In this lesson you think about the different types of business correspondence and what makes them different in terms of structure and use. You see that there is now a modern style of writing suitable for today's business people. The lesson also allows you to develop some of your existing knowledge of writing business letters. How many different kinds of business correspondence can you think of? Make a list. Here are a couple of ideas to start with: • letter • notes / post-it notes Compare your list with the feedback sheet. Which of the different kinds of business correspondence from the last activity would you choose for the following? The first one has been done for you. 1. Applying for a job letter / e-mail attachment 2. Booking a conference room at a hotel 3. Telling colleagues to attend a meeting 4. Ordering stationery 5. Telling colleagues about a new member of staff 6. Complaining about a delivery service

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Page 1: Business Writing Skill_BBC

In this lesson you think about the different types of business correspondence and what makes them different in terms of structure and use. You see that there is now a modern style of writing suitable for today's business people.

The lesson also allows you to develop some of your existing knowledge of writing business letters.

How many different kinds of business correspondence can you think of? Make a list. Here are a couple of ideas to start with:• letter• notes / post-it notes

Compare your list with the feedback sheet.

Which of the different kinds of business correspondence from the last activity would you choose for the following? The first one has been done for you.

1.      Applying for a job   letter / e-mail attachment2.      Booking a conference room at a hotel  3.      Telling colleagues to attend a meeting  4.      Ordering stationery  5.      Telling colleagues about a new member of staff  6.      Complaining about a delivery service  7.      Thanking a customer  8.      Sending out a meeting agenda  9.      Resigning  10.  Apologising to an important business contact  

Do you receive different types of business correspondence? If the answer is 'yes' then try and keep some copies. There is not always one correct way of writing a business letter so these can be useful to compare with the examples given during this course.

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How you set out your letter is important. This is a layout of a letter but the different parts of the letter have been replaced with boxes. You have to decide what should go in each box. Choose from the list below. One has been done for you as an example.

Choose from this list:

opening sentence (reason for writing)

greeting / salutation (Dear...)



receiver's name and address

sender's name

company logo

l look forward...

main body of text

sender's title

indication of an attachment

subject heading

Yours ...

closing sentence (request for action)

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The layout above is known as the block style layout and is now internationally accepted for business letters. The receiver's address is usually top left hand corner, especially if envelopes with 'windows' are being used. How the individual components are written is now looked at in more detail.

Now decide whether the following statements are true or false when writing a business letter. Look at the example letter in the feedback from the previous activity if you need some help with this activity.

  True / False?

1. It is normal to write Mr John Tan in the first line of the receiver’s address, and underneath to write Dear Mr Tan without the initial.  

2. The subject heading usually comes after Dear Mr Tan.  

3. In a modern business letters Dear Mrs Lee and Yours sincerely are followed by a comma.  

4. Even if you know the person’s name, you don’t have to use it, you can still use Dear Sir/Madam.  

5. You should not use abbreviations in letters and emails.  

6. Short, simple sentences are better than long complex ones.  

7. Memos have a different structure to letters.  

8. Bullets and numbers can’t be used in letters, as they’re too informal.  

9. Enc is used when you are sending something in addition to the letter e.g. a cheque.  

10. In modern business documents punctuation is not used in the receiver’s address.  

11. You should always, when possible, copy someone else’s letter or memo. It will save you time!  

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How you address somebody is also important. Look at the letters below to different people and decide what is the correct way to start the letter. The first one has been done for you as an example.

Addressee British English American English


Man (name unknown)

Woman (name unknown)

Name and sex unknown


Married woman or widow

Unmarried woman

Woman (the modern way)

Woman (marital status unknown)

Married couple

Unmarried couple

Friend / acquaintance

Dear Sir or Madam 

Now decide what is the best way to close a letter.

Addressee British English American English

Dear Sir or Madam

Dear Gentlemen

Dear Mr / Mrs / Ms Jones

Dear John

Family and close friends

Yours sincerely

not appropriate

not appropriate

Page 5: Business Writing Skill_BBC

What are the main differences and similarities between letters, faxes and e-mails? Think about the answers to Activity 2 - why would you not send a fax to apply for a job, and why would you send ane-mail if you're telling colleagues to attend a meeting?

Here are three different business writing tasks: a letter, a fax and an e-mail. They are all written by the same person, Andrew McDonald, but there is a different reason for writing each one.

A letter

Read the letter first and then answer these questions:

1. What is the purpose of the letter?

2. Which day is Mr Conran asked to attend the conference?

3. Who should Mr Conran contact if he needs more information?

4. Who does Andrew McDonald work for?

5. What is his job?

Dear Mr Conran

I am writing to ask if you would be able to present the CCB Design Awards for Innovation at this year's conference. We would be delighted to have such a successful designer as our guest of honour. 4 August 2004

The conference takes place on October 14 and 15 at the Riverside Conference Centre. We would very much like you to be part of the awards ceremony which starts at 10.00 am on the second day.

It would be much appreciated if you could confirm your availability as soon as possible. Do not hesitate to contact me, or my colleague Sara Hewson, if you require further details.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Andrew McDonaldCCB Conference organiser

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A fax

Now look at the fax and answer the following questions:

1. Who is the fax to?

2. What is the purpose of the fax?

3. Where is the conference taking place?

4. How many participants are there for the conference?

5. How many nights are the participants staying at the hotel?

To: Hotel Cosmopolitan

Attn: The manager

Re: Hotel accommodation

From: Andrew McDonald CCB

Date: 4 August 2004

Pages including this one: 1

CCB are considering booking the Hotel Cosmopolitan for participants attending the annual conference at the Riverside Conference Centre. Details as follows:

• Date 14 October 2004 (one night)

• No of Rooms 150

• Type of roomsdouble with bathroomsinternet connection bed and breakfast (other costs to be paid by guests)

I would be very grateful if you could give me a quotation based on the above.

Best regards

Andrew McDonaldCCB Conference organiser

An e-mail

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Finally, read the e-mail and answer these questions:

1. Who is 'Chris'?

2. Who does Chris work for?

3. What does Chris have to do?

4. Who is 'Andy'?

Now you are going to write three types of business correspondence: a letter, a fax and an e-mail. The subject is the same for all three but the layout and style will be different. Look back at the information and examples in this lesson to help you.

Use the following information: You are organising the annual conference for your company. The conference will take place at the Hotel Intercontinental on 27 September 2004. You need somebody as guest speaker, you need to book the hotel conference room and you need your colleague, Vinay Dudakia, to register the 250 participants.

