Focus on Russia Business coachingiBusiness culture with Focus on Russia Russian team leader Lulia Balykova - Human House BA in Psychology, Aarhus University Born in Kazakhstan Grown up in Moscow, Russia Experience from Russia and Denmark Email: [email protected] Tel: +45 7010 9080 Mob: +45 2945 4025 Service area: Business culture understanding Intercultural cooperation Negotiation and conflict resolution International leadership development Organization and strategy analysis Team building and development Company culture export i i i i i i i Special offer: Human House A/S Tel. + 45 70 10 90 80 www.humanhouse.com Russian Headline ’The WTO membership gives the opportunity to defend our interests in a civilized and legal way.’ Prime Minister Vladimir Putin during the report to the State Duma on government performance in 2011.

Business Coaching_Business Culture with focus on Russia

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Business culture understanding, Intercultural cooperation, Company culture export

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Business coachingiBusiness culturewith Focus on Russia

Russian team leaderLulia Balykova - Human House • BA in Psychology, Aarhus University• Born in Kazakhstan• Grown up in Moscow, Russia• Experience from Russia and Denmark

Email: [email protected]: +45 7010 9080Mob: +45 2945 4025

Service area: Business culture understanding

Intercultural cooperation


International leadership development Organization and strategy analysis

Team building and development

Company culture export








Special offer:

Human House A/S Tel. + 45 70 10 90 80 • www.humanhouse.com

Russian Headline

’The WTO membership gives the opportunity to defend our interests in a civilized and legal way.’

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin during the report to the State Duma on government performance in 2011.

Page 2: Business Coaching_Business Culture with focus on Russia

Working with RussiaMoving into Russia

Human House A/S Tel. + 45 70 10 90 80 • www.humanhouse.com

Working with RussiaInternational management groups and cross-cultural teams with focus on Russia

To ensure efficient cooperation in Russian/European teams and management groups.

Building teams and helping management groups to work together across individuals, nations and cultu-res. Many mergers, acquisitions and projects are only truly successful when ’Due Diligence’ team members have cooperated and understood one another, and when the newly constructed management group deli-versefficientandtrustworthycooperation.

Process facilitation in international cooperation and professionaltroubleshootingisthereforeaprofitableexercise.

Cultural Training with focus on Russia- a MUST when cooperating with Russians

Focus on intercultural challenges in the job and give participants some useful techniques and tools that canhelpthembemoreefficient–andavoidmisun-derstandings.

Intercultural challenges concerning subjects, habits, behaviours and pitfalls materialise when you coope-rate with or work in an environment which differs from your own native country and where people have other backgrounds than yours.

Sales, negotiation, management and communication with focus on Russia

When sales training, communication training, ma-nagementornegotiationskills–oracombinationofthemall–aretoworkinaRussiansetting,itisimpor-tanttotakespecificdifferencesandsubtleparameters into account.

Human House is a recognised expert in sales, nego-tiation, communication, management, stress handling and delegation. With this course we add necessary international and cultural dimensions totraditional techniques.

Conflict resolution between races, cultures, religions and people

To strengthen the manager’s ability to prevent and solveconflictswhereculture,psychologyandchemi-stry are in play in Russia.


Conflict resolution represents a real challenge formanymanagers.Andconflictresolutioninorganisa-tions with different nationalities, races, cultures and religions increases this challenge even further.

‘Meet the Danes’

- cooperation with Danes for foreigners*

*) Can be adjusted to Scandinavians and other Euro-peans

As a foreigner cooperating with Denmark it can be difficult to understand Danish values and norms.Seen from the outside you meet irony, sarcasm, lack of respect for organisations, titles and culture.

For foreign owners, who have to make an acquisition successful, or for employees and colleagues, who for example are under Danish management in an out-sourced production, it is a culture with very few visible rules and many invisible rules.

Written report on a specific country or sales region

Many companies acquire a brief report on business and cooperation conditions of a country or region they are planning to establish contacts with.

The report is neither a tourist guide nor a descrip-tion of country facts, which can be obtained from the country’s embassy or from the Foreign Ministry. On the contrary it is a targeted description covering basic characteristics of professional business and the co-operative environment in the region in question.

On request, the report can contain details of typical trades and industries, education levels and more.

Cultural exercises with focus on Russia

Human House has access to a number of games, tests and methods, which in an amusing and edu-cational way can be applied to illustrate international challenges and cultural differences. Including the world famous Culture in the Workplace Question-naire™. The basic idea is that you have to experience the clashing norms yourself to understand how others may feel.


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Human House’ international team - we know about culture