BUILDING EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN SAMPLE€¦ · The Building Emergency Action Plan shall be implemented upon determination by the Building Team Coordinator that the procedures forwarded

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Page 1: BUILDING EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN SAMPLE€¦ · The Building Emergency Action Plan shall be implemented upon determination by the Building Team Coordinator that the procedures forwarded




Page 2: BUILDING EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN SAMPLE€¦ · The Building Emergency Action Plan shall be implemented upon determination by the Building Team Coordinator that the procedures forwarded




A. Purpose

B. Implementation of the Plan

C. Use of the Plan

D. Building Emergency Team: Members

E. Emergency Building Plan Organization Chart

F. Team Responsibilities


A. Emergency Telephone Numbers

B. Building Team Notification Chain

C. Appendix A: CPR & First Aid Trained Personnel

D. Appendix B: Other Trained Personnel


A. General Policies and procedures

B. Assembly Areas

C. Evacuation Routes

D. Appendix C: Building Floor Plans




Appendix D: Bomb Threat checklist




A. Aid to Persons with Physical Limitations

B. First Aid & CPR Training

C. Evacuation Drills

D. Building Team Training

E. Operation of Fire Extinguisher

F. General Emergency Instructions for all City Personnel



Page 3: BUILDING EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN SAMPLE€¦ · The Building Emergency Action Plan shall be implemented upon determination by the Building Team Coordinator that the procedures forwarded



The purpose of the BUILDING EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN is to establish

procedures for the protection of employees and property during building emergencies,

whether man-made or natural. This plan:

1. Establishes building emergency teams for all City Facilities and identifies

building emergency team members;

2. Defines the role and responsibilities of the building emergency team;

3. Outlines the response procedures for various types of emergencies that can

threaten City employees and property;

4. Identifies building and City resources for assistance during an emergency.


The Building Emergency Action Plan shall be implemented upon determination by the

Building Team Coordinator that the procedures forwarded in this plan are deemed


In the event of an emergency requiring immediate action, any member of the Building

Emergency Team shall implement necessary emergency measures in accordance with this

plan and immediately notify the appropriate City Safety Officials and Building Team

Coordinator of actions taken.

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This plan establishes pre-assigned team members to assist in response and evacuation in

the event of a building emergency. The Building Emergency Response Team is the lead

team and will be responsible for providing direction and coordination of city employees

during emergency response activities. The Building Emergency Team will implement

emergency procedures and relocate personnel as instructed. Members of the Building

Emergency Teams are pre-assigned with alternate members assigned on a contingency

basis. In the event Safety Officials are not yet on the scene or the incident requires an

immediate decision, the Building Team Coordinators will be responsible for directing

emergency response procedures until Safety Officials arrive.

2. The members of the BUILDING EMERGENCY TEAM include:

a. Building Team Coordinators;

b. Section Leaders and Alternates;

c. Other Emergency Personnel (First Aid & CPR Trained Employees, Employees

with Special Skills, floor monitors).

Page 5: BUILDING EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN SAMPLE€¦ · The Building Emergency Action Plan shall be implemented upon determination by the Building Team Coordinator that the procedures forwarded

The responsibilities of the BUILDING EMERGENCY TEAM are:

a. To implement the emergency procedures contained in this plan as directed by City

safety officials;

b. To safely direct emergency evacuation efforts and other emergency response

procedures of City personnel;

c. To assign additional staff to assist in implementing emergency response

procedures as needed;

d. To locate and learn to use all emergency equipment in the building including:

1. Exits and stairways;

2. Fire hoses and extinguishers;

3. Building shut-off for gas, water, electricity, and other utilities;

4. First aid kits;

e. To update and maintain a list of personnel in their assigned area to account for

assigned personnel following an evacuation;

f. To ensure that emergency equipment, food and first aid supplies are rotated and

maintained on a regular basis (at least every six months to one year as necessary).

g. To train and advise staff on the emergency procedures contained in this plan.

7. Trained Personnel

The responsibilities of CPR and First Aid Trained personnel shall be to assist

in administering emergency CPR and First Aid when requested. This

assistance is strictly voluntary. A list of those individuals trained in CPR and

First Aid is included in this plan and will be maintained and updated by the


A list of employees trained in the shutdown of the building’s gas, water, and

electrical services shall be included in this plan. These employees shall be

responsible for knowing the locations of the Building’s shutdown procedures

upon instruction from Safety Officials.