A letter (15 mins, 100 words)

Invite Ms Jo Smith to be the guest speaker. Say why you think she would be suitable, and ask if she is available. Make sure she knows when and where the conference will be.

A fax (10 mins, 70 words)

You are considering the Hotel Intercontinental as a place to hold your annual conference. Write them a fax requesting a quotation. Think about what information they need to give you a quote (Do you want the hotel to provide lunch and coffee?). Also ask what conference facilities they have.

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An e-mail (5 mins, 40 words)

Tell Vinay Dudakia to register the participants on their arrival at the conference. Each participant should also receive a name badge. Attach a list of the participants for him.

Although there are some suggested answers to these tasks in the feedback keep your writing as you are going to look at them in the following lessons.

In this lesson you have:

looked at the structure (layout and letter writing conventions) for a modern business letter

identified different letter types and considered their appropriacy for different tasks

had model texts for letters, faxes and e-mails

written three forms of correspondence (which you will keep for future lessons)

The next e-m@il lesson looks at writing styles - tone (formal and informal) and writing clearly.

Other examples include:

• fax• e-mail• e-mail attachment (EA)• memo• reports• in-house forms• minutes of a meeting

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1.      Applying for a job   letter / e-mail attachment (EA)2.      Booking a conference room at a hotel   fax3.      Telling colleagues to attend a meeting  e-mail4.      Ordering stationery  fax / e-mail5.      Telling colleagues about a new member of staff  e-mail6.      Complaining about a delivery service  e-mail / EA / fax7.      Thanking a customer  e-mail / letter8.      Sending out a meeting agenda  e-mail9.      Resigning  letter10.  Apologising to an important business contact  letter

More and more business correspondence is being sent by e-mail nowadays. It is possible to use e-mails for all the correspondence listed above: jobs are offered and accepted by e-mail, and you can a book hotel room by e-mail too.

However, in future e-m@il lessons you will consider whether or not this is appropriate.

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Many of the answers to this activity can be found in the letter above in the previous activity. Look at it first before reading the answers below.

  True / False?

1. It is normal to write Mr John Tan in the first line of the receiver’s address, and underneath to true

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write Dear Mr Tan without the initial.

2. The subject heading usually comes after Dear Mr Tan. true

3. In a modern business letters Dear Mrs Lee and Yours sincerely are followed by a comma. false

4. Even if you know the person’s name, you don’t have to use it, you can still use Dear Sir/Madam.

false, use the name if you know it

5. You should not use abbreviations in letters and emails. false

6. Short, simple sentences are better than long complex ones. true

7. Memos have a different structure to letters. true

8. Bullets and numbers can’t be used in letters, as they’re too informal. false

9. Enc is used when you are sending something in addition to the letter e.g. a cheque. true

10. In modern business documents punctuation is not used in the receiver’s address. true

11. You should always, when possible, copy someone else’s letter or memo. It will save you time!


The use of Dear Sir or Dear Madam is less popular now. It is much better to use the name of the person you are writing to. If you do not know the name try and find out before writing, perhaps by telephoning the company if this is possible. You may find being friendlier means your letter or e-mail will be replied to more quickly!

How you address somebody is also important. Look at the letters below to different people and decide what is the correct way to start the letter. The first one has been done for you as an example.

Addressee British English American English


Man (name unknown)

Woman (name unknown)

Name and sex unknown

Dear Sir or Madam

Dear Sir

Dear Madam

Dear Sir / Madam

Dear Gentlemen

The rest is the same as British English

not appropriate

Sincerely yours

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Married woman or widow

Unmarried woman

Woman (the modern way)

Woman (marital status unknown)

Married couple

Unmarried couple

Friend / acquaintance

Dear Sir or Madam

Dear Gentlemen

Dear Mr / Mrs / Ms Jones

Dear John

Family and close friends


Dear Mr Blair

Dear Mrs Blair

Dear Miss Blair

Dear Ms Blair

Dear Ms Blair

Dear Mr and Mrs Blair

Dear Mr Cain and Ms McAvoy

Dear Jackie

Yours faithfully

not appropriate

Yours sincerely

(With) Best wishes /regards

(With) love

(Very) Truly yours

Yours sincerely / truly

The rest is the same as BritishEnglish

Note the modern use of 'Ms' which is becoming increasingly popular. Also never write Dear Sir if you are unsure if the addressee is a man or a woman - a woman could be very offended!

Differences Similarities

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         Letters are usually written to just one person

         E-mails can be sent to many people, and both internally and externally at the same time

         Letters are usually external (but not always)

         Letters are usually more formal with complete sentences

         Letters are more appropriate as an official record

         E-mails can be very informal

         E-mails can be linked to internet services

         Letters have an original signature

         A fax is usually external

         Sending a fax is a lot quicker than posting  a letter but e-mails are immediate

         A fax is usually used to confirm or arrange  a business transaction (reserving a hotel / ordering books / organising transport)


         E-mails can be used to do everything a letter or a fax does. How this is done makes the difference (and this is looked at in more detail in lesson 3)

A letter

1. What is the purpose of the letter? To ask Mr Conran to present awards at an annual conference

2. Which day is Mr Conran asked to attend the conference? October 15 3. Who should Mr Conran contact if he needs more information? Sara Hewson or Andrew McDonald 4. Who does Andrew McDonald work for? CCB

5. What is his job? Conference organiser

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A fax

1. Who is the fax to? The manager of the Hotel Cosmopolitan

2. What is the purpose of the fax? To ask for a quote

3. Where is the conference taking place? The Riverside Conference Centre

4. How many participants are there for the conference? 150

5. How many nights are the participants staying at the hotel? One 

An e-mail

1. Who is 'Chris'? Christopher Eames is a work colleague of Andrew McDonald

2. Who does Chris work for? CCB

3. What does Chris have to do? To check if any of the participants have any special dietary requirements

4. Who is 'Andy'? Andrew McDonald

Dear Ms Smith 4 July 2004

I am writing to invite you to be the BWE guest speaker at our annual conference. Your expertise and professionalism in our field of work makes you an ideal choice.

The conference takes place on September 27 at the Hotel Intercontinental. We would very much like you to be part of the opening ceremony which starts at 9.00 am.

