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Volume 1, Issue 001 February 2015 | 2

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FINDING OPPORTUNITIES IN ANY ECONOMYYour own beliefs and behaviors are greater predictors of your success than any fluctuation in the marketplace. Even when the newspapers splash the word recession across the front page, you can write your own success story.

Master the Art of “Inverse Paranoia”Start by becoming an “Inverse Paranoid”. What I mean by this is, believe that every event in your life is the seed for your greater good; something meant to enrich you, em-power you or advance your cause.

Imagine how much easier it would be to succeed in life if you were constantly ex-pecting the world to support you and bring you opportunity.

You can easily verify this belief for yourself. Just think about the last time that a terrible event turned out to be a blessing in disguise.A big blessing for me came during the 1970’s when I lost my job. I was working at the Job Corps Center in Clinton, Iowa, pio-neering new ways to teach underachieving students. One day the word came down that the center was being relocated – and I was being laid off.

While attending a workshop at the W. Clement & Jesse V. Stone Foundation in Chicago, I shared my predicament with the presenter. He happened to be vice presi-dent of the foundation, and he immediate-ly offered me a job working with inner-city black and Latino kids.

I accepted the offer, and what I got in re-turn was a bigger salary, an unlimited bud-get, and a laboratory for learning the suc-

cess principles that transformed my life and launched a new career path.

Ask Yourself: What Opportunity Exists Here?Take the fast track to inspiration by con-stantly asking yourself: What’s the oppor-tunity here? Make this a habit, and you’ll stay calm and centered during any event that seems like a setback.

The beauty of this question is that it trig-gers your mind to respond with positive suggestions. Compare these to the useless information you get by asking yourself the questions such as: Why did this happen to me? Or, Who’s to blame for this mess?

If you get passed over for a promotion or your retirement account takes a hit in the stock market, remember to ask: What’s the opportunity here? – or one of its inspiring variations:

• What can I learn from this event?• What will I do differently from now on?• Who can I turn to as a mentor or coach?• What’s my next action?

Remember the Three Things You ControlIn a way, the economy is just a vague and sometimes ambiguous idea. It refers in a general way to trillions of dollars of goods,

services and products by billions of people across the planet. When you face a financial challenge, it is the vast, impersonal econo-my at work? Or is it your personal economy, which you can directly control?

You can’t always count on the economy, but you can always rely on yourself.

Remember, you have absolute control over three things in your life:

1. The thoughts you think2. The images your visualize3. The actions you take (including what

you say to others)

Your life experience is simply the sum to-tal of the choices you make in these three areas. And you can attract new results at any time by making new choices. Use the ideas and exercise found in this article to do just that!

Jack Canfield, America’s #1 Success Coach, is founder of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul® and a leading authority on Peak Performance and Life Success. If you’re ready to jump-start your life, make more money, and have more fun and joy in all that you do, get FREE success tips from Jack Canfield now at: www.FreeSuccessStrategies.com


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A Tough Lesson About

LeadershipThey say money doesn’t bring happiness, well I am here to tell you I am very happy. I have been very broke and many might say I am very rich. In fact I remember 8 years ago I had negative $34,000 in my bank ac-count and everyone said I wouldn’t make it. Which would you rather be? Rich and miserable or poor or hap-py. Now it’s not that money brings happiness but money brings freedom. The ability to do whatever you want, when you want, with whomever you want. I have never been happier. Although the truth is when you have no money, it’s all about the money, but when you get it you often feel a sense of emptiness or what’s next?

If you are a true entrepreneur money shouldn’t be your driving force. I always found that when I focused on growing my business rather than how much I was earn-ing, that is when the money came. In fact, I made my first million when I was 24 years old and since then I have never looked back.

