Business Ethics Foundation – Management Digest – October 2020 - Issue 77 1

Business Ethics Foundation Management Digest October 2020

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Business Ethics Foundation – Management Digest – October 2020 - Issue 77


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Business Ethics Foundation – Management Digest – October 2020 - Issue 77


Contents :

1. Face sheet by – Vishwas Datye

2. Published By – Business Ethics Foundation

3. From the editor – Vishwas Datye

4. Reader’s feedback - Responses from the members

5. Appreciations

6. Frankly Speaking – Dr S. G. Bapat

7. ISO 9001 – A way of Life! – Neelkanth Inamdar

8. Ethics – part 1 – Ashok Garde

9. Forensic sciences – Bipin Shah

10. Effective offense on pandemic – Sarang Bapat

11. Paintings – S. G. Apte

12. Ethical experiences of the members – Abhay Kale

13. Did you know?

14. Monthly book reviews – Dr S. G. Bapat

15. तेथे कर माझे जुळती 16. Poem - S. D. Vaidya

17. Points to ponder

18. Photograph of the month

19. Quiz of the month

20. Lighter Moments

[ for easy access, now you can use two way hyperlinks –

contents list to headings and headings to contents list. ]


Published by :


(Section 25 Company CIN– U93000PN2012NPL142019 2011 – 2012) C/o. Dr. S. G. Bapat, ‘Vijigeesha’, 17 Prashant Nagar, Navi Peth, Pune– 411030 , Ph : +91 9881468504 /

Office secretary – Madhuri Chiddarwar, [email protected]

+91 97644 61567, 020-24533931

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Business Ethics Foundation – Management Digest – October 2020 - Issue 77


From the BEF Mgmt Digest editor :

विश्िास दाते

[email protected] +91 9850035362

Hello, Trust you are all well and taking personal care under the Covod19 pandemic. Some of you might have been surprised by my last editorial written in Marathi. Yes, I am fully aware that some of our readers of Mgmt Digest may not be fully conversant with Marathi. As such, the main medium of BEF Mgmt Digest will remain English. I am happy to inform you that the mobile friendly single column version of Sept 20 issue of Mgmt Digest was received well. So we will continue to issue two versions BEF MD, each month – Normal laptop friendly A4 size issue and a single column mobile friendly issue.

We wish to make this publication more vibrant, more entertaining and more participative!

** For this to happen, I invite both, comments and suggestions, from all members. Towards this goal, we have added some more headings like – Face sheet photo contribution, photograph of the month, Did you know?, quiz or puzzle of the month, Ethical experiences in personal life of members, joke of the month etc. ** You may please suggest more. So much for our own actions and plans. The Covod19 pandemic is still not showing any trend of receding. Possibly this could be due to unlock-down process due to which far more number of people are out for normal activity. Also the fear of Covid19 seems to have reduced in the relatively younger population. Luckily, the rainy season is excellent and the expectation is of bumper farming output. Hopefully, by Deepawali festival, the national mood will be much more buoyant. The government is adequately dealing with the situation on our national borders. The real national challenge in coming period is to create resurgence in our economic performance and in turn deal with the massive job losses. Such persons are actually all around us. Under this situation, how can we individually support this massive challenge? As law abiding citizens, in my opinion, all we can do is –

- Take care of our health thus indirectly reduce the load on the Covod19 support system. - Do not believe and spread antinational rumors - Pay all our legitimate tax dues - Financially help those less privileged Covid19 affected persons around us, as much as


To me, this looks like the immediate road ahead. Trust you agree. So let us walk the talk

and be happy. All the best – Vishwas Datye

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Reader’s feedback – ( ** Dear BEF members, we are adding this

new column for members to express freely

what they feel about the form and the content

of the previous issue. While we are happy to

receive positive feedback, we also welcome

comments for further improvements to make

this publication more vibrant, entertaining

and participative.

My sincere thanks to all the members who

have kicked off this process enthusiastically.