If you could let me know as soon as possible whether you can come or not that would be much appreciated. You can contact me, or my colleague Vinay Dudakia, for further details.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Susan CainBWE Conference organiser

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A fax (10 mins, 70 words)

To:       Hotel Intercontinental                                      From:  Susan Cain BWE

Attn:     The manager                                                  Date:   4 July 2004

Re:      Conference booking                                        Pages including this one:        1

BWE are considering holding their annual conference at the Hotel Intercontinental. Details as follows:

         Date                                  27 September 2004

         Conference room              big enough for 250 participants

         Time                                  8.30 am to 7.00 pm

         Buffet lunch                       at 12.30

         two coffee breaks

I would be very grateful if you could give me a quotation based on the above. Could you also tell me what facilities you provide (microphones, overhead projector, white board etc).

Best regards

Susan Cain

BWE Conference organiser

An e-mail (5 mins, 40 words)

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In this lesson you have:

looked at the structure (layout and letter writing conventions) for a modern business letter

identified different letter types and considered their appropriacy for different tasks

had model texts for letters, faxes and e-mails

written three forms of correspondence (which you will keep for future lessons)

In this lesson you look at different types of styles of writing in terms of tone (being formal, neutral or informal). You may be surprised to find out that nowadays letters are less than formal than in the past, and that a friendly but business-like tone is more important.

In the previous lesson you wrote a letter and a fax. You need both of these for this lesson.

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Look at the letter you wrote to Ms Smith asking her to be the guest speaker, and your e-mail to Vinay Dudakia. Is there any difference in the style of writing? Is one more formal than the other? Or are they both formal? Are they very different in style to the suggested answers? Or did you use the examples to help you?

Here are six different types of correspondence. Read each one and decide why each one has been written. Choose from the list of reasons below.

Which of the above is

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• complaining about something • advertising

• giving a personal message • apologising

• providing information • asking someone to do something

Read the six types of correspondence again and decide which of the above is

• very informal (the two people know each other very well)

• very formal (it is written to an individual the writer does not know)

• neutral (the two people are work colleagues)

• informal (it is written as if the writer knows who they are writing to)

• formal (it is written to an individual the writer knows but not very well)

• very formal (the two people know each other well)

Anita Keedwell, a training officer in Sri Lanka, wants to arrange a course on negotiations. She is writing to a lecturer at Trentville University who is not an English teacher but who has had a great deal of experience in training. She would like him to help her. Read the two correspondence below (A is an e-mail and B is a letter) and answer the following questions.

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1. Which message is written to somebody the writer knows well, and has an informal tone? 2. Which message is written to a stranger, and has a very formal tone? 3. Which message is more personal? 4. Which message uses standard phrases? 5. Which message uses the passive (the meeting was arranged by Tim) and which uses the active (Tim arranged the

meeting? 6. Which message uses contractions? (I'm, we're, I've and not I am, we are, I have) 7. Which message does not have complete sentences? (See you soon and not I'll see you soon) 8. Which message uses a lot of exclamation marks? (!!!!) 9. Which message uses less phrasal verbs? (take off, sit down, hurry up)

10. Which message uses the first person singular more? (I)

It is important to know when to write formally, neutrally or informally to somebody. If the tone is too formal, especially if the reader is somebody you have met, the writer can seem unfriendly. Match the two parts of the sentences to make important statements about business writing. One has been done for you.

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Mary McCartney works for an international publishing company (Blackbird Books) which have their headquarters in Liverpool. She works in the sales department of a branch in Delhi. Last week Mary McCartney went to Liverpool for a conference. During the conference she met the director, Paul Harrison, of her department for the first time. Now back in Delhi she has written him an e-mail.

Read the e-mail: what are her two reasons for writing?


Read the e-mail again. Do you think the tone is a) formal, b) neutral or c) informal?

Do you think the tone is correct for this e-mail?

Now look at a neutral version of the same e-mail:

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Look at the main differences between the first e-mail which is formal, and the second e-mail which is neutral. Fill in the chart below. The first one has been done for you as an example.

Formal NeutralDear Mr Harrison Dear Paul

It was a great pleasure  I trust you have fully recovered  

I am writing to thank you  These will be very useful indeed  

If you are ever in Delhi please do not hesitate to contact me.


Yours sincerely  

The following e-mail is to your boss. However, as you have worked with your boss for a number of years now it is far too formal. Rewrite the same e-mail but use a more neutral tone. Decide which information can be omitted. Your boss is called Sarah Wellington.


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Look at the letters you wrote for homework again. The e-mail to Vinay Dudakia needs an informal tone as he is a work colleague you know well. There are examples of informal correspondence in activities 2 and 4. Look at these again and, if necessary, rewrite the e-mail.

The letter to Ms Jo Smith needs a more formal tone as she is somebody you do not know. There are examples of formal correspondence in Activities 2, 4, 6 and 9. Look at these again and, if necessary, rewrite the letter.

Remember that when writing to people you know it is better to use a neutral tonerather then a formal tone even if they are more important than you.

In this lesson you have:

identified the different tones found in correspondence (formal, neutral and informal)

identified the reason for writing different correspondence

looked at how the style of writing changes the tone

rewritten a formal e-mail so that it sounds more neutral

Keep the letters you wrote in the last lesson to look at while you answer the other activity questions.

In the last lesson we recommended keeping a selection of business letters. Look at these while you are doing the course, but remember - they are not always a good example!

Which of the above is

• complaining about something C • advertising F

• giving a personal message D • apologising B

• providing information A • asking someone to do something E

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Read the six types of correspondence again and decide which of the above is

• very informal (the two people know each other very well) D

• very formal (it is written to an individual the writer does not know) C

• neutral (the two people are work colleagues) A

• informal (it is written as if the writer knows who they are writing to) F

• formal (it is written to an individual the writer knows but not very well) E

• very formal (the two people know each other well) B

1 Which message is written to somebody the writer knows well, and has an informal tone? A2 Which message is written to a stranger, and has a very formal tone? B3 Which message is more personal? A4 Which message uses standard phrases? B 5 Which message uses the passive B and which uses the active? A6 Which message uses contractions? A7 Which message does not have complete sentences? A8 Which message uses a lot of exclamation marks? A9 Which message uses less phrasal verbs? B10 Which message uses the first person singular more? A

Formal letters use standard business expressions (I am enquiring if it would be possible...) are written to people the writer does not knowdo not have a personal tone

Neutral letters can be written to your boss, work colleagues and external clients can be written to people the writer knows a little can have a personal tone

Informal letters can be written to friends and work colleagues you know well have a personal tone are written in a conversational style do not always have complete sentences

If you have a selection of business letters (including e-mails if possible) look at these now and see if the tone is appropriate .