Ever since I became successful I have devel-oped a new purpose. A sort of inner leader-ship and a responsibility to become a better person and more of a social entrepreneur like Richard Branson or Elon Musk. I am not interested in money. In fact, if you take care of your clients, your clients will take care of your profits. I am more interested in significance and leaving a legacy. John F. Kennedy once said “Ask not what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country.”. So let me ask you, are you a leader or a follower? Here are a few questions that might help you answer that question:

1. How have you made this planet a better place?

2. Are you a leader who leads by example or do you lead from the back?

3. Have you thought of the legacy you will leave?

4. How many times have you heard this phrase from people ‘“Thank you for changing my life”

5. Are you a charitable person?

Life is not measured by how much money you make but rather how many lives you change. Yet on the other hand, success in business is measured by how much you make. No one has ever said, “Wow he or she has a very successful business that makes no money”.

So what? You want to be a leader? You want to be rich?

As the world’s #1 wealth coach I have made people successful in as many as 30 plus countries and everyone wants to know two things: How I became rich and how I be-came a leader. Well let me give you some free coaching.

Lesson #1: Stop Dreaming!Unfortunately, dreams don’t come true. Dreamers only talk about what they want to do while visionaries actually do. Richard Branson, Donald Trump, and Jeff Bezos were all visionaries. Visionaries think 8 moves ahead of everyone and always do whatever it takes to succeed.

Lesson #2: Stop The InsanityThe definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a differ-ent result. The business world is full of peo-ple who keep repeating the same mistakes. How you change is how you succeed. Lead-ers know that in order to succeed they have

Life is not measured by how much money you make but rather how many livesyou change.

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to be like chameleons. They always have to be changing because every successful entre-preneur knows that what works today may not work 6 months from now. The market is changing so fast and you need to change before it does, because the threats are no longer the companies that are bigger than you. They are often the companies that ha-ven’t even started yet. Stop the insanity and start changing your ways, because if you have made it so far doing what you are do-ing and you expect things will be different you are heading to the business graveyard of broken dreams.

Lesson #3 You Have To Be The Best To become a successful leader and entre-preneur, I always had to strive to become #1. Whether you are #1 or not is irrelevant but I meet too many entrepreneurs who are too comfortable. To become successful you have to be uncomfortable and that means never being satisfied. Being #1 is a culture and for most entrepreneurs money does not drive them. It’s merely a way of how we keep score. The latest thing I have now achieved on my bucket list is being on the Forbes 400. After being named “The next Billionaire” recently in a magazine, peo-ple have often asked, “What will I do with my first billion?” My answer is simple, “I will give all to charity and make another.”. When I play golf, I play to win, I play for a better score, I play to improve. I am up-set if I don’t play well. That is the same at-titude as Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, or any business Icon. When you compete in the Olympics no one remembers Silver and Bronze. When you win the Gold you get the national sponsorship, you are a national hero, you are on a cereal box, you get the speaking engagements, the endorsements, the fame and the success. The best con-gratulations you may receive when you get a Silver and a Bronze medal is probably a used coaster for your drink. The difference between Gold and Bronze is not seconds but milli-seconds. It’s not just about you be-ing #1 but also instilling this culture in your Organization with the underlying theme of “Did you give it your very best.”. I don’t care if you won or lost, if you gave it your very best, than I can live with that. Nothing creates better leaders than when you win. Winning and leadership go hand and hand.

Lesson #4: How Can You Improve?I have been around the best. From Mr. Trump, to my friend Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak, to spending 5 days at Neck-er Island with Richard Branson, I’ve come

to learn that all great entrepreneurs and CEO’s have one thing in common. They all ask themselves, “How can I improve this? How can I make this better?” They ask “How can I make this faster, better looking, smaller, slimmer...?” It is the constant at-tention to detail that makes great leaders. Hence look at the evolution of the iPhone or walk through one of Mr. Trumps golf courses and you will understand why these icons are truly the best at what they do. The details are so important but also the over analysis and emphasis on perfection can have it’s downfalls. If it is not managed, it can lead to delays, increased costs, and failed launches. Nothing is more proof of this than the Lisa 2 project held by Steve Jobs at Apple.

Lesson #5: Become a Paranoid OptimistLeaders are always paranoid and never too comfortable. But the minute you become too comfortable is the minute mistakes start happening and things start slipping. I am a paranoid optimist. Always worried something will go wrong but I am an op-timist that I will succeed. I think it is that edge that helps fuel my inner leadership. Passion is not something you can put inside an entrepreneur. You either have it or you don’t. But without that paranoid edge you can make careless mistakes.

