Published 9 times yearly, Publication Mail Agreement #4005104 In this Issue: Coming Events … pages 2 & 3 Junior Field Naturalists … page 3 Trip Report: PFN Outing to Presqu’ile Provincial Park on October 14 th by Jerry Ball… page 4 Recipients of PFN Awards at the Regional Science Fair… page 5 Bird Lovers – Forecast for Coming this Coming Winter by June Hitchcox … page 6 PFN Director Listing … page 6 News from the Web (peterboroughnature.org) by Chris Gooderham… page 7 Orchid Diary … pages 8 - 10 Member Photos ... page 10 Membership Form … page 12 Bulletin of the Peterborough Field Naturalists “Know Appreciate Conserve Nature In All Its Forms” Volume 58, Number 8 – November 2012 www.peterboroughnature.org White-breasted Nuthatch flying away with a seed from the feeders maintained by the Peterborough Field Naturalists in Ecology Park. The photo, taken by Lance Armstrong, was printed in Peterborough This Week last spring. Welcome New Members! Dave Milsom Kim Clark © Lance Anderson / Peterborough This Week Check out Page 11 to order your copy of Nature in the Kawarthas now!

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Page 1: Bulletin of the Peterborough Field Naturalists · - Page 3 - The Orchid, Volume 58, Number 8, November 2012 Junior Field Naturalists Nature Songs and Puppets @ Camp Kawartha Environment

Published 9 times yearly, Publication Mail Agreement #4005104

In this Issue: Coming Events … pages 2 & 3

Junior Field Naturalists … page 3

Trip Report: PFN Outing to Presqu’ile Provincial Park on October 14th by Jerry Ball… page 4

Recipients of PFN Awards at the Regional Science Fair… page 5

Bird Lovers – Forecast for Coming this Coming Winter by June Hitchcox … page 6 PFN Director Listing … page 6

News from the Web (peterboroughnature.org) by Chris Gooderham… page 7

Orchid Diary … pages 8 - 10

Member Photos ... page 10 Membership Form … page 12

Bulletin of the Peterborough Field Naturalists “Know ♦ Appreciate ♦ Conserve Nature In All Its Forms”

Volume 58, Number 8 – November 2012 www.peterboroughnature.org

White-breasted Nuthatch flying away with a seed from the feeders maintained by the Peterborough Field Naturalists in Ecology Park. The photo, taken by Lance Armstrong, was printed in Peterborough This Week last spring.

Welcome New Members! Dave Milsom

Kim Clark

© Lance Anderson / Peterborough This Week

Check out Page 11 to order your

copy of Nature in the Kawarthas


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The Orchid, Volume 58, Number 8, November 2012

Coming Events Wednesday

November 14th

7:30 p.m.

Ptbo Library

PFN Monthly Meeting: “Windmills & White-nosed Syndrome” Did you know that 2011-2012 has been declared the Year of the Bat? Paul Elliot will discuss some of the threats that are leading to declines in bat populations, including the latest research on the devastating fungal infection responsible for White Nose Syndrome and the toll taken by wind turbines.

Sunday November 25th

1:00 p.m.

Wave Riders of Rice Lake Join Martin Parker on a trip along the north shore of Rice Lake to look for some of the later migrating waterfowl and other birds which are migrating through. We will look for rafts of diving ducks such as Greater Scaup, Common Goldeneye, Bufflehead and others. Meet at 1:00 p.m. at the Tim Horton’s in the Sobey’s/Canadian Tire Plaza on Lansdowne Street West. Bring binoculars, a telescope if you have one and clothes suitable for the weather forecast for the day. The trip will last until late afternoon.

Sunday December 2nd

6:00 a.m.

Bird Watching Trip to the Niagara Region The Niagara gorge is renowned as an overwintering site for a great diversity of North American gulls, including many rarities. This all day trip will explore the area where, on previous occasions, a remarkable range of gulls and other species have been recorded by club members. Meet Tony Bigg in the parking lot of Canadian Tire/Sobey’s on Landsdowne Street West for an early start. There will be an opportunity to carpool. Bring binoculars, layers of warm clothes, a picnic lunch and drinks. There will be comfort stops at Tim Horton’s on-route. Leader: Tony Bigg, 705-652-7541 or [email protected]

Wednesday December 12th

7:30 p.m.

