Building Team Culture · Building Team Culture MICHAEL TOOLAN LIFFEY CELTICS BA MATHEMATICS AND ECONOMICS ATHLONE BC MSc SPORTS PERFORMANCE. Contact For any questions or to just get

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Page 1: Building Team Culture · Building Team Culture MICHAEL TOOLAN LIFFEY CELTICS BA MATHEMATICS AND ECONOMICS ATHLONE BC MSc SPORTS PERFORMANCE. Contact For any questions or to just get

Building Team CultureMICHAEL TOOLAN L I F F E Y C E LT I C S B A M AT H E M AT I C S A N D E C O N O M I C S

AT H L O N E B C M S c S P O R T S P E R F O R M A N C E

Page 2: Building Team Culture · Building Team Culture MICHAEL TOOLAN LIFFEY CELTICS BA MATHEMATICS AND ECONOMICS ATHLONE BC MSc SPORTS PERFORMANCE. Contact For any questions or to just get

ContactFor any questions or to just get in touch:


[email protected]

Michael Toolan MSc BA AVCM

Page 3: Building Team Culture · Building Team Culture MICHAEL TOOLAN LIFFEY CELTICS BA MATHEMATICS AND ECONOMICS ATHLONE BC MSc SPORTS PERFORMANCE. Contact For any questions or to just get

Content1. Aims

2. Context

3. Philosophy

4. Role of the Coach

5. Process Based Approach

6. Practical Applications

Michael Toolan MSc BA AVCM

Page 4: Building Team Culture · Building Team Culture MICHAEL TOOLAN LIFFEY CELTICS BA MATHEMATICS AND ECONOMICS ATHLONE BC MSc SPORTS PERFORMANCE. Contact For any questions or to just get

Aims• Define Team Culture

• Outline Characteristics of PPP Team Culture

• Highlight the Role of the Coach

• Explain Team Culture Processes

• Give Practical Approaches

• Address Specific Concerns in the Irish Context

Michael Toolan MSc BA AVCM

Page 5: Building Team Culture · Building Team Culture MICHAEL TOOLAN LIFFEY CELTICS BA MATHEMATICS AND ECONOMICS ATHLONE BC MSc SPORTS PERFORMANCE. Contact For any questions or to just get

ContextWhat is Team Culture?

o Group Cohesion1

o Common Goals, values and norms or standards2

o Group Mentality and Identity

Michael Toolan MSc BA AVCM

Page 6: Building Team Culture · Building Team Culture MICHAEL TOOLAN LIFFEY CELTICS BA MATHEMATICS AND ECONOMICS ATHLONE BC MSc SPORTS PERFORMANCE. Contact For any questions or to just get

Team CultureWhat are the benefits of a PPP Team Culture?

o Improved Communication3

o Independent Players2

o Better investment in Team Goals1

o Improved Performance

Michael Toolan MSc BA AVCM

Page 7: Building Team Culture · Building Team Culture MICHAEL TOOLAN LIFFEY CELTICS BA MATHEMATICS AND ECONOMICS ATHLONE BC MSc SPORTS PERFORMANCE. Contact For any questions or to just get

Unique Challenges

What are the unique challenges in the Irish Context?

o Time with the Teamo Facilitieso Attendance / Numberso Wide Range of Abilitieso Inexperienced Club Staffo Poor Understanding of ‘Basketball Knowledge’

Michael Toolan MSc BA AVCM

Page 8: Building Team Culture · Building Team Culture MICHAEL TOOLAN LIFFEY CELTICS BA MATHEMATICS AND ECONOMICS ATHLONE BC MSc SPORTS PERFORMANCE. Contact For any questions or to just get


Page 9: Building Team Culture · Building Team Culture MICHAEL TOOLAN LIFFEY CELTICS BA MATHEMATICS AND ECONOMICS ATHLONE BC MSc SPORTS PERFORMANCE. Contact For any questions or to just get

PhilosophyA basketball philosophy is composed of

o A set of prioritised objectives

o The values employed to achievethese objectives

Michael Toolan MSc BA AVCM

Page 10: Building Team Culture · Building Team Culture MICHAEL TOOLAN LIFFEY CELTICS BA MATHEMATICS AND ECONOMICS ATHLONE BC MSc SPORTS PERFORMANCE. Contact For any questions or to just get

The ‘Pyramid of Success’John Wooden’s well-known philosophy framework.11


Page 11: Building Team Culture · Building Team Culture MICHAEL TOOLAN LIFFEY CELTICS BA MATHEMATICS AND ECONOMICS ATHLONE BC MSc SPORTS PERFORMANCE. Contact For any questions or to just get


Have objectives which are:

Specific, Measurable, Achievable (process based), Relevant and Timely.