A list of those employees who are bilingual will also be included in this plan.

8. The responsibilities of the BUILDING COORDINATOR are:

a. To manage the emergency response activities of the Building Teams for

all building emergencies until relieved of that duty by public safety

officials or Department head;

b. To assist assigned Safety personnel in developing and practicing on a

regular basis a plan to evacuate and/or search the building;

c. To know the location and operation of all critical utility shut-off in the

building and assist personnel as needed to turn them off.

9. The responsibilities of the SECTION LEADERS are:

Page 6: BUILDING EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN SAMPLE€¦ · The Building Emergency Action Plan shall be implemented upon determination by the Building Team Coordinator that the procedures forwarded

a. To implement emergency procedures as directed by the Building

Coordinator during an emergency and assume command of the emergency

response efforts of a pre-assigned work area;

b. To train employees of a pre-assigned work area on proper emergency

response procedures;

c. To know the normal work locations of all other building team members

and how to contact them at work and at home. To maintain and

periodically update a personnel directory containing this information;

d. To know the normal work location of all other occupants in the building

whose special knowledge and/or responsibility might be valuable in an

emergency, such as CPR and First Aid trained employees. To maintain

and periodically update information.

e. To know the normal work locations of all persons with disabilities in a pre-

assigned work area and to develop a plan to provide assistance during an


f. To know and maintain a copy of the Building Emergency Plan;

g. To know how to contact the appropriate public safety officials for emergency

assistance (e.g. Police, Fire, Paramedics);

h. To know the appropriate channels for communicating and disseminating

information to other building occupants;

i. To know the circulation paths and exits for the entire building including basement

areas and roof (e.g. Stairways, elevators, corridors, exits, etc.).

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1. Police 9-1-1

2. Fire 9-1-1

3. Paramedics 9-1-1

4. Building Team Coordinators


Building Team Coordinator

Primary: ____________________________________________

Alternate: ____________________________________________

Dept. Section Leader

Primary: ____________________________________________

Alternate: ____________________________________________

Dept. Section Leader

Primary: ____________________________________________

Alternate: ____________________________________________

Dept. Section Leader

Primary: ____________________________________________

Alternate: ____________________________________________

Floor Wardens

Primary: ____________________________________________

Alternate: ____________________________________________

Floor Wardens

Primary: ____________________________________________

Alternate: ____________________________________________

Page 8: BUILDING EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN SAMPLE€¦ · The Building Emergency Action Plan shall be implemented upon determination by the Building Team Coordinator that the procedures forwarded

Assembly Site Coordinator & Employee Role Call:

First Aid Trained:

Foreign Language:

Assigned Buddies for those needing assistance:

Primary Evacuation Route:

Secondary Evacuation Route:

Primary Assembly Area:

Secondary Assembly Area:

Page 9: BUILDING EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN SAMPLE€¦ · The Building Emergency Action Plan shall be implemented upon determination by the Building Team Coordinator that the procedures forwarded

Person to account for employees:

Alarm System Training & Authorization to activate Alarm System:

Emergency Plan Training Conducted:

Evacuation Drill Conducted:


Page 10: BUILDING EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN SAMPLE€¦ · The Building Emergency Action Plan shall be implemented upon determination by the Building Team Coordinator that the procedures forwarded


A. General Policies and Procedures

1. Evacuation of personnel shall be initiated under the direction of Safety officials

unless it is determined by members of the Building Emergency Team members or

other personnel that a threat to lives and property exists and an immediate

evacuation is necessary. If such a decision is made, Section Leaders shall

immediately begin evacuation of personnel on their own and notify the Building

Coordinator accordingly.

2. Primary and secondary means of egress have been identified for all personnel.

Section Leaders shall use the primary building exit identified for their area unless

directed otherwise by Safety Officials. If Section Leaders determine that an

alternate route is safer, they shall immediately notify their Building Coordinator

as to what building exit they will use.

Primary Evacuation:





Secondary Evacuation:






1. Assembly Locations for the Emergency Response Team

All Emergency Response Team members will remain at their assigned work

locations unless instructed by the Building Coordinator.

Upon evacuation, Building Coordinators shall report to the Command Post

established by Safety Officials.