Some feedbacks could not be accommodated

for lack of space. My aloplogies. - Editor)

Naresh sareen -

I must appreciate the efforts behind

publishing this Digest. Most practical to read

on mobile, too.

Can our paintings be shared? If so I may like to

share mine.

Articles are also very nice and the overall

improvement does require a sincere



Ravi Baviskar –

Date sir,

Liked your first MD Editorial and also last

inspiration story of a Not Giving Up Girl from


Chhan, Halka Fulka Ank Zalay! Shubhechchha


Bipinkumar Shah –

Dear Mr. Vishwasji, Greetings of the day !

At the outset let me congratulate you and all

the team members for thought

rovoking Digest for the month of

Sept’20. This digest starts with positive note

from the editor which is the ray of hope in this

troubled times. It motivates to move us

forward in the name of God.

Articles on ethics , Tata finance are great

learnings, poems, cartoons are great stress

busters. All the contents are well selected and

precise to the point. It is visual delight to the

eyes and good source for rapid reading. Great

learnings !


Girish Gokhale –

मी माससक िाचले. तुझा [??] लेख कुठे ददसला नाही. कविता पण छान आहे. एकंदरीत अकं चांगला आहे. *****

Suresh Mehta –

Thanks for mobile friendly magazine. Enjoying

reading all articles.


Neelkanth Inamdar –

Congratulations for excellent BEFMD. Cover

page is nice and meaningful.


Pradeep Kalekar –

बापट साहेब, मुखपषृ्ठ – एक नबंर. गददमा कविता लाजिाब! कुलकणी मादामची कविता सयकु्ततक. Good

paintings by SG Apte nad excellent articles of

Inamdar, Joshi, Shah and Garde. Article on

swapnali sutar - fine example of attitude. An

excellent issue as usual.


Dr Shweta Bapat –

Thanks to the new editor for thinking about

readers and taking lot of efforts to make this

mobile friendly MD.

Sangeeta Kulkarni –

Looks interesting.. Great layout.. Congratulations !

Meetali More –

Beautiful Mgmt Digest design with all well drafted



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BEF appreciations

१. कृवि संशोधनाच्या के्षत्रातील अग्रणी, जैि तंत्रज्ञानाच्या के्षत्रात काययरत बायोटेतनॉलॉजी इन्नोव्हेशन ऑगयनायझेशन (BIO) तरे्फ जॉजय िासशगं्टन काव्हयर यांच्या नािे ददला जाणारा २०२० साठीचा प्रततष्ठेचा

परुस्कार प्राज इंडस्रीजचे संस्थापक काययकारी अध्यक्ष डॉ प्रमोद चौधरी यांना जाहीर झाला आहे. डॉ प्रमोद चौधरी हे BEFचे आजीि सभासद आहेत. हा परुस्कार २००८ पासून सुरू असून डॉ चौधरी हे त्याचे पदहले भारतीय मानकरी आहेत. याििी पणु्यातील नामर ंत दटळक महाराष्र विद्यापीठाने श्री चौधरी यांना मानद PhD देऊन गौरविले आहे. डॉ प्रमोद चौधरी यांचे आमच्या सिय सभासदाचं्या ितीने मनःपिूयक असभनदंन ! [ from – Dr A M Joshi ]

2. Our BEF member Mr. Bhushan

Ambadkar’s [9850980341] ‘Vivekanand Academy’ has

designed Devine Campus software which is used successfully by more than 200 schools across Maharashtra. This is ideal for all schools, ICSC, SSC, CBSC and IB. Hearty congratulations to him for this

wonderful success !

3. Very happy to share that our member Mr Yogesh Upadhyay [

[email protected]

9890206661 ] has been conferred

International Fellowship by very reputed

Bangladesh Organization of Learning &

Development . Congratulations to him!

Frankly speaking

Dr. S. G. Bapat

Founder President BEF

[email protected]

+91 98814 68504

How the Seven rupees changed the entire life.