Ptbo Library

PFN Monthly Meeting: “Members' Slide Show” The December member’s’ slideshow is an annual PFN tradition. Have some photos from a trip, natural event, or wildlife encounter that you’d like to “show and tell”? Contact Gina (gina.varrin at gmail.com, 705-761-7787).

Saturday December 22nd

Petroglyphs Christmas Bird Count The annual Petroglyphs CBC will be coordinated by Colin Jones this year (thanks to Tony Bigg for all of his work organizing this event over the years!) Anyone wishing to participate should contact Colin at [email protected]

Wednesday February 13th

7:30 p.m.

Ptbo Library

PFN Monthly Meeting: “Nature’s Year” Join local author and Examiner columnist Drew Monkman for a "trip through the year" highlighting the main events happening in nature each month in the Kawarthas. Drew will also highlight species at risk, a few newcomers to our area and some of the potential impacts of climate change.

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The Orchid, Volume 58, Number 8, November 2012

Junior Field Naturalists

Nature Songs and Puppets @ Camp Kawartha Environment Centre

When: Sunday, November 18th, 1:45 p.m. October's outing saw us making string from milkweed, feeding chick-a-dees, watching a marsh hawk and playing multiple variations of predator /prey games at Miller Creek. Thanks to everyone for coming out. This month the Junior Naturalists are going to meet at the Camp Kawartha Environment Centre where our good friend Glen Caradus is going to join us for some nature based songs and puppetry. He is a fantastic musician and puppeteer who will also teach us about the natural world and what we can do to help out. The Environment Centre is located along Pioneer Roadd at Trent University. See you then...Neil

Club Members Welcome!

Ontario Nature is holding their Lake Ontario North Regional Meeting! DATE: Saturday November 10, 2012 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. LOCATION: Toronto Zoo; 361A Old Finch Ave, Toronto HOSTS: Toronto Entomologist Association Enjoy a day of networking and meeting members from other clubs. Learn about the Rouge Park Bioblitz, the largest bioblitz in Canadian history. Discover how Ontario Nature has been working with Durham Region municipalities on the

Aggregate issues. Experience the Toronto Zoo monorail trail hike. Bring a lunch and mug/snacks are provided.

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The Orchid, Volume 58, Number 8, November 2012

Trip Report: Sunday October 14th Outing to Presqu’ile Provincial Park & Area -Jerry Ball Thirteen people left from Peterborough and drove to Presqu'ile Provincial Park. We birded on the way there stopping several times in the rain to watch birds. The rain stopped just before Brighton but we ran into fog for most of the morning preventing us from seeing some birds in the Finishing Ponds, Brighton sewage lagoon, and further out into the lake at Gosport. Even so, as a group, we managed to find the following birds (total – 86 species): Common Loon Pied-billed Grebe Horned Grebe Red-necked Grebe Double-crested Cormorant Great Blue Heron Canada Goose Mute Swan Trumpeter Swan Wood Duck American Wigeon American Black Duck Mallard Green-winged Teal Redhead Greater Scaup Lesser Scaup Surf Scoter White-winged Scoter Bufflehead Common Goldeneye Hooded Merganser Common Merganser Red-breasted Merganser Bald Eagle Northern Harrier Cooper's Hawk Red-tailed Hawk Merlin Peregrine Falcon Ruffed Grouse American Coot Black-bellied Plover Killdeer Sanderling White-rumped Sandpiper Baird's Sandpiper Dunlin

Bonaparte's Gull Ring-billed Gull Herring Gull Great Black-backed Gull Rock Dove Mourning Dove Great Horned Owl Belted Kingfisher Red-bellied Woodpecker Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Downy Woodpecker Hairy Woodpecker Northern Flicker Pileated Woodpecker Eastern Phoebe Blue Jay American Crow Black-capped Chickadee Red=breasted Nuthatch White-breasted Nuthatch Brown Creeper Winter Wren Marsh Wren Golden-crowned Kinglet

Ruby-crowned Kinglet Hermit Thrush American Robin European Starling American Pipit Orange-crowned Sparrow Yellow-rumped Warbler Palm Warbler Eastern Towhee American Tree Sparrow Song Sparrow Lincoln's Sparrow Swamp Sparrow White-throated Sparrow White-crowned Sparrow Dark-eyed Junco Northern Cardinal Red-winged Blackbird Rusty Blackbird Common Grackle Brown-headed Cowbird House Finch Pine Siskin American Goldfinch

Looking towards Gull Island from Owens Point, Presqu’ile Provincial Park,

Northumberland County, 14 October, 2012. Photo by Martin Parker.