Primary Assembly Area:

Secondary Assembly Area:

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Non-ambulatory persons may have respiratory complications. Remove them from smoke

and fumes immediately. Non-ambulatory persons’ needs and preferences may vary.

Always consult them as to their preferences in regard to the following:

Preferred manner of being removed from the wheelchair. WHEELCHAIRS


The number of people necessary for assistance.

Whether to move or extend extremities when lifting because of pain, catheter

bags, spastically, braces, etc.

If removed from a chair, whether a seat cushion or pad should be brought


After-care, if removed from a wheelchair (i.e. whether they prefer a stretcher,

chair with cushion pad, car seat, or perhaps paramedic assistance if necessary.)

*NOTE: Non-ambulatory persons that are unconscious or unresponsive should be

evacuated by moving them in whatever position that they are discovered. This

should be done as soon as possible, without obstructing the stairwell to other

evacuation or responding emergency personnel.


Most visually impaired persons will be familiar with their immediate area. In the event


an emergency, tell them the nature of the emergency and offer to guide them (this is the

preferred method when acting as a “sighted guide”). As you walk, tell them where you


and advise them of any obstacles. When you have reached safety, orient them to their


surroundings and ask if any further assistance is needed. Don’t leave them alone.


Persons with impaired hearing may not perceive emergency alarms and an alternative

warning technique is required. Two methods of warning are:

1. Writing a note telling what the emergency is and the nearest evacuation route

(e.g., “Fire-go out the nearest stairwell and down NOW!).

2. Turning the light switch on and off to gain attention, then indicating through

gestures or writing what is happening and what to do.

Page 12: BUILDING EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN SAMPLE€¦ · The Building Emergency Action Plan shall be implemented upon determination by the Building Team Coordinator that the procedures forwarded

*NOTE: When a building is so equipped, the fire alarm enunciator uses both audible

buzzer and a strobe light in the event of an alarm.

The severely impaired may need a “buddy” that is not hearing impaired to provide

additional direction.


1. Move quickly but DO NOT RUN.

2. Remove high heels to prevent injuries, except if debris is present.



4. Allow room for others to enter into an orderly flow of traffic but do not hold up

traffic unnecessarily.

5. Dispel any false information, rumors, etc.

6. Assist non-ambulatory, visually impaired and hearing-impaired persons if they are

present. (See section on physically impaired.)

7. If required, treat any injuries incurred in the stairwell, at the nearest floor landing if

practical. Do not block the stairs between floors.

8. Do not use elevators.

9. Check doors for heat before opening.

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ROLE: Building Team Coordinators

SITUATION: Smoke or fire is discovered in the building


1. Pull nearby fire alarm or call “9-1-1” and proceed with evacuation of area.

2. Don vest and hardhat. Take a copy of the Building Emergency Plan.

3. Instruct Section Leaders to search and assist those who may have difficulty


4. If it is necessary to evacuate any floors, make certain the Section Leaders know:

A. Location and status of the Fire;

B. Location of assembly area;

C. Which stairwells to use;

D. How and where to report back when the evacuation is completed.

5. Report to the assembly area to take account of personnel and provide further

instructions to Section Leader.

6. Report to the Command Post to report that all have been accounted for or missing


7. Upon instruction, direct Section Leader to relocate, return, or release employees as


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ROLE: Section leaders

SITUATION: Smoke or fire has been discovered in the building


1. Begin evacuating assigned area at sound of the alarm. If necessary, pull nearest

alarm to alert the Fire Department to respond and others inside the building to


2. Don the emergency vest and hardhat.

3. Assign helpers to assist with search of hard-to-get to areas and restrooms. Make

sure these assigned area as to the location and seriousness of the situation.

4. Provide emergency instructions to staff as directed by the Building Coordinator or

Safety Officials.

5. If ordered to evacuate, obtain the following information from the Building Team


A. Location and status of the fire;

B. Where to relocate;

C. Which stairwells and exits to use;

D. How and where to report back when the evacuation is completed

6. If instructed to evacuate, direct personnel to exit the building and wait in the

designated assembly area.

If it is not possible to go downstairs, direct personnel to go up at least two floors

above the fire, look for areas free of smoke, and make smoke-free sanctuaries.

Prohibit the use of elevators.

As a last resort, assemble on the roof (if possible).

7. Check that all areas, including restrooms, are empty. Start with areas farthest

from the stairwells or exits in use and search toward designated exit route.