The Nobel Laureate Prof. C. V. Raman after

retirement wished to open a Research

Institute in Bangalore. So he gave an

advertisement in the newspapers for

recruiting three physicists.

Lots of eager Scientists applied thinking that

even if they were not selected, they would at

least get an opportunity to meet the Nobel

Laureate. In the preliminary selection, five

candidates were selected and the final

interview was to be taken by Prof. C V Raman


Three were selected out of the five. Next day

Prof. Raman was taking a walk and found one

young man waiting to meet him. He realized

that it was the same man who was not


The Prof. asked him what was the problem

and he replied that there was no problem at

all, but after finishing the interview the office

had paid him ₹7 extra than his claim and he

wanted to return it.

But because the accounts had closed, they

could not take back the amount and asked

him to enjoy. The man said that it is not right

for him to accept the money which did not

belong to him.

Prof. C V Raman told him, so you wish to

return the ₹7 and he took the money from


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After going a few steps forward the Prof.

asked the young man to meet him the next

day at 10.30 am. The man was happy that he

would get an opportunity to meet the great

man again.

When he met the Prof. next day the Nobel

Laureate told the young man "son, you failed

in the Physics test but you have passed the

honesty test. So I have created another post

for you". The young man was surprised and

very happy to join.

Later on he too became a Nobel Laureate in

1983. This young man was Prof.

Subrahmanyan Chandrashekhar (US Citizen of

Indian Origin)

He has written a book on how the seven

rupees changed his life. What is lacking in

Talent can most often be made up for, with

Hard work, guidance and help from others,

BUT, what is lacking in Character and Values

can’t be made up for with anything Ever.

Which is why Einstein said, “ Don’t try to be a

person of Success, but always be a Person of

Value “.

Where science ends, spirituality begins !

Do you experience it? I do.

– Dr S. G. Bapat

ISO 9001 – A way of life! Nilkanth Inamdar [email protected] +91 96899 21650 (We have started this series of articles on the

relevance and application of ISO 9001 in day to day life. Read further) …

d.1) during manufacturing , some processes /products or services are outsourced, in such cases, we have to control these to ensure its quality being maintained. For this purpose vendor evaluation, selection, monitoring and re-evaluation are done periodically. d.2) type and extent of control- it will depend upon the complexity of product and criticality of processes outsourced. In our case of packing box , product is simple and criticality of process outsourced is not much , hence extent of control is, provide all information to vendor like drawings, process sheets, tools and equipment and inspection of parts at vendor. d.3) information for external providers – provide information like process sheets, equipment, tools, drawings, measuring devices, and special expertize if required in case of critical product and process. In our case of packing box, this is already discussed above. e.1)production and service provision – actual production of packing boxes should be done under controlled conditions like availability of documented information {such as work order, drawings, specifications etc.}, availability of suitable monitoring and measuring resources(such as measuring tape, scale, vernier caliper etc.) and appointment of competent persons. e.2) identification and traceability – identification of output is required to be done for traceability purpose. For example, identify each box with no. like TATA/2020/005 which means customer name/year of manufacturing/sr.no. With this identification no. we can trace back the records in case of any customer complaint. e.3) property belonging to customers or external providers – customer’s or external provider’s

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property includes material, components, tools and equipment, premises, intellectual property and personal data. This is to be properly protected by us. For example if our customer has given some components to be packed then we need to identify, verify, protect and safeguard his property and return with proper preservation and care. Inform customer in case of any damage or loss etc. e.4) preservation – production out puts to be preserved properly to avoid damage, mishandling or loss. It includes identification, handling, contamination control, packaging, storage, transmission or transportation and protection. Like steel parts to be protected with rust preventive, rubber parts to be preserved considering its shelf life. e.5) post- delivery activities – includes action under warranty provisions, contractual obligations such as maintenance services, or supplementary services such as recycling or final disposal. For wooden packing box, recycling /disposal arrangement is essential. e.6) control of changes –provision of changes in production like change in quantity, size, and delivery period is to be made in the process itself. Like while processing standard parts choose bigger batch size, and take smaller batch size for non-standard parts to compensate change in quantity. f.1) release of products and services – the acceptance criteria and authority to and release final product is to be defined and record to be maintained. Like pre dispatch inspection report. g.1) Control of nonconforming outputs – during the process of manufacturing or at the final stage of assembling some non-conformity are observed. These are identified and controlled to prevent their unintended use or delivery. These are treated like correction, segregation, containment, return or suspension, informing to customer, obtaining authorization for acceptance under concession. g.2) documented information is to be retained describing nonconformity, action taken,