Lesson #6: Stop With Your ExcusesEvery successful leader knows that the less excuses you have the more successful you will become. They also know that no one cares about how good your excuses are. One

of the very first things my coaches said to me is “If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me”. Peo-ple often point the finger at someone when it goes wrong but more often than not they have 3 fingers pointing right back at them. I had a former partner whose style was collaborative, working together and every-one was accountable. All the great CEO’s I know, the buck stops at the top. That is why CEO’s make as much money as they do. It is because when things go well, they get the credit, and when things go wrong, they get the blame.

Lesson #7: PartneringAs a successful entrepreneurial leader, 70% of your time should be spent on building and monetizing relationships. A great entrepre-neur knows it’s not what you know, it’s not who you know, but who knows you. 4 years ago I created what is now known as Mega Partnering. Mega Partnering known as the world’s top wealth networking and business conference. The idea of Mega is to put 800 successful people in the room to network, do deals, and infiltrate each others circle of influence. We have had in the past Arnold Schwarzenegger, Donna Karan, Donald Trump, Michael Eisner (Former Disney CEO), Steve Wozniak (Apple co-founder), Jack Welch (Former GE CEO), Al Pacino ,and Sylvester Stallone. What’s the key to success? It is to Learn, Earn, Return, and Re-Learn!

Lesson #8 Get a CoachThere is no such thing as a self made man or woman. Whether it is a sports athlete, a top executive or an entrepreneur, all

the thing that kills most leaders is FEAR. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of what other people think,and fear of loss

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the great ones I know have a coach. Ask yourself these questions: “Why do sports teams have coaches? Why don’t the play-ers coach themselves?” A Coach provides accountability, focus, the strategy, and they help to make the tough calls. In busi-ness we often see the world with blinders on. Our coach often sees the world from an outside perspective without blind-ers. So the question is “Why don’t you have a coach?” Some say it’s because of cost. Well a great leader doesn’t look at how much something costs but rather how much it will make them. Secondly, people often ask, Where do I find a great coach?” Well, great coaches pick you, not the other way around. I have 8 coaches from George Ross, Donald Trumps right hand man of 40 years, Nido, and Hugh Hilton. I rarely make a big business de-cision without checking with them first because in today’s market the margin of error is so small. One small mistake can

kill your business and one small move can lead you with financial freedom forever. If you want a great coach come to one of my live events at www.JTFoxxLive.com

Lesson #9 Be a Fearless LeaderFinally, the thing that kills most leaders is FEAR. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of what other people think, and fear of loss. Here is the problem, fear is a choice! In life, if you take risk out, you take opportunity out. All great leaders know that as in life it’s ok to fail in business, but as long as you don’t repeat yourself then you will fail for-ward. People tell me you only live once and that’s why they live in fear. I tell them you don’t live once, you live every day and die once. So don’t be afraid to live and be ok with feeling uncomfortable because that is how you become successful.

In the end, leaders lead from the front,

not the back. Leaders are visionaries. Leaders are willing to do what unsuc-cessful people won’t. It’s not easy being successful and I believe that this world needs more heroes, more role models and coaches to inspire our future generation. From our youth of tomorrow to a grow-ing demand of women entrepreneurs, the world is changing and if you want to become a leader or remain one, you will have to change. The market place can be a difficult place to thrive and in order to cut through the clutter, you are going to have to be different. A leader is willing to do whatever it takes to succeed, a lead-er will never quit on himself and a leader will not hesitate to make the tough calls even if others will be affected by it. Lead-ers are not born, they are made. You just need to make a choice as to what you want to be and do it and the universe will get out of the way. Leaders don’t talk about what they are going to do, they simply do.