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She is thanking him a) for his help for her presentation, and b) for showing her around Liverpool.

The tone is formal.

It is too formal: they have met and spent some time together. Although he is her boss she needs to write using a more neutral tone. This will make the e-mail friendlier. 

Formal NeutralDear Mr Harrison Dear Paul

It was a great pleasure It was very niceI trust you have fully recovered I hope you're feeling better

I am writing to thank you Many thanksThese will be very useful indeed These will really be useful

If you are ever in Delhi please do not hesitate to contact me.

If you come to Delhi please let me know

Yours sincerely Best wishes

In this lesson you have:

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identified the different tones found in correspondence (formal, neutral and informal)

identified the reason for writing different correspondence

looked at how the style of writing changes the tone

rewritten a formal e-mail so that it sounds more neutral

The next e-m@il lesson looks at the etiquette behind writing e-mails.

People have been writing business letters for a very long time so the style of writing them has developed slowly. Writing e-mails is relatively new. However, their use as a form of business correspondence is increasing at great speed. They are also written and sent much faster too.We do not say e-letter, or e-note or e-message. All correspondence sent electronically has the same name and therefore the differences in style has become less clear. Because of this there is a less accepted convention about how business e-mails should be written. This lesson looks at guidelines for the etiquette of writing e-mails.

The first activities ask you to think about how you send and receive e-mails now.

It would be very useful to have Lesson 2 with you while doing this lesson.

How many e-mails do you send a day? How many do you receive? What percentage of your e-mails are purely business transactions, and what percentage are quick messages to colleagues or friends?

When you receive e-mails can you tell immediately if they are business letters? When you write an e-mails do you think about a different style depending on who you are writing to, or do write the same to everybody? (Think about writing styles from Lesson 2).

Finally, do you read all the e-mails you receive? What percentage do you delete without reading? How often do you check your e-

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mails? Do you read e-mails faster than you would a conventional letter arriving in an envelope? Do you sometimes receive e-mails that you don’t need? Do you send e-mails to the person sitting next to you?

What do the following mean?

1. cc2. bcc3. Format – plain text / html 4. A draft5. Threads

6. Forward7. Insert a file8. Signature9. Abbreviations10. Emoticons

Are the following questions true or false?

1. Business e-mails should always be very formal.2. Legal documents can be sent by e-mail.3. Internal e-mails in general can be very informal.4. Business e-mails don’t need the traditional opening and closings (as discussed in Lesson 2).5. E-mails are confidential and private.

Look at the e-mail below and answer the following questions:

Who is the e-mail to?Who is it from?Is there a signature?Who has received a copy?Is there a clear subject heading?Why was it sent?What action is required of the readers?Is the tone appropriate? (See Lesson 2)

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The subject you give an e-mail is very important. People often receive many e-mails every day so it’s important to give as much information as possible in the subject if you want your e-mail to be read.

The e-mail above did not have a clear subject heading. Look at the following headings and decide which one is best and why:

Visitor tomorrowRegional Director visit 12/12/03Mr Ahmed is visiting

What subject heading could you give for the following e-mails?

1. You want to take two weeks leave next month.

2. You’re e-mailing a client with product information after they telephoned you with an enquiry.

3. There has been a policy change regarding working hours.

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4. Communal e-mail about an in-house customer care training course next week.


 Look at the following two e-mails and compare the language and layout. Which one is better for a business e-mail following a first telephone conversation? Try and identify the differences between

• The subject heading• The typeface• The style• The signature• The tone

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Look at the following examples of abbreviations from e-mail and online chats. Can you understand them? 1. IDK what the answer is ATM. I’ll tell U ASAP. 2. TYVM for the proposal. 3. BTW, I’m going away on holiday next week so CU when I get back. 4. …so it’s quite difficult, UC. 5. I’m busy now. PLS can we call me L8R? 6. OK, CUL8R. 7. FYI I’m not here tomorrow. 8. THX for your MSG. 9. What are the advantages of using abbreviations? What are the disadvantages?

10. Do you think it is possible, after you have developed an “e-mail relationship” with a client, that abbreviations can be used?

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Look at the following suggestions about using e-mails for business writing. Which ones are good advice, and which ones are bad advice?

1. All e-mails look the same so the subject heading should be clear.

2. E-mails are normally read quickly and need to be easily understood. It is important that the first paragraph includes any action that is requested.

3. If an e-mail is too long it may not all be read. Remember the four Ss when writing an e-mail: keep it Short, Simple and Straightforward, and Spell correctly.

4. Only include one subject in each e-mail. A new subject needs a new e-mail with a new subject heading.

5. People often reply very quickly to e-mails and this means that the message is not always clear. Make sure your e-mails are as long as possible.

6. Before you press “reply to all” make sure that everyone needs to see your reply. Copying unnecessary mail to colleagues can add to e-mail overload.

7. Some internal message systems show the first line of a message on the screen before it is opened so imagine how this will read.

8. Don’t use emoticons. Many people don’t like them, and some people don’t understand them.

9. Avoid using abbreviations unless you are sure that your reader will understand them.

10. Don’t type words IN CAPITAL LETTERS – this looks like you are shouting.

11. If somebody hasn’t replied immediately to an e-mail, don’t resend the message. They may be away from the office or busy, and will feel that you are bothering them.

12. If your message is very urgent, follow it up with a phone call, or consider phoning rather than e-mailing.

13. The law regarding e-mailing is still unclear. It is safest to treat an e-mail, even one sent on an internal system, like any other form of published material.

14. Don’t use ‘bcc’ – many companies disapprove, and it can cause problems.

Turn off you “you have mail” function so that you don’t stop what you are doing to read it.

Frank Sony has replied to Peter Philips about the delivery of the computers. However, the e-mail that needs to be improved. Look

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at all the advice and examples of good practice, including the examples in the answer key, and re-write the message.


In this lesson you have:

considered the role of e-mailing for business correspondence

identified problems associated with e-mailing

had model texts for good e-mails

identified good practice when sending e-mails

re-written and improved a poor e-mail

Used well, e-mail can boost productivity and save time. However, because it is so easy and quick to do many business people now spend too much time writing, sending, checking for and reading messages.

This answer depends on you. Make sure that the e-mails you send are relevant. Don’t send too many e-mails to colleagues or friends as this can take up too much of your, and their, time. Many companies say that their systems crash due to e-mail overload.

It is difficult to recognize business e-mail. How to write and send one is looked at in this lesson, but you should not write in the same

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way to a business contact as you would to a colleague or friend.

