Bull.lnd.Hist.Med Vol. XXVIII - 1998 pp 147 to 150 SOWN A SEED OF AYURVEDA IN THE NIZAM DOMINION K.VENKATA RAMA RAJU.* & VINOD KUMAR BHATNAGAR** ABSTRACT In the name CJf Trilinga Ayurveda Vidya Peetnarn a seed for Ayurveda with a school & free Ayurvedic dispensary along with a Sanskrit school was sowed at Warangal by some eminent devoted private practitioners of Ayurveda and Philanthrophisits. The city of Warangal is a historical place and cnce a capital of Kakatiya Kingdom, though it was part and parcel of Nizam dominion. In fact such steps taken by Private Organisations for establishment of Ayurvedic system of Medicine in Hyderabad and in Andhra region at Bejwada is appreciable. In the year 1920 a well known Ayurvedic Physician Sri Dantu Subbavadhani who was practising at 8ejawada (Vijayawada) came to Warangal with recommendation letter from Dr. Achanta Lakshmi Pathi and Ayyadevara Kaleshwar Rao a pioneer of Andhra, addressed to Madiraju Ramakoteshwara Rao, who was a politician, popular social worker, famous lawyer for the purpose of propagating Ayurveda and to establish a free Ayurveda dispensary and school in Nizam state at Warangal. Madiraju Rama Koteshwara Rao and Dantu Subbavadhani approached a famous local doctor Shivalenka Ramalingam, as establishment of such Public institutions require financial assistance from the local philanthrophists. They persueded the matter with Toomu Rangaiah a prominent local lawyer and Rai Jagmohan Lal the then collector for their advise to run these institutions purely on public donations. At last they decided to collect one ana for a loaded cart of food grains which came to market from the villages. With this source of income they decided to run one free Ayurvedic dispensary, and Ayurvedic school along with Sanskrit school as well. In view of this they contacted business community which included not only Andhras but Kachchis, Gujaratis, Marwadies also in in between 5 pm. to 8 pm. from h:'1umakonda to Warangal. They also sug9, -stec steps to be taken for running of a Go_~la along with their noble work, Within two months they met 'bout fifty business people and has taken t'l€;r * Retired Professor, Govt. Ayurvedic College, Hyderabad. H.No. 4-3-429, Gulbagh, Behind Indian Overseas Bank, Troop Bazar, Hyderabad - 500 001. •• Asst. Research Officer, Indian Institute of History of Medicine (CCRAS) O.M.C. Buildings, Putlibowli, Hyderabad - 500 195. (India).

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Page 1: Bull.lnd.Hist.Med Vol. XXVIII - pp SOWN ASEED OF ...ccras.nic.in/sites/default/files/viewpdf/jimh/BIIHM_1998...Bull.lnd.Hist.Med Vol. XXVIII - 1998 pp 147 to 150 SOWN ASEED OF AYURVEDA

Bull.lnd.Hist.Med Vol. XXVIII - 1998 pp 147 to 150




In the name CJf Trilinga Ayurveda Vidya Peetnarn a seed for Ayurvedawith a school & free Ayurvedic dispensary along with a Sanskrit schoolwas sowed at Warangal by some eminent devoted private practitioners ofAyurveda and Philanthrophisits. The city of Warangal is a historical placeand cnce a capital of Kakatiya Kingdom, though it was part and parcel ofNizam dominion. In fact such steps taken by Private Organisations forestablishment of Ayurvedic system of Medicine in Hyderabad and in Andhraregion at Bejwada is appreciable.

In the year 1920 a well knownAyurvedic Physician Sri DantuSubbavadhani who was practising at8ejawada (Vijayawada) came toWarangal with recommendation letterfrom Dr. Achanta Lakshmi Pathi andAyyadevara Kaleshwar Rao a pioneer ofAndhra, addressed to MadirajuRamakoteshwara Rao, who was apolitician, popular social worker, famouslawyer for the purpose of propagatingAyurveda and to establish a freeAyurveda dispensary and school in Nizamstate at Warangal. Madiraju RamaKoteshwara Rao and DantuSubbavadhani approached a famous localdoctor Shivalenka Ramalingam, asestablishment of such Public institutionsrequire financial assistance from the localphilanthrophists. They persueded the

matter with Toomu Rangaiah a prominentlocal lawyer and Rai Jagmohan Lal thethen collector for their advise to run theseinstitutions purely on public donations.At last they decided to collect one anafor a loaded cart of food grains whichcame to market from the villages. Withthis source of income they decided torun one free Ayurvedic dispensary, andAyurvedic school along with Sanskritschool as well. In view of this theycontacted business community whichincluded not only Andhras but Kachchis,Gujaratis, Marwadies also in in between5 pm. to 8 pm. from h:'1umakonda toWarangal. They also sug9, -stec stepsto be taken for running of a Go_~la alongwith their noble work,

Within two months they met 'boutfifty business people and has taken t'l€;r

* Retired Professor, Govt. Ayurvedic College, Hyderabad.H.No. 4-3-429, Gulbagh, Behind Indian Overseas Bank, Troop Bazar, Hyderabad - 500 001.

•• Asst. Research Officer, Indian Institute of History of Medicine (CCRAS) O.M.C. Buildings,Putlibowli, Hyderabad - 500 195. (India).

