitamura

*General Description: An active, rough-and-tumble Shinki who's always aching for a good fight. Even so, she also has a soft side and looks for ways she can better serve her master outside of battle. Loves to be patted on the head from time to time, making her very popular with dog lovers.


[]------[]| STATS ||--------||LP |350 ||--------||ATK|40 ||--------||SPD|5 ||--------||DEX|5 ||--------||CHA|40 ||--------||DEF|35 |[]------[]

*Seiyuu: Mai Hashimoto

*General Description: An easygoing Shinki who loves to play tricks and considers Shinki battles as games. Stroking her head, chin and ears causes her to fall asleep. Her curiosity, laziness and childish idiosyncracy of "nano da" in her speech is a big hit with both lolicons and cat lovers.


[]------[]| STATS ||--------||LP |350 ||--------|


|ATK|40 ||--------||SPD|6 ||--------||DEX|4 ||--------||CHA|40 ||--------||DEF|40 |[]------[]

*Seiyuu: Yui Horie

*General Description: As a high speed type, Ach is here one second, and there the next. Notorious for being hotheaded and very impatient, insisting on pure speed and combat efficiency to the point of obsession. However, this Shinki often gets flustered when her master asks her to take a chill pill and slow down.


[]------[]| STATS ||--------||LP |300 ||--------||ATK|40 ||--------||SPD|5 ||--------||DEX|4 ||--------||CHA|40 ||--------||DEF|40 |[]------[]

*Seiyuu: Yukari Tamura

*General Description: Created with the taste for the finer things in life, Yda models are obsessed with affluence and class to the extent where she even influences her own master's appearance. Often long-winded and scary when complaining about her master's shortcomings, be it financial or cultural. Popular among Tsundere and Ojousama fans.


[]------[]| STATS ||--------||LP |400 ||--------||ATK|35 ||--------||SPD|4 |


|--------||DEX|4 ||--------||CHA|40 ||--------||DEF|50 |[]------[]

*Seiyuu: Megumi Nakajima

*General Description: A new Shinki model whose base behavior is patterned after the perfect lady of days gone by. Though Altlenne's movements in combat are well coordinated, she can be a bit of a klutz with or without heavy equipment. Very secretive when left to her own devices, she asks permission to go on solo walks but never reveals where she's been.


[]------[]| STATS ||--------||LP |450 ||--------||ATK|40 ||--------||SPD|4 ||--------||DEX|4 ||--------||CHA|40 ||--------||DEF|50 |[]------[]

*Seiyuu: Kaori Mizuhashi

*General Description: Also a new model, Altlenne's sister unit. Alteines comes off as a bit of a tomboy and initially runs on the preconcieved notion that her master uses her sheer power for the mere sake of winning and would be useless without her. Has been known to play matchmaker for single masters whether they want to be set up or not.

=======================================================================4. NOTABLE NPCs + SHINKI [STRNGR]=======================================================================

===大木戸甚平/たま子(JINPEI OOKIDOU & TAMAKO)=== *The main character's (forgotten) friend from high school. Gives you a Leather Armor+JO that he customized himself. Though he's been into Shinki Battling for quite a while, Jinpei hasn't progressed much.

===小早川千歳/リリス (CHITOSE KOBAYAKAWA & LILITH)===*The first master to obtain a Strarf Mk2. Prideful and emotional, she nonetheless considers you her sworn rival after stopping her long


winning streak.

===美馬坂真尋/ドナ (MAHIRO MIMAZAKA & DONNA)===*Proprietor of Club Valhalla, an underground battling club that employs gambling of parts and illegal environmental handicaps.

===ガイア/ハーデス (GAIA & HADES)===*The mastermind behind the proliferation of a destructive MMS performance-enhancing applet. Leads a group of agents called the "Cursed 4" and is rumored to have psychokinetic powers.

===竹姫葉月/アルテミス (HAZUKI TAKEHIME & ARTEMIS)===*The current F1 Champion.

=======================================================================5. SHINKI BATTLING BASICS [BT4DMY]=======================================================================


*Directional Keys: Walking. (can be changed to analog pad in your house)

*X: Jump. (Hold to glide in mid-air)

*Circle: Weapon 1.

*Triangle: Weapon 2.

*Square: Weapon 3.

*L: Lock on. (also used to toggle between targets in a multi-Shinki match)

*R: Guard. Guarding at the exact second that an attack hits is a Just Guard, which negates damage. Guarding has a break limit indicated bythe color gradually turning red. If the shield is broken, the Shinki will be momentarily stunned and open to attacks.

*Select: Hold to view programmed Rail Actions.

*Start: Pause. Brings up menu options "Return to Game" and "Retire".


***************************************************************NOTE: Some of these moves can only be done when wearing certain kinds of Leg/Shoes/Rear Parts/Accessories.***************************************************************

*Quickstep: Tap directional key twice in any direction.

*Dash: Same as Quickstep, but hold the directional key on the second press. Uses BST.

*Double Jump: X to jump, then press X again in mid-air.


*Emergency Ascent/Descent: Press Up + R + X to ascend, and Down + R + X to descend. Uses BST.

*Turning/Evasion: Press Square + X. Adding a directional key to the mix allows your Shinki to do some acrobatics. Uses BST. Trying to turn when your BST gauge is empty will result in the Shinki'smovement being "locked". During that period, you are wide open to attacks.

*Rail Action: Press Triangle + Circle, plus one of the 4 directions. Cannot be performed if nothing is programmed, or in the case of Attack Rails, your Shinki doesn't have the specific weapon equipped. Uses SP.

*Attack Chain: Press R in the middle of using a weapon and press another weapon button for a quick switch. You can chain up to 3times as long as you have enough SP to do so.

*Knockdown Prevention: Tap X after succumbing to a strong attackto keep from hitting the deck.

*Quick Knockdown Recovery: Press Square, Circle or Triangle for an offensive recovery (deals light damage to nearby enemies) and X + Directional Key for an evasion-based one.

*Taunting: R + Triangle. Taunting adds a small amount to your Ride Ratio. If opponents do the taunting, your Ride Ratio will decrease.


*LOVE - Shinki's affection level. See Section 5.4 for more details.*LP - Life Points. Maximum is 9999, No ability restrictions. *SP - Special Points. Expended when performing Rail Action, Attack Chains and sometimes while taking hits. Recharges over time.*SPD - Speed. Determines Shinki's rate of movement. Maximum is 100, No ability restrictions.*DEX - Dexterity. Determines Shinki's hit %. Maximum is 100, No ability restrictions.*CHA - Charm. Hastens Ride Ratio increase rate, slackens decrease rate. *DEF - Defense. Lowers damage recieved. Maximum is 999, No ability restrictions.

*火器耐性 - Fire Resistance.

*光学耐性 - Laser Resistance.


Even if you already have the bigger and stronger stuff, a recently-purchased Shinki cannot use them yet because of Cost and Rank limitations. The only way to raise these parameters is to build up your Shinki's Love Level. Cost increases in specific increments at every Love Level gained, while rank gains occur at certain levels.

[]----------------------------------------------[]| LOVE | COST | EQUIPMENT RANK | NEXT LOVE LEVEL |


|------------------------------------------------|| 1 | 30 | RANK 1 | 1000 ||------------------------------------------------|| 2 | 50 | RANK 1 | 1240 ||------------------------------------------------|| 3 | 70 | RANK 1 | 1540 ||------------------------------------------------|| 4 | 90 | RANK 1 | 1960 ||------------------------------------------------|| 5 | 110 | RANK 2 | 2500 ||------------------------------------------------|| 6 | 130 | RANK 2 | 3160 ||------------------------------------------------|| 7 | 160 | RANK 2 | 3940 ||------------------------------------------------|| 8 | 190 | RANK 2 | 4840 ||------------------------------------------------|| 9 | 220 | RANK 2 | 5860 ||------------------------------------------------|| 10 | 250 | RANK 2 | 7000 ||------------------------------------------------|| 11 | 290 | RANK 3 | 8260 ||------------------------------------------------|| 12 | 330 | RANK 3 | 9640 ||------------------------------------------------|| 13 | 370 | RANK 3 | 11140 ||------------------------------------------------|| 14 | 420 | RANK 3 | 12760 ||------------------------------------------------|| 15 | 470 | RANK 4 | 14500 ||------------------------------------------------|| 16 | 530 | RANK 4 | 16360 ||------------------------------------------------|| 17 | 590 | RANK 4 | 18340 ||------------------------------------------------|| 18 | 660 | RANK 4 | 20440 ||------------------------------------------------|| 19 | 745 | RANK 5 | 22660 ||------------------------------------------------|| 20 | 900 | RANK 5 | N/A |[]----------------------------------------------[]

===5.5 RIDE RATIO===

The Ride Ratio gauges your sychronicity with your Shinki. It increases when your attacks connect(direct hit or blocked), perform advanced maneuvers, or taunt the opponent. It can also decrease if you take hits from the opponent, receive a taunt, or exhaust your BST gauge completely. When your Ride Ratio hits 100%, certain stats of your Shinki increase twofold. Moreover, if you finish the fight with Max Ratio, you get a slight increase in Love points.

===5.6 TUTORIAL===

All the basic and advanced moves can be learned at the Tutorial section, accessed via the last menu tab in the Official/Premium Shop. Completing all the tests grants you the "Exemplary Novice" title.


(See "Titles" section for more details)

*Explanation Of Match Types (Single, Tag, Battle Royale)

*Explanation Of Screen Icons (Timer, LP Gauge, SP Gauge, Ride Ratio, Enemy Detector, Armaments)

*Test: Move in 8 Directions using D-Pad.

*Test: Perform a Double Jump (X two times) then glide. (Hold X)

*Test: Lock on to an opponent. (L Button)

*Test: Toggle Lock on between two opponents (L two times)

*Test: Battle Basics. Defeat your opponent. (You are unarmed for X and Triangle, but you have a Hellgate Blaster Machine Gun on Circle)

*Test: Quickstep in 8 Directions by pressing D-Pad twice on each direction.

*Test: Dash 3 times. (Any direction)

*Test: Perform an Attack Chain. The best way to do this is to tap Square, press R while you’re shooting, then follow up quickly with Circle or Triangle (Aero Vajra or PicoPico Hammer)

*Test: Guarding. Hold R and wait for the opponent to attack you 3 times.

*Test: Just Guard. Wait for the enemy to shoot, then guard at the exact second that it’s about to hit you. Timing is everything.

*Test: Turning. Press Square and X together 3 times.

*Test: Knockdown Recovery 1. Press X and any directional key.

*Test: Knockdown Recovery 2. Press Square, Circle or Triangle.

*Test: Emergency Ascent/Descent: Press Up, R and X simultaneously to go up, and Down R and X together to go down. You have to do three sets of both in rapid succession with no gaps between up and down.

*Test: Ride Ratio 1: Attack the enemy until your Ride Ratio maxes out.

*Test: Taunting: Press R and Triangle simultaneously 3 times.

*Test: Rail Action. Perform all 4 of the pre-programmed Rail Actions. (Up/Down/Left/Right + Triangle and Circle simultaneously)

=======================================================================6. WEAPONS, ARMOR & ACESSORIES 101 [WPARAC]=======================================================================

************ NOTICE:************


Shop unlocks and rewards are usually gained by fighting with certain opponents/tournaments more than once. Short of cheating, there is NO quick and easy way to unlock things in this game. Just fight and fight until you get something. That's all there is to it.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<6A. WEAPONS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


*Most weapons in this game have added properties: Fire (火器) for heat-based weapons, and Laser (光学) for energy weapons. The percentages are proportionate to the effectivity of the property that is added or subtracted depending on the resistances provided by armor, shields and accessories.

*A weapon having 0% on both Fire and Laser properties is considered a Physical weapon. This is not to be confused with melee, since some guns can have them. Physical weapon damage is only calculated through armor defense, and has no bearing on resistance effects.

*All guns fire "color-coded" projectiles that reflect what property they are: Red = Fire, Blue = Laser, and Yellow = Physical.

*By the way, I'm no good with math, so if you want damage differentialtables, have someone formulate a batch and send it to me. Praise and crediting await those who do so!!


As you may have seen, a few pieces of Shinki equipment have +(ms, GC, IR, etc.) on them. This denotes a basic weapon/armor part that has been customized and improved by a third-party tuner recognized by the Shinki Battling Group. The letters are actually the initials of the tuners themselves as a sort of a signature.

*+JO - Jinpei Ookidou*+IR - Infinite Rose*+MS - Mutaki Special*+ms - masa*+MT - Marvellous Tuner*+GC - General Corp.*+SK - Sniper KoZY*+FN - Felmarter Nagai*+GR - Genrou (needs confirmation)*+LB - LIMIT BROKEN*+BK - Bucky Kanezaka*+CR - Customizer Rick*+CG - Crazy Gear

Many of their works will become available in the Official, Premium or Junk Shop when the right conditions are met.


Due to spacing limitations and the length of Japanese/translated


equipment names, I have no choice but to severely limit the number of characters for the Ability table. Do not confuse them with tuner signatures.

*LP - Life Points*SP - Special Points*AT - Attack*DF - Defense*DX - Dexterity*SD - Speed*CH - Charm*BS - Boost*TN - Turning Ability*MT - Midair Turning*GL - Gliding*ED - Emergency Ascent/Descent*JM - Jump*DJ - Double Jump*AD - Air Dash*GL - Gliding*GD - Guard Durability*GB - Guard Break Stagger*JG - Just Guard*CT - Charging Time*ER - Weapon Energy Recovery/Reload*CR - Critical Rate*ST - Quickstep*DS - Dash*LO - Lock-On Range

===6A-1: ナックル(KNUCKLE CATEGORY)===

***ナックル (KNUCKLES): Self-explanatory. Knuckles deal more damage than basic unarmed attacks, and the combo count can range from 4 to 5 barring exceptions. Though the weapon range is rather short and generally weaker compared to other types, they are one of the easiest to chain.

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| WEAPON |ATK|COST|FIRE%|LASER%|CRT%|ABILITIES||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |トンファー | 30| 5 | 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Tonfa) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |トンファー+IR |354| 83 | 0% | 0% | 20%|NONE || |(Tonfa+IR) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |トンファー+MT |648| 116| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Tonfa+MT) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |防壁 | 97| 29 | 0% | 10% | 5% |NONE || |(Fang Bi) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |防壁+LB |595| 115| 0% | 20% | 5% |NONE || |(Fang Bi+LB) | | | | | | |



| 3 |研爪 |278| 29| 0% | 10% | 5% |NONE || |(Yan Chao) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |研爪+LB |601| 115| 0% | 20% | 5% |NONE || |(Yan Chao+LB) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |アイアングローブ |460| 102| 15% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Iron Glove) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |アイアングローブ+GR |648| 120| 40% | 0% | 20%|DX-1 || |(Iron Glove+GR) | | | | | |SP+1 ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |手甲・拳狼+腕甲・万武 | 53| 24| 0% | 0% | 5% |AT+1 || |(Wolf Claw+Armlet) | | | | | |JG+1 ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |手甲・拳狼+腕甲・万武+MS |160| 49| 0% | 0% | 5% |AT+1 || |(Wolf Claw+Armlet+MS) | | | | | |JG+1 ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |手甲・拳狼+腕甲・万武+GC |639| 160| 0% | 0% | 5% |AT+2,JG+2|| |(Wolf Claw+Armlet+GC) | | | | | |ST-2 ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |裂拳甲+衛袖 | 53| 23| 0% | 0% | 5% |CR-3 || |(Striker+Guard Sleeve) | | | | | |DX+1 ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |裂拳甲+衛袖+MS |290| 77| 0% | 0% | 5% |CR-2 || |(Striker+Guard Sleeve+MS) | | | | | |DX+2 ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |裂拳甲+衛袖+GC |639| 160| 0% | 0% | 5% |CR-3 || |(Striker+Guard Sleeve+GC) | | | | | |DX+3 |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]NOTE: The Wolf Claw+Armlet and Striker+Guard Sleeve can only be used if you have the appropriate Arm Parts equipped.

***ダブルナイフ (DOUBLE KNIVES): Though essentially similar to the Knuckles, Double Knives deal slightly higher damage within the combo string limit, and has somewhat better reach.

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| WEAPON |ATK|COST|FIRE%|LASER%|CRT%|ABILITIES||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |フルストゥ・グフロートゥ | 69| 20| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Fulsto Gufloto) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |フルストゥ・グフロートゥ+IR |351| 83| 0% | 0% |20% |NONE || |(Fulsto Gufloto +IR) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |フルストゥ・グフロートゥ+LB |646| 115| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Fulsto Gufloto +LB) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |コート&コーシカ |218| 60| 0% | 15% | 5% |NONE || |(Koat & Koshka) | | | | | | |



| 5 |コート&コーシカ+MT |630| 116| 0% | 20% | 5% |NONE || |(Koat & Koshka+MT) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |コート&コーシカ+GR |675| 120| 0% | 30% | 20%|DX-1 || |(Koat & Koshka+GR) | | | | | |SP+1 ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |アングルブレード |435| 98| 10%| 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Angle Blade) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |アングルブレード+LB |595| 115| 20%| 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Angle Blade+LB) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |グリーフエングレイバー |300| 77| 15%| 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Grief Engraver) | | | | | | |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]


***ドリル (DRILL): A charge-based mid-to-short range weapon that can multi-hit. The initial dash towards the opponent is also shorter than most melee weapons.

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| WEAPON |ATK|COST|FIRE%|LASER%|CRT%|ABILITIES||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |くろがねのドリル | 45| 14| 10% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Iron Drill) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |くろがねのドリル+ms |291| 75| 15% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Iron Drill+ms) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |くろがねのドリル+IR |326| 83| 20% | 0% | 20%|NONE || |(Iron Drill+IR) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |旋牙 |201| 55| 0% | 10% | 5% |NONE || |(Shang Ya) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |旋牙+ms |600| 115| 0% | 20% | 5% |NONE || |(Shang Ya+ms) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |旋牙+GR |689| 120| 0% | 25% | 20%|DX-1 || |(Shang Ya+GR) | | | | | |SP+2 ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|| 4 |D.o.r |434| 99| 20% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Destiny Of Reincarnation) | | | | | | |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]

***パイルバンカー (PILE BUNKER): A hydraulic piston driver with a two-stage process: First the stabbing action, then the spike drive followed by an explosion that knocks the enemy away. Though possessing a wider attack range, a halfway decent draw time and a high damage output if both hits connect, the closing lag can leave you wide open


for a counterattack. Pile Bunkers can be charged for added effect.

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| WEAPON |ATK|COST|FIRE%|LASER%|CRT%|ABILITIES||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |"シェルブレイク" PB | 71| 21| 5% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |("Shell Break" PB) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |"シェルブレイク" PB+ms |258| 68| 15% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |("Shell Break" PB+ms) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |ディスインテグレーター |146| 41| 8% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Disintegrator) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ディスインテグレーター+ms |517| 109| 20% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Disintegrator+ms) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |ローク |324| 78| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Roc) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |ローク+IR |355| 84| 0% | 0% | 20%|NONE || |(Roc+IR) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ローク+LB |649| 115| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Roc+IR) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |LS7レーザーソード |360| 89| 0% | 20% | 5% |NONE || |(LS7 Laser Sword) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |LS7レーザーソード+MT |612| 116| 0% | 20% | 5% |NONE || |(LS7 Laser Sword+MT) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ハンド・パイルドライバ |599| 115| 20% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Hand Pile Driver) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ハンド・パイルドライバ+GR |671| 120| 30% | 0% | 20%|DX-1 || |(Hand Pile Driver+GR) | | | | | |SP+1 |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]


***小剣 (SMALL SWORDS): Easy to draw and can deal medium damage for upwards of 3-4 hits, Small Swords are pretty much a constant choice when it comes to melee weapons.

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| WEAPON |ATK|COST|FIRE%|LASER%|CRT%|ABILITIES||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |カットラス | 17| 5 | 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Cutlass) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |カットラス+IR |351| 83| 0% | 0% | 20%|NONE |


| |(Cutlass+IR) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |フォールディングナイフ | 97| 28| 5% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Folding Knife) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |フォールディングナイフ+LB |598| 115| 20% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Folding Knife+LB) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |M4ライトセイバー |145| 41| 0% | 10% | 5% |NONE || |(M4 Lightsaber) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |M4ライトセイバー+ms |497| 107| 0% | 20% | 5% |NONE || |(M4 Lightsaber+ms) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |M4ライトセイバー+LB |598| 115| 0% | 20% | 5% |NONE || |(M4 Lightsaber+LB) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |忍者鎌"散梅" |174| 49| 10% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Ninja Sickle "Sanbai") | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |忍者鎌"散梅"+LB |591| 114| 20% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Ninja Sickle "Sanbai"+LB) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |ロッターシュテルン |342| 84| 0% | 15% | 5% |NONE || |(Rote Stern) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |M8ライトセイバー |273| 70| 0% | 10% | 5% |NONE || |(M8 Lightsaber) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |M8ライトセイバー+LB |598| 115| 0% | 20% | 5% |NONE || |(M8 Lightsaber+LB) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |M8ライトセイバー+GR |676| 120| 0% | 30% | 20%|DX-1 || |(M8 Lightsaber+GR) | | | | | |SP+1 ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |忍者刀"風花" |410| 92| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Ninja Sword "Kazahana") | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |忍者刀"風花"+ms |638| 115| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Ninja Sword "Kazahana"+ms) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ブラオシュテルン |511| 107| 0% | 15% | 5% |NONE || |(Blaue Stern) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ブラオシュテルン+LB |597| 115| 0% | 20% | 5% |NONE || |(Blaue Stern+LB) | | | | | | |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]

***ロッド (RODS): Quicker than the Small Sword, but has just about the same range and effectivity of Double Knives; That is to say, significantly lesser than the former type within it's weapon category.


[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| WEAPON |ATK|COST|FIRE%|LASER%|CRT%|ABILITIES||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |十手 | 29| 9 | 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Jitte) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |十手+ms |644| 115| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Jitte+ms) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |スタンロッド |241| 65| 15%| 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Stun Rod) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |スタンロッド+IR |314| 83| 30%| 0% | 20%|NONE || |(Stun Rod+IR) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |スタンロッド+ms |380| 91| 15%| 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Stun Rod+ms) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ビームジッテ |464| 102| 0%| 15% | 5% |NONE || |(Beam Jitte) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ビームジッテ+GR |670| 119| 0%| 30% | 20%|DX-1 || |(Beam Jitte+GR) | | | | | |SP+1 |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]

===6A-4: 槍(SPEAR CATEGORY)===

***槍 (SPEAR): One of the stronger and more efficient melee weapons of the game. Spears are effective for mid-to-close range fighting. Can be charged for stabbing attacks and gives super armor during use.