JT Foxx is a serial entrepreneur, Philan-thropist and wildly known as one the top speakers and wealth coaches in the world. He currently does business in 29 different countries and started 9 years ago with $974 dollars to his name. His business model is very simple, “He is Powered by Your Suc-cess:”. Visit www.JTFoxx.com


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RICH AUTHOR FORMULASo what is more powerful than a well written book with a fantastic cover? A best selling book of course. A best selling book (top 10) is the way to excel your credibility and success. If you hit the No1 position you then become a No1 Best Selling author which no one can take away from you. For this book I will be explaining how to get to that No1 position. Once you have done it for your first book you will find that it gets easier to do. We are focusing on producing an Amazon No1 best seller as this in my opinion is the easiest to achieve and not that time consuming.

Plan before your book is written.The best time to plan your books promotion is before it’s even written. However if you haven’t done it at this stage don’t worry you can still become a best seller.

So why should you plan so far in advance? You will need people to promote your book to. You can not rely on people stumbling across your book and buying it.

Here is a list of things we are aiming for at this stage.

1. A List - A database of people who you think might be interested in buying your book.

2. Social Network Accounts - A company Facebook and Twitter account.

3. Joint Venture Partners - Essential if you don’t have a list.

4. A Front Cover - You will need a front cover so that you can start promoting your book.

5. Amazon Advantage account - You will need one for your business if you are self publishing if you are going through a publisher they should have one of their own.

6. The blurb - What your book is about, why people should buy it.

7. Your bonus - It is much easier to sell books if you give a free bonus with each copy. This is usually in the form of a download from your website (so you can collect the customers email address

before they download). 8. Your Press Release so that its ready to

go when your book is ready.9. Price

10. Marketing plan / timing

How I built my listMy list for my first book was my customer list, so everyone who had ever ordered any-thing from me. My list now that I am in a different business is different, I had to build this list from scratch.

I publish an eyelash magazine ‘Lash Inc’, when I started I had zero subscribers and I had to get a list quickly. How I did it.

1. I came up with an offer, 6 months free digital subscription to the new mag-azine.

2. I had a 1 page - squeeze page made up to collect the sign ups which was linked to my mail chimp account.

3. I joined and posted in every Facebook group I could find on Eyelash exten-sions or Beauty therapy.

4. I would post weekly, inviting people to join my Facebook page and I also sent this invite out to the people who had subscribed to the free digital edition.

Just before the first issue I had over 6000 email addresses! So as you can see if you don’t have a list at the moment you can put a plan in place to get one.

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First think about your list.If you do not have a list you need to build one. Or have a joint venture with someone who does until you have one, but either way make it your mission to build a good list.

To build your list you need to think about...

1. Your offer. What are you going to give for free and of value to the people sub-scribing to your list?

2. How are your going to collect the data? Do you have a website or even just a 1 page squeeze page? You can order a squeeze page from $5 from www.fiverr.com that’s where I got mine.

3. Join online groups for your area of busi-ness. For example if you are in coach-ing you will want to join every coaching group you can. Type in coaching group on your Facebook search and it will come up with all of them.

This article is based on informa-tion from ‘Rich Author Formula’ available on Amazon from No1 Best Selling Author Louise Prunty. Louise has written eight No1 best selling books and as a publisher has marketed six additional books to No1 best seller status.


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Your Thing is the thing that you do that’s brilliant. The problem with that is you ei-ther have no idea what that is or think you have lots (and lots) of things. But here’s the Thing – you have one brilliant Thing – a re-sult or outcome that you can give – that is so easy for you, so effortless and ‘obvious’ that you probably overlook it and almost certainly aren’t selling it. My Thing (and it took me a while to find it) is seeing other people’s and businesses ‘Thing’ and helping them get paid for it. I used to be ‘good’ at lots of things (and still am) like marketing, and business strategy, and copy writing (and the list goes on) but my ‘Thing’ thing is seeing what is there in the first place. I wonder what your Thing is? It’s hard to put your finger on it but if you know you’re doing it, you know. Just like you’ll absolutely know if you’re not doing your Thing. The reason I know is that I can stand up in front of a room of people and say ‘I help people find their Thing’ and anyone in the room who hasn’t found their Thing

yet, gets it immediately. They’ll know. Just like you know. So if you’ve not found your Thing yet you’ll find this super useful (and even if you have found your Thing, read on and take note incase you’re selling your jam instead of your cake…) There are just 2 ways to find your Thing. One way to find your Thing is to work out what you do SO easily that you almost think ‘I can’t get paid for this it’s too easy. Ha! Well let me tell you what I know about easy… what YOU find easy is very often not what other people find easy. What you ‘get’ or ‘see’ or ‘understand’ in an instant is very often not what everyone around you gets or sees or understands. And there already you can start to see the value in your easy Thing – the very fact that other people find it ‘hard’ means you have an opportunity to help make it easy.