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The Orchid, Volume 58, Number 8, November 2012

Recipients of PFN Awards at the Regional Science Fair -compiled by Martin Parker Each year the Peterborough Field Naturalists provides four awards the annual Peterborough Regional Science Fair. The PFN awards are for students in the elementary grades and recognizes their efforts in exploring science. The response from the four PFN award winners from the 20012 Fair follow: "I want to thank-you for the lovely gift you donated. I won 2nd prize from the Peterborough Field Naturalists."...Clarissa B. "I want to thank you for your generous donation to the Peterborough Regional Science Fair 2012. It was an amazing experience to be part of the 200+ kids participating presenting science experiments at Trent University. It was even more memorable winning two prizes and getting to walk across the stage. Your gift from the Peterborough Field Naturalists recognising my hard work, on absorption of oil spills, made the day even more special. Thank you again for your donation." ...Grace T., Grade 4 "Hello, my name is Avery and at the 2012 Peterborough Regional Science Fair I won one of the junior field naturalists awards with my project 'Where the Butterflies Roam'. Thank you very much for the award, I really appreciate it. It was very generous of you! Thanks again." ...Avery D. "Thank you for donating to the Peterborough Regional Science Fair. With people like you donating to such events it allows hundreds of bright young minds to express their ideas and observations that share the common goal of advancing the world of science.This year I was honored to represent Peterborough on both a regional and national scale with my project on finding a more environmentally friendly road salt. I want to thank you once again for donating because by making your contribution to the event you have helped me achieve my goals and succeed far beyond what I would have been able to without an event such as the science fair." ...Laurence E.

Deer mouse nest, Gull Island, Presqu’ile Provincial Park, Northumberland County, 14 October, 2012. Photo by Martin Parker.

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The Orchid, Volume 58, Number 8, November 2012

Birds Lovers – Here is the Forecast for this Coming Winter -by June Hitchcox, courtesy of the Apsley voice Birds must have food to survive. In the winter, if the food eaten by a certain species has had a poor crop where they are located after breeding season, they must seek food elsewhere. Some fly south until they find what they need; others may fly east or west. Here is the “Winter Finch Forecast” for 2012 -13 produced by Ron Pittaway, of Minden. Ron has a dedicated “army” of Birders, including staff of the Ministry of Natural Resources, who let him know where berry and seed crops are good or poor in Ontario. From this information, he is able to forecast where many species, mainly Finches, will be found this winter. Here is Ron’s forecast. It is expected that Southern Ontario will see: Pine Grosbeaks; Bohemian Waxwings (poor crop of northern Mountain Ash berries); Common Redpolls (poor crop of White Birch seeds);Hoary Redpolls from the Tundra; some Pine Siskins (others will fly east). Central Ontario: Evening Grosbeaks (northern poor crops in coniferous and hardwood trees); Bluejays (good red-acorn crop); Purple Finches will migrate through to the United States due to the poor cone crop; Red Crossbills will fly east or west for the same reason unless they find birdfeeders with sunflower seeds. We may see some Red-breasted Nuthatches although some will fly east. White-winged Crossbills, due to poor crops to the south of Spruce cones will stay in the Hudson Bay Lowlands. Some of all species always wander about – you may see a few of everything especially if you have well-stocked bird feeders – the birds will need them. Let’s see what this winter brings!

PFN Officers and Directors Other VolunteersPresident Martin Parker [email protected] 745-4750

Past-President John Bottomley [email protected] 742-1524 Bird Feeders Sean Smith & Don Finigan

Vice President, Program (indoor)

Gina Varrin [email protected] 761-7787

Orchid Diary Tony Bigg 652-7541

Secretary Emily Pettypiece [email protected] 750-1145 Orchid Mailout Bob Quinn

Treasurer Don Pettypiece [email protected] 750-1145 Jr. Naturalists Neil Fortin 292-6185

Membership Jim Young [email protected] 292-5444

Program (outdoor) Paul Elliott [email protected] 740-0501

Webmaster Chris Gooderham [email protected] 740-2081

Newsletter Editor Rebecca Zeran [email protected] 743-2660

FON Rep Lynn Smith [email protected] 944-5599

Special Publications

Kelly Boadway [email protected] 775-0756

Member at Large Sean Smith [email protected] 875-6178

October JFN Outing to Miller Creek Conservation Area, 21 October 2012. Photo by Neil Fortin.