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| WEAPON |ATK|COST|FIRE%|LASER%|CRT%|ABILITIES||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |銀のフォーク | 19| 6 | 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Silver Fork) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |偃月刀 | 92| 26| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Yan Yue Dao) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |偃月刀+ms |319| 77| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Yan Yue Dao+ms) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |偃月刀+IR |351| 83| 0% | 0% | 20%|NONE || |(Yan Yue Dao+IR) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |ブリューナク |194| 52| 10%| 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Brionac) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ブリューナク+ms |347| 85| 15%| 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Brionac+ms) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|


| 2 |ミストルテイン |109| 32| 0% | 10% | 5% |NONE || |(Mistleteinn) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ミストルテイン+ms |523| 109| 0% | 20% | 5% |NONE || |(Mistleteinn+ms) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |聖槍"ロンギヌス" |243| 63| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Holy Spear "Longinus") | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |聖槍"ロンギヌス"+ms |634| 115| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Holy Spear "Longinus"+ms) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |聖槍"ロンギヌス"+GR |755| 120| 0% | 0% | 20%|DX-1 || |(Holy Spear "Longinus"+GR) | | | | | |SP+1 |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]

***ダブルブレード (DOUBLE BLADE): Can be drawn faster than the spear and hits harder by comparison, but range is somewhat compromised. Charging allows you to perform spinning attacks.

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| WEAPON |ATK|COST|FIRE%|LASER%|CRT%|ABILITIES||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |ダブルレイブレード | 73| 22| 0% | 5% | 5% |NONE || |(Double Ray Blade) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ダブルレイブレード+ms |374| 90| 0% | 15% | 5% |NONE || |(Double Ray Blade+ms) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |トゥインクルバトン | 34| 10| 5% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Twinkle Baton) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |トゥインクルバトン+IR |312| 82| 30%| 0% | 20%|NONE || |(Twinkle Baton+IR) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |トゥインクルバトン+ms |338| 83| 10%| 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Twinkle Baton+ms) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |ジークフリート | 28| 8| 0% | 5% | 5% |NONE || |(Siegfried) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ジークフリート+ms |415| 96| 0% | 15% | 5% |NONE || |(Siegfried+ms) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |M8ダブルライトセイバー |133| 38| 0% | 10% | 5% |NONE || |(M8 Double Lightsaber) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |M8ダブルライトセイバー+ms |608| 115| 0% | 20% | 5% |NONE || |(M8 Double Lightsaber+ms) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |ダブルブレード 鋼 |181| 49| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Double Steel Blade) | | | | | | |



| 4 |ダブルブレード 鋼+ms |445| 97| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Double Steel Blade+ms) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ダブルブレード 鋼+GR |748| 120| 0% | 0% | 20%|DX-1 || |(Double Steel Blade+GR) | | | | | |SP+ |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]


***斧 (AXE): The draw speed and combo rate is a bit slow, but you have auto guard for the duration of it's use. As a result, your attack flow can remain uninterrupted until such time that your defense is broken.

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| WEAPON |ATK|COST|FIRE%|LASER%|CRT%|ABILITIES||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |A・ホーク | 51| 15| 0% | 5% | 10%|NONE |

| |(A・Hawk) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |A・ホーク+IR |355| 84| 0% | 5% | 30%|NONE || |(A・Hawk+IR) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |FL015バトルスタッフ |225| 59| 0% | 5% | 10%|NONE || |(FL015 Battle Staff) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |バトルアックス |273| 70| 0% | 10% | 10%|NONE || |(Battle Axe) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |バトルアックス+ms |558| 112| 0% | 20% | 10%|NONE || |(Battle Axe+ms) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |グリムリーパー |396| 92| 10% | 0% | 10%|NONE || |(Grim Reaper) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |グリムリーパー+GR |672| 120| 30% | 0% | 30%|DX-1 || |(Grim Reaper+GR) | | | | | |SP+1 |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]

***ハンマー (HAMMER): The biggest, strongest, and slowest weapon in the Two Handed Weapons category. This weapon is chargable and provides super armor for regular attacks, making it hard to counter.

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| WEAPON |ATK|COST|FIRE%|LASER%|CRT%|ABILITIES||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |ピコピコハンマー | 15| 5 | 5% | 0% | 10%|NONE || |(PicoPico Hammer) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |銀のスプーン | 38| 11| 0% | 0% | 10%|NONE || |(Silver Spoon) | | | | | | |



| 3 |銀のスプーン+IR |355| 84| 0% | 0% | 30%|NONE || |(Silver Spoon+IR) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |モーニングスター |206| 55| 0% | 0% | 10%|NONE || |(Morning Star) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |モーニングスター+ms |412| 92| 0% | 0% | 10%|NONE || |(Morning Star+ms) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ジレーザ.ロケットハンマー |496| 106| 0% | 15% | 10%|NONE || |(Jileser Rocket Hammer) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ジレーザ.ロケットハンマー+ms|601| 115| 0% | 20% | 10%|NONE || |(Jileser Rocket Hammer+ms) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |ミョルニルハンマー |354| 85| 0% | 10% | 10%|NONE || |(Mjolnir Hammer) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ミョルニルハンマー+GR |673| 120| 0% | 30% | 30%|DX-1 || |(Mjolnir Hammer+GR) | | | | | |SP+1 |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]

***大剣 (GREAT SWORD): Though faster than the earlier two weapons in the same category, it only deals medium damage and the hit range can be a bit iffy depending on your position and height. Chargeable for a power slash.

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| WEAPON |ATK|COST|FIRE%|LASER%|CRT%|ABILITIES||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |銀のナイフ | 30| 9 | 0% | 5% | 10%|NONE || |(Silver Knife) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |バルムンク | 56| 16| 0% | 0% | 10%|NONE || |(Balmung) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |九鉤刀 |158| 45| 10% | 0% | 10%|NONE || |(Kyukoutou) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |セブンエッジ |100| 29| 10% | 0% | 10%|NONE || |(Seven Edge) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |セブンエッジ+IR |315| 83| 30% | 0% | 30%|NONE || |(Seven Edge) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |エアロヴァジュラ | 79| 23| 0% | 0% | 10%|NONE || |(Aero Vajra) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |エアロヴァジュラ+ms |447| 97| 0% | 0% | 10%|NONE || |(Aero Vajra+ms) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|


| 5 |エアロヴァジュラ+LB |641| 115| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Aero Vajra+LB) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |ジークムント |299| 77| 0% | 15% | 10%|NONE || |(Siegmund) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ジークムント+ms |597| 115| 0% | 20% | 10%|NONE || |(Siegmund+ms) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |ジークリンデ |265| 70| 0% | 15% | 10%|NONE || |(Sieglinde) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ジークリンデ+ms |539| 111| 0% | 20% | 10%|NONE || |(Sieglinde+ms) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ジークリンデ+MT |605| 115| 0% | 20% | 5% |NONE || |(Sigelinde+MT) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |ラムダオ |188| 50| 0% | 0% | 10%|NONE || |(Lam Dao) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ラムダオ+GR |750| 120| 0% | 0% | 30%|DX-1 || |(Lam Dao+GR) | | | | | |SP+ |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]


***投擲 (THROWING WEAPONS): Mid-range throwing implements consisting of knives, rings, shuriken. etc. Can only be used once every few seconds.

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| WEAPON |ATK|COST|FIRE%|LASER%|CRT%|ABILITIES||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |ブーメラン | 22| 7 | 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Boomerang) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |飛苦無"蓮華草" | 53| 16| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Flying Kunai "Rengesou") | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |飛苦無"蓮華草"+LB |645| 115| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Flying Kunai "Rengesou"+LB)| | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |棘輪 |149| 42| 0% | 5% | 5% |NONE || |(Kyokurin) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |棘輪+SK |518| 109| 0% | 20% | 5% |NONE || |(Kyokurin+SK) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |棘輪+LB |591| 114| 0% | 20% | 5% |NONE || |(Kyokurin+LB) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|


| 2 |フルストゥ・クレイン |232| 62| 10% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Fulsto Klein) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |フルストゥ・クレイン+IR |319| 84| 30% | 0% | 20%|LO-1 || |(Fulsto Klein+IR) | | | | | |SP+1 ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |フルストゥ・クレイン+SK |588| 114| 20% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Fulsto Klein+SK) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |大手裏剣"白詰草" |425| 94| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Great Shuriken | | | | | | || | "Shirotsumekusa") | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |大手裏剣"白詰草"+MT |651| 115| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Great Shuriken | | | | | | || | "Shirotsumekusa"+MT)| | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ディーカヤコーシカ |481| 104| 0% | 15% | 5% |NONE || |(Dika Ya Koshka) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ディーカヤコーシカ+LB |595| 115| 0% | 20% | 5% |NONE || |(Dika Ya Koshka+LB) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |チャクラム |180| 49| 5% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Chakram) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |チャクラム+GR |675| 118| 30% | 0% | 20%|LO-2 || |(Chakram+GR) | | | | | |DX-1 || | | | | | | |SP+2 |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]

***爆弾 (GRENADES): A throwing bomb affected by gravity. Deals good damage at anything standing within it's blast radius, but is very easy to avoid. Has the fewest variety among all weapon classes.

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| WEAPON |ATK|COST|FIRE%|LASER%|CRT%|ABILITIES||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |手榴弾 | 62| 18| 4% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Hand Grenade) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |手榴弾+ms |218| 59| 10% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Hand Grenade+ms) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |手榴弾+IR |316| 84| 30% | 0% | 20%|LO-1 || |(Hand Grenade+IR) | | | | | |SP+1 ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |手榴弾+SK |364| 88| 13% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Hand Grenade+SK) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |手榴弾+CR |475| 103| 15% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Hand Grenade+CR) | | | | | | |



| 5 |手榴弾+MT |607| 115| 20% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Hand Grenade+MT) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |手榴弾+GR |672| 118| 30% | 0% | 20%|LO-2 || |(Hand Grenade+GR) | | | | | |DX-1 || | | | | | | |SP+2 |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]


Used normally, they are pretty much slower and weaker versions of one-hand weapons.

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| WEAPON |ATK|COST|FIRE%|LASER%|CRT%|ABILITIES||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |リコーダー | 44| 13| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Recorder) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |リコーダー+IR |352| 83| 0% | 0% | 20%|NONE || |(Recorder+IR) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |エレキベース |204| 56| 0% | 10% | 5% |NONE || |(Bass Guitar) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |エレキベース+FN |474| 103| 0% | 15% | 5% |NONE || |(Bass Guitar+FN) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |エレキギター |364| 87| 10% | 0% | 20%|NONE || |(Electric Guitar) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |エレキギター+FN |597| 114| 15% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Electric Guitar+FN) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |エレキギター+GR |677| 120| 30% | 0% | 20%|DX-1 || |(Electric Guitar+GR) | | | | | |SP+1 |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]

===6A-8: ライトガン (LIGHT GUN CATEGORY)===

***ハンドガン (HANDGUNS): Deals medium damage and allows you to close in on the enemy while firing. Also the easiest firearm to chain.

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| WEAPON |ATK|COST|FIRE%|LASER%|CRT%|ABILITIES||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |FB アルファ・ピストル | 20| 6 | 5% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(FB Alpha Pistol) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |FB アルファ・ピストル+ms |390| 92| 15% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(FB Alpha Pistol+ms) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|


| 1 |BKピストル | 45| 13| 0% | 0% | 7% |NONE || |(BK Pistol) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |BKピストル+IR |349| 83| 0% | 0% | 22%|LO-1 || |(BK Pistol+IR) | | | | | |SP+1 ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |モデル PHCヴズルイフ |244| 63| 0% | 0% | 7% |NONE || |(Model PHC Vzreef) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |モデル PHCヴズルイフ+SK |521| 106| 0% | 0% | 7% |NONE || |(Model PHC Vzreef+SK) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |モデル PHCヴズルイフ+LB |649| 115| 0% | 0% | 7% |NONE || |(Model PHC Vzreef+LB) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |アルヴォ PDW11 |187| 51| 0% | 4% | 5% |NONE || |(AlvoPDW11) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |アルヴォ PDW11+SK |549| 111| 0% | 16% | 5% |NONE || |(AlvoPDW11+SK) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |アルヴォ PDW11+LB |589| 114| 0% | 20% | 5% |NONE || |(AlvoPDW11+LB) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |OS-35 Aライフル |389| 89| 0% | 0% | 7% |NONE || |(OS-35 ARifle) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |OS-35 Aライフル+LB |641| 115| 0% | 0% | 7% |NONE || |(OS-35 ARifle+LB) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |OS-36 Aカービン |444| 97| 0% | 0% | 7% |NONE || |(OS-36 ACarbine) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |OS-36 Aカービン+LB |649| 115| 0% | 0% | 7% |NONE || |(OS-36 ACarbine+LB) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |アルヴォ LP4ハンドガン |281| 70| 0% | 0% | 7% |NONE || |(Alvo LP4 Handgun) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |アルヴォ LP4ハンドガン+LB |643| 115| 0% | 0% | 7% |NONE || |(Alvo LP4 Handgun+LB) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |アルヴォ LP4ハンドガン+GR |750| 118| 0% | 0% | 22%|LO-2 || |(Alvo LP4 Handgun+GR) | | | | | |DX-1 || | | | | | | |SP+2 |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]

***機関銃 (MACHINE GUNS): Rapid-fire rifles. Weaker than the handgun and somewhat harder to draw.

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| WEAPON |ATK|COST|FIRE%|LASER%|CRT%|ABILITIES|



| 1 |三七式一号二粍機関砲 | 75| 22| 5% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(3-7Type-1 2mm. MCannon) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |三七式一号二粍機関砲+SK |380| 91| 15% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(3-7Type-1 2mm. MCannon+SK) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |アルヴォ PDW9 | 39| 12| 5% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Alvo PDW9) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |アルヴォ PDW9+SK |494| 106| 15% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Alvo PDW9+SK) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |アルヴォ PDW9+LB |596| 115| 20% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Alvo PDW9+LB) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |ジャマダハル |106| 30| 0% | 0% | 6% |NONE || |(Jamadhar) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |ジャマダハル+IR |355| 84| 0% | 0% | 21%|LO-1 || |(Jamadhar+IR) | | | | | |SP+1 ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |-9サブマシンガン |322| 81| 0% | 15% | 5% |NONE || |(-9 Submachine Gun) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |-9サブマシンガン+SK |570| 113| 0% | 20% | 5% |NONE || |(-9 Submachine Gun+SK) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |-9サブマシンガン+GR |680| 120| 0% | 30% | 5% |LO-1 || |(-9 Submachine Gun+GR) | | | | | |SP+1 ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |ヘルゲートブラスター |294| 73| 0% | 0% | 6% |NONE || |(Hellgate Blaster) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ヘルゲートブラスター+GR |755| 118| 0% | 0% | 21%|LO-2 || |(Hellgate Blaster+GR) | | | | | |DX-1 || | | | | | | |SP+2 |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]

***ライフル (ASSAULT RIFLES): The most powerful light guns. You can move at full walking speed after firing, shots are semi-homing and can be charged, plus Laser property types reload immediately even when the clip isn't empty yet.

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| WEAPON |ATK|COST|FIRE%|LASER%|CRT%|ABILITIES||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |OS-36 A-カービン Ex | 58| 18| 0% | 10% | 5% |NONE || |(OS-36 ACarbine Ex) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |OS-36 A-カービン Ex+SK |481| 104| 0% | 15% | 5% |NONE || |(OS-36 ACarbine Ex+SK) | | | | | | |



| 5 |OS-36 Aカービン Ex+LB |595| 115| 0% | 20% | 5% |NONE || |(OS-36 ACarbine Ex+LB) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |MSR22スナイパー |133| 37| 0% | 0% | 7% |NONE || |(MSR22 Sniper) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |MSR22スナイパー+IR |348| 83| 0% | 0% | 22%|LO-1 || |(MSR22 Sniper+IR) | | | | | |SP+1 ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |OS-35 Aライフル Ex |193| 53| 10% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(OS-35 ARifle Ex) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |OS-35 Aライフル Ex+SK |428| 98| 15% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(OS-35 ARifle Ex+SK) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |OS-35 Aライフル Ex+LB |602| 115| 20% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(OS-35 ARifle Ex+LB) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |OS-35 Aライフル Ex+GR |692| 120| 30% | 0% | 20%|LO-1 || |(OS-35 ARifle Ex+GR) | | | | | |SP+1 ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |GEモデル RG8レールガン |260| 68| 0% | 10% | 5% |NONE || |(GE ModelRG8 Railgun) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |GEモデル RG8レールガン+SK |608| 115| 0% | 20% | 5% |NONE || |(GE ModelRG8 Railgun+SK) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |LC5レーザーライフル |385| 90| 0% | 10% | 5% |NONE || |(LC5 Laser Rifle) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |LC5レーザーライフル+LB |605| 115| 0% | 20% | 5% |NONE || |(LC5 Laser Rifle+LB) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |LC5レーザーライフル+GR |675| 118| 0% | 30% | 20%|LO-2 || |(LC5 Laser Rifle+GR) | | | | | |DX-1 || | | | | | | |SP+2 |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]

===6A-9: ヘビーガン (HEAVY GUN CATEGORY)===

***バズーカ (BAZOOKA): Fires rounds that explode upon surface contact. Shots are affected by gravity, making it mainly a mid-range weapon. Charging can increase the range a little aside from the number ofprojectiles released per shot.

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| WEAPON |ATK|COST|FIRE%|LASER%|CRT%|ABILITIES||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |シュラム・RGランチャー | 42| 12| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE |

| |(Schramm・RG Launcher) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|


| 3 |シュラム・RGランチャー+IR |350| 84| 0% | 0% | 20%|LO-1 || |(Schramm・RG Launcher+IR) | | | | | |SP+1 ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |シュラム・RGランチャー+SK |511| 84| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Schramm・RG Launcher+SK) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |シュラム・RGランチャー+LB |631| 114| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Schramm・RG Launcher+LB) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |吠莱壱式 | 87| 25| 0% | 5% | 5% |NONE || |(Horai Type-1) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |吠莱壱式+SK |397| 92| 0% | 10% | 5% |NONE || |(Horai Type-1+SK) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |吠莱壱式+GC |602| 115| 0% | 15% | 5% |NONE || |(Horai Type-1+GC) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |シュトルムウントドラング |222| 60| 10% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Sturm Und Drang) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |シュトルムウントドラング+GR |676| 118| 30% | 0% | 20%|LO-2 || |(Sturm Und Drang+GR) | | | | | |DX-1 || | | | | | | |SP+2 ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |FB 1.2mm滑腔砲 |290| 79| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(FB 1.2mm SB Cannon) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |FB 1.2mm滑腔砲+BK |434| 118| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(FB 1.2mm SB Cannon+BK) | | | | | | |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]NOTE: The FB 1.2mm Smooth-Bore Cannon can only be used if you have the Rear Part of the same name equipped.

***ランチャー LAUNCHER: Consists of tank cannons and laser rifles, Charging maxes out it's potential, dealing the most damage per shot. These weapons are significantly laggy on both the draw and holstering, and are best used for long-range sniping.

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| WEAPON |ATK|COST|FIRE%|LASER%|CRT%|ABILITIES||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |シルバーストーン | 58| 18| 10% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Silverstone) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |シルバーストーン+SK |598| 115| 20% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Silverstone+SK) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |Zel L・R/Sライフル | 78| 23| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE |

| |(Zel L・R/S Rifle) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|


| 4 |Zel L・R/Sライフル+SK |520| 106| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Zel L・R/S Rifle+SK) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |Zel L・R/Sライフル+MT |520| 106| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Zel L・R/S Rifle+MT) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |LC3レーザーライフル |162| 46| 0% | 10% | 5% |NONE || |(LC3 Laser Rifle) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |LC3レーザーライフル+IR |315| 84| 0% | 30% | 20%|LO-1 || |(LC3 Laser Rifle+IR) | | | | | |SP+1 ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |LC3レーザーライフル+SK |541| 111| 0% | 20% | 5% |NONE || |(LC3 Laser Rifle+SK) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |LC3レーザーライフル+LB |597| 115| 0% | 20% | 5% |NONE || |(LC3 Laser Rifle+LB) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |スーパーシルバーストーン |106| 31| 10% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Super Silverstone) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |スーパーシルバーストーン+MT |602| 115| 20% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Super Silverstone) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |ジャンシャーヌ |266| 70| 0% | 15% | 5% |NONE || |(Gentiane) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ジャンシャーヌ+SK |391| 92| 0% | 15% | 5% |NONE || |(Gentiane+SK) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |スティンガー |231| 62| 0% | 11% | 5% |NONE || |(Stinger) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |スティンガー+GR |231| 62| 0% | 30% | 20%|LO-1 || |(Stinger+GR) | | | | | |DX-1 || | | | | | | |SP+2 |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]

***ショットガン (SHOTGUN): A mid-range gun that fires a spread of bullets that deals medium damage individually, but packs a hefty puch at point-blank range. Slow to the draw but chargeable.