Group Involvement (but do not waste time)

Michael Toolan MSc BA AVCM

Page 12: Building Team Culture · Building Team Culture MICHAEL TOOLAN LIFFEY CELTICS BA MATHEMATICS AND ECONOMICS ATHLONE BC MSc SPORTS PERFORMANCE. Contact For any questions or to just get


Values or Standards can reflect:

o Individual or Collective Behaviour

o Style of Play

Michael Toolan MSc BA AVCM

Page 13: Building Team Culture · Building Team Culture MICHAEL TOOLAN LIFFEY CELTICS BA MATHEMATICS AND ECONOMICS ATHLONE BC MSc SPORTS PERFORMANCE. Contact For any questions or to just get


A well defined philosophy:

o maintains cohesion and focus on goals

o helps with decision making as issues arise

Michael Toolan MSc BA AVCM

Page 14: Building Team Culture · Building Team Culture MICHAEL TOOLAN LIFFEY CELTICS BA MATHEMATICS AND ECONOMICS ATHLONE BC MSc SPORTS PERFORMANCE. Contact For any questions or to just get

Role of the Coacho Initial introduction to the team o Best opportunity to establish team norms

o Be a continuous role model

o Make extra time – but always end on time

o Design drills that separate by ability

o Praise success in upholding our values

Michael Toolan MSc BA AVCM

Page 15: Building Team Culture · Building Team Culture MICHAEL TOOLAN LIFFEY CELTICS BA MATHEMATICS AND ECONOMICS ATHLONE BC MSc SPORTS PERFORMANCE. Contact For any questions or to just get

Role of the Coacho Delegate important duties to assistants

o Make every player feel important, but be truthful

o Address poor behaviour before it escalates

o Develop and implement positive processes

It is not what you have, it is what you produce that demonstrates your worth as a coach

Michael Toolan MSc BA AVCM

Page 16: Building Team Culture · Building Team Culture MICHAEL TOOLAN LIFFEY CELTICS BA MATHEMATICS AND ECONOMICS ATHLONE BC MSc SPORTS PERFORMANCE. Contact For any questions or to just get

Process in Team Culture

Processes are multiple steps of tasks6

A process transform inputs (coach and player actions) into outputs (positive team culture)

Inputs: Philosophy, Behavioural norms, Team experiences, Group relationships, Movement towards goals.

Michael Toolan MSc BA AVCM

Page 17: Building Team Culture · Building Team Culture MICHAEL TOOLAN LIFFEY CELTICS BA MATHEMATICS AND ECONOMICS ATHLONE BC MSc SPORTS PERFORMANCE. Contact For any questions or to just get

Process Flow

Inputs: Objectives +


Process: Actions and


Outputs: Team Culture + Performance


Page 18: Building Team Culture · Building Team Culture MICHAEL TOOLAN LIFFEY CELTICS BA MATHEMATICS AND ECONOMICS ATHLONE BC MSc SPORTS PERFORMANCE. Contact For any questions or to just get


Every process is designed to create its output.

If the output is not what was desired,

the process is likely flawed.

