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To maintain good physical and mental health all adults should aim to be physically active

every day. Any activity is better than none, and more is better still. People who are

physically active are healthier, sleep better, manage stress better, have a better quality of

life and are less likely to be overweight. They are also less likely to suffer from diabetes,

cardiovascular disease, certain forms of cancer and falls.

Current guidelines and research recommend 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity

physical activity for all adults (such as walking, cycling and gardening), including activities

which improve muscle strength.

People who have a long-term pain condition find it very difficult to be physically active. The

idea of achieving the advised levels of physical activity can be daunting. It can be easier to

achieve by setting smaller, more achievable short-term goals and gradually increasing the

amount you are doing.

Initially the aim of physical activity is to increase movements, help achieve goals, become

more confident with movement, and to eventually improve fitness and physical health.

We find that increasing physical activity levels by the use of set amounts can be helpful. This

is simplest with repetitive activity that can be counted or timed and increased at a steady

rate. You might notice that when you start or increase activities that you get a bit more

pain. This does not mean that you are doing any harm. It is because you are challenging your

body more than normal.

If you have a large increase in your pain or any other unexpected symptoms after

performing physical activity it is recommended that you review your physical activity levels

and reduce the volume of activity if necessary. You can discuss any difficulties you have with

your Pain Specialist when you attend your next appointment.

This exercise circuit has been designed as it can easily be split into set amounts and

introduced if you have not been used to taking part in regular physical activity. The circuit

can be progressed at a steady rate.

Before completing the circuit we suggest that you pre-plan how many exercises and how

many repetitions of each exercise you are going to complete – this can be discussed with

your Pain Specialist.

When completing the circuit allow 60 seconds to complete repetitions for each exercise and

leave 60 seconds between each exercise.

It is your choice to use this circuit as your sole weekly physical activity or incorporate it with

other forms of physical activity (e.g. brisk walking, cycling, swimming, gym). The long-term

aim is to achieve the recommended levels of physical activity that can improve your quality

of life through changes in fitness, strength, endurance and flexibility.

Start position End position

2. Sit to stand


Sit in a chair and place your arms across your

chest. Slowly stand up and then sit down

without using your arms.

Repeat this for 60 seconds.

Start position End position

1. Bridging


Lie on your back with knees bent. Lift your

bottom up off the floor (the higher you lift the

more challenging the exercise will be). Slowly

lower your bottom down to the floor.

Repeat this for 60 seconds.

Start position End position

6. Step ups


Stand at the bottom of a step. Step your right leg

up, followed by the left, then step back down

again. Continue to step up and down,

alternating between stepping the left and right

leg first as you feel comfortable.

Repeat this for 60 seconds.

Start position End position

5. Pick up ball


Standing holding an item (such as a ball) with

both hands. Bend at your spine and hip to lower

the ball to the ground between your feet (or as

low as you can). Then straighten up and lift the

ball as far above your head as you can.

Repeat this for 60 seconds.

Start position End position


Stand holding an item (such as a ball) in front of

you or clasp your hands together. Keeping your

elbows as straight as possible turn your body as

far as you can to the right. Then turn your body

as far as you can to the left.

Repeat this for 60 seconds.

3. Trunk rotation

Start position End position

4. Reverse fly


Stand holding light weights in your hands. Bend

at your hip and knees to lean forwards slightly.

Lift your arms out to the sides, feeling a

squeeze between your shoulder blades. Slowly

relax back to the starting position.

Repeat this for 60 seconds.

Start position End position

8. Half lunge


In standing step one leg forward. Slightly bend

both knees to lower your body slowly towards

the ground. Straighten both knees to bring

yourself back into standing. Repeat but step the

opposite leg forward.

Repeat this for 60 seconds.

Start position End position

9. Kneeling press ups


Kneel on all fours. Slowly lower your chest

towards the floor by bending your elbows. Then

slowly rise up from the floor by straightening

your elbows.

Repeat this for 60 seconds.

Start position End position

10. Jogging on the spot


Jog on the spot, pushing your weight from one

leg to the other.

Repeat this for 60 seconds.

Start position End position

Lie on your back with your knees bent. Place

both hands on your thighs. Slowly raise your

head and shoulders off the floor and slide your

hands up your thighs. Slowly lower down again.

Repeat this for 60 seconds.


7. Abdominal crunch

Start position End position

12. Side stepping


Stand with your feet together using your arms

for balance. Step you right foot out to the side

then back to the middle. Then repeat side step

with your left foot.

Repeat this for 60 seconds.

Start position End position

11. Standing shoulder press


Standing holding light weights (such as cans of

beans or bottles of water) in front of your chest.

Lift the weights towards ceiling as high as you


Repeat this for 60 seconds.