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| WEAPON |ATK|COST|FIRE%|LASER%|CRT%|ABILITIES||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |P・A・R ショットガン | 57| 17| 0% | 5% | 5% |NONE |

| |(P・A・R Shotgun) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |P・A・R ショットガン+BK |183| 51| 0% | 10% | 5% |NONE || |(P・A・R Shotgun+BK) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|


| 3 |P・A・R ショットガン+SK |248| 66| 0% | 15% | 5% |NONE || |(P・A・R Shotgun+SK) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |P・A・R ショットガン+CR |511| 107| 0% | 15% | 5% |NONE || |(P・A・R Shotgun+CR) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |P・A・R ショットガン+GC |586| 114| 0% | 20% | 5% |NONE || |(P・A・R Shotgun+GC) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |P・A・R ショットガン+MT |588| 114| 0% | 20% | 5% |NONE || |(P・A・R Shotgun+MT) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |P・A・R ショットガン+GR |692| 120| 0% | 30% | 20%|LO-1 || |(P・A・R Shotgun+GR) | | | | | |SP+1 ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |M49ショットガン黒 | 99| 28| 0% | 0% | 7% |NONE || |(M49 Shotgun Black) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |M49ショットガン黒+CR |162| 44| 0% | 0% | 7% |NONE || |(M49 Shotgun Black+CR) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |M49ショットガン黒+IR |351| 84| 0% | 0% | 22%|LO-1 || |(M49 Shotgun Black+IR) | | | | | |SP+1 ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |M49ショットガン黒+SK |371| 86| 0% | 0% | 7% |NONE || |(M49 Shotgun Black+SK) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |M49ショットガン黒+MT |540| 108| 0% | 0% | 7% |NONE || |(M49 Shotgun Black+MT) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |M49ショットガン銀 |204| 56| 10% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(M49 Shotgun Silver) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |M49ショットガン銀+CR |380| 91| 15% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(M49 Shotgun Silver+CR) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |M49ショットガン銀+SK |393| 94| 20% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(M49 Shotgun Silver+SK) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |M49ショットガン銀+MT |569| 113| 20% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(M49 Shotgun Silver+MT) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |M49ショットガン銀+GR |569| 113| 20% | 0% | 5% |LO-2 || |(M49 Shotgun Silver+GR) | | | | | |DX-1 || | | | | | | |SP+2 |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]

***ガトリング (GATLING GUNS): A larger version of the Machine Gun, with a high rate of fire, more stock ammo and better stagger effect. The downside is the horrendous draw/holster time, the poor reload rate, and net damage is weaker compared to other weapons in it's



[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| WEAPON |ATK|COST|FIRE%|LASER%|CRT%|ABILITIES||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |Zelガトリングキャノン | 66| 20| 4% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Zel Gatling Cannon) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |Zelガトリングキャノン+SK |564| 113| 20% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Zel Gatling Cannon+SK) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |Zelガトリングキャノン+MT |583| 114| 20% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Zel Gatling Cannon+MT) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |アイゼンイーゲル黒 | 97| 28| 0% | 0% | 6% |NONE || |(Eisen Eagle Black) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |アイゼンイーゲル黒+CG |281| 70| 0% | 0% | 6% |NONE || |(Eisen Eagle Black+CG) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |アイゼンイーゲル黒+SK |321| 78| 0% | 0% | 6% |NONE || |(Eisen Eagle Black+SK) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |アイゼンイーゲル銀 |206| 55| 0% | 0% | 6% |NONE || |(Eisen Eagle Silver) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |アイゼンイーゲル銀+IR |347| 83| 0% | 0% | 21%|LO-1 || |(Eisen Eagle Silver+IR) | | | | | |SP+1 ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |アイゼンイーゲル銀+GR |751| 121| 0% | 0% | 21%|LO-1 || |(Eisen Eagle Silver+GR) | | | | | |DX-1 || | | | | | | |SP+2 ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ドラゴンキャノン |436| 100| 0% | 22% | 5% |NONE || |(Dragon Cannon) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ドラゴンキャノン+SK |600| 116| 0% | 25% | 5% |NONE || |(Dragon Cannon+SK) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ドラゴンキャノン+GR |677| 118| 0% | 30% | 20%|LO-2 || |(Dragon Cannon+GR) | | | | | |DX-1 || | | | | | | |SP+2 |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]NOTE: The Dragon Cannon has less ammo, but it has the instant reloadeffect similar to those found in Laser property Assault Rifles.


***ミサイル (MISSILES): Twin Missiles have tracking capabilities and deal heavy damage, while Missile Pods have a wider coverage but limited tracking and deals only light damage per missile.



|RNK| WEAPON |ATK|COST|FIRE%|LASER%|CRT%|ABILITIES||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |スティレット | 33| 10| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Stilett) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |スティレット+IR |350| 84| 0% | 0% | 20%|LO-1 || |(Stilett+IR) | | | | | |SP+1 ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |カッツバルゲル | 33| 10| 5% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Katzbalger) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |カッツバルゲル+SK |476| 104| 15% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Katzbalger+SK) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |ビーハイヴ | 97| 28| 0% | 5% | 5% |NONE || |(Beehive) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |ビーハイヴ+CG |215| 58| 0% | 10% | 5% |NONE || |(Beehive+CG) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |ビーハイヴ+ms |277| 71| 0% | 10% | 5% |NONE || |(Beehive+ms) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |ビーハイヴ+CR |295| 76| 0% | 15% | 5% |NONE || |(Beehive+CR) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ビーハイヴ+MT |379| 90| 0% | 15% | 5% |NONE || |(Beehive+MT) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ビーハイヴ+SK |626| 116| 0% | 15% | 5% |NONE || |(Beehive+SK) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ビーハイヴ+GR |673| 118| 0% | 30% | 20%|LO-2 || |(Beehive+GR) | | | | | |DX-1 || | | | | | | |SP+2 |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]

***ビット (BITS): Taking a cue from the Gundam Series, these are little mobile drones that home in on the opponent from far away and fire several shots at mid-range.

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| WEAPON |ATK|COST|FIRE%|LASER%|CRT%|ABILITIES||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |プチマスィーンズ[DOG] | 53| 9 | 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Puchi Machines [DOG]) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |プチマスィーンズ[DOG]+GC |641| 109| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Puchi Machines [DOG]+GC) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |プチマスィーンズ[CAT] | 53| 9 | 0% | 0% | 5% |LP-1 || |(Puchi Machines [CAT]) | | | | | |SP+1 |



| 5 |プチマスィーンズ[CAT]+GC |641| 115| 0% | 0% | 5% |LP-2 || |(Puchi Machines [CAT]+GC) | | | | | |SP+3 ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |ココレット | 68| 20 | 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Cocolett) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |ココレット+IR |349| 83 | 0% | 0% | 20%|LO-1 || |(Cocolett+IR) | | | | | |SP+2 ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ココレット+LB |638| 115| 0% | 0% | 5% |NONE || |(Cocolett+LB) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |リリアーヌ |350| 84 | 0% | 8% | 5% |NONE || |(Lilliane) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |リリアーヌ+LB |591| 114| 0% | 20% | 5% |NONE || |(Lilliane+LB) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ナヴァグラハ |588| 114| 0% | 15% | 5% |NONE || |(Navagraha) | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ナヴァグラハ+GR |673| 118| 0% | 30% | 20%|LO-2 || |(Navagraha+GR) | | | | | |DX-1 || | | | | | | |SP+2 |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<6B. ARMOR>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

===6B-1: ヘッド (HEAD PARTS)===

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| ARMOR | LP|DEF|CST|FI%|LS%|SPD|DEX|CHA|ABIL||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |まるみみ | 41| 3| 6| 0%| 0%| 0| 3| 2|NONE|| |(Round Ears) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |まるみみ+IR | 41| 3| 6| 0%| 0%| 0| 3| 2|LP-5|| |(Round Ears+IR) | | | | | | | | |SP+5||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |まるみみ+BK |264| 26| 29| 0%| 0%| 0| 24| 13|LP-1|| |(Round Ears+BK) | | | | | | | | |SP+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |頭甲・咆皇 | 58| 4| 7| 0%| 0%| 0| 3| 2|SD-1|

| |(HP・Howling Emperor) | | | | | | | | |LP+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |頭甲・咆皇+MS |161| 13| 20| 0%| 0%| 0| 9| 12|SD-1|| |(HP・Howling Emperor+MS) | | | | | | | | |LP+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |頭甲・咆皇+GC |482| 41| 45| 0%| 0%| 0| 32| 41|SD-3|| |(HP・Howling Emperor+GC) | | | | | | | | |LP+3|



| 1 |鉄耳装 | 58| 4| 7| 0%| 0%| 0| 3| 2|LO+1|| |(Steel Costume Ears) | | | | | | | | |LP-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |鉄耳装+MS |265| 21| 23| 0%| 0%| 0| 16| 21|LO+2|| |(Steel Costume Ears+MS) | | | | | | | | |LP-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |鉄耳装+GC |482| 41| 45| 0%| 0%| 0| 32| 41|LO+3|| |(Steel Costume Ears+GC) | | | | | | | | |LP-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |Zel Gメット+ゴーグル | 54| 4| 6| 0%| 0%| 0| 3| 3|JG-1|| |(Zel G Helmet+Goggles) | | | | | | | | |L0+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |Zel Gメット+ゴーグル+MS |345| 31| 31| 0%| 0%| 0| 24| 20|JG-2|| |(Zel G Helmet+Goggles+MS) | | | | | | | | |L0+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |Zel Gメット+ゴーグル+GC |445| 41| 43| 0%| 0%| 0| 32| 26|JG-2|| |(Zel G Helmet+Goggles+GC) | | | | | | | | |L0+3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |Zel グルーヴドメット | 54| 4| 6| 0%| 0%| 0| 3| 3|JG-1|| |(Zel Grooved Helmet) | | | | | | | | |L0+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |Zel グルーヴドメット+MS |345| 31| 31| 0%| 0%| 0| 24| 20|JG-2|| |(Zel Grooved Helmet+MS) | | | | | | | | |L0+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |Zel グルーヴドメット+GC |445| 41| 43| 0%| 0%| 0| 32| 26|JG-2|| |(Zel Grooved Helmet+GC) | | | | | | | | |L0+3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |ヘッドセンサーユニコーン | 54| 4| 6| 0%| 0%| 0| 3| 3|LO+1|| |(Head Sensor Unicorn) | | | | | | | | |LP-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ヘッドセンサーユニコーン+GC |445| 41| 42| 0%| 0%| 0| 32| 26|LO+3|| |(Head Sensor Unicorn+GC) | | | | | | | | |LP-3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |面隠し"闇狐" |121| 9| 13| 0%| 0%| 0| 9| 8|LO+2|| |(Hidden Mask | | | | | | | | |DX+1|| | "Yami Kitsune") | | | | | | | | |CH-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |面隠し"闇狐"+GC |362| 34| 44| 0%| 0%| 0| 32| 29|LO+3|| |(Hidden Mask | | | | | | | | |DX+2|| | "Yami Kitsune"+GC) | | | | | | | | |CH-3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |コンみみ |121| 9| 13| 0%| 0%| 0| 9| 8|CH+2|| |(Fox Ears) | | | | | | | | |LP-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |コンみみ+GC |362| 34| 44| 0%| 0%| 0| 32| 29|CH+4|| |(Fox Ears+GC) | | | | | | | | |LP-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |サーリットカウル |161| 13| 20| 0%| 0%| 0| 16| 12|NONE|| |(Cirlite Cowl) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |サーリットカウル+GC |482| 48| 66| 0%| 0%| 0| 58| 41|NONE|


| |(Cirlite Cowl+GC) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |サークレットカウル |289| 29| 41| 0%| 0%| 0| 29| 16|TN+1|| |(Circlet Cowl) | | | | | | | | |MT+1|| | | | | | | | | | |LP-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |サークレットカウル+GC |526| 58| 86| 0%| 0%| 0| 58| 32|TN+2|| |(Circlet Cowl+GC) | | | | | | | | |MT+1|| | | | | | | | | | |LP-3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |エンジェルリング |114| 9| 12| 0%| 0%| 0| 9| 5|CR+2|| |(Angel Ring) | | | | | | | | |LO-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |エンジェルリング+IR |114| 9| 12| 0%| 0%| 0| 9| 5|CR+5|| |(Angel Ring+IR) | | | | | | | | |LO-4||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |エンジェルリング+BK |264| 26| 30| 0%| 0%| 0| 24| 13|CR+3|| |(Angel Ring+BK) | | | | | | | | |LO-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |翼の髪飾り |114| 9| 14| 0%| 0%| 0| 9| 5|BS-2|| |(Winged Hairclips) | | | | | | | | |DJ+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |翼の髪飾り+IR |114| 9| 15| 0%| 0%| 0| 9| 5|BS-3|| |(Winged Hairclips+IR) | | | | | | | | |DJ+1|| | | | | | | | | | |GL+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |翼の髪飾り+BK |264| 26| 39| 0%| 0%| 0| 24| 13|BS-3|| |(Winged Hairclips+BK) | | | | | | | | |DJ+1|| | | | | | | | | | |EA+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |プリンセスクラウン |187| 17| 19| 0%| 0%| 0| 16| 9|SD-2|| |(Princess Crown) | | | | | | | | |LP+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |プリンセスクラウン+IR |187| 17| 20| 0%| 0%| 0| 16| 9|SD-5|| |(Princess Crown+IR) | | | | | | | | |LP-5||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |プリンセスクラウン+BK |264| 26| 29| 0%| 0%| 0| 24| 13|SD+3|| |(Princess Crown+BK) | | | | | | | | |LP-3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |マルチセンサーゴーグル |187| 17| 19| 0%| 0%| 0| 16| 9|GB-1|| |(Multi-Sensor Goggle) | | | | | | | | |LO+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |マルチセンサーゴーグル+BK |264| 26| 30| 0%| 0%| 0| 24| 13|GB-3|| |(Multi-Sensor Goggle+BK) | | | | | | | | |LO+4||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |フレイアヘルメ |244| 21| 22| 0%| 0%| 0| 16| 18|LP+1|| |(Freya Helme) | | | | | | | | |SP-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |フレイアヘルメ+GC |244| 21| 22| 0%| 0%| 0| 16| 18|LP+2|| |(Freya Helme+GC) | | | | | | | | |SP-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |エルダヘルメ/O |244| 21| 22| 0%| 0%| 0| 16| 18|LO+1|


| |(Elda Helme/Open) | | | | | | | | |SP-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |エルダヘルメ/O+GC |244| 21| 22| 0%| 0%| 0| 16| 18|L0+2|| |(Elda Helme/Open+GC) | | | | | | | | |SP-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |エルダヘルメ/C |244| 21| 22| 0%| 0%| 0| 16| 18|LO+1|| |(Elda Helme/Closed) | | | | | | | | |SP-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |エルダヘルメ/C+GC |244| 21| 22| 0%| 0%| 0| 16| 18|L0+2|| |(Elda Helme/Closed+GC) | | | | | | | | |SP-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |FL017アリエーニ |289| 24| 32| 0%| 0%| 0| 29| 16|NONE|| |(FLO17 Ariernie) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |FL017アリエーニ+GC |526| 48| 63| 0%| 0%| 0| 58| 32|NONE|| |(FLO17 Ariernie+GC) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |FL013シニヨン |373| 36| 49| 0%| 0%| 0| 43| 31|GB-1|| |(FLO13 Shiniyon) | | | | | | | | |CH+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |FL013 シニヨン+GC |482| 48| 69| 0%| 0%| 0| 58| 41|GB-2|| |(FLO13 Shiniyon+GC) | | | | | | | | |CH+3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |センサーブレード |373| 36| 49| 0%| 0%| 0| 43| 31|NONE|| |(Sensor Blade) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |センサーブレード+GC |482| 48| 66| 0%| 0%| 0| 58| 41|NONE|| |(Sensor Blade+GC) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |サーマルセンサー |373| 36| 50| 0%| 0%| 0| 43| 31|LO+2|| |(Thermal Sensor) | | | | | | | | |SP-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |サーマルセンサー+GC |482| 48| 66| 0%| 0%| 0| 58| 41|LO+3|| |(Thermal Sensor+GC) | | | | | | | | |SP-3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |アングルブレード |373| 36| 50| 0%| 0%| 0| 43| 31|AT+2|| |(Angle Blade Head Parts) | | | | | | | | |DF-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |アングルブレード+GC |482| 48| 72| 0%| 0%| 0| 58| 41|AT+3|| |(Angle Blade Head Parts+GC) | | | | | | | | |DF-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ヘッドセンサー・アネーロ |407| 36| 50| 0%| 0%| 0| 43| 36|NONE|| |(Head Sensor Anello) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ヘッドセンサー・アネーロ+GC |526| 48| 66| 0%| 0%| 0| 58| 48|NONE|| |(Head Sensor Anello+GC) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |HS・アネーロ 2typeS |407| 36| 50| 0%| 0%| 0| 43| 36|NONE|

| |(HS・Anello2typeS) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |HS・アネーロ 2typeS+GC |526| 48| 66| 0%| 0%| 0| 58| 48|NONE|


| |(HS・Anello2typeS+GC) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |フリルヘッドドレス |353| 26| 34| 0%| 0%| 0| 29| 15|CH+1|| |(Frilly Headdress) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |マジカルハット |353| 26| 34| 0%| 0%| 0| 29| 15|CT-1|| |(Magical Hat) | | | | | | | | |ER+1|| | | | | | | | | | |CH+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |かんざし |397| 32| 38| 0%| 0%| 0| 29| 24|DX+1|| |(Hair Ornament) | | | | | | | | |CH+1|[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]

===6B-2: ボディ (BODY PARTS)===

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| ARMOR | LP |DEF|CST| FI%| LS%|SPD|DEX|CHA|ABIL||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |胸甲・心守 | 233| 19| 12| 10%| -5%| 0| 0| 12|DF+1|

| |(BP・Heart Protector) | | | | | | | | |DX-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |胸甲・心守+MS | 643| 57| 25| 12%| -6%| 0| 0| 35|DF+1|| |(BP・Heart Protector+MS) | | | | | | | | |DX-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |胸甲・心守+GC |1928|206| 88| 20%|-10%| 0| 0|124|DF+3|| |(BP・Heart Protector+GC) | | | | | | | | |DX-3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |争上衣 | 233| 19| 12| -5%| 10%| 0| 0| 12|NONE|| |(War Tunic) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |争上衣+MS |1058|104| 40| -5%| 10%| 0| 0| 62|NONE|| |(War Tunic+MS) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |争上衣+GC |1928|206| 80| -5%| 10%| 0| 0|124|NONE|| |(War Tunic+GC) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |Zel Cプロテクター | 215| 19| 10| 10%| -5%| 0| 0| 8|NONE|| |(Zel C Protector) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |Zel Cプロテクター+MS |1378|155| 52| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 59|NONE|| |(Zel C Protector+MS) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |Zel Cプロテクター+GC |1780|243| 69| 10%| -5%| 0| 0| 79|NONE|| |(Zel C Protector+GC) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |FL016チェストガード | 215| 19| 10| -5%| 10%| 0| 0| 8|NONE|| |(FLO16 Chest Guard) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |FL016チェストガード+GC |1780|206| 69| -5%| 10%| 0| 0| 79|NONE|| |(FLO16 Chest Guard+GC) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|


| 3 |FL017スペクトルガード |1155|121| 42| 10%| -5%| 0| 0| 48|DF+1|| |(FLO17 Specter Guard) | | | | | | | | |SD-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |FL017スペクトルガード+GC |2104|241| 87| 10%| -5%| 0| 0| 96|DF+2|| |(FLO17 Specter Guard+GC) | | | | | | | | |SD-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |FL012胸部アーマー |1629|167| 66| -8%| 15%| 0| 0|109|NONE|| |(FLO12 Chest Armor) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |FL012胸部アーマー+GC |2104|241| 92|-10%| 20%| 0| 0|145|NONE|| |(FLO12 Chest Armor+GC) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |FL013胸部アーマー |1493|181| 63| 10%| -5%| 0| 0| 93|NONE|| |(FLO13 Chest Armor) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |FL013胸部アーマー+GC |1928|241| 84| 15%| -7%| 0| 0|124|NONE|| |(FLO13 Chest Armor+GC) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |忍装束"紫苑" | 483| 47| 21| -5%| 10%| 0| 0| 24|CT-1|| |(Ninja Garb "Shion") | | | | | | | | |TN+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |忍装束"紫苑"+GC |1446|170| 75| -5%| 10%| 0| 0| 87|CT-2|| |(Ninja Garb "Shion"+GC) | | | | | | | | |TN+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |OSA111 Cカナード | 643| 67| 25| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 35|NONE|| |(OSA111 C Canard) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |OSA111 Cカナード+GC |1928|241| 84| 0%| 0%| 0| 0|124|NONE|| |(OSA111 C Canard+GC) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |OSY010 CIクーラー |1155|145| 44| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 48|NONE|| |(OSY010 CI Cooler) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |OSY010 CIクーラー+GC |2104|289| 88| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 96|NONE|| |(OSY010 CI Cooler+GC) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |ヴァイスブレスト | 977|104| 38| 0%| 0%| 0| 3| 7|AT-1|| |(WeiβBreastplate) | | | | | | | | |DF+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ヴァイスブレスト+GC |1780|206| 79| 0%| 0%| 0| 0|108|AT-3|| |(WeiβBreastplate+GC) | | | | | | | | |DF+3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |シュバルツブレスト | 977|104| 38| 0%| 0%| 0| 3| 7|AT-1|| |(Schwarz Breastplate) | | | | | | | | |DF+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |シュバルツブレスト+GC |1780|206| 79| 0%| 0%| 0| 0|108|AT-3|| |(Schwarz Breastplate+GC) | | | | | | | | |DF+3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |レイディアントアーマー黒 | 702| 62| 27| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 41|NONE|| |(Radiant Armor Black) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|


| 4 |レイディアント |1629|167| 66| 0%| 0%| 0| 0|109|NONE|

| | アーマー黒+BK| | | | | | | | | || |(Radiant Armor Black+BK) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |レイディアントアーマー白 | 702| 62| 27| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 41|NONE|| |(Radiant Armor White) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |レイディアント |1629|167| 66| 0%| 0%| 0| 0|109|NONE|

| | アーマー白+BK| | | | | | | | | || |(Radiant Armor White+BK) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |レザーアーマー | 350| 31| 20| 0%| 0%| 0| 3| 9|NONE|| |(Leather Armor) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |レザーアーマー+JO | 320| 27| 0| 0%| 0%| 0| 3| 12|DF-1|| |(Leather Armor+JO) | | | | | | | | |SP+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |レザーアーマー+IR | 350| 31| 14| 0%| 0%| 0| 3| 7|AT-5|| |(Leather Armor+IR) | | | | | | | | |DF+5||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |レザーアーマー+BK |2892|260| 98| 0%| 0%| 0| 29|101|NONE|| |(Leather Armor+BK) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ゴスロリトップス |1411|132| 45| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 44|CH+1|| |(GothLoli Top) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |マジカルマント |1411|132| 50| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 62|CH+1|| |(Magical Mantle) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |和ゴストップス |1588|161| 60| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 73|CH+2|| |(Kimono Goth Top) | | | | | | | | | |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]