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written consent on this issue and beganto pursue the matter with the Governmentpermission, as required for such mattersfrom the Babe Hukumat i.e. Cabinetcommittee. Dr. Achanta Lakshmipathigave suggestions regarding thenecessary method of operations in thisconnection. It can be said that thus theorganisation became strong with the co-operation of the business community. Itwas named as Trilinga AyurvedaVidyapeetham. Under which, one SankritPatha Shala, one free Ayurvedicdispensary one Ayurvedic Pharmacy andGoraksha Shala are to be established inthis connection a committee was formedwith following members to manage theseinstitutions:

Sri Aakarapu Chennaiah Garu(President) Sri Garimella Venkaiah Garu(Vice President), Sri Madiraju RamaKoteshwara Rao (General Secretary). SriDantu Subbavadhani (Secretary forpreparing Medicine) Sri Toomu Rangaiah(Secretary, for Trust) Sri KamisettiLingaiah (Secretary for Finance), SriNarayan Dasji (Goraksha shala), SriSripada Krishna Murthy was appointedas a physician in the free Ayurvedicdispensary and preparation of medicineon a salary of Rs. 75/- p.m. SriMudigonda China VeeraBhadraih wasalso to co-operate as a physician in thefree Ayurvedic dispensary. For SanskritSchool Sri Khandavalli RamakrishnaShastry was appointed as a teacher. Theincome and expenditure as a teacher.The income and expenditure was

Bull.lnd.lnst.Hist,Med. Vol. XXVIII - 1998

RS.600/- p.m. Sri Dantu Subbavadhanialong with his brother Ramaiah settleddown at Warangal and started theirprivate clinic on which they earnedRS.200/- to Rs. 300 p.m.Starting of Free Ayurvedic dispensary

To run free Ayurvedic dispensary ahouse of Dinshah Dada Bhai was takenon rent near railway station. Dailyaverage strength of patients was fortyand fifty. Ten months passed smoothly,and after that some differences arosebetween two members Dr.Ramalingamand Dantu Subbavadhani on professionalmatters. A difference of opinion occurredrelating to the Media of instruction ofAyurveda. The contention of DantuSubbavadhani was that the Ayurvedashould be taught in Sanskrit, whereas Dr.Ramalingam was in favour ofTelugu. Theworking committee has been called forto discuss this matter. All of suddensupplementary issue of Andhra Patrikawas placed before working committee inwhich a statement was made to the effectthat the media of of teaching in TrilingaAyurveda Vidya Peetha would be inSanskrit. The course being five yearsduration for "Acharya", and four years for"Teertha" and three years for "Visharadha"respectively. These copies have beensupplied to all working committeemembers without Signature of theGeneral Secretary. Then the GeneralSecretary questioned on behalf of thecommittee.

Starting of free Ayurvedic dispensarywithout knowledge and approval of

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Sown Seed Of Ayurveda - Raju & Vinod

working committee and without Signatureof the General secretary the statementwas released to the Press DantuSubbavadhani's reply was that thestatement was issued on his ownpersonal responsibility. All the workingcommittee members were not satisfiedwith this reply and were displeased withthe attitude of Subbavadhani. All possibleefforts made to compromise on this issuewere in vain. To resolve the matterDr.Lakshmipathi was invited. He advisedthem that. the media of instruction canbe in two languages i.e. Telugu andSanskrit. Madiraju Rarna KoteshwaraRao has invited many Ayurvedic scholarssuch as, Mulugu Ramalingam GaruPritvibhayanka Krishnamacharyulu Garuof Bezwada, and Korukonda BhattaPerumallu Charuyulu Garu, fromGosaveedu were among them. In thismeeting Pritvibhayanka KrishnamaCharyulu Garu, Perumallu AcharyuluGaru and others, like Jangam Pandit, alocal physician participated for advise andconsultation. Subbavadhani and Dr.Rama Lingam also invited to participatein it. This meeting was held for four tofive days and it prepared the syllabus onthe base of Andhra region. All theminutes of the meeting noted down byMadiraju Ramakoteshwar Rao himself thecourse was probably named as VIDWAN.But Avadhani was adamant on his ownstand and began to propagate against thecommittee. Under these circumstances


committee felt it difficult to run itsactivities further. At last Sri MadirajuRamaKoteshwara Rao resigned from thepost of Secretary while Dr. Ramalingmaalso relinquished his position from theCommittee. When these founder andactive members quit their respectiveposts, then Sri Toomu Rangaiah alsofollowed the same. The workingcommittee accepted their resignationswithout realising further consequencies.The President and Vice President werethe business men who cared very littlefor the same. In fact it is not possible tocarryon this activity without the help ofactive and devoted persons. On therequest of Avadhani, Sri UdayarajuVenkateshwara Rao was appointed bythe committee as it's Secretary, in placeof Madiraju Ramakoteshwara Rao. Withthe result of this the Movement had dieddown, as no member of the workingcommittee had taken pains to collectfunds from the loaded carts food grainsthrough commission agent as was donepreviously or funds might have beenmisused by the management.Meanwhile the Collector of the Districtwas also transferred to another place.These circumstances make them unableto pay salaries to Sri Rama KrishnaSastry and Sripada Krishna Murthy whowere teachers & Vaids of the dispensary.At last in such a miserable conditionAyurveda Trilinga Vidyapeetham wasnipped in the bud at its earlist age.

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150 Bull. Ind. Inst. Hist. Med. VfJl.XXVIII - 1998

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