Close all doors after search efforts are completed, especially those in the


8. Be the last to leave – but leave, alive and healthy. Make certain that the door to

the stairwell or exit is closed tight after leaving.

9. When personnel are relocated and accounted for, report to the Building

Coordinator at a pre-designated spot in the assembly area for further instructions.

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ROLE: Building Team Coordinators

SITUATION: Earthquake Shaking is Felt


1. When the shaking occurs, immediately take cover under a sturdy desk, table, or

against an interior wall that is free of hazards. Stay inside and away from windows,

bookcases and filing cabinets. (If outside and on or near the beach, assume the duck,

cover and hold position until shaking stops and evacuate to a higher elevation

immediately in preparation for a tsunami.) Encourage others to do the same.

2. Don the Emergency Vest and Hardhat.

3. If the situation is not serious and the telephones are working, remain at assigned

workstation and collect damage assessment information from Section Leaders.

Instruct Section Leaders to remain at assigned workstations and provide updates as

information becomes available.

4. If the telephones are not working:

(a) Appoint runners to collect information on damages and injuries.

(b) Establish area to assemble and meet with Section Leaders, Building Inspector and

other Safety Officials.

5. If it appears that evacuation of the building is necessary, proceed with evacuation


6. If necessary, assist in shut-off of utilities.

7. Consult with Safety Officials for additional instructions.

8. Based on the status of the situation, advise the Section Leaders on when and where to

evacuate, return, or release building personnel as needed.

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ROLE: Section Leaders

SITUATION: Earthquake Shaking is Felt


1. When the shaking occurs, immediately take cover under a sturdy table, desk, or desk.

Stay inside and away from windows. (If outside and on or near the beach, assume

the duck, cover and hold position until shaking stops and evacuate to a higher

elevation immediately in preparation for a tsunami.) Encourage others to do the


2. After the shaking stops act, but, act calmly.

3. Don the Emergency Vest and Hardhat.

4. If the situation is not serious and the telephones are working, remain at assigned

workstation and wait for instructions from the Building Coordinator.

5. Check for secondary hazards (fire toxic spills, leaking natural gas, etc.) if any of these

hazards are present, clear the immediate area of all personnel and eliminate hazard if

safe do so.

6. Check for injured or trapped personnel. Make sure all staff is accounted for.

7. Assign a trained staff member to administer first aid, if possible. Arrange for

movement of the seriously injured only if in danger from aftershocks or secondary


8. Check for damages and report them to the Building Team Coordinator.

9. If the situation is serious and telephones are not working, appoint runners to report

damages or injuries and request assistance.

10. If there is no immediate danger, stay with the seriously injured, evacuate all other

personnel, and send assistant to the EOC for help.

11. If there is immediately danger from secondary hazards, evacuate everyone including


12. If evacuation is necessary, have assistants check that the stairwells and evacuation

routes are passable. Instruct personnel to gather keys, purses, etc. and to do as


Do not let personnel congregate in the corridors.

13. When clear to relocate, instruct personnel to exit the building, and wait in the pre-

designated assembly area.

If it is not possible to relocate, instruct personnel to relocate as close to the ground

floor as possible, and wait near cover.

Prohibit the use of elevators.

14. Check that all areas, including restrooms, are empty. Start with areas farthest from

the stairwells in use and search toward the stairwells. Assign staff to assist, if


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15. Be the last to leave – but leave, alive and healthy.

16. When personnel are relocated and accounted for, report back to the Building


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ROLE: Building Team Coordinators

SITUATION: A hazardous materials spill or release has occurred in the building,

or elsewhere which could affect the building.


1. Notify the Fire Department by dialing 911

2. Provide the following information regarding the seriousness of the incident:

a. Where has the incident occurred?

b. What is the substance involved?

c. How much has been released?

d. Are there any injuries?

e. Is the area being secured?

3. If an evacuation is required, notify the Section Leaders of the affected areas and

provide the following information:

a. Location and nature of the spill

b. Where to relocate

c. Which exits to use

d. How and where to report back when the relocation is completed.

4. When instructed, notify Section Leaders to release, relocate, or return personnel to the


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ROLE: Section Leaders

SITUATION: A hazardous materials spill or release has occurred in the building,

or elsewhere which could affect the building.