===6B-3: アーム (ARM PARTS)===

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| ARMOR | LP|DEF|CST|FI%|LS%|SPD|DEX|CHA|ABIL||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |淑女の手袋黒 | 41| 6| 6| 0%| 0%| 0| 2| 2|CH+1|| |(Lady Gloves Black) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |淑女の手袋黒+BK |264| 51| 28| 0%| 0%| 0| 19| 13|CH+3|| |(Lady Gloves Black+BK) | | | | | | | | |SP-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |淑女の手袋白 | 41| 6| 6| 0%| 0%| 0| 2| 2|CH+1|| |(Lady Gloves White) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |淑女の手袋白+BK |264| 51| 28| 0%| 0%| 0| 19| 13|CH+3|| |(Lady Gloves White+BK) | | | | | | | | |SP-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |Zel リストプロテクター | 54| 8| 7| 0%| 0%| 0| 2| 3|GB-1|


| |(Zel Wrist Protector) | | | | | | | | |DX+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |Zel リストプロテクター+MS |345| 62| 33| 0%| 0%| 0| 19| 20|GB-1|| |(Zel Wrist Protector+MS) | | | | | | | | |DX+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |Zel リストプロテクター+GC |445| 83| 46| 0%| 0%| 0| 26| 26|GB-3|| |(Zel Wrist Protector+GC) | | | | | | | | |DX+3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |FL016Lガントレット | 54| 8| 7| 0%| 0%| 0| 2| 3|SP-1|| |(FLO16 L Gauntlet) | | | | | | | | |DX+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |FL016Lガントレット+GC |445| 83| 45| 0%| 0%| 0| 26| 26|SP-2|| |(FLO16 L Gauntlet+GC) | | | | | | | | |DX+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |手甲・拳狼+腕甲・万武 | 58| 8| 24| 0%| 0%| 0| 2| 4|AT+1|| |(Wolf Claw+Armlet) | | | | | | | | |JG+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |手甲・拳狼+腕甲・万武+MS |161| 23| 49| 0%| 0%| 0| 7| 12|AT+1|| |(Wolf Claw+Armlet+MS) | | | | | | | | |JG+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |手甲・拳狼+腕甲・万武+GC |482| 83|174| 0%| 0%| 41| 0| 41|AT+2|| |(Wolf Claw+Armlet+GC) | | | | | | | | |JG+2|| | | | | | | | | | |ST-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |裂拳甲+衛袖 | 58| 8| 23| 0%| 0%| 0| 2| 4|CR-1|| |(Striker+Guard Sleeve) | | | | | | | | |DX+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |裂拳甲+衛袖+MS |265| 41| 77| 0%| 0%| 0| 13| 21|CR-2|| |(Striker+Guard Sleeve+MS) | | | | | | | | |DX+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |裂拳甲+衛袖+MS |482| 83|160| 0%| 0%| 0| 26| 41|CR-3|| |(Striker+Guard Sleeve+MS) | | | | | | | | |DX+3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |ガントレットピンク |114| 19| 11| 0%| 0%| 0| 7| 5|NONE|| |(Pink Gauntlet) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |ガントレットピンク+IR |114| 19| 11| 0%| 0%| 0| 7| 5|NONE|| |(Pink Gauntlet+IR) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ガントレットピンク+BK |264| 51| 28| 0%| 0%| 0| 19| 13|NONE|| |(Pink Gauntlet+BK) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |ガントレット白 |114| 19| 11| 0%| 0%| 0| 7| 5|NONE|| |(White Gauntlet) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |ガントレット白+IR |114| 19| 11| 0%| 0%| 0| 7| 5|NONE|| |(White Gauntlet+IR) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ガントレット白+BK |264| 51| 28| 0%| 0%| 0| 19| 13|NONE|| |(White Gauntlet+BK) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |忍篭手"紫式部" |121| 19| 12| 0%| 0%| 0| 7| 8|NONE|


| |(Ninja Gloves "Shikibu") | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |忍篭手"紫式部"+GC |362| 68| 40| 0%| 0%| 0| 26| 29|NONE|| |(Ninja Gloves "Shikibu"+GC) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |レイディアントリスト白 |175| 25| 23| 0%| 0%| 0| 16| 14|BS-1|| |(Radiant Wristlets White) | | | | | | | | |SP+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |レイディアントリスト白+BK |407| 67| 57| 0%| 0%| 0| 43| 36|BS-2|| |(Radiant Wristlets White+BK)| | | | | | | | |SP+3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |レイディアントリスト黒 |175| 25| 23| 0%| 0%| 0| 16| 14|BS-1|| |(Radiant Wristlets Black) | | | | | | | | |SP+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |レイディアントリスト黒+BK |407| 67| 57| 0%| 0%| 0| 43| 36|BS-2|| |(Radiant Wristlets Black+BK)| | | | | | | | |SP+3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |ビームリングアーム黄色 |187| 34| 20| 0%| 0%| 0| 13| 9|CR-2|| |(Gold Beam Ring Armlets) | | | | | | | | |JG+1|| | | | | | | | | | |GB+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |ビームリングアーム黄色+IR |187| 34| 20| 0%| 0%| 0| 13| 9|CR-2|| |(Gold Beam Ring Armlets+IR) | | | | | | | | |ER+1|| | | | | | | | | | |GB+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ビームリングアーム黄色+BK |264| 51| 30| 0%| 0%| 0| 19| 13|CR-3|| |(Gold Beam Ring Armlets+BK) | | | | | | | | |JG+1|| | | | | | | | | | |GB+3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |ビームリングアーム水色 |187| 34| 20| 0%| 0%| 0| 13| 9|CR-2|| |(Aqua Beam Ring Armlets) | | | | | | | | |JG+1|| | | | | | | | | | |GB+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |ビームリングアーム水色+IR |187| 34| 20| 0%| 0%| 0| 13| 9|CR-2|| |(Aqua Beam Ring Armlets+IR) | | | | | | | | |ER+1|| | | | | | | | | | |GB+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ビームリングアーム水色+BK |264| 51| 30| 0%| 0%| 0| 19| 13|CR-3|| |(Aqua Beam Ring Armlets+BK) | | | | | | | | |JG+1|| | | | | | | | | | |GB+3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |ヴァイスカフス |244| 41| 23| 0%| 0%| 0| 13| 18|ER-1|| |(Weiβ Cuffs) | | | | | | | | |GB+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ヴァイスカフス+GC |445| 83| 48| 0%| 0%| 0| 26| 36|ER-2|| |(Weiβ Cuffs+GC) | | | | | | | | |GB+3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |シュバルツカフス |244| 41| 23| 0%| 0%| 0| 13| 18|ER-1|| |(Schwarz Cuffs) | | | | | | | | |JG+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |シュバルツカフス+GC |445| 83| 46| 0%| 0%| 0| 26| 36|ER-2|| |(Schwarz Cuffs+GC) | | | | | | | | |JG+2|



===6B-4: スカート (SKIRTS)===

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| ARMOR | LP |DEF|CST|FI%|LS%|SPD|DEX|CHA|ABIL||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |レザーパンツ | 272| 22| 16| 0%| 0%| 2| 3| 8|NONE|| |(Leather Shorts) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |レザーパンツ+IR | 272| 22| 11| 0%| 0%| 2| 3| 5|GB-5|| |(Leather Shorts+IR) | | | | | | | | |BS+5||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |レザーパンツ+BK |2250|174| 84| 0%| 0%| 17| 29| 73|NONE|| |(Leather Shorts+BK) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |忍草摺"紫蘭" | 362| 28| 16| 0%| 0%| 4| 0| 16|NONE|| |(Ninja Tasset "Shiran") | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |忍草摺"紫蘭"+GC |1085|102| 53| 0%| 0%| 13| 0| 58|NONE|| |(Ninja Tasset "Shiran"+GC) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ゴスロリスカート |1058| 79| 35| 0%| 0%| 5| 0| 29|CH+1|| |(GothLoli Skirt) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |マジカルスカート |1058| 79| 40| 0%| 0%| 8| 0| 41|CH+1|| |(Magical Skirt) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |和ゴススカート |1191| 97| 68| 0%| 0%| 29| 0| 48|CH+2|| |(Kimono Goth Skirt) | | | | | | | | | |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]

NOTE: I know the actual meaning of "パンツ", I just didn't see the point of using the literal word. E-mails regarding that little pickle will not be given the time of day.

===6B-5: レッグ (LEG PARTS)===

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| ARMOR | LP|DEF|CST|FI%|LS%|SPD|DEX|CHA|ABIL||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |脚甲・狗駆 | 58| 8| 13| 0%| 0%| 4| 0| 4|DS+1|

| |(LA・Running Tengu) | | | | | | | | |ST-1|| | | | | | | | | | |DJ+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |脚甲・狗駆+MS |121| 19| 20| 0%| 0%| 9| 0| 8|DS+1|| |(LA・Running Tengu+MS) | | | | | | | | |ST-1|| | | | | | | | | | |DJ+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |脚甲・狗駆+GC |482| 83| 93| 0%| 0%| 41| 0| 41|DS+1|| |(LA・Running Tengu+GC) | | | | | | | | |ST-1|| | | | | | | | | | |DJ+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|


| 1 |天舞靴 | 58| 8| 11| 0%| 0%| 4| 0| 4|DF+1|| |(Hirari Shoes) | | | | | | | | |ST+1|| | | | | | | | | | |EA+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |天舞靴+MS |265| 41| 37| 0%| 0%| 21| 0| 21|DF+1|| |(Hirari Shoes+MS) | | | | | | | | |ST+1|| | | | | | | | | | |EA+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |天舞靴+GC |482| 83| 73| 0%| 0%| 41| 0| 41|AT-3|| |(Hirari Shoes+GC) | | | | | | | | |ST+2|| | | | | | | | | | |EA+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |Zel サイプロテクター | 54| 8| 7| 0%| 0%| 2| 0| 3|NONE|| |(Zel Sai Protector) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |Zel サイプロテクター+MS |345| 62| 33| 0%| 0%| 18| 0| 20|NONE|| |(Zel Sai Protector+MS) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |Zel サイプロテクター+GC |445| 83| 44| 0%| 0%| 24| 0| 26|NONE|| |(Zel Sai Protector+GC) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |LGコレオプテール | 54| 8| 7| 0%| 0%| 2| 0| 3|ER-1|| |(LG Coleoptele) | | | | | | | | |DS+1|| | | | | | | | | | |ST+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |LGコレオプテール+GC |445| 83| 56| 0%| 0%| 24| 0| 26|ER-2|| |(LG Coleoptele+GC) | | | | | | | | |DS+2|| | | | | | | | | | |ST+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |LGパピオン | 54| 8| 9| 0%| 0%| 2| 0| 3|DJ+1|| |(LG Papillion) | | | | | | | | |AD+1|| | | | | | | | | | |CH-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |LGパピオン+GC |445| 83| 58| 0%| 0%| 24| 0| 26|DJ+1|| |(LG Papillion+GC) | | | | | | | | |AD+1|| | | | | | | | | | |CH-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |忍脚絆"紫鳳" |121| 19| 20| 0%| 0%| 9| 0| 8|AT-2|| |(Ninja Greaves "Shihou") | | | | | | | | |DJ+1|| | | | | | | | | | |EA+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |忍脚絆"紫鳳"+GC |362| 68| 66| 0%| 0%| 32| 0| 29|AT-2|| |(Ninja Greaves "Shihou"+GC) | | | | | | | | |DJ+1|| | | | | | | | | | |EA+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |着陸脚"鶴林" |114| 19| 13| 0%| 0%| 6| 0| 5|CR-1|| |(Landing Legs | | | | | | | | |ST+1|| | "Tsurubayashi") | | | | | | | | |TN+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |着陸脚"鶴林"+IR |114| 19| 15| 0%| 0%| 6| 0| 5|CR-4|| |(Landing Legs | | | | | | | | |TN+2|| | "Tsurubayashi"+IR) | | | | | | | | |SD+5||---------------------------------------------------------------------|


| 4 |着陸脚"鶴林"+BK |264| 51| 36| 0%| 0%| 16| 0| 13|CR-2|| |(Landing Legs | | | | | | | | |ST+2|| | "Tsurubayashi"+BK) | | | | | | | | |TN+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |MU"バンチョー mk3" |161| 27| 23| 0%| 0%| 12| 0| 12|ST+1|| |(MU "Bancho mk3") | | | | | | | | |EA+1|| | | | | | | | | | |SP-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |MU"バンチョー mk3"+GC |482| 96| 77| 0%| 0%| 41| 0| 36|ST+1|| |(MU "Bancho mk3"+GC) | | | | | | | | |EA+1|| | | | | | | | | | |SP-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |レイディアントフット白 |175| 25| 20| 0%| 0%| 12| 0| 14|NONE|| |(Radiant Foot White) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |レイディアントフット白+BK |407| 67| 50| 0%| 0%| 31| 0| 36|NONE|| |(Radiant Foot White+BK) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |レイディアントフット黒 |175| 25| 20| 0%| 0%| 12| 0| 14|NONE|| |(Radiant Foot Black) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |レイディアントフット黒+BK |407| 67| 50| 0%| 0%| 31| 0| 36|NONE|| |(Radiant Foot Black+BK) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |"カローヴァ"レッグパーツ |289| 48| 30| 0%| 0%| 12| 0| 16|LO-1|| |("Karolva" Leg Parts) | | | | | | | | |DS+1|| | | | | | | | | | |JM+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |"カローヴァ"レッグパーツ+GC |526| 96| 64| 0%| 0%| 24| 0| 32|LO-2|| |("Karolva" Leg Parts+GC) | | | | | | | | |DS+1|| | | | | | | | | | |JM+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |ヴァイスグリーブ |244| 41| 35| 0%| 0%| 21| 0| 18|BS-2|| |(Weiβ Greaves) | | | | | | | | |DS+1|| | | | | | | | | | |DJ+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ヴァイスグリーブ+GC |445| 83| 87| 0%| 0%| 41| 0| 36|BS-3|| |(Weiβ Greaves+GC) | | | | | | | | |DS+2|| | | | | | | | | | |DJ+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |シュバルツグリーブ |244| 41| 35| 0%| 0%| 21| 0| 18|LP-1|| |(Schwarz Greaves) | | | | | | | | |DS+1|| | | | | | | | | | |DJ+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |シュバルツグリーブ |445| 83| 81| 0%| 0%| 41| 0| 36|LP-3|| |(Schwarz Greaves) | | | | | | | | |DS+1|| | | | | | | | | | |DJ+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |ヴァイスガーター |244| 41| 35| 0%| 0%| 21| 0| 18|BS-1|| |(Weiβ Garter) | | | | | | | | |EA+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ヴァイスガーター+GC |445| 83| 71| 0%| 0%| 41| 0| 36|BS-1|


| |(Weiβ Garter+GC) | | | | | | | | |EA+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |シュバルツガーター |244| 41| 35| 0%| 0%| 21| 0| 18|EA+1|| |(Schwarz Garter) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |シュバルツガーター+GC |445| 83| 72| 0%| 0%| 41| 0| 36|EA+1|| |(Schwarz Garter+GC) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |GA2サバーカレッグパーツ |373| 72| 69| 0%| 0%| 31| 0| 31|DJ+1|| |(GA2 Savarka Leg Parts) | | | | | | | | |EA+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |GA2サバーカレッグパーツ+GC |482| 96| 92| 0%| 0%| 41| 0| 41|DJ+1|| |(GA2 Savarka Leg Parts) | | | | | | | | |EA+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ランディングギア AT3 |407| 72| 57| 0%| 0%| 31| 0| 36|ER-1|| |(Landing GearAT3) | | | | | | | | |JM+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ランディングギア AT3+GC |526| 96| 83| 0%| 0%| 41| 0| 48|ER-2|| |(Landing GearAT3+GC) | | | | | | | | |JM+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ランディングギア+バランサ |407| 72| 65| 0%| 0%| 31| 0| 36|ER-1|| |(Landing Gear+Balancer) | | | | | | | | |JM+1|| | | | | | | | | | |EA+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ランディングギア+バランサ+GC|526| 96| 94| 0%| 0%| 41| 0| 48|ER-3|| |(Landing Gear+Balancer+GC) | | | | | | | | |JM+2|| | | | | | | | | | |EA+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |ソックス黒 |114| 19| 11| 0%| 0%| 6| 0| 5|NONE|| |(Black Socks) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ニーソックス |353| 53| 26| 0%| 0%| 12| 0| 15|CH+1|| |(Knee Socks) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |マジック★ニーハイブーツ |353| 53| 38| 0%| 0%| 21| 0| 21|BS-1|| |(Magic★Knee-High Boots) | | | | | | | | |MT+1|| | | | | | | | | | |CH+1|[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]NOTE: Some Leg Parts overlap equipped shoes, but will not remove them. A few also increase height, making certain melee weapons ineffective if your opponent is shorter.

===6B-6: シューズ (SHOES)===

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| ARMOR | LP|DEF|CST|FI%|LS%|SPD|DEX|CHA|ABIL||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |Zel HSフットユニット | 0| 0| 7| 0%| 0%| 2| 0| 8|JM+1|| |(Zel HS Foot Unit) | | | | | | | | |DS+1|| | | | | | | | | | |SP-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |Zel HSフットユニット+MS | 0| 0| 35| 0%| 0%| 18| 0| 58|JM+2|| |(Zel HS Foot Unit+MS) | | | | | | | | |DS+1|


| | | | | | | | | | |SP-3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |Zel HSフットユニット+GC | 0| 0| 35| 0%| 0%| 18| 0| 59|JM+2|| |(Zel HS Foot Unit+GC) | | | | | | | | |DS+1|| | | | | | | | | | |SP-3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |ロントラシューズパーツ | 0| 0| 6| 0%| 0%| 2| 0| 8|BS-1|| |(Lontora Shoe Parts) | | | | | | | | |SD+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ロントラシューズパーツ+GC | 0| 0| 35| 0%| 0%| 18| 0| 59|BS-2|| |(Lontora Shoe Parts+GC) | | | | | | | | |SD+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |ヴイードラシューズパーツ | 0| 0| 23| 0%| 0%| 12| 0| 48|ST+1|| |(Vildora Shoe Parts) | | | | | | | | |EA+1|| | | | | | | | | | |DX-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ヴイードラシューズパーツ+GC | 0| 0| 47| 0%| 0%| 24| 0| 96|ST+3|| |(Vildora Shoe Parts+GC) | | | | | | | | |EA+1|| | | | | | | | | | |DX-3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |OSY010 Aガード | 0| 0| 32| 0%| 0%| 21| 0| 48|BS+2|| |(OSY010 A Guard) | | | | | | | | |DS+1|| | | | | | | | | | |DX-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |OSY010 Aガード+GC | 0| 0| 69| 0%| 0%| 41| 0| 96|BS+3|| |(OSY010 A Guard+GC) | | | | | | | | |DS+2|| | | | | | | | | | |DX-4||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |レザーブーツ白 | 0| 0| 8| 0%| 0%| 4| 0| 8|NONE|| |(Leather Boots White) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |レザーブーツ白+IR | 0| 0| 8| 0%| 0%| 4| 0| 8|SD+5|| |(Leather Boots White+IR) | | | | | | | | |CH-5||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |レザーブーツ白+BK | 0| 0| 42| 0%| 0%| 31| 0| 65|NONE|| |(Leather Boots White+BK) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |レザーブーツ赤 | 0| 0| 8| 0%| 0%| 4| 0| 8|NONE|| |(Leather Boots Red) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |レザーブーツ赤+IR | 0| 0| 8| 0%| 0%| 4| 0| 8|SD+5|| |(Leather Boots Red+IR) | | | | | | | | |SP-5||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |レザーブーツ赤+BK | 0| 0| 42| 0%| 0%| 31| 0| 65|NONE|| |(Leather Boots Red+BK) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |レザーブーツ黒 | 0| 0| 8| 0%| 0%| 4| 0| 8|NONE|| |(Leather Boots Black) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |レザーブーツ黒+IR | 0| 0| 8| 0%| 0%| 4| 0| 8|SD+5|| |(Leather Boots Black+IR) | | | | | | | | |LP-5||---------------------------------------------------------------------|


| 4 |レザーブーツ黒+BK | 0| 0| 42| 0%| 0%| 31| 0| 65|NONE|| |(Leather Boots Black+BK) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |ローファー黒 | 0| 0| 6| 0%| 0%| 2| 0| 8|CH+1|| |(Black Loafers) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |エンジニアブーツ | 0| 0| 26| 0%| 0%| 12| 0| 44|DJ+1|| |(Engineer Boots) | | | | | | | | |LO-1|| | | | | | | | | | |CH-2|[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]