Now selling your easy Thing can look like you doing it for other people, or teaching people to do it easily like you do it, or mak-ing a product that turns into an easy thing, or supporting people with a process or sys-tem that makes it easy. There are lots of ways to sell your Thing and they absolutely do not have to be you doing it. But the good thing about a Thing is you al-ready know you have a market. If you un-derstand that you find something easy that other people/businesses/industries don’t, then you have something of value to sell. It really is as simple as that. The other way to find your Thing is to no-tice what annoys you. Being grumpy is great when it comes to looking for your Thing. Because you’re very likely to DO SOME-THING about it if it pisses you off! There’s bound to be a way that people do things now, or a belief that certain things have to happen ‘this way’ that right royally peeves you. Maybe it’s irritating you how

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much (or how little) something costs. Do you have quicker/better/smarter/easier/something-y way of doing a thing that you can’t believe no-one is telling people about (hint with that one – it’s probably because we’re waiting for you). If there is some-thing that properly makes you grumpy AND you know you can do something about it, take a close look as that may well be your Thing (that’s how I found mine btw). Oh how it used to annoy me when I met brilliant business owners ‘complaining’ they didn’t have the busi-ness they wanted when it was ‘slap-your-head’ obvious to me it’s because they weren’t telling us what their Thing was, no story, no here’s how I’m different and here’s what I can really do for you. SO. ANNOYING. You already have it.Oh and just in case you’re now thinking, oh here we go, I feel a ‘quest’ coming up…the good thing about your Thing is you already have it. Everything you have done up to now, every-thing you’ve learnt, and watched, and read, ex-perienced, understood, formed an opinion on, worked out a better way for, reacted to, adapted to, challenged, accepted and said – all of that is your Thing. And the other good news is that no-one else’s Thing is exactly like yours. And that’s a brilliant position to be in business – a mini monopoly of just you puts you completely in charge of the price of your Thing and how much you want to sell of it. Now if you already think you’re doing your Thing (and you may well be) make sure you’ve not got too specific. Often when we go ‘Thing’ finding we think we’ve hit on the whole Thing but actual-ly it may just be a piece of it. I call this jam. So you may have absolutely yummy jam that’s easy for you to make, and you may even already be a little bit famous for your jam, BUT you have this ‘feeling’ that there’s more to you that just the jam. That ‘more’ is of course your cake. When you realise that you know more ‘around’ just what you’re known for, is when you need to start selling all the ingredients of the cake you can make. Your Thing is ALL the things that make up what you do really well – which includes your jam (you don’t lose the jam) but you just get a bigger cake.

So if you like the idea of selling what you find easy, find your Thing. If you like the idea of be-ing in total control how much you sell and how much for, find your Thing. If you want to stop doing what you’re ‘good’ and do what you’re bril-liant at instead, find your Thing. It’s a lot more fun when you’re Thinging.

Lucy Whittington

Being a Business CelebrityAuthor of Find your Thing!

Office +44 (0) 333 444 0143www.BeingaBusinessCelebrity.comwww.FindYourThingBook.com

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Volume 1, Issue 001 February 2015 | 14

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Starting your own business as an entrepre-neur can be a daunting task, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed at the time you should be excited for the new venture ahead of you. Even after your start-up business found its legs, staying positive can be difficult at times with all of the tasks that you still have to face, especially with developing a profes-sional branding image that will continue to bring you to the next level of success.