concession obtained, authority deciding the action in respect of the nonconformity. In case of packing box manufacturing, if one component gets rejected, then Separate record is maintained and rejected component kept aside with marking. Corrective action is also initiated to prevent recurrence.

** 2nd ocober 2020 is 150th birth

anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.

(born1869 and died 1948)

According to him, Seven Deadly Sins which

are quoted globally are :

1. wealth without work

2. pleasure without conscience

3. knowledge without character

4. Commerce without morality


5. Science without humanity

6. Religion without sacrifice.

7. Politics without principles

राष्रवपत्याला सादर नमस्कार!

Source – unknown,

A tree does not bother about flowers

that fall, it is always busy making new

flowers blossom.

Life is not about what we lost so far,

it’s about what we can still achieve !

Compiled by – Vishwas datye


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Ethics : Part2 Ashok R. Garde [email protected] 9427010612

(Continued as part of a series)

On Ethics, Morals and Laws

The interrelationship among these three is best brought out by presenting their distinct domains by a Venn diagram. Inter Relationship among Morals, Ethics and Laws

The seven classes of actions formed by this Venn diagram MEL are shown in Table below. The action can be acceptable (A), or worthy of rejection (R), or neutral (N) in any of the three domains of M, E & L. When an action is classified as belongings to one class, it means action is Acceptable in that class, and is either Rejected or Neutral in other two domains.

Classification of Actions

Class Denoted by

Example M E L

1. Only Moral

M A Hindu not allowed to eat beef


2. Only Ethical

E Homosexual relationship between consenting adults


3. Only Legal

L Driving on the left (right) side on the road


4. Moral & Ethical

ME Not committing adultery


5. Moral & Legal

ML Stoning an adulteress to death


6. Ethical & legal

EL Prostitution by willing adults


7. Moral, Ethical & Legal

MEL Do not steal other’s property


A = Acceptable, R= Worth Rejecting, N =


D = Depends on country/state

This scheme covers all actions, without exception, that human beings take. When classifying any action, emotions need to be kept away; we are NOT necessarily approving the action while classifying.

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Forensic sciences – from

contemporary to modern age

Bipin Shah [email protected] +91 98213 12820

(New interesting series – concluding part 2) What is happening In India?

The application of science and technology to

the detection and investigation of crime and

administration of justice is not new to India.

Although our ancestors did not know forensic

science in its present form, scientific methods

in one way or the other seem to have been

followed in the investigation of crime. Its

detailed reference is found in Kautilya’s

‘Arthashastra,’ which was written about 2300

years ago. Indians studied various patterns of

the papillary lines, thousands of years ago. It is

presumed that they knew about the

persistency and individuality of fingerprints,

which they used as signatures.

We are also marching ahead in the field of

forensic sciences to tackle both white collar

and blue collared crimes. We have challenges

such as terrorism, cybercrimes and frauds

occurring across the country.

Though we have various institutes and colleges

for studying forensic sciences in our country,

but it is a matter of pride and great honor for

our country that we have world’s first and only

University dedicated to Forensic and

Investigation Sciences.

Gujarat Forensic Science University (GFSU) was

established in the year September 2008 with

an objective of fulfilling the acute shortage

against increasing demand of forensic experts

in the country and the world. This university is

dedicated to forensic, investigation, research

& development and located in the sprawling

campus of 50,000 sq. mtrs at Gandhinagar

(near Ahmadabad) which is capital of Gujarat.