===6B-7: リアパーツ (REAR PARTS)===

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| ARMOR | LP |DEF|CST|FI%|LS%|SPD|DEX|CHA|ABIL||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |E=フローター | 206| 12| 9| 0%| 0%| 1| 0| 2|JG+1|| |(E. Floater) | | | | | | | | |TN+1|| | | | | | | | | | |LP-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |E=フローター+BK |1318|102| 50| 0%| 0%| 6| 0| 13|JG+2|| |(E. Floater+BK) | | | | | | | | |TN+2|| | | | | | | | | | |LP-3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |Zel F.A Mユニット | 269| 15| 13| 0%| 0%| 1| 0| 3|GL+1|| |(Zel F.A M Unit) | | | | | | | | |AD+1|| | | | | | | | | | |SD-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |Zel F.A Mユニット+MS |1723|124| 65| 0%| 0%| 7| 0| 20|GL+1|| |(Zel F.A M Unit+MS) | | | | | | | | |AD+1|| | | | | | | | | | |SD-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |Zel F.A Mユニット+GC |2225|165| 94| 0%| 0%| 17| 0| 36|GL+2|| |(Zel F.A M Unit+GC) | | | | | | | | |AD+1|| | | | | | | | | | |SD-3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |RU・コーリペタラス | 269| 15| 12| 0%| 0%| 1| 0| 3|AT+1|| |(RU Corlipetelas) | | | | | | | | |GL+1|| | | | | | | | | | |SD-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |RU・コーリペタラス+GC |2225|165| 82| 0%| 0%| 10| 0| 26|AT+3|| |(RU Corlipetelas+GC) | | | | | | | | |GL+1|| | | | | | | | | | |SD-3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |RU・シンペタラス | 269| 15| 13| 0%| 0%| 1| 0| 3|GB-2|| |(RU Sinpetalas) | | | | | | | | |EA+1|| | | | | | | | | | |AD+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |RU・シンペタラス+GC |2225|165| 87| 0%| 0%| 10| 0| 26|GB-2|| |(RU Sinpetalas+GC) | | | | | | | | |EA+1|| | | | | | | | | | |AD+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |KT36D1ドッグテイル | 292| 15| 14| 0%| 0%| 2| 0| 4|BS-1|


| |(KT36D1 Dog Tail) | | | | | | | | |TN+1|| | | | | | | | | | |MT+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |KT36D1ドッグテイル+MS | 804| 46| 29| 0%| 0%| 5| 0| 12|BS-1|| |(KT36D1 Dog Tail+MS) | | | | | | | | |TN+1|| | | | | | | | | | |MT+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |KT36D1ドッグテイル+GC |2410|165|110| 0%| 0%| 17| 0| 41|BS-2|| |(KT36D1 Dog Tail+GC) | | | | | | | | |TN+2|| | | | | | | | | | |MT+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |KT36C1キャットテイル | 292| 15| 13| 0%| 0%| 2| 0| 4|GB-2|| |(KT36C1 Cat Tail) | | | | | | | | |DS+1|| | | | | | | | | | |SD+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |KT36C1キャットテイル+MS |1323| 83| 43| 0%| 0%| 8| 0| 21|GB-2|| |(KT36C1 Cat Tail+MS) | | | | | | | | |DS+1|| | | | | | | | | | |SD+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |KT36C1キャットテイル+GC |2410|165| 95| 0%| 0%| 17| 0| 41|GB-3|| |(KT36C1 Cat Tail+GC) | | | | | | | | |DS+2|| | | | | | | | | | |SD+3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |グラスパピヨン | 540| 33| 20| 0%| 0%| 4| 0| 6|GB-2|| |(Grass Papillion) | | | | | | | | |JP+1|| | | | | | | | | | |DJ+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |グラスパピヨン+IR | 540| 33| 19| 0%| 0%| 4| 0| 6|GB-5|| |(Grass Papillion+IR) | | | | | | | | |JP+2|| | | | | | | | | | |SD+4||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |グラスパピヨン+BK |1318|102| 55| 0%| 0%| 6| 0| 13|GB-3|| |(Grass Papillion+BK) | | | | | | | | |JP+2|| | | | | | | | | | |DJ+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |コンしっぽ | 603| 38| 19| 0%| 0%| 4| 0| 8|DF-2|| |(Fox Tail) | | | | | | | | |GL+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |コンしっぽ+GC |1808|136| 64| 0%| 0%| 13| 0| 29|DF-2|| |(Fox Tail+GC) | | | | | | | | |GL+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |ターボファンウイング | 568| 38| 16| 0%| 0%| 2| 0| 5|DX-2|| |(Turbo Fan Wing) | | | | | | | | |BS+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |ターボファンウイング+IR | 568| 38| 17| 0%| 0%| 2| 0| 5|DX-5|| |(Turbo Fan Wing+IR) | | | | | | | | |BS+5||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ターボファンウイング+BK |1318|102| 41| 0%| 0%| 6| 0| 13|DX-3|| |(Turbo Fan Wing+BK) | | | | | | | | |BS+3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |日輪光背 | 568| 38| 16| 0%| 0%| 2| 0| 5|DF+1|| |(Sun Halo) | | | | | | | | |ER+2|| | | | | | | | | | |LP-2|



| 4 |日輪光背+BK |1318|102| 41| 0%| 0%| 6| 0| 13|DF+2|| |(Sun Halo+BK) | | | | | | | | |ER+2|| | | | | | | | | | |LP-4||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |レイディアントリア白 | 877| 49| 26| 0%| 0%| 5| 0| 14|NONE|| |(Radiant Rear White) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |レイディアントリア白+BK |2036|134| 64| 0%| 0%| 12| 0| 36|NONE|| |(Radiant Rear White+BK) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |レイディアントリア黒 | 877| 49| 26| 0%| 0%| 5| 0| 14|NONE|| |(Radiant Rear Black) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |レイディアントリア黒+BK |2036|134| 64| 0%| 0%| 12| 0| 36|NONE|| |(Radiant Rear Black+BK) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |OSA111 RSフレーム | 804| 53| 28| 0%| 0%| 5| 0| 12|GL+1|| |(OSA111 RS Frame) | | | | | | | | |LP-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |OSA111 RSフレーム+GC |2410|193| 98| 0%| 0%| 17| 0| 41|GL+2|| |(OSA111 RS Frame+GC) | | | | | | | | |LP-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |つれてけご主人様 | 934| 68| 28| 0%| 0%| 4| 0| 9|CH+1|| |(Taken By Master) | | | | | | | | |LP+2|| | | | | | | | | | |DX-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |つれてけご主人様+BK |1318|102| 43| 0%| 0%| 6| 0| 13|CH+2|| |(Taken By Master+BK) | | | | | | | | |LP+3|| | | | | | | | | | |SP-3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |白き翼 | 934| 68| 35| 0%| 0%| 4| 0| 9|JG-2|| |(White Wings) | | | | | | | | |EA+1|| | | | | | | | | | |AD+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |白き翼+IR | 934| 68| 34| 0%| 0%| 4| 0| 9|JG-2|| |(White Wings+IR) | | | | | | | | |SD+4|| | | | | | | | | | |AD+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |白き翼+BK |1318|102| 43| 0%| 0%| 6| 0| 13|JG-2|| |(White Wings+BK) | | | | | | | | |EA+1|| | | | | | | | | | |AD+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |鋼の翼 | 934| 68| 32| 0%| 0%| 4| 0| 9|GL+1|| |(Steel Wings) | | | | | | | | |MT+1|| | | | | | | | | | |CH-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |鋼の翼+IR | 934| 68| 33| 0%| 0%| 4| 0| 9|GL+2|| |(Steel Wings+IR) | | | | | | | | |SP+3|| | | | | | | | | | |LP-5||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |鋼の翼+GC |1191| 97| 68| 0%| 0%| 29| 0| 13|GL+2|


| |(Steel Wings+GC) | | | | | | | | |MT+1|| | | | | | | | | | |CH-3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |鋼の翼+BK |1318|102| 51| 0%| 0%| 6| 0| 13|GL+2|| |(Steel Wings+BK) | | | | | | | | |MT+1|| | | | | | | | | | |CH-3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |エアリアルランドセル | 934| 68| 32| 0%| 0%| 4| 0| 9|BS+1|| |(Aerial Randoseru) | | | | | | | | |GL+1|| | | | | | | | | | |LO-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |エアリアルランドセル+IR | 934| 68| 32| 0%| 0%| 4| 0| 9|BS+1|| |(Aerial Randoseru+IR) | | | | | | | | |GL+1|| | | | | | | | | | |LO-4||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |エアリアルランドセル+BK |1318|102| 51| 0%| 0%| 6| 0| 13|BS+3|| |(Aerial Randoseru+BK) | | | | | | | | |GL+1|| | | | | | | | | | |LO-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |FB 1.2mm滑腔砲 | 934| 68| 32| 0%| 0%| 4| 0| 9|NONE|| |(FB 1.2mm SB Cannon) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |FB 1.2mm滑腔砲+BK |1318|102|118| 0%| 0%| 6| 0| 13|NONE|| |(FB 1.2mm SB Cannon+BK) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |しましまテイル | 934| 68| 27| 0%| 0%| 4| 0| 9|ER-1|| |(Shimashima Tail) | | | | | | | | |GB+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |しましまテイル+BK |1318|102| 43| 0%| 0%| 6| 0| 13|ER-2|| |(Shimashima Tail+BK) | | | | | | | | |GB+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |ニーベルング |1221| 83| 47| 0%| 0%| 8| 0| 18|TN-1|| |(Niebelung) | | | | | | | | |GL+1|| | | | | | | | | | |MT+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ニーベルング+GC |2225|165| 94| 0%| 0%| 17| 0| 36|TN-1|| |(Niebelung+GC) | | | | | | | | |GL+1|| | | | | | | | | | |MT+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |ノインテーター |1221| 83| 49| 0%| 0%| 8| 0| 18|SP-1|| |(Neuntote) | | | | | | | | |GL+1|| | | | | | | | | | |MT+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ノインテーター+GC |2225|165| 97| 0%| 0%| 17| 0| 36|TN-1|| |(Neuntote+GC) | | | | | | | | |GL+1|| | | | | | | | | | |MT+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |FL017リア+クリウーフ |1443| 97| 42| 0%| 0%| 5| 0| 16|SP-2|| |(FLO17 Rear+Cleoffe) | | | | | | | | |AT+1|| | | | | | | | | | |MT+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |FL017リア+クリウーフ+GC |2630|193| 86| 0%| 0%| 10| 0| 32|SP-3|| |(FLO17 Rear+Cleoffe+GC) | | | | | | | | |AT+2|


| | | | | | | | | | |MT+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |FL017リア+グリーヴァ |1443| 97| 48| 0%| 0%| 5| 0| 16|LP-2|| |(FLO17 Rear+Griever) | | | | | | | | |AT+2|| | | | | | | | | | |AD+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |FL017リア+グリーヴァ+GC |2630|193| 98| 0%| 0%| 10| 0| 32|LP-3|| |(FLO17 Rear+Griever+GC) | | | | | | | | |AT+2|| | | | | | | | | | |MT+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |ヴァルナー・テイル |1443| 97| 48| 0%| 0%| 5| 0| 16|BS-2|| |(Varna Tail) | | | | | | | | |GB+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ヴァルナー・テイル+BK |1318|102| 42| 0%| 0%| 6| 0| 13|BS-2|| |(Varna Tail) | | | | | | | | |GB+3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |MU"ジェリー mk2" |1443|116| 62| 0%| 0%| 8| 0| 16|DJ+1|| |(MU "Jelly mk2") | | | | | | | | |AD+1|| | | | | | | | | | |CH-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |MU"ジェリー mk2"+GC |2630|231|125| 0%| 0%| 17| 0| 32|DJ+1|| |(MU "Jelly mk2"+GC) | | | | | | | | |AD+1|| | | | | | | | | | |CH-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ヴァンダーフォルケ |1318|102| 43| 0%| 0%| 6| 0| 13|BS+3|| |(Vander Folke) | | | | | | | | |CT-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ヴァンダーフォルケ+BK |1318|102| 43| 0%| 0%| 6| 0| 13|BS+4|| |(Vander Folke+BK) | | | | | | | | |CT-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |リアウイング AAU7 |2036|145| 75| 0%| 0%| 12| 0| 36|AD+1|| |(Rear Wing AAU7) | | | | | | | | |LP-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |リアウイング AAU7+GC |2630|193|101| 0%| 0%| 10| 0| 32|AD+1|| |(Rear Wing AAU7+GC) | | | | | | | | |LP-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |GA4チーグルアームパーツ |1867|145| 66| 0%| 0%| 12| 0| 31|AT+1|| |(GA4 Cheagle Arm Parts) | | | | | | | | |DF-2|| | | | | | | | | | |MT+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |GA4チーグルアームパーツ+GC |2410|193| 98| 0%| 0%| 17| 0| 41|AT+1|| |(GA4 Cheagle Arm Parts+GC) | | | | | | | | |DF-2|| | | | | | | | | | |MT+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |リアウイング+ブースター |2036|145| 78| 0%| 0%| 12| 0| 36|BS+2|| |(Rear Wing+Booster) | | | | | | | | |AD+1|| | | | | | | | | | |LP-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |リアウイング+ブースター+GC |2630|193|105| 0%| 0%| 17| 0| 48|BS+3|| |(Rear Wing+Booster+GC) | | | | | | | | |AD+1|| | | | | | | | | | |LP-3|[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]


===6B-8: シールド (SHIELDS)===

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| ARMOR |LP|DEF|CST| FI%| LS%|SPD|DEX|CHA|ABIL||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |ディコ・シールド | 0| 0| 9| -3%| 5%| 0| 0| 0|GD+1|| |(Dico Shield) | | | | | | | | |GB-1|| | | | | | | | | | |SD-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ディコ・シールド+GC | 0| 0| 54|-13%| 25%| 0| 0| 0|GD+2|| |(Dico Shield+GC) | | | | | | | | |GB-1|| | | | | | | | | | |SD-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |PRS・FATEシールド | 0| 0| 9| -3%| 5%| 0| 0| 0|GD+1|

| |(PRS・FATE Shield) | | | | | | | | |GB-1|| | | | | | | | | | |SD-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |PRS・FATEシールド+IR | 0| 0| 45|-25%| 25%| 0| 0| 0|GD+2|| |(PRS・FATE Shield+IR) | | | | | | | | |GB-1|| | | | | | | | | | |SD-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |PRS・FATEシールド+BK | 0| 0| 45|-10%| 20%| 0| 0| 0|GD+2|| |(PRS・FATE Shield+BK) | | | | | | | | |GB-1|| | | | | | | | | | |SD-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |フローラルシールド黒 | 0| 0| 19| 10%| -5%| 0| 0| 0|GD+1|| |(Floral Shield Black) | | | | | | | | |GB-1|| | | | | | | | | | |SD-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |フローラルシールド黒+IR | 0| 0| 45| 35%|-35%| 0| 0| 0|GD+2|| |(Floral Shield Black+IR) | | | | | | | | |GB-1|| | | | | | | | | | |SD-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |フローラルシールド黒+BK | 0| 0| 45| 20%|-10%| 0| 0| 0|GD+2|| |(Floral Shield Black+BK) | | | | | | | | |GB-1|| | | | | | | | | | |SD-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |フローラルシールドピンク | 0| 0| 19| -5%| 10%| 0| 0| 0|GD+1|| |(Floral Shield Pink) | | | | | | | | |GB-1|| | | | | | | | | | |SD-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |フローラルシールドピンク+IR| 0| 0| 45|-35%| 35%| 0| 0| 0|GD+2|| |(Floral Shield Pink+IR) | | | | | | | | |GB-1|| | | | | | | | | | |SD-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |フローラルシールドピンク+BK| 0| 0| 45|-10%| 20%| 0| 0| 0|GD+2|| |(Floral Shield Pink+BK) | | | | | | | | |GB-1|| | | | | | | | | | |SD-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |FL012ガードシールド | 0| 0| 37| -8%| 15%| 0| 0| 0|GD+1|| |(FLO12 Guard Shield) | | | | | | | | |GB-1|


| | | | | | | | | | |SD-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |FL012ガードシールド+GC | 0| 0| 54|-10%| 20%| 0| 0| 0|GD+2|| |(FLO12 Guard Shield+GC) | | | | | | | | |GB-1|| | | | | | | | | | |SD-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |FL013ガードシールド | 0| 0| 19| 15%| -7%| 0| 0| 0|GD+1|| |(FLO13 Guard Shield) | | | | | | | | |GB-1|| | | | | | | | | | |SD-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |FL013ガードシールド+GC | 0| 0| 54| 20%|-10%| 0| 0| 0|GD+2|| |(FLO13 Guard Shield+GC) | | | | | | | | |GB-2|| | | | | | | | | | |SD-1|[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]

===6B-9: アクセサリ一 (ACCESSORIES)===

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]|RNK| ARMOR | LP|DF|CST| FI%| LS%|SPD|DEX|CHA|ABIL||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |イヤリング(スター) | 15| 0| 8| -5%| 10%| 0| 0| 1|AT-2|| |(Star Earring) | | | | | | | | |JM+1|| | | | | | | | | | |SD+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |イヤリング(スター)+IR | 15| 0| 6|-20%| 40%| 0| 0| 1|DF-5|| |(Star Earring+IR) | | | | | | | | |JM+2|| | | | | | | | | | |SD+5||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |イヤリング(スター)+BK | 93| 0| 17|-10%| 20%| 0| 0| 6|AT-2|| |(Star Earring+BK) | | | | | | | | |JM+2|| | | | | | | | | | |SD+4||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |イヤリング(スノー) | 15| 0| 9| 10%| -5%| 0| 0| 1|JG+1|| |(Snow Earring) | | | | | | | | |ER-2|| | | | | | | | | | |GL+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |イヤリング(スノー)+IR | 15| 0| 6| 40%|-20%| 0| 0| 1|JG+2|| |(Snow Earring+IR) | | | | | | | | |ER-4|| | | | | | | | | | |GL+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |イヤリング(スノー)+BK | 93| 0| 18| 20%|-10%| 0| 0| 6|JG+2|| |(Snow Earring+BK) | | | | | | | | |ER-3|| | | | | | | | | | |GL+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |イヤリング(ハート) | 15| 0| 8| -5%| 10%| 0| 0| 1|AT-2|| |(Heart Earring) | | | | | | | | |DF+1|| | | | | | | | | | |EA+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |イヤリング(ハート)+IR | 15| 0| 6|-20%| 40%| 0| 0| 1|AT-5|| |(Heart Earring+IR) | | | | | | | | |DF+5|| | | | | | | | | | |EA+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |イヤリング(ハート)+BK | 93| 0| 16|-10%| 20%| 0| 0| 6|AT-3|


| |(Heart Earring+BK) | | | | | | | | |DF+2|| | | | | | | | | | |EA+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |イヤリング(バブル) | 15| 0| 9| 10%| -5%| 0| 0| 1|AD+1|| |(Bubble Earring) | | | | | | | | |LP-2|| | | | | | | | | | |SP+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |イヤリング(バブル)+IR | 15| 0| 7| 40%|-20%| 0| 0| 1|AD+1|| |(Bubble Earring+IR) | | | | | | | | |LP-5|| | | | | | | | | | |SP+5||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |イヤリング(バブル)+BK | 93| 0| 17| 20%|-10%| 0| 0| 6|AD+1|| |(Bubble Earring+BK) | | | | | | | | |LP-3|| | | | | | | | | | |SP+4||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |ギフトリボン赤 | 15| 0| 8| 10%| -5%| 0| 0| 1|GB-2|| |(Red Gift Ribbon) | | | | | | | | |BS+1|| | | | | | | | | | |DS+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |ギフトリボン赤+IR | 15| 0| 7| 40%|-20%| 0| 0| 1|GB-5|| |(Red Gift Ribbon+IR) | | | | | | | | |BS+5|| | | | | | | | | | |DS+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ギフトリボン赤+BK | 93| 0| 16| 20%|-10%| 0| 0| 6|GB-3|| |(Red Gift Ribbon+BK) | | | | | | | | |BS+2|| | | | | | | | | | |DS+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |ギフトリボン白 | 15| 0| 8| 0%| 10%| 0| 0| 1|ST+1|| |(White Gift Ribbon) | | | | | | | | |DX-2|| | | | | | | | | | |LP+5||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |ギフトリボン白+IR | 15| 0| 6|-20%| 40%| 0| 0| 1|ST+2|| |(White Gift Ribbon+IR) | | | | | | | | |DX-5|| | | | | | | | | | |LP+5||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ギフトリボン白+BK | 93| 0| 14|-10%| 20%| 0| 0| 6|ST+2|| |(White Gift Ribbon+BK) | | | | | | | | |DX-4|| | | | | | | | | | |LP+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |ギフトリボンピンク | 15| 0| 9| 10%| -5%| 0| 0| 1|CT+1|| |(Pink Gift Ribbon) | | | | | | | | |ER+1|| | | | | | | | | | |TN+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |ギフトリボンピンク+IR | 15| 0| 6| 40%|-20%| 0| 0| 1|CR-5|| |(Pink Gift Ribbon+IR) | | | | | | | | |ER+4|| | | | | | | | | | |TN+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |ギフトリボンピンク+BK | 93| 0| 18| 20%|-10%| 0| 0| 6|CT+2|| |(Pink Gift Ribbon+BK) | | | | | | | | |ER+2|| | | | | | | | | | |TN+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |銀ぶちメガネ | 15| 0| 8| -5%| 10%| 0| 0| 1|LO+1|| |(Silver Frame Glasses) | | | | | | | | |MT+1|


| | | | | | | | | | |LP-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |銀ぶちメガネ+IR | 15| 0| 6|-20%| 40%| 0| 0| 1|LO+5|| |(Silver Frame Glasses+IR) | | | | | | | | |MT+1|| | | | | | | | | | |SD-4||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |銀ぶちメガネ+BK | 66| 0| 12|-10%| 20%| 0| 0| 4|LO+2|| |(Silver Frame Glasses+BK) | | | | | | | | |MT+1|| | | | | | | | | | |LP-3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |黒ぶちメガネ | 15| 0| 8| 10%| -5%| 0| 0| 1|MT+1|| |(Black Frame Glasses) | | | | | | | | |DX+1|| | | | | | | | | | |LP+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |黒ぶちメガネ+IR | 15| 0| 6| 10%| -5%| 0| 0| 1|MT+1|| |(Black Frame Glasses+IR) | | | | | | | | |DX+5|| | | | | | | | | | |LP+5||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |黒ぶちメガネ+BK | 66| 0| 12| 20%|-10%| 0| 0| 4|MT+1|| |(Black Frame Glasses+BK) | | | | | | | | |DX+2|| | | | | | | | | | |LP+3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |鈴 | 15| 0| 9| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 1|CR+1|| |(Bell) | | | | | | | | |DF-2|| | | | | | | | | | |DJ+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |鈴+IR | 15| 0| 6| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 1|CR+5|| |(Bell+IR) | | | | | | | | |DF-5|| | | | | | | | | | |DJ+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |鈴+BK | 93| 0| 16| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 6|CR+3|| |(Bell+BK) | | | | | | | | |DF-4|| | | | | | | | | | |DJ+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |レザーアーマーショルダ | 26| 0| 2| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 1|DF+1|| |(Leather Armor Shoulder) | | | | | | | | |GB+1|| | | | | | | | | | |ST-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |レザーアーマーショルダ+IR | 26| 0| 35| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 4|DF+1|| |(Leather Armor Shoulder+IR)| | | | | | | | |JG-2|| | | | | | | | | | |ER+5||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |レザーアーマーショルダ+BK |166| 0| 11| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 7|DF+3|| |(Leather Armor Shoulder+BK)| | | | | | | | |GB+3|| | | | | | | | | | |ST-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |LSHアームレット | 18| 0| 1| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 1|DX+1|| |(LSH Armlet) | | | | | | | | |SP-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |LSHアームレット+GC |148| 0| 10| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 9|DX+2|| |(LSH Armlet+GC) | | | | | | | | |SP-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |Zel アームプロテクター | 18| 0| 1| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 1|AT+1|


