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BUS 303 Week 4 Quiz

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Which of the following does NOT apply to flextime, job sharing, and


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Student Answer: They are mandatory.   They are flexible work arrangements.   They

are voluntary benefits.   They can facilitate work-life balance. (The answer can be found in Chapter 9 of BUS 303: Human Resource Management, in the sections “Mandatory benefits” and “Work-life benefits and flexible work arrangements” These benefits are voluntary, flexible work arrangements that can facilitate work life balance.)

  Points Received: 1 of 1


______ may be offered to emp


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loyees for career development purposes, and they can be provi

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ded either on- or off-site. It can be in the form of workshops, cou

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rses offered by consultants, or classes offered by universitie

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Student Answer: Professional certification   On-the-job training   Formal education

Self-paced training (The answer can be found in Chapter 7 of BUS 303: Human Resource Management, in the section “Training delivery: Decisions about types of training” Formal education opportunities may be offered to employees for career development purposes, and they can be provided either on- or off-site. Formal education can be in the form of workshops, courses offered by consultants, or classes offered by universities.)

  Points Received: 1 of 1


Which of the following is LEAST likely to b


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e an example of social recruiting?

Student Answer: Monster.com   Twitter   LinkedIn   YouTube (The answer can be found in Chapter 10 of BUS 303: Human Resource Management, in the section “Technology and HRM” Social recruiting has taken many forms, such as the sourcing of candidates on such social networks as Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, and others.)

  Points Received: 1 of 1


In ______ pl


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ans, a managed care organization of doctors, hospitals, and oth

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er health care providers makes a covenant with an insurer to prov

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ide health care services to employees or members at reduced rat

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Student Answer: Preferred provider organization (PPO)   Defined benefit   Health

maintenance organization (HMO)   Defined contribution (The answer can be found in Chapter 9 of BUS 303: Human Resource Management, in the feature box “Benefits: A cost-benefit approach” A study of Fortune 500 companies introducing work-life initiatives has shown that simply announcing those initiatives was followed by a 0.39% increase in average share prices. )

  Points Received: 1 of 1


______ refers to expanding the collec


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tive capacities of organizational members to engage effectively

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in leadership roles and processes.

Student Answer: Upward mobility   Leadership development   Management training

Career development (The answer can be found in Chapter 7 of BUS 303: Human Resource Management, in the section “Leadership development and management training” Leadership development can be defined as expanding the collective capacities of organizational members to engage effectively in leadership roles and processes.)

  Points Received: 1 of 1




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ing to General Motors’s findings, how much money does an obese

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employee annually cost the company in health services?

Student Answer: Less than $1000   $1000 - $3000   $3000 - $5000   More than $5000 (The answer can be found in Chapter 9 of BUS 303: Human Resource Management, in the feature box “Benefits: A cost-benefit approach” General Motors has found that obesity costs the

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company an additional $1000 to $3000 per year per obese employee in health services, which add up to about $300 million in additional costs.)

  Points Received: 1 of 1


______ refers to a process that provides employees


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with opportunities to obtain the necessary knowledge, skills, an

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d abilities (KSAs) that enable them to perform their current jo

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b-related duties more effectively and responsibly.

Student Answer: Career advancement   Employee development   Succession planning

Employee training (The answer can be found in Chapter 7 of BUS 303: Human Resource Management, in the introductory section of the chapter.  Training is a process that provides employees with opportunities to obtain the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) that

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enable them to perform their current job-related duties more effectively and responsibly.)

  Points Received: 1 of 1


______ leaders can combine the best of many cultures w


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hile avoiding these cultures’ limitations and biases.

Student Answer: Ambicultural   Global   Ethnorelative   Conscientious (The answer can be found in Chapter 10 of BUS 303: Human Resource Management, in the section “Managing a global workforce from a distance” Ambicultural leaders can combine the best of many cultures while avoiding these cultures’ limitations and biases.)

  Points Received: 1 of 1

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Which of the following is NOT one of the HR metrics used to as


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sess and evaluate benefits programs? 

Student Answer: Benefits as a percentage of payroll   Benefits expenditures per full-time

equivalent   Earnings per share   Return on expenditures  (The answer can be found in Chapter 9 of BUS 303: Human Resource Management, in the section “Assessment” Various HR metrics can be used for assessing and evaluating benefits programs, including benefits as a percentage of payroll, benefits expenditures per full-time equivalent (FTE), benefits costs by employee group, and the return on expenditures, which can be applied on the different programs an employer offers.)

  Points Received: 1 of 1




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ch of the following laws is LEAST associated with determining compensation?

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Student Answer: National Labor Relations Act   Family and Medical Leave Act  

Fair Labor Standards Act   Equal Pay Act (The answer can be found in Chapter 8 of BUS 303: Human Resource Management, in the section “HR laws governing compensation” Two employment laws specifically address compensation: the Equal Pay Act, which prohibits pay differentials for equal jobs across genders; and the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which regulates the distinction between exempt and non-exempt employees. In addition, employers are not the only ones who determine compensation. Labor unions are often heavily involved in the process and have a major impact on designing pay plans. The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) gave employees the right to organize and engage in collective bargaining, through which compensation is usually determined.)

  Points Received: 1 of 1


Which of the following is NOT one of the mandatory


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Student Answer: Worker’s compensation   Social security   Severance pay  Jury duty leave (The answer can be found in Chapter 9 of BUS 303: Human Resource Management, in the section “Voluntary benefits” Severance pay is one of the voluntary benefits. All the other choices are mandatory benefits.)

  Points Received: 0 of 1


_____________ refers to status or power differe


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ntials between the leaders and employees.

Student Answer: Physical distance   Structural distance   Global distance  Psychological distance (The answer can be found in Chapter 10 of BUS 303: Human Resource Management, in the section “Managing a global workforce from a distance” Psychological or social distance refers to status or power differentials between the leaders and employees. )

  Points Received: 1 of 1


Which of the follo


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wing is NOT true about the current demographic trends in the workforce? 

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Student Answer: The number of women in the workforce today is almost equal to the number

of men.   70% of men reported that they would take a pay cut to spend more time with

family.   About 80% of couples have single income households.   One in three children is born to a single mother. (The answer can be found in Chapter 9 of BUS 303: Human Resource Management, in the section “Demographic trends: The changing needs of a diverse population” About 80% of couples are dual career earners, with women contributing on average almost half the family income. All the other statements are correct.)

  Points Received: 1 of 1


______ refers to distance between leaders and employe


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es due to centralization, departmentalization, and span of control

Student Answer: Physical distance   Structural distance   Social distance  Psychological distance (The answer can be found in Chapter 10 of BUS 303: Human Resource Management, in the section “Managing a global workforce from a distance” Structural distance is distance between leaders and employees due to centralization, departmentalization, and span of control.)

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  Points Received: 1 of 1


Which of the following is NOT one of the four health conditions that acc


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ount for the majority of healthcare costs? 

Student Answer: Cancer   HIV   Obesity   Diabetes    (The answer can be found in Chapter 9 of BUS 303: Human Resource Management, in the section “Monitoring costs” Four specific health conditions—cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity—have been recognized to account for 75% of healthcare costs.)

  Points Received: 1 of 1