It is a good idea to set aside certain times during the day to check your e-mail. Some computer systems tell you when have a new e-mail - why not turn this off?!Think about other people’s time too – do you really need to send so many messages? Sometimes speaking to someone is better.


1. cc (carbon copy) You can send a copy of the message to someone else.

2. bcc (blind carbon copy) You can send a copy of the message

to someone else without the receiver knowing. Be careful, many companies do not allow their employees to

use this feature.

3. Format plain text the text looks like a typewriter: This is plain text.

html (hypertext markup language) allows you to change the typeface style on a web page (including e-mail)

4. A draft The computer can save a copy that you can send later.

5. Threads This is a way of linking several, connected e-mails. When the person replies to your e-mail by clicking

‘reply’ instead of

creating a new message the original subject line is kept so it is

easier to follow the thread of a discussion.

6. Forward You can send a message you have received to someone else.

7. Insert a file This is the same as sending an attachment to a ‘normal’ letter.

8. Signature This is the ‘letterhead’ of your e-mail. It should include your name, title, e-mail address, company name,

phone and fax numbers and website address.

9. Abbreviations ASAP, BTW and FYI are examples of abbreviations

10. Emoticons are examples of emoticons

1.      No, these should have a friendly but business-like tone (see Lesson 2)

2.      Yes, and ‘digital signatures’ are acceptable.

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3.      They can be, but is this appropriate when writing to your boss?

4.      This is wrong. It is still important to use openings and closings.

5.      No. If you are using your employer’s equipment they have a right to read your e-mails. Even if you delete a message a computer expert will be able to find it

Who is the e-mail to? Frank SonyWho is it from? Unclear, somebody called PeteIs there a signature? No, no mention of the company nameWho has received a copy? Nobody (but that may not be necessary)Is there a clear subject heading? NoWhy was it sent? To inform arrival of computers (how many?)What action is required of the readers? To say when the computers can be deliveredIs the tone appropriate? (See Lesson 2) No, too informal and unprofessional

Here is a good example of the same e-mail. It is also written in html format and not plain text.

 Regional Director visit 12/12/0 is the best. It clearly states who is coming and when.

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1. Leave request for next month.

2. Information on Sony Vaio PCG-K215B

3. Working hours – new policy

4. Training course next week for everyone.


 The second one is much better because:

• The subject heading is clearer• The typeface uses html and is easier to read, and more professional• The style is more formal with openings, closings and paragraphs• The signature only appears on the second one• The tone is businesslike but friendly, and again more professional.

Remember: the first one may seem friendlier but which one would you prefer to receive?

1. I don’t know what the answer is at the moment. I’ll tell you as soon as possible.

2. Thank you very much for the proposal.

3. By the way, I’m going away on holiday next week so see you when I get back.

4. …so it’s quite difficult, you see.

5. I’m busy now. Please can we call me later?

6. All right, see you later.

7. For your information I’m not here tomorrow.

8. Thanks for your message.

One obvious advantage is that it is quicker to write using abbreviations. The disadvantage though is the style of the message can sometimes be less professional. Using ‘pls’ and ‘asap’ may be acceptable once an ‘e-mail relationship’ has developed but remember that rushing an e-mail message is no more acceptable than writing a ‘normal’ letter quickly, especially to business clients.

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All the suggestions are good except no 5; e-mails should not be as long as possible! Keep e-mails short but make sure that it is not a one-line response that makes no sense.

 Here is one example for improving Frank Sony’s e-mail:

In this lesson you have:

considered the role of e-mailing for business correspondence

identified problems associated with e-mailing

had model texts for good e-mails

identified good practice when sending e-mails

re-written and improved a poor e-mail

The next e-m@il lesson looks at writing reports.

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Report writing may seem very difficult to do. However, if the report is well organised and if it is clear why each paragraph has been written then it is possible to write a concise, structured report. This lesson provides steps toward effective report writing.

Can you think of a report that impressed you? What did you like about it? Was it the structure of the report? Was it well researched? Was there a clear recommendation?

There are different reasons for writing a report. Here are the three main reasons. Match the reasons for the report with their name.

Name of report

1 The debriefing report

2 Information-only reports

3 The research report

Reason for writing

a To provide an update on a project

b To evaluate a market or other commercial opportunity

c To tell colleagues what took place at a conference, meeting or visit

Before writing a report it helps to ask the following questions. Try and answer them and then add another question to each of the reports.

The debriefing report

1                    How much do the readers already know about the subject?

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2                    Should I give some background to it?

3                    Do I need to make recommendations? (For example recommending that your organisation should have a stand at a conference)

4                    ___________________________________________________________

Information-only reports

1                    Which information is not relevant or useful and should be left out?

2                    What is the logical order to present the information?

3                    ___________________________________________________________

The research report

1                    What is the objective of this report?

2                    How can I prevent it from being too long?

3                    How can I present facts and figures concisely?

4                    What recommendations should I make?

5                    ___________________________________________________________

You may give both opinions and facts in a report. However, it is important when writing a report that the readers know when you are giving an opinion, or stating a fact.

1 Look at the following information you have about attendance at a supervisors’ course. Decide if the information is fact or opinion. The first one has been done for you.

Information fact opinion1. Poor attendance at supervisors' course  2. Course not interesting or relevant    3. Course badly time-tabled    4. College too far from the factory    5. Supervisors not good enough for the course    

Look at an example report and check you answers:

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The company certainly has a problem with staff attendance at special training courses. This is particularly true for the supervisors' afternoon college courses. I think there are a number of reasons for this situation. First of all, I have the feeling that the course is not made interesting or relevant for our staff. Secondly, the timing of the course on Friday afternoons is not suitable because the trainees are tired at the end of the week. A further point is the distance of the college from the factory. It is nearly one hour's journey. And finally, it is my view that many of the supervisors attending these courses are not suitable for them. The work is too hard for them.

2 Look at the phrases in bold. These make it clear that the information is the opinion of the writer. What other phrases can you use to show you are giving an opinion and not stating a fact?

Your boss wants to introduce a dress code. She has asked you to write a short report about they style of clothes employees usually wear to work. Use the information below. Make sure you make it clear when you are giving your opinion or stating a fact. Use the example above to help you.

When writing a report it is important that you recognise the difference between facts and opinions. Which of the statements below are facts, and which are opinions?

a) Smoking is a silly habit.b) Ten times as many smokers get lung cancer as non-smokers.c) People smoke much more when they are worried.d) There is a link between lung cancer and cigarette smoking.