| |(Zel Arm Protector) | | | | | | | | |LP-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |Zel アームプロテクター+MS |115| 0| 8| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 7|AT+2|| |(Zel Arm Protector+MS) | | | | | | | | |LP-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |Zel アームプロテクター+GC |148| 0| 10| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 9|AT+3|| |(Zel Arm Protector+GC) | | | | | | | | |LP-3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1 |Zel ドラムマガジン | 18| 0| 1| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 1|CT+1|| |(Zel Drum Magazine) | | | | | | | | |ER+1|| | | | | | | | | | |CH-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |Zel ドラムマガジン+MS |115| 0| 8| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 7|CT+2|| |(Zel Drum Magazine+MS) | | | | | | | | |ER+2|| | | | | | | | | | |LP-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |Zel ドラムマガジン+GC |148| 0| 10| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 9|CT+2|| |(Zel Drum Magazine+GC) | | | | | | | | |ER+2|| | | | | | | | | | |CH-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |忍大袖"紫木蓮" | 40| 0| 3| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 3|NONE|| |(Great Ninja Sleeve | | | | | | | | | || | "Shimokuren") | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |忍大袖"紫木蓮"+GC |121| 0| 9| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 10|NONE|| |(Great Ninja Sleeve | | | | | | | | | || | "Shimokuren"+GC)| | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |忍襟布"陽炎" | 40| 0| 3| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 3|NONE|| |(Ninja Scarf "Kagerou") | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |忍襟布"陽炎"+GC |121| 0| 9| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 10|NONE|| |(Ninja Scarf "Kagerou"+GC) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |ヂェリカン:Coolant | 18| 0| 5| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 3|LO+1|| |(Jelly Can: Coolant) | | | | | | | | |SP-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ヂェリカン:Coolant+GC |161| 0| 16| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 14|LO+2|| |(Jelly Can: Coolant+GC | | | | | | | | |SP-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |ヂェリカン:Nitro | 18| 0| 5| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 3|AT+1|| |(Jelly Can: Nitro) | | | | | | | | |SP-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ヂェリカン:Nitro+GC |161| 0| 16| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 14|AT+2|| |(Jelly Can: Nitro+GC) | | | | | | | | |SP-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |ヂェリカン:Oil | 18| 0| 5| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 3|DF+1|| |(Jelly Can: Oil) | | | | | | | | |SP-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ヂェリカン:Oil+GC |161| 0| 16| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 14|DF+2|| |(Jelly Can: Oil+GC) | | | | | | | | |SP-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|


| 2 |2mmSRC SPEAR | 18| 0| 5| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 3|ER+1|| | | | | | | | | | |SP-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|| 5 |2mmSRC SPEAR+GC |161| 0| 15| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 14|ER+2|| | | | | | | | | | |SP-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |OSA111 Aスポイラー | 18| 0| 5| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 3|BS-1|| |(OSA111 A Spoiler) | | | | | | | | |SD+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |OSA111 Aスポイラー+GC |161| 0| 16| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 14|BS-2|| |(OSA111 A Spoiler+GC) | | | | | | | | |SD+3||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |ヴァイスシュルター | 81| 0| 6| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 6|NONE|| |(Weiβ Shoulders) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ヴァイスシュルター+GC |148| 0| 13| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 12|NONE|| |(Weiβ Shoulders+GC) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |ヴァイスチョーカー | 81| 0| 6| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 6|DF+1|| |(Weiβ Choker) | | | | | | | | |SD-1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ヴァイスチョーカー+GC |148| 0| 13| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 12|DF+2|| |(Weiβ Choker+GC) | | | | | | | | |SD-2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |クロイツクロス | 81| 0| 6| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 6|DX-2|| |(Kreuz Cross) | | | | | | | | |LP+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |クロイツクロス+GC |148| 0| 13| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 12|DX-4|| |(Kreuz Cross+GC) | | | | | | | | |LP+4||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3 |ヴァイスシュルター | 81| 0| 6| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 6|NONE|| |(Schwarz Shoulders) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |ヴァイスシュルター+GC |148| 0| 13| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 12|NONE|| |(Schwarz Shoulders+GC) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|| 3 |2mmSRC EXPLOD | 96| 0| 6| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 5|ER+1|| | | | | | | | | | |LO-1|| | | | | | | | | | |SD+1||---------------------------------------------------------------------|| 5 |2mmSRC EXPLOD+GC |175| 0| 14| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 11|ER+2|| | | | | | | | | | |LO-2|| | | | | | | | | | |SD+2||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2 |OSYアームガード | 96| 0| 6| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 5|NONE|| |(OSY Arm Guard) | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |OSYアームガード+GC |175| 0| 13| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 11|NONE|| |(OSY Arm Guard+GC | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |01スパイクアーマー |124| 0| 6| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 10|NONE|| |(01 Spike Armor | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|


| 5 |01スパイクアーマー+GC |161| 0| 8| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 14|NONE|| |(01 Spike Armor+GC | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4 |02スパイクアーマー |124| 0| 6| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 10|NONE|| |(02 Spike Armor | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5 |02スパイクアーマー+GC |161| 0| 8| 0%| 0%| 0| 0| 14|NONE|| |(02 Spike Armor+GC | | | | | | | | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|NOTE: In before "Kreuz Cross is redundant." I know that, blame the people who named the item, not the hapless translator.

=======================================================================7. RAIL ACTION [RAIACT]=======================================================================

Rail Action is a programmable Maneuver/Attack pattern for your Shinki. These actions use SP and up to four can be equipped (one per direction) Manevering actions are known as Routes, which makes the Shinki perform set movements at twice it's normal specs. Latter incarnations break lock-on, and can be done while jumping.

Attack actions also mess with lock-on, and gun-based ones do not use up ammo. They cannot be performed if you do not have the correct weapon type equipped. (the game warns you about this if you try to put the Rail Action on or if you're leaving the equip screen without changing it)

Though effective, Rail Action patterns are consistent and PREDICTABLE! so any non-AI player adept at using Rails will also know how to counter them. There is no way to cancel a Rail Action; You have to see it through or wait to get countered.


*ROUTE 1: Shinki advances a short distance forward to close in.

*ROUTE 2: Shinki dives right, then forward to close in.

*ROUTE 3: Shinki dives left, then forward to close in.

*ROUTE 4: Shinki dives right twice.

*ROUTE 5: Shinki dives left twice.

*ROUTE 6: Shinki jumps, dives a slanted right, then advances from the left to close in. Breaks opponent's lock-on.

*ROUTE 7: Shinki jumps, dives a slanted left, then advances from the right to close in. Breaks opponent's lock-on.

*ROUTE 8: Shinki dives right, then forward to close in. Breaks opponent's lock-on.

*ROUTE 9: Shinki dives left, then forward to close in. Breaks opponent's lock-on.


*ROUTE 10: Shinki dives right twice, then forward to close in. Breaks opponent's lock-on.

*ROUTE 11: Shinki dives left twice, then forward to close in. Breaks opponent's lock-on.


*ATK:KNUCKLES: The Shinki dives to the side and advances from an angle to attack with a powerful knockdown blow.

*ATK:DOUBLE KNIVES: The Shinki dives to the side and charges the opponent with a side strike followed by a somersault strike.

*ATK:DRILL: The Shinki will do an upward dash and advance, momentarily stopping in midair to charge ram the opponent with the drill up front.

*ATK:PILE BUNKER: The Shinki will dash toward the opponent, momentarily stopping to charge, and then perform a powered stab.

*ATK:SMALL SWORD: The Shinki will dash to the side, and charge in for a stab attack.

*ATK:ROD: The Shinki will dash to the side, and charge to the enemy with an upward swing.

*ATK:SPEAR: The Shinki dashes towards the opponent, and then performs a topspin on the pole. The attack can hit multiple times.

*ATK:DOUBLE BLADE: The Shinki will dash to the opponent and twirl with the blades.

*ATK:AXE: The Shinki will dash towards the opponent and execute a spinning attack.

*ATK:GREAT SWORD: The Shinki will dash towards the opponent and do an overhead swing.

*ATK:HAMMER: The Shinki will dash towards the opponent and perform a heavy swing.

*ATK:THROWING WEAPONS: The Shinki will dash to the side, and then behind the opponent to throw 2 sets of weapons, then scoots to the side for a final set of 2.

*ATK:GRENADES: The Shinki will dash past the opponent, littering grenades on the path.

*ATK:MUSICAL INSTRUMENT: The Shinki makes a beeline towards the opponent and encases them in a dome of ear- splitting music. Drains both LP and SP for the duration of the effect.

*ATK:HAND GUN: The Shinki will fire one shot to cancel an opponent's action then quickly move behind their opponent to


continue shooting.

*ATK:MACHINE GUN: The Shinki will dash from side to side, doing a full burst for 3-4 times.

*ATK:ASSAULT RIFLE: The Shinki will dash past the opponent at a considerable distance and fire 3 large shots, and the last one will empty an opponent's firearm ammo clips instantly if it connects.

*ATK:BAZOOKA: The Shinki will dash back and fire a spray of 3 bazooka rounds 3 times.

*ATK:LAUNCHER: The Shinki will dash back, and fire a spread shot 2 times, and finally a single shot with a knockdown effect.

*ATK:SHOTGUN: The Shinki will fly up, fire 2 bursts, then dash past the opponent to let loose another salvo.

*ATK:GATLING GUN: The Shinki dashes towards the opponent, pulls out the weapon and fires asomewhat scattered burst. Super Armor lasts until the weapon is fired.

*ATK:MISSILES: The Shinki will dash away from the opponent and release a missile barrage before going to the opposite side to repeat the attack.

*ATK:BITS: The Shinki dashes behind the opponent and launches the Bits.

===7-3: FINAL RAILS===

Clearing a Shinki's final Love Event unlocks special Rail Actions. These actions require a specific group of equipment on (often the Shinki's +GC default overall gear and other components) to use. Some enemies in Club Valhalla (After Clearing) grant these Rails at random, but it's a very rare occurrence.

NOTE: If you need to see the original Japanese name for the items again, CTRL+F is your friend.

*一刀両断・白 (Ittou Ryoudan・White): Arnval's single side slash with the LS7 Laser Sword+MT. Unblockable, but avoidable. Effective at close/mid range.

REQUIRES: Head Sensor Unicorn+GC FL016 Chest Guard+GC FL016L Gauntlet+GC LG Coleoptele+GC

RU・Corlipetalas+GC LS7 Laser Sword+MT

*グランニューレ (Gran Neule): Shield and Rear Parts turn into a jet sled which Arnval uses to ram the opponent. Unblockable, but avoidable. Effective at


mid range.

REQUIRES: Head Sensor Unicorn+GC FL016 Chest Guard+GC FL016L Gauntlet+GC LG Papillion+GC

RU・Sinpetalas+GC Dico Shield+GC

*一刀両断・黒 (Ittou Ryoudan・Black): A single, powerful downward slash. Unblockable, but avoidable. Effective at close/ mid range.

REQUIRES: FL017 Arierne+GC FL017 Spectral Guard+GC "Karolva" Leg Parts+GC FL017 Rear+Griever+GC

*ジャーヴァル・クルイク (Jarval Kleik): Rear Parts turn into a jet sled which Strarf uses to ram the opponent. Unblockable, but avoidable. Effective at mid range.

REQUIRES: FL017 Arierne+GC FL017 Spectral Guard+GC "Karolva" Leg Parts+GC FL017 Rear+Cleoffe+GC

*ドッグサーカス (Dog Circus): Howling grabs the opponent and performs a multi-hit combo ending with an uppercut. Unblockable, but avoidable. Effective at mid range.

REQUIRES: HP・Howling Emperor+GC BP・Heart Protector+GC KT36D1Dog Tail+GC

LA・Running Tengu+GC Wolf Claw+Armlet+GC (Equipped as both Arm and Knuckle)

*スーパーねこ乱舞 (Super Neko Ranbu): Maochao grabs the opponent and performs a multi-hit scratch combo. Unblockable, but avoidable. Effective at mid range.

REQUIRES: Steel Costume Ears+GC War Tunic+GC KT36C1 Cat Tail+GC Hirari Shoes+GC Striker+Guard Sleeve+GC (Equipped as both Arm and Knuckle)


*ロードファイター (Road Fighter): Ach tranforms into Trike Mode and rams her opponent at high speed. Unblockable, but avoidable. Effective at almost any range.

REQUIRES: Cirlite Cowl+GC OSA111 C Canard+GC

OSA111 A Spoilerー+GC MU"Bancho mk3"+GC OSA111 RS Frame+GC Super Silverstone+MT

*スリルドライブ (Thrill Drive): Yda tranforms into Trike Mode and rams her opponent at high speed. Unblockable, but avoidable. Effective at almost any range.

REQUIRES: Circlet Cowl+GC OSY010 Cl Cooler+GC OSY010 A Guard+GC MU"Jelly mk2"+GC OSY Arm Guard+GC

*バレットカーニバル (Bullet Carnival): Zelnogrard uses all her guns, starting with the

Zel L・R/S Rifle+MT, then the P・A・R Shotgun+MT, and finally the Zel Gatling Cannon+MT, performing military-style maneuvers in between. Unblockable, but avoidable. Effective at close/mid range.

REQUIRES: Zel Grooved Helmet+GC Zel C Protector+GC Zel Arm Protector+GC Zel Sai Protector+GC Zel HS Foot Unit+GC Zel F.A M Unit+GC Zel Wrist Protector+GC

P・A・R Shotgun+MT Zel Gatling Cannon+MT

Zel L・R/S Rifle+MT

*ゲイルスケイグル (Gale Seigel): Altlenne takes to the air and activates her Niebelung Rear Part to throw the Seiglinde+MT Great Sword at her opponent. Unblockable, but avoidable. Effective at long range.

REQUIRES: Freya Helme+GC


Weiβ Breastplate+GC

Weiβ Shouldersー+GC Weiβ Cuffs+GC Niebelung+GC Weiβ Choker+GC Weiβ Greaves+GC Seiglinde+MT

*シザース・ガリアス・ドミニオール (Shizars・Gallias・Dominior): Alteines charges the opponent from the side and grapples her opponent with Neuntote's mechanical arms. Unblockable, but avoidable. Effective at close/mid range.

REQUIRES: Elda Helme/Open+GC Schwarz Breastplate+GC Schwarz Cuffs+GC Schwarz Greaves+GC Schwarz Shoulders+GC Kreuz Cross+GC Neuntote+GC

*夢想手裏剣 (Musou Shuriken): Fubuki jumps up and throws a hail of Shirotumekusa+MT shurikens at the opponent. Unblockable, but avoidable. Effective at mid range.

REQUIRES: Ninja Garb "Shion"+GC Ninja Tasset "Shiran"+GC Ninja Gloves "Shikibu"+GC Great Ninja Sleeve "Shimokuren"+GC Ninja Greaves "Shihou"+GC Great Shuriken "Shirotsumekusa"+MT

=======================================================================8. GAME CENTER [GMCERV]=======================================================================

Any self-respecting Shinki Master should always develop their skills and bond with his/her current Shinki at the Game Center. Shinki Masters come here for friendly matches, serious non-tourney duels, and some developers even invite well-known masters do protoype battle testing.

===8-1: INITIAL/F3 RIVALS===

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]| RIVAL/SHINKI | NOTES ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|柴田勝/プルミエ | ||(Masaru Shimada/Plumiere) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|小早川千歳/リリス |*Unlocks F3 Qualifier 1. ||(Chitose Kobayakawa/Lilith) |*Gone after F3 Ranking Meet. |



|姉崎静馬/ナギ | ||(Shizuma Anegasaki/Nagi) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|柏葉剣/ルーデル | ||(Tsurugi Kashihaba/Loudel) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|山中美幸/ライラ | ||(Miyuki Yamanaka/Lyla) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|赤橋瞳子/ハヤテ | ||(Toushi Akahashi/Hayate) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|津軽冬至/雪華 |*Appears via e-mail challenge. ||(Touji Tsugaru/Yuka) |*Unlocks Fubuki at Official Shop. ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|足利崇文/紅葉 |*Unlocks F3 Qualifier 2. ||(Takayuki Ashikaga/Momiji) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|シルバー・クレイ/マリー | ||(Silver Clay/Marie) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|犬童太/ハナ | ||(Tai Kitou/Hana) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|軍曹/三等兵 | ||(Sergeant/Private 3rd Class) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|真紅女帝総長/沙耶香 |*Crimson Emperor Team. ||(CE President/Sayaka) |*Appears via e-mail challenge. ||-----------------------------|*3-on-1 Battle. |

|真紅女帝総長/亜里沙 |*Unlocks Ach at Official Shop. ||(CE Vice-President/Arisa) | ||-----------------------------| |

|真紅女帝見習い/香里奈 | ||(CE Apprentice/Karina) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|ダリル・ブレナン/ドロシー | ||(Daryl Brennan/Dorothy) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|吉川素子/アローズ | ||(Motoko Furukawa/Arrows) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|猪苗代孝実/ふゆなぎ | ||(Takami Inawashiro/Fuyunagi) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|春夏冬/あきな | ||(Shunkatou/Akina) | |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]

===8-2: F2 RIVALS===


[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]| RIVAL/SHINKI | NOTES ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|双蜂/ベル | ||(Futahachi/Bell) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|南部蒼太/フレンダー | ||(Souta Nanbu/Flendar) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|チョコレッタ・G/アンネ | |

|(Choco Lette・G/Anne) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|犬養創/ヤマト |*Appears via e-mail challenge. ||(Sou Inukai/Yamato) |*3-on-1 Battle. ||-----------------------------| |

|犬養続/ムサシ | ||(Zoku Inukai/Musashi) | ||-----------------------------| |

|犬養完/シナノ | ||(Kan Inukai/Shinano) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|鍋島樹里/みおん | ||(Itsuki Nabejima/Mion) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|立花茂/銀千代 | ||(Shige Tachibana/Ginsendai) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|豪徳寺みか/まりぃ | ||(Mika Gotoukuji/Marii) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|ケンプ/黒姫 | ||(Kenpu/Kurohime) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|百武健心/百花 |*Appears via e-mail challenge. ||(Kenshin Hyakutake/Hyakka) |*Unlocks Yda at Official Shop. ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|給料シーフ/シルファ | ||(Paycheck Thief/Silpha) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|真田有希那/キリカゼ | ||(Yukina Sanada/Kirikaze) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|練馬大将軍/ミュー | ||(General Nerima/Myu) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|偉吹玲人/まお | ||(Akito Ibuki/Mao) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|神選組局長/コテツ |*God Candidate Club. ||(GCC Chief/Kotetsu) |*Appears via e-mail challenge ||-----------------------------|*3-on-1 Batle. |


|神選組副長/イズミ | ||(GCC Vice-Chief/Izumi) | ||-----------------------------| |

|神選組隊士/カズサ | ||(GCC Soldier/Kazusa) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|得川義文/葛葉 | ||(Yoshifumi Egawa/Kuzuha) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|痴豚/ミランダ | ||(Chibuta/Miranda) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|嶋渓フミカ/エイル | ||(Fumika Shimakei/Aile) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|ドグラ・モゲラ/菊花 | ||(Dougla Mogela/Kikka) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|山中日向/葵 | ||(Hyuga Yamanaka/Aoi) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|タケル/サギリ |*Appears via e-mail challenge. ||(Takeru/Sagiri) |*2-on-1 Battle. ||-----------------------------|*Unlocks Altlenne and Alteines at |

|ミコト/テルヒメ | Official Shop. ||(Mikoto/Teruhime) | |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]

===8-3: F1 RIVALS===

[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]| RIVAL/SHINKI | NOTES ||---------------------------------------------------------------------||????/???? |*Will be the only rival in GC after F2 || | Ranking Meet at first. ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|神宮司八郎/アトラ |*Appears after F2 Ranking Meet upon ||(Hachirou Kamiyaji/Atla) | beating ????. ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|森永穂波/アニー |*Appears after F2 Ranking Meet upon ||(Honami Morinaga/Annie) | beating ????. ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|神戸こなみ/みなこ |*Appears after F2 Ranking Meet upon ||(Konami Kanato/Minako) | beating ????. ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|笠嶋京香/あざみ | ||(Kyouka Kasashima/Azami) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|赤城春菜/麗音 | ||(Haruna Akagi/Rio) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|趙飛燕/夏姫 |*Appears via e-mail challenge. |


|(Zhao Fei Yan/Xia Ji) |*3-on-1 Battle. ||-----------------------------| |

|王秀英/睡蓮 | ||(Wang Xiu Ying/Shui Lian) | ||-----------------------------| |

|周小紅/蘭蘭 | ||(Zhou Xiao Hong/Lan Lan) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|音黒野美子/クロミ | ||(Nekuro No Miko/Kuromi) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|武本哲/チェリー | ||(Tetsu Takemoto/Cherry) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|愛猫党党首/ターニャ |*Cat Owners' Club. ||(COC Leader/Tanya) |*Appears via e-mail challenge. ||-----------------------------|*3-on-1 Battle. |

|愛猫党参謀/アイニャ | ||(COC Officer/Ainya) | ||-----------------------------| |

|愛猫党書記/ハルニャ | ||(COC Secretary/Harunya) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|麻呂/雛鶴 | ||(Maro/Hinazuru) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|山県みちる/薫 | ||(Michiru Yamagata/Kaori) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|兜茂/ユリコ | ||(Shigeru Kabuto/Yuriko) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|左籐楓/メープル |*Idol Wannabes. ||(Kaede Satou/Maple) |*Appears via e-mail challenge. ||-----------------------------|*3-on-1 Battle. |

|紫陽花/アナベル | ||(Ajisai/Annabelle) | ||-----------------------------| |

|大山蓮華/マグノリア | ||(Renge Ooyama/Magnolia) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|ういろー/ナナ | ||(Uiro/Nana) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|埴場怜太/クラリス | ||(Reita Haniba/Clarisse) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|九頭龍/ルル | ||(Kuzuryuu/Ruru) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|陰陽熊/ファム | ||(Onyouguma/Fam) | |



|閃光魔女/シャイナ | ||(Senkou Majo/Shaina) | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|美馬坂真尋/ドナ |*Appears via e-mail challenge. ||(Mahiro Mimazaka/Donna) |*Unlocks Club Valhalla. ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|開田有人/ライム |*Appears after clearing F1 qualifiers. ||(Yuuto Kaida/Lime) |*Starts Applet Crisis arc. |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]

=======================================================================9. STORY & F-BATTLE QUALIFIERS [FBTTLQ]=======================================================================


=======================================================================10. OFFICIAL BATTLE TOURNAMENTS [OBTOUR]=======================================================================

===10-1: ABOUT===

Official Battle Tournaments are meets sponsored by the companies involved with Shinki development, either individual or collaborative. Matches can be Single or 2-on-2, and some even haverestrictions. You will not be allowed to participate in a tournament ifyou go against any of the set restrictions.

Upon entry, you will be fighting 3 matches of increasing difficulty with no breaks in between. You can't change equipment, view Love Events(in case of a level up) nor save until the tournament ends.