PFN Outing to Herkimer Point, Hiawartha IR, Peterborough County, 7 October 2012. Photo by Martin Parker.

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The Orchid, Volume 58, Number 8, November 2012

The main event of the month was undoubtably the arrival of the magnificent stag Elk, enjoyed by many people for the five days it was on Duoro 5th Line near River Rd. Also of importance was the first sighting of a Black Vulture for the County by Patrick Hubert in Asphodel Township. The fall migration was in full swing with the arrival of numbers of Dark-eyed Juncos, Pine Siskins, various ducks and American Tree Sparrows.

Aug 30 A late notification, with photo, of a Trumpeter Swan on Jack Lake was made by Bob Clysdale Sept 22 Another late notification was of the sighting of Peterborough County's first ever Black Vulture by Patrick

Hubert in Asphodel Township.

Sept 28 Walking the rail trail between Cty Rd 38 and Villiers Line Tony Bigg and Jerry Ball found seven species of butterflies still around - 176 Clouded Sulphurs, one Common Ringlet, one Viceroy, one Red Admiral, six Orange Sulphurs, one Eastern Tailed-Blue, one Cabbage White. an American Woodcock flew out of the woods and landed on the trail in front of them. They also saw a Red-bellied Snake.

Sept 29 Sean Smith had a Dark-eyed Junco in his back yard near TA Stewart Secondary School. Oct 01 Between Meadowvale Park near TASS and Dunlop St Sean Smith observed single Nashville Warbler, Tennessee

Warbler, White-crowned Sparrow, Eastern Phoebe and a pair of Wood Ducks. At Lock #20 Ashburnham at Roger's Cove he had was a screaming Merlin and a flock of Pine Siskins. At Ecology Park there was a juvenile or female Scarlet Tanager (on ground), a Black-throated Green Warbler, an Eastern Phoebe and at least three Yellow-Bellied Sapsuckers.

Oct 02 Don Finigan flushed a Ruffed Grouse from the railing of his front porch in the north end of Peterborough

Oct 03 Toni Sinclair watched a Pine Martin in a tree from only ten feet, near 6' Bay Golf Course, Buckhorn. Drew Monkman watched a Peregrine Falcon harassing an Osprey over Aylmer Street in front of the Public Library

Oct 04 Luke Berg found a Four-toed Salamander on Coon Lake Rd north of Burleigh Falls. Ullrike Kullik reports that a huge bull Elk (later seen by many nearer Peterborough) caused traffic interruption on Highway 7 between Havelock and Marmora this evening. The Elk was 30 feet from the road in a farmer's field . He had a tag on one ear. Droves of people parked beside the highway and took pictures and videos. The bull was very quiet and not interested in all the attention payed to him.

Oct 05 A Blue-headed Vireo, a Nashville Warbler, and a few Purple Finches were seen by Sean Smith at the Ecology Park. A Monarch was still visiting wildflowers.

Oct 06 Drew Monkman reports a dozen or more Golden-crowned Kinglets were in their yard this morning with the arrival of a strong cold front. Lots of Brown Creepers moving through, too. Purple Finches are still at his feeder (about 12) and at least one of the immature males was starting to show a purple rump. At least a dozen mostly White-throated Sparrows and two or three White-crowned Sparrows are still there. They also had their first Dark-eyed Junco of the fall today. A fledgling Mourning Dove was in the driveway, hiding under the wheel of one of the cars. Tony Bigg saw a Monarch on the Bridgenorth-Hilliard trail. Two American Tree Sparrows have been visiting Barb Evett's bird feeder on her deck over last three days. As well, a flock of Yellow-rumped Warblers have been at her front window and in my front trees for a week feeding on the numerous Hackberry Gall Flies.