However, there are some advices offered by Steve Jobs, the developer of Apple that can be taken to heart and applied to the aspects of your personal and professional life to help you achieve success in everything that you do. Developing marketing strategies, learning to innovate with the changing times, and reaching out to customers can become easier for you to master and attain business success.

Before Steve Jobs become one of the pioneering innovators for Apple, he was just a regular person with a dream of his own to develop a new kind of computer for customers to use. One of the key lessons he brought with him throughout his life was to accentuate the positive, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem at the time. Even when things don’t go exactly the way you planned, instead of focusing on the mistakes, take the time to see it as more of a learning experience and how it can be used to improve on something else in the future. Business success is always about adaptation, so it’s better to come away with a better understanding of how to make improvements than to remain stagnant, focusing on what went wrong.

Many people are tempted to innovate new ideas on their own, believing that it pro-vides them with all of the control that they need so that mistakes can be avoided in the future. However, this is one of the biggest mistakes an entrepreneur could ever make.

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Creativity cannot be developed in a vacuum, and the tricks of the trade aren’t something you can find in a textbook. Learn from others in order to discover how the field of your business works, which ventures have been accomplished and succeeded (or failed!), and which strategies seem to draw out the best responses. Learning from other people tends to make some entrepreneurs feel uneasy, believing that they’re merely copy-ing from others, but everyone who starts up their own business needs a foundation to work off.

When it comes down to it, many entrepreneurs have started up their own businesses for the pur-suit of money. This may work for some, but it shouldn’t be the end-all of why you get into the field of developing ideas and learning to innovate in order to fill your own pockets. It can be easy to value money, but valuing people is a lot more re-warding. Finding people who are the same pas-sion for what you’re trying to accomplish with your business can actually nurture and inspire motivation and creativity in the workplace. And on the off-chance that you end up with no money at the end of the day, the people will still be there to support you when you need it.

When developing a branding campaign, there is always a need to focus. It can be easy to look at the market and want to employ every single strategy that has proven to be successful in the past. However, creating such a jumble of tech-niques can actually work to your detriment. You don’t want to spread yourself out too thin in trying to accomplish everything before you. The majority of the business success of Apple was because Jobs knew how to focus. On their annu-al retreats, he would take his employees into a room and create a list of the top ten things they should be doing in the upcoming year, and then only use the top three ideas. Using such a method forced them to dedicate all their time and effort into perfecting and developing ideas to innovate to keep them ahead of their competitors.

Being able to focus also makes things much sim-pler. The secret to business success knows what

works, and what doesn’t work is throwing every-thing out there at once for your customers to try and sort things out for themselves. Eliminate the unnecessary in order to reduce things down to the most basic components. Not only does this make it more attractive for customers to use by providing what they need in its most simplest form, but it also provide an aesthetic quality that could not be achieved by adding more bells and whistles to the mix. Simplifying also reduces the number of problems that may arise in the future, and can make it easier to innovate: the “less” there was, the more easily it could be adapted to new situations and ideas.

If you do find your business falling behind on the curve behind the rest of the market, it can be easy to despair and what to give up. How-ever, there are other ways to innovate to leap-frog yourself back to the head of the pack. When Apple first made their iMac, they provided an easy way for users to handle their files, but they missed out on giving them access to storing music. The CD drive was incapable of burning CDs or ripping the files to one’s computer for personal use. However, instead of letting this affect the way they developed their technology, they jumped ahead of everyone else and created a separate, integrated system that has changed the music industry forever. Their ideas brought about the innovation of the iPod and iTunes, allowing people to buy whichever songs they wanted and carry their music with them every-where.

Branding one’s image doesn’t mean giving up on the integrity of one’s own products and services in order to achieve an end goal. It means having to adapt, to know when to cut one’s losses and focus on a new innovation, and to evolve one’s methods with the changing times in order to stay ahead of one’s competitors. The concept of business success is more than just making more money than everyone else; it’s about creating a professional image that your customers can rely on when they need it. Take it from the man who has made Apple what it is today.

When developing a branding campaign, there is always a need to focus. It can be easy to look at the market and want to employ every single strategy that has proven to be successful in the past.

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Volume 1, Issue 001 February 2015 | 24