The spt and first prize is constant. The rest are given at random,so it's in your best interest to repeat a tournament until you get the desired prize.

===アーンヴァルクイーン (Arnval Queen)===*CONDITION: Arnval Mk2 models only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 320spt, Head Sensor Unicorn, Cocolett, M8 Lightsaber, M8 Double Lightsaber.

===ストラーフクイーン (Strarf Queen)===*CONDITION: Strarf Mk2 models only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 2160spt, Thermal Sensor, Roc, Angle Blade (Double Knives).

===ハウリンクイーン (Howling Queen)===*CONDITION: Howling models only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 480spt, Fang Bi, Jitte, Kyokurin.

===マオチャオクイーン (Maochao Queen)===*CONDITION: Maochao models only.


*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 420spt, Steel Costume Ears, Fang Bi, Puchi Machines [CAT].

===ゼルノグラードクイーン (Zelnogrard Queen)===*CONDITION: Zelnogrard models only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.

*PRIZES: 540spt, Zel G Helm+Goggles, BK Pistol, P・A・R Shotgun+BK.

===フブキクイーン (Fubuki Queen)===*CONDITION: Fubuki models only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 1380spt, Fox Ears, Flying Kunai "Rengesou", Ninja Sickle "Sanbai".

===アーククイーン (Ach Queen)===*CONDITION: Ach models only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 840spt, Cirlite Cowl, Folding Knife, OS-35 ARifleEX.

===イーダクイーン (Yda Queen)===*CONDITION: Yda models only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 1620spt, Circlet Cowl, Aero Vajra.

===アルトレーネクイーン (Altrenne Queen)===*CONDITION: Altrenne models only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 1860spt, Freya Helme, Sieglinde, Blaue Stern.

===アルトアイネスクイーン (Alteines Queen)===*CONDITION: Altlenne models only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 1860spt, Elda Helme/O, Siegmund, Siegfried+ms.

===フロントライン杯 (Front Line Cup)===*CONDITION: Arnval Mk2 & Strarf Mk2 models only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 1320spt, M4 Lightsaber, GE Model RG8 Railgun, LC3 Laser Rifle.

===ケモテック杯 (Kemotech Cup)===*CONDITION: Howling & Maochao models only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 420spt, Puchi Machines [DOG] Horai Type-1, Kyokurin.

===オーメストラーダ杯 (Ohmestrada Cup)===*CONDITION: Ach & Yda models only.*MATCH TYPE: Single*PRIZES: 1560spt, Super Silverstone, OS-35 ARifleEx.

===Dコーポレーション杯 (Diorne Corporation Cup)===*CONDITION: Altrenne & Alteines models only.


*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 1620spt, Siegfried, Sieglinde, Rote Stern.

===フィジカルクイーン (Physical Queen)===*CONDITION: Weapons of Physical Property only. (0% on both Fire and Laser)*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 1260spt, Jamadhar, Radiant Rear Black+BK, Holy Spear "Longinus".

===アリス・リデル杯 (Alice Lidelle Cup)===*CONDITION: Complete Gothic Lolita Costume Set. (Frilly Headdress, GothLoli Top, GothLoli Skirt, Striped Knee Socks and Engineer Boots) *MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 2340spt, Round Ears, White Wings+BK, Gold Beam Ring Armlets.

===いばら姫杯 (Thorn Princess Cup)===*CONDITION: Complete Kimono Goth Costume Set. (Hair Ornament, Kimono Goth Top and Kimono Goth Skirt) *MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 2340spt, Steel Wings+BK, Radiant Wristlets White.

===帝国魔女杯 (Imperial Witch Cup)===*CONDITION: Complete Witch Costume Set. (Magical Hat, Magical Mantle, Magical Skirt and Magic★Knee-High Boots)*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 2340spt, White Gift Ribbon, Aqua Beam Ring Armlets, Turbo Fan Wing+BK.

===狙撃スター杯 (Shooting Star Cup)===*CONDITION: Light Gun and Heavy Gun weapon types only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 420spt, Hand Grenade, MSR22 Sniper, Beehive+ms.

===ピットブル杯 (Pitbull Cup)===*CONDITION: Knuckle, Assault, One-Hand, Spear and Two-Hand weapon types only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.

*PRIZES: 1740spt, FLO15 Battle Staff, "Shell Break" PB+ms、Roc.

===タッグマッチ G1 (Tag Match G1)===*CONDITION: Free.*MATCH TYPE: 2-on-2.

*PRIZES: 180spt, Silver Fork, Silver Spoon, Zel L・R/S Rifle.

===タッグマッチ G2 (Tag Match G2)===*CONDITION: Free.*MATCH TYPE: 2-on-2.*PRIZES: 500spt, AlvoPDW9, Double Blade, Disintegrator.


===タッグマッチ G3 (Tag Match G3)===*CONDITION: Free.*MATCH TYPE: 2-on-2.*PRIZES: 700spt, Balmung, Double Blade Silver, Mistleteinn.

===タッグマッチ G4 (Tag Match G4)===*CONDITION: Free.*MATCH TYPE: 2-on-2.

*PRIZES: 780spt, MSR22 Sniper, Stun Rod+ms, P・A・R Shotgun+BK.

===タッグマッチ G5 (Tag Match G5)===*CONDITION: Free.*MATCH TYPE: 2-on-2.*PRIZES: 2020spt, M49 Shotgun Silver+SK Electric Bass+FN,

P・A・R Shotgun+CR.

===タッグマッチ狙撃スター 1 (Tag Match: Shooting Star 1)===*CONDITION: Light Gun and Heavy Gun weapon types only.*MATCH TYPE: 2-on-2.*PRIZES: 340spt, Stilett, Cocolett, Jamadhar.

===タッグマッチ狙撃スター 2 (Tag Match: Shooting Star 2)===*CONDITION: Light Gun and Heavy Gun weapon types only.*MATCH TYPE: 2-on-2.

*PRIZES: 600spt, P・A・R Shotgun, MSR22 Sniper, Chakram.

===タッグマッチ狙撃スター 3 (Tag Match: Shooting Star 3)===*CONDITION: Light Gun and Heavy Gun weapon types only.*MATCH TYPE: 2-on-2.*PRIZES: 740spt, Cocoletto, M49 Shotgun Black+CR, Beehive+CG.

===タッグマッチ狙撃スター 4 (Tag Match: Shooting Star 4)===*CONDITION: Light Gun and Heavy Gun weapon types only.*MATCH TYPE: 2-on-2.*PRIZES: 780spt, Eisen Eagle Black, LC3 Laser Rifle, Sturm Und Drang.

===タッグマッチ狙撃スター 5 (Tag Match: Shooting Star 5)===*CONDITION: Light Gun and Heavy Gun weapon types only.*MATCH TYPE: 2-on-2.

*PRIZES: 1360spt, GE Model RG8 Railgun, M49 Shotgun Black+SK、Hellgate Blaster, FB Alpha Pistol+ms.

===タッグマッチピットブル 1 (Tag Match: Pitbull 1)===*CONDITION: Knuckle, Assault, One-Hand, Spear and Two-Hand weapon types only.*MATCH TYPE: 2-on-2.*PRIZES: 500spt, Twinkle Baton, Double Ray Blade, M8 Double Lightsaber.

===タッグマッチピットブル 2 (Tag Match: Pitbull 2)===*CONDITION: Knuckle, Assault, One-Hand, Spear and Two-Hand weapon types only.


*MATCH TYPE: 2-on-2.*PRIZES: 560spt, Fulsto Gufloto, M8 Double Lightsaber, Double Steel Blade.

===タッグマッチピットブル 3 (Tag Match: Pitbull 3)===*CONDITION: Knuckle, Assault, One-Hand, Spear and Two-Hand weapon types only.*MATCH TYPE: 2-on-2.*PRIZES: 740spt, Yan Yue Dao, Disintegrator, Double Steel Blade.

===タッグマッチピットブル 4 (Tag Match: Pitbull 4)===*CONDITION: Knuckle, Assault, One-Hand, Spear and Two-Hand weapon types only.*MATCH TYPE: 2-on-2.*PRIZES: 800spt, Seven Edge, Lam Dao, FLO15 Battle Staff.

===タッグマッチピットブル 5 (Tag Match: Pitbull 5)===*CONDITION: Knuckle, Assault, One-Hand, Spear and Two-Hand weapon types only.*MATCH TYPE: 2-on-2.*PRIZES: 920spt, Morning Star, Holy Spear "Longinus", Stun Rod+ms, Siegmund.

===スターライン杯 (Starline Cup)===

*CONDITION: Weapons with at least 3% Laser (光学) property only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 1260spt, OS-36 Assault Carbine Ex, M4 Lightsaber, AlvoPDW11.

===ファイアーバースト杯 (Fireburst Cup)===

*CONDITION: Weapons with at least 3% Fire (火器) property only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 1140spt, 37 Type-1 2mm Machine Cannon, Katzbalger, OS-35 Assault Rifle Ex.

===バレットクイーン (Bullet Queen)===*CONDITION: Gatling Guns/Shotguns/Launchers/Bazookas only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 2340spt, Model PHC Vzreef, BK Pistol+IR.

===バレットスター (Bullet Star)===*CONDITION: Handguns/Machine Guns/Assault Rifles only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 2520spt, Sturm Und Drang, Eisen Eagle Silver+IR.

===ガイドウェポン杯 (Guided Weapon Cup)===*CONDITION: Missiles/Bits only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 2340spt, Beehive+CG, Cocolett+IR.


===投擲女王 (Throwing Implement Queen)===*CONDITION: Throwing Weapons/Grenades only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 2520spt, Hand Grenade+ms, Fulsto Klein+IR.

===ハンドガンハンマー杯 (Handgun/Hammer Cup)===*CONDITION: Handguns/Hammers only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 3240spt, AlvoLP4 Handgun, BK Pistol+IR, FB Alpha Pistol+SK.

===マシンガンスピア杯 (Machine Gun/Spear Cup)===*CONDITION: Machine Guns/Spears only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 3420spt, -9 Submachine Gun, Jamadhar+IR.

===ライフルブレード杯 (Rifle/Blade Cup)===*CONDITION: Assault Rifles/Double Blades only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 3240spt, GE Model RG8 Railgun, MSR22 Sniper+IR.

===ガトリングナックル杯 (Gatling/Knuckle Cup)===*CONDITION: Gatling Guns/Knuckles only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 3420spt, Eisen Eagle Black+SK, Eisen Eagle Silver+IR.

===ショットガンソード杯 (Shotgun/Sword Cup)===*CONDITION: Shotguns/Small Swords only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.

*PRIZES: 3240spt, M49 Shotgun Silver+CR M49 Shotgun Black+IR、P・A・R Shotgun+GC.

===ランチャーナイフ杯 (Launcher/Knife Cup)===*CONDITION: Launchers/Double Knives only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 3420spt, Stinger, LC3 Laser Rifle+IR.

===バズーカロッド杯 (Bazooka/Rod Cup)===*CONDITION: Bazookas/Rods only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 3240spt, Shutrum Unde Dranke, Shuram Rocket Grenade Launcher+IR, Horai Type 1+GC

===ビットビッグソード杯 (Bit/Big Sword Cup)===*CONDITION: Bits/Great Swords only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 3420spt, Lilliane, Navagraha.

===ミサイルインスト杯 (Missile/Instrument Cup)===*CONDITION: Missiles/Musical Instruments only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 3240spt, Beehive+CR, Stilett+IR.


===スロウバンカー杯 (Throw/Bunker Cup)===*CONDITION: Throwing Weapons/Pile Bunkers only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 3420spt, Fulsto Klein, Fulsto Klein+IR.

===ボムアックス杯 (Bomb/Axe Cup)===*CONDITION: Grenades/Axes only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 3240spt, Hand Grenade+SK, Hand Grenade+IR.

===ドリルハンドガン杯 (Drill/Handgun Cup)===*CONDITION: Drills/Handguns only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 3240spt, Iron Drill+ms Shang Ya+ms, Iron Drill+IR.

===ナックルショット杯 (Knuckle/Shot Cup)===*CONDITION: Knuckles/Shotguns only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 3420spt, Yan Chao, Tonfa+IR.

===ナイフバズーカ杯 (Knife/Bazooka Cup)===*CONDITION: Double Knives/Bazookas only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 3240spt, Grief Engraver, Koat & Koshka+MT, Koat & Koshka+GR.

===パイル機関銃杯 (Pile/Machine Gun Cup)===*CONDITION: Pile Bunkers/Machine Guns only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 3420spt, Roc, Hand Pile Driver, Roc+IR.

===ソードランチャー杯 (Sword/Launcher Cup)===*CONDITION: Small Swords/Launchers only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 3240spt, M8 Lightsaber, Cutlass+IR, Ninja Sword "Kazahana"+ms.

===ロッドミサイル杯 (Rod/Missile Cup)===*CONDITION: Rods/Missiles only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 3420spt, Stun Rod, Stun Rod+IR.

===スピアガトリング杯 (Spear/Gatling Cup)===*CONDITION: Spears/Gatling Guns only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 3240spt, Yan Yue Dao+ms, Yan Yue Dao+IR.

===ダブルブレードボム杯 (Double Blade/Bomb Cup)===*CONDITION: Double Blades/Grenades only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 3420spt, Twinkle Baton+ms, Twinkle Baton+IR, M8 Double Lightsaber+ms.


===ビッグソードスロウ杯 (Big Sword/Throw Cup)===*CONDITION: Great Swords/Throwing Weapons only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 3240spt, Siegmund, Seven Edge+IR.

===アックスビット杯 (Axe/Bits Cup)===*CONDITION: Axes/Bits only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.

*PRIZES: 3420spt, Battle Axe, A・Hawk+IR.

===ハンマーライフル杯 (Hammer/Rifle Cup)===*CONDITION: Hammers/Assault Rifles only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 3240spt, Mjolnir Hammer, Silver Spoon+IR.

===スモーカー杯 (Smoker Cup)===*CONDITION: Grenades/Axes only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.

*PRIZES: 3240spt, Hand Greanade+ms, Schramm・RG Launcher+IR. 

===ダブルアームクイーン (Double Arms Queen)===*CONDITION: Knuckles/Double Knives only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 2520spt, Koat & Koshka, Tonfa+IR.

===チャージクイーン (Charge Queen)===*CONDITION: Drills/Pile Bunkers only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 2340spt, Iron Drill+IR.

===プチアーム杯 (Small Arms Cup)===*CONDITION: Small Swords/Rods only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 2520spt, Ninja Sickle "Sanbai", Stun Rod+IR.

===クイーンスピア杯 (Queen Spear Cup)===*CONDITION: Spears/Double Blades only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 2340spt, Brionac, Yan Yue Dao+IR.

===グランアーム杯 (Grand Arms Cup)===*CONDITION: Great Swords/Axes/Hammers only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 2520spt, FLO15 Battle Staff, Seven Edge+IR.

===ブレードクイーン (Blade Queen)===*CONDITION: Double Knives/Small Swords/Double Blades/Great Swords only.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 2520spt, Lam Dao, Cutlass+IR.

===チャレンジバトル G1 (Challenge Battle G1)===



*PRIZES: 3120spt, Disintegrator, Dragon Cannon+SK、Gentiane+SK.

===チャレンジバトル G2 (Challenge Battle G2)===*CONDITION: Free.*MATCH TYPE: Single.

*PRIZES: 3240spt, D.o.r, Disintegrator+ms、Stinger+GR.

===チャレンジバトル G3 (Challenge Battle G3)===*CONDITION: Free.*MATCH TYPE: Single.

*PRIZES: 3840spt, Stinger, Tonfa+MT, P・A・R Shotgun+CR.

===チャレンジバトル G4 (Challenge Battle G4)===*CONDITION: Free.*MATCH TYPE: Single.*PRIZES: 4440spt, Beehive+MT, Beehive+SK, Hellgate Blaster+GR.

=======================================================================11. CLUB VALHALLA [CLVARV]=======================================================================

Club Valhalla is Busou Shinki's version of an underground fight club.It has an entrance fee of 1000spt which is quite steep early on, but fighting regularly here can be rather lucrative compared to the Game Center. Aside from spt, you can even gain Shinki parts as prizes. There's a main drop and a random drop similar to prize grants in Official Battles. You have to do fights over if you really want the random drop.

In the event that you lose a fight, one of your Shinki's equipped items will be selected at random and taken away. You do not want that happening often (or if you're OC like me, AT ALL).

Like with the Game Center, rivals increase with every victory, but if you exit the club, latter rivals will not be retained upon your return (new or defeated prior) until you win a set number of fights.

There are only 2 stages appearing here (Desert and City Ruins), andthe aforementioned are programmed with handicaps ranging from varyingweapon reload lags, sandstorms that disrupt projectiles, and fog that lowers visibility.

Upon concluding the Applet Crisis story arc, Club Valhalla will be closed down and will remain as such until you clear the game.


[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]| RIVAL/SHINKI | ITEM DROPS | NOTES ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|美馬坂真尋/ドナ |GE Model RG8 Railgun | ||(Mahiro Mimazaka/Donna) |Shimashima Tail+BK | || |Cocolett+IR | |


| |Recorder+IR | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|八月十五日/ジンジャー |Taken By Master+BK | ||(Hachigatsu Jugobi/Ginger) |Seven Edge+IR | || |Tonfa+IR | || |Eisen Eagle Black+SK | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|グレーテル/ヘンゼル |Vander Folke+BK | ||(Gretel/Hansel) |Stilett+IR | || |Fulsto Klein+IR | || |Siegmunde | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|真紅女帝総長/沙耶香 |Beehive |*Single Match.||(CE President/Sayaka) |Twinkle Baton+IR |*Appears after|| |Aerial Randoseru+BK | 1 win. || | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|犬養創/ヤマト |Eisen Eagle Silver+IR |*Single Match.||(Sou Inukai/Yamato) |Hellgate Blaster |*Appears after|| |Varna Tail+BK | 2 wins. || | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|神撰組局長/コテツ |MSR22 Sniper+IR |*Single Match.||(GCC Chief/Kotetsu) |Eisen Eagle Black+CG |*Appears after|| |FB 1.2mm SB Cannon | 3 wins. || | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|趙飛燕/夏姫 |Sun Halo+BK |*Single Match.||(Zhao Fei Yan/Xia Ji) |Yan Yue Dao+IR |*Appears after|| |Yan Yue Dao+ms | 4 wins. || |Iron Drill+IR | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|愛猫党党首/ターニャ |E. Floater+BK |*Single Match.||(COC Leader/Tanya) |Yan Chao |*Appears after|| |Stun Rod+IR | 5 wins. || |Hand Grenade+IR | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|左藤楓/メープル |M49 Shotgun Black+IR |*Single Match.||(Kaede Satou/Maple) |-9 Submachine Gun |*Appears after|| |Grass Papillion+BK | 6 wins. || |BK Pistol+IR | |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]


[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]| RIVAL/SHINKI | ITEM DROPS | NOTES ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|スキュラ/殺姫 |FLO15 Battle Staff |*Cursed 4(4凶)||(Scylla/Satsuhime) |Roc+IR |*Gone after || |Schramm RG Launcher+IR | Applet Crisis|| |LS7 Laser Sword | arc. ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|ソロモン/セーレ |Hand Grenade+ms |*Cursed 4(4凶)|


|(Solomon/Seere) |LC3 Laser Rifle+IR |*Gone after || |Silver Spoon+IR | Applet Crisis|| |Brionac+ms | arc. ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|馬取理沙/エリザベート |Fulsto Klein |*Cursed 4(4凶)||(Risa Matori/Elizabeth) |Cutlass+IR |*Gone after || |Jamadhar+IR | Applet Crisis|| |M49 Shotgun Silver+CR | arc. ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|伊庭寛二/13号(14号) |Sturm Und Drang |*Cursed 4(4凶)||(Kanji Itei/No.13/No. 14) |Fulsto Gufloto+IR |*Gone after |

| |A・Hawk+IR | Applet Crisis|| |Mjolnir Hammer | arc. |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]


[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]| RIVAL/SHINKI | ITEM DROPS | NOTES ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|丸の内角男/スィン |Eisen Eagle Silver |*Clear Love 20|

|(Man Of Inner Circle/Syn) |P・A・R Shotgun+CR | Zelnogrard. || |Morning Star+ms | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|鏡ウグイス/パル |Shang Ya |*Clear Love 20||(Uguisu Kagami/Par) |Dika Ya Koshka |Zelnogrard. || |GE Model RG8 Railgun+SK | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|金剛拳司/レアン |Bass Guitar |*Clear Love 20||(Kenji Kongou/Leanne) |Kyokurin+SK | Yda. || |LS7 Laser Sword | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|宅内軍司/キャノ |M49 Shotgun Silver |*Clear Love 20|

|(Gunji Takuchi/Canno) |P・A・R Shotgun+MT | Yda. || |M49 Shotgun Silver+SK | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|蛇島恒夫/エント |Beehive+CG |*Clear Love 20||(Hisao Hebishima/Ent) |Katzbalger+SK | Ach. || |Holy Spear "Longinus"+ms| ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|薄井陰蔵/クロ |FLO15 Battle Staff |*Clear Love 20||(Kagekura Usui/Kuro) |Horai Type 1 | Ach. || |OS-35 A RifleEx+SK | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|貫目百男/ニーヴァ |Morning Star+ms |*Clear Love 20||(Momoo Kanme/Niva) |Stinger | Ach. || |Hand Grenade+ms | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|神田ヒロシ/シノブ |Koat & Koshka |*Clear Love 20||(Hiroshi Kamida/Shinobu) |Gentiane | Ach. || |Beam Jitte | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|長富小庵斎/カーティン |Sturm Und Drang |*Clear Love 20|


|(Koantoki Nagatomi/Curtin) |OS-36 A CarbineEx+SK | Howling. || |Blaue Stern | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|霧崎メルヒオット/スィーフ |Fulsto Klein |*Clear Love 20||(Melviott Kirisaki/Sif) |Gentiane+SK | Maochao. || |OS-35 A RifleEx+SK | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|波多野奨/イーヴィル |Alvo PDW9+SK |*Clear Love 20||(Sho Hatano/Evil) |Model PHC Vzreef | Strarf Mk2. || |Model PHC Vzreef+SK | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|小山田愛佳/ロッテンマイヤー |Stun Rod |*Clear Love 20||(Aika Oyamada/Rottenmeier) |D.o.r | Alteines. || |OS-36 A Carbine+SK | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|藤島哲次/ニキータ |Chakram |*Clear Love 20||(Tetsuji Fujishima/Nikita) |Jilezer Rocket Hammer | Altlenne. |

| |P・A・R Shotgun+CR | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|吾妻拓海/綺羅燐 |Holy Spear "Longinus" |*Clear Love 20||(Takumi Azuma/Kirarin) |Zel Gatling Cannon+MT | Fubuki. || |Katzbalger+SK | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|永山早苗/リッキィ |P・A・R Shotgun+SK |*Clear Love 20||(Sanae Nagayama/Rikki) |M4 Lightsaber+ms | Arnval Mk2. || |Disintegrator+ms | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------|

|大木戸甚平/たま子 |Katzbalger+SK | ||(Jinpei Ookidou/Tamako) |GE Model RG8 Railgun | || |M4 Lightsaber+ms | |[]-------------------------------------------------------------------[]

===11-4: AFTER CLEARING===


=======================================================================12. LOVE EVENTS [LUVEVT]=======================================================================


=======================================================================13. CLEAR GAME: TO CONTINUE OR BEGIN ANEW? [NGPCNC]=======================================================================

Upon defeating Hazuki Takehime in the final F1 Class fight, the game will officially end, and you will be allowed the option of continuing your current game or restarting the story proper. Here are the specifics for each choice:


*Your standing in F1 Class will stay at #2.