It is actively collaborating with premier

institutions in India and abroad.

GFSU’s ultramodern campus is well equipped

with intelligent laboratories, learning centre

with a voluminous collection of both:

Electronic & printed – Books, paper reviews

and articles. The University runs in parallel

association with the Directorate of forensic

Science (DFS) – Gujarat State to provide hands

on training. DFS- Gujarat State is a state of art

NABL accredited: ISO –IEC-17025:2005

certified laboratories, maintaining

international standards in term of

infrastructure and facilities for forensic


The University is segregated into three

academic departments namely Institute of

forensic Science, Institute of Behavioral

Science and Institute of Research &

Development. It is offering specialist courses

post graduate and Doctoral level programmes

such as Pharmaceuticals, Nanotechnology,

Environmental Sciences and management,

Chemistry, Forensic Structural Engineering

leading to the development of experts in these


This university has imparted training in the

field of forensic sciences to Judges, Police

officials within India and abroad, top

executives of MNC, Government officials,

In today’s scenario apart from Central or state

government owned Forensic laboratories

exists lot of private forensic laboratories

provide services such as handwriting expert,

signature verification and analysis, fingerprint

expert, Investigations, Education, Research,

Security Services, cybercrime investigation,

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criminal cases, crime prevention, DNA Test and

more so mobile forensic labs are on the anvil.

(This article is based on his visit to Gujarat

Forensic Sciences University, Gandhinagar,


Effective Offense against pandemic

using Three T’s:

Sarang Bapat, USA

[email protected]

This year 2020 has been certainly a unique year with COVID-19 pandemic taking over our lives. Everything from work environment to home environment to kid’s schooling to healthcare protocols changed so fast and we are all adapting to this change over the past few months in our own unique way. I feel that we can thrive rather than just survive in this pandemic situation if we go on the offense.

For winning, the 3 Ts from USA football terminology are Third Downs, Turnovers and Timeouts. These Ts for the offence, can help us to cope and deal effectively during the pandemic.

§ Third Downs : As a manageable third down keeps the ball moving forward towards scoring a touchdown, finding a way to consistently work towards a goal like online learning or staying fit can help keep us keep close to achieving our target while keeping us motivated.

§ Turnovers: As turnovers cost our team scoring opportunity and as a result the game, its important in workplace or personal life to not turn over the ownership to someone else

for our responsibilities. In business environment look for opportunities to collaborate and come to a balanced approach to achieve the goal without creating a turn-over.

§ Timeouts: With the pandemic situation lasting for more than six months and counting there is a lot of fatigue, anxiety around us. Everyone is bit tired and really need some time to decompress. So, it is important to take a timeout and then regroup towards achieving our task either as a team or as an individual.

In this instance we are all on the same team and these offense tactics would help us achieve our goals against external situations like Pandemic.


Artist – S. G. Apte [email protected] +91 98220 13006


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Ethical experiences of members

– Abhay Kale (16th Sep’20) [email protected] 9850839895

These incidences are from the days of

lockdown that was enforced on us all, due to

the pandemic created by the virus that was

first spotted in China.

In my family, we have a practice of performing

a specific pooja in the month of Vaishakh.

There is one Guruji, who has been associated

with us for years, for all such rituals. This year

we could not do the pooja, due to the

lockdown. And then I realized, that the Guruji

(and his co-professionals) who had no other

source for income, must be facing a challenge

due to the lockdown. So, I called him to tell

that we need to postpone the pooja till the

situation changes for the better. Further, I

suggested that I can do bank transfer, in the

meantime. However, he firmly declined that

suggestion and said that he will only accept the

money after the pooja is performed.

I had similar experience with my barber as well.

He told me that he has managed to return to

his hometown and declined to accept any


[ ** This is a new column. Special request –

We request all BEF members to share their

personal experiences or observations in Ethical

Behaviour in REAL life ] - Editor

Did You know?

✨ शदु्धीकरणाचे ११ प्रकार ✨

१. शरीर शुद्ध होते, पाणी आणण व्यायामामुळे !