Michael Toolan MSc BA AVCM

Page 19: Building Team Culture · Building Team Culture MICHAEL TOOLAN LIFFEY CELTICS BA MATHEMATICS AND ECONOMICS ATHLONE BC MSc SPORTS PERFORMANCE. Contact For any questions or to just get

Team Culture as a ProcessThink of team culture as a process

Change the inputs to improve the outputs

An ‘Infinite mind set’ 4, 5

Some athletes make excuses, Great athletes make adjustments

Michael Toolan MSc BA AVCM

Page 20: Building Team Culture · Building Team Culture MICHAEL TOOLAN LIFFEY CELTICS BA MATHEMATICS AND ECONOMICS ATHLONE BC MSc SPORTS PERFORMANCE. Contact For any questions or to just get

Practical Processes

o Know Players Individually

o Note Positive Actions and Revisit Later8

o Incentivise Behaviour that fits with our Philosophy7

oAlways communicate the truth

o Have themes/phrases that capture your philosophy

o Communicate big ideas with few words

Michael Toolan MSc BA AVCM

Page 21: Building Team Culture · Building Team Culture MICHAEL TOOLAN LIFFEY CELTICS BA MATHEMATICS AND ECONOMICS ATHLONE BC MSc SPORTS PERFORMANCE. Contact For any questions or to just get

Training Day Processes

o Speak to each player before training

o Mention every player’s name in the first 15 minutes

o Obtain regular and constant feedback

o Use every opportunity to engage with players, o for example: when they are subbed out

Michael Toolan MSc BA AVCM

Page 22: Building Team Culture · Building Team Culture MICHAEL TOOLAN LIFFEY CELTICS BA MATHEMATICS AND ECONOMICS ATHLONE BC MSc SPORTS PERFORMANCE. Contact For any questions or to just get

Training Day Processes

o Conduct every drill with a team mate

o Develop links between the players

o Have values that teach good communication

o Monitor implementation of the group’s philosophy

o Learn and develop the players’ individual goals9

Michael Toolan MSc BA AVCM

Page 23: Building Team Culture · Building Team Culture MICHAEL TOOLAN LIFFEY CELTICS BA MATHEMATICS AND ECONOMICS ATHLONE BC MSc SPORTS PERFORMANCE. Contact For any questions or to just get

New Player Processes

o Teach new players how to introduce themselves

o Avoid name tags

o Place new players in small groups

o Engage with throughout training

o Encourage experienced players to welcome new ones

o Build confidence by providing a safe environment

Michael Toolan MSc BA AVCM

Page 24: Building Team Culture · Building Team Culture MICHAEL TOOLAN LIFFEY CELTICS BA MATHEMATICS AND ECONOMICS ATHLONE BC MSc SPORTS PERFORMANCE. Contact For any questions or to just get

Experienced Player Processes

o Continue to challenge them and keep training ‘fresh’11

o Encourage leadership

o Continuously look for cliques and destroy them

o Mix players often, to move them out of comfort zones

o Establish team traditions and downtime

Michael Toolan MSc BA AVCM

Page 25: Building Team Culture · Building Team Culture MICHAEL TOOLAN LIFFEY CELTICS BA MATHEMATICS AND ECONOMICS ATHLONE BC MSc SPORTS PERFORMANCE. Contact For any questions or to just get


o A Positive Team Culture improves group performance

o A well defined philosophy begins a Positive Team Culture

o The coach has a vital role creating a Positive Team Culture

o A process based approach will improve results

Michael Toolan MSc BA AVCM

Page 26: Building Team Culture · Building Team Culture MICHAEL TOOLAN LIFFEY CELTICS BA MATHEMATICS AND ECONOMICS ATHLONE BC MSc SPORTS PERFORMANCE. Contact For any questions or to just get

References1. The Influence of the Group and Its Cohesiveness on Perceptions of Group Goal-Related

Variables - Brawley, Carron and Widmeyer

2. Leading from the Heart - Mike Krzyzewski

3. The Development of an Intragroup Norm and the Effects of Interpersonal and Structural Challenges - Bettenhausen and Murnighan

4. The Infinite Game - Simon Sinek

5. Arsene Wenger Interview with L’Equipe - http://www.sportetstyle.fr/magazine,68,fr.html

6. Becoming a Better Manager - Harvard Business School

7. Wooden on Leadership - John Wooden

8. The Study of Emotion in Sport and Exercise: Historical, Definitional and Conceptual Perspectives - Vallerand and Blanchard

9. Pure Sport: Practical Sport Psychology – John Kremer and Aidan P. Moran

10. You Haven’t Thought Until They Have Learned – Nater and Gallimore

11. Practical Modern Basketball – John Wooden

Michael Toolan MSc BA AVCM