*All Shinki equip settings remain intact.*New Club Valhalla is now open (after you read the e-mail), and Game Center/NPC opponents will show up with higher Love Levels and better equipment.*New Tournaments will open up, consisting of Two-Weapon meets and Challenge Cups.

===13-2: CLEAR NEW GAME===

*You will be demoted to Beginner Class.*Shinki, Love Levels, spt and equipment will all carry over.*Store Items already unlocked will stay as such.*Net battle count and titles remain intact, but individual Shinki fight records are wiped. *Shinki Love Events can be viewed again when the right requirements are met. This allows you to get other titles you may have missed.*Shinki equipment settings from the last game are wiped.*Your rival records and Tournament grades will be wiped. *Winning a one-make Shinki tournament unlocks all +GC Equipment for the used type in the Premium Shop.

=======================================================================14. TITLES [BRGRTS]=======================================================================

Titles (称号) are sort of "achievement badges" that you can obtain after fulfilling certain tasks, whether it's in the story, battle or a Shinki's love event. You can check your accumulated titles by going to your home, selecting Player Data and picking the Titles tab.

Completing all the titles will grant you Hazuki, Chitose and Gaia's Special Rail Actions. However, according to the JP wiki, you have to

get the 8th DLC catalogue so HS・Anello2TypeS will appear in the Official Shop.

By the way, two of the Rails require DLC-based weapons to use. Short of cheating (which will mess up your data real bad), there is NO way to get the "Head Master" title without availing of DLC. Konami is just devious like that. >_<

Some of my title translation contexts may be a bit off, which is understandable since I'm still in the middle of studying Japanese. If you think you can reword something better, spare me the insults and send me the alternative via email. (preferably with linguistic explanations please, I'd be happy to learn a thing or two) Instead of being angry at you, I'll just credit you in my FAQ. Doesn't that sound better?

List was sourced and translated from: http://www35.atwiki.jp/busou_bm/pages/69.html

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<14A: LOVE EVENT-BASED TITLES>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

===ARNVAL Mk2===

001. 駆け出しマスター (Novice Master)


002. けなげながんばり屋 (Courageous and Hardworking)

003. 開眼した優等生 (Awakened Prodigy)

004. ハリキリそうじやさん (Fired-Up Housekeeper)

005. 二重奏のプレリュード (Instrumental Duo's Prelude)

006. 親身のアドバイザー(Warmhearted Adviser)

007 思い出の依存者 (Sentimentally-Dependent Individual)

008. 空元気ソルジャー (Empty Bravado Soldier)

009. あこがれのマスター (Admired Master)

010. 一番の理解者 (The First To Understand)

011. ゴッドプログラマー (Godly Programmer)

012. アーンヴァルの恋人 (Arnval's Lover)

===STRARF Mk2===

013. 戦いの哲学者 (Battle Philosopher)

014. 孤高のバトラー (Aloof Battler)

015. 強さの求道者 (Seeker Of Strength)

016. 挑発を無視できない者 (One Who Can't Ignore Taunts)

017. なぐさめられた堕天使 (Consoling A Fallen Angel)

018. 不屈のチャレンジャー (Persistent Challenger)

019. へし折られた翼 (Broken Wings)

020. 正義のリベンジャー (Avenger Of Justice)

021. 頼りになる相棒 (Reliable Partner)

022. ベストマッチコンビ (Perfect Combination)


023. 生粋のアタッカー (Natural-Born Attacker)

024. リトルスチューデント (Little Student)


025. 駆け出しメイド (Novice Maid)

026. リトルドリーマー (Little Dreamer)

027. 不可能を可能にする者 (One Who Can Make The Impossible Possible)

028. やる気満々ファイター (Very Motivated Fighter)

029. 裏切られた純心 (Betrayed Innocence)

030. ハートブレイカー (Heart Breaker)

031. 一人前のパートナー (Matured Partner)


032. 遊びの達人 (Master Of Playing Around)

033. セクシーダイナマイト (Sexy Dynamite)

034. 倦怠期のパートナー (A Tiring Partner)

035. ひらめきキャット (Sparkling Cat)

036. 空回りマオチャオ (Maochao's Fruitless Effort)

037. マタタビ大好き (I Love Catnip)

038. ドタバタ夫婦 (The Slapstick Spouses)

039. おままごとプレイヤー (Playing House)

040. 永遠の相方 (Eternal Partner)


041. 家庭内コンバット (Familial Combat)

042. 空回りなおせっかい (Fruitless Intervention)

043. 正義のオーラ (Aura Of Justice)

044. はた迷惑なおせっかい (Bothersome Intervention)

045. 正義のガーディアン (Guardian Of Justice)

046. 大岡裁きバトラー (Judgement Battler)

047. 天然トラブルメーカー (Airheaded Troublemaker)


048. 安い挑発も受ける主義 (Taking Cheap Shots Has A Principle Too)

049. 寄り添いパートナー (A Partner One Can Lean On)


050. ちぐはぐパートナー (Mismatched Partners)

051. 小粋なレディ (Stylish Lady)

052. 野暮ったいマスター (Uncouth Master)

053. エレガントバトラー (Elegant Battler)

054. ノーデリカシー (No Sensitivity)

055. ガッカリ満載なお方 (A Person Full Of Disappointment)

056. もの欲しげなお嬢様 (Materialistic Girl)

057. 返り討ちコンビ (Revenge Counter Combination)

058. 永遠のツンデレ (Eternal Tsundere)


059. 戦場に咲く花 (Flower That Bloomed In The Battlefield)

060. 武装マニア (Armament Maniac)

061. 説明好きな教官 (Explanation Enamored Professor)

062. 名もなき伝説 (Obscure Legend)

063. ミラクルアーム (Miracle Arm)

064. リトルエージェント (Little Agent)

065. 人類の至宝 (Mankind's Priceless Treasure)

066. 夢追い人 (One Whose Dreams Are Within Reach)

067. 波間にたたずむ砂の城 (Sand Castle Withstanding The Waves)

068. ポジティブコマンダー (Positive Commander)


069. エンジョイバトラー (Enjoy Battler)


070. 戦いに生きる姫 (Princess That Lives To Fight)

071. おっとりエンジェル (Calm Angel)

072. ラッキーガール (Lucky Girl)

073. 秘密の乙女 (A Maiden's Secret)

074. エンジェルマインド (Angel's Mind)

075. 天然ブレイカー (Airheaded Breaker)

076. 飛べない鳥 (Bird Who Can't Fly)

077. すごうでの励まし屋 (Resourceful Encourager)

078. 幸せを分け合い隊 (Division Of Bliss Squad)


079. 小さな評論家 (The Little Critic)

080. 準マスター (Imitiating Master)

081. 彼女募集中 (Searching For A Girlfriend)

082. 恋愛ティーチャー (Romance Teacher)

083. 頑張りマスター (Tenacious Master)

084. 恋のネゴシエーター (Negotiator Of Love)

085. ドキドキマスター (Heart-Pounding Master)

086. 世話焼き追跡者 (Meddling Pursuers)

087. ミニチュア操り人形師 (Miniature Puppeteer)

088. 永遠のシンパシー (Eternal Sympathy)


089. 他人行儀なパートナー (Reserved Partner)

090. 淡白コミュニケート (Simple Communication)

091. 氷の無反応 (Coldly Ignored)

092. 南京錠付きの記憶 (Padlocked Memory)


093. 悲しみの努力家 (Worker Of Sadness)

094. 記憶の債務者 (Debtor Of Memories)

095. 過去と立ち向かう者 (One Who Fights The Past)

096. 記憶のかけら (Memory Fragment)

097. 想い出を背負う者 (One Burdened By Memories)

098. 二人をつなぐ新たな道 (Two People Tied To A New Path)

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<14B: ACHIEVEMENT-BASED TITLES>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

099. 小さな勝利者 (Little Victor) - Win your first Game Center Battle.

100. リトルチャンピオン (Little Champion) - Win your first F-Battle Qualifier.

101. F3クラス (F3 Class) - Win all qualifiers and enter F3 Ranking Meet.

102. F3勝利者 (F3 Victor) - Win an F3 Ranking Meet Battle.

103. F3ランカー (F3 Ranker) - Make it to the Top 10 of the F3 Ranks.

104. F3チャンピオン (F3 Champion) - Become top-ranked in F3 Class.

105. F2クラス (F2 Class) - Win your first battle in F2 Ranking Meet.

106. F2ランカー (F2 Ranker) - Make it to the Top 10 of the F2 Ranks.

107. F2チャンピオン (F2 Champion) - Become top-ranked in F2 Class.

108. F1クラス (F1 Class) - Win your first battle in F1 Ranking Meet.

109. F1ランカー (F1 Ranker) - Make it to the Top 10 of the F1 Ranks.

110. F1チャンピオン (F1 Champion) - Become top-ranked in F1 Class.

111. シークレットバトラー (Secret Battler) - Win your first underground battle in Club Valhalla.

112. シャドーチャンピオン (Shadow Champion) - Beat top-ranked rivals in Club Valhalla.

113. 噂のマスター (Rumored Master) - Defeat 10 different rivals.

114. 注目のマスター (Noticeable Master) - Defeat 30 different rivals.


115. 有名マスター (Famous Master) - Defeat 80 different rivals.

116. ファイアーボンバー (Fire Bomber) - Win Fire Property-restricted Official Battle.

117. レーザービーム (Laser Beam) - Win Laser Property-restricted Official Battle.

118. ノーマルバスター (Normal Buster) - Win Physical Property- restricted Official Battle.

119. 神姫コレクター (Shinki Collector) - Obtain all 10 Shinki types.

120. スナイパー (Sniper) - Win a Gun-restricted Official Battle.

121. 格闘家 (Brawler) - Win a Melee-restricted Official Battle.

122. マスター初心者 (Master Novice Class) - Fight 5 Battles.

123. マスター中級車 (Master Intermediate Class) - Fight 20 Battles.

124. アクティブバトラー (Active Battler) - Fight 50 Battles.

125. ベテランマスター (Veteran Master) - Fight 100 Battles.

126. バトルマニア (Battle Maniac) - Fight 500 Battles.

127. バトル王 (Battle King) - Fight 1000 Battles.

128. コスプレバトラー (Cosplay Battler) - Win one Costume-restricted Official Battle.

129. オール神姫マスター (All Shinki Master) - Win all one-make Shinki Official Battles.

130. 全社長賞 (All CEO Prize) - Win all brand-based Official Battles.

131. 協力プレイヤー (Team Player) - Win all Tag Match-based battles.

132. 逆境王 (King Of Adversity) - Win all handicap battles in the Game Center.

133. スマートバトラー (Smart Battler) - Win a battle with an S Rank.

134. テクニシャン (Technician) - Win 10 battles with an S Rank.

135. マーベラスファイター (Marvelous Fighter) - Win 100 battles with an S Rank.


136. オールバトラー (All Battler) - Fight with all in-game rivals. (Win or lose)

137. テンションアッパー (Tension Upper) - Enter into Max Ride Ratio 10 times.

138. テンションビート (Tension Beat) - Enter into Max Ride Ratio 50 times.

139. ライドマックススター (Ride Max Star) - Enter into Max Ride Ratio 100 times.

140. 称号キラー (Title Killer) - Obtain 100 titles.

141. ゴージャスマスター (Gorgeous Master) - Save 100,000 spt.

142. ナックルマニア (Knuckle Maniac) - Obtain 10 items in the Knuckle/ Double Knife category.

143. 突撃武器マニア (Assault Weapon Maniac) - Obtain 10 items in the Drill/Pile Bunker category.

144. 片手武器マニア (One-hand Weapon Maniac) - Obtain 10 items in the Small Sword/Rod category.

145. 槍マニア (Spear Maniac) - Obtain 10 items in the Spear/Double Blade category.

146. 両手武器マニア (Two-hand Weapon Maniac) - Obtain 10 items in the Great Sword/Axe/Hammer category.

147. 投擲マニア (Throwing Maniac) - Obtain 10 items in the Throwing Weapon/Bomb category.

148. 楽器マニア (Instrument Maniac) - Obtain 5 items in the Instrument category.

149. ライトガンマニア (Light Gun Maniac) - Obtain 10 items in the Handgun/Machine Gun/Assault Rifle category.

150. ヘビーガンマニア (Heavy Gun Maniac) - Obtain 10 items in the Gatling/Shotgun/Bazooka/ Launcher category.

151. 誘導兵器マニア (Guided Weapon Maniac) - Obtain 10 items in the Twin Missile/Missile Pod/ Bits category.


152. ヘッドマニア (Head Maniac) - Obtain 10 items in the Head Part category.

153. ボディマニア (Body Maniac) - Obtain 10 items in the Body Part category.

154. アームマニア (Arm Maniac) - Obtain 10 items in the Arm Part category.

155. スカートマニア (Skirt Maniac) - Obtain 5 items in the Skirt category.

156. レッグマニア (Leg Maniac) - Obtain 10 items in the Leg Part category.

157. シューズマニア (Shoes Maniac) - Obtain 10 items in the Shoes category.

158. シールドマニア (Shield Maniac) - Obtain 10 items in the Shield category.

159. リアマニア (Rear Maniac) - Obtain 10 items in the Rear Part category.

160. 改心の証 (Proof Of Reform) - Win in the final battle against Sho Hatano in Strarf Love Event.

161. 愛の証 (Proof Of Love) - Win your first battle against Melviott Kirisaki during Maochao Love Event.

162. 慈愛の証 (Proof Of Kindness) - Name the abandoned Fubuki that Jinpei gave you.

163. 決意の証 (Proof Of Determination) - Defeat Jinpei Ookidou during Fubuki Love Event.

164. 仲裁の証 (Proof Of Arbitration) - Stop the squabble between Kuro and Shiro, Win the following battle in Ach Love Event.

165. 不撓不屈の証 (Proof Of Indomitability) - Beat Hisao Hebishima in the match where you only have the Grief Engraver knife in Ach Love Event.

166. 至当の証 (Proof Of Justness) - Win your first battle against Gunji Takuchi in Yda Love Event.

167. 献上の証 (Proof Of Generosity) - Choose to buy Yda the hair ornament despite her harsh


treatment towards you in her Love Event.

168. 情熱の証 (Proof Of Passion) - Win your first battle against Tetsuji Fujishima in Altlenne Love Event.

169. 禍福の証 (Proof Of Weal And Woe) - Win your first battle against Aika Oyamada in Alteines Love Event.

170. 模範的初心者 (Exemplary Novice) - Clear all items in Tutorial Mode.

171. 奇跡の冠 (Miracle Crown) - Win your first battle against Hazuki Takehime at the Game Center where she is marked as ???????.

172. 官憲の冠 (Crown Of Authority) - Win your first battle against Hachirou Kamiyaji.

173. 猫の冠 (Kitty Crown) - Win your first battle against Honami Morinaga.

174. 野望の冠 (Crown Of Ambition) - Win your first battle against Mahiro Mishimazaka.

175. 散華の冠 (Crown Of Demise) - Witness Lime's destruction due to the Shinki enhancement applet.

176. 凶者の冠 (Crown Of Evil) - Defeat Scylla, Solomon, Kanji Itei and Risa Matori in Club Valhalla during applet crisis arc.

177. 非常の冠 (Crown Of Emergency) - Defeat Chitose Kobayakawa in Club Valhalla during applet crisis arc.

178. 鬼神の冠 (Fierce God's Crown) - Win the Tag Battle against Chitose Kobayakawa and Gaia during applet crisis arc.

179. 救世主の冠 (Saviour's Crown) - Win all the needed battles to close down Club Valhalla and resolve the applet crisis.

180. 復活を目指す者 (One Who Aims For Revival) - Accept Touji Tsugaru's challenge in the Game Center.

181. 手段を選ばぬ者 (Those Who Don't Choose The Way) - Accept the Crimson Emperors' challenge in the Game



182. 倒錯に酔う者 (Those Who Are Perverted And Drunk) - Accept the challenge of the 3 Inukai brothers in the Game Center.

183. 価値の無き者 (One Without Merit) - Accept Kenshin Hyakutake's challenge in the Game Center.

184. 高みを目指す者 (Those Who Aim For The Top) - Accept the challenge of the God Candidate Trio in the Game Center.

185. 命を造る者 (Those Who Create Life) - Accept Takeru's invitation to battle-test the new Shinki models in the Game Center.

186. 遠国より来し者 (Those Who Come From Another Country) - Accept Zhao, Wang and Zhou's challenge in the Game Center.

187. 命婦に仕える者 (Those Who Serve The Meifu) - Accept the Cat Owners Club challenge in the Game Center.

188. 努力する者 (Those Who Work Hard) - Accept the challenge of the Three Idol Wannabes in the Game Center.

189. 戦士の剣 (Knight's Sword) - Defeat rivals many times.

190. 騎士の鎧 (Cavalier's Armor) - Defeat rivals many times.

191. 英雄の楯 (Hero's Shield) - Defeat rivals many times.

192. 戦乙女の兜 (Battle Maiden's Helmet) - Meet and defeat all rivals in Club Valhalla.

193. 闘神の玉座 (Warrior God's Throne) - Defeat every single rival in the game: NPC, story and Love Event characters.

194. ナックルマスター (Knuckle Master) - Obtain all items in the Knuckle/Double Knife category.

195. 突撃武器マスター (Assault Weapon Master) - Obtain all items in the


Drill/Pile Bunker category.

196. 片手武器マスター (One-hand Weapon Master) - Obtain all items in the Small Sword/Rod category.

197. 槍マスター (Spear Master) - Obtain all items in the Spear/Double Blade category.

198. 両手武器マスター (Two-hand Weapon Master) - Obtain all items in the Great Sword/Axe/ Hammer category.

199. 投擲マスター (Throwing Master) - Obtain all items in the Throwing Weapon/Bomb category.

200. 楽器マスター (Instrument Master) - Obtain all items in the Instrument category.

201. ライトガンマスター (Light Gun Master) - Obtain all items in the Handgun/Machine Gun/ Assault Rifle category.

202. ヘビーガンマスター (Heavy Gun Master) Obtain all items in the Gatling/Shotgun/Bazooka/ Launcher category.

203. 誘導兵器マスター (Guided Weapon Master) - Obtain all items in the Twin Missile/Missile Pod /Bits category.

204. ヘッドマスター (Head Master) - Obtain all items in the Head Part category.

205. ボディマスター (Body Master) - Obtain all items in the Body Part category.

206. アームマスター (Arm Master) - Obtain all items in the Arm Part category.

207. スカートマスター(Skirt Master) - Obtain all items in the Skirt category.

208. レッグマスター (Leg Master) - Obtain all items in the Leg Part category.

209. シューズマスター (Shoes Master) - Obtain all items in the Shoes category.

210. シールドマスター (Shield Master) - Obtain all items in the Shield category.


211. リアマスター (Rear Master) - Obtain all items in the Rear Part category.

=======================================================================15. LEGAL STUFF AND CREDITS [LGSTFX]=======================================================================


This guide is copyrighted 2010 to me, OshareKeiji (Joel Van Heugten). I will only permit this guide to be published at GameFAQs, all affiliated sites, and nowhere else.

E-mails from all other game sites will be ignored. Why? I’d rather have my guide officially up in the only site I actually frequent. Please inform me if my work gets published elsewhere uncredited and/or with abridged content, it’s to be considered “stolen” and appropriate action will be taken. I’m generally a nice person, but I DO have my limits.


Here's what I plan to add later when I get the time to make a full-blown update. Help in these sections will also be appreciated and the people involved will be credited acordingly.

*Love Event Synopses: (I can do most of it, but halp is always nice)

E-mail me at [email protected] with the title “Busou Shinki FAQ” up top. Please, no attachments. If possible, just try to input your contributions within the e-mail proper. If you need to post screencaps, just do so in the GameFAQs boards. I check everyday, so I'll definitely see it 100% of the time.


I'm aware that the Junking detail in the Cheats section in GameFAQS waserroneous. I've been trying to report that for weeks (to almost a month now) and the only thing that was accomplished was the removal of the title, but not the last line:

"Moreover, when the Junk Shop opens later in the game, Shinki of any Love Level (not just 1 or 20) can be readily dispatched."

I tried reporting again to have that removed, but up to now, my report status stays at "Filed", meaning nobody at GameFAQs is gonna touch it untilseveral other people file a report.

I was half-asleep when I wrote that and I regret it. So please, instead of just down voting, help get the last sentence out so nobody would get confusedanymore. Remember, completing Love Events is the only way that you can giveup Shinki and nothing else.

Thanks in advance to anyone who actually bothers to do so.



*To Konami, for making me learn to love the Mecha Musume moe archetype I used to hate. Oh, and for making this game too, it's worlds better than Battle Rondo.

*To the people on the Busou Shinki GameFAQs boards, however few there were, they helped me to make sense of the funky parts of this game.

*Avatier, since I used his Weapons Guide thread as a base for the appropriate sections. (Weapons and Rail Actions)

*The creators and contributors at http://www35.atwiki.jp/busou_bm/, where I gleaned much of my info from.

*And lastly, me, for using up more than PSP charge wait times to write this guide. I'm officially going through withdrawal now.

=======================================================================Anyway, that’s that. Hope you found this guide helpful. ~OshareKeiji~=======================================================================