२. श्वसन शुद्ध होते, प्राणायाम केल्यामुळे !

३. मन शुद्ध होते, ध्यान आणण प्रार्थनेमुळे !

४. ववद्वत्ता अधिक शुद्ध होते, ज्ञानामुळे !

५.स्मरणशक्ती शुद्ध होते, धचिंतन आणण मननामुळे !

६. अहिंभाव शुद्ध होतो, सेवा केल्यामुळे !

७. "स्वभाव" शुद्ध होतो, मौनामुळे !

८. अन्न शुद्ध होते, श्लोक म्हिंटल्यामुळे !

९. सिंपत्तीचिं शुद्धीकरण होतिं, दान केल्यामुळे !

१०. भावनािंचे शुद्धीकरण होते, पे्रमामुळे !

११. शेवटी अिंतःकरण शुद्धीकरण होतिं, सद्गुरुकृपेने !

Book reviews During the month of Sept 20, Dr S B Bapat shared with all of us excellent book reviews. Any of us, if has missed those learning opportunities or who have no time to read these books in full, may still contact Madhuri [ +91 97644 61567, 020-24533931 ]

to get those messages again.

1. Breakout Nations

2. आत्मानंद – एक विचार

3. स्िभािाला औिध असते

4. The new pioneers 5. Winning

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Business Ethics Foundation – Management Digest – October 2020 - Issue 77


तेथे कर माझे जुळती !

असं म्हणतात...जन्म देणाऱ्या पेक्षा .."जीिनदान" देणारा अधधक शे्रष्ठ असतो...याच उततीचा प्रत्यय सद्य क्स्थतीत येतोय..."कोरोना" या जागततक महामारीने 'गरीबापासून' 'श्रीमंतांपयतं' सगळयांना एकाच पतंतीत आणून बसिले. पण यात काही असे अिसलया असतात कक जे आपली माणसू म्हणून समाजाला काही देणं लागतो ही भूसमका बजाित असतात. ते म्हणजे....अनोळखी व्यततीसाठी आपल्या शरीरातील काही " अंश " दसुऱ्यासाठी अपयण करणारे "रततदात"े आणण "प्लेटलेटदात"े ते क्जतकं उपयतुत तततकेच "प्लेटलेटदान" ही आपल्या आयषु्याचा एक अविभाज्य भाग असं समजून तनरपेक्ष आयषु्य जगणारा "मससहा" आहे ....निीन पनिेल मधील रदहिासी "श्रीराम जोशी". प्लेटलेट म्हणजे नेमकं काय ?आधी हे जाणूया .... प्लेटलेट च ंमहत्ि...सामान्यतः मानिी शरीरात ददड लाख ते साडेचार लाख प्लेटलेट्स आढळतात. प्लेटलेट ची संख्या िाढल्यास रतताची गठुळी होऊन रततप्रिाहाला अडथळा तनमायण होतो. यातूनच हृदयरोग, स्रोक यांसारख ेआजार होतात. हातापायांच्या रततिादहन्यामंध्ये रततप्रिाहास अडथळा तनमायण झाल्याने तो भाग बधधर होऊन तनकामी होण्याची शतयता अधधक असते. सशिाय प्लेटलेटसची संख्या कमी झाल्यास रततस्त्राि अधधक प्रमाणात होतो.