Which of the statements above would be best to support the argument that smoking is harmful to health?

Look at these three statements (a), (b) and (c). Which one does not support the main idea?

It is good to get your company’s name in the papers (main idea)a) It is a cheap and effective form of advertisingb) Journalists are always looking interesting storiesc) There are many different kinds of publications

The answer is (c). Both (a) and (b) support the main idea, and (b) provides additional support to make the argument stronger. It reinforces (a). You can show this by using:

• Furthermore • In addition• Besides

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• Moreover

It is good to get your company’s name in the papers because it is a cheap and effective form of advertising. Furthermore journalists are always looking for interesting stories.

Now do the same with these main ideas.First decide which statement (a), (b) or (c) does not support the main idea. Then write two sentences that include the main idea, a supporting fact and a reinforcing fact. Look at the motorbike example above to help you.

It is important to wear smart clothes to worka) Most people wear casual clothesb) It gives a good impression to customersc) It shows that employees are professional

The company should get a new photocopiera) The present photocopier is always breaking downb) Modern photocopiers are much more efficient and reliablec) Modern photocopiers can be bought or rented

The company needs a restauranta) Staff bring their own food for lunch b) There is nowhere to eat near the companyc) Staff spend too long having lunch when they go out

In a report there is often a section with recommendations based on the information in the report.

Look at the following ways for making recommendations:

It is recommended that management reconsider the working hours of all employees and draw up a proposal for an alternative.

All sections should state the minimum level of cover needed and establish a system for the organisation of leave.

1 Look at this report written by a visiting director to a company. It makes recommendations for future staff training. What are the phrases for making recommendations?

In the light of poor performance of certain members of staff, this report proposes several courses of action.

It is recommended that all managers attend a series of workshops that should focus on managerial skills, presentation skills and teamwork. They urgently need to be made aware of what is expected of staff at their level.

Certain members of staff in particular, Mr. Bolt and Mr. Chubb, need to be informed by their line managers that their conduct towards female staff is totally unacceptable. It might be advisable to draw up an improvement plan and place it on file for future

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Ms. Latch should receive some additional responsibilities and be promoted in the near future.

2 What other phrases are there for making recommendations?

1 Read this report. What is the overall purpose of the report?

1 This report examines whether there is a need for the company to have a dress code. There has never been a dress code before, and at the moment employees are able to wear whatever they like to work. However, there is a clause in all contracts which states that employees “should dress smartly.”

2 In my opinion most employees dress very badly. For example some employees wear jeans to work, especially the younger members of staff. Sometimes the jeans are neither new nor clean. There are also very few men who wear ties, in fact only the senior members of the finance department wear ties. An increasing number of employees wear t-shirts. Moreover it is my view that some of the women in the summer look unprofessional when they wear sandals.

3 It is important to wear smart clothes to work because it gives a good impression to customers. In addition it shows that employees are professional. Wearing casual clothes suggests that we are also casual about our work, which is certainly not the case.

4 This report therefore proposes that a clear dress code needs to be introduced with effective guidelines for employees to follow. It is recommended that all men wear ties although not necessarily suits. The report proposes women should wear shoes all year round. The wearing of jeans and t-shirts should be prohibited for both men and women with the exception of the dispatch department.

2 There are four paragraphs. Read through the report again, why has each paragraph been written?

Your company is considering banning smoking in all the offices. You have been asked to write a report into the smoking habits of employees in the company. You must also recommend whether a ban is necessary or not.

Write a short report and use the information in the table below to help you.

Information fact opinion1. Employees can smoke where they like at work  2. Smoking is harmful to health  3. Most employees who smoke want to stop  4. Employees who don’t smoke are unhappy  5. Smokers would be willing to go outside the building  

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to have a cigarette.

Write four paragraphs. This is the reason for each paragraph:

Paragraph 1 introduces the reason for the report. Paragraph 2 provides facts and opinions about people who smoke at work.Paragraph 3 gives a reason for banning smoking.Paragraph 4 makes recommendations for a smoking ban and gives some suggestions.

Use the example in activity 9 above to help you.

In this lesson you have:

identified different reports and the reasons for writing them

compared presenting facts with opinions

used reinforcing facts to support ideas

used phrases for making recommendations

identified the different parts of a short report

written a short report

The next e-m@il lesson looks at the most common reasons for business writing and it gives advice on how to write them.

Make a note of what you liked about reports you may have read, or keep copies for future reference. Good reports have a clear objective; the lay-out is simple and straightforward; and there are planned paragraphs which are easy to read.

Name of report

1 The debriefing report

Reason for writing


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2 Information-only reports

3 The research report



The debriefing report1 Who you are writing to, as well as why you are writing the report, is very important.2 Decide if this is necessary.3 This is usually a good idea, and can show that you are a clear thinker and have ideas of your own.4 Another question could be: What information should I include?(Perhaps When and where / Why / Who / What? should all be answered)

Information-only reports1 Memos and budget reports fall into this category, make sure they only include appropriate information.2 This depends on the report of course. The answer will usually be obvious: by department, product type, size, geographical area etc.3 Another question could be: What is the easiest way to present this information?

The research report1 This should be stated in the first paragraph. If you don’t know the answer your report will be unclear!2 Busy bosses like reports they can read quickly and easily. Keep paragraphs short and relevant.3 Look how other people in your company present facts and figures.4 Make recommendations on the information contained in your report.5 Another questions could be: Who could I ask to help me? Never be afraid to ask for advice.


Information fact opinion1. Poor attendance at supervisors' course  2. Course not interesting or relevant   *3. Course badly time-tabled  4. College too far from the factory  5. Supervisors not good enough for the course   **

I have the feeling that* the course is not made interesting or relevantIt is my view** that many of the supervisors attending these courses are not suitable for them


Other phrases can include:

Personally, I think/believe…

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In my opinion…To my mind…

Here is an example paragraph:

a) Smoking is a silly habit. opinion

b) Ten times as many smokers get lung cancer as non-smokers. relevant fact

c) People smoke much more when they are worried. fact (but not relevant)

d) There is a link between lung cancer and cigarette smoking. fact (but too general)

Which of the statements above would be best to support the argument that smoking is harmful to health?

b) because it gives figures that support the argument.

Here are some good examples:

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 1 The words in bold are phrases for making recommendations. Note also that the report is clear and concise.

2 Other examples for making recommendations include:

This report recommends that all sections state the minimum level of cover needed and establish a system for the organisation of leave.