1. Remove all personnel from the immediate area or as instructed by Safety Officials.

2. Notify the Fire Department by dialing 911 and provide the following information:

a. Location of the incident;

b. Injuries;

c. The substance involved;

d. The amount of substance released or spilled (if this determination can be made);

3. If instructed to evacuate, by Safety Officials or the Building Coordinator obtain the

following information:

a. Location and nature of the incident;

b. Where to relocate;

c. Which exits to use;

d. How and where to report back when the relocation is completed;

4. Check that all areas, including restrooms, are empty. Start with areas closest to the

spill that you can approach safely and search away from it.

5. Be the last to leave – but leave, alive and healthy.

6. When personnel are relocated and accounted for, report back to the Building

Coordinator at the relocation site or as prearranged.

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ROLE: Building Team Coordinators

SITUATION: A bomb threat has been received


1. Notify the Police Department by calling 911

2. Advise person receiving the call to complete Bomb Threat Checklist contained in this


3. Assist Police with a search, if necessary.

4. If no suspected device has been located, report back to parties involved.

a. If the police are not on the scene, obtain the precise location of the suspected

device from the Section Leader involved, and instruct him or her to evacuate the

bomb floor only.

b. If the police are on the scene, follow their instructions regarding evacuation.

5. If the decision is made to evacuate other floors in the building, make certain all

Section Leaders are notified of the following:

a. Location of the suspect device;

b. Where to relocate;

c. Which stairwell to use;

d. How and where to report back when the relocation is completed.

6. When Safety officials make the determination, advise Section Leaders to notify

personnel to release, relocate or return to the building.

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ROLE: Section Leaders

SITUATION: A Bomb threat has been received and a suspected device has been



1. If the police are on the scene, follow their instructions regarding possible evacuation.

2. If the police are not on the scene, clear the immediate area of all personnel to isolate

the device.

DO NOT TOUCH any suspicious objects.

3. Inform the Building Coordinator of the situation and request instructions.

4. If an evacuation is ordered, instruct personnel to exit the building using the stairwells,

and wait in the designated assembly area.

Prohibit the use of elevators, radios, and cellular telephones.

Advise personnel to take personal belongings with them.

5. Check that all area, including restrooms, are empty. Start with areas closest to the

suspected device and search away from it.

6. Leave doors open.

7. Be the last to leave your area – but leave, alive and healthy.

8. Instruct personnel to meet in assembly area; 300 ft. away from the building, behind a

structure for protection and away from windows.

9. When personnel are relocated and accounted for, report back to the Building

Coordinator as arranged.

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ROLE: Building Coordinator

SITUATION: Civil or Workplace Disorder, or the Threat of Disorder, has

Occurred Resulting in the Interruption of City Operations.


1. Report incident to the Police Department by dialing 911.

2. Follow instructions of Police Officials.

3. If necessary, proceed to lock and secure building.

4. If evacuation is necessary, instruct Floor Coordinators of the following:

a. Where to relocate;

b. Which stairwells to use;

c. How and where to report back when the relocation is completed.

5. When the decision is made, instruct Floor Coordinators to release, relocate, or return

personnel as needed.

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ROLE: Section Leaders

SITUATION: Civil or Workplace Disorder, or the Threat of Disorder, has

Occurred Resulting in the Interruption of City Operations


1. Immediately notify the Police Department by dialing 911.

2. If assigned area is being disrupted, instruct personnel to secure their areas.

Request direction from Police or Building Coordinator.

3. If assigned area has not been impacted by the disruption, but a threat of disruption is

imminent, instruct personnel to secure all sensitive areas and valuable materials.

Inform personnel of the situation and instruct them to prepare to evacuate if the

situation deems it necessary.

4. Make sure entrances are locked and secured.

Keep personnel that remain inside away from doors and windows.

5. Wait for further instructions from the Building Coordinator or Police Officials.

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The Human Resources Department will be responsible for coordinating First Aid and

CPR training for all City Employees except sworn personnel. A list of those trained

individuals will be maintained and updated by the personnel Department. This list

shall be included in the Building Emergency Plan for emergency assistance. This

assistance will be provided on voluntary basis only.


Fire evacuation drills will be conducted on an annual basis. Each department will

be responsible for coordinating drills.


Building team members will be trained on an ongoing basis as needed, but not

less than once a year. Training will be provided on use of the Building

Emergency Plan, emergency preparedness training, fire extinguisher training, and

special training on how to assist persons with disabilities and bomb threat