अशा या महत्िपणूय अशंाला आपल्या शरीरातून िेगळे करून इतराचंा जीि िाचिणे हा ध्यास घेउन श्रीराम जोशी"यांनी तब्बल 146 िेळा प्लेटलेट दान करून एक "अनोखा आदशय" समाजापढेु ठेिला आहे. ही त्यांची दात्याची शृंखला िारसा हतकाने त्यांना समळाली आहे. श्रीराम जोशी यांचे िडील श्री सधचदं्र जोशी यांनी त्यांच्या ियाच्या 19 व्या ििांपासून खूप िेळा तनयसमत पणे 'रततदान आणण 'प्लेटलेटदान' केले आहे. भारतात वपता-पतु्र यांच्या द्िारे प्लेटलेट दान हा योगायोग तरुळक आढळतो. पण निीन पनिेल ची ही जोडी अपिाद ठरली आहे आणण ही सेिा सुरु आहे. प्लेटलेट डोनेशन प्रकिया कशी असते यािर श्रीराम जोशी यांनी मादहती देतांना सांधगतले की, प्लेटलेट हे 'एरे्फररससस' नािाने ओळखले जाते. ते आपल्या रततात वपिळया रंगाचे असतात. ज्याला िदै्यकीय भािेत 'सलक्तिड गोल्ड' असेही म्हणतात. प्लेटलेट घेण्यासाठी आधी रतत घेतले जाते. त्यानतंर एका मसशनद्िारे त्यातून प्लेटलेट िेगळे करून ते रतत परत आपल्या शरीरात सोडले जाते. ककय रोग, डेंग्य ूया सारख्या आजारािर प्लेटलेट अततशय उपयतुत ठरते. पण िेळप्रसंगी त ेशतय होत नसल्याने अनेकांना धािपळ करािी लागते. ही अडचण लक्षात घेऊन प्लेटलेट दान करण्याचा ध्यास यांनी घेतला आणण तो तनत्य तनयमाने सुरु आहे. काही रुग्णाना अथिा कुटंुबबयांना खाजगी रुग्णालयात पेशींसाठी अिाजिी ककंमत मोजािी लागते. हे प्रत्येकाला परिडत नसल्याने, अशा िेळी हे प्लेटलेट दान जास्तच उपयतुत ठरते. िदै्यकीय सल्ल्यानसुार मदहन्यातून जास्तीत जास्त दोनदा हे दान आपण करू शकतो. त्या आधी काही िदै्यकीय चाचण्या मात्र अतनिायय आहेत. काहीही शारीररक धोका नसल्याने, भविष्यात तरुण वपढीने यात उत्साहाने सहभागी होऊन गरजितंाचंा जीि िाचिािा ही इच्छा श्रीराम जोशी यांनी व्यतत केली. त्यांना अनेक शुभेच्छा. या त्यांच्या सेिेची शृंखला अधधक मोठी करण्यास इच्छुक असणाऱ्यांनी खालील िमाकंािर त्यांच्याशी संपकय साधािा....श्रीराम जोशी , 98192 09119.

Page 13: Business Ethics Foundation Management Digest October 2020

Business Ethics Foundation – Management Digest – October 2020 - Issue 77


Poem सूययकांत िदै्य, पणेु [ प्रततथयश किी ], २८.५.२०२०

सरेल सारी व्याधी : अपलु्यासंगे जीिक्जिाण ूसगेसोयरे आले

िाटा कादढत,जागा शोधधत इथेततथे क्स्थर झाले

सषृ्टी तुमची त्याचंी सुद्धा िरै कशाला धरता मैत्र जपत संपन्न करािी आपलुी जीिनगाथा

भयरातीचें उधाणिारे झेलुन अंगािरती क्स्थतप्रज्ञ सशखराचें पियत, िकृ्षदह तनश्चल असती अतनबधं िागणे थांबले काही काळापरुत े

'कळाशनू्य, रसहीन विश्ि हे' असे उगा िाटत े

'डोकािनु आपल्यात आपणा बघण्याची ही सधंी' असे माननुी पढुती जाता सरेल सारी व्याधी

- Forwarded By - Vishwas Datye

Points to ponder

Photograph of the month Sheer Innocence !

Arttist – Unknown Contribution by - Vishwas Datye

Quiz of the month

Page 14: Business Ethics Foundation Management Digest October 2020

Business Ethics Foundation – Management Digest – October 2020 - Issue 77


Lighter moments

Source: Social Media

Compiled by - Vishwas Datye

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Looking forward to your feedback

- Vishwas Datye [Editor]

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