This report suggests that all sections state the minimum level of cover needed and establish a system for the organisation of leave.

I suggest that all sections state the minimum level of cover needed and establish a system for the organisation of leave.

One possible course of action could be for all sections to state the minimum level of cover needed and establish a system for the organization of leave.

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1 The overall purpose of the report is to decide whether a dress code is necessary, and to recommend that one is needed.

2Paragraph 1 introduces the reason for the report.Paragraph 2 provides facts and opinions about the clothes employees wear to work.Paragraph 3 gives a reason for wearing smart clothes to work.Paragraph 4 makes recommendations for a dress code and gives some suggestions.

This is a good example:

In this lesson you have:

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identified different reports and the reasons for writing them

compared presenting facts with opinions

used reinforcing facts to support ideas

used phrases for making recommendations

identified the different parts of a short report

written a short report

The next e-m@il lesson looks at the most common reasons for business writing and it gives advice on how to write them.

There are many different reasons for writing a letter, e-mail or fax. You may want to write an e-mail to everyone in your new job to introduce yourself, or you may receive a fax from a hotel confirming a reservation. These messages have different functions: to introduce, or to confirm. This lesson looks at the most common reasons for business writing and it gives advice on how to write these.

this lesson only looks at the content of the communication. Have a copy of lesson 1 and 2 with you to remind yourself of the layout for different types of business correspondence.


The introduction mentions an e-mail for introduction and a fax for confirmation. What other functions can you think of?

1 What is Feng Shui?

2 Mr Donaldson works for a company that has many problems. Productivity has fallen and it is not making any money. Nobody is happy in the company. He has written to a Feng Shui consultancy company called Wind and Water. Read his message. What is the function?

3 What four things does Mr Donaldson want Wind and Water to do?

4 What is the reason?

Dear Wind and Water

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I am writing to enquire if it would be possible for you to have a look at a plan of our office and redesign it according to Feng Shui principles. This is in order to improve our company’s present difficulties.

We would be most grateful if you could let us have an estimate for this service. In addition, please could you tell us when would be a suitable date for a consultation.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully

Dan Donaldson

5 What words or phrases are used for the function?

6 What other words or phrases can be used?

You are going to spend a few days in Delhi on company business. You are interested in staying at the Palace Hotel. Write a fax to the hotel. Include the following information:

1. Ask about the services they offer 2. Give a reason for making the enquiry. 3. Ask them to send you information on

• Room rates• Restaurants• Gym facilities and swimming pool• Accepted credit cards or methods of payment

4. Also ask what the latest time for checking-out is

Look at the example above to help you.

When relying to an enquiry you must make sure that you answer all the enquiries exactly. A good method is to go through the original letter (e-mail or fax), and make a list of all the enquiries / key words. Then to answer the enquiries. Here is an example:

 The list of enquiries to Palace Hotel looks like this: And the answers from the Palace Hotel looks like this:

1.      Room rates 1.         $140 per night, does not include breakfast

2.      Restaurants 2.         three excellent restaurants

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3.      Gym facilities and swimming pool 3.         Gym facilities, yes and large swimming pool, free to guests

4.      Accepted credit cards or methods of payment

4.         cash or credit cards. Accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express

5.      Latest time for checking-out 5.         3pm for extra charge $15

Now look at how the answers have been included in this reply.

Dear Mr Hewson

Thank you for your fax requesting information about the Palace Hotel in Delhi.

The room rates for a double room are $140 per night. I am afraid that this rate does not include breakfast. However, we are pleased to inform you that we have full room service or you may visit any of our three excellent restaurants in the hotel.

I can confirm that we have a large outdoor swimming pool and gym facilities. These are available free of charge to all guests. In addition you may settle your account by cash or credit card. We accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express.

Finally, we are happy to offer you late checkout until 3pm for an extra charge of £15. If you would like to arrange this service, please inform the reception on arrival.

If there is anything else you require, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to receiving your booking.

Yours sincerely

Tapash RoyManager Customer Service

Now do the same. First, your name is Dora Lewis and you work for Air Fresh International. You have received this enquiry from ETG Services.

1 What is the reason for writing?

Dear Sir/Madam

Fresh Air-Conditioner, model number 2V3

ETG Services needs to replace its air-conditioners. I am writing to enquire about the cost of your model 2V3, and if there is any discount for bulk purchase. Could you also let us know the estimated delivery time, and if there is a guarantee with the equipment. If so, how long does it last?

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Finally, we should like to know if your company operates a maintenance service.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Patricia ButlerETG Services

2 Now fill in this table. The first one has been done for you. Decide the answers yourself.

List of enquiries:

Answers:1     cost

1  $1,2002






3 First look at the table in the answer key to check. Now write a reply to the enquiry. Don’t forget to thank Ms Butler for her enquiry. Look at the example to Mr Hewson above to help you

Read this complaint.

1 Where does Mr Bevan work, and why is he complaining?

Dear Mr Brown

We have just received delivery of order no. 2601 placed with you on 16 February. We regret to say, however, that the goods delivered do not meet our requirements.

The quality of the goods appears to be far below that of the samples which were sent earlier and are therefore not acceptable. Furthermore, as you can see in the copy of the invoice we enclose, we requested 1,500 shirts but have only received 1,400 of those.

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We have received many requests from our regular customers for these shirts but have been unable to fulfil the orders and have lost considerable revenue as a result. We therefore hope you will let us know by March 20 what action you can take to help us solve this present difficulty. If we do not hear from you by that date we will regretfully be forced to cancel the order and ask for compensation.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely

Winston Bevan

2 Read the message again. What is the tone? What is the main aim of each paragraph?

1 In the first paragraph it is a good idea to start by giving your reader the background – details about the event that has caused you to complain:• I spent three nights, 2 – 4 March, at your hotel. The room number was 310.• I wanted to buy some equipment in your electrical department yesterday, 18 March, 2004.

2 The second paragraph should explain the exact problem or complaint you are writing about:• On my third night, there was so much noise from a party being held in room 314 that I could not get to sleep.• I am sorry to tell you that the members of staff on duty were very unhelpful and could not give me any details about the CD player I was interested in buying.

You should then give the details of any action that you took to try and solve the problem:• I complained to your staff on night duty but they were unable to persuade the guests to keep quiet.• I asked to see the department manager but was told that he was not on duty.