Oct 07 A visit to the Lakefield Sewage Lagoons by Luke Berg produced sightings of a Golden-crowned Kinglet, ten Yellow-rumped Warblers, four Redheads, four Ring-necked Ducks, two Wood Ducks, four Bufflehead, and two Bonaparte's Gulls. Mitch Brownstein had a Golden-crowned Kinglet sitting on a window ledge. He also had an Eastern Towhee under his backyard feeder among the White-crowned Sparrows, White-throated Sparrows, House Finches, and Purple Finches. Drew Monkman had a Winter Wren at the Trent Wildlife Sanctuary today, along with a Song Sparrow. At his feeder on Maple Crescent, he had a brief visit from six Pine Siskins.

Oct 08 Sue Paradisis' backyard in Ashburnham was very busy with eighteen species of bird seen. Included was a Ruby-crowned Kinglet, male and female Purple Finches, and her second Carolina Wren of the year. Alice Tucker reports that for the past seven days there has been a Trumpeter Swan in Hamilton Bay. This morning was the first time it ventured close to their shore. Her neighbour fed it bread and took a photo. It has yellow tags on both wings, J83.

The ORCHID DIARY for Sept 27 – Oct 28, 2012

Compiled by Tony Bigg, 652-7541, [email protected]

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The Orchid, Volume 58, Number 8, November 2012

Oct 09 On Little Lake, Sean Smith saw a Ring-necked Duck, a Lesser Scaup, and three Canvasbacks associating together. Nearby was a Pied-billed Grebe. He also had a Blue-headed Vireo at Meadowvale Park near TASSS and had two Swainson's Thrushes near London St. bridge/ near Ross St. eating Common Buckthorn berries.

Oct 11 Jake Fell had the bull Elk in his hay field on Asphodel 6th Line. Michael Gillespie had seven Eastern Bluebirds all taking a bath at once in their garden birdbath.

Oct 12 Sean Smith saw three Green-winged Teal, nine Bonaparte's Gulls, an American Black Duck, and the continuing Pied-billed Grebe on Little Lake. Also in Beavermead Park he saw a late American Redstart, a Northern Parula, both in with a flock of Yellow-rumped Warblers. In the Ecology Park were two or three Hermit Thrushes. A drake Wood Duck was in the creek, and Cedar Waxwings, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, White-crowned Sparrows, Pine Siskins and Purple Finches were in the area.

Oct 13 In the vicinity of Viamede Resort, on the north shore of Stony Lake, Martin Parker watched a Rough-legged Hawk fly over being harassed by a Common Raven. Peter Armstrong had a cold-riddled (-4o C) Osprey on the Indian River, by Rock Rd north of Warsaw.

Oct 16 Bart Young and his co-workers observed a Peregrine Falcon sitting on the top of the SW corner of Robinson Place(Provincial government building). It was plucking an unidentified bird. In the evening Luke Berg was walking his dogs along the rail trail section that runs north off Lily Lake Road just west of Stockdale Rd and saw a Rusty Blackbird, both Ruby-crowned and Golden-crowned Kinglets, Swamp Sparrows, and a Wilson's Snipe. There were also hundreds of Red-winged Blackbirds and Common Grackles. Whilst leaving the Lakefield Marsh area, six Tundra Swans flew over Tony Bigg, calling, as they headed towards the marsh.

Oct 17 This morning at 7:45am while walking to work, through Del Crary Park (beside Little Lake), Bart Young saw a male Long-tailed Duck, diving and foraging between the docks in the marina. On the riverside opposite the arena Tony Bigg had a good look at two American Tree Sparrows.

Oct 18 Luke Berg observed a late Osprey flying over Lake Katchewanooka just offshore from Lakefield College. Searching the Lakefield Sewage Lagoons Bill Crins counted two Gadwalls, three Mallards, one American Black Duck, ninety eight Lesser Scaups, sixteen Common Goldeneyes, twenty three Buffleheads, two White-winged Scoters, one Ruddy Duck, and one Hooded Merganser. The Long-tailed Duck was again seen near the Holiday Inn by Randy Smith. Two late Orange Sulphurs were seen by Tony Bigg, one beside the Lakefield Marsh and one in his garden.

