BULGARIAN NATIONAL BANK BULGARIAN NATIONAL BANK. Partially gold-plated silver commemorative coin ‘140 years Bulgarian Exarchate’ in circulation from 22

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Partially gold-platedPartially gold-plated silver silver commemorative coincommemorative coin

‘140 years Bulgarian ‘140 years Bulgarian ExarchateExarchate’ ’ in circulation from 22 February 2010in circulation from 22 February 2010

Partially gold-platedPartially gold-plated silver silver commemorative coincommemorative coin

‘140 years Bulgarian ‘140 years Bulgarian ExarchateExarchate’ ’ in circulation from 22 February 2010in circulation from 22 February 2010

The new Bulgarian commemorative coinThe new Bulgarian commemorative coinThe new Bulgarian commemorative coinThe new Bulgarian commemorative coin

Year of issue Year of issue –– 20102010  

Nominal valueNominal value – – BGN 10 BGN 10

Type of metalType of metal – – silversilver, 925/1000 , 925/1000 partially partially gold-plated gold-plated

QualityQuality – – proofproof

WeightWeight – 20 – 20 gg

DiameterDiameter – 40 мм – 40 мм

EdgeEdge – – flatflat

MintageMintage – 6 – 6,,000000

The price in BNB –The price in BNB – BGNBGN 60 60 ((with VATwith VAT))

Year of issue Year of issue –– 20102010  

Nominal valueNominal value – – BGN 10 BGN 10

Type of metalType of metal – – silversilver, 925/1000 , 925/1000 partially partially gold-plated gold-plated

QualityQuality – – proofproof

WeightWeight – 20 – 20 gg

DiameterDiameter – 40 мм – 40 мм

EdgeEdge – – flatflat

MintageMintage – 6 – 6,,000000

The price in BNB –The price in BNB – BGNBGN 60 60 ((with VATwith VAT))

Technical characteristics of the coinTechnical characteristics of the coinTechnical characteristics of the coinTechnical characteristics of the coin

FFeatureseatures tthe BNB logo and the year ‘1879’ on the strip, a floral he BNB logo and the year ‘1879’ on the strip, a floral motif beneath the logo, the nominal value motif beneath the logo, the nominal value ’’1010’’ beneath the motif; beneath the motif; the inscriptionsthe inscriptions ‘‘БЪЛГАРСКА НАРОДНА БАНКАБЪЛГАРСКА НАРОДНА БАНКА’ (Bulgarian ’ (Bulgarian

National Bank) , ‘National Bank) , ‘ЛЕВАЛЕВА’ (levs) and ‘2010’ on the outer ring.’ (levs) and ‘2010’ on the outer ring.

FFeatureseatures tthe BNB logo and the year ‘1879’ on the strip, a floral he BNB logo and the year ‘1879’ on the strip, a floral motif beneath the logo, the nominal value motif beneath the logo, the nominal value ’’1010’’ beneath the motif; beneath the motif; the inscriptionsthe inscriptions ‘‘БЪЛГАРСКА НАРОДНА БАНКАБЪЛГАРСКА НАРОДНА БАНКА’ (Bulgarian ’ (Bulgarian

National Bank) , ‘National Bank) , ‘ЛЕВАЛЕВА’ (levs) and ‘2010’ on the outer ring.’ (levs) and ‘2010’ on the outer ring.

Obverse of the coinObverse of the coinObverse of the coinObverse of the coin

FFeatureseatures a replica of the lithography ‘Monument of Liberation of a replica of the lithography ‘Monument of Liberation of the Bulgarian Church’ by Nikolai Pavlovich; the inscriptionsthe Bulgarian Church’ by Nikolai Pavlovich; the inscriptions ‘‘140 140

ГОДИНИГОДИНИ’ (140 years) and ‘’ (140 years) and ‘БЪЛГАРСКА ЕКЗАРХИЯБЪЛГАРСКА ЕКЗАРХИЯ’ ’ (Bulgarian Exarchate) on the outer ring, with two small cross-(Bulgarian Exarchate) on the outer ring, with two small cross-

stitches between them.stitches between them.

FFeatureseatures a replica of the lithography ‘Monument of Liberation of a replica of the lithography ‘Monument of Liberation of the Bulgarian Church’ by Nikolai Pavlovich; the inscriptionsthe Bulgarian Church’ by Nikolai Pavlovich; the inscriptions ‘‘140 140

ГОДИНИГОДИНИ’ (140 years) and ‘’ (140 years) and ‘БЪЛГАРСКА ЕКЗАРХИЯБЪЛГАРСКА ЕКЗАРХИЯ’ ’ (Bulgarian Exarchate) on the outer ring, with two small cross-(Bulgarian Exarchate) on the outer ring, with two small cross-

stitches between them.stitches between them.

Reverse of the coinReverse of the coinReverse of the coinReverse of the coin

The artistic design:The artistic design:

Vanya DimitrovaVanya DimitrovaThe artistic design:The artistic design:

Vanya DimitrovaVanya Dimitrova


Bulgarian National BankBulgarian National Bank Cash DirectorateCash Directorate11, , ККnyaz Alexandernyaz Alexander І І Sq. Sq.10001000,, Sofia, BulgariaSofia, Bulgaria