3 The last paragraph is important because it can be used for two purposes.

a) to save face of the organisation to which you are complaining by paying a compliment.• I had thoroughly enjoyed my stay up until then, but this incident rather spoilt my visit.• I was surprised by this lack of politeness, as I had been very impressed by the helpfulness of staff in other departments.

b) to suggest ways of solving the problem or of preventing it from happening again.• May I suggest that staff on night duty should get the security staff to follow up complaints if necessary.• Perhaps it would be a good idea to give your staff some training in customer-care.

Paragraph 3 also includes a request for action:• I would be grateful if the hotel could compensate me for the inconvenience caused.• Meanwhile I am reluctant to return to your shop until I receive an apology.

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Your name is Mr Martin Black and you work for a shoe shop. You are not happy about a delivery you received and you want to complain. Write to the company Instep using these notes. The manager’s name is Mr Gordon Richards.

Paragraph one includes details about the event that has caused you to complain:• 24 March received order PB327, 3 dozen pairs of sports shoes

Paragraph 2 explains the exact problem:• several pairs incorrectly labeled• laces missing from some shoesParagraph 2 also includes action you have taken:• repacked faulty shoes to be taken away

Paragraph 3 pays compliment and requests action:• dealt with Instep for several years, first complaint• replace faulty pairs

Remember to remain polite when complaining!

We all make mistakes. It is important to be able to apologise sincerely, it has a positive effect on the people you work with or do business with.

1 Ms Jones has received an apology from the hotel she was staying at. Read it and say what the main aim of each paragraph is.

Dear Ms Jones

Thank you for your letter dated 5 March complaining about the noise while you were staying at our hotel.

We are very sorry that you were unable to sleep because of the loud music from a nearby room. This was because of a small party the occupants were having to celebrate a 21st birthday.

Please accept this voucher for two free dinners at our hotel restaurant which you may use anytime during the next 6 months.

We apologise for any inconvenience that this has caused you and assure you it will not be repeated. As a valued customer we look forward to you staying with us again in the future.

 2 What words or phrases are used for the function of apologising?

3 What other words or phrases can be used?

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You are Mr Gordon Richards, the manager of Instep. You have received the e-mail from Mr Martin Black complaining about the sports shoes he received. Write a reply to apologise. Look at the example above to help you.

In this lesson you have:

identified different functions for corresponding

written an enquiry

replied to an enquiry

written to complain

written to apologise

This is the last lesson in this module.


In this module you have:

• looked at layout and identified a modern style of writing for today’s business person• understood that being polite and neutral is more appropriate than being formal• been given guidelines on writing business e-mails• identified what makes an effective report, and• been given advice on writing for different functions.

We have you have enjoyed this module of e-m@il lessonsLearnEnglish ProfessionalsBritish Council

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Apart from a letter (e-mail or fax) of introduction or confirmation, other types of functions include:

Complaining / inviting / enquiring / apologising / recommending / requesting / refusing

These reasons for writing are different from Lesson 3 on e-mailing which looked at the more day-to-day correspondence with colleagues and clients you know.

1 Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese study. It analyses how a building and environment interact with the occupants and gives recommendations how to improve this relationship. Some people think Feng Shui can bring good luck.

2 Mr Donaldson is making an enquiry.

3 Mr Donaldson would like Wind and Water toi have a look at a plan of the officeii redesign the office according to Feng Shui principlesiii provide an estimate iv give a suitable date for a consultation

4 To improve the company’s present difficulties

5 I am writing to enquire ifWe would be most grateful if you could please could you

6 Other phrases can include:

I am writing to ask the price of this model  if the model is already available    We should like to know further details  where we can obtain further details

This is a good example:

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 Remember, these expressions can be used for other types of correspondence.

I am writing to ask if you could check my salary payment for this month.I would also like to know how many of you are thinking of taking leave soon. 

1 ETG want to buy some air-conditioners and need some information  

2List of enquiries:

Answers: (these are suggestions)1 cost

1 $1,2002 discount

2 20% if three or more ordered3 estimated delivery time

3 2 to 3 weeks from receipt of order4 guarantee

4 Yes5 length of guarantee

5 1 year6 maintenance service

6 Yes - $750 a year covering maintenance and replacement parts

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3 This is a good example:

Note the phrases: I am pleased to inform you (that)… / I can confirm (that)…

Other phrases can include: I can tell you (that)…/ I can let you know (that)…

Try and use some of these phrases in your reply.

1. Mr Bevan works in a clothes shop. He is complaining about a delivery of shirts.

2. The tone is firm but polite. Mr Bevan is not rude at all. (We regret to say…)Paragraph 1: reason for writing and introduction to the problemParagraph 2: details of the problemParagraph 3: closing down and request for action

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Notice how polite all these phrases are.

This is a good example:

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the message should be polite and have clear paragraphs whether you are writing a letter, e-mail or fax. The content is the same even if the type of correspondence is different. Never forget how the reader will feel reading the complaint. Perhaps ask someone else to read the message before sending it.

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1 Paragraph 1 acknowledges the letter of complaintParagraph 2 apologises and offers an explanationParagraph 3 a solution Paragraph 4 closes the letter / e-mail / fax and gives an assurance that the mistake will not happen again

2Thank you for your letter / e-mail / fax dated …We are very sorry that …This was because of …Please accept …We apologise for any inconvenience that this has caused you and assure you it will not be repeated.

3 Other phrases for apologising include:We regret that you had a problem while staying at our hotel.We apologise for the late delivery of the books you ordered.

Other phrases for offering an explanation include:This was due to a mistake in our records.It was the result of a fire in the warehouse.The delay is due to our supplier having gone out of business.

Other phrases for offering a solution include:We will replace the goods as soon as possible.We suggest that we send out engineer to check the equipment.

Other phrases for closing down include:We shall do our best to make sure that this does not happen again.We assure you that we shall do our best…We do hope you will have no further cause for complaint.

This is a good example:

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Notice the subject heading. This can be used to identify the complaint:• Faulty Computer• Incorrect Invoice, no 2610 • Poor Room Service

look at lesson 3, there is more advice on subject headings for e-mails here.

In this lesson you have:

identified different functions for corresponding

written an enquiry

replied to an enquiry

written to complain

written to apologise

This is the last lesson in this module.


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In this module you have:

• looked at layout and identified a modern style of writing for today’s business person• understood that being polite and neutral is more appropriate than being formal• been given guidelines on writing business e-mails• identified what makes an effective report, and• been given advice on writing for different functions.

We have you have enjoyed this module of e-m@il lessonsLearnEnglish ProfessionalsBritish Council