Oct 19 At about 8:30 p.m. Kathy Parker spotted a Barred Owl on the fence on the east side of the Scobey's parking lot on Lansdowne Street West. The owl was perched on the fence, flew up to the lights, captured an insect and returned to the fence where it ate what it had captured. Kathy returned at about 9:00 p.m. with Jerry Ball and Martin Parker. The owl was relocated on a post with a neon light near the NE corner of the parking lot.

Oct 20 Don Sutherland saw a Nelson's Sparrow at the back end of the Lakefield Sewage lagoons.

Oct 21 The PFN outing this morning was lucky enough to find a magnificent stag Elk in the first open field on Duoro 8th Line just south of River Road. The Elk remained in the same field for five days and was seen by many people. From an ear tag #129 in his right ear he was identified by Rosatte, MNR scientist as an offspring of individuals released in the Bancroft area. Apparently he ahs been hanging out in the Peterborough area for the past two years or so and is often in the vicinity of cattle. Birds of note seen during the outing were two White-winged Scoters in the Lakefield sewage lagoons and Rusty Blackbirds at the marsh on University Rd. Luke Berg was walking his dogs at the Harold Town CA on Old Norwood Road (south side between Burnham and Drummond Lines) and saw two Sharp-shinned Hawks, a Barred Owl, four Common Ravens, one Wood Thrush, and about thirty Wild Turkeys. A Fox Sparrow and at least a dozen Pine Siskins were at Drew Monkman's feeder.

Oct 22 Scott McKinlay had about thirty Pine Siskins at his feeder in Cavan. Jane Philpott also reports large numbers of Pine Siskins as well as Dark-eyed Juncos and White-crowned Sparrows at her feeders at Kawartha Hideaway on Buckhorn Lake. Whilst watching the Elk, Luke Berg observed two Sandhill Cranes flying up from the adjacent corn field. Walking the rail trail between Cty Rd 38 and Villiers Rd Tony Bigg and Jerry Ball saw thirty eight bird species including Great Blue Heron, twenty four Wood Ducks, Green-winged Teal, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Ruffed Grouse, Wild Turkeys, Belted Kingfisher, Common Raven, Golden-crowned Kinglets, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Fox Sparrow, American Tree Sparrows, Swamp Sparrows, White-throated Sparrows , White-crowned Sparrows, and Pine Siskins. Rob Welsh had a mature Northern Goshawk land on a low bough on a White Pine behind his cottage on Dodsworth Is in Stony Lake today, causing a flock of Dark-eyed Juncos to flee in all directions.

A lone Trumpeter Swan has been swimming close to the east shore for the last four days, including today reports Sharon Simkins. It is on the west side, along the river across from Kent's Bay.

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Oct 24 A lone 1st winter Snow Bunting was seen by Tony Bigg, on the beach at the Lakefield campsite this afternoon. A Northern Harrier was also flying over the marsh.

Oct 25 An Eastern Phoebe was seen by Luke Berg on the Pencier trail in the Trent Wildlife Sanctuary.

Oct 26 Walking the Alvar trail in the Warsaw Caves CA Tony Bigg saw a Winter Wren and a Hermit Thrush. A late Clouded Sulphur was seen just outside the CA.

Oct 27 A Merlin dive-bombed Tony Bigg's small dog whilst walking round the Lakefield campsite. No contact was made.

Oct 28 A flock of a dozen Evening Grosbeaks (two male) appeared at Tony Bigg's Feeder in Lakefield. Chris Risley and Erica Nol saw a light morph Rough-legged Hawk flying over Ackison Rd at the rail trail.

Elk on Duoro 8th Line, 22 October 2012. Photo by Tony Bigg.

Gray Treefrog, 28 September 2012. Photo by Rick Stankiewicz.

Gray Treefrog, Presqu’ile Provincial Park, 14 October 2012. Photo by JB Jaboor.

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Deadline for submissions for the December issue:  Sunday, November 25th, 2012  

Please send all submissions to: Rebecca Zeran, PFN, PO Box 1532, Peterborough, ON, K9J 7H7 or via e‐mail to: [email protected] 

Looking for a unique Christmas Gift which represents our area and will last? The Peterborough Field Naturalists book 'Nature in the Kawartha' is an ideal choice! At the next two meetings copies of Nature in the Kawarthas will be available for purchase at a special cost of $30. If you can not attend a meeting contact Martin Parker at 705 -745 -4750 to order your copy (s) and arrange for pick-